Time Nick Message 03:32 ShadowNinja sfan5: It works fine for me now, but it seems like the script isn't kept running-the server list item doesn't time out. Your production setup? 05:16 sfan5 ShadowNinja: uwsgi --logto /var/serverlist/uwsgi.log -s /var/serverlist/uwsgi.log -w server:app --pidfile /var/serverlist/uwsgi.pid started in the dir /var/serverlist 05:17 sfan5 -s /var/serverlist/uwsgi.log -> -s /var/serverlist/uwsgi.sock 05:18 sfan5 Run time of job "purgeOld (trigger: interval[0:01:00], next run at: 2014-06-30 23:32:38.160338)" was missed by 1:49:12.577876 05:18 sfan5 happens when there is no traffic for a specified time 14:13 Sokomine regarding server quality: there are no objective criteria. perhaps all these kids with questionable tablet clients *want* servers to be the way they change them to. it's just people who want to build who won't be particulary happy 14:14 Sokomine we need better criteria for players to decide what servers they might want to join. the description provided is very short. extending that would be fine 14:16 Sokomine servers could announce weather/to which degree they consider themshelves builderfriendly, how the rules are set (in general), what they aim at 15:14 ShadowNinja sfan5: Hmmm, that shouldn't happen. It should run in a seperate thread without being affected by the server usage. Maybe --enable-threads? My version of uwsgi doesn't have the -w, --module, or --callable flags, so those are probably deprecated... 15:15 sfan5 uwsgi complains that is is compiled without threads 15:15 sfan5 uwsgi --version -> 15:16 ShadowNinja Same version here. 15:17 ShadowNinja uwsgi: invalid option -- 'w' \n getopt_long() error 15:17 ShadowNinja After: ~/minetest/master-server $ uwsgi -s /tmp/uwsgi.sock -w server:app 15:20 ShadowNinja Seems I need a python plugin. 15:25 ShadowNinja sfan5: Works here with --plugin python and --enable-threads 15:34 sfan5 ShadowNinja: I restarted uwsgi with --enable-threads, could you try again? 15:44 ShadowNinja sfan5: Hmmm, if you set port=30000 in minetest.conf and start the server with --port 30001 it sends 30000 to the master server. 15:44 sfan5 that's a bug 15:45 ShadowNinja It isn't deleting itself. sfan5: Do you have a deletion attempt? 15:46 sfan5 [pid: 11026|app: 0|req: 31/31] () {30 vars in 638 bytes} [Tue Jul 1 11:44:53 2014] GET /announce?json=%7B%22action%22%3A%22delete%22%2C%22address%22%3A%22shadowninja.minetest.net%22%2C%22port%22%3A%2230000%22%7D%0A => generated 17 bytes in 0 msecs (HTTP/1.1 500) 2 headers in 98 bytes (1 switches on core 0) 15:51 sfan5 ShadowNinja: I just watched it work 15:51 sfan5 :) 16:22 Megaf Hi all 16:22 Megaf I did cd minetest/build/android then make -j 4 16:22 Megaf it begun to compile fine and it stoped with this error 16:22 Megaf http://paste.debian.net/107609/ 16:36 sfan5 Megaf: install the android sdk and files for android api level 10 16:37 Megaf sfan5; how do I define the APIs and Architectures I want to support? 16:38 sfan5 dunno 16:38 sfan5 ask sapier 16:51 Megaf Now I get other errors 16:54 Megaf Installing more APIs and SDKs 17:47 sapier megaf what's "emma"? 17:48 sapier hmmm a code coverage tool for java ... that's not supposed to be used 17:51 sapier but that's not why it fails, MEGAF start sdk/tools/android and installl android-10 for all architectures you want to use 18:03 sapier RealBadAngel: can you have a look at this? https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1436 18:07 sapier RealBadAngel: forget about it that's most likely same issue I fixed yesterday 18:11 Megaf sapier; it was failing because it used all disk space 18:11 sapier :-) 18:11 sapier that's something I can't really change 18:12 sapier maybe we should add a note about installing correct android version env to readme 18:15 sapier so you've been successfull in between megaf? 18:20 ShadowNinja dedicated_server_loop() should probably be Server::run(). Thoughts? 18:20 Megaf sapier; I'm not sure, I will use another drive now 18:20 sapier is there any reason to change it? imho both names are equally fin 18:20 sapier e 18:21 Megaf Server::run() looks nicier 18:21 Megaf if that word even exists 18:21 sapier but run doesn't tell what it is 18:21 sapier and I've plans to change that anyway in reasonable time 18:23 sapier server most likely has to be split to sync and async thread in order to prepare mod separation 18:28 ShadowNinja run_forever like Python does (or runForever rather). Or maybe runUntilKill. 18:28 sfan5 ShadowNinja: did the announce & de-announce work? 18:28 ShadowNinja sfan5: Announce did, but apparently not deanounce. Did you get the delete message? 18:29 sfan5 can you try again, I'll do a tail -f 18:29 sfan5 also: http://servers.minetest.net/ is broken 18:31 sfan5 [pid: 11026|app: 0|req: 414/414] () {30 vars in 638 bytes} [Tue Jul 1 14:31:00 2014] GET /announce?json=%7B%22action%22%3A%22delete%22%2C%22address%22%3A%22shadowninja.minetest.net%22%2C%22port%22%3A%2230000%22%7D%0A => generated 17 bytes in 0 msecs (HTTP/1.1 500) 2 headers in 98 bytes (1 switches on core 0) 18:31 ShadowNinja Hmmm. It should exist. 18:33 sfan5 ShadowNinja: I think you forgot to port = int(port) again 18:34 celeron55 why are you changing a perfectly good function name 18:34 celeron55 stop that and do something useful instead 18:35 Nerotic I agree. 18:37 ShadowNinja celeron55: I just fixed a serverlist bug, but I had to add dedicated_server_loop as a friend to Server for it to get the port. (or I could make it public, or add getters) 18:38 Nerotic is there a list of needed fixes for bugs? 18:39 ShadowNinja sfan5: Ah, yes. checkRequest does that, but it isn't called on delete because delete needs only a few fields. 18:40 celeron55 ShadowNinja: you know how to easily build huge programs? put everything in a single class of course so that it can read every variable that exists! 18:41 Nerotic celeron55; I know that wasn't directed to me, but thats pretty cool. 18:41 celeron55 Server is already too large, moving anything to it is the worst idea ever 18:47 sfan5 ShadowNinja: fixed it yet? 18:53 Megaf instructions here doesnt work https://github.com/minetest/master-server 18:53 sfan5 Minetest does not work 18:53 sfan5 those two sentences have the same amount of information 18:53 Megaf ImportError: No module named apscheduler.scheduler 18:54 Megaf # ./server.py 18:54 * sfan5 facepalm 18:54 sfan5 please use your eyes to read the README.md 18:54 * Megaf facekeyboards 19:21 sfan5 http://servers.minetest.net/ is still broken 19:36 Megaf yep 19:37 Megaf compiling android build, hope it works now 19:38 Megaf sapier; I'd like to know how do I define the android APIs and CPU architectures I want to support 19:39 Megaf /home/megaf/Downloads/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140624/sdk/tools/ant/build.xml:698: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "/home/megaf/Downloads/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140624/sdk/build-tools/android-4.4W/aapt": error=2, No such file or directory 19:39 Megaf What I'm missing now? 19:40 celeron55 has xyz stated why he doesn't host the server list anymore? 19:46 sapier megad have a look at top of makefile 19:46 sapier megaf 19:47 sapier there are arm armv7a mips and x86 configs 19:47 sapier armv7a has issues with sound and isn't significantly faster that's why it's not provided 19:48 sapier can you post the content of path.cfg file located in build/android/ 19:50 sfan5 celeron55: my vps should be ready now; you can change the DNS to those you get when you do "dig meow.minetest.net A" & "dig meow.minetest.net AAAA" at anytime, I configure nginx to answer for servers.minetest.net too 19:51 sfan5 configured* 19:51 celeron55 i can't change the dns 19:51 celeron55 i have already said this 19:51 sfan5 I thought it's your domain 19:51 celeron55 i need to either try to mail freedns.afraid.org's admins or i have to remove minetest.net from freedns.afraid.org and re-add it or something 19:51 celeron55 there is no way to remove approved subdomains 19:52 celeron55 except by the requester 19:52 sfan5 can't you just.. overwrite the entry by creating one yourself? 19:52 celeron55 nope 19:52 celeron55 i tried this a while back; couldn't find any way whatsoever 19:52 sfan5 where is xyz anyway? 19:53 sfan5 http://servers.minetest.net/ is currently broken too 19:53 sfan5 the last server that announced didn't state a gameid or version 19:53 sfan5 this causes the js to break 19:55 sfan5 the mainmenu list isn't affected by that 19:55 celeron55 i'll try contacting the dns admins 20:02 celeron55 i'm not very comfortable with these freely registerable subdomains though; i might end up switching the dns to something that doesn't have this functionality 20:03 sfan5 do you have some service in mind? 20:03 celeron55 there's too much risk in ending up with some kind of shit under this domain and getting banned in google's or someone else's scam/malware/whatever listings 20:03 celeron55 well obviously the one i have registered the domain from 20:03 celeron55 (can't recall which one that is; i use many) 20:03 sfan5 it would still be nice for minetest devs/forum mods/wiki mods to be able to register domains .minetest.net 20:04 celeron55 i will add them manually then 20:04 sfan5 but I'm pretty sure there is no service that allows that 20:04 Megaf sapier; I could, but they are ok 20:04 sfan5 (allow = people doing it themselves) 20:06 sapier are you sure? 20:06 sapier file not found sounds like they aren't 20:07 Megaf /home/megaf/Downloads/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140624/sdk/build-The file is where it's supposed to be tools/android-4.4W/aapt 20:07 Megaf oops 20:07 Megaf /home/megaf/Downloads/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140624/sdk/build-tools/android-4.4W/aapt 20:07 sapier the W seems quite wrong ;-) 20:08 Megaf Cannot run program "/home/megaf/Downloads/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140624/sdk/build-tools/android-4.4W/aapt": error=2, No such file or directory 20:08 sapier where is it from? 20:08 Megaf What do you mean? 20:08 sapier I'm quite sure its /home/megaf/Downloads/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140624/sdk/build-tools/android-4.4/aapt 20:09 sapier do you build on windows or linux? 20:09 Megaf Debian 20:09 sfan5 *facepalm* 20:09 Megaf sfan5; that's not really helpful 20:09 sfan5 ik 20:09 sapier can you verify it's really in android-4.4W folder? 20:10 Megaf $ file /home/megaf/Downloads/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140624/sdk/build-tools/android-4.4W/aapt 20:10 Megaf /home/megaf/Downloads/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140624/sdk/build-tools/android-4.4W/aapt: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, not stripped 20:11 Megaf maybe aapt is telling us there is a file it can't find 20:11 sapier what version of sdk is this? 20:11 Megaf 20140624 20:11 Megaf the latest, is updated 20:12 sapier maybe you shouldn't try bleeding edge not even tested at all 20:12 sapier get one below 20:15 sapier of course you can try to fix it for current version too ;-) but right now only the versions written in README.android are officially supported ;-) 20:15 * Megaf joins #Android-Dev 20:19 Megaf sapier; what sdk file you install? 20:19 sapier I'm downloading your version megaf but I'd suggest using the tested version ... especially as sdk is quite unimportant for minetest 20:20 sapier x86_64 20131030 is written in readme 20:20 sapier there's not much of code using sdk, most is ndk relevant 20:32 iqualfragile http://sebsauvage.net/paste/?ec62194ee2453c8d#yabGwvrmutIwOobDu2HBw2APGvUIjZ8GKLKnH3s4agA= i get this error while using pipeworks, why the fuck? its filling up all of my screen 20:33 sapier seems like some message not deserializable 20:33 sapier can you reproduce this? 20:34 sapier it's been mentioned before but there's never been a way to reliably reproduce it 20:35 Megaf sapier; are you downloading the latest sdk? 20:36 sapier just completed I'm not trying, still I'd suggest taking older version as all tests have been done with it 20:37 Megaf Why are you using such an old sdk anyway? 20:38 sapier because june 24th is about 7 days ago ;-P 20:47 sapier megaf that's been the current version when I started android port, as sdk is almost irrelevant for minetest I didn't bother to even get latest minor ... and the one you try to use is even another major version ;-) 20:48 sapier actually I'm at version 22.6.4 20:51 Megaf ok 20:52 iqualfragile sapier: yes, i can reproduce this, it always happens near an area where a lot of tubes are and a lot of items run in tubes 20:52 sapier hmm 20:53 asl there was tube when it happen to me too and so did jmf 20:54 asl but don't you think it's highly unlikely that tube is causing this? 20:55 sapier hmm there's no object type e 20:56 PenguinDad there were masses of item-entities around me when this happened to me 20:57 sapier I wonder if it's possible to decode that lua crap ... maybe it's usefull for something 20:57 asl here the issue about it, someone should change the title though, https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1218 21:02 sapier does anyone know what format this is? 21:03 iqualfragile sapier: unicode? 21:03 iqualfragile \u? 21:03 sapier according to code it's supposed to be JSON ... but it doesn't look like json at all 21:04 sapier seems to be always type e 21:05 sapier this is a good example why using enums helps ... definition of types is spread all over minetest ... and I haven't found a type e by now 21:08 sapier http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=72493 megaf seems to be a android sdk bug 21:09 sapier update 23.0.0 to 23.0.1 21:10 sapier I'll try if this is the only bug :-) 21:15 sapier nope 23.0.1 works fine for me 21:21 sapier https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1426 forceloaded? 21:22 sapier you mean the forceload feature which was feared to cause bugs and major issues before it's been even added? ;-) 21:32 iqualfragile sapier: yeah, that part of the pipes is in fact forceloaded, but i am near it, too 21:33 iqualfragile (btw: you got some bugreports on mobf) 21:33 sapier Seems like that error is caused by multiple bugs and even design flaws 21:33 sapier Yes I've read them, I'm gonna handle them as of next weekend 21:34 iqualfragile good 21:34 sapier one of the major issues is noone is really responsible for creating and deleting player and playersao ... while it's used by various locations 21:34 iqualfragile factions seemsto be kinda… buggy 21:35 sapier a ugly but working solution might be a smart pointer for playersao doing reference counting 22:24 Megaf sapier; I tried with another sdk, not the bundle one, almost same error 22:24 Megaf /home/megaf/Downloads/android-sdk-linux/tools/ant/build.xml:653: The following error occurred while executing this line: 22:24 Megaf /home/megaf/Downloads/android-sdk-linux/tools/ant/build.xml:698: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "/home/megaf/Downloads/android-sdk-linux/build-tools/20.0.0/aapt": error=2, No such file or directory 22:26 Nerotic reinstall java and reinstall SDK. 22:26 sapier come on why to you switch from 23 to 20 instead of using the sdk I suggested 22 22:27 Megaf how do I get an older SDK? 22:27 sapier btw if you really use latest one 23.0.1 it's most likely gonna work 22:27 Megaf nevermind 22:28 sapier try latest 22:28 sapier 23.0.1 works for me 22:28 Nerotic sapier, did you get my message, or are you just busy? 22:28 sapier it's from today ;-) 22:40 Megaf sapier; I'm using 23.0.1 22:41 sapier good ... still not working? 22:41 Megaf That's the one that doesnt 22:41 sapier ok can you post the error again? 22:41 Megaf Maybe I'm just missing something 22:42 sapier I don't think so 22:42 Megaf http://paste.debian.net/107660/ 22:43 sapier ok first thin I assume android-sdk-linux does contain folders eclipse and sdk doesn't it? 22:44 Megaf I tried with and without eclipse 22:44 Megaf same error 22:44 sapier next did you make clean prior compiling again because it seems to try to still use 20.0.0 22:45 sapier if you switch sdk's delete paths.cfg 22:45 Megaf Well, I removed the folder and did git clone again 22:45 sapier where does it have that folder from? 22:45 Megaf can it be cleaner than that? 22:46 sapier obviously yes as minetest doesn't have /home/megaf/Downloads/android-sdk-linux/build-tools/20.0.0 in git for sure ;-) 22:46 sapier ok I'll tall you through 22:46 sapier first do a clean clone of minetest 22:46 sapier next get this one http://dl.google.com/android/adt/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140624.zip (guess you already have it) 22:47 Megaf yep, thats the one I have, but I will remove everything and get new again 22:47 sapier and start sdk/tools/android (android sdk manager) and update to 23.0.1 22:48 sapier next go to minetest folder enter build/android 22:48 sapier type make 22:48 sapier answer questions about ndk and sdk ... be carefull question about sdk asks about the subfolder sdk within the package 22:49 sapier you don't have to download the zip again that wont change for sure 22:49 sapier I usually keep the zip files and just delete the extracted copy 22:51 Megaf It doesnt take long to download again 22:51 Megaf not a big deal 22:51 Megaf 15 mbps internet here 22:51 sapier ok 22:52 sapier still keeping those files is usually a good idea as google does best to not give the old versions to you ... if you know the filename you can download them as they're located at same location as latest one 22:52 Megaf bye the way, I'm unemplpyed now, so if anyone wants to contract me in Dublin :P 22:53 Megaf sapier; maybe the zip was somehow corruped 22:53 sapier possible but usually you get an error message on extracting 22:54 sapier and that zip is old version only so you have to update it prior build 22:57 sapier does it work? 22:57 Megaf sapier; so, should I get the adt or just the sdk will be fine? 22:58 Megaf What? 22:59 sapier I usually get full adt as that eclipse version is quite usefull for debugging 23:00 sapier but sdk should be fine for building 23:06 Megaf right 23:06 Megaf extrating files now 23:07 Megaf android-ndk-r9d-linux-x86_64 and adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140624 23:12 sapier guess you did update to 23.0.1 by now? 23:19 Megaf yep 23:19 Megaf should I download SDKs for another APIs? 23:19 sapier api level 10 23:19 sapier everything else is optional 23:20 Megaf Downloading SDP Platform and Google APIs API 10 23:21 Megaf s/SDP/SDK 23:23 Megaf I might have a bug there 23:23 Megaf Stopping ADB server failed (code -1). 23:23 Megaf Unable to run 'adb': Cannot run program "/home/megaf/AndroidADKandSDK/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140624/sdk/platform-tools/adb": error=2, No such file or directory. 23:23 Megaf Starting ADB server failed (code -1). 23:24 sapier adb is not required for make 23:24 sapier what did you call? 23:25 Megaf I'm uploading a screenshot 23:26 Megaf http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-010714-202503.php 23:27 Megaf sapier; for the NDK I'm using /home/megaf/AndroidADKandSDK/android-ndk-r9d/ 23:27 sapier maybe you should restart your machine, seems like some old version of adb still running 23:28 sapier sdk and ndk are almost independent 23:29 sapier fuess you could just ignore that error for build too 23:29 Megaf and /home/megaf/AndroidADKandSDK/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140624/sdk in Please specify path of ANDROID SDK 23:30 sapier I usually append a / but for what I remember that's not necessary 23:30 sapier so your config should be fine now 23:33 sapier what's the new error message? 23:35 VanessaE sapier: force-loaded by a vmanip I think. 23:35 VanessaE (you can do that if all you do is read the map but never write it, afaik) 23:36 Megaf sapier; same as ever 23:36 sapier by now you had 3 different error messages ;-) can you post the current one? 23:37 Megaf http://paste.debian.net/107668/ 23:37 Megaf always complaining about aapt 23:39 Megaf line 698 by the way is proguardFile="${out.absolute.dir}/proguard.txt"> 23:40 sapier what debian version do you have? 23:41 Megaf Jessie, maybe that's the issue? 23:42 sapier is your shell bash or dash? 23:44 Megaf bash I think 23:45 Megaf well, jus tried in dash to make sure, same result 23:45 sapier should be fine ... there's an error about missing recieps for apk and debug too .. maybe a different make version ... still I'd not expect it to break basic things 23:45 sapier bash is usually better 23:46 Megaf bash and dash gavec the same error 23:47 sapier I'm trying on ubuntu right now 23:48 sapier what command did you enter to build? just "make" ? 23:50 Megaf sapier; make -j 4 23:50 Megaf cd buid/android/ and make -j 4 23:50 sapier try without it's gonna autodetect your cpu number 23:51 sapier but I don't think thats the issue 23:51 Megaf did make clean and make, very same thing 23:52 Megaf sapier; look at this 23:52 Megaf $ file /home/megaf/AndroidADKandSDK/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140624/sdk/build-tools/android-4.4W/aapt 23:52 Megaf /home/megaf/AndroidADKandSDK/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140624/sdk/build-tools/android-4.4W/aapt: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, not stripped 23:52 Megaf 80386, 32 bit 23:53 Megaf for linux 2.6.8 23:53 Megaf that's old stuff 23:53 sapier and? 23:53 Megaf $ uname -a 23:53 Megaf Linux BigSam 3.14-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.14.7-1 (2014-06-16) x86_64 GNU/Linux 23:54 sapier I'd still expect it to work 23:55 Megaf sapier; take a look 23:55 Megaf megaf@BigSam:~/AndroidADKandSDK/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140624/sdk/build-tools/android-4.4W$ ./aapt 23:55 Megaf bash: ./aapt: No such file or directory 23:55 sapier hmm those aren't static but dynamic binarys 23:56 sapier can you try ldd aapt? it's gonna tell you about the libraries 23:56 Megaf not a dynamic executable 23:56 sapier what? 23:56 Megaf [20:56:12] Megaf you need the ia32 crap 23:57 Megaf I can't believe in that 23:57 sapier you don't wanna tell me latest android sdk is incompatible to debian :-) 23:57 sapier he might be right about it 23:57 sapier for what I see it's using 32bit dynamic libraries 23:58 Megaf unbelievable 23:58 Megaf I'm not install 32 bit crap here 23:58 sapier well guess you wont be able to build for android in this case 23:59 sapier I need to get some sleep now sorry that I wasn't able to help :-/