Time  Nick        Message
00:01 ShadowNinja Can this be merged? https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/656
00:01 ShadowNinja I can't realy develop any more if I can't compile. :-(
00:04 kahrl       PilzAdam: if it is the font related segfault (which I'm pretty sure it is), it's unrelated to the F10 segfault
00:04 PilzAdam    yea, thought about that too
00:05 PilzAdam    why do the delte font thing crash for some people?
00:05 kahrl       the font should only be deleted if the code created it
00:05 kahrl       that is when freetype is enabled
00:06 kahrl       otherwise the font comes from IGUIEnvironment::getFont() and those should not be deleted
00:07 kahrl       actually, since it's a subclass of IReferenceCounted, s/deleted/dropped
00:08 ShadowNinja I got minetest to compile! Now lemme see about that backtrace.
00:08 kahrl       ShadowNinja: with or without freetype?
00:09 ShadowNinja Without. I will try with.
00:09 kahrl       Try both if you have the time
00:11 PilzAdam    I can reproduce it with DENABLE_FREETYPE=0
00:12 PilzAdam    at /home/adam/Minetest/minetest/src/guiChatConsole.cpp:111
00:13 kahrl       yeah when you start the client the second time it does m_font = getFont(...)
00:13 kahrl       which returns the exact same pointer as it did the first time
00:13 kahrl       (since IGUIEnvironment thinks the pointer is still live)
00:14 kahrl       but in fact it has been deleted when the first client quit
00:14 PilzAdam    yea, #if USE_FREETYPE arround the delte font in main.cpp and ChatConsole.cpp also fix the crash when shutting down
00:14 ShadowNinja Is anyone working on all of those compile warnings? It is at the point where it is hard to tell if you have added one in the flood of them.
00:15 ShadowNinja If not I might.
00:15 PilzAdam    most of them are from mapgen
00:15 PilzAdam    kahrl, Ill push that fix now
00:15 kahrl       PilzAdam: also replace the delete font with font->drop();
00:15 kahrl       doesn't really matter but that's what you're "supposed" to do
00:16 ShadowNinja PilzAdam: Yes, I know. Is anyone*cough*hmmmm working on them?
00:16 kahrl       I sometimes get two warnings per source file from the fwrite calls in debug.h
00:17 kahrl       But sometimes I don't
00:17 kahrl       My compiler seems confused about whether it should show them or not
00:19 ShadowNinja Why am I still seing the "Server -!- " prepend on massages that shouldn't have it? It worked when I pushed it. Has anyone changed anything around there? Or am I missing something?
00:21 PilzAdam    kahrl, done
01:54 ShadowNinja Sapier's new menu will cause some merging dificulties on the IPv6 pull request. Is there any reason not to merge that?
09:53 kaeza       can we ban YoyoBuddy already?
09:54 Calinou     for what?
09:55 Calinou     also this is #minetest-dev
09:55 kaeza       offensive PMs
09:55 kaeza       oh lol
09:55 kaeza       sorry
09:55 Calinou     kaeza: screenshot please
18:26 hmmmm       alright, just rebased
18:26 hmmmm       i hope you're not really going to leave the minetest button as text that says "minetest"... that's going to be the minetest logo, right..?
18:27 PilzAdam    it already is... ?
18:27 hmmmm       to me it looks like an irrlicht button with the text "minetest" on it
18:27 PilzAdam    https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/commit/7f765f5f6c033ef4123a6fedd726452ad3fb1631
18:27 hmmmm       oh, i have to update the game too
18:38 hmmmm       hmm pilzadam, now when updating, do i delete common?
18:41 PilzAdam    no
18:41 PilzAdam    we havent dropped it yet
18:49 hmmmm       someone seriously needs to fix the gold texture colors
18:49 hmmmm       ugh
18:50 hmmmm       also when ice breaks, perhaps it should turn into a water source like in minecraft
18:50 PilzAdam    why would ice melt if you hit it with a pickaxe?
18:51 hmmmm       why would ice disappear?
18:51 PilzAdam    it doesnt disappear, you have it in your inventory
18:52 hmmmm       also the snow node is darker than the top tile of snow_on_dirt
18:52 PilzAdam    thats an issue with lighting of nodes with special drawtyes
18:52 PilzAdam    (nodebox in that case)
18:53 hmmmm       that ought to be the next thing to fix i suppose
18:55 hmmmm       ahh loving the new sand texture
18:55 hmmmm       it actually looks like a beach
18:58 hmmmm       deserts actually look like deserts
19:05 VanessaE    hmmmm: I provided better textures for the various metal blocks a while back.  No one wanted them I guess
19:06 PilzAdam    -better
19:06 VanessaE    ice should turn into broken ice maybe e.g. a pile of small ice cubes
19:07 VanessaE    the lighting issue affects all objects in the game that aren't whole cubes, btw.
19:07 VanessaE    signlike, raillike, nodeboxes, etc.
19:15 VanessaE    PilzAdam: maybe not better to you, but still they're better.
19:15 VanessaE    you aren't the be-all, end-all judge of art :)
19:15 PilzAdam    you are neither
19:16 PilzAdam    so you are also not qualified to say its better
19:16 VanessaE    nope, but I'm a good judge of my own creations :)
19:16 PilzAdam    oh, yea, people tend to judge their own things completly neutral
19:17 VanessaE    :P
19:52 VanessaE    *sigh* more confusion about what has or hasn't got flowers.  Why are we waiting on re-merging minetest_game+common+survival+build ?
19:52 PilzAdam    dunno
19:52 PilzAdam    I could do it now
19:53 VanessaE    ok :)
19:56 PilzAdam    so, is there any good reason to not do it now?
20:01 VanessaE    I don't see any reason not to, as long as everyone's properly informed.
20:01 VanessaE    a message should be posted to the forums.
20:02 VanessaE    guess I have to tweak my build script again ;)
20:45 hmmmm       you mean the realistic texture pack ones?
20:45 hmmmm       at the very least, the *colors* used for those are better than what is there now
20:47 hmmmm       anyway i guess it would make more sense if ice broke into a water source if we had an equivalent to silk touch in minetest..
20:47 hmmmm       let's say we have an ice sheet in the ocean and somebody digs the ice from the inside out
20:48 hmmmm       the water from the rest of the ocean will flood only to a certain point
20:48 hmmmm       and then you'll have an interesting hole in the water
21:49 sapier      is anyone aware that some irrlicht functions modify current locale setting?
21:53 hmmmm       i am now.... which ones?
21:53 hmmmm       and why
21:54 sapier      haven't exactly figured out but seems to be related to file open/save dialogs
21:55 sapier      this results in atof returning different values prior opening a dialog than after opening
21:55 hmmmm       sorta wonder if this is the cause of any bugs we've seen
21:55 sapier      as atof uses current locale setting to parse a float value ... I don't think we realy want formspecs to be dependent on current locale setting ... do we?
21:56 hmmmm       is there a locale independent variant of atof?
21:56 hmmmm       like some sort of atof_l()?
21:56 sapier      i don't think so but we can set a defined locale prior using atof reverting it after it ... quite a hack
21:56 sapier      but atof already is hacky
21:57 sapier      it doesn't do any error handling
21:57 hmmmm       i worry about the speed
21:57 hmmmm       atof is very hot the way it is
21:57 hmmmm       sure it's not some sort of killer, but it's a performance degredation
21:57 sapier      yes but speed is nothing if result is not reliable
21:58 hmmmm       so let's change the locale and back every single time we get a setting
21:58 sapier      of course I'd prefere to have a fast and good solution too
21:58 sapier      it's not only setting, it's on each redraw of a formspec
21:58 hmmmm       right, that too
21:59 sapier      a own implementation would be an option ... still I don't know how much performace difference would be
21:59 hmmmm       hah
21:59 hmmmm       have you seen the bsd implementation of atof()?
22:00 hmmmm       1030 lines
22:00 sapier      what?
22:00 sapier      assembler code?
22:00 hmmmm       C code
22:01 sapier      what are they doing?
22:01 hmmmm       i have not the slightest clue
22:01 hmmmm       i'd pull it up, but i can't be arsed
22:02 hmmmm       just saying, atof() is probably sucky the way it is, and if we do write our own, there's a good chance it'd be better
22:02 sapier      maybe another solution would be setting locale to a defined value on minetest startup
22:02 hmmmm       what about istream
22:02 hmmmm       in minetest a lot of strings are parsed with istream, you know
22:02 hmmmm       and i bet they call atof(), not their own thing
22:02 hmmmm       so all that is affected as well
22:02 sapier      there's a comment in mystof that stringstream would crash on mingw ... maybe due to missing locale setting? ;-)
22:03 hmmmm       ohh that retardation
22:03 sapier      missing locale setting is just a guess :-)
22:03 hmmmm       yeah celeron never figured out what the problem with that was, mingw is just bugged
22:04 hmmmm       erm so wait, what's wrong with simply changing the locale back when an irrlicht dialog is finished?
22:04 sapier      suggestion for using istringstream is calling std::locale("C") ;-) ... not much of a difference to setting directly :-)
22:04 hmmmm       also, before you do anything radical, it might be best to check if irrlicht has some kind of setting to disable this auto-locale-changing
22:05 sapier      tried this it doesn't seem to work
22:05 hmmmm       it's probably good to know why it doesn't work...
22:05 sapier      looking a the locale to be set I guess setlocale refuses to set locale back to undefined value :-)
22:07 sapier      maybe setting locale to defined value on minetest startup even stops irrlicht from setting a own locale value ... I'll try
22:07 hmmmm       allrighty
22:07 hmmmm       and i'll finally fix the mapgen memory leaks/warnings
22:08 hmmmm       everybody bitches about those constantly... i don't even get any warnings
22:08 sapier      great :-)
22:08 sapier      wait till ppl want mapgen to create mountains and flatlands .. of course same time at same location ;-)
22:08 init        sapier: random question offtopic to this, can entities auto-despawn?
22:09 sapier      no
22:09 sapier      you have to handle this within lua code
22:09 init        hmm, k, thanks
22:10 sapier      e.g. count some internal value up on_step  and make the entity remove itself after some value is reached
22:10 init        i really want to setup a reduced-spawn-ratio simple_mobs_version, but as they actually don't automagicaly despawn, i'm going to leave it out for now
22:11 hmmmm       uh oh, i am reading pilzadam's fix for this and he tries to free globals
22:11 hmmmm       welp, good thing i told him to wait
22:12 PilzAdam    I actually had some ifs to prevent it
22:12 hmmmm       i see that, i'm talking about indev though.
22:12 PilzAdam    indev doesnt have predefined global constants
22:13 hmmmm       nparams_indev_def...
22:13 hmmmm       which seems like it's never even assigned anything
22:14 PilzAdam    https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest/blob/master/src/mapgen_indev.cpp#L27
22:14 hmmmm       omg serious QC needed in the indev
22:14 hmmmm       yes, maybe the dangerous code path isn't ever executed in practice, but still...
22:15 sapier      init ... use mobf ... this issue is fixed there ... simple mobs is simple so once you start adding all this workarounds to it you're better up with mobf
22:15 init        would it "make them" despawn when the chunks get unloaded?
22:15 PilzAdam    noo! dont use mobf, its bloated ;-)
22:16 init        mobs war!
22:16 PilzAdam    init, despawning on deactiavation of the block is not supported
22:16 init        PilzAdam is the stone monster and sapier the vombie(?) :P
22:16 init        hm
22:16 init        that is the only thing i wanted :P
22:16 PilzAdam    there is a pull request, IIRC
22:16 sapier      PilzAdam he wants to bloat simplemobs to so he can use mobf ;-P
22:17 hmmmm       PilzAdam, have you seen any virtual deconstructor warnings related to the Ore code?
22:17 PilzAdam    not that I can remember
22:17 hmmmm       whatt
22:17 hmmmm       why _isn't_ there
22:18 hmmmm       because i don't have any base destructor
22:18 hmmmm       so there's a memory leak
22:18 hmmmm       how come OreSheet never showed up as a leak in valgrind then?
22:18 PilzAdam    I guess because it isnt used?
22:19 hmmmm       i guess
22:20 PilzAdam    oh, yes I get warning about Ore contstructors
22:20 hmmmm       and not destructors?
22:20 PilzAdam    /home/adam/Minetest/minetest/src/scriptapi.cpp:691:10: warning: deleting object of abstract class type 'Ore' which has non-virtual destructor will cause undefined behaviour [-Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor]
22:20 hmmmm       figured as much
22:20 hmmmm       it would only make sense, i mean
22:21 PilzAdam    there simply such a flood of the Noise warnings that I havent seen it until now
22:21 hmmmm       if my compiler had that warning this wouldn'tve ever been an issue even
22:22 hmmmm       Noise warnings?  you mean NoiseIndev, no?
22:22 hmmmm       there is literally no reason why Noise, as a base class, should have any warnings at all
22:23 PilzAdam    /home/adam/Minetest/minetest/src/mapgen_v7.cpp:109:9: warning: deleting object of polymorphic class type 'Noise' which has non-virtual destructor might cause undefined behaviour [-Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor
22:23 PilzAdam    same for indev and v6
22:24 hmmmm       oh
22:24 hmmmm       so having a class derived from that turns the base class into a polymorphic class type
22:24 hmmmm       in this case, though, i know that the warning is wrong and it wouldn't cause any such UB
22:25 hmmmm       but i'll add something in to shut it up regardless
22:25 sapier      ok setting locale at startup doesn't change anything
22:27 sapier      once storing content of setlocale returned char* restoring does work too ... still if someone happens to set his system numeric locale parsing of formspecs will fail in minetest
22:27 sapier      as well as any other string to float operation
22:29 hmmmm       so wait, why are formspecs parsed every time they're drawn?
22:29 hmmmm       that's hacky and stupid in the first place
22:30 sapier      not exactly everytime they are modified
22:30 sapier      formspec update/window size change
22:30 sapier      so it's not that often
22:33 sapier      still the main problem atof beeing locale dependent remains
22:35 hmmmm       wait, what did you try setting exactly
22:35 hmmmm       setlocale(LC_ALL, "C")?
22:35 sapier      yes
22:35 hmmmm       er
22:35 sapier      irrlicht overwrites it so doesn't make any difference what you set there
22:36 hmmmm       you think we should open an issue ticket with irrlicht?
22:37 sapier      maybe ... im my case irrlicht repaced  a whole bunch of locale settings by main one only
22:38 sapier      thus my setting for numeric was lost
22:42 hmmmm       still don't see what's wrong with setting the locale back after opening an irrlicht dialog though
22:43 sapier      I do it this way ... but I can't tell if this is the only case where it happens
22:43 sapier      and of course once a user has some strange system locale minetest will fail too
22:45 hmmmm       how do i set what CC to use with cmake?
22:46 sapier      I don't have any idea
22:46 PilzAdam    CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER
22:47 PilzAdam    CMAKE_C_COMPILER
22:47 PilzAdam    (see CMakeCache.txt)
22:47 hmmmm       great
22:49 sapier      hmmmm resetting locale after dialog is problematic either ... the dialog may be open for quite some time so any atof call while a dialog is shown may fail
22:49 hmmmm       are the dialogs blocking?
22:50 sapier      at most their own thread but there are others
22:50 sapier      and in my case not even the own thread is blocked
22:51 sapier      currently noone uses irrlicht dialogs so this is not exactly a current problem ... but it may have already happened for users with strange locale settings
22:52 hmmmm       let's just not use irrlicht dialogs
22:52 hmmmm       there's no good way to fix this, so let's avoid the problem altogether
22:53 sapier      once someone volonteers to build a file select dialog on it's own I'll be perfectly fine with this suggestion ;-)
22:54 sapier      for what I intend to do fixing after closing dialog will be fine ... but I guess once the dialog is added someone will use it in situations where messing up locale will result in crashes
22:55 hmmmm       why am i still not getting the dtor warnings...
22:55 hmmmm       is this specific to gcc47?
22:55 hmmmm       i am trying with gcc46 and not seeing it
22:55 sapier      non virtual destructor? no its in 4.2 too
22:56 * PilzAdam  uses 4.7.3
22:56 hmmmm       i don't get these warnings at all
22:56 sapier      <4.7.2 and 4.6.x
22:56 sapier      maybe different on different os?
22:56 hmmmm       hold on
22:57 sapier      or different default warning levels?
22:57 ShadowNinja 4.8.0, I win. :-)
22:57 hmmmm       i didn't change the warning level at all
22:57 hmmmm       it must be the OS difference then
22:57 VanessaE    I'm seeing those dtor warnings here. (4.7.3)
22:57 VanessaE    quite a few of them in fact.
22:57 PilzAdam    sapier, doesnt minetest compile with -Wall ?
22:57 sapier      lol :-) your bugs won't be accepted shadowninja you most likely have to many new ones ;-)
22:58 sapier      pilzadam I don't know if you can specify checks for gcc on compiletime too?
22:59 sapier      -if +maybe
22:59 sapier      arg 1 o clock am ... gth ;-)
23:00 hmmmm       well in order to fix something i need to be able to see it first
23:00 PilzAdam    maybe the warnings just hide on hmmmm's computer because they dont want to be fixed :-)
23:01 VanessaE    export CXXFLAGS=-O3; cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr -DRUN_IN_PLACE=0 -DENABLE_FREETYPE=0; make -j7
23:01 VanessaE    if any of that changes things.
23:01 hmmmm       well for one i can't use export
23:02 VanessaE    well, whatever your shell uses in its place.
23:02 hmmmm       none of that will help with this though