Time  Nick       Message
19:52 BlockMen   why needs #928 rebase?
19:53 sfan5      BlockMen: github says so
19:57 * BlockMen doesnt like github
19:58 BlockMen   so i have to merge all commits into that branch and then its rebased?
20:00 sfan5      no
20:00 sfan5      you need to rebase it
20:00 sfan5      tutorials can be found with your favorite search engine
20:09 BlockMen   sfan5, have i to do that or do you guys that when mergin?
20:14 sfan5      git remote add upstream https://github.com/minetest/minetest; git fetch upstream; git rebase upstream/master; git push -f
20:14 sfan5      if merge conflicts occur you need to run "git mergetool"
20:22 BlockMen   sfan5, is there i way to solve a merge conflict manually? it says it cant find the "mergetool" file, in my case (windows) bcomp.exe
20:22 sfan5      you can solve it manually
20:22 sfan5      ...
20:23 sfan5      the changes from LOCAL and REMOTE (both) need to into the BASE file
20:27 BlockMen   umm...it seems i need more practise with git
20:28 BlockMen   so the rebase will take a while i guess :\
20:36 andersje   so...has anyone ever considered implementing a funtion for "minetest.get_objects_inside_area", to go with the "get_objects_inside_radius" function?