Time  Nick         Message
00:00 VanessaE     is there some common point where all of these sources could be piped through in the future, so that we don't have to fix this in multiple places?
00:06 ShadowNinja  VanessaE: What do you mean?
00:06 VanessaE     ShadowNinja: see your /msgs
00:07 ShadowNinja  Seems that patch doesn't work...
00:31 ShadowNinja  Alright, a bit ugly, but it works: http://ix.io/aiV http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6870219/
03:52 hmmmm        hmm
03:52 hmmmm        https://github.com/kwolekr/minetest/commits/master
03:52 hmmmm        so that's:
03:52 hmmmm        https://github.com/kwolekr/minetest/commit/a439343844cf821e4922e23f1638b92e2cfb14ac
03:52 hmmmm        https://github.com/kwolekr/minetest/commit/5a34f40d80ea1a339b599bc11db549a6bd86912f
03:52 hmmmm        https://github.com/kwolekr/minetest/commit/2927a327cabe4feddc0aeea0f4111d888560612f
03:53 hmmmm        comments?  concerns?
04:04 hmmmm        I'm sure a change this big is going to break something, just no idea what at the moment
04:04 hmmmm        it seems to be fine in my own tests
04:04 hmmmm        of course, people who specified mapgen-specific flags in their configurations are going to lose that now unless they manually specify mg*_spflags.  i'd note that in the release.
04:05 hmmmm        this is the best and cleanest way forward though, it's worth a minor inconvenience like that
04:05 hmmmm        btw I don't want to do a release for another month or so, so we have a decent amount of 'field time' for big changes like this and what sapier's working on right now
05:35 corburn      tmux switch -t 0
10:07 Megaf        https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1134
15:13 ShadowNinja  Megaf_: Known issue that has been discussed.  Some old clients violated the protocol in terms of sending TOSERVER_RECEIVED_MEDIA, and the new net code doesn't like that.  Reconnect when you have all the media loaded, or update your client.
15:15 VanessaE     ShadowNinja: this appears to be unrelated to 1134, see #minetest...
15:16 VanessaE     er 1132.
15:19 RealBadAngel hi
15:19 VanessaE     hi
15:19 RealBadAngel have anybody experienced problems with building from git?
15:19 VanessaE     building, no, but a lot of people are having trouble running it.
15:20 RealBadAngel for me game starts with gray screen and no world at all
15:20 RealBadAngel both in minimal or  minetest_game
15:20 VanessaE     it seems you're not the only one.
15:20 VanessaE     #1134
15:20 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1134 -- Server not sending any map/world to clients - 2927a32
15:21 VanessaE     and #1132
15:21 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1132 -- 0.4.9 (sometimes) failes to connect to old as well as latest server due to missing TOSERVER_RECEIVED_MEDIA
15:21 VanessaE     oh shit
15:21 VanessaE     I can't do it now either
15:21 VanessaE     singleplayer, brand new world ... DEAD!
15:21 RealBadAngel great
15:21 VanessaE     "Houston, we've had a problem."
15:22 RealBadAngel i just wanted to test skybox thingy
15:22 VanessaE     I am at git HEAD right now on my client.
15:22 VanessaE     just updated a few minutes ago
15:22 RealBadAngel it also works kinda weird
15:23 ShadowNinja  hmmmm: Maybe you should remove the "<mgname>_" prefix from spflags?
15:23 VanessaE     hmmmm: youbroke the mapgen - you broke the bloody mapgen! :P
15:23 VanessaE     (ref:  Galaxy Quest)
15:29 VanessaE     oh crap
15:29 VanessaE     this breaks ALL of my old maps
15:29 VanessaE     nothing whatsoever works
15:29 VanessaE     it ain't mapgen that's broke
15:29 VanessaE     it's something else
15:40 ShadowNinja  EmergeThread?
15:41 ShadowNinja  s/Thread/Manager/
15:42 VanessaE     my guess, yeah
15:42 VanessaE     no map loads at all
15:42 VanessaE     grey screen plus my wielded pick and hotbar
15:42 VanessaE     that's all I get.
15:42 VanessaE     all of my maps are like that
15:42 VanessaE     rolled it back to 284fc as Megaf suggested, and it works fine there.
15:42 VanessaE     (it = my client/singleplayer)
15:43 VanessaE     hah, in the brand new map that didn't work before, now that it works, turns out I spawned on top of a tree :D
15:45 RealBadAngel im trying different skyboxes found on the net and why the heck top image has to be rotated by 90 deg when used in game?
18:10 sapier       hmmmm we should decide about a consistend naming scheme for non exceptioning functions
18:13 sapier       I suggest using NoEx as it's used throughout current code while a quick look didn't show up any current usage of trySOMETHING
18:25 PilzAdam     sapier, #1132 map doesnt load for me either
18:25 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1132 -- 0.4.9 (sometimes) failes to connect to old as well as latest server due to missing TOSERVER_RECEIVED_MEDIA
18:26 PilzAdam     singleplayer, latest master
18:26 sapier       without curl?
18:26 PilzAdam     I have curl
18:26 sapier       strange
18:27 PilzAdam     does the world load for you?
18:27 sapier       right now I assume this to be multiple issues
18:27 sapier       As far as I remember yes, but I'm retrying
18:30 sapier       yes still works for me
18:31 sapier       well 0.4.9 will still fail until we decided if and case we do how to do a server side workaround
18:32 sapier       PilzAdam do you have latest git client and server?
18:32 PilzAdam     yep
18:32 sapier       and singleplayer?
18:32 PilzAdam     yes
18:32 sapier       so where's the difference
18:32 sapier       mods?
18:33 PilzAdam     minimal
18:33 sapier       default settings or something special?
18:33 PilzAdam     define "special"
18:34 sapier       someone mentioned a setting about disabling remote media. I haven't had a look what's this about
18:34 PilzAdam     https://gist.github.com/PilzAdam/b76dcc80b8513115cb76 my minetest.conf
18:35 sapier       nothing obvious in there
18:36 sapier       can you do a wireshark recording?
18:36 PilzAdam     any special settings for wireshark?
18:37 sapier       does singleplayer use 30000 too? if this is true you could limit to that port
18:37 PilzAdam     no, it creates a random port
18:37 sapier       does it happen on local server too?
18:38 RealBadAngel <VanessaE> the broken game is easy enough to roll back to a working version
18:38 RealBadAngel <VanessaE> git reset --hard 284fc0b88569075187019a1b311312e64e79d937
18:38 PilzAdam     .... no
18:38 PilzAdam     it works when starting the game from the server tab
18:38 RealBadAngel the current git isnt working at all
18:39 sapier       that's really strange
18:39 PilzAdam     well, I only got one block
18:39 RealBadAngel gray screen, no world loading
18:39 RealBadAngel no matter the game selected
18:39 sapier       wait .. if you sometimes get data this may be a plain deadlock
18:40 VanessaE     when the map greys-out, the chat and chat commands still work.
18:40 PilzAdam     you still need that wireshark log?
18:40 sapier       no with this information a gdb backtrace would be way more helpfull
18:42 sapier       and in best case show me and don't quit while I look at it
18:42 PilzAdam     https://gist.github.com/PilzAdam/8809700
18:43 sapier       :-( wrong way ... doesn't seem to be a deadlock
18:44 sapier       I guess I'll need the wireshark recording
18:45 sapier       right now I assume we're talking about two issues 1132 can't happen in latest git
18:46 sapier       ok I don't know about a way it could happen in latest git
18:54 sapier       PilzAdam can you switch to https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/458045d49fd96cf19bdd61b2f8dbdbc0fd11b587 and check if it's broken there too?
18:55 sapier       didn't realize the mapgen stuff is already in, I don't have that code in my version yet
18:55 Megaf_       sapier: Hi
18:55 Megaf_       get the latest git, compile however you want, use any mapgen
18:55 sapier       and result?
18:55 Megaf_       start the server and try to login, local or remote
18:56 Megaf_       gray screen
18:56 Megaf_       try single player, gray screen
18:56 sapier       ok does switching back to the version I mentioned above work?
18:56 PilzAdam     sapier, compiling
18:56 Megaf_       https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1134
18:56 Megaf_       sapier: read all comments
18:57 PilzAdam     (btw, wireshark is strange, it doesnt like my filters to port 30000)
18:57 Megaf_       switching back to 284fc0b as I was using before works fine
18:57 sapier       interface or display filter? those use different notation
18:57 PilzAdam     Megaf_, I think sapier already knows about the issue by now
18:57 Megaf_       I know
18:57 PilzAdam     sapier, that one work
18:57 PilzAdam     +s
18:58 sapier       ok so no need for a wireshark trace
18:58 Megaf_       sapier: PenguinDad tried some different commits and said it was working till a439343
18:58 Megaf_       But I can't confirm that
18:58 sapier       we've got two different issues ... the one from 1132 we already understand what happens ... and your new one which was added yesterday
18:59 PilzAdam     so hmmmm broke it?
18:59 RealBadAngel btw, adding one line of code: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UO_8U39qIM&feature=youtu.be
18:59 sapier       there are only his commits after that version but of course it could be some side effect too
19:00 sapier       does anyone else except me dislike adding a new notation for non exceptioning functions too?
19:02 PilzAdam     RealBadAngel, do the clouds move in a circle arround you?
19:02 RealBadAngel yes
19:02 PilzAdam     lol
19:02 RealBadAngel it add simply rotation to the skybox
19:02 sapier       do you wanna add a tornado/hurrikane? *g*
19:03 RealBadAngel after this line: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/src/game.cpp#L2487
19:03 RealBadAngel add this: skybox->addAnimator(smgr->createRotationAnimator(v3f(0,.0025,0)));
19:03 Megaf_       RealBadAngel: skybox, is that a mod?
19:03 RealBadAngel http://www.sendspace.pl/file/2c444da19c4fdf67d26b0d4
19:04 RealBadAngel this is sample skybox
19:04 RealBadAngel the one i used in video
19:04 sapier       is that leaves disortion already part of minetest?
19:05 Megaf_       sapier: lol, yes it is
19:05 RealBadAngel Megaf_,  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/86a6cca3cf641fc2c88184ad26d2be3d7e7460f7
19:05 Megaf_       it a "shader"
19:05 sapier       never seen it :-) but it's great
19:05 Megaf_       sapier: waving stuff in shaders menu
19:06 sapier       if I didn't always have to fix basic bugs I'd have more time to look at cool new stuff ;-)
19:06 Megaf_       RealBadAngel: That's awesome. Too bad we can't implement that on server side
19:07 Megaf_       I know how you feel
19:07 VanessaE     guys can we get 1132 and 1134 dealt with first?
19:07 sapier       PilzAdam about #1132 I guess I can fix the issue by version bumping as we bumped version prior 0.4.9 too
19:07 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1132 -- 0.4.9 (sometimes) failes to connect to old as well as latest server due to missing TOSERVER_RECEIVED_MEDIA
19:07 RealBadAngel server sets the sky for players...
19:07 VanessaE     wtf good are skyboxes and shaders if the game can't even start?
19:08 sapier       I don't understand mapgen at all so the only way I could fix it would be reverting but I don't wanna do that
19:08 RealBadAngel this can be used for different skies for realms
19:08 PilzAdam     VanessaE, you can see the skybox by enabling noclip and fly
19:08 PilzAdam     the server doesnt have to send blocks for that :-)
19:08 VanessaE     ?
19:09 sapier       don't take PilzAdam too serious he knows he's talking crap right now ;-P
19:09 RealBadAngel also i think it could be possible to blend skybox textures to have clouds at day, stars at night
19:09 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, and the direction can be defined by a vector, it doesnt have to spin in the circle
19:10 RealBadAngel v3f(0,.0025,0) here i have defined only speed around Y axis
19:17 Megaf_       I don't get it, what does 1132 and 1134 have to do with mapgen?
19:17 sapier       1132 doesn't have to do anything with mapgen
19:17 Megaf_       I think server is just missing something
19:18 sapier       the only thing changes to as of working state is mapgen
19:18 sapier       and settings
19:18 Megaf_       so could be just a simple thing, let me check
19:18 sapier       could be but those changes aren't simple
19:19 sapier       and imho the settings changes are wrong and need fixing
19:20 sapier       but that's a consistency issue nothing that'd explain a hang
19:29 Megaf_       sapier: well, theres only one way to know, fixing them
19:29 Megaf_       perhaps that should be priority by now
19:30 sapier       lets give hmmmm some time to find it
19:31 Megaf_       sapier: I pay you a beer or a pizza
19:31 Megaf_       will that help you?
19:33 sapier       nope I don't have any intention to learn about mapgen while I haven't finished server clenups
20:32 Sokomine     after a  git reset --hard 458045d49fd96cf19bdd61b2f8dbdbc0fd11b587    everything works again. so it has to be in some of the latest commits
23:09 hmmmm        what is this i heard about mapgen not generating
23:10 VanessaE     no
23:10 hmmmm        it got the works on my machine seal of approval
23:10 VanessaE     emergethread is not loading *anything*
23:10 VanessaE     including old maps.
23:10 hmmmm        interesting
23:11 VanessaE     but chat and commands work.  roll back to 458045d49f and it's fine.
23:11 hmmmm        well
23:11 hmmmm        i know what has the potential to cause that
23:12 hmmmm        does it say "EmergeManager: using 0 threads" ? or something
23:12 hmmmm        in the infostream
23:12 VanessaE     never checked.
23:12 VanessaE     hold a few mins.
23:12 hmmmm        nevermind, that's logically impossible to happen
23:13 hmmmm        hmm let me read more about what occured over the course of the day
23:13 * VanessaE   waits for the "oh shit...I did THAT?" moment.......
23:15 VanessaE     18:15:44: INFO[main]: EmergeManager: using 1 threads
23:16 hmmmm        alright
23:16 hmmmm        so penguindad, megaf, and you are having this problem
23:16 hmmmm        is anybody else?
23:16 VanessaE     and Soko, and Taoki
23:16 hmmmm        first we need to figure out what you all have in common
23:17 VanessaE     afaict, the only thing we all have in common is we all tried to use commits newer than 458045d49f, but we've all tried with both brand new maps and older, well-worn worlds.
23:18 hmmmm        there must be some setting
23:18 * VanessaE   looks in her (level-4) debug.txt ...
23:18 hmmmm        wild guess but
23:18 hmmmm        do you have emergequeue_limit_* specified in your settings.conf?
23:18 sapier       sokomine has problems too
23:18 sapier       I haven't tried yet
23:18 VanessaE     nope.
23:18 VanessaE     I do not.
23:18 hmmmm        hm ah i do
23:18 hmmmm        let's see if this happens if I don't
23:19 VanessaE     also:  this affects singleplayer as well as separate server/client setups
23:19 hmmmm        yup that's the problem
23:19 hmmmm        okay
23:19 hmmmm        so the NoEx functions don't seem to work or something...?
23:19 hmmmm        hmm
23:19 hmmmm        I see no reason why it shouldn't
23:20 sapier       you mean "try" functions ;-)
23:20 VanessaE     ok
23:20 hmmmm        i'm going to change them to NoEx for consistency
23:20 sapier       thanks :-)
23:21 sapier       I've got same issue with latest git
23:24 hmmmm        alright i don't get it
23:25 hmmmm        the try* versions seem to be returning true even after getting into an exception
23:25 hmmmm        is that code incorrect or something?
23:26 hmmmm        anyway I know how I'm going to fix it, I'm going to make the no-exception versions the base variants, and instead the exception versions will be wrappers around get*NoEx
23:26 sapier       at least for bool you catch it in non try version too
23:27 hmmmm        no I don't do that
23:27 hmmmm        that's celeron's original code
23:27 hmmmm        see I wanted to modify the least amount possible
23:27 hmmmm        exceptions were a horrible design decision for settings.. it really makes things more awkward to use than it should, and other things impossible
23:28 sapier       true the whole "use exceptions as return code" is bad
23:28 hmmmm        so sapier, do *you* see anything wrong with the code?
23:28 sapier       https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/a439343844cf821e4922e23f1638b92e2cfb14ac L 591 seems to change getBool behaviour to me
23:30 hmmmm        no that doesn't change getBool
23:30 hmmmm        that piece of code at 591 is in getStruct
23:31 sapier       argh that's just a crazy diff artefact
23:32 hmmmm        honestly
23:32 hmmmm        i'd fix this right now but
23:32 hmmmm        i am too tired
23:32 hmmmm        i'm running on 4 hours 30 minutes of sleep
23:32 hmmmm        first thing when i wake up though i promise
23:33 sapier       it's dev branch so not a big problem ;-) ... you shouldn't commit things with that less sleep. At least I do make a lot of silly mistakes in that condition ;-)
23:33 hmmmm        but
23:34 VanessaE     honestly, hmmmm .... mind if I make a suggestion?
23:34 hmmmm        if somebody can figure out what's wrong with the approach i tried taking with the no exception variants please tell me why
23:34 hmmmm        i'm genuinely interested why that doesn't work
23:34 sapier       not telling this is a silly mistake in worst case your changes trigger a bug beeing in there before
23:34 VanessaE     don't commit just before you head off for bed..... it makes stuff like this a lot harder to fix...
23:34 hmmmm        vanessae, i don't have all day to code things
23:35 hmmmm        by the time i'm done with what i was coding up it's night
23:35 sapier       well it'll be there a day later to commit too ;-)
23:36 sapier       and mapgen is an area not modified every day so chance a rebase is necessary aren't that big
23:36 hmmmm        well
23:36 sapier       but it's still dev branch and not stable so occassional breakage isn't world devastating
23:37 hmmmm        if you want it to work for the moment, set emergequeue_limit_generate and emergequeue_limit_diskonly both to 10 or something in the config
23:37 hmmmm        but seriously later
23:37 hmmmm        i'm out
23:37 sapier       good night
23:39 VanessaE     well... I just meant (noting that it's too late for him to see this) that said commits should perhaps wait till the next day before pushing is all.
23:42 sapier       hmmmm it's not your idea beeing wrong but minetest never checking for errors