Time  Nick         Message
00:37 RealBadAngel hi
00:38 RealBadAngel just made somethin new: http://i.imgur.com/xdeNocY.png
00:38 RealBadAngel comments?
00:41 VanessaE     extruded plants?!
00:41 VanessaE     make them about half that thickness and I'm sold
00:43 RealBadAngel extrusion code have to be improved, but it works quite nice already
00:50 Wayward_One  Nice!
00:50 RealBadAngel http://i.imgur.com/TwSDoSm.png
00:52 Wayward_One  I love it! :D
00:55 RealBadAngel http://i.imgur.com/VD1Uloz.png
00:55 RealBadAngel ^^half the thickness
00:55 VanessaE     perfect
00:56 VanessaE     that gives "substance" without it feeling overloaded
00:59 twoelk       swaying in the wind may look distorting
01:10 Wayward_One  Do you know how soon we can expect these to be added?
01:12 Wayward_One  Or is this just a test...?
01:17 RealBadAngel we need to polish the wielded first
01:18 RealBadAngel and i need to code waving for modified plantlike
01:22 Wayward_One  Ah, ok.
11:48 kilbith      RealBadAngel: possible to have an extrude signlike until a node behind ?
13:00 Megaf        anyone else having memory leaks on client side?
13:05 Zeno`        ok, what's the plan for getting 0.4.11 released?
13:10 Zeno`        I guess there is this client leak to investigate (that I reported about 3 weeks ago but was not sure if it was a real leak or not)
13:14 kilbith      Zeno`: http://irc.minetest.ru/minetest-dev/2014-11-16#i_4023945
13:15 kilbith      (yesterday)
17:14 paramat      okay hmmmm mgv5 getground might be fit for merging now https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/1834 i've simplified it, the slow precise search is now an option commented out. please let me know if this can be improved
18:19 Krock        ShadowNinja, C++ ain't Lua.