Time  Nick          Message
04:16 RealBadAngel  hi
04:17 RealBadAngel  SoniEx2, my code dosnt like what?
04:17 RealBadAngel  wtf is t[x] ?
07:18 PenguinDad    ~tell sapier Forget what I said about gui_scaling yesterday
07:18 ShadowBot     PenguinDad: O.K.
09:01 RealBadAngel  hi sapier, whats up?
09:10 sapier        don't know RealBadAngel do you have anything new?
09:15 RealBadAngel  have you checked changed built-in item?
09:16 sapier        not yet did you create a pull request yet?
09:21 RealBadAngel  sapier, i am makin one atm, hold on
09:27 RealBadAngel  there is, #1308
09:27 ShadowBot     RealBadAngel: Error: Delemiter not found in "Page is too big."
09:27 RealBadAngel  ha ha ha :P https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/1308
09:28 sapier        hmm is there a way to write it using less levels of indention? .... especially for crapy editors using 8 spaces (like github) thats quite hard to read ;-)
09:29 sapier        hmm I guess we'd need "continue" to do it
09:31 RealBadAngel  http://pastebin.com/a2jBAuBy
09:32 RealBadAngel  if you wanna try what it does, split some stack, and drop it one by one on the ground, at the very same spot. watch what happens
09:32 sapier        I'll have a look at it, but I suggest making ShadowNinja look at it too, he's even more experienced to lua then I am
09:33 sapier        hmm that'd reduce the too many objects issue drastically :-)
09:33 RealBadAngel  thats the point of it
09:33 sapier        that's not related but what do you think about making items die afer some time too?
09:34 RealBadAngel  thats also good idea, each dropped item should have TTL
09:35 sapier        yes It's quite anoying to have useless items "burried" within solid nodes eating up available objects ... but that's something to discuss with other core devs as well as some modders too
09:35 RealBadAngel  not that hard to implement, item_drop mod already have a timer on items, in this case for delayed possibility to auto pick-up the item back
09:36 RealBadAngel  without it, it was impossible to drop an item away ;)
09:37 sapier        it's not about beeing hard to implement but it's a change in game mechanics that might cause behaviour not desired by everyone ;-)
09:38 RealBadAngel  not everyone may like bringing the order, but thats what shall be done
09:40 sapier        still we'd should ask them if everyone is against it but us it's hard to explain why we do it ;-)
09:47 RealBadAngel  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-AOw1xvQyY
11:20 RealBadAngel  PilzAdam, here?
11:20 PilzAdam      yes?
11:26 RealBadAngel  have you saw item entity merge pull?
11:27 RealBadAngel  also what do you think about adding TTL to item entities?
11:55 cerulean256   RealBadAngel: will that be built in and configurable?
11:56 cerulean256   I like having my items lay on the ground indefinitely... it avoids me having to build a harvesting chest to temporarily put overflow.
11:57 RealBadAngel  adding TTL to items is for unload unecessary objects on servers, that pushes the items limits
11:58 RealBadAngel  if you want them that way, you can have simple mod that disables that
11:58 RealBadAngel  but for server env, such limitations have to be made
11:58 cerulean256   of course, agreed
11:59 cerulean256   right now there is a mod the removes items that were dropped from the world already
11:59 cerulean256   dropped to* the world
12:00 RealBadAngel  it wont be needed if the items were dissapearing after some time
12:01 RealBadAngel  world would clean itself
12:01 cerulean256   true; however, what's the benefit if there is already something out there that does the same thing (other than doing things internally and it being wee bit faster)?
12:02 cerulean256   I take you plan on implementing this in C++ and not LUA :p
12:02 SoniEx2       RealBadAngel, try this: t = {}; t['test'] = 'something'; t[t] = 'yep you can use t itself as a key';
12:03 RealBadAngel  SoniEx2, can you tell me whats that and what for?
12:03 RealBadAngel  because i dont get what do you mean at all
12:04 SoniEx2       RealBadAngel, https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/1305
12:04 RealBadAngel  "Safe way to check if function of name given exists."
12:04 SoniEx2       yeah
12:04 SoniEx2       I could pass it sometable.somefunc
12:04 SoniEx2       or sometable['somefunc']
12:04 sapier        I don't see any need to do this in engine cerulean256
12:04 RealBadAngel  shall i made "name" in bold?
12:05 RealBadAngel  name is not a table or whatever
12:05 RealBadAngel  its a fuckin string
12:05 SoniEx2       sometable.somefunc = sometable['somefunc']
12:06 SoniEx2       oh so you have problems with using [] for table indexing?
12:07 RealBadAngel  i dont have any problems, it seems like you are trying to find a hole in straight and simple thing
12:07 SoniEx2       well make it support _G['print'] at least
12:09 cerulean256   sapier: so basically adding TTL to entities would be nothing more than bringing parts of PlizAdam's builtin_item mod into top-level minetest? so it's part of minetest and not running in mod space anymore.
12:09 cerulean256   or am I missing the point?
12:09 sapier        we're not talking about ttl for entities but only about ttl for "item entities" that's a big difference
12:10 cerulean256   sapier: mind elaborating a bit :)
12:10 sapier        and ttl check isn't something to be done multiple times per second but within minute range, so why do you believe it's performance critical? ;-)
12:11 cerulean256   who said anything about performance critical?
12:11 sapier        "beeing faster" isn't a reason to do something in core ... at least not a standalone reason
12:12 cerulean256   hence why I mentioned that as an exception
12:12 cerulean256   so avoid hearing someone use speed as an excuse ;)
12:12 sapier        everything done in mods would be faster in core, still we moved a lot from core to mods to make it configurable :-)
12:13 cerulean256   and that's a good thing, imo :)
12:13 cerulean256   so I am just looking for the justification as to why ttl is suggested to be reinvented.
12:14 sapier        so unless there's a pressing need to get the last % of speed I don't see a reason to implement a feature in core that can be done with no functional limitation as lua code too :-)
12:14 sapier        and doing a ttl check, lets say any 5 minutes wont cause any regular minetestserver to have issues
12:15 RealBadAngel  while having dozens of forgotten items floating around causes issues already...
12:15 cerulean256   sapier: stop explaining the reasoning to not do things in core, I get that. :)
12:16 sapier        I was already done cerulean256 ;-) just wanted to be sure there's no missinterpretation ;-)
12:17 cerulean256   cool. :) Anyway, right now (with PilzAdam's mod) if I dig an item it drops the __builtin:item entity... after 300 seconds they get removed.
12:17 cerulean256   it the propsition to make this default behaviour instead of a mod?
12:17 cerulean256   proposition*
12:18 sapier        yes
12:18 BlockMen      RealBadAngel, im against #1308. Single items should stay single items unless player or a mod "merges" them.
12:18 ShadowBot     https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1308 -- Item entity stacks merge on the ground. by RealBadAngel
12:18 SoniEx2       I think they should update every 10 seconds
12:18 SoniEx2       so mods can make them last longer
12:20 cerulean256   ok.. the that means it gets merged into the main minetest product (for a lack of better terms), right? - exactly what I asked earlier ;)
12:20 RealBadAngel  BlockMen, have you saw hundreds of single cobble floating at one pos? or leaves?
12:21 rubenwardy    Maybe make it overrideable
12:22 RealBadAngel  solution to make it easy shall be deault, if you want hardcore, then apply a mod
12:22 cerulean256   RealBadAngel: does your item entity merge only merge items the fall on the same node spot?
12:23 RealBadAngel  it triggers only when item hits the ground and only for items in range 1
12:23 RealBadAngel  so the very same spot
12:23 sapier        in mobf I decide between playerspawned mobs and autospawned maybe items dropped by a player shoud behave different to digged ones too?
12:24 cerulean256   sapier: I was experimenting with a similar thing yesterday evening
12:24 RealBadAngel  the patch makes no difference from wher item comes from
12:25 cerulean256   I actually overrode the builtin item entity and add parameters to determine if it was forcibly dropped or not.
12:25 RealBadAngel  if it hits the ground it looks for items of the very same kind
12:25 RealBadAngel  so it can be fallen leaves, dropped item, dug stone, machine output, whatever
12:26 RealBadAngel  it just doesnt allow hundreds of same items spinning at one position
12:26 BlockMen      sapier, i like the idea of different behavior
12:26 RealBadAngel  which was just nonsense and pain in the ass
12:26 BlockMen      so i would be fine with auto-merge of player droped items
12:26 RealBadAngel  lol
12:27 cerulean256   so if I make a wshing machine node that you can put wool in and it poops them out to right right 1 by 1 each minute and they all land onf the same node.. I'll only see 1 wool entitiy... right?
12:27 cerulean256   washing machine*
12:27 RealBadAngel  that was not the idea behind that patch at all
12:27 RealBadAngel  it was made for leaves and dug drops :P
12:27 BlockMen      ^ and im against this
12:27 RealBadAngel  not for some moron that is sitting and drops 1000 of cobble at one spot
12:27 RealBadAngel  hehehe
12:28 SoniEx2       cerulean256's thingy makes sense IRL
12:28 BlockMen      RealBadAngel, write a mod for that
12:28 SoniEx2       I mean... in a way...
12:29 cerulean256   the more I think about it.. the more I agree with BlockMen.. it's a cool idea and definitely useful.. but is probably best left in mod space :)
12:29 RealBadAngel  BlockMen, ofc i can, but i cant stand seeing core keeping nonsense solutions
12:29 cerulean256   but think for my washing machine node, RealBadAngel...
12:29 RealBadAngel  and see folks that are using non modified game and complaing why it sucks big time
12:30 cerulean256   I like watching my mashing machine poop out items :)
12:30 cerulean256   washing*
12:30 RealBadAngel  and it sucks because of dozens of such little things
12:30 sapier        hmm another suggestion why not remove the item entity core code and make it a item entity mod?
12:30 BlockMen      RealBadAngel, just because you think its nonsense it does not mean it is.
12:30 sapier        what would be necessary to separate it that way?
12:30 RealBadAngel  it is
12:30 BlockMen      and a bit realism is good in games
12:30 BlockMen      i have never seen saplings bcoming stack in world
12:30 RealBadAngel  it slows down a server, makin it push the limits
12:30 RealBadAngel  make drops almost impossible to pick
12:31 cerulean256   then get better hardware :p
12:31 BlockMen      ^ that :D
12:31 RealBadAngel  ha ha ha, laughed the queen and died
12:31 RealBadAngel  are you nuts?
12:31 cerulean256   it's a server... minetest is geared for low end 'c;ient' devices.. not servers
12:32 RealBadAngel  and you want to keep server trashed with lotsa entities
12:32 RealBadAngel  good luck with that :P
12:32 cerulean256   if my server can handle it.. fine with me.
12:32 RealBadAngel  no it cant
12:32 cerulean256   it becomes a problem when the clients can't
12:32 RealBadAngel  theres a limit
12:32 RealBadAngel  49
12:32 SoniEx2       well dig down 1000 trees and see if the client still works
12:32 BlockMen      normal drops of items are not that much that it "trashes" a server. and if you use something that drops that much entities than blame that specific mod
12:33 cerulean256   but the limit is 49.... right?
12:33 SoniEx2       if it doesn't, RealBadAngel has a point
12:33 cerulean256   a single node can only hold 49 item entities.. is that correct?
12:33 sapier        no
12:34 sapier        a block can only hold 49 entitie
12:34 sapier        s
12:34 sapier        block beeing 16x16x16 ...that's quite a limitation
12:35 cerulean256   I see... what happens to drops that exceed this?
12:35 cerulean256   do they just .. not happen?
12:35 sapier        entities are deleted with a error message on server
12:35 RealBadAngel  got deleted :P
12:35 Hunterz       hi, how i can debug why see lag during putting item to chest on the server?
12:35 sapier        and I'm not sure if it's the last one or some other
12:35 cerulean256   ok well... that being the case... can we make the merging smarter..
12:35 sapier        it'S your rtt hunterz
12:36 sapier        not a bug but a design issue
12:36 cerulean256   in the sense that if the block is comming up on it's limit that it then starts merging?
12:36 Hunterz       what is rtt ?
12:36 cerulean256   rtt = Real Time Trading :p
12:36 RealBadAngel  cerulean256, i cant agree on that
12:37 sapier        each inventory action is done remote on server so to see the result of an action you have to wait for data beeing transmitted to server processed there and the result beeing sent back to you
12:37 cerulean256   just kidding, Hunterz
12:37 Hunterz       oki
12:37 RealBadAngel  i dont want fuckin thousands of cobble deleting tubed items in my machines setups
12:37 RealBadAngel  because they was made by player action for example
12:38 sapier        Hunterz: it's by definition more then ping time to server
12:38 Hunterz       server is on my network
12:39 Hunterz       ping is very low
12:39 sapier        what's your server step?
12:39 RealBadAngel  also, we had falling leaves before
12:39 RealBadAngel  and because we didnt have merging we dont have them anymore
12:39 sapier        e.g. if a packet arrives at server just after server step completed it's gonna be handled at next server step. If you have mods taking a lot of time in server step that time will add too
12:39 cerulean256   Hunterz: what's the time it takes for your ping to receive a response?
12:39 Hunterz       ping is 6 miliseconds
12:40 RealBadAngel  instead of a solution, effect was disabled
12:40 RealBadAngel  sick
12:40 Hunterz       it is inside my isp network
12:40 cerulean256   Hunterz: btw rtt = Round Trip Time, the time it takes for a packet to leave your computer and get a response back
12:40 sapier        well in this case your lag is most likely caused by mods running on server delaying the server step
12:40 Hunterz       maybe
12:41 cerulean256   yeah.. maybe too many item entities :p
12:41 sapier        yes entities do cause server step increas as any other thing to process
12:41 Hunterz       have minetest something like profiler?
12:42 sapier        yes try some of the f keys in debug build ... but you wont find out what exactly causes it
12:42 Hunterz       btw i know rtt, i am network engineer :)
12:42 sapier        only the fact that it is the server step
12:43 cerulean256   Hunterz: then why'd you ask?
12:44 Hunterz       i know RTT
12:44 Hunterz       :)
12:44 sapier        basicaly worst case inventory latency is rtt + max serverstep + serverdelay + some small servercommand queue overhead
12:44 sapier        rtt as well as max_serverstep are variables
12:44 Hunterz       hmm overhead with one player on the server...
12:45 Hunterz       i will try it wihout mods
12:45 sapier        I don't think the overhead will be noticable it's within completely different range compared to rtt and serverstep
12:46 Hunterz       maybe default setting of my mods are not perfect
12:46 Exio4         how many mods did you "install"?
12:46 sapier        and what mods
12:46 Hunterz       i will see mmt
12:47 SoniEx2       do blocks have a 49 entity limit or 49 _item_ entity limit?
12:47 sapier        mobf for example is known to take quite a lot of cpu power, especially with "wrong" settings
12:47 sapier        entity
12:47 SoniEx2       eww
12:47 SoniEx2       why?
12:47 sapier        historic reasons
12:48 SoniEx2       does the player count as an entity?
12:48 Hunterz       http://pastebin.com/b4NdKws8
12:48 Hunterz       modlist
12:48 sapier        there's been a bug duplicating entities for quite some time, thus limiting to 49 was a workaround, I think that bug has been fixed. but noone did increase it by now
12:49 sapier        I'd try minetest-mod-weather first
12:49 Hunterz       weather is off
12:49 sapier        and maybe technic, but there's none beeing known to be critical (at least to me)
12:50 cerulean256   sapier: what did it used to be, b4 it was 49?
12:51 sapier        I don't know that's been long before I started to contribute
12:51 cerulean256   I'm gonna have a look
12:51 SoniEx2       so a bad workaround is better than a good workaround?
12:52 SoniEx2       the good workaround would be use entity ids and destroy duplicated entity ids
12:52 Exio4         there shouldn't be duplicated entities at all
12:52 sapier        SoniEx2: you're about 3 months late for what I know the bug is fixed
12:52 SoniEx2       yes I know
12:52 SoniEx2       I'm complaining to whoever made that workaround
12:52 Exio4         that workaround is a dirty hack that would let to a unfixed bug forever
12:53 SoniEx2       because the workaround still exists
12:53 SoniEx2       also IMO the limit should be set to 65535
12:53 BlockMen      Hunterz, what version of hud? old versions made ugly lags
12:53 sapier        not really but it should be bigger then 49 for sure
12:54 SoniEx2       then 32767
12:54 SoniEx2       or 1024
12:54 cerulean256   minetest/src/defaultsettings.cpp:	settings->setDefault("max_objects_per_block", "49");
12:54 cerulean256   there.. now rebuild with a higer value and test :)
12:54 Exio4         no...
12:54 cerulean256   :p
12:54 Exio4         max_objects_per_block = 1024 in config
12:54 sapier        LOL
12:54 cerulean256   hahaha
12:55 cerulean256   why so ruin someones joke, Exio4
12:55 Exio4         because i found it too dumb
12:56 * cerulean256 shrugs
12:57 RealBadAngel  anyway, im letting the patch to be voted
12:58 RealBadAngel  if most ppl will decide they do want fucked up situation, their problem. i will take the code to my game
12:59 Exio4         i'd like to see the "merge nodes" patch merged
12:59 Exio4         just for sayin' you're not alone rba :P
13:00 RealBadAngel  thx :)
13:00 RealBadAngel  so lets the voting season start :)
13:00 cerulean256   It think it's a good idea, but I have mixed feelings about it
13:01 diemartin     I think it would be better as a mod, but as mt_game is dead...
13:03 SoniEx2       the config should be in Lua
13:04 SoniEx2       Lua makes it easier to input 2^31-1
13:23 RealBadAngel  config is way too overloaded
13:24 RealBadAngel  and most of folks out there are not even aware of what can be turned on
13:24 RealBadAngel  also, when mt is going to hit android market
13:24 RealBadAngel  its even worse
13:25 RealBadAngel  they in practice wont be able to configure the game, well at least not so easily
13:25 RealBadAngel  imho, game shall focus at settings that will bring less harm to the gameplay
13:26 RealBadAngel  soft and smooth, that shall be the rule
13:26 RealBadAngel  if some1 decide to overuse it? free to go, if he have enough knowledge
13:27 RealBadAngel  but main, clikable to play shall be as easy, and causing as few problems as possible
13:27 RealBadAngel  and thats the point of latest patches
13:28 RealBadAngel  wanna fuck around and click the very same spot several dozens of times? youre free to go, just allow that in config
13:29 RealBadAngel  or install a mod for that
13:29 RealBadAngel  and allow others to have single click (touch) by default
13:30 RealBadAngel  theyre not so smart as you do
13:31 RealBadAngel  they have problems with adding mods, editing configs etc
13:32 RealBadAngel  you may like it or not, but youre creating a game for the masses
13:32 RealBadAngel  or at least hoping to do so
13:32 RealBadAngel  but still you are focused on hardcore solutions
13:33 RealBadAngel  and keep reading forums "hey, that doesnt work, that crashes, that says "unknown error" "
13:34 RealBadAngel  make it KISS for christ sake, for good of all of us
14:18 cerulean256   where is the setting that I can enable logging on loglevel info to show up in debug.txt or even in game?
14:26 Megaf         sapier, VanessaE, I think you might like to look at this
14:26 Megaf         http://paste.debian.net/100181/
14:27 Megaf         That's pretty much the average use
14:27 Megaf         gtg by now
14:28 RealBadAngel  cerulean256,  for terminal logs use command line switches (run game with --help to get info)
14:28 RealBadAngel  for logging to debug.txt use config file setting
14:29 RealBadAngel  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/minetest.conf.example#L345
14:35 cerulean256   debug_log_level = 3
14:35 cerulean256   that did the trick
14:41 LemonLake     Hey all, having trouble getting the Koneki debugger to work. I've gotten to the point where the game crashes with no warning. The debugger is in my system path and luasocket is in /bin/ as luarocks was not working at all
14:44 LemonLake     http://imgur.com/oSXag2g
15:39 LemonLake     No help?
15:46 LemonLake     Does anyone at all here use the Koneki debugger/have managed to get it to work at some point?
15:46 PilzAdam      LemonLake, sapier has AFAIK
15:47 LemonLake     Aight, are they active right now?
15:49 Amaz          I don't think so...
15:49 LemonLake     Dang :/
16:10 LemonLake     Does anybody have an updated method of compiling  the game for Windows, or do I have to just figure it out on my own?
16:12 CraigyDavi    LemonLake, try using buildwin32.sh
16:12 LemonLake     Found where?
16:13 LemonLake     Nevermind.
16:14 LemonLake     I have to convert that to bat? That's out.
16:14 LemonLake     Is there a manual method?
16:15 Jordach       LemonLake, that script only works on linux
16:15 LemonLake     I don't have access to my Linux right now. Nor a method to transfer all the files to it.
16:16 LemonLake     So, is there a manual method or not?
16:16 kaeza         CMake should generate appropriate makefiles/project files for your compiler
16:17 kaeza         which compiler are you using?
16:17 CraigyDavi    LemonLake, http://dev.minetest.net/Compiling_Minetest#Compiling_on_Windows
16:17 LemonLake     For what exactly? I don't have a specific compiler chosen, I've literally just been told that I need to recompile it without LuaJIT.
16:18 PilzAdam      LemonLake, there are instructions how to build on windows in the README.txt
16:18 LemonLake     Thanks
16:20 LemonLake     And yes, PilzAdam, I'm aware. They're the same ones on the Git page which are supposedly outdated.
16:20 PilzAdam      how are they outdated?
16:20 LemonLake     "- This section is outdated. In addition to what is described here:
16:20 LemonLake     - In addition to minetest, you need to download minetest_game.
16:20 LemonLake     - If you wish to have sound support, you need libogg, libvorbis and libopenal"
16:20 LemonLake     Ah wait, now I read it like that it makes sense.
16:20 Calinou       <LemonLake> I don't have access to my Linux right now. Nor a method to transfer all the files to it.
16:21 Calinou       VirtualBox :-)
16:21 LemonLake     Yes.,
16:21 Calinou       but Minetest may not run fast in it
16:21 LemonLake     Yes.
16:21 Calinou       (I've tried; it ran playably in it)
16:21 LemonLake     I have also tried.
16:51 Megaf         13:51:49: ERROR[ServerThread]: Server::ProcessData(): Cancelling: No player for peer_id=6
16:52 Megaf         this bloody bug again
16:52 Megaf         fix it already please!
16:53 Megaf         or is it fixed?
16:55 CraigyDavi    I still get peer timeouts :(
16:55 CraigyDavi    That was supposed to be fixed.
16:56 Megaf         i wonder what EmergeThread does
16:56 troller       warms cpu
17:35 RealBadAngel  <LemonLake> For what exactly? I don't have a specific compiler chosen, I've literally just been told that I need to recompile it without LuaJIT.
17:35 RealBadAngel  if theres no luajit aviable in your system, game wont use it
17:36 RealBadAngel  it checks for presence of luajit at startup
17:36 RealBadAngel  no recompilation needed
17:40 Calinou       not having it is quite slower
17:40 LemonLake     Realbadangel
17:40 LemonLake     I've already started compiling, got an error now (will say in a minute)
17:41 LemonLake     "<sapier> koneki debuger does only work with pure lua, did you compile with luajit? 	 "
17:42 LemonLake     D:\MinGW\bin\ar.exe: unable to rename 'liblua.a'; reason: File exists
17:44 LemonLake     Oh, a rerun seemed to fix that.
17:45 RealBadAngel  idk why sapier said that about luajit
17:45 RealBadAngel  game is using luajit libraries provided by system
17:45 RealBadAngel  and is not compiling them
17:46 RealBadAngel  hmm, but it checks for it at compile time, well that might be somehow true
17:56 LemonLake     "The procedure entry point _analysis_output_always could not be located in the dynamic link library libvorbis.dll"
19:24 LemonLake     The libvorbisfile.dll provided seems to be corrupt.
19:24 LemonLake     And manually compiling it does not go well.
20:05 cerulean256   RealBadAngel: I've been tinkering a bit to try to really justify the auto entity merging...
20:06 cerulean256   I have implemented a drop consolidaton mechanism along with a removal of item entities after a period of time.
20:07 BlockMen      ~tell sapier im fine with #1269
20:07 ShadowBot     BlockMen: O.K.
20:08 cerulean256   this works quite well. Basically, I tackled the issue a little differently and from a different angle.
20:11 cerulean256   I dont really like the auto merging that your patch does, but I do think PilzAdam's item drop mod needed some improvement...
20:12 cerulean256   the drop mod basically will take a drop like "default:snow 60" and spawn 60 independent item entities.
20:12 cerulean256   so you can suicide a server with a drop of 4096 :)
20:14 cerulean256   I put drop consolidation so that it will group the drops by the max stack size for that item.. and then spawn the entities required to sustain the total.
20:16 cerulean256   e.g. a drop of 500 default:snow, which has a max stack of 99, results in 6 item entities with counts of 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 5
20:18 cerulean256   and of course if they aren't picked up after x amount of seconds.. they get removed by the server... and the server checks once every 15 seconds.
20:41 VanessaE      http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7480204/
20:41 VanessaE      opinions?
20:41 VanessaE      being able to expire events in the log that are more than, say, two weeks old would be good I think
20:42 VanessaE      cerulean256: use cyisfor's item_drop
20:42 VanessaE      not PilzAdam's.
20:42 VanessaE      it's better.
20:42 VanessaE      https://github.com/cyisfor/item_drop
20:43 VanessaE      it behaves better, imho.
20:44 VanessaE      (sorry PA :) )
20:44 PilzAdam      why are there billions of forks of my mods and I dont know about them / there are no pull requests?
20:44 VanessaE      honestly?
20:45 VanessaE      because people, I think, don't believe that pull requests will be merged anymore
20:45 VanessaE      (because of how resistant you are re: minetest_game maybe, I'm not sure)
20:45 VanessaE      I'm just guessing.  I don't know for sure.
20:48 jin_xi        lol, seriously? PilzAdam, thats how you got started if i remember right
20:48 jin_xi        and theres now PA versions of many mods
20:48 PilzAdam      jin_xi, I never tweaked a mod
20:48 PilzAdam      I rewrote most of them
20:49 jin_xi        so you know the reason for not doing pulls
20:53 ShadowNinja   cyisfor's fork is a rewrite.
20:54 PilzAdam      ShadowNinja, I wouldn't call it a fork then
21:12 VanessaE      well Github calls it a fork and it has your previous history
21:12 VanessaE      so I'd say "fork" still applies
21:13 VanessaE      nevertheless, it works well imho
21:22 cerulean256   well I'm writing my own way of handling drops.
21:22 cerulean256   I dont really like the magnetic effect in those drop mods :p
21:22 cerulean256   it reminds me of sonic the hedgehog games
21:23 cerulean256   walking over a block.. ok.. but the zip-line effect of gathering items is something left to a special item that makes you magneto or something ;)
21:24 cerulean256   and mine is a total rewrite... bunch of different things.
21:25 cerulean256   like my drop consolidation.
21:25 cerulean256   looking at making floating items in water too.
21:26 sapier        any comments to #1269? I'd like to merge it if noone finds issues in there?
21:26 ShadowBot     https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1269 -- Scene draw cleanup + add various 3d modes by sapier
21:33 cerulean256   does anyone know what version of lua minetest uses?
21:36 cerulean256   ignore my question :)
21:37 Jordach       5.1!
21:46 cerulean256   thanks for the answer anyway, Jordach. Much appreciated.
21:51 cerulean256   it annoys me that lua doesn't have a continue statement
21:51 cerulean256   *grumble*
22:13 ShadowNinja   cerulean256: for i = 1, 100 do if foo() then goto continue end <...> ::continue:: end
22:14 ShadowNinja   Lua 5.2+-only though.  Which Minetest doesn't include yet.  LuaJIT includes it and most builds have LuaJIT though.
23:10 sapier        Mintetest does support Lua 5.1 only. everything else may work for pure accident but doesn't have any support. At least for the time beeing. Don't tell wrong things because you want Lua 5.2 in ShadowNinja.
23:11 sapier        btw that "may or may not work depends on ..." thingy is why we don't want to switch to 5.2 prior luajit fully supports 5.2 api
23:11 ShadowNinja   sapier: Re-read what I said.  It doen't work by accident, it just only works with LuaJIT.
23:12 sapier        ohhhh .... sorry excuse me
23:16 sapier        btw anyone trying to use irrlicht "makeColorKeyTexture" ... don't use it for periodic things that function is slow as hell
23:17 sapier        another thing, having all our windows builds use luajit causes them to be non luadebuggable, koneki doesn't work with luajit
23:57 VanessaE      ok, the official branch of the Minetest mapper has a big problem.
23:57 VanessaE      it takes FOR BLOODY EVER to run now, and produces empty images (except for the scale, if --drawscale is specified).
23:57 VanessaE      Shadowninja's version still works, with the same colors.txt and the same commandline options.
23:58 VanessaE      by "empty", I mean an all-white image.