Time Nick Message 00:02 kahrl should I expose just httpfetch_async or also httpfetch_sync? 00:03 Exio4 i guess only the async 00:39 VanessaE celeron55: here's the sign-on/off results so far: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5960879/ 00:42 VanessaE celeron55: the few people last night that tried to sign on were able to do so and play without issue 00:46 VanessaE LazyJ was one person who was having great difficulty before. I see that he signed on and stayed for about 17 mins in one case and about 72 minutes in the second. aracnus was also having major troubled before. took a couple of tries, but he stayed on for a bit less than 2 hours. 00:46 VanessaE troubles* 00:47 VanessaE stormchaser2000 was another, got about 45 minutes out of his first session. 00:47 VanessaE so that change definitely improved the situation. 00:49 kahrl description of httpfetch lua interface: https://gist.github.com/kahrl/6180449 00:49 kahrl anything to change? now's the best time :) 00:50 VanessaE *looks* 00:51 VanessaE NO! That's totally wrong, worst possible thing you coulda done! You forgot a PERIOD ON LINE 11!!! :-) 00:51 kahrl lol 00:52 PilzAdam kahrl, what is "succeeded" if timeout=true? 00:52 VanessaE seriously though, it looks good on a quick read 00:52 PilzAdam oh, sry, I cant read 00:54 kahrl the exact same thing might be the way to go in the mainmenu lua api 00:54 kahrl not sure about that yet 00:55 PilzAdam we just need to rewrite the formspec code to accept html and we finally have your Minetest webbrowser 00:55 kahrl goal for 0.4.9? :) 00:57 VanessaE heh 00:57 VanessaE just link it to Webkit :P 00:57 VanessaE everyone else does *ducks* 02:24 celeron55 00:08:37 <+kahrl> but I agree, it's probably not worth it to make such a complicated system 02:24 celeron55 actually making a thing that listens to multiple sockets is usually very simple 02:24 celeron55 and the compatibility that one gains from is is quite nice 02:24 celeron55 not sure how that'd go in minetest though 02:27 celeron55 VanessaE: well, at least some games do that these days 02:30 VanessaE heh, and I was speaking sarcastically :) 02:34 celeron55 VanessaE: can you grep for the log line you added also, and for "Failed to emerge player" and for "New connection"... actually something like grep "\(joins\|leaves\|emerge player\|New connection\|tried to connect\|tried to join\|password\|TOSERVER_INIT\|another client\) 02:34 celeron55 +" 02:35 celeron55 plus the line you added 02:35 celeron55 if those don't match it 02:35 celeron55 also "times out" 02:35 VanessaE sure 02:39 VanessaE http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5961116/ 02:39 VanessaE (the extra match string is "check triggered at line") 02:40 VanessaE oops, forgot the "times out" bit. 02:41 VanessaE http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5961119/ 02:41 celeron55 why is there so much register stuff at the beginning 02:41 VanessaE "leaves" :P 02:42 celeron55 oh dog 02:42 celeron55 make it "leaves game" 02:42 VanessaE probably should...yeah, that 02:42 celeron55 also include the command at the beginning so it doesn't need to be guessed 02:43 VanessaE http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5961123/ 02:43 VanessaE that's a little more concise :P 02:43 celeron55 so who are the ones who complained before and now reported no problems? 02:44 celeron55 LazyJ and stormchaser2000? 02:44 VanessaE LazyJ, aracnus, stormchaser2000 seemed to have the worst of the problems, yeah 02:44 VanessaE the log seemed to indicate earlier that their problems are fixed/ 02:46 VanessaE "supplied empty password", "supplied wrong password"... . gee, fellas, so you suppose maybe you should type in the right password? :) 02:46 VanessaE do* 02:47 celeron55 at 12:32:58 there occurs an odd thing 02:48 celeron55 i wonder if there's something missing from that grep still 02:49 celeron55 it gives no explanation for how the first connection ends 02:49 VanessaE *checks the log* 02:49 VanessaE that's stormchaser2000 02:49 VanessaE but that's all I'm getting from the log that means anything to me anyway 02:50 VanessaE (pfft, even says that right in the grep'd output. I swear I'm blind) 02:50 celeron55 the client connects three times and that grep didn't catch anything that tells that the first connection would have ended 02:51 VanessaE he tried to chat a bit after that... 02:51 VanessaE (reading) 02:51 celeron55 i'm looking for something that happened between 12:32:58 and 12:33:01 02:52 celeron55 just paste the full log from that time or something 02:53 VanessaE doing that now 02:53 VanessaE http://pastebin.com/djdFj0D7 02:55 VanessaE maybe just a routine client crash? 02:56 celeron55 no 02:58 VanessaE <celeron55> wtf? this makes no sense. 02:58 VanessaE ;) 03:00 celeron55 how this looks to me is that the client spews TOCLIENT_INITs at such an interval that is higher than RTT, the server receives the first, allocates the player to the client and then it receives the second and sees that "oh this player is already allocated to some client, this one asking it can't have it" 03:02 celeron55 this actually seems to happen all the time 03:10 celeron55 oh, i mean TOSERVER_INITs 03:12 celeron55 okay, pushed a fix to this 03:13 celeron55 (revert all the changes you made and take this; it should work) 03:13 VanessaE done and done. 03:13 VanessaE *compiles* 03:16 VanessaE um.. 03:16 VanessaE hang on. 03:16 VanessaE unrelated issue 03:18 VanessaE now how the fuck did that happen? 03:18 VanessaE brb 03:18 VanessaE somehow my change to mapnode.h (0xfffU --> 0x7fff) got undone, along with the VBO patch and exio's tweaks. 03:21 celeron55 a giant red sign "USER ERROR" starts blinking on the wall 03:22 VanessaE heh 03:22 VanessaE probably :P 03:22 VanessaE no worries, easy enough to re-apply the, 03:22 VanessaE them* 03:27 VanessaE there we go, now let's get the server going :P 03:28 VanessaE ok, it's up and running. 03:33 VanessaE started with a fresh debug log (kept the old one on hand in case it's needed for refernece) 03:52 VanessaE celeron55: still connecting/downloading? 03:53 celeron55 it took basically forever 03:53 VanessaE yeah 03:53 celeron55 but i already had a previous cache from your server on this thing 03:53 celeron55 otherwise it would have taken forever times ten 03:53 VanessaE no cURL right now (it's set up, but not enabled because of a bug in passing .x files to the client. kahrl knows about the issue) 03:56 celeron55 i really think there should be a tiny http server in minetestserver until an overally better protocol is made 03:56 celeron55 last time i suggested i could make it, people shot it down though 03:56 VanessaE same here. 03:57 celeron55 i guess they like to have some kind of a dictatorship over usable servers 03:57 VanessaE I've made the same request a few times. the responses were.... unflattering. 03:57 celeron55 because they can set up http servers themselves 04:09 VanessaE well so far, so good 04:09 VanessaE (enjoying the scenery? ;) ) 04:13 celeron55 you can't really call seeing 40 nodes ahead a "scenery" 04:13 VanessaE heh 04:14 celeron55 i saw a few houses and a road i guess 8) 04:14 VanessaE using shaders? 04:14 VanessaE well probably not 04:14 celeron55 of course not; those run at like 1 to 5 fps on this 04:14 VanessaE right, almost forgot you're on a laptop 04:15 celeron55 (i don't use them on my other computer either though) 04:15 VanessaE probably no ability to use VBOs either then. 04:15 VanessaE pilzadam/toaki's patch does give a nice boost for me. 04:15 celeron55 mostly no benefit for less polygons 13:54 celeron55 "Hello, I can not change the keys as "save" does not work." "help me" "Thank you in advance" 13:54 celeron55 oh god 13:56 celeron55 okay so who wants to help this... random probably-french(-based-on-email-domain) kid? 13:56 thexyz make a template email stating that he/she should use forums 13:57 thexyz auto answer those 14:01 celeron55 oh, related to that: does anyone else think the punbb search is terrible? 14:01 PilzAdam I usually use ixquick.com with "host:forum.minetest.net" 14:01 celeron55 it isn't really capable of sorting results based on relevance 14:02 thexyz punbb is terrible 14:04 thexyz also, it uses mysql fulltext search probably 14:05 celeron55 yeah, it's obviously some trivial implementation 14:09 Calinou punbb is way lighter than phpbb, iirc 14:09 Calinou phpbb is good but can be overcomplicated 14:12 celeron55 well thexyz wants the whatever thing that costs money 14:13 thexyz uh why? 14:13 thexyz i want whatever is supported and popular 14:13 celeron55 are you asking from us why you want something? 8D 14:13 thexyz bonus points if written in python 14:13 thexyz why do you think i want something that costs money 14:14 celeron55 oh by the way, what came of the something of which the authors said it isn't production-ready? 14:14 celeron55 have i asked about this already? 14:14 thexyz http://misago-project.org/ this one? 14:14 celeron55 yes 14:14 thexyz looks like it ain't dead https://github.com/rafalp/Misago/commits/develop 14:15 celeron55 was there a problem or do you want to wait for it to be officially released or are you lazy? 14:15 thexyz well I'm not sure how production-unfriendly this is 14:16 celeron55 maybe one could ask 14:17 celeron55 http://misago-project.org/thread/how-to-misago-on-localhost-in-5-minutes-19/ 14:18 celeron55 well, that at least says it's not recommended at all 14:18 * celeron55 imaginarily schedules the next check of misago at beginning of 2014 14:19 thexyz > Sorry, it's too early. Misago is still in heavy development. 14:19 thexyz and there's no irc channel 14:21 celeron55 also they seem to mainly develop it on windows 14:22 thexyz https://github.com/rafalp/Misago/issues/milestones 14:22 thexyz that is not a problem 16:26 sapier http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/SparkyLinux-3-0-Linux-System-fuer-Spielefans-1932240.html we got mentioned at heise.de 17:04 celeron55 of those non-linked but mentioned projects, MT is probably the most popular :P 17:05 Calinou more popular than the distro :P 17:07 Exio4 minetest, teeworlds, and pingus 17:07 Exio4 the ones i know from that list 17:54 thexyz can we ask them to link to the site? 18:01 celeron55 i guess they would've linked if they wanted to 18:02 Akien Yep, I checked SparkyLinux's website for all the games they include (in case there are a few nice games I could package for Mageia) 18:02 Akien Many of those games are not maintained since 2006 or earlier, and the websites are often dead. 18:02 Akien So yeah, minetest is among the most active games included on this distro :) 18:04 thexyz > find_package(OpenGLES2) 18:04 thexyz wat 18:04 Akien I guess supertuxkart, wesnoth and megaglest are also among the active ones. 18:05 thexyz I mean, why does it search for opengles even when I only build server 18:05 Exio4 ask proller 18:05 Exio4 he implemented that part 8) 18:08 celeron55 thexyz: sounds like easy to fix though 18:27 proller if(BUILD_CLIENT) 18:28 proller find_package(OpenGLES2) 18:28 proller endif() 18:49 thexyz is there a way to force minetestserver to load a block on startup? 18:50 Exio4 more than a fake client, i don't know any way 18:51 kahrl thexyz: minetest.after(0, function() ... some voxelmanip stuff ... end) 18:52 thexyz wow, that's great 18:55 Exio4 i guess just loading blocks from there would work kahrl 18:57 thexyz kahrl: thanks, it works 19:00 celeron55 lol, great way to abuse voxelmanipulators 19:00 celeron55 anyway this was actually useful to me too 19:00 celeron55 i need to update minetest-worldtest to the current version 19:03 celeron55 it lacks implementations for 0.4.4, 0.4.5, 0.4.6 and 0.4.7 though 19:04 celeron55 0.4.4 did some big changes and i became too lazy to make a new patch for it 19:36 celeron55 ...also i'm probably too lazy now too 19:36 celeron55 or actually, i'm taking a break to do something else