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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2014-07-29

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7 more elements. Show/hide.
03:23 VanessaE whoa, wtf?
03:23 VanessaE oops, sorry.  forgot to add a space :P
9 more elements. Show/hide.
07:44 sfan5 hm
07:44 sfan5 would be pretty helpful is Minetest printed the stacktrace for the thread that crashed
07:44 sfan5 (regarding VanessaE bugreport)
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09:23 RealBadAngel sfan5, thats assertion exit
09:24 RealBadAngel if theres nothing to free function shall do nothing
09:25 RealBadAngel i assume that attempt to free resources
09:25 RealBadAngel *thats
32 more elements. Show/hide.
17:57 sfan5
17:57 sfan5 ^ comments please
17:57 sfan5 or agreements for merging :)
17:58 sapier I see docs :-) great :-) ... any other changes to last time I checked it?
17:59 Amaz I made this pull request for minetest_game: in response to this issue: (Enable dungeons by default)
17:59 Amaz (I know it is only 1 line!)
17:59 sfan5 sapier: no
17:59 sapier then merge it ;-)
17:59 sfan5 yay
17:59 sfan5 finally
18:00 sfan5 while were at it:
18:00 sfan5 any comments to that?
18:01 sapier well I guess my opinion on downloading binaries is known but for what I see it's not getting worse then before
18:01 sfan5 so I can merge #1518 too?
18:01 sfan5 1528*
18:02 sapier I think so yes
18:02 sfan5 ok
18:03 sfan5 both merged and pushed
18:03 proller joined #minetest-dev
18:04 sfan5 Amaz: I'll ask blockmen about that when he is online later/tomorrow
18:04 Amaz Okay.
18:04 sfan5 It earns my +1
18:04 sfan5 but I don't know what BlockMen thinks
18:04 Amaz I thought that if there was a pull request, it would have more of a chance of getting merged!
18:05 sfan5 yes
18:05 sfan5 it does
25 more elements. Show/hide.
20:37 Krock Feature freeze? | Why are there not much new commits?
20:37 sapier core dev vacation ;P
20:44 Krock oh :3
20:45 VanessaE shhhhh
20:45 VanessaE let 'em sleep
20:45 Krock it wouldn't be like the word "dev" sends them all a 200 dB loud message
20:46 VanessaE well you woke two of us up :P
20:46 VanessaE sorta
20:46 sfan5 Krock: I'm using the vacation to add new features
20:47 sfan5 see last two commits
20:47 VanessaE ok three.
20:47 Krock yeah I saw
20:47 Krock VanessaE, not out problem if they can't sleep
20:47 Krock *our
20:49 sfan5 there is also waiting to get comments
20:50 Exio4 core devs should get a paid vacation...
20:50 Krock ok, Exio4, you pay.
20:51 Exio4 i was going to say the one who woke them should paid!
20:51 sfan5 pay*
20:51 * sfan5 wants paid vacation
20:51 NakedFury joined #minetest-dev
20:51 Exio4 er
20:52 Exio4 i should sleep, right
20:52 * Krock gives Exio4 PilzAdam:bed
20:52 sfan5 Krock: btw: you can use ^[mask to e.g. take any texture and removing the red and blue channels to make it green
20:53 Krock sfan5, yes. dyes wouldn't need that many textures anymore
20:53 NakedFury joined #minetest-dev
20:54 Krock white.png^[mask:green.png^[mask:bluen.png
20:54 sapier actually as of client perspective there wouldn't be any difference ... I'd guess that'd even result in more resource usage ... but it's might be a nice comfort feature
20:54 VanessaE damn it krock now evertone's waking up
20:54 Krock trololo
20:55 VanessaE see what you went and did?
20:55 Krock yeah. bad boy
20:55 VanessaE krock, sapier:  in the end, the client will still create just as many textures as if you had simply supplied them on disk
20:56 VanessaE better to supply them as discrete files unless you have a *really good* reason to use those compositing operations
20:56 sapier yes but due to more simple usage I'd assume modders to create more textures ;-)
20:57 Krock releated to this topic: using a sqlite database for cache could give some space on the HDD
20:57 sapier hdd space isn't my concern
20:58 Krock neither it's mine, but it's an extreme difference between copying one file or 12k
20:58 Krock <general case>
20:59 sapier doesn't matter if you did copy 1 file and duplicate it 12k times to memory or copy 12k files not duplicating ;-) for this special case
20:59 sapier last time you'd at least know what you did wrong
21:00 Krock sorry but I don't get your point
21:00 sapier each texture is loaded to memory in uncompressed state for irrlicht ... 12k mask created textures take as much memory as 12k file based textures
21:01 Krock yes sure. that's for the memory. but I was talking about the hard drive
21:02 sapier well I don't know your machine but for mine ram size and disk differ by some factors ;-)
21:03 Krock does Irrlicht need a file on the HDD to load or is a byte array/string working, too?
21:03 sapier irrlicht doesn't care where byte data is from
21:04 Krock ah
21:05 * Krock looks at "Size: 118 MBnSize on HDD: 214 MB"
21:06 TeTpaAka left #minetest-dev
21:13 VanessaE krock:  even the biggest HDX is only like 450 MB
21:13 VanessaE who cares about something that small?
21:13 sapier especially if you compare it to what those textures use in ram ;-)
21:13 VanessaE memory is far more important than storage.  more important than either of those is how fast it gets *into* memory in the first place.
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22:46 VanessaE G*d damn it
22:47 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
22:47 VanessaE are you guys ever gonna fix that bug with deleting/kicking players off in response to "too many objects"?
22:47 VanessaE now I'm seeing it affecting my Survival server
22:47 VanessaE wtf?
22:47 VanessaE why the fuck did you let 0.4.10 out the door with this shit?
2 more elements. Show/hide.
23:42 Zeno` has anyone had a chance to look at:
23:43 Zeno` My server runs out of RAM after about 18 hours and I believe this is the cause of it (because if I disable all mods with voxel manip stuff I don't lose any RAM and the server keeps running for days if I want it to)
23:44 Zeno` If lots of users are causing the on_generated() to be triggered the server can crash within 20 minutes
23:44 Zeno` Due to "Out of Memory"
23:59 RealBadAngel another lighting issue
23:59 RealBadAngel wowsers
23:59 VanessaE ?

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