Time Nick Message 00:44 kahrl should the placement prediction of wallmounted nodes set an appropriate param2? 00:46 Exio i think 00:46 VanessaE I would think so. 01:21 kahrl server.cpp:2987 01:21 kahrl shouldn't the block of pointed_pos_under be sent too? 01:25 kahrl scenario: you place something at a block boundary, and the under node has buildable_to == true 01:47 kahrl oh man placing torches is so much less laggy now :D 01:47 kahrl at least in singleplayer where I tested 02:02 kahrl https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/687 02:14 hmmmm it really seems like the client needs to regenerate a mesh every 5 seconds 02:15 hmmmm i should probably put some effort into optimizing that 02:16 kahrl regenerate due to ABMs doing stuff, liquids flowing or just spontaneously? 02:16 hmmmm just everything 02:16 hmmmm it's like anything that happens requires a mesh regeneration 02:17 hmmmm like if i scratch my head that's going to require a mesh regeneration too 02:17 VanessaE hah\ 02:18 hmmmm did you ever look into using multiple mesh generation threads? i'm not very familiar with that area of minetest at all, does it need to lock anything big that would make multithreading useless? 02:19 kahrl the mesh generator isn't supposed to access anything outside of MeshMakeData 02:19 kahrl except getting textures and shaders from their respective sources 02:19 kahrl so it should be possible 02:20 kahrl of course it accesses nodedef but that needs no lock 02:21 hmmmm a faster mesh maker, or more of them, would reduce the bottleneck of loading blocks in singleplayer 02:27 VanessaE holy crap, the new alpha feature works with nodeboxes too 02:28 VanessaE in case you give two shits about a somewhat-off-topic comment and screenshot: http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/screenshots/screenshot_1230069880.png 02:31 VanessaE (execept that 100% opaque isn't quite 100%) 02:37 hmmmm ah i do see what you mean 02:37 hmmmm are you using shaders there? 02:37 VanessaE yep. 02:37 hmmmm hrmm 02:37 hmmmm i'll check it out later 02:37 VanessaE thought you might be interested in this little experiment :) 02:42 hmmmm i'm sure the problem is that the fog calculation is supposed to work on linear color and i just need to do that before i convert back to srgb 02:42 VanessaE might be. I was just screwing around a bit to see what I could come up with 02:43 VanessaE *turns off fog* .. nope, the wood is still slightly see-through 02:45 hmmmm turning off fog wouldn't fix this 02:45 VanessaE oh ok 02:46 VanessaE well it's not that important. Just thought I'd mention the successful part :) 03:20 hmmmm i think i accidentally switched something off and now large caves go vertically downward but the result is awesome looking 03:22 hmmmm i sorta wish we had some sort of brightness auto-adjust so caves don't need to be pitch black 03:22 hmmmm either that, or a light source with a larger spread 03:33 VanessaE naw, keep 'em dark 03:36 ShadowNinja I would love higher ranges, even light_max is a little low 04:06 ShadowNinja Hmmm, this will probably conflict will my pull, but I will update mine if someone merges this, does this seem OK? https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/687 04:07 ShadowNinja (hmmm, not the user btw, although I sort of also mean him) 04:10 ShadowNinja Also, this can probably be closed now: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/100 04:36 kahrl ShadowNinja: I could merge your pull request into mine, would that make sense? 05:31 hmmmm mmmm.. 05:31 hmmmm this is tough 05:33 hmmmm now that i have a heightmap, i simply look up the height when limiting the cave route Y 05:34 hmmmm except caves can, and do often spawn in the bordering blocks 05:34 hmmmm which i don't have height information on without explicitly calculating 05:34 hmmmm wonder how horrible it would be if i were to assume the ground level is water level 10:44 RealBadAngel why i was removed from core devs list? 10:48 Exio RealBadAngel: what list? 10:49 Exio (that as: i just see you in the in-game list) 10:51 RealBadAngel im talkin about commit rights 10:51 RealBadAngel why i was removed from there? 10:53 Exio oh - no idea really 11:32 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/pull/156 <- no, minetest_game only exists for legacy reasons and new features arent added there 11:34 VanessaE so how does someone whose mod depends on, say, default, also get flowers? 11:37 PilzAdam flowers arent in default, so depending on default if you want flowers is wrong 11:37 VanessaE I know, I'm just saying generally - when a modder depends on default, they do so because they're used to it being part of minetest_game. So do they have to expressly switch to 'build' or 'survival' or something? 11:40 PilzAdam they have to depend on flowers if they need flowers, so they can only run in games that include flowers 11:40 VanessaE so the answer is "yes" then. 11:42 RealBadAngel so you mean, minetest_game is obsolete, yes? 11:50 VanessaE really, if it's obsolete, why bother keeping it around? it just confuses new users (and a few veterans too) 11:50 Exio it is legacy 11:50 Exio people wanted a game what didn't change 11:51 Exio here the people has one, the common and old minetest_game 11:52 RealBadAngel it leads to curious situations, that mods tryin to depend on basic stuff like flowers wont be able run in with minetest game 11:52 RealBadAngel in fact minetest_game wont be able to run very little mods soon 11:52 RealBadAngel *will be 11:54 RealBadAngel this is not good when game modes will restrict what kind of mods can be run there 11:55 RealBadAngel build and survival shall have same exact content, but one shall be craeative world, the other one survival with mobs in the future 11:56 RealBadAngel but there cant be such things like separate content 11:56 Exio what about people waiting/liking having farms in creative? 11:56 Exio the mods what will use mobs will depend of survival then 11:56 RealBadAngel exio: same content for all games 11:56 RealBadAngel i said that alreadt 11:57 RealBadAngel splitting content made technic not able to be used with minetest_game already 11:57 RealBadAngel this is getting ridiculous 11:59 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, are you trying to force modders to drop dependency of anythin included in games? or made them providing flowers again if in current game there are no flowers for example? 12:01 RealBadAngel also same applies to screwdriver. tool designed for players to easily handle 6d facedir nodes 12:02 RealBadAngel your politics lead to situation that despite its in commons, folks are not able to use it 12:02 RealBadAngel and there have to be mods copying that code to bring it back 12:03 RealBadAngel so whats the point including it at all? 12:03 RealBadAngel i demand of removal my screwdriver code from common 12:03 RealBadAngel it will return to technic modpack 12:16 thexyz > that mods tryin to depend on basic stuff like flowers wont be able run in with minetest game 12:17 thexyz how come? 12:17 RealBadAngel because flowers are not added to minetest game 12:18 RealBadAngel so, technic cannot run in this mode unless it provides own copy of flowers, which is nonsense 12:18 thexyz i still don't get it 12:18 thexyz if user doesn't have required the game will gently tell him/her 12:19 thexyz so he/she goes to forum and downloads flowers 12:19 RealBadAngel whats the point downloading flowers if theyre already there but in different folder,huh? 12:20 RealBadAngel PilzAdam is splitting content between games 12:20 RealBadAngel i made framed glass and he wanted it to be aviable only in build 12:20 thexyz well, then he or she may go to that different folder and copy that mod from there 12:20 RealBadAngel so i refused to use it at all 12:21 RealBadAngel also screwdriver wont stay in commons too 12:22 RealBadAngel this creates just mess, when content is splitted between games 12:22 RealBadAngel i wont be writing mods that will have to check whats is supported by PilzAdam and whats not 12:25 thexyz wait 12:25 thexyz how come you'll have to check "whats is supported by PilzAdam and whats not"? 12:25 thexyz you just depend on "flowers" when you need flowers 12:25 RealBadAngel not only, i wrote screwdriver as tool for handling nodes easily 12:25 VanessaE thexyz: which makes it impossible to use the mod with that dependency on anything but the build and survival games 12:25 thexyz making that mess called "default" was a huge mistake i think 12:25 VanessaE (or a custom game, as I use) 12:25 thexyz VanessaE: why is it impossible? 12:26 RealBadAngel and i have to include it again for folks want to play with other game modes 12:26 RealBadAngel also calinou has included copy of it 12:26 VanessaE thexyz: because minetest_game, being the only other standard-issue game, doesn't have flowers (via common)at all - it was deliberately excluded from it 12:26 thexyz VanessaE: why can't you download it? 12:26 thexyz "flowers" mod 12:27 RealBadAngel again. why download if its here?? 12:27 VanessaE thexyz: I certainly can - but what about your average user who barely knows how to download a mod at all? 12:27 thexyz isn't that how dependencies are supposed to work? 12:27 VanessaE you really want to tell them to modify the standard-issue game content 12:27 VanessaE ? 12:27 thexyz > barely knows how to download a mod 12:27 thexyz how'd he got "the mod with that dependency" then? 12:27 thexyz VanessaE: I didn't say that 12:27 VanessaE thexyz: it comes with minetest "common". 12:27 RealBadAngel thexyz, current way is PilzAdam enablin or disabling content 12:28 thexyz there is no need to "modify the standard-issue game content" 12:28 thexyz you just download mod called "flowers" 12:28 thexyz if you don't have it 12:28 thexyz same for other dependencies 12:28 RealBadAngel following his vision of creative and survival 12:28 thexyz VanessaE: so? 12:28 * VanessaE shrugs 12:28 thexyz well, you can enable it in the game config as well 12:29 RealBadAngel explain player why the duck he have to download mod that he already has on the disk... 12:29 RealBadAngel and why author has to maintain two versions of it, one included and one other for separate downloads 12:29 VanessaE maybe what's needed is a way for a third-party mod to depend on and "pull in" something from common, the way a game such as survival does. 12:30 VanessaE this would solve the issue neatly. 12:32 kaeza related? https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/599 12:33 VanessaE kaeza: similar, yeah 12:33 RealBadAngel thexyz, http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=86277#p86277 this is the mess im talkin about 12:33 RealBadAngel please read a few posts starting here 12:34 thexyz RealBadAngel: so? 12:35 thexyz the guy is unable to install "common" modpack 12:35 RealBadAngel there will be more such "flowers" 12:36 thexyz RealBadAngel: okay, he doesn't have to, he can as well enable it in the game config 12:36 RealBadAngel you still dont get the point, configs, separate download etc 12:37 thexyz yes, i still don't get it 12:37 RealBadAngel this all leads to game will be unplayable for less experienced users or kids 12:37 thexyz as i see it, you want to include everything everywhere 12:37 RealBadAngel no 12:37 thexyz because "users are stupid" or something 12:37 thexyz so stupid they're unable to download a single file and unzip it 12:38 thexyz or edit a single text document 12:38 thexyz no? 12:38 RealBadAngel kids wont be able to do that 12:39 RealBadAngel but thats not the point. it makes modders life complicated 12:39 thexyz what does? 12:39 thexyz the thing that "kids wont be able to do that"? 12:40 RealBadAngel edit configs, solve deps etc, but as i said thats not my point really, just a thought 12:41 RealBadAngel point is i need to do fancy gimmicks to get technic working with different content provided by default games 12:41 RealBadAngel hell i have to reinclude even my own code 12:42 RealBadAngel because PA decided screwdriver is not for survival 12:43 thexyz (okay, let's say I got that one wrong and retire) 12:44 kaeza ehm... then how are we supposed to turn the stairsplus/moreblocks nodes? 12:45 VanessaE magic, of course. 12:46 RealBadAngel use the force, Luke, use the force :P 12:48 thexyz kaeza: enable screwdriver in your game.conf 12:49 kaeza thexyz, how if I'm running survival? 12:49 kaeza that's exacly RBA's point 12:49 kaeza IMHO It's understandable that things like the bones (the version with inv transfer), mobs, hunger, etc, would be left off of creative (build) 12:50 kaeza but things like screwdriver and the framed glass is nonsense 12:50 RealBadAngel but not the content 12:50 VanessaE I think the point being made here is that the actual content - tools, blocks, etc - that is available in one game should be available in all standard games. Only the actual active gameplay should change. 12:51 RealBadAngel like survival - damage on, no creative, fly, noclip, fast aviable, mobs etc 12:52 thexyz kaeza: enable screwdriver in your game.conf 12:52 kaeza thexyz, how if I'm running survival? 12:52 RealBadAngel build: creative on, no damage, no mobs 12:52 VanessaE and that minetest_game is now considered "dead". 12:52 kaeza RBA's point is that screwdriver is not in common 12:53 VanessaE it's in common, just not enabled in survival. 12:53 kaeza err... that you can't add anything to mt_game 12:53 kaeza and what VanessaE said 12:53 kaeza thexyz, build, and survival (and possibly minetest_game) should be games that run out of the box 12:54 thexyz meh 12:54 thexyz they do 12:54 thexyz if you need something that they don't include 12:54 RealBadAngel folks will want to build in survival also, but earned, collected, farmed or dug resources against all odss 12:54 thexyz you install it/enable it 12:54 kaeza sheesh 12:54 RealBadAngel theres no point in disabling content for survival game 12:55 thexyz there is 12:56 thexyz PilzAdam thought "screwdriver" doesn't belong to survival hence he disabled it 12:56 thexyz you don't think so 12:57 RealBadAngel what about framed glass? 12:57 thexyz but your point is "noobs won't be able to enable it" 12:57 kaeza thexyz, the framed glass is the new "hot" feature... do I (as a user) have to copy from another ("standard-issue") game because someone thought it was bad for another "standard-issue" game? 12:57 thexyz which is terribly wrong, as I think 12:58 kaeza VanessaE and RealBadAngel clearly made the point: you don't disable content; only gameplay elements 12:58 kaeza and ultimately, why are we bugging xyz with such things? shouldn't we bug PA? :P 12:59 thexyz I disagree with this point; to start with, what's the difference between "content" and "gameplay elements"? 12:59 VanessaE maybe because thexyz piped up? ;) 12:59 RealBadAngel thexyz, thx to PilzAdam who wanted it only in build, framed glass in not part of any standard game. its separate mod 12:59 thexyz so? 12:59 RealBadAngel just pointin results of such politic 12:59 VanessaE thexyz: you don't have to fight and kill and so forth to keep your brick house in good order in creative, but in survival you might hvae to do all of that just to build a little cobblestone shack 13:00 thexyz RealBadAngel: can you link this mod to me? 13:00 RealBadAngel hold on 13:01 PilzAdam <RealBadAngel> build and survival shall have same exact content, but one shall be craeative world, the other one survival with mobs in the future 13:01 PilzAdam lol 13:01 RealBadAngel https://github.com/RealBadAngel/technic/tree/indev/framedglass 13:01 PilzAdam you want us to have 3 games with the same content? 13:01 PilzAdam whats the point in having 3 games then? 13:01 RealBadAngel read what we are talkin about 13:02 RealBadAngel about THE POINT 13:02 RealBadAngel 3? 13:02 RealBadAngel since when? you made minetest_game already trashed 13:02 kaeza PilzAdam, bones is not the same in build and survival :) 13:02 PilzAdam not every mod runs in every game 13:02 thexyz > the framed glass is the new "hot" feature... 13:02 PilzAdam thats intentional 13:02 thexyz how's that crazy simple mod is the new hot feature? 13:02 kaeza thexyz, new drawtype? 13:03 RealBadAngel thexyz, http://i.imgur.com/5d6sNvO.jpg 13:03 thexyz oh, I missed that part 13:04 RealBadAngel this is this usage of this crazy simple code 13:04 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, it is not our goal to run every mod in every game 13:05 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, your vision of games are just weird 13:05 RealBadAngel and i cannot agree 13:05 RealBadAngel so please do remove screwdriver from common 13:05 RealBadAngel i demand it 13:06 PilzAdam no, screwdriver needs to be in build for moreblocks to work in it 13:06 RealBadAngel moreblocks already are including its own copy of it 13:06 RealBadAngel if you have missed it 13:06 PilzAdam really? why does it that if its in common? 13:06 RealBadAngel technic is also including it again 13:06 VanessaE RealBadAngel: only because the default screwdriver had a 32px texture (that didn't look like 16px) 13:07 RealBadAngel 32px texture because mode numbers are overlayed 13:07 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, isnt technic going to be a game? 13:07 RealBadAngel it is 13:07 RealBadAngel and it will fix all your inventions 13:07 RealBadAngel including groups 13:07 PilzAdam then it can use the screwdriver mod from common 13:08 RealBadAngel no i wont be detecting and reincluding my own code 13:08 RealBadAngel which by now me and calinou have to do 13:09 PilzAdam you are missing the point of common, then 13:09 RealBadAngel nvm 13:09 RealBadAngel i want my screwdriver back 13:10 RealBadAngel i wont let you decide where and when i can use it 13:10 RealBadAngel also i wont let you decide on any of my code 13:11 thexyz meh, what the fuck 13:11 PilzAdam 1) you can decide when you choose the game 2) people can use screwdriver as a mod for survival if they want to 13:11 PilzAdam (they ruin point of this game then, though) 13:12 RealBadAngel you think folks cannot build in survival? 13:12 RealBadAngel rotfl 13:12 kaeza ^ 13:12 VanessaE exactky. 13:12 VanessaE exactly, too. 13:12 RealBadAngel the game is about to collect resources, in a hard way 13:12 RealBadAngel not using creative sandbox 13:12 VanessaE go to redcrab's server, that's purely survival and people have built some really nice stuff there. 13:12 RealBadAngel and build with them 13:13 VanessaE and yet, it has such things as travelnet, homedecor, moreores/blocks, etc. 13:13 RealBadAngel that is this game all about 13:14 RealBadAngel and yet you are trying to tell ppl what blocks they may use, what tools 13:14 PilzAdam yes, thats what game creators do 13:14 RealBadAngel but youre simply wrong 13:15 RealBadAngel good ive been taken rights, i wont need anymore to argue with you 13:15 VanessaE if a game creator doesn't listen to his users, the game he creates will eventually cease to be used. 13:15 RealBadAngel consider this as a last time 13:15 RealBadAngel imho, you are bringing more harm to the game than good 13:16 kaeza PilzAdam, am I forced to create a new game if I want the framed glass? 13:16 PilzAdam kaeza, no, use technic game, it has framed glass 13:16 VanessaE I hope technic doesn't become a game, then it'll fuck up my "game" used on my server. 13:16 RealBadAngel only thing only interesting me why i dont have commit rights anymore. 13:17 kaeza so, I want to use technic and build 13:17 PilzAdam since RealBadAngel doesnt want it to be added to the build game 13:17 RealBadAngel i just want to know the answer 13:17 RealBadAngel before i leave this channel 13:19 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, only celeron55 and thexyz have the rights to do that 13:20 RealBadAngel nvm, i dont really need to know it. 13:20 VanessaE I am, however, curious. 13:21 * PilzAdam too 13:23 kaeza PilzAdam, then what is the point in adding content to default games in the first place? 13:23 PilzAdam that question doesnt make sense 13:23 kaeza it does make sense 13:24 PilzAdam explain 13:25 kaeza if people need to install new mods for handling stuff like stairsplus nodes, then you may as well only provide "default" 13:25 kaeza *install new mods separately 13:25 PilzAdam you see the default game(s) only as a platform to run mods? 13:26 kaeza nope, I mean, if you add the screwdriver to just build, then people need to install new mods if they want it for survival 13:26 kaeza whether they have to download or copy from local folder 13:27 PilzAdam the moreblocks mod just goes against the idea behind the survival game 13:27 VanessaE how 13:27 VanessaE ? 13:27 kaeza now THAT makes no sense 13:27 PilzAdam so I see no need to include mods into it to support it 13:28 PilzAdam the main idea of survival is not building but surviving in a hostile world 13:28 PilzAdam and moreblocks only focuses on building 13:28 kaeza and does that have anything to do with content? 13:28 VanessaE PilzAdam: um, most people who play in survival mode do some kind of building,. 13:29 VanessaE many of those structures are quite nice, even beautiful, for the media anyway 13:29 PilzAdam VanessaE, yes, for this kind of building the default mod is enough 13:29 VanessaE I believe I said it before, and I'll say it again: splitting the games the way that was done was a stupid idea. 13:29 PilzAdam building is also part of the game, but its not as important as in the build game (obviously) 13:30 VanessaE it should have just been one single game, with a checkbox in the world "Configure" dialog to decide whether to enable survival elements or not. 13:31 VanessaE (e.g. like the "Creative Mode" checkbox now, but taken a few steps further and made world-specific. 13:33 Exio getting resources for building is more funny than using the resources directly - imo 13:34 PilzAdam VanessaE, so whats the difference to chosing "build" or "survival" at the beginning? (like we curently have) 13:35 iqualfragile why does minetest suddenly depend on libz.so? 13:35 kaeza iqualfragile, libpng depends on libz 13:35 VanessaE PilzAdam: because each of those two "games" leaves out elements that people might find useful. At least if it were a checkbox, more thought would have to go into what is or is not included in a given mode. 13:36 kaeza iqualfragile, thus MT depended on libz since PNG support was added (probably from the beginning) 13:36 VanessaE PilzAdam: it's one thing to leave MOBs out from creative. It's a different issue entirely to leave out basic tools and nodes. 13:36 VanessaE (from survival, etc) 13:37 PilzAdam so you basically dont like the idea of not including nodes/tools from build into survival? 13:37 VanessaE basically, yeah. 13:38 VanessaE what can be built with, traded, etc. in one game should be usable in the other 13:38 kaeza exactly 13:38 VanessaE the whole point of survival was to introduce a bunch of shit that will kill you 13:38 VanessaE not to leave out stuff that's genuinely useful. 13:39 hmmmm zlib support was needed since mapblocks were compressed 13:39 VanessaE otherwise, why even bother to include so much as one single node that isn't found in minimal and that isn't also directly related to the act of fighting for survival?? 13:39 VanessaE -? 13:39 hmmmm it's included as part of base in nearly all operating systems, why complain about it? 13:45 VanessaE bbl 13:46 VanessaE for the logs: Someone needs to answer RBA's question of why he no longer has commit access to the Minetest repositories. Considering what he's done for the engine and the community, I believe he has earned at least the courtesy of an answer. 13:47 VanessaE oyut -> 13:47 VanessaE out, too. -> 13:47 hmmmm was he removed, or did heconceal his membership on the member page 14:01 thexyz > <+RealBadAnge> | only thing only interesting me why i dont have commit rights anymore. 14:12 sfan5 who hosts servers.minetest.net? 14:13 thexyz i do 15:24 celeron55 a lot of drama i see 15:26 celeron55 it seems i forgot to add RBA back to the contributors after i freaked out of RBA's incompatible change and wanted to make sure he doesn't break anything while i fix it 15:27 hmmmm adding new things to the end of enumerations or whatever is a detail that should probably be noted somewhere 15:28 celeron55 that does not apply to all enumerators, only to those that are serialized somewhere as-is 15:28 celeron55 so i guess it should be noted in a comment next to such enums 15:29 PilzAdam maybe use #define instead of enums for such things? 15:29 kaeza that carries another problem 15:29 hmmmm there's nothing wrong with enums if you're just not stupid about them 15:30 celeron55 PilzAdam: then someone can easily accidentally add a #define with the same value 15:30 celeron55 or some random value 15:30 celeron55 there's no workarounds to stupidity 8) except maybe Java 15:30 kaeza and soon you'll lose track of the "highest value" 15:35 celeron55 PilzAdam: it seems there are more like four than three groups of people; there's (this is actually obvious and we should have known it) the people who actually want the exact kind of development as we had before the game split 15:35 celeron55 PilzAdam: oddly enough, those are the people who complained before the split too 8) 15:36 celeron55 but anyway 15:37 celeron55 do you think the current direction won't have much problems in the long run? (in the short run, i see a lot of compaints that are due to change) 15:37 celeron55 (because people alway complain about change, no matter what) 15:37 celeron55 +s 15:37 Calinou the same people want change 15:37 Calinou :> 15:38 celeron55 basically my thoughts currently are "compainers gonna complain" 15:38 celeron55 ... 15:38 celeron55 complainers* 15:38 celeron55 i blame the keyboard 15:39 celeron55 i mean, we could have a fourth "official" game that would aim for just stuffing everything in 15:39 PilzAdam there are people who see the default game as a platform for mods 15:39 celeron55 or we could do that in minetest_game 15:39 PilzAdam and there are people who want to throw everything in 15:40 PilzAdam yea, I thought maybe make minetest_game just include everything from common 15:40 celeron55 but it appears that in order to have a platform in mods, they need everything to be thrown in because of dependencies (because they think their users are too stupid to figure it out themselves) 15:41 celeron55 i guess the least relevant group after all are those who want minetest_game to stay the same 15:42 celeron55 so basically, if we did that, then some of the people who want minetest_game to be a "platform for mods" will complain about things being added to it 15:42 celeron55 but then we can say "but you need the additions for your dependencies" 15:42 celeron55 but that's not really correct 15:43 celeron55 because *their* users might be wise enough to manage the dependencies properly, while now it was geared towards those who don't want to manage dependencies 15:43 celeron55 one option would be to make a system for automatically grabbing depencies from common 15:44 celeron55 dependencies* 15:44 PilzAdam that would screw up games 15:44 celeron55 it has the problem that if people use the same name for different versions of a mod, it will break horribly 15:45 celeron55 and yes, it would make the addition or removal of a mod actually add or remove even tens of mods 15:45 celeron55 which has uncontrollable effects 15:45 celeron55 so there are no best solutions here, only all kinds of compromises 15:46 celeron55 adding a poll on the forums won't help either, because most people don't understand all the implications of this choice 15:48 celeron55 for this, a proposal following rarkenin's (whoever he was on this channel) proposal system proposal could work best 15:49 celeron55 http://dev.minetest.net/User:Rarkenin/Proposal_System 15:51 celeron55 are there people here who would discuss the proposal of adding all common mods to minetest_game in the manner proposed in the proposal system proposal? 15:56 hmmmm aghk 15:56 hmmmm the cave code is so hard to work with 15:57 hmmmm i am having trouble even keeping them underground 16:02 hmmmm cutting off tunnels based on absolute routepoint y position is something that i didn't want to end up doing, but it seems to produce satisfactory results 16:15 hmmmm and every once in a while, i'll have a large cave go vertically downward and cut through terrain 16:15 hmmmm such sinkholes are already really cool looking underwater 16:17 PilzAdam vertically caves are cool and quite challenging to go down 16:17 hmmmm not if they're flooded with water 16:18 hmmmm what is your opinion on sponges? 16:28 Exio hmmmm: vertical caves "not underground"? 16:28 Exio wouldn't that make nice-looking terrain? 17:41 hmmmm everything is nice in moderation 17:42 hmmmm the caves already pop up occasionally, but i can make that happen more often by not cancelling if the routepoint is above ground 17:43 hmmmm what i was talking about in particular were vertical large caves 17:45 Calinou she said, PilzAdam 17:47 troller sponges must be in base 17:47 PilzAdam what sponges? 17:48 troller http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4642 17:48 hmmmm to suck up surrounding liquids in a 5x5x5 radius 17:49 hmmmm before you go and say "it's not realistic", consider that infinite liquids aren't realistic in the first place 17:49 hmmmm i believe proller also had an "iron sponge" 17:49 hmmmm maybe this would suck up lava 17:49 hmmmm and the regular sponge would suck up water, but be flammable 17:50 troller its works in mod ^^ 17:50 hmmmm this would be very useful for making lava caves more interesting 17:50 hmmmm (i mean by sucking up lava so it's not mostly unexplorable 17:51 hmmmm also if i do the vertical large caves, people are going to want to cover them over and make a base out of it 17:52 PilzAdam "fake_air"? 17:52 PilzAdam seems hacky 17:52 hmmmm i am not saying to plonk the mod which does this in directly 17:52 hmmmm just that sponges would be nice to have 17:53 troller here is special way for finite liquids - sponge sucks water aroud 17:53 troller without fake air 17:55 troller and i want more realistic sponge - can suck only 64 blocks of water, can be removed and placed in inventorty, placed in new dry place, punched and release all water 17:56 Exio super-bucket? :P 17:56 troller yes! 17:56 Calinou i'd like to have sponges in default 17:56 Calinou but how could you craft em 17:56 troller look at post ^^ 17:56 Exio mese! it is .. yellow? 17:57 PilzAdam 4 mese fragments 17:57 troller its ready and works 17:57 Exio i'd use a mese block 17:58 Exio for making it expensive 17:58 hmmmm I don't think it should be allowed in survival 17:58 hmmmm but that's just me 17:58 troller sponges very helpful with finite liquids 18:00 Calinou it should 18:01 PilzAdam they are cool for finit liquids, but I dont see how it could be useful for normal liquids 18:03 Calinou just building? 18:11 hmmmm [02:01 PM] <PilzAdam> they are cool for finit liquids, but I dont see how it could be useful for normal liquids 18:11 hmmmm what?? that doesn't make sense 18:11 hmmmm it would be most useful for normal liquids 18:12 celeron55 i also think sponges mostly make sense for infinite liquids 8) 18:12 hmmmm the alternative is to fill up the space with some node and then dig it back away 18:13 ShadowNinja hmmmm: You would be able to transport lot more finite liquid, with infinite liquids two sources = infinite sources 18:13 hmmmm erm we must be misunderstanding sponges then 18:14 hmmmm i am thinking something much simpler, like in minecraft classic 18:14 hmmmm where it doesn't store any such liquid 18:14 * ShadowNinja hasn't heard of those 18:15 ShadowNinja What do they do? 18:15 hmmmm basically i think it would be cool to remove liquids from an area without having to fill the entire area up and then dig them away 18:16 ShadowNinja Can you remove liquid from sponges? 18:17 Calinou yes 18:17 PilzAdam hmmmm, do you also want to block liquids from refloing into it? 18:17 Calinou so you can troll 0gb.us 18:17 Calinou put iron sponge near lava, ???, PROFIT 18:19 celeron55 i think sponges that store liquid make sense for finite liquid, and sponges that just keep liquid away make sense for infinite liquid 18:19 Calinou is there any reason for disabling fall bobbing? we have view bobbing so it makes no sense to disable it by default. 18:19 Calinou Taoki coded it pretty much for nothing 18:19 Calinou the pros aren't going to use it since it changes their camera position 18:19 Calinou (or just to mine through walls) 18:20 Taoki Calinou: celeron55 doesn't like it for whatever reason, so he disabled it by default 18:20 Taoki People who want the first person feel to be realistic will use it however 18:21 celeron55 http://irc.minetest.ru/minetest-dev/2013-04-23#i_3045262 18:21 celeron55 it sounds like you stopped reading my comments before that 18:28 hmmmm pilzadam, yes, while the block is there 21:00 sfan5 can you use env:set_node in an on_globalstep callback? 21:02 PilzAdam of course 21:03 sfan5 hm, so thats not the problem 21:10 hmmmm eurgh 21:10 hmmmm well it looks kinda neat, but i guess for it to work out, the vector needs to be nearly horizontal and much longer 21:11 hmmmm http://ompldr.org/vaThxdw 21:11 hmmmm a ravine 21:22 troller im trying to make falling liquids as sand for more realistic waterfalls 21:23 troller and maybe slowdown other falling items in liquids 21:46 hmmmm yikes, i think i made ravines a bit too crazy 21:46 hmmmm you can fall to -240 :D 21:48 Exio i want that - now 21:48 Exio :P 21:49 hmmmm that's mod material 21:52 VanessaE I trust you'll name the first official such ravine either "Shonash", "Clayton", or "Eastwood"... Right? RIGHT!? ;) 21:52 hmmmm no 22:02 VanessaE oh well, guess my joke made no sense then. 22:15 hmmmm back to the future stuff? 22:15 VanessaE Can we finally get something put into the engine (or whatever) for soft dependencies? (Force a particular mod to load before another, if both exist, but without the latter explicitly depending on the former) 22:15 VanessaE yeah, it was a BTTF reference. 22:16 hmmmm ahh, haven't watched those movies since i was about 10 22:16 hmmmm hah 22:16 hmmmm pilzadam would probably be interested in taking up that feature request 22:17 PilzAdam soft depends are already relatively good possible 22:17 hmmmm what 22:17 celeron55 1) that isn't english, 2) no, they aren't supported currently; not in any satisfactory way 22:18 PilzAdam -relatively good 22:18 VanessaE PilzAdam: One has to absolutely guarantee that mod A's functions will be 100% loaded and ready when mod B needs them, but without mod B depending on mod A 22:19 PilzAdam there is only 1 case that isnt possible currently: when a mod needs a function of another mod to register a node 22:19 VanessaE hence mod B needs to be able to specify "loadfirst = modA, modC, ..., modN", something like the way you pull mods from common for a game 22:19 VanessaE precisely, and that's what is MOST needed in fact. 22:21 VanessaE the prime example is with moretrees - it depends on (as in, uses depends.txt) moreblocks to get the circular saw function - but I'd have preferred to just make it *use* those functions if the mod happens to be installed, else it would go on without support for that mod. 22:21 celeron55 anyone can just add that support though; my plan for it is to do it so that appending '?' to a modname in depends.txt means it's optional 22:22 VanessaE if I check for the presence of a function and it returns failure, I can't be 100% sure that function really doesn't exist 22:22 VanessaE celeron55: that would be fine by me, but incompatible with older servers. 22:22 celeron55 VanessaE: any compatible one will be unclean 22:22 VanessaE define "unclean" 22:23 celeron55 give me a good alternative 22:23 VanessaE I just did. 22:23 celeron55 ehm 22:23 celeron55 so where does it specify that? 22:23 VanessaE In modB create a file: loadfirst.txt . Put in that file, "load_first = modA, modC, ..., modN" 22:23 VanessaE older servers will of course ignore that file. 22:24 celeron55 a million times better name for that file is optdepends.txt 22:24 VanessaE but inside of modB, you can then safely do stuff like: if modA.somefunction then modA.somefunction(foo,bar) end 22:24 celeron55 i think it's unclean, but whatever 22:25 PilzAdam a new instead of a "?" at the end of modnames in depends.txt is better for compatibility 22:25 PilzAdam +file 22:25 VanessaE on an older server, modA will seem to not exist, but modB will go on running fine. On a newer server, modA would be loaded first and modB would use it. 22:25 celeron55 i do want support for ?s to be added and optdepends.txt to be deprecated when such is released, and removed after everything that anyone cares of is migrated 22:25 VanessaE backward compatibility is of foremost concern for a feature like this. 22:26 VanessaE celeron55: no. Stop trying to be different. 22:26 PilzAdam but, on the other hand, the mod would think that modA doesnt exist if it runs on an old server 22:26 celeron55 there's no problem for that, stop being such a naysayer 22:26 VanessaE I don't care too much what you name the new file - loadfirst.txt or optdepends.txt or whatever - but do NOT go changing the contents of depends.txt 22:27 celeron55 and i'm not trying to be different, i'm trying to set up a good base for the years to come 22:27 VanessaE you do nothing but make things hard for modders AND users then 22:27 PilzAdam so, if mods use this feature, they more or less depend on it, and shouldnt be able to run on old servers 22:27 celeron55 accumulating all kinds of cruft infinitely will lead to only crap 22:27 celeron55 PilzAdam: there isn't such problem, because it's optional - it just ends up being not used while it actually does exist 22:27 VanessaE PilzAdam: the whole idea is that if modB runs on the old server and can't find modA, that's okay - because the support for modA's functions was supposed to be optional anyway 22:28 PilzAdam what if modB depends on the non-existance of modA and uses the system like that? 22:28 VanessaE in the example I gave, moretrees installed on a pre-loadfirst server would simply not be able to see moreblocks in most cases, and would simply not enable the creation of stairs et.al. 22:28 celeron55 VanessaE: you can't imagine what we would have ended up by now if i had preserved absolute backwards compatibility in everything since 2011 22:29 PilzAdam it wouldnt be able to run on old servers with modA then 22:29 hmmmm we'd have a Windows 22:29 hmmmm :) 22:29 VanessaE celeron55: I didn't say everything had to be backward compatible - I'm saying you gotta do whatever to can to soften the blow to modders and users. 22:29 VanessaE and my suggestion is the best way, exact filenames asiode. 22:29 celeron55 VanessaE: that's the same thing 22:29 VanessaE aside8 22:30 celeron55 i told you a way that softens it plenty, and you didn't really even read it, or understand it 22:30 VanessaE PilzAdam: indeed, it wouldn't. But it would be a matter of that same optional code - that's the whole point - that modB should be able to *adapt* to the presence of modA, and a reliable way of detecting modA needs to be established. 22:31 VanessaE celeron55: I read it, and understood it. you're trying to overcomplicate it by supporting it in two different ways (? and a separate file), which is guaranteed to break servers. 22:31 celeron55 VanessaE: what the fuck man 22:31 VanessaE one method. one separate file. clean as a whistle. 22:31 celeron55 GUARANTEED? 22:31 PilzAdam VanessaE, but you never know how modders understand and use the system 22:32 VanessaE PilzAdam: precisely. 22:32 PilzAdam so my point is 100% valid 22:32 VanessaE you just made my argument for me. 22:32 celeron55 VanessaE: how old is the oldest minetest server that runs your newest mods? 22:32 VanessaE if you can't trust modders not to use a feature the wrong way, how can you trust USERS not to do so? 22:32 PilzAdam if mods use new features and the server doesnt have it crash insteaf of dont telling the mod that it doesnt exist 22:33 PilzAdam celeron55, darkrose has a 0.3.1 22:33 VanessaE celeron55: had we had optional dependencies here and there, probably all the way back to when I started. 22:33 PilzAdam +server 22:33 celeron55 PilzAdam: that does not run mods? 22:33 PilzAdam oh, didnt read the mods parts 22:33 VanessaE (which is a bit over a year ago) 22:33 celeron55 VanessaE: so at which version did you start? 22:34 VanessaE celeron55: just before 0.4.0. 22:34 VanessaE well 0.3.1 but I didn't use it for more than a couple of days. 22:34 celeron55 so plants_lib runs on 0.4.0? 22:34 celeron55 that's complete bullshit 22:34 VanessaE did I say that? 22:34 celeron55 or whatever your mods are 22:34 VanessaE now you're putting words into my mouth 22:35 celeron55 i asked which is the oldest version of MT that runs the newest versions of your mods 22:35 VanessaE I'm not sure - I've simply lost track by now. 22:35 celeron55 i am going to base the migration time from optdepends.txt to ? from that, and then you will agree assuming you are sane 22:36 VanessaE celeron55: let's put it this way, some people still run for example 0.4.4. 22:36 celeron55 okay, so half a year will do well 22:36 hmmmm people who still run 0.4.4 are certifiably crazy 22:36 hmmmm newer versions of minetest have infinitely improved in a ridiculous amount of ways 22:36 VanessaE hmmmm: maybe so, but tell that to redcrab. 22:37 hmmmm it's just unthinkable to use 0.4.4 when there's so much better 22:37 VanessaE hell, tell that to darkrose :) 22:37 hmmmm maybe they haven't been keeping up with how much has changed 22:37 VanessaE (actually redcrab runs 0.4.5 by now I think) 22:37 hmmmm all of it is for the better though 22:37 VanessaE and that is the point I'm trying to make 22:37 PilzAdam hmmmm, note that you cant port maps from 0.4.5 to 0.4.6 22:38 VanessaE it IS for the better, I agree 22:38 hmmmm that was such a blunder 22:38 hmmmm all because of the exception handling 22:38 hmmmm anyway i thought you had released a patch version right after, with that fixed? 22:39 PilzAdam there was no official build of that 22:39 celeron55 stable versions are always funny; stable basically means (in any software) that it will either be stablely working or stablely broken 8) 22:40 hmmmm right :( 22:40 celeron55 nothing is stopping you from releasing 0.4.7 though 22:40 PilzAdam http://devopsreactions.tumblr.com/post/44776341195/bug-reports-after-a-new-release 22:41 hmmmm lots of features in upstream are pretty unstable 22:41 celeron55 one commit is enough to increase the patch version by one; there's absolutely no reason to spare them 22:41 hmmmm e.g. hud api 22:41 PilzAdam we have decided to merge leveldb for 0.4.7 22:41 hmmmm that too 22:41 hmmmm although maybe it's a better idea to hold off 22:41 celeron55 that sounds like you should decide to do it after 0.4.7 8) 22:42 hmmmm there isn't as much third party support for leveldb 22:42 celeron55 always when you think "we have to do this big thing for version X", the wisest thing to do is first release something you know definitely works, and then start working on the big thing 22:42 VanessaE also consider that 0.3.x is still present as the standard version in ubuntu repositories. How long do you suppose the first 0.4.x release that makes it there will stay? 22:42 celeron55 hmmmm: i'm worried about that too; it's pretty much the end for easy-to-make third party map tools 22:42 PilzAdam doesnt the leveldb pull request include an option to choose whether to use sqlite or leveldb? so people can choose what they want 22:43 celeron55 VanessaE: they know it will be immediately old, so they don't put 0.4 in there 22:43 celeron55 packagers aren't very dumb 8) 22:43 hmmmm yeah but who in their right minds would use sqlite when given a better option 22:43 VanessaE celeron55: so they shall just keep 0.3.x forever then? 22:43 hmmmm and then you'd have a third party tool that works for some people and not for others 22:43 hmmmm and then somebody will "upload their map" and whoops, it's an incompatible version because leveldb support hasn't been compiled in 22:44 kahrl VanessaE: well there is supposed to be a 0.5.0 when the lua API is reasonably stable 22:44 PilzAdam hmmmm, do you choose it when compiling or when creating the map? 22:44 hmmmm when compiling, no?? 22:44 VanessaE kahrl: and how long do you figure the ubuntu et.al repos will keep 0.5.0 then, given how long 0.3.x has stuck around? 22:44 PilzAdam dunno 22:44 hmmmm i've never used it 22:45 VanessaE PilzAdam: I believe it's chosen at map-creation tine, defaulting to sqlite 22:45 celeron55 0.5.0 sounds like something where people will have huge pressure to put enormous amounts of experimental stuff in and then it's the most broken thing ever 22:45 * celeron55 knows how people do things 22:46 hmmmm 0.5.0 will have fully hardware lighting 22:46 hmmmm mapgen v8 22:46 hmmmm a toaster 22:46 hmmmm voxel area entities 22:46 kahrl nah, we need to learn from firefox et al. mapgen v42 22:47 hmmmm lock-free environment 22:47 celeron55 minetest 50 22:47 hmmmm the user doesn't need to look at the version number anymore 22:47 celeron55 let's just start using an integer version number 22:47 hmmmm all they need to know is that they're using the latest 22:47 hmmmm </endquote> 22:47 celeron55 the next one will be minetest 2 22:47 celeron55 8D 22:48 celeron55 everyone will hate us forever 22:48 hmmmm and remove all the options too 22:48 troller .version = unix timestamp of commit 22:48 PilzAdam VanessaE, there is no documentation in minetest.conf.example, but it seems its saved in world.mt 22:48 VanessaE PilzAdam: which, the database backend? 22:48 troller v1367102917 22:48 PilzAdam in the leveldb pull request 22:49 VanessaE that sounds right - I haven't looked into the whole thing in a while. 22:49 PilzAdam it needs some better documentation 22:49 celeron55 troller: let's use sha1 hashed unix timestamps as versions 22:49 hmmmm hey... rolling release 22:49 celeron55 troller: then nobody truly has any idea of it 22:50 PilzAdam there is also a new command line parameter "migrate" if I read the code right 22:50 troller celeron55, just git commit 22:50 VanessaE PilzAdam: yes 22:50 VanessaE troller: no, commit date+time. 22:50 troller v0fb9567f1394646a71d42aa9bd7e6da8343c9784 22:50 kahrl does it just migrate from sqlite to leveldb? or both directions? 22:50 VanessaE nothing more complicated is needed. 22:51 PilzAdam kahrl, since there is no documentation we can only guess 22:51 troller v1367102917.0fb9567f1394646a71d42aa9bd7e6da8343c9784 - more sortable 22:51 celeron55 troller: and let's make version nicknames using this http://wiki.yak.net/589/Bubble_Babble_Encoding.txt 22:53 celeron55 kahrl: i think it can do both 22:53 PilzAdam related to version number discussion: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=81129#p81129 22:53 celeron55 thexyz is the one to answer 22:53 VanessaE I wish we could get back to the subject we started on - soft depends that is. 22:53 PilzAdam just use a "random thing" as the version number :D 22:54 celeron55 VanessaE: it's decided already, for the relevant part (arguably nothing else even is relevant than the decision that it shall be made) 22:55 celeron55 (reading stuff from files is simpler than figuring out how to make the algorithm do softdepends) 22:58 troller btw - i have no "public servers" button in official win 0.4.6 build - its my bug? 22:59 PilzAdam does it have cURL support compiled in? 22:59 troller i dont know 22:59 troller thexyz, !!!! 22:59 troller PilzAdam, its works in your builds 23:00 troller libcurl.dll included 23:00 PilzAdam seems like they dont have cURL support, is there a "Public" checkbox in the advanced tab? 23:01 celeron55 wut 23:02 celeron55 where's all the QA? 8) 23:02 troller PilzAdam, no 23:02 troller very bad for official build 23:03 troller and 24.03.13 — minetest/minetest@73a5e987f4352ebeda8ba122d1be60316ae7784e - have no curl too 23:04 troller but 0.4.5 - ok 23:11 PilzAdam bye 23:55 hmmmm ahhgh 23:55 hmmmm i think i have it right where i want it! 23:55 VanessaE uh oh 23:55 hmmmm http://ompldr.org/vaThzZQ 23:55 VanessaE holy shit 23:58 ShadowNinja Neat! Could that be stretched out to make ravines? 23:58 hmmmm that is a ravine 23:59 VanessaE I think he means ravines that stretch for hundreds of meters in length (X/Z) perhaps 23:59 hmmmm yup, that's not happening 23:59 hmmmm this needs to fit in a chunk 23:59 ShadowNinja ohm looked round from that perspective 23:59 ShadowNinja oh, *