Time Nick Message 00:11 kahrl jojoa1997 had the suggestion to make hotbar_itemcount configurable via lua hud, and I agree 00:11 kahrl so I coded this: https://github.com/kahrl/minetest/commit/658c3bea204df7bbeee1e64da1fb84801b89f7ee 00:12 kahrl it seems quite non-generic but works 00:12 kahrl comments? 00:13 kahrl oh and I reused TOCLIENT_HUD_SET_FLAGS to avoid cluttering up the network message ID space 00:15 Exio jojoa will like you kahrl 00:15 Exio :P 00:15 kahrl lol 00:17 kahrl but I needed to procrastinate and this was something that felt missing in the API 00:20 hmmmm hotbar itemcount? 00:20 hmmmm the builtin hotbar i guess? 00:20 kahrl yup 00:21 hmmmm it was hardcoded to 8 right? 00:21 hmmmm ah yes 00:21 kahrl yeah. I'll clarify lua_api.txt to say it's the builtin hotbar 00:21 hmmmm eh 00:21 hmmmm you tack the number onto the hud set flags 00:22 hmmmm really that ought to be the client set flags 00:22 hmmmm and you add a member for it to player.. 00:23 hmmmm why would the server ever need to know the hotbar itemcount 00:24 hmmmm well normally i'd suggest some more clever way of doing this but i stopped giving a crap about the hud, so whatever works is fine i guess 00:24 kahrl don't think it needs to know. but I just checked where hud_flags is stored and put it there 00:25 kahrl I don't have a lot of clue about the hud system 00:25 hmmmm it's really simple 00:26 kahrl if I put the hud_hotbar_itemcount in LocalPlayer my obsessiveness would make me also move hud_flags there 00:27 * kahrl is obsessive about not saying OCD but saying obsessiveness. Obsessiveception! 00:28 hmmmm if i were the one doing this, i'd change hud_flags to client_flags, leave it there, keep the hud item count in the hud and make a client event to change it 00:28 hmmmm but again 00:28 hmmmm it doesn't really matter 00:28 kahrl too complicated for such a simply thing, I think 00:28 kahrl simple* 00:29 kahrl well, not really 00:37 hmmmm aahh! 00:37 hmmmm i finally have free time to work on minetest 00:37 Exio in what are tyou going to work? 00:37 Exio you * 00:37 hmmmm decorationdef 00:38 kahrl graduated? 00:38 hmmmm no, it's just a weekend 00:38 kahrl well, good enough :) 01:58 hmmmm :( 01:59 Exio wut? 01:59 VanessaE ? 01:59 hmmmm mgv7's internal heightmap is really just scratchspace 01:59 hmmmm it's hardly accurate at all 02:00 hmmmm i think i'm going to have to rebuild an accurate one for passing along to lua and to use elsewhere 02:01 hmmmm and it's such a shame, because 40 microseconds for decorating an entire block is pretty sexy 02:01 hmmmm s/block/chunk/ 02:04 hmmmm if i have to rebuild it anyway by iterating downward, i guess i might as well add it to v6 as well 02:15 kahrl what is the heightmap used for exactly? 02:18 hmmmm it's just an x, z array of all the terrain height in that chunk.. in theory i keep it updated whenever i change terrain height, so i wouldn't ever need to call find_ground_level() 02:19 hmmmm the original idea was to pass it to on_generate, and nobody would have to do any extra work at all 02:21 kahrl ah I see currently find_ground_level is used for junglegrass and trees 02:21 hmmmm was just pointing out that it sucks that it didn't work out exactly as planned 02:21 kahrl mmh 02:23 hmmmm find_ground_level is kinda crappy, but you shouldn't expect much from something as dumb as iterating downward until you hit a walkable node 02:24 hmmmm iterating it 1920 times takes about 600 microseconds 02:24 hmmmm (for me) 02:24 hmmmm which means for the majority of other people it's even slower 02:26 kahrl what makes the noise heightmap inaccurate? caves? 02:32 hmmmm that, but it's more that i don't bother applying some terrain operations if it's above a certain height 02:33 hmmmm i figure it's okay if i just recalculate it once... it takes about 1.6 ms and it'll only be done once and reused every time thereafter 02:33 hmmmm my only actual concern is making sure it can scale 02:34 hmmmm so that it's nearly just as fast when people start adding like 30 different decorations 05:22 hmmmm awh crap i just realized a fatal flaw with my decoration cutoff handling... if a top chunk is generated first, the decoration will be added to the queue and never handled 05:26 sfan5 the favorite serverlist fix described in works 05:26 sfan5 time to commit it 07:07 celeron55_ https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/a888b232fe1315e4922c541f30b214647511bb93 07:07 celeron55_ VanessaE: ^ 07:08 RealBadAngel http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/screenshots/Screenshot%20-%2005032013%20-%2005:22:36%20AM.png 07:45 celeron55 i tried making the theme be visible only on the singleplayer tab 07:45 celeron55 but it does not feel right at all 07:45 celeron55 i think i'll leave it out 07:49 RealBadAngel maybe we figure out better solution later 08:11 celeron55 RealBadAngel: probably some UI structure rework at some point 08:13 RealBadAngel ive seen once screenshot of complete UI rework made by some polish folk 08:13 RealBadAngel but only the screenshot. it was really nice lookin 08:14 RealBadAngel tried to find somethin more but failed 08:15 RealBadAngel well, i found it hehe 08:15 RealBadAngel http://upload.maciejkwas.pl/plik5/game.jpg 13:30 RealBadAngel hi hmmmm 13:30 hmmmm hey 13:30 RealBadAngel looks like im learnin blender now 13:30 RealBadAngel irrlicht wasnt enough ;) 13:30 hmmmm whatcha blending? 13:31 RealBadAngel im makin skydome 13:31 hmmmm don't you already have a dome? 13:31 hmmmm or are you using a skybox right now 13:32 RealBadAngel i dropped skybox and skydome builtin in irrlicht 13:32 RealBadAngel i want animated ones 13:32 RealBadAngel static sky sux big time 13:33 hmmmm ahh 13:33 RealBadAngel ive created skydome mesh and a sphere 13:33 RealBadAngel sphere is textured with stars 13:34 RealBadAngel dome is made out of sun pos and glow 13:34 RealBadAngel without sun it becomes translucent and show the stars 13:35 hmmmm hrm 13:35 RealBadAngel so if the sun is present on the hemisphere its blue (more or less) 13:36 RealBadAngel if not, its transparent and night sky becomes visible 13:36 hmmmm i like that translucent bit 13:36 hmmmm if it gets more translucent as it gets darker 13:38 RealBadAngel but one thing is pain in the ass for me right now 13:38 RealBadAngel sun position 13:38 hmmmm what if you had a sky sphere that was the sun position 13:38 hmmmm and as it goes through the day you simply rotate the sphere 13:39 RealBadAngel sphere will be rotated anyway 13:39 RealBadAngel it holds moon there 13:41 RealBadAngel opposite hemisphere will have some clouds propably 13:42 RealBadAngel but thats not the point 13:42 hmmmm be sure to mask out the bottom half with another hemisphere 13:42 hmmmm right, so what is the problem you're having exactly? 13:42 RealBadAngel bottom will be never visible 13:42 RealBadAngel only upper hemishphere of dome is supposed to be visible 13:43 RealBadAngel my problem is sun position 13:44 RealBadAngel i need coords of the sun related to daytime 13:47 RealBadAngel and im stuck with it 13:53 hmmmm uh, sin()? 13:55 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, can you fix the problem that the sky is dark when you look down and then up? 13:56 hmmmm hmmmm.. i was thinking a bit more about the cut-off decoration placement and it seems like the only way to do this is to do a separate vmanip emerge 13:56 hmmmm what a shame that i only realized this after i wrote everything for my original method 14:11 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, this thingy im doin is goin to replace all the sky when using the shaders 14:13 RealBadAngel hmmmm, some sinusoidal function, yeah. but i mean we do need sunposition at all 14:14 RealBadAngel can be done with world radius=1 14:16 RealBadAngel (at least when we assume its always summer there) 21:25 proller__ why all files in .minetest/worlds/world/players touched to current time? 23:08 sapier hello, question to damage system is there any reason why punch in all cases requires a puncher? 23:09 PilzAdam does it? 23:09 sapier seams to 23:10 sapier obj:punch(nil, 1.0, {full_punch_interval=1.0, damage_groups = damage_groups, }, nil) 23:10 sapier --> bad argument #1 to 'punch' (userdata expected, got nil) 23:10 PilzAdam I use obj:punch(obj, ...) in my TNT mod 23:11 sapier punch by self? 23:11 PilzAdam yea 23:11 sapier seams to be a dirty workaround 23:11 sapier and will give other problems e.g. whom to fight back if attacked by self ;-) 23:12 sapier imho nil should be a valid pucher 23:14 PilzAdam ObjectRef::checkobject() throws an error if the object is nil 23:14 sapier so we need to check first if it's nill 23:16 PilzAdam if the direction is nil then it gets calculated based on the puncher pos 23:17 sapier hmm seams there's a situatuation that can't be handled correctly with current damage system 23:21 PilzAdam well, seems like puncher isnt really needed all the time 23:21 PilzAdam with some minor tweaks it would be possible to allow nil there 23:22 sapier seams to me too. I'll create a push request allowing nil as puncher setting dir to 0,0,0 in this case 23:45 sapier https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/701 don't crash server if punch is called with nil puncher 23:48 PilzAdam seems good 23:50 sapier works for me but requires modders to take care of new case wher puncher is not set in on_punch function 23:51 PilzAdam a note in lua-api.txt would be good 23:51 sapier btw we need to think about lua-api.txt this file is already to big to be usefull 23:52 sapier puncher: ObjectRef (can be nil) 23:52 sapier seams to be an already known case either 23:54 PilzAdam lua-api.txt is good as it is