Time |
Nick |
Message |
00:18 |
dannydark |
hmmmm: did you want me? |
00:23 |
RealBadAngel |
so? https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/402 can this be merged? |
00:23 |
dannydark |
*https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/406 ^ |
00:24 |
RealBadAngel |
yeah |
00:25 |
dannydark |
^_^ |
00:25 |
RealBadAngel |
i had to reformat it |
00:25 |
RealBadAngel |
406 is the one |
00:27 |
dannydark |
seems fine to me, I'm just having a play with it would be nice to have the option to limit the amount of fruit on a tree |
00:28 |
VanessaE |
dannydark: fruit_chance = number |
00:29 |
dannydark |
ah nice I read that wrong, thought that was the chance of the tree being a fruit tree. my bad ^_^ |
00:30 |
RealBadAngel |
it is also |
00:30 |
RealBadAngel |
0=non fruit tree |
00:31 |
RealBadAngel |
add fruit="acorn" and fruit_chance=10 to get oak fruits :) |
00:32 |
dannydark |
yeah makes sense now thanks :D |
00:46 |
hmmmm |
hey! |
00:47 |
dannydark |
howdy :D |
00:47 |
RealBadAngel |
hey hmmmm |
00:47 |
hmmmm |
yeah how did you find out |
00:47 |
hmmmm |
hi |
00:47 |
dannydark |
was just reading through the logs |
00:47 |
hmmmm |
what did you do exactly to merge my branch with 0.4.4? |
00:47 |
hmmmm |
i want to do that |
00:48 |
hmmmm |
i would say it's ready |
00:48 |
dannydark |
you ain't going to like it haha, I manually merged it |
00:48 |
hmmmm |
ouch |
00:48 |
RealBadAngel |
hhehehe |
00:48 |
hmmmm |
=| |
00:49 |
hmmmm |
you didn't use any git tools or anything? |
00:49 |
dannydark |
yeah well I also have a few other peoples branches merged in the same local copy haha |
00:49 |
dannydark |
nope lol |
00:49 |
dannydark |
well I used git to see the diffs |
00:49 |
hmmmm |
yea |
00:49 |
dannydark |
but manually merged as to not break the other changes |
00:49 |
hmmmm |
hrmm |
00:50 |
dannydark |
I could merge your branch with latest 0.4.4 if you want? I've got a couple of hours to kill anyway haha |
00:50 |
RealBadAngel |
brb |
00:51 |
hmmmm |
eeh that's a bit too much trouble |
00:51 |
hmmmm |
i wouldn't expect you to do that at all |
00:51 |
dannydark |
nah I don't mind |
00:51 |
dannydark |
I was going to merge your last 4 commits anyway as I don't have them yet |
00:51 |
hmmmm |
yea |
00:52 |
dannydark |
then I could just upload it to a branch on my github, which you should be able to pull and make any tweaks etc |
00:52 |
hmmmm |
wow that's 18 patches |
00:52 |
hmmmm |
i want to try doing it myself anyway |
00:52 |
hmmmm |
alright i think i'm up to it |
00:52 |
dannydark |
thing is, I don't mind merging them if it means that its helping you out and it gets the mapgen changes closer to being merges |
00:52 |
dannydark |
merged* |
00:53 |
dannydark |
yeah ok no worries mate ^_^ |
00:53 |
hmmmm |
thanks though |
00:53 |
RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev |
00:53 |
dannydark |
no worries, sorry I didn't have some sort of magic solution hehe |
00:55 |
dannydark |
There probably is better ways of doing it, but I quite like manually merging as it helps with learning the code ^_^ which is always useful |
01:04 |
grondilu joined #minetest-dev |
01:04 |
* grondilu |
had a segmentation fault when connecting to redcrab |
01:05 |
* hmmmm |
wonders if grondilu has any relevant information about the segfault |
01:05 |
grondilu |
I don't know. I see nothing interesting in the debug.log |
01:06 |
grondilu |
I use the latest git code under debian sid |
01:07 |
grondilu |
maybe I could run it with --verbose ? |
01:08 |
* grondilu |
tries that |
01:08 |
dannydark |
hmmmm: https://github.com/kwolekr/minetest/blob/1363bded98709a35d14b5b427430f8c248794111/src/defaultsettings.cpp#L131 < this probably isn't needed anymore |
01:08 |
doserj left #minetest-dev |
01:27 |
hmmmm |
ahh yes good point |
01:27 |
hmmmm |
didn't see that |
01:28 |
dannydark |
hehe ^_^ |
01:28 |
* grondilu |
managed to connect |
01:28 |
dannydark |
I only spotted it because I had grouped all the mapgen related stuff at the bottom (like you have with your new latest commit) |
01:29 |
grondilu |
I had forgotten to add minetest_game in my games/ directory. Seems to make a difference |
01:29 |
hmmmm |
ah |
01:29 |
hmmmm |
there's a detail that'd help |
01:29 |
hmmmm |
I'll have to check it out sometime later |
01:30 |
hmmmm |
if you experience a segfault, of course there's not going to be any debugging information in debug.log with any debug level |
01:30 |
hmmmm |
unless it was caught |
01:30 |
hmmmm |
by an exception handler |
01:42 |
grondilu |
yeah normally it shoudl dump a core or something, right? |
01:55 |
dannydark |
hmmmm: well all worked fine on my linux system but I had a few problems on my Windows system, one being "identifier "int64_t" is undefined" which can be fixed by adding "#include <cstdint>" to the includes |
01:56 |
dannydark |
and the other is "identifier "strsep" is undefined" |
02:00 |
dannydark |
hrrmm, looks like strsep() is for *nix based systems only ¬_¬ I will see if I can find any alternatives or maybe we should add the function to one of minetest's util headers? |
02:04 |
hmmmm |
oh shoot sorry |
02:04 |
dannydark |
found this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1505274/ on the site mentioned in the paste |
02:04 |
hmmmm |
I didn't realize strsep() isn't on windows |
02:05 |
* hmmmm |
wonders if strtok_r is available on windows |
02:06 |
dannydark |
I saw that mentioned (apparently it is) but someone was saying it didn't handle empty fields, don't know if thats needed? |
02:07 |
hmmmm |
the string tokenizing function you pasted? |
02:07 |
dannydark |
or well "strtok" http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8512958/is-there-a-windows-variant-of-strsep |
02:07 |
hmmmm |
no, i need strtok_r() |
02:07 |
dannydark |
ok will check now |
02:07 |
hmmmm |
that's fine i'm checking |
02:08 |
dannydark |
looks like windows doesn't have it |
02:09 |
hmmmm |
yeah, they named it strtok_s |
02:09 |
hmmmm |
so we'll just do #define strtok_r(x, y, z) strtok_s(x, y, z) |
02:09 |
dannydark |
¬_¬ annoying much, don't see why they didn't just keep it the same across all platforms |
02:10 |
hmmmm |
again - sorry, i didn't realize that strsep() wasn't on windows when i wrote this |
02:10 |
* hmmmm |
goes to rework his code a little |
02:11 |
dannydark |
its fine ^_^ I'm used to having the same issues crop up at work when we are trying to keep cross platform compatibility, sometimes you just get too used to one platforms functions and just expect them to be on others |
02:21 |
RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev |
02:22 |
RealBadAngel |
dannydark, btw, http://realbadangel.pl/fruit_chance.png fruit_chance=70 ;) |
02:23 |
dannydark |
oh nice haha ^_^ |
02:25 |
RealBadAngel |
also this is now possible: http://realbadangel.pl/leaves.png |
02:25 |
dannydark |
oh whoa, two types of leaves? |
02:25 |
RealBadAngel |
yes |
02:26 |
RealBadAngel |
in fact you can abuse fruits to get 3 |
02:26 |
dannydark |
nice :D |
02:26 |
dannydark |
has your latest patch been merged upstream? |
02:27 |
dannydark |
oh nevermind I've got your pull request link somewhere here |
02:27 |
dannydark |
going to merge it with my local copy on this system so I can have a play around with it again, I was trying to get some nice looking jungle trees...but ended up with some weirdly shaped arch things haha |
02:28 |
RealBadAngel |
https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/408 |
02:28 |
dannydark |
cheers mate |
02:30 |
RealBadAngel |
http://realbadangel.pl/jungle.png |
02:31 |
hmmmm |
hey dannydark, you didnt' have any other issues compiling with windows? |
02:31 |
hmmmm |
did you use MSVC? |
02:32 |
dannydark |
hmmmm: yeah using MSVC11 the only two issues that appeared was strsep() and int64_t being undefined (which I fixed by adding "#include <cstdint>" to the includes |
02:32 |
hmmmm |
interesting, i wonder why __alignof__() wasn't a problem |
02:32 |
dannydark |
not been able to do a full compile yet as the build was failing with them |
02:33 |
dannydark |
I'll run a full rebuild now |
02:33 |
RealBadAngel |
how do you like jungle trees? |
02:34 |
dannydark |
RealBadAngel: there nice, although It would be nice if they had a larger top part (similar to the original jungle trees in minetest if you ever saw them?) |
02:35 |
dannydark |
hmmmm: yep just strsep() and int64_t |
02:35 |
RealBadAngel |
we are workin on it |
02:35 |
dannydark |
hmmmm: the rest compiles fine. |
02:36 |
dannydark |
RealBadAngel: nice can't wait to see them :D I still really like your large oak trees, would be nice to have them upstream maybe biome specific not quite sure what the biome would be though hehe |
02:37 |
RealBadAngel |
plains? |
02:37 |
hmmmm |
ugh that stuff :/ |
02:38 |
RealBadAngel |
we do have textures ready for like 10 kinds of trees by now |
02:38 |
hmmmm |
that's good |
02:38 |
RealBadAngel |
what we do need are decent models |
02:38 |
hmmmm |
the sooner i can get this done, the sooner i can get working on that |
02:38 |
dannydark |
yeah plains could work, although in small quantities |
02:39 |
RealBadAngel |
also fruits like cones, acorns etc shall be done |
02:40 |
* VanessaE |
pats herself on the back for figuring out a functional axiom/rules for the aforementioned jungle trees :) |
02:41 |
dannydark |
I also asked PilzAdam if he was planning on updating his trees in the farming mod to use the new treegen, he replied that he may at sometime so that would be nice that would be 3/4 more tree types done too |
02:42 |
* dannydark |
pats VanessaE on the back for the good work :D |
02:43 |
RealBadAngel |
technic already has l-systems rubber tree |
02:44 |
dannydark |
yeah got that :D updated to latest git a few moments ago |
02:51 |
hmmmm |
hey dannydark, was anything said about uintptr_t? |
02:51 |
dannydark |
nope |
02:51 |
hmmmm |
odd |
02:52 |
hmmmm |
ah, no, it's included in stddef.h |
02:52 |
hmmmm |
going by this http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/323b6b3k.aspx |
02:52 |
hmmmm |
i used to test my stuff on windows, but it's gotten too problematic for me |
02:52 |
RealBadAngel |
http://realbadangel.pl/jungle2.png |
02:53 |
hmmmm |
what's with the redaction? 8) |
02:53 |
hmmmm |
although those trees do look awesome |
02:53 |
hmmmm |
they look much better than i recall when jungles were in |
02:54 |
dannydark |
yeah they do look nice, the different coloured leaves definitely make them better |
02:54 |
hmmmm |
this begs the question... when are people going to add vines! |
02:54 |
RealBadAngel |
no problemo |
02:54 |
dannydark |
I think VanessaE has a mod that does that |
02:54 |
RealBadAngel |
add them as fruits |
02:54 |
RealBadAngel |
and they will start to grow |
02:54 |
hmmmm |
i want it as part of base |
02:58 |
VanessaE |
and those tress only show two of the three colors (but will remain that way if one adds vines) |
02:58 |
hmmmm |
anyway |
02:58 |
VanessaE |
dannydark: no, actually I don't, but moreblocks does. |
02:58 |
hmmmm |
thank you very much for finding that problem danny https://github.com/kwolekr/minetest/commit/5659eaff8cd42ba190c38a37ca5496c893e27f9a |
02:59 |
dannydark |
VanessaE: fair enough I thought I was part of your nature mod ^_^ |
02:59 |
dannydark |
hmmmm: no worries I'll apply that patch now and test it out :D |
02:59 |
VanessaE |
dannydark: nature mod is neko259's (he does use my plantlife library to handle some of the growth/spawning therein, however) |
03:02 |
RealBadAngel |
http://realbadangel.pl/jungle3.png |
03:02 |
RealBadAngel |
how about now? :) |
03:02 |
VanessaE |
RealBadAngel: nice. make the jungle tree branches one step longer and I think we have a winner. |
03:03 |
VanessaE |
also, bring in your security updates. :) |
03:03 |
dannydark |
hmmmm: sorry to be a pain you also missed the strsep() in the setStruct function |
03:04 |
dannydark |
RealBadAngel: nice, climbable I hope? :D |
03:04 |
RealBadAngel |
yeah, just noticed that |
03:04 |
RealBadAngel |
you can play tarzan around jungle trees lol |
03:04 |
dannydark |
haha :D |
03:18 |
RealBadAngel |
http://realbadangel.pl/jungle4.png |
03:18 |
RealBadAngel |
here you go |
03:19 |
VanessaE |
03:19 |
dannydark |
:O nice! |
03:19 |
VanessaE |
thicken up the leaves on the first and second tiers |
03:21 |
RealBadAngel |
i made more just :) |
03:21 |
RealBadAngel |
to not to be so flat |
03:22 |
RealBadAngel |
http://realbadangel.pl/jungle5.png |
03:22 |
VanessaE |
it still needs more :-) |
03:23 |
dannydark |
whoa, looking forward to building a tree house in them ^_^ |
03:28 |
RealBadAngel |
http://realbadangel.pl/jungle6.png |
03:29 |
VanessaE |
RealBadAngel: epic. just epic. But maybe too much leaves above/below the tiers. I was thinking more like in the middle of each "platform" to hide the horizontal branches. |
03:29 |
RealBadAngel |
http://pastebin.com/VUDdq5xX |
03:29 |
RealBadAngel |
test them yourself |
03:30 |
VanessaE |
wow, that puts my original rules to shame. |
03:30 |
RealBadAngel |
no, i just added some branches to it |
03:31 |
RealBadAngel |
twisted up and down to get more leaves |
03:32 |
RealBadAngel |
vines are from here: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2344 |
03:32 |
RealBadAngel |
we could take the growing one and allow it to grow only on jungle trees |
03:33 |
RealBadAngel |
when used as fruits it will grow nicely with time |
03:38 |
RealBadAngel |
yikes it works :) |
03:39 |
RealBadAngel |
http://realbadangel.pl/jungle7.png |
03:39 |
RealBadAngel |
just planted them with fruit "vines:vine" and chance 20 |
03:39 |
VanessaE |
too many vines :) |
03:41 |
RealBadAngel |
but it looks awesome |
03:42 |
RealBadAngel |
from the ground: http://realbadangel.pl/jungle8.png |
03:44 |
hmmmm |
haha |
03:44 |
VanessaE |
very impressive. |
03:44 |
hmmmm |
sorry again |
03:44 |
hmmmm |
i knew i was missing something |
03:44 |
hmmmm |
wow that does look amazing |
03:44 |
VanessaE |
hmmmm: ^^^^ there's you jungle biome. :-) |
03:44 |
hmmmm |
nah it's gonna have jungle grass too |
03:44 |
dannydark |
RealBadAngel: Yes! jungle8 is really nice |
03:44 |
hmmmm |
like a lot |
03:44 |
VanessaE |
well yeah of course. |
03:44 |
VanessaE |
MY jungle grass I hope? |
03:44 |
hmmmm |
and no cliffs :) |
03:44 |
hmmmm |
idk, jungle grass |
03:44 |
VanessaE |
(four levels, growing, and perlin based) |
03:44 |
hmmmm |
however the user configures it |
03:45 |
hmmmm |
(however you decide it's nicest, really) |
03:45 |
dannydark |
hmmmm: yeah sorry, I've found a few other problems now that I replaced the strsep() in the setStruct function I'm guessing MSVC wasn't showing them due to the other errors before ¬_¬ |
03:45 |
hmmmm |
what are they |
03:46 |
VanessaE |
hmmmm: right, I guess that'll be part of minetest_game then. |
03:47 |
dannydark |
The following identifiers are not found: strtoull, strtoll and strtof |
03:48 |
hmmmm |
fantastic |
03:49 |
dannydark |
hmm I thought adding stdlib.h would fix it but it seems not, unless they are named differently again |
03:49 |
hmmmm |
strtof() can be fixed with a #define strtof(x, y) #define (float)strtod(x, y) |
03:49 |
hmmmm |
as for the other two |
03:49 |
hmmmm |
i am sure microsoft has some sort of equivalents (they must) |
03:50 |
dannydark |
maybe strtol and strtoul |
03:50 |
dannydark |
in stdlib.h |
03:50 |
hmmmm |
erm no |
03:50 |
hmmmm |
strtoll can use _strtoi64 |
03:50 |
hmmmm |
as for the unsigned variant... |
03:50 |
RealBadAngel |
http://realbadangel.pl/the_jungle.png |
03:51 |
hmmmm |
_strtoui64 |
03:51 |
RealBadAngel |
complete one now :) |
03:51 |
VanessaE |
RealBadAngel: what, only one size of grass? :) |
03:51 |
hmmmm |
i do not comprehend why microsoft cannot use standard C++ functions |
03:51 |
hmmmm |
why |
03:51 |
hmmmm |
why do they do this shit |
03:51 |
VanessaE |
hmmmm: three words: vendor lock-in |
03:52 |
hmmmm |
it's so trivial though] |
03:52 |
hmmmm |
it's nothing more than a minor annoyance because you can just #define it in most cases |
03:52 |
hmmmm |
it's like they want to say "haha fuck you, i bet you thought you can just use a standard C++ function for windows" |
03:52 |
hmmmm |
"well guess what sucker" |
03:53 |
VanessaE |
maybe but if you stack up enough "minor annoyances" as they would appear to an MS coder trying to port over to a FOSS system, it'll become "fuck this, I'm sticking to MS products." |
03:53 |
hmmmm |
welp |
03:54 |
hmmmm |
unfortunately for them, their platform blows so hard that they'd need to be a lot more dedicated for people to make the decision of their application being a windows application or not |
03:55 |
dannydark |
haha |
04:06 |
hmmmm |
ohhhh boy |
04:06 |
hmmmm |
i screwed up my local repo |
04:08 |
dannydark |
ok added them got rid of those errors, its throwing another now (sorry): error C4716: 'Mapgen::getGroundLevelAtPoint' : must return a value in mapgen.h Line #156 |
04:08 |
hmmmm |
uh oh that stuff |
04:08 |
hmmmm |
ahggh |
04:08 |
dannydark |
Also not an error but still get one warning for: 'BiomeDefManager::createBiome' : not all control paths return a value in biome.cpp Line #99 |
04:09 |
hmmmm |
that, i know but is a stupid warning since i use an enum and all enum values are used in the switch case |
04:09 |
hmmmm |
the former is a bit more difficult |
04:10 |
hmmmm |
you see the problem with that is if i didn't add a body to that virtual function, it'd complain about "no typeinfo for blah blah blah" |
04:10 |
dannydark |
its funny how this compiles fine on my linux system and works fine, but Windows just likes creating headaches |
04:10 |
hmmmm |
=/ |
04:22 |
hmmmm |
alright |
04:23 |
hmmmm |
fixed that up the proper way and now i just need to un-screw my local repo |
04:23 |
dannydark |
ok no worries, whats wrong with your local repo? |
04:24 |
hmmmm |
i did a revert but then that screwed me up so i did a rest --hard and then i forgot to push my changes right after to the remote |
04:24 |
hmmmm |
so now it's in this screwed up state |
04:26 |
dannydark |
ah, sorry probably doesn't help with me giving you these extra jobs |
04:42 |
hmmmm |
i'd have to fix this anyway |
04:54 |
hmmmm |
hey alright danny i got that all squared away |
04:54 |
hmmmm |
i bet it's going to have some other problem now but at least i'm one step closer |
04:54 |
dannydark |
hehe okies I'll pull that patch |
05:01 |
dannydark |
ok compiled without any issues that time, all warnings and errors are gone now ^_^ |
05:01 |
hmmmm |
awesome |
05:02 |
hmmmm |
also need to find a better place to put windows #defines |
05:13 |
jin_xi joined #minetest-dev |
05:36 |
dannydark |
Have the biome sizes changed in mapgen_v6? they seem much bigger than previously http://i.imgur.com/m2Q4I.jpg which is a good thing :D |
05:43 |
dannydark |
Right well I better be off to get a couple hours sleep as its nearly 6am and I'm in work at 10:30 haha, night all! |
05:43 |
dannydark left #minetest-dev |
05:44 |
VanessaE |
sleep? what's that? |
06:03 |
hmmmm |
dannydark, they have not |
06:03 |
hmmmm |
or at least they should not have |
06:08 |
hmmmm |
i just compiled the latest minetest to compare, and i must say, WTF is with the slow flying if you don't hold down E |
06:08 |
hmmmm |
this is horrible, who on earth made this change and WHY |
06:14 |
VanessaE |
PilzAdam did, because ...well... I'm not sure. |
06:14 |
hmmmm |
please someone change it back |
06:14 |
hmmmm |
i don't think i can live with this |
06:15 |
VanessaE |
if you have your descend key set to 'e', it doesn't do that. |
06:15 |
kotolegokot joined #minetest-dev |
06:15 |
VanessaE |
there's a big stink about it on the forums, too. |
06:15 |
VanessaE |
http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=62398#p62398 |
06:15 |
VanessaE |
well, a little stink. |
06:16 |
hmmmm |
a worthy stink i'd say |
06:18 |
VanessaE |
why can't they just use 'f'?? |
06:18 |
VanessaE |
it's right there next to WASD and so forth |
06:19 |
VanessaE |
either way I tend to side with you and others, this didn't really need changed. |
06:30 |
darkrose |
did anyone approve of it, or did PilzAdam just decide to merge it without consensus?.... because that's what it look like |
06:32 |
VanessaE |
I'm not entirely sure, I kinda missed that. |
06:38 |
darkrose |
http://irc.minetest.ru/minetest-dev/2012-12-27#i_2759714 <- only mention of it in here, no one commented that I can see |
06:43 |
hmmmm |
no idea why it's the default behavior |
06:43 |
hmmmm |
you can turn it off by setting aux1_descends = true |
06:48 |
VanessaE |
so what's the optimal solution? revert the patch? make it default to off or disabled or whatever? |
06:48 |
hmmmm |
i have no clue |
06:51 |
hmmmm |
weird, i'm trying to run a separate instance of minetest with a different port specified in minetest.conf, and it says "port in use" |
07:00 |
hmmmm |
anyway, i really don't think that should be the default behavior.. i'd have to hold down too many buttons at once |
07:01 |
hmmmm |
also some people don't have NKRO keyboards so if they have to hold too many keys down at once they won't register |
07:01 |
hmmmm |
that really sullies the experience |
07:03 |
VanessaE |
well...we could always market it at emacs users ;) |
07:03 |
hmmmm |
and what's more is that fly mode does clipping |
07:04 |
VanessaE |
noclip (h) |
07:04 |
hmmmm |
i see |
07:21 |
kaeza1 joined #minetest-dev |
07:26 |
hmmmm |
i found the reason why the terrain didn't look exactly the same - i copied the np_terrain_higher's seed wrong |
07:27 |
hmmmm |
instead of +85039 i put +85309 |
07:27 |
VanessaE |
um.. oops? :-) |
07:27 |
hmmmm |
whoops |
07:28 |
hmmmm |
as for the caves, i can't get the caves looking exactly the same because i had to fix the x/y x/z thing |
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08:57 |
SpeedProg joined #minetest-dev |
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PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev |
14:27 |
PilzAdam |
celeron55, if you have some time can you look at this: https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest/commit/20879b85ff502177034458dd6d00641076c75ea3 ? |
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14:49 |
rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev |
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16:33 |
celeron55 |
PilzAdam: how does that work in singleplayer vs. client-server environments? |
16:33 |
PilzAdam |
in singleplayer it works fine |
16:34 |
celeron55 |
and how does it work for older clients, and how do newer clients work on older servers |
16:34 |
PilzAdam |
older clients will not show the HP bar but get the damage animation when getting damage (red screen) |
16:34 |
dzho |
it amuses me that, through no planning of my own, this is now window 55 in my irssi instance currently. |
16:34 |
dzho |
that is all. |
16:35 |
PilzAdam |
and newer clients on old servers arent effected (they work like old clients) |
16:36 |
celeron55 |
in that case, and being that short, it's probably good |
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16:44 |
iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev |
16:47 |
hmmmm joined #minetest-dev |
16:47 |
celeron55 |
PilzAdam: i think you have to revert this https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/369 |
16:48 |
PilzAdam |
what about adding a setting for it? "always_fast" |
16:48 |
celeron55 |
or alternatively make it configurable |
16:48 |
celeron55 |
"always_fly_fast" |
16:49 |
PilzAdam |
default = true |
16:49 |
celeron55 |
i think there has been enough opposition to the change that it should default to true |
16:55 |
PilzAdam |
should I add it to the GUI too? |
16:55 |
celeron55 |
dunno |
16:57 |
PilzAdam |
I have just tested the enable all damage handling patch on one of VanessaE's servers and it works fine with old and new clients |
17:01 |
Calinou joined #minetest-dev |
17:06 |
hmmmm |
hey celeron, everything is 99.999% perfect |
17:06 |
hmmmm |
it's almost ready to be merged (how, we're going to have to figure out) |
17:07 |
hmmmm |
a slight problem, ServerMap::saveMapMeta() is never called though |
17:08 |
Calinou |
what about other blocks than stone being generated |
17:08 |
Calinou |
is grass, water, lava, dirt, trees the 0.001%? :-D |
17:08 |
Calinou |
occupy the stone! |
17:08 |
hmmmm |
what...? |
17:08 |
Calinou |
you're talking about your map generation, or...? |
17:09 |
hmmmm |
i'm talking about the state of the branch as a whole |
17:09 |
hmmmm |
i'll figure out how to make v7 better some other time, that's not important |
17:09 |
hmmmm |
alright nevermind, it seems i have to set m_map_metadata_changed manually |
17:11 |
celeron55 |
so, 1) what branch?, 2) what does it do |
17:11 |
hmmmm |
the branch i've been working on for the past two months |
17:12 |
celeron55 |
it's not like anyone would even remember your github account name |
17:12 |
hmmmm |
it's not hmmmm |
17:12 |
celeron55 |
that i know |
17:12 |
celeron55 |
and it is the problem! |
17:12 |
hmmmm |
anyway it offers fast map generation, initial work on the next generation of mapgenning with biomes, complete configurability of mapgen, |
17:13 |
celeron55 |
i think people who use a different name in irc than github get like 90% less visibility to their work |
17:13 |
hmmmm |
makes cloud height user-configurable |
17:13 |
hmmmm |
uhh let's see what else |
17:13 |
hmmmm |
this https://github.com/kwolekr/minetest/commits/master |
17:13 |
celeron55 |
i'd prefer it to be added without the actual implementation of the other generator |
17:13 |
hmmmm |
any reason why? |
17:14 |
celeron55 |
is there any reason why to have it there? |
17:14 |
celeron55 |
if no, then it shouldn't be |
17:14 |
hmmmm |
some people might try it out....? *shrug* |
17:14 |
hmmmm |
remove the functionality, or remove the code |
17:15 |
hmmmm |
removing the code is more difficult |
17:15 |
celeron55 |
remove the bulk of the code - of course the abstraction layer can be there to allow easy maintenance of branches that implement other generators |
17:16 |
hmmmm |
and now how about all the biome stuff |
17:16 |
hmmmm |
it's sort of intertwined with the mapgen |
17:17 |
celeron55 |
well, the question is, is it part of the interface |
17:17 |
hmmmm |
BiomeDefManager is |
17:17 |
celeron55 |
i think there are roughly three parts; the generator, the interface and the configuration/content that is set through the interface |
17:18 |
celeron55 |
or, well, should be |
17:19 |
hmmmm |
alright, so that will be removed from the branch to be merged |
17:20 |
PilzAdam |
celeron55, https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest/commit/9df7056be8fe47e2a34d279cbabe0f38c6b43839 |
17:21 |
celeron55 |
PilzAdam: fix the indentation of the continued 'if's |
17:21 |
celeron55 |
otherwise it's fine |
17:21 |
celeron55 |
(assuming it works) |
17:22 |
celeron55 |
(that is, indent the second condition line two times) |
17:23 |
PilzAdam |
oh, okay |
17:25 |
hmmmm |
you do realize that the changes are being made to 0.4.3, right? |
17:25 |
hmmmm |
there may be some conflicts |
17:28 |
celeron55 |
that means you still have a rebase on your to-do list too 8) |
17:28 |
hmmmm |
i have no idea where to even start with this |
17:29 |
hmmmm |
dannydark merged my changes with 0.4.4, i asked him about it, he did it manually |
17:29 |
hmmmm |
yeah doing this manually is nuts |
17:31 |
celeron55 |
git rebase and git mergetool using kdiff3 or similar is pretty much the only thing you can manage such tasks with |
17:31 |
celeron55 |
and it will still be painful |
17:31 |
hmmmm |
alright |
17:32 |
celeron55 |
or, if you're lucky, it might not be painful - it just depends on how complicated conflicts there are |
17:33 |
celeron55 |
just remember to make backup branches before doing things you're not sure will go right :P |
17:33 |
celeron55 |
i can try it too, but chances are it's easier for you because you've made the changes |
17:35 |
celeron55 |
so, something like this, starting from sitting on your branch: git checkout -b yay_new_branch; git rebase master; (1) git mergetool; <fiddle around with stuff you weren't able to solve by using the tool>; git rebase --continue; (loop back to 1) |
17:36 |
hmmmm |
okay |
17:36 |
celeron55 |
in the end, you should be sitting on yay_new_branch which has all it's commits "raised" on top of master (=rebased on master), and which works |
17:36 |
hmmmm |
i am installing kdiff3 first |
17:37 |
PilzAdam |
celeron55, his changes are on the master branch |
17:37 |
hmmmm |
it looks like it's installing the rest of the kde universe |
17:37 |
PilzAdam |
so git rebase master wont do anything |
17:37 |
celeron55 |
PilzAdam: umm... well then that shouldn't be done exactly |
17:38 |
PilzAdam |
Ill merge this HP thing now |
17:38 |
celeron55 |
maybe rebase celeron55/master or whatever hmmmm's remote setup is |
17:38 |
hmmmm |
HP thing? |
17:38 |
hmmmm |
someone else did the lua bar thing already? aww |
17:38 |
PilzAdam |
it enables all HP handling if enable_damage = false |
17:38 |
hmmmm |
oh |
17:48 |
PilzAdam |
celeron55, VanessaE and I had an argue about wether the fencelike drawtype should be changed to connect to all walkable nodes |
17:48 |
PilzAdam |
https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest/compare/master...fencelike |
17:48 |
PilzAdam |
what do you think about it? |
17:49 |
VanessaE |
my contention, in brief, is that way too many people use fenceposts for non-fence things and making them connect (i.e. like thexyz's mod) would break the look of too many peoples' structures. |
17:52 |
serengeor left #minetest-dev |
17:59 |
celeron55 |
PilzAdam: no |
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18:06 |
ragnar_ joined #minetest-dev |
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sapier joined #minetest-dev |
18:09 |
sapier |
hello, I've got a discussion the fact that entities are walk through elements. I've created a patch fixing this about a year ago. It's out of date by now. Is there any objection about adding this now? (after I updated it to current branch of course) |
18:14 |
celeron55 |
i haven't even heard of such a patch |
18:14 |
celeron55 |
or at least don't remember anything |
18:18 |
hmmmm |
hrmm |
18:19 |
hmmmm |
wondering how to rebase onto a branch from a different remote repository |
18:20 |
celeron55 |
remotename/branch |
18:20 |
hmmmm |
invalid upstream |
18:20 |
celeron55 |
(i actually already mentioned that) |
18:20 |
hmmmm |
i know |
18:20 |
celeron55 |
well, do you have the remote "remotename"? |
18:20 |
PilzAdam |
git remote add upstream https://github.com/celeron55/minetest.git |
18:21 |
celeron55 |
see if "git branch -a" lists it |
18:21 |
hmmmm |
remotes/origin/HEAD and what not |
18:22 |
hmmmm |
no it doesn't list it |
18:22 |
hmmmm |
hrm |
18:22 |
hmmmm |
i'll figure it out |
18:22 |
PilzAdam |
git fetch upstream |
18:22 |
hmmmm |
aha |
18:22 |
hmmmm |
uh oh |
18:23 |
celeron55 |
PilzAdam: how do you think that looks https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/366#issuecomment-11963168 |
18:24 |
PilzAdam |
nice |
18:24 |
VanessaE |
celeron55: +1 for your mock-up,. |
18:25 |
sapier |
celeron: I haven't filed a push request that time as you didn't seem to be interested in any addons to core |
18:25 |
Taoki joined #minetest-dev |
18:26 |
PilzAdam |
celeron55, maybe make the connect button a bit bigger |
18:26 |
rubenwardy |
+1` for mock up |
18:26 |
celeron55 |
that can be tweaked once we have the code :P |
18:26 |
VanessaE |
why "Show Available"? |
18:26 |
celeron55 |
VanessaE: have you tried the branch? |
18:26 |
celeron55 |
it switches between local favorites and a list fetched from a remote server |
18:26 |
VanessaE |
celeron55: no, I haven't, but I have talked with Jeija at length about it in private. |
18:27 |
celeron55 |
the texts of the button should probably be "Show Public" and "Show Favorites" |
18:28 |
VanessaE |
ah, when we last talked, it was looking like a divided list (similar to a buddy list in Pidgin or so), didn't realize he'd changed his mind. |
18:28 |
PilzAdam |
the button should be renamed to "server list" or something else |
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doserj joined #minetest-dev |
18:28 |
PilzAdam |
"Show availible server" sounds like this are all MT servers that exists |
18:28 |
VanessaE |
Maybe "Favorites" vs. "Web-listed" maybe? |
18:28 |
VanessaE |
er, -maybe |
18:29 |
PilzAdam |
wich maybe :p |
18:29 |
VanessaE |
the second one :P |
18:29 |
rubenwardy |
or "Show Played Servers" vs "Web Listed Servers" / "Find Servers" |
18:29 |
PilzAdam |
no, "Favorites" is fine |
18:29 |
darkrose |
Favourites |
18:29 |
rubenwardy |
ok |
18:29 |
rubenwardy |
shorter |
18:30 |
VanessaE |
the rest I think is perfect the way it is. |
18:31 |
PilzAdam |
there need to be a configure button too |
18:31 |
PilzAdam |
(could be empty for now like configure i world selection) |
18:31 |
dannydark joined #minetest-dev |
18:31 |
PilzAdam |
*in |
18:32 |
celeron55 |
umm... that button can be added when it is needed |
18:32 |
celeron55 |
i don't see any use for such now |
18:33 |
VanessaE |
celeron55: change "CLIENT" (on the left, vertical) to "Server Chooser" or something. |
18:33 |
celeron55 |
no |
18:33 |
PilzAdam |
no |
18:33 |
celeron55 |
the texts are perfect, and can only be made worse |
18:33 |
celeron55 |
i will revert such changes to infinity |
18:33 |
PilzAdam |
btw: is there any reason for "Tape and Glue"? |
18:34 |
celeron55 |
it's the client and the server tape-and-glued together, obviously |
18:34 |
VanessaE |
well "client" makes no sense on that screen, since you're doing nothing at all with the local client... |
18:34 |
dannydark |
are the vertical text even needed? as its a tabbed layout so we already know what section we are in by the tab name |
18:34 |
VanessaE |
but whatevrer |
18:35 |
dannydark |
s/are/is |
18:35 |
PilzAdam |
VanessaE, actually its just a "gateway" for the client to the MT universe |
18:36 |
VanessaE |
heh, interesting way to think of it :) |
18:36 |
celeron55 |
the texts represent what thing you are actually operating in which part of the UI |
18:38 |
PilzAdam |
maybe it would be nice to redesign the "Advanced" tab to "Server"; so it cannot be used to connect to servers anymore |
18:38 |
celeron55 |
never. |
18:38 |
PilzAdam |
it would be easier for n00bs to understand the concept |
18:38 |
VanessaE |
PilzAdam: +1 |
18:38 |
celeron55 |
the point is to be able to connect locally with any name without hassle |
18:38 |
celeron55 |
it's the do-all tab |
18:39 |
dannydark |
celeron55: Yeah i guess but so does the tab, I could understand having them on the old layout before the tabbed layout was added, but meh its only minor stuff |
18:42 |
celeron55 |
if somebody adds a tab for only starting a server with the window being used for almost nothing, and implements that cleanly, that could be acceptable |
18:43 |
celeron55 |
altough, actually that could be just a button left to "Play" on singleplayer |
18:43 |
celeron55 |
"Start Server" in there |
18:43 |
VanessaE |
celeron55: a tab that starts a server - which has a controlling terminal for commands/chat would be ideal. |
18:46 |
dannydark |
^ or just use minetestserver instead of a tab in the client to start a server and let commands/chat be entered via that console window |
18:46 |
celeron55 |
minetestserver.exe isn't distributed normally because it just adds more megabytes by duplicating the things minetest.exe already has |
18:47 |
celeron55 |
minetest.exe --server is the same thing anyway, so i guess you somehow mean that |
18:49 |
celeron55 |
anyway, people certainly know what to do |
18:49 |
celeron55 |
then if only somebody actually did it 8) |
18:53 |
dannydark |
yeah I forgot minetestserver isn't with the normal package (I have it set to compile also on my local copy) but like you said there is also minetest.exe --server |
18:58 |
celeron55 |
hmmmm: status? |
19:11 |
lurker_ joined #minetest-dev |
19:17 |
dannydark |
hmmmm: sorry to bother you I seem to be getting the odd segfault, so I compiled a debug build to see if I can find the cause and it seems I'm getting a access violation on MapgenV6::base_rock_level_2d(unsigned __int64 seed, irr::core::vector2d<short> p) Line 267 |
19:18 |
dannydark |
Also it seems I can trigger this everytime by creating a new world and trying to connect to it |
19:24 |
sapier |
are c++ 11 operators allowed in minetest? |
19:27 |
jin_xi joined #minetest-dev |
19:36 |
hmmmm |
dannydark, what was the position it crashed at? |
19:38 |
hmmmm |
celeron, not going anywhere right now, i have an insurance guy coming any second now to do an inspection |
19:54 |
dannydark |
hmmmm: node_min and node_max? |
20:08 |
rubenwardy left #minetest-dev |
20:23 |
hmmmm |
that, and p2d |
20:26 |
dannydark |
both node_min and node_max was {X=0 Y=0 Z=0} and there is no pd2 :S |
20:26 |
dannydark |
there is p which is {X=548 Y=-457 } |
20:26 |
hmmmm |
p rather |
20:26 |
hmmmm |
wow |
20:27 |
hmmmm |
i think i can safely say that's not my bug |
20:27 |
hmmmm |
seems like the node_min and node_max there were uninitialized |
20:28 |
hmmmm |
(initialized by the ctor but that's not the point) |
20:28 |
dannydark |
weird, i'll try just compiling your branch without any other modifications and see if I still get the same issue |
20:31 |
hmmmm |
shoot |
20:31 |
hmmmm |
okay i see the problem |
20:31 |
hmmmm |
that wasn't called from within the mapgen no doubt |
20:31 |
hmmmm |
race condition |
20:32 |
hmmmm |
thanks once again danny, dunno what i'd do without you |
20:32 |
hmmmm |
(i wonder why i never encounter these bugs...) |
20:33 |
dannydark |
I got this on my windows system, not checked on linux so probably something todo with windows / MSVS |
20:33 |
VanessaE |
hmmmm: lack of adequate free time - but you can't watch everything at once, that's what we're for :-) |
20:34 |
hmmmm |
i do test my stuff |
20:34 |
hmmmm |
yeah probably something to do with windows, windows has problems (or makes problems more easily detectable) |
20:35 |
nyuszika7h joined #minetest-dev |
20:35 |
hmmmm |
do you compile with debug on windows? |
20:36 |
dannydark |
normally release, but I have just compiled a debug version on windows |
20:37 |
hmmmm |
that's the reason why then.. it must add in bounds checking |
20:44 |
dannydark |
its fine mate hehe, I feel bad sometimes as I feel I'm giving you too much stuff todo. But I guess its better to find the bugs now and not after it goes upstream. |
20:46 |
hmmmm |
i love every minute you find bugs like this |
20:49 |
dannydark |
haha |
21:07 |
kaeza joined #minetest-dev |
21:27 |
hmmmm |
alright back to fixing |
21:27 |
hmmmm |
we're fully covered, minus a $250 deductable |
21:27 |
hmmmm |
still though, in the dead of winter, going 6 days without any heat is pretty bad |
21:42 |
hmmmm |
dannydark: https://github.com/kwolekr/minetest/commit/e5a25ef1b2902681b61bbcf473af4be4061efbbd |
21:43 |
hmmmm |
that should also fix problems with spawning inside of the ground if you've been seeing any of that |
21:43 |
dannydark |
cheers I'll compile and test now, yeah did spawn inside the ground once earlier |
21:52 |
dannydark |
hmmmm: Yeah thats fixed the issue ^_^ cheers |
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22:02 |
nyuszika7h joined #minetest-dev |
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bnd joined #minetest-dev |
22:12 |
sapier |
I've updated my changes for object <-> object collision from jan2012 to match current stable (it's not quite complete) but I'm requesting for comment about the way its implemented https://github.com/sapier/minetest/commit/ab69ba12b872dcb54b8e6ea3155514d4f16a3149 |
23:59 |
dannydark |
hmmmm: I'm getting the following errors when trying to compile minetestserver on my ubuntu based dedicated server http://paste.ubuntu.com/1508093/ |