Time Nick Message 00:27 RealBadAngel nore_, can you test it? https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/1521 01:50 nore_ RBA: sorry, I can't do that now 01:51 nore_ you'll have to wait a few weeks 02:05 VanessaE nore_: http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/screenshots/Screenshot%20-%2007252014%20-%2010%3a16%3a21%20PM.png 02:06 VanessaE that's what he wanted you to see, but in person :) 02:06 VanessaE water surface shader is rapidly approaching upstream-ready. 07:40 sfan5 VanessaE: almost! it was 00:30 not 01:30 08:16 RealBadAngel hi sfan5 08:16 RealBadAngel i made some changes to shader pull, wanna test it? 09:21 sfan5 RealBadAngel: yes 09:32 sfan5 any more comments on https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/1518 ? 09:35 RealBadAngel its ok with me 09:43 sfan5 RealBadAngel: the shader thing seems to work now 09:43 RealBadAngel how do you like it? 09:49 sfan5 looks nice 10:01 RealBadAngel hows the frame rate for you with it? 10:07 TDS Hello 10:08 Guest33476 I'd like to fork a new Minetest game, 10:08 Guest33476 and I want to know if importing non-cube models has been implemented. 10:09 RealBadAngel for nodes? not yet 10:10 Guest33476 No 10:10 Guest33476 Just as objects. 10:10 RealBadAngel you can use any models 10:10 RealBadAngel use dwarf model from irrlicht examples if you want to test it 10:10 Guest33476 And also what happened to integrating the Bullet physics engine? 10:11 RealBadAngel happened? nobody tried 10:12 Guest33476 K thanks 10:12 Guest33476 Ouch. 10:12 Guest33476 I'll work on that then. 10:12 Guest33476 It'll be messy but it beats writing a new game engine for my needs lol. 10:13 Guest33476 What do you think? 10:16 Guest33476 Or are there any more pressing features to work on? 10:16 Guest33476 I haven't been through the feature wiki page recently. 10:17 Calinou Bullet physics are unlikely of being accepted in master 10:18 Calinou just a thought, but it feels out of place and doesn't have much uses 10:18 Calinou not to mention syncing all that in multiplayer 10:18 Guest33476 The "Bullet" physics library, not bullet physics. 10:18 RealBadAngel Calinou, you can see that in action in Terasology 10:19 RealBadAngel it works pretty nice 10:19 Guest33476 But anyway what are other pressing features to work on? 10:19 Guest33476 In your opinion, I mean. 10:20 RealBadAngel hardware lights for example 10:21 RealBadAngel make sun/moon aviable as positions in world space 10:21 RealBadAngel add rendering passes with rendering to texture 10:21 Guest33476 But wouldn't the sun/moon require a stricter height limitation? 10:22 Guest33476 Or is it ended to be able to touch them? 10:22 Guest33476 *intended 10:22 RealBadAngel not touch, just position them as lightsources 10:22 RealBadAngel about renderig: https://github.com/RealBadAngel/terrainTest 10:22 Guest33476 Yes that'd be usefull. 10:23 Guest33476 And by hardware lights you don't mean the ingame item, right? 10:23 Guest33476 I'm just checking. 10:23 RealBadAngel i forked that quite a while ago, its irrlicht app, it does rendering to textures 10:23 RealBadAngel i mean real irrlicht lights 10:23 Guest33476 yea ok 10:24 RealBadAngel http://i.imgur.com/b3usu4B.png 10:24 RealBadAngel like here 10:24 RealBadAngel its the simple light source added there 10:25 RealBadAngel http://i.imgur.com/T8wf2tp.png 10:25 Guest33476 Got it. 10:25 RealBadAngel or a bigger one, you can see distance to it on the screen 10:26 Guest33476 And what about non visual features? Like, game features. 10:26 Guest33476 Hmm those lights look nice. 10:31 RealBadAngel im doing in visuals, no ideas atm 10:31 RealBadAngel ask VanessaE maybe 10:31 * VanessaE hides 10:33 Guest33476 I'll help a bit with visuals but if Vaness finds me some interesting stuff I'l detour there 10:35 VanessaE right now, I've got nothing 10:38 VanessaE well 10:38 RealBadAngel mesh models for nodes 10:38 RealBadAngel as a drawtype 10:38 Calinou <RealBadAngel> Calinou, you can see that in action in Terasology 10:38 Calinou <RealBadAngel> it works pretty nice 10:38 Calinou what if you have ot sync in multiplayer? 10:38 Calinou what about performance? 10:39 RealBadAngel idk, but we could try 10:39 VanessaE the couple of "visual" things that I know are thorns in everyone's sides are the one-irrlicht-scenenode issue (should be at least one per mapblock), and the alpha sorting issue (could possibly be fixed by the former) 10:39 VanessaE but both are very non-trivial. 10:41 RealBadAngel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScniyBdEUlE 10:41 RealBadAngel that is really nice 10:43 * RealBadAngel is off to work 10:43 RealBadAngel cya 12:07 Guest33476 one-irrlicht-scenenode? really? 12:07 VanessaE yeah 12:07 Guest33476 That's odd. Can you explain a bit. 12:07 VanessaE everything that is loaded/displayed is crammed into a single irrlicht scene node 12:08 VanessaE whether it's one mapblock or a thousand 12:08 Guest33476 That's insane. 12:08 VanessaE irrlicht has to parse that info and decide how much to display, which can greatly affect fps on some systems 12:08 Guest33476 Well I like jumping into library documentation. 12:08 Guest33476 I'll go into that before the lighting stuff. 12:09 VanessaE one proposal is to do three scene nodes per mapblock. one for solid, opaque materials, one for solid, translucent materials, and one for liquids, if I recall correctly. 12:13 Guest33476 I see 12:13 Guest33476 So then people can disable liquid effects from the settings and have all thel liquids become solids? 12:13 Guest33476 That'll make it easier on poor performance computers. 12:13 VanessaE well the purpose is to allow at least mapblock-level occlusion culling to work properly 12:14 Guest33476 Why not one scenenode per chunk? 12:14 VanessaE per 80x80x80 chunk? I guess finer-resolution is better in this case. 12:14 VanessaE a mapblock is 16x16x16 nodes. 12:15 Guest33476 I mean a mapblock. 12:15 VanessaE er excuse me, when I say "nodes" there I mean in-game pieces of course 12:15 VanessaE not irrlicht scenenodes. 12:15 Guest33476 Yes yes. 12:15 VanessaE but yeah 12:15 VanessaE one or three scenenodes per mapblock 12:16 Guest33476 It'll be good to make the closer mapblocks render before the far ones, too. 12:16 VanessaE yes 14:15 hmmmm I was supposed to be working on the one-scene node-per-mapblock thing 14:15 hmmmm i should probably do that 14:15 hmmmm it's really not that complicated.. i just have no motivation these days 14:16 * VanessaE offers hmmmm chocolate as a bribe 16:53 Zefram_Fysh BlockMen: http://paste.scsys.co.uk/409977 [PATCH] Make bones a thoroughly non-inventory item 16:54 BlockMen why? 16:54 Zefram_Fysh (my atonement for bloating the creative inventory with buckets) 16:55 Zefram_Fysh as my commit message notes, bones are almost a non-inventory item now. the idea is to make that definitive 16:56 Zefram_Fysh also http://paste.scsys.co.uk/409978 [PATCH] Fix door handness detection for open/close sounds 16:56 BlockMen why should ppl not use bones as decorative block in creative mode? 16:57 Zefram_Fysh good question. are they intended for that use? 16:57 BlockMen what block is not? 16:58 Zefram_Fysh initially I thought they must be partly intended for decorative or trophy use, hence them dropping in a non-functional form when broken. but d47201f8 changed that, and so seems to indicate that they're intended to be purely functional 16:59 Zefram_Fysh admittedly, that's making them almost-purely-functional *in survival mode*. maybe the intent doesn't carry over to creative mode 17:00 BlockMen they should still be available in creative mode IMO 17:01 * Zefram_Fysh shrugs 17:25 Calinou no TNT in creative 17:25 Calinou same for bones