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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-05-15

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08:43 ImQ009 gface
08:43 ImQ009 Erm. Sorry, wrong channel. Hi
09:07 celeron55 i didn't read the full discussion about doxygen, but if doxygen is taken into use, i recommend using it so that only per-file doxygen comments are used
09:07 celeron55 no doxygen comemnt blocks near functions, as they *will* end up being very idiotic
09:08 celeron55 comment*
09:09 celeron55 once some doxygen comments are put in, we are doomed to have pull requests like "add idiotic doxygen blocks to every function"
09:09 celeron55 we need to have a pre-made plan for what to have and what to not have
09:11 celeron55 by doing it the way i propose, we have browseable documentation of headers, and the not easily understandable concepts and techniques involved can be explained in clear language in the top comment of the file
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13:42 PilzAdam hmmmm, this fixes all mapgen memory leaks: https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest/commit/197ac62559191b87c3beab9c680bae17cf609219
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15:54 hmmmm it does
15:55 hmmmm but i'd rather duplicate a noiseparams from the default values
15:55 hmmmm sapier did something like this already but there was something else that i wasn't happy about, which i forget...  again, i'll do it in due time
15:56 hmmmm i am not really sure what the hurry is to do this for one, and two, i'll be available to work on it in literally 2 days
15:56 hmmmm maybe sooner depending on how fast i'm able to get this crap done
15:57 hmmmm but... yes, i do like how you clean up the noiseparams in the mapgenparams
15:57 hmmmm that's the way it's supposed to be done
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17:17 iqualfragile idea for minetest: instead of blocking 4 quickbar spaces for the tools just choose the apropriate tool automaticly
17:17 iqualfragile it should have visual feedback (like: pointing at stone ==> hand changes into pickaxe)
17:20 rubenwardy There is a mod like that
17:25 hmmmm that wouldn't be necessary if the tools weren't so unbalanced
17:25 hmmmm i have no idea why pilzadam did that but i really don't like it.  i'm sure most others don't either
17:38 iqualfragile i dont think that has anything to do with balancing the tools
17:46 hmmmm if they were balanced properly, you wouldn't always _need_ to be using the right tool
18:00 iqualfragile its more about the quickbar space for me
18:01 iqualfragile (and it makes sense that you cant destroy stone with your bare hands)
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18:46 VanessaE my/celeron55's idea of scattering rocks (not "stone" or cobble), and making the player only able to dig leaves by hand to get sticks, use those to build an adze (a primitive pick) which can mine stone and cut the rest of the tree down.
18:46 VanessaE ...would help add some balance
18:47 sfan5 you should be able to dig trees by hand IMO
18:47 VanessaE (rocks would be somewhat uncommon, maybe as much so as mese is, but found on the surface)
18:47 VanessaE then get rid of wooden axe/pick/sword
18:47 VanessaE (keep the shovel)
18:48 VanessaE replace wooden sword with a club
18:48 iqualfragile that would actualy make sense
18:48 iqualfragile but its an complete different discussion
18:49 VanessaE iqualfragile: not really - part of proper tool balance is establishing uses for the tools we have, which make sense, and replacing tools that make no sense with ones that do
18:49 VanessaE the only reason we have wooden tools is because MC does.
18:51 iqualfragile i know, but my idea was to place the apropriate tool (just hands for leaves, axe for tree, pickaxe for stone, special tool x for special material y) into the players hands
18:51 VanessaE yes I know
18:51 iqualfragile wich would free the qickbar for more materials to build
18:51 VanessaE I'm reacting more to hmmmm's comment than yours really.
18:52 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
18:55 iqualfragile ok
18:56 VanessaE I'm sure how I feel about auto-switching of tools/weapons though
18:56 VanessaE in other games where that feature exists, I turn it off
18:57 iqualfragile you mean like in lets say unreal tournament where it chooses the "best" weapon for you?
18:57 iqualfragile yeah, thats annoying
18:57 iqualfragile but its not realy compareable to minetest
18:58 VanessaE naw, I'm thinking more like Q3/OA where it switches weapons when you pick one up
18:58 VanessaE I'm just used to using Q/E to switch manually
19:07 sapier joined #minetest-dev
19:07 sapier https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/724 formspec mainmenu squelched and fixed documentation
19:09 VanessaE sapier: squashed*
19:14 sapier oops ... i already thought the word looks strange ... now I know what's strange about it thx
19:14 sapier oh I forgot it's rebased to latest master too
19:16 anonyme0245 joined #minetest-dev
19:24 sfan5 may I push a fix for the uk/minetest.po file, so updatepo.sh doesn't fail on first run
19:24 sfan5 ?
19:45 PilzAdam hmmmm, I was bored and valgrind just went crazy about the mapgen leaks, so I fixed them
19:51 PilzAdam there seem to be 2 more thinks that still leak: shaders and sqlite
19:51 PilzAdam and I have no idea how to fix them
19:52 sapier shaders can't be fixed pilzadam
19:52 sapier it's a irrlicht issue
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21:50 ShadowNinja Minetest on arch segfaults if you leave and rejoin a server. Is this a known issue? Can someone fix it?
21:51 OWNSyouAll_DESKT joined #minetest-dev
21:52 sapier :-) I tend to say "don't use bleeding edge software if you don't want crashes" ... but most likely this crash is not related to arch ;-)
21:52 sapier I think there's already a bug known very similar to what you tell
21:54 ShadowNinja sapier: Would you like some info from valgrind/gdb? (If I can figure out how to use gdb ;-))
21:55 sapier no I think this bug is already known and needs further investigation for a clean fix
21:56 * PilzAdam cant reproduce
21:56 sapier if it's the bug I remember it's a double free happening in some situations due to a (partly) incorrect memory leak fix recently added
21:56 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, do you run latest git?
21:56 sapier :-) I suggest using defined test environment not a moving target like arch ;-)
21:58 ShadowNinja PilzAdam: Yes, from the AUR.
21:58 ShadowNinja (That is the only version that compiles)
21:59 sapier AUR?
22:01 ShadowNinja Arch User Repository. A huge software repository by the arch community.
22:02 sapier why don't you use github version?
22:03 sapier unless arch really added some crazy bugs sooner or later we have to get compatible to whatever gcc/glibc version is included in there
22:03 ShadowNinja It won't compile.
22:04 sapier fix it
22:05 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, when was a the version AUR compiled? what commits does it include?
22:05 ShadowNinja How? It is looking in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu for zlib in /usr/lib/lib64
22:05 Exio ShadowNinja: check what the PKGBUILD does
22:05 ShadowNinja PilzAdam: It is minetest-git. Installing it pulls the git version before compiling it.
22:05 PilzAdam ah, so its not a prebuild package
22:05 ShadowNinja Exio: I did. I didn't see anything that would affect it.
22:06 PilzAdam can you compile in debug mode?
22:07 PilzAdam i.e. cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
22:08 PilzAdam then run it in gdb with: "gdb ./minetest" and type "start" and then "continue" in the gdb prompt
22:09 PilzAdam reproduce the bug and type "bt" in the gdb prompt and paste the output
22:10 ShadowNinja The PKGBUILD pulls, cds to it and runs cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
22:10 ShadowNinja make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
22:10 sapier guys the more I look at where minetest looks for mods the more amazed I am
22:11 ShadowNinja PilzAdam: Nope: make[2]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so', needed by `bin/minetest'.  Stop.
22:12 PilzAdam well, you actually need to be able to compile it at all if you want to follow my steps to get a backtrace
22:12 ShadowNinja I have two issues, the compiling and the segfault.
22:12 sapier a game for example adds folders: "games/<some game>/mods" as well as "mods/<some game>"
22:13 PilzAdam sapier, the first one is the actual game and the second one is for user installed mods
22:13 sapier I assume you have libz development package installed shadowninja? or does arch not have something equivalent?
22:13 PilzAdam however, we have decided to change the system
22:14 sapier is there some documentation what new style will be pilzadam?
22:14 PilzAdam https://gist.github.com/PilzAdam/5554242
22:14 PilzAdam this is for user installed mods only
22:14 PilzAdam games will stay as they are currently
22:15 ShadowNinja [owen@arch normal_git]$ ls /usr/lib64 | grep libz.so
22:15 ShadowNinja libz.so
22:15 ShadowNinja (libz.so.1 and so.1.2.8)
22:15 sapier so two completely different aproaches ... thus the second part I discovered will be removed?
22:16 PilzAdam it will be changed
22:16 sapier changed to what?
22:16 PilzAdam to what is described in the gist
22:16 ShadowNinja Also, the AUR build works. What am I doing differently?
22:16 sapier gist only describes non game case
22:17 sapier still a game description in minetest includes a mod path as well as addon mod paths
22:17 PilzAdam yea, games will stay as they are; the mods for them are in $path_{user, share}/games/<game ID>/mods/
22:17 PilzAdam and common will be dropped too
22:18 sapier thats only half truth pilzadam according to game structures mods are in $path_{user/share}/mods/<game ID>/ too
22:18 PilzAdam <PilzAdam> it will be changed
22:19 sapier pilzadam telling "it will be changed" is almost same as telling nothing ;-) ... for time beeing I'm going to assume second path I mentioned is going to be dropped
22:19 ShadowNinja Backtrace of the segfault: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5669098/
22:20 sapier I'll remove it from formspec menu api too
22:20 PilzAdam sapier, mods in mods/<gameID>/ are only user installed mods; they have nothing to do with games
22:20 ShadowNinja I don't think this is a dubug build, but I can't get one.
22:21 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, that looks like the F10 crash
22:21 sapier sorry this is even difficult to understand for me do you really believe any user will understand this?
22:21 ShadowNinja The item textures finish loading followed by the segfault.
22:21 sapier if a user is able to copy to mods/<gameid> he will be able to copy to games/<gameid> too
22:22 sapier games/<gameid>/mods of course
22:22 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, a debug build would be nice to get the line numbers where exactly it crashes
22:23 PilzAdam sapier, but that would screw up the game and is not intentional
22:23 PilzAdam also the default games are installed in $path_share, and the user cant access it in a globally installed version
22:24 ShadowNinja PilzAdam: I would love to do that. But I need to be able to compile first.
22:25 PilzAdam doesnt AUR have debug versions?
22:25 sapier it's screwing up the game either way if user adds wrong mods
22:25 ShadowNinja Maybe, if so I don't know how to get them.
22:26 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, maybe ask Kray, he does the AUR builds IIR
22:26 PilzAdam +C
22:26 sapier but I don't want to discuss this issue again ... formspec menu can be customized to whatever you want if you or someone else don't like my suggestion
22:40 PilzAdam hmmmm, should I throw the mapgen leak fix in?
22:42 hmmmm hmm no
22:42 hmmmm unless you'd be willing to make a copy ctor and do all of that
22:48 PilzAdam for the MapgenParams?
22:48 hmmmm for the noiseparams
22:49 hmmmm i have a specific way to handle this in mind
22:49 PilzAdam well, I guess its better you do it then
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