Time Nick Message 00:00 celeron55 hmmmm: yes, but we have our own standards 00:00 emptty 0.4.6 is 3 month old, common 01:07 Exio https://github.com/EXio4/minetest/commit/18eec3aac4d998d63e4f87e90835964846d94f8f 01:07 Exio just recalled that 04:33 ShadowNinja K|ray should probably be added to that list. 12:57 rubenwardy http://www.yourworldoftext.com/minetest 12:57 rubenwardy woops 12:57 rubenwardy wrong channel :P 16:19 proller try #N: maybe merge ipv6 with fixes ? 18:34 PilzAdam https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest/commit/b23d20e8ba799c60a132a7a40908fecc596f74b9 18:34 PilzAdam any objections? 18:37 VanessaE oh G*d no, that'll break everything and send us back to the 0.2.x days in functionality ;) 18:45 Mallot1 i havean edit for the mob framework 18:45 PilzAdam this channel is not for mods 18:45 Mallot1 ok 18:45 Mallot1 sorry 18:46 Mallot1 can i work on the game core? 18:47 PilzAdam of course you can, Minetest's sourcecode is licensed under LGPL 18:47 Mallot1 ok :) 18:48 kaeza PilzAdam, I have some silly idea: how about exposing hacky_swap_node as default.swap_node? 18:48 PilzAdam no, hacky_sawp_node should not be used by anyone 18:49 Taoki Anyone kind enough to help a fellow dev? http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=95933 18:49 Taoki That code killed my mind for hours 18:49 kaeza it's used at least by technic and homedecro 18:49 kaeza cor* 18:52 kaeza Taoki, looks like the implementation of a GUI layout manager. Maybe you can find some code on the net 18:52 Taoki hmm 18:54 kaeza It's not very simple in 2D, worse in 3D 18:55 kaeza but since you plan on making villages with it, I'd say ignore the 3rd dimension and take the world as a flat 2D surface 19:03 Taoki kaeza: The calculation needs to be in 2D 19:03 Taoki Since bottom is always chosen vertically so it doesn't matter 19:03 Taoki erm, ground level is 19:04 kaeza Taoki, it may be simple 19:05 kaeza just check whether the four coordinates are inside another box 19:06 kaeza (x1,z1),(x1,z2),(x2,z1),(x2,z2) 19:06 Taoki kaeza: Yeah, but I need to find the closest free space 19:07 VanessaE start by comparing the largest of your candidate objects against the smallest of the free space regions 19:07 VanessaE it's brute force, but it'll give you something usable 19:08 VanessaE (kaeza's idea is also, but in a case like this, I don't think there's a better way) 19:08 Taoki Issue is even finding the free spaces 19:08 kahrl I'm pretty sure this is NP hard 19:08 kahrl Assuming you're looking for the absolute "best" solution 19:09 VanessaE well you surely have a large region of free space to start with (e.g. a new map). 19:09 VanessaE hrm 19:09 Taoki VanessaE: Sure. I start adding from a position down-to-right 19:10 VanessaE Taoki: in that case, you could simply assume the next free space starts at the up-and-to-the-left corner of your candidate space 19:11 VanessaE also, look at that x screensaver that does the same 19:11 VanessaE what was it called, tetrominoes or some such? 19:11 Taoki That would be easy if I was only adding them in one direction. But once I'd get to the rows, I need to knoww the building fits there 19:11 VanessaE Polyominoes 19:11 VanessaE that's the name of it 19:12 kaeza Taoki, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Packing_problem 19:12 VanessaE that does a 2D fill of a region with irregular polys 19:12 VanessaE you should be able to borrow that code to help you out 19:13 VanessaE (but watching it run, it obviously brute-forces the fill) 19:13 hmmmm pretty sure packing problems are NP hard 19:13 hmmmm exactly, what vanessa said 19:16 VanessaE Taoki: just make sure that if you brute-force it, that you limit how many tries your code makes with each successive step of the fill, so that it doesn't just run on forever when it gets to that last 10-20% of the free space. 19:17 Taoki I'll think more about it 19:17 VanessaE https://github.com/danfuzz/xscreensaver/blob/master/hacks/polyominoes.c 19:18 hmmmm my recommendation is that you don't bother making it optimal 19:19 hmmmm try a clever heuristic, but keep in mind that brute forcing a solution isn't a job for lua 19:20 VanessaE agreed 19:20 VanessaE hmmmm: less'n you wanna put such an algorithm into the engine ;-) 19:21 hmmmm nothing like this is going into the engine 19:21 VanessaE I was joking 19:21 hmmmm you might give him an idea 19:21 hmmmm everybody wants everything in the engine 19:22 hmmmm and then if we don't do it, "waa waa you're holding minetest back, no wonder why everybody's leaving" 19:23 VanessaE well sure, but I can see their arguments too, from one standpoint only: C++ is the only way to get real, honest-to-G*d speed out of anything, in this particular venue. 19:24 VanessaE There's so much out there that people want to do that is just not possible (in a playable or usable manner) in Lua, which leaves C++ as the only other option. 19:25 hmmmm but *they* are the ones who want it 19:25 VanessaE true. 19:26 VanessaE so maybe what's needed is a C++ API that is as easy to use as the Lua one. 19:26 hmmmm the whole point of lua is so that if they want something they can do it without anybody else necessarily wanting it 19:26 hmmmm vanessae, not happening when there's so much variance in platforms 19:26 hmmmm i figured that'd be a good idea too at one point 19:26 PilzAdam "that is as easy to use as the Lua one." how would you do that? 19:27 VanessaE PilzAdam: I haven't figured out the details yet, but I expect it would need some form of just-in-time compiling. 19:27 VanessaE the API would have to be incredibly simplified of course. 19:27 VanessaE most of the engine internals being off-limits 19:29 VanessaE and at this rate I don't expect to figure out said details, as it's obvious that it will not be considered at this time. 19:29 VanessaE (if ever) 19:30 sapier theres an issue with the minetest.env: wrapper it doesn't pass nil arguments correctly 19:30 VanessaE I don't believe MT is being "held back" like some folks claimed, but do consider that the main competition to MT uses mods that are integrated into, or at least which tap into, the game engine in such a way as to directly modify the engine itself. We can't do that with Lua. 19:31 VanessaE which means said competitor, whom I do not need to name, has the advantage of being able to do things we simply cannot do. 19:31 PilzAdam MC "mods" are more like engine patches 19:31 VanessaE PilzAdam: I just said that. 19:32 PilzAdam you can create engine patches for Minetest too 19:32 PilzAdam (see my "see your own player" "mod") 19:32 * Taoki wishes PilzAdam's mob framework would get in Minetest already :) 19:32 VanessaE so we have one of two options to compete: Either keep adding random features to the API until there's nothing left that we can't do in some roundabout way, or allow C++ modding. 19:32 sapier << thinks pilzadams simplemobs are way to buggy to be included ;-P 19:33 sapier btw mob framework is not simplemobs ;-) 19:33 Taoki meh. The simple mobs are buggy, the not simple mobs (forgot who owns those) are too laggy 19:33 Taoki yeah, that was the other one 19:34 sapier taoki have you ever tried mobf without the advanced mobs? ;-) 19:34 sapier I guess they won't be laggy anymore 19:34 PilzAdam ^ thats the third "throw simple mobs in" wish 19:34 Taoki Not really. Waiting for something more... final 19:34 VanessaE PilzAdam: the difference is that your code is distributed as a patch. I'm talking about self-contained blobs of program code that hook into the engine the way Lua does, but which are compiled either at run-time (ala luajit) or ahead of time for distribution (ala luac) 19:34 VanessaE forget adding any mobs of any kind right now 19:34 VanessaE not until those stupid entity bugs are fixed. 19:35 PilzAdam mobf is too bloated 19:35 sapier it'll never be final taoki as it's a matter of personal taste the more "perfect" the mobs will be the more cpu power they need 19:35 sapier mobf is a library supporting different things so you don't have to reimplement it for every mob itself 19:35 Taoki yeah. well, one good enough to go in Minetest mostly :) 19:35 Taoki Perhaps as part of builtin 19:35 PilzAdam VanessaE, MC doesnt have this 19:35 Taoki yeah. That would be one I'd like to see added 19:36 VanessaE PilzAdam: so? 19:36 sapier taoki that's the exact problem not even mobf is perfect enough to be added to core 19:36 VanessaE MC doesn't *need* it. 19:36 sapier and simple mobs is far from that 19:36 VanessaE because of the architecture of MT, we do need it or will eventually. 19:36 sapier yes the entity bugs are crazy 19:37 sapier VanessaE "self contained blobs of programm code" thats metacode 19:38 VanessaE sapier: no, think more like extra libraries 19:38 sapier so you have to compile it for any architecture 19:38 VanessaE except in some format that we can be sure to be able to load regardles of platform 19:38 VanessaE +s 19:38 sapier that's not possible per definition VanessaE 19:38 VanessaE it is if it's just-in-time compiled. 19:38 sapier either code is platform specific or its at least metacode 19:39 VanessaE such compilers exist for C++ do they not? 19:39 sapier no 19:39 sapier at least I never heared of c++ jit compilers 19:39 VanessaE ok then a regular compiler. 19:39 VanessaE compile it once, cache the result. 19:39 sapier so we integrate a compiler to minetest?? 19:39 VanessaE run the result on future runs of the server. 19:39 VanessaE no silly 19:40 PilzAdam sapier, a quick serach brought some up, but they are platform specific too 19:40 VanessaE call upon whatever is installed on the system 19:40 VanessaE same as we do now to compile the engine in the first place. 19:40 PilzAdam inb4 Minetest OS 1.0 19:40 VanessaE if the system lacks a compiler, the mod doesn't run and the engine throws an error 19:40 VanessaE don't overthink the process 19:40 PilzAdam wheres the browser? 19:40 sapier VanessaE users normaly don't compile minetest 19:40 VanessaE sapier: oh well, then said users just don't run those kinds of mods. 19:40 sapier imho that's completely wrong direction 19:41 VanessaE well we don't have any other choice, have we? 19:41 sapier and I think luajit is quite fast have you ever seen performance comparison of pathfinding algorithms? 19:42 VanessaE it's either use Lua, which is painfully slow for some things (even with luajit), or use C++ with some kind of on-demand compiling, or introduce another language suitable for the purpose 19:42 sapier luajit is faster than -O0 native code and not far from -O3 ... BUT there are some api calls that are implemented that stupid it's losing all performace 19:42 VanessaE sapier: such as? 19:42 VanessaE (what API calls?) 19:42 sapier environment access 19:43 kaeza VanessaE, it's a bit of a hack, but you can create a C library to do the hard work, which returns the result as a string. The string is thel "loaded" into Lua and it can do the job of feeding it to the engine 19:43 sapier minetest now suffers about a problem linux kernel did 10 years ago 19:43 VanessaE and why have such things not been fixed already? a thousand new features have been added to the engine over the past year, yet some of our worst bugs go unfixed. 19:43 sapier there's exactly one LOCK 19:43 sapier yes there are more but all of them are taken same time ;) 19:44 sapier because fixing it is quite a big deal and needs changes throughout minetest 19:44 kaeza concurrency in Lua is "unsupported" by the developers 19:44 PilzAdam VanessaE, fact is that the current Lua API works perfectly fine for _many_ things 19:44 sapier the scriptapi split I merged was a part of preparation to split up the locks 19:45 VanessaE PilzAdam: and for many things, it sucks ass. everyone here can come up with at least one thing that's either stupidly designed, slow, or just plain inadequate. 19:45 PilzAdam VanessaE, people tend to want things that are impossible, and they dont care about whats already possible 19:45 sapier we need to remove the environment lock around lua calls 19:45 VanessaE PilzAdam: nothing's impossible if you have the skills. 19:45 VanessaE (and I presume most folks here do) 19:46 sapier PilzAdam improving performance isn't impossible 19:46 PilzAdam if we improve the performance people want even more complex things, wich leads to more performance improvements 19:46 VanessaE PilzAdam: what makes things impossible is laziness, lack of desire, or lack of skill to code the thing in question. 19:47 sapier currently minetest uses exactly one core 19:47 PilzAdam I just say that improving speed isnt the only goal 19:47 VanessaE bullshit 19:47 PilzAdam sapier, nope 19:47 VanessaE speed should be THE primary goal. 19:47 VanessaE remember, Minetest is supposed to be able to run on old computers. 19:47 sapier PilzAdam in current state it should be the primary goal 19:47 PilzAdam adding new features is important too 19:47 VanessaE adding new features is useless if the engine is too slow. 19:48 PilzAdam otherwise we would have only a set_node() function that is extremly fast, but useless since there are no other functions 19:48 kaeza derp 19:48 VanessaE slipper slope argument. 19:48 VanessaE +y 19:48 kaeza wasn't the point of VoxelManipulator a faster version of set_node basically? 19:48 VanessaE kaeza: and then some 19:48 sapier PilzAdam we're not talking about fixing a single function we're talking about redesign of core components ... while keeping compatibility 19:48 PilzAdam kaeza, its a new feature 19:49 PilzAdam so its not speed improvement as VanessaE wants it 19:49 kaeza PilzAdam, a new feature towards speed 19:49 sapier and it doesn't fix minetests extreme data coupling problem 19:49 VanessaE PilzAdam: its whole purpose is speed. 19:49 VanessaE speed in setting tons of nodes at once 19:49 VanessaE (and other things, hmmmm can explain it better of course) 19:50 PilzAdam IMO the main goal of the engine is outsourcing more things to Lua (like HP handling (wich requires client side Lua)) 19:50 VanessaE um.. 19:50 PilzAdam and these things dont really need more speed in Lua 19:50 VanessaE no 19:50 VanessaE just, no 19:51 PilzAdam how can you say "no" to a sentence that starts with "IMO"? 19:51 VanessaE if you're gonna outsource everything to Lua, why bother writing anything in C++? 19:51 PilzAdam oh, you misread what I was saying 19:51 PilzAdam I was talking about "more things", not "everything" 19:53 PilzAdam also, this doesnt mean that speed improvement or anything is completly out of scope 19:53 sapier why the hell doesn't anyone realize current pc's have 4 8 16 cores ... minetest is capable of using ONE ... is it that difficult to realize the potential speed gain? 19:53 PilzAdam sapier, Minetest has several threads 19:53 Jordach different platforms manage cores differently 19:53 VanessaE sapier: well hmmmm has done some work on getting the mapgen to use multiple cores. 19:53 VanessaE but there's a lot of gain left to be had. 19:53 sapier threads are USELESS if all threads require SAME LOCKS 19:53 Jordach so supporting this is hard as different kernels use different APIs 19:54 VanessaE and a LOT of speed improvements to be had in the form of code that just runs faster, too 19:54 Exio sapier is right 19:54 PilzAdam sapier, I guess the main reason for this is that Minetest is designed for slow PCs 19:54 Exio PilzAdam: threads are better everywhere 19:54 VanessaE PilzAdam: and runs like shit on said slow PCs 19:54 Jordach i cant even break 40fps any more 19:55 sapier so we need to decide either make this a powerfull engine or stay at slowmo 19:55 VanessaE Jordach: go to the spawn on my server, you won't even break 20. 19:55 Jordach i wont even break 10 19:55 PilzAdam problems just started because we went into a different direction lately 19:56 sapier VanessaE that's something completely different I guess graphics system needs lots of improovements too but I don't know how it can be done there 19:56 hmmmm sapier, like i said, RCU for mapblocks would help a lot 19:56 VanessaE sapier: with the exception of that last comment about fps, I'm not talking about the client. 19:56 hmmmm would eliminate the need for an envlock in most cases 19:57 Exio RCU? 19:57 hmmmm read-copy-update 19:57 Exio ah 19:57 hmmmm anyway 19:57 sapier hmmmm yes it would 19:57 VanessaE hmmmm: but when is that going to happen? 19:57 hmmmm a good candidate for parallelizing would be the meshgen thread 19:58 Exio the meshgen? 19:58 sapier we need to eleminate as much locks as possible 19:58 VanessaE (as in, a measure of weeks, months, years?) 19:58 hmmmm but it might also be a better idea to look into smarter algorithms 19:58 Exio isn't it already thread-ed? 19:58 hmmmm vanessae, dunno, there are more pressing issues for me 19:58 sapier once that's done we can paralellize more 19:58 sapier hmmmm problem with that lock is that they are hold while lua is called 19:58 PilzAdam Exio, it uses 1 thread 19:59 sapier so if anyone does a long lua function mapgen can't do anything 19:59 Exio ah, multithreaded in that sense 20:00 hmmmm sapier, about that 20:00 sapier most lua functions don't even need map access ;-) 20:00 hmmmm i'm adding lua api to explicitly disable locks for the time being 20:00 hmmmm along with lua MVM 20:00 sapier mod access to locks? NOOOOOO .... 20:00 hmmmm (you can't really make the most use of voxelmanipulator without leaving it unlocked) 20:00 hmmmm sapier, yesssssss 20:00 sapier no I won't look for any bug if you add this 20:01 hmmmm i don't need you to look for bugs 20:01 hmmmm i need people to be able to use lua effectively 20:01 VanessaE that's pretty stupid, imho, hmmmm. locks should have to be *enabled* my a mod 20:01 hmmmm if i wanted to, i can make minetest explode right now without explicit unlocking api 20:01 sapier hmmmm you expect lua programmers to be more skilled than they are 20:01 PilzAdam VanessaE, that would break current API 20:01 sapier the locks have to be handled within core not in lua 20:01 hmmmm if they're not skilled, then they could just leave it locked 20:02 hmmmm i've thought about this a lot already 20:02 sapier they won't do you know that 20:02 hmmmm it's the best thing to do 20:02 sapier it's just crazy hmmmm 20:02 hmmmm so you say 20:02 VanessaE PilzAdam: so would requiring the mod to explicitly *unlock* something 20:02 VanessaE as that means adding a new API call 20:02 VanessaE = breaking mods that would have otherwise worked on older versions of MT 20:02 hmmmm Vanessae, lua is already called with everything locked 20:02 PilzAdam VanessaE, adding a new function never breaks the API 20:02 sapier it's make moders responsible instead of thinjingf about a good solution 20:02 VanessaE *sigh* 20:03 hmmmm sapier, like i said, if i wanted to nuke minetest right *now*, i could 20:03 hmmmm you want lua to be a total sandbox with rubber edges but it's not happening 20:03 sapier that's your justification for adding even more harmfull calls!? 20:04 Exio #minetest-dev got converted into #minetest-fight 20:04 hmmmm my justification is allowing mods to do more complicated things without dragging the rest of it down 20:04 sapier if you do things like that I'll support VanessaE ... if lua isn't less complex than c++ mods should be c++ 20:05 hmmmm if you support C++ mods but not this, you must be insane 20:05 PilzAdam I guess today is not a good day for discussing things... 20:06 VanessaE this is the perfect time to discuss 20:06 VanessaE when arguments are heated, the REAL opinions come out 20:06 hmmmm anyway, this is what i envision: 20:06 hmmmm on_generate gets called, user gets a map voxel manipulator, the same one used for map generation 20:07 hmmmm the mod wants to do something time consuming and complex 20:07 sapier1 no I'm just consequent either give modders FULL access or create a environment where they can harm as less as possible while still having almost all possibilitys 20:07 hmmmm instead of stopping the entire game so that it can do what it needs to, it'll unlock con and env 20:07 sapier1 I don't see any need for exposing locks to lua ... WE know which lua calls need locks so WE can add them in c++ 20:07 hmmmm it works on its voxelmanipulator, then when it's done, everything gets blit back and it's fast, and it didn't degrade performance for the rest of the server either 20:08 hmmmm sapier, celeron already tried that if you recall. 20:08 hmmmm the result wasn't that great 20:08 VanessaE hmmmm: how does that help existing mods that are otherwise perfectly good, if slow due to engine slowness or poor locking? 20:08 hmmmm vanessae, it doesn't help existing mods. it never did and it wasn ever intended to 20:08 sapier1 I don't remember it but I guess it was because he didn't fix ALL issues 20:08 VanessaE I didn't think so. 20:08 VanessaE you can't just think of the future, you have to consider the *now* also 20:08 hmmmm sapier, it was because of performance issues 20:08 sapier1 hmmmm the engine will still be locked if lock is freed due to waiting for result 20:09 hmmmm vanessae, that's all poetic and what not, but it means nothing unless you can actually come up with something better 20:09 hmmmm sapier, ?? 20:09 Jordach we should sort out mapgen v7 then sort out long standing bugs 20:09 hmmmm result of what 20:09 VanessaE hmmmm: if I could, I wouldn't bother anyways, because I know better than to try to code anything for this engine. 20:09 hmmmm yeow 20:10 hmmmm that was a pretty deep stab 20:10 sapier1 hmmm you can't access lua stack by different threads same time so you add lots of race conditions either 20:10 hmmmm minetest's engine isn't too bad all things considered 20:10 VanessaE you're damn right it was, and you know perfectly well why I say that. 20:10 hmmmm i don't though 20:10 hmmmm territory wars? 20:11 sapier1 this locking thing is a BIG one it needs a consistent minetest global solution giving modders access to locks will even make this task more complex 20:11 VanessaE I've watched over the past year the direction the engine has taken, which is good for the most part, and the direction which the core development team has taken, which is not entirely good. 20:11 VanessaE I've watched the engine get better in some ways, while getting progressively worse in other ways 20:11 hmmmm sapier, yeah, i wanted different interpreters for emerge and server 20:11 VanessaE I've bitched, LOUDLY, about it. And my arguments have been ignored. 20:11 hmmmm iv'e wanted them since like 9 months ago 20:11 PilzAdam VanessaE, can you be more precise? 20:12 Jordach namely rendering 20:12 VanessaE PilzAdam: ok, I'll give a good example. Remember when chests and furnaces were moved out of C++ and into Lua? 20:12 sapier1 it can be done quite easyly hmmmm BUT data exchange between them is an issue 20:12 hmmmm hardly an issue. some work needs to be done for that, but it'd be the only "big problem" we'd face 20:12 VanessaE at about the same time that happened, something happened to the client that made the dig animation rendering horribly slow in some cases (but I have yet to see a pattern), particularly with high resolution textures. 20:13 VanessaE such that digging an item caused the client to slow down to as little as 1 fps during the dig animation 20:13 sapier1 yes but a really cruicial one as this may ruin performance by re-adding the lock sync 20:13 PilzAdam VanessaE, I never noticed anything like this 20:13 VanessaE I don't care how old your POS trident video card is, 1 fps is way below even the slowest computer's capabilities. 20:13 sapier1 and I still don't get the need for lua lock access hmmmm 20:13 VanessaE PilzAdam: you never used what I use. 20:13 PilzAdam true 20:13 VanessaE and this is the big problem. 20:13 hmmmm maybe it'd ruin performance if you kept using the same globals in both threads 20:14 hmmmm and you used locks in the first place 20:14 PilzAdam VanessaE, anything else? 20:14 VanessaE I use the engine in ways that fucking NO ONE WHO CARES uses too. 20:14 hmmmm FOSS has always been about itching your own scratch 20:15 sapier1 hmmmm I guess we could add all those things without exposing locks 20:15 VanessaE PilzAdam: doesn't matter as everything else has been discussed to death. 20:15 sapier1 hmmmm what do you think about a limited api set for on_generated? 20:15 hmmmm sapier, even if we don't have all these other things right away, there's nothing wrong with having a GIL for lua 20:16 sapier1 GIL? 20:16 PilzAdam VanessaE, so, the main problem is that (ab)use the Minetest engine in a way nobody else is (ab)using it; and then you really want us to "support" your way of using it? 20:16 hmmmm maybe lua callbacks in the server step could be passed over if it's locked 20:16 hmmmm global interpreter lock 20:16 VanessaE PilzAdam: no. use, not abuse. 20:16 sapier1 hmmmm there already is a lua lock 20:16 hmmmm so i know i'm being idealistic with the whole two separate lua interpeters 20:16 VanessaE I'm not doing anything with the engine that others haven't been doing since at least the 0.3.x days 20:16 hmmmm sapier, then what were you saying about the stack race conditions... ? 20:17 sapier1 if you give modders access to the locks you'll get race conditions 20:17 hmmmm i don't see how 20:17 hmmmm if you want to be safe, we can make envlock/conlock functions check if it's locked before carrying on 20:17 sapier1 what lock do you want to give player access to? 20:17 hmmmm failing if it's not 20:17 hmmmm both, ideally 20:18 PilzAdam VanessaE, fact is that at least nobody in the dev team (not only core devs) uses Minetest in "your way" 20:18 hmmmm i want the mod to be able to do something interesting that might take a while, but not otherwise drag the rest of the server to a screeching halt 20:18 sapier1 I suggest removing those locks completly around most lua calls 20:18 PilzAdam VanessaE, and devs tend to code what they want, and not what others want them to 20:18 hmmmm and the conversation did a complete 360 20:18 VanessaE PilzAdam: I use my HDX texture pack as a test case because it stresses the client to its maximum, but I've seen huge performance falloffs over the past year that no one seems to give a shit about because "oh who cares, everyone else uses defaults anyway"....even though they're half the resolution of the highest that's been created for this engine so far. 20:18 sapier1 hmmmm that's not possible per definition atm 20:19 sapier1 I was thinking about that too 20:19 VanessaE PilzAdam: if some of the dev team would use the engine "my way" as you put it, for even a day, they'd see just how bad it's gotten. 20:19 sapier1 some sort of "do async lua call" 20:19 hmmmm again, the reason why locks aren't made in the lua apis themselves is because of the performance hit with acquiring them 20:19 hmmmm oh, you want an async variant? 20:19 VanessaE PilzAdam: and if you think performance fall-offs are acceptable just because you don't use something that tends to show that fall-off, then you should NOT be coding. Sorry. 20:19 hmmmm that's more complicated 20:19 PilzAdam VanessaE, but its normal in FOSS projects that there need to be devs who care 20:20 sapier yes but it's a way more clean design and won't interfere to current design 20:20 PilzAdam VanessaE, you cant walk to the devs and force them to code what you want 20:20 VanessaE PilzAdam: yeah, and the problem is that NO ONE (who can fix the issues) CARES. 20:20 VanessaE and this is a BIG problem. 20:20 sapier atm no matter where you do your "long runn lua call" you'll block one of minetests core threads 20:20 hmmmm sapier, i guess that's somewhat better, but someone's going to have to add them all 20:21 hmmmm have fun with that 20:21 sapier I guess it's way less work than adding the mainmenu ;-P 20:21 PilzAdam VanessaE, the solution for you would be to get a dev who cares (i.e. who uses Minetest "your way") and who actually improves things 20:21 hmmmm the mainmenu thing was ridiculous 20:21 VanessaE PilzAdam: and no one's saying one should be able to force the devs to do something. I'm saying one should be able to convince them to look at a problem they already know exists. 20:21 hmmmm i don't understand how you actually coded that 20:21 PilzAdam VanessaE, just whining in the dev channel wont result in anything useful if the devs dont care 20:21 VanessaE *facepalm* 20:21 sapier core work was done in 2 days hmmmm ;-) 20:22 VanessaE and you wonder why I don't bother to learn C++ and try to contribute anymore? 20:22 hmmmm i thought it was like 10k lines? 20:22 PilzAdam VanessaE, ehm, learning C++ would actually fix your problem 20:22 PilzAdam since you would be the dev who cares then 20:22 sapier no I didn't expect it to be that much at beginning .... but I guess about 4k lines are modmanager game manager and online modstore 20:23 hmmmm vanessae, like i said before, FOSS has always been about being able to itch your own scratch. you don't honestly think people come on here and say "i am so kind hearted that i'm going to start working for free on some open source project" 20:23 sapier and lots of code is similar to things I already had in mobf 20:23 VanessaE no it wouldn't, because I know my attempts to fix things would not only fail (because I just don't know the engine well enough), but would not be accepted (because everyone has their own idea of what belongs and what doesn't) 20:23 PilzAdam VanessaE, getting already coded code in is way easier than convincing others to code it 20:23 sapier hmmmm can you explain to me the performance problems with locks taken when needed? 20:23 VanessaE hmmmm: no offense, but you're talking to a 25-year coding veteran who actually DID do that for a while. 20:23 hmmmm sapier, celeron was the one who explained it 20:24 sapier I know that aquireing a lock may be a heavy operation 20:24 VanessaE (and who writes her MT mods for the very same reason) 20:24 hmmmm he just said "it didn't work out very well" 20:24 PilzAdam VanessaE, this basically looks like you want others to work for you 20:24 VanessaE PilzAdam: just forget it. you're gonna twist my words around no matter how plainly I put it. 20:25 hmmmm but yeah 20:25 sapier locking needs to be done for async calls too so it'd be interesting where the problem was and if it may be fixed 20:25 hmmmm so sapier, what are you thinking exactly? 20:25 hmmmm wrapping everything around 20:25 sapier I don't trust in modders to do locking correct and it'll horribly fail if done wrong in async calls 20:25 hmmmm if (was unlocked) lock; if (was unlocked) unlock; ? 20:27 hmmmm personally, i'd just be okay if it was marked in the documentation that you shouldn't call while unlocked 20:27 hmmmm because then it'd be the modder's stupid problem 20:27 sapier PilzAdam VanessaE is one of our power users imho if she has problems we should have a closer look ant try to fix it ... of course not everything can be done 20:27 hmmmm and then when people say "waa waa my minetest crashed" we'll tell them what the offending mod was 20:28 hmmmm then, market forces at work, the mod developer will shape up or nobody will use it 20:28 sapier market forces usually don't work very well ;-) 20:28 hmmmm wrapping locks around every single api is a lot of work 20:28 hmmmm there's a lot of apis, you know. 20:28 hmmmm like, hundreds. 20:29 sapier if and only if there's really no way to avoid giving modders access to it yes ... but imho it's a surrender to complexity 20:29 sapier And I don't usualy surrender ;-P 20:29 hmmmm so you don't want to give modders access to the locks at all 20:30 hmmmm but how would you make lua not run like shit if they do something big in on_generate? 20:30 hmmmm the main point of this is that having a lua exposed mapvoxelmanipulator won't really be enough; sure, it'll make some operations faster, but you'd still want Server to be able to step through without coming to a screeching halt 20:31 sapier hmmmm I already started that work have a look at lua api there's a macro NO_MAPLOCK_REQUIRED 20:31 hmmmm which, IMO, is way worse. 20:31 hmmmm yeah, I saw that 20:31 hmmmm you can easily adopt that macro to do what i said, assuming you really went through everything 20:31 sapier it's currently only measuring time that is wasted within lock for things that don't need lock 20:31 hmmmm that would remove the huge bulk of the work 20:32 sapier I don't understand how this could help with lua lock acccess? 20:33 hmmmm no, this is envlock and conlock, not the lua lock 20:33 hmmmm lua still needs to stay locked regardless 20:33 hmmmm and if there's a lua callback in the server step, we can skip over that if locked 20:33 sapier that's completely different hmmmm tha lua lock is hidden within cpp_api 20:34 sapier SCRIPTAPI_PRECHECKHEADER 20:35 sapier first thing we could do is open up lock where currently the NO_MAPLOCK_REQUIRED call is done 20:36 sapier but I'm not sure if this really would give that much benefit, at least it will allow core tasks to run in that case 20:36 hmmmm that's going to probably lead to a net loss 20:36 sapier why? 20:39 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, no, he doesnt maintain the package anymore 20:40 PilzAdam (^ answer to what you said 16 hours ago) 20:40 hmmmm because that api might execute faster than it takes to re-acquire a lock 20:41 sapier that's be not that good of course but it's main effect pass lock to a waiting core thread would still occur 20:42 sapier -be 20:42 sapier we could decide for some long run api calls to do unlock only 20:43 sapier or go the other way as I originaly intended remove lock and only call a lock where currently no "NO_MAPLOCK.." is set 20:45 hmmmm try both, but i bet the result will be less than satisfactory 20:46 sapier so we need to think more about it ... if WE are not capable of implementing a reasonable good locking scheme how could we dare to expect modders to do? 20:48 sapier completely unrelated when is the next (fast) minetest release to happen? if it's not gonna be fast I suggest adding mainmenu too 20:48 sapier it's not getting better sitting around for months 21:39 ShadowNinja PilzAdam: Then who does? They should be listed. 21:44 Exio https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/minetest/