Time  Nick        Message
02:29 hmmmm       alright
02:30 hmmmm       I realize there is a dire need of documentation
02:30 hmmmm       but there is also a dire need for many other things
02:31 hmmmm       I'll write up documentation for mapgen settings right now
02:33 hmmmm       there is a lot of stuff to be done.  minetest itself would be a full time job
03:07 Sokomine    more documentation will certainly be welcome. it seems a lot of people tried out mapgens of their own recently. voxelmanip and schematics are extremly useful
08:56 MattJ       Hi folks
08:56 MattJ       Are there any docs on the format of the map database?
09:01 Zefram_Fysh doc/mapformat.txt in the source repo
09:08 MattJ       Aha, thanks!
11:04 ecatel      gg there sfan5