Time  Nick            Message
06:55 hmmmm           hmm
06:55 hmmmm           taking a better look at that bug, this time with gdb 7.5
06:57 hmmmm           oh boy, [memset() <- ?? <- calloc()] libc <- [?? <- ?? <- pthread_mutex_lock] libthr <- [?? <- ?? <- strtof_l] libc
07:00 hmmmm           okay so the first in the strtof_l call chain must be strtodg_l
07:01 hmmmm           ...eek... scary... who knew that converting a string into a float would take ~1000 lines of code
07:04 hmmmm           what overwrites it is irrelevant
07:04 hmmmm           the fact is that the address where my string is, is getting calloced
07:04 hmmmm           how does returning a std::string work?
07:14 hmmmm           i figured it out
07:14 hmmmm           holy shit do i hate C++
07:15 hmmmm           apparently the lifetime of an object that's returned from some function is until execution moves onto the next statement after the call
07:16 hmmmm           which means my string's dtor was being called, which means the string data was being freed, which means that it was free to be allocated by something
07:16 hmmmm           C++ really blows your entire leg off if you don't know exactly what the nuances are of object lifetime - this is ridiculous and unpredictable
07:16 darkrose        ansi C ftw
07:32 kaeza           hmmmm: most documentation warns about that issue. The only solution is to use a temporary object
07:32 kaeza           err..
07:33 kaeza           declare a variable of the type and use it to hold a reference to the object
07:33 kaeza           so the object is not discarded
12:21 RealBadAngel    https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/402
12:21 RealBadAngel    ive updated treegen, can some1 take a look and merge it?
12:32 Hi-jera_WingFox hi, how to upload my commit to my git repo?
12:32 PilzAdam        I dont think this belongs to #minetest-dev
12:33 Hi-jera_WingFox oh,ok
12:33 kaeza           Hi-jera_WingFox: --> #minetest
14:40 PilzAdam        thexyz, https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest/commit/20879b85ff502177034458dd6d00641076c75ea3
15:26 RealBadAngel    thexyz, can you merge changes to the treegen?
15:32 thexyz          RealBadAngel: fix codestyle
15:33 RealBadAngel    ?
15:33 thexyz          https://github.com/RealBadAngel/minetest/blob/2ddcfffafe20385fcddfef156a5c3feab66a1ef0/src/treegen.cpp#L224
15:33 thexyz          also, https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/402/files#L0L1076
15:33 RealBadAngel    what do you want from those lines??
15:34 VanessaE        no parenthesis
15:34 thexyz          http://minetest.net/wiki/doku.php?id=contrib
15:34 thexyz          see >Coding style
15:34 RealBadAngel    and the second?
15:35 VanessaE        or move your opening brace to the end of the 'if' line I guess
15:35 PilzAdam        VanessaE, no guessing here :-)
15:35 RealBadAngel    thx for explanation, i even doesnt know the word thexyz used ;)
15:36 VanessaE        PilzAdam: sorry, my C/C++ skills are...rusty. :-)
15:36 PilzAdam        if you once get the idea behind the coding style of MT its easy to match it
15:38 PilzAdam        any comments on this: https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest/commit/20879b85ff502177034458dd6d00641076c75ea3 ?
15:43 VanessaE        PilzAdam: seems reasonable.
15:45 RealBadAngel    PilzAdam, this has nothin to do with coding. Its just formatting the text.
15:45 RealBadAngel    thexyz, is it ok now? ive changed the things you pointed.
15:47 thexyz          "formatting the text" is very important as you are not the only one who read that code
15:48 PilzAdam        RealBadAngel, the wiki calls it coding style so I do it oo
15:48 PilzAdam        *too
15:48 RealBadAngel    is wiki a bible or what?
15:48 thexyz          was it really needed to change indentation here https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/402/files#L0L1076 ?
15:48 RealBadAngel    coding style is about tehniques some1 is using, ideas, solutions
15:49 RealBadAngel    not nuimber of tabs coder is using. think a little
15:49 thexyz          well, if you can't even use the right count of tabs..
15:50 RealBadAngel    that means im shit not the coder, thats youre tryin to tell me? ;)
15:50 RealBadAngel    ive fixed that
15:51 RealBadAngel    is it ok now or still wrong?
15:51 thexyz          no, that's not what I'm trying to tell
15:51 thexyz          I don't see any new commits
15:51 RealBadAngel    refresh
15:52 thexyz          still no luck
15:52 thexyz          https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/402/files#L0L1076
15:52 thexyz          why do you compare to true/false here https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/402/files#L2R280 instead of `stack_orientation.empty()/!stack_orientation.empty()`?
15:53 RealBadAngel    because it returns true/false?
15:54 RealBadAngel    if empty it means im drawing trunks
15:54 RealBadAngel    ie true
15:54 PilzAdam        you dont need this "== true"
15:54 RealBadAngel    false means im drawing branches
15:55 thexyz          in c++ you can as well "if (stack_orientation.empty())" and "if (!stack_orientation.empty())"
15:55 PilzAdam        in Java and Lua too
15:55 RealBadAngel    one of the ways
15:56 RealBadAngel    i rather prefer check for values
15:56 RealBadAngel    in lua such check isnt right btw
15:56 RealBadAngel    thx to nil
15:57 PilzAdam        if you store booleans in variables in Lua you can do it also
15:57 RealBadAngel    its good to check if method exists, not if its true/false
15:58 PilzAdam        if you add an () to the method it checks the return value, if not it checks the existens of it
15:58 RealBadAngel    and you will have then best source of crashes in your mod :P
15:58 RealBadAngel    thx, i already threw away all such parts
16:00 RealBadAngel    thexyz, and this what you have said right now is "coding style".
16:01 thexyz          ?
16:01 thexyz          don't compare c/++ to lua
16:01 thexyz          never
16:01 RealBadAngel    "if (stack_orientation.empty())" and "if (!stack_orientation.empty())"
16:01 RealBadAngel    i meant this
16:02 RealBadAngel    this about style of code, not the formatting
16:03 RealBadAngel    == true/false makes it more readable
16:03 thexyz          no
16:03 PilzAdam        no, it doesnt
16:03 thexyz          how about casting celeron55 here?)
16:04 * thexyz        disappurs
16:07 RealBadAngel    https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/402/commits
16:08 RealBadAngel    fixed that too already, anythin more?
16:08 PilzAdam        the lines are too long
16:08 PilzAdam        the general limit is 79
16:09 PilzAdam        (make_tree* could stay that long, i guess)
16:09 VanessaE        yeah, collapse all commits into one :-)
16:09 PilzAdam        but splitting some of the ifs would be nice
16:09 VanessaE        PilzAdam: there are plenty of lines in the src elsewhere that are > 79 chars.
16:10 RealBadAngel    skip the tabs, lines would be way shorter ;P
16:10 PilzAdam        "tabs are tabs, visible as 4 whitespaces"
16:10 VanessaE        that's just stupid though, since when was a tab ever 4 spaces?
16:10 VanessaE        8 or 10 yeah, but 4?  no.
16:11 PilzAdam        thats what the dev wiki says
16:11 PilzAdam        and I use 4 too
16:12 RealBadAngel    lines wouldnt be so long if "code style" wouldnt force 8 tabs at the start
16:12 PilzAdam        RealBadAngel, just split this two ifs into 3 lines: https://github.com/RealBadAngel/minetest/commit/2ddcfffafe20385fcddfef156a5c3feab66a1ef0#L2R280
16:12 VanessaE        (re: line length, look at content_sao.cpp around line 544 on down)
16:13 PilzAdam        VanessaE, see http://www.minetest.net/wiki/doku.php?id=contrib -> "Coding style"
16:13 RealBadAngel    PilzAdam, no i wont, one line is one condition
16:14 RealBadAngel    second is another condition
16:14 RealBadAngel    both are separate with ||
16:14 PilzAdam        then split that into two ifs
16:14 PilzAdam        or use ()
16:14 VanessaE        PilzAdam: yell at taoki then, she's the one who contributed that particular section of code I pointed out.
16:14 PilzAdam        *(...) || (...)
16:14 RealBadAngel    it is, read the code
16:15 RealBadAngel    btw, you are reading old code :P
16:16 RealBadAngel    https://github.com/RealBadAngel/minetest/commit/b39bb74cd943bea87658925094c9a8eaf24b47f3
16:16 RealBadAngel    those lines are much shorter
16:16 PilzAdam        but > 79
16:16 RealBadAngel    lol
16:17 RealBadAngel    i can make them 10 chars each
16:17 PilzAdam        there is one tab too much: https://github.com/RealBadAngel/minetest/blob/b39bb74cd943bea87658925094c9a8eaf24b47f3/src/treegen.cpp#L279
16:19 PilzAdam        RealBadAngel, fix these tabs and then its fine, I guess
16:20 RealBadAngel    done
16:27 thexyz          PilzAdam: that's not too important
16:28 thexyz          79 chars limit
16:28 thexyz          https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/402/files#L0L1076
16:29 thexyz          and you don't have to repull, RealBadAngel
16:30 RealBadAngel    https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/403/
16:30 thexyz          squash all commits into one, then forcepush
16:30 RealBadAngel    done, 1 commit pull
16:30 thexyz          https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/403/files#L0L1076
16:31 RealBadAngel    yes?
16:31 thexyz          the fucking diff is fucking messed up
16:31 RealBadAngel    asked to remove spaces, its formatted with tabs now
16:31 RealBadAngel    as you wanted to
16:31 thexyz          i don't know how to explain it, see diff yourself
16:31 thexyz          I didn't ask to replace spaces with tabs
16:32 thexyz          what was the problem with 4 spaces?
16:32 thexyz          why did you change it to 2 spaces (and now to tab)
16:32 PilzAdam        lua-api.txt has no consisten use of tabs and spaces
16:32 RealBadAngel    there are no spaces
16:34 thexyz          there were spaces
16:34 thexyz          you shouldn't modify indentation of part you're not editing
16:35 thexyz          https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L1076
16:35 thexyz          it was indented with 2/4 spaces, why did you change it to tabs?
16:37 RealBadAngel    i edited whole mine text, to be consistent
16:37 RealBadAngel    and yes, ive made changes to it also
16:38 thexyz          does that look "consistent"? https://github.com/RealBadAngel/minetest/blob/4fd22748a6b90abad0fdf3426c063eccd3695763/doc/lua_api.txt#L1076
16:38 Calinou         RealBadAngel: you have the same problem as me :D
16:39 thexyz          https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L1076 — that looks consistent
16:39 thexyz          well, whatever, I'm too tired to explain anymore
16:42 RealBadAngel    http://realbadangel.pl/itdoes.png
16:43 VanessaE        http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/Screenshot%20-%2001062013%20-%2011:43:29%20AM.png
16:43 VanessaE        it doesn't/
16:43 VanessaE        .
16:44 RealBadAngel    well, everythin was fine formatted with spaces
16:44 RealBadAngel    so why THE HECK IT WAS WRONG WITH IT in the first place
16:44 PilzAdam        VanessaE, tabs are 4 spaces
16:44 RealBadAngel    you got the tabs now and cryin buuu its wrong
16:44 RealBadAngel    here in geanny it looks ok, now your browsers stars whinning
16:45 PilzAdam        RealBadAngel, because the first diff says that you changed the whole formatting
16:45 RealBadAngel    all before was made with spaces
16:45 VanessaE        PilzAdam: ^^^ that is how github via firefox renders the code.
16:45 RealBadAngel    at the start
16:45 RealBadAngel    i added 3 more lines, new commands
16:45 thexyz          spaces are nice
16:45 thexyz          but
16:45 thexyz          you changed 4-space indentation to 2-space
16:45 thexyz          for no reason
16:46 RealBadAngel    and added 2 spaces each line because new commands were longer
16:46 PilzAdam        RealBadAngel, just use exactly the same indentation as it has before
16:46 RealBadAngel    but i HAD to add 2 spaces
16:46 RealBadAngel    because of longer commands
16:46 RealBadAngel    but then xyz highlited its wrong
16:47 PilzAdam        then split the commands into 2 lines if they are too long for the old indentation
16:47 thexyz          I didn't say that you should use tabs instead
16:47 RealBadAngel    ok, i will format it with tabs again
16:47 RealBadAngel    tfu
16:47 RealBadAngel    spaces
17:05 RealBadAngel    https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/403/files
17:05 RealBadAngel    is now formatting in doc ok?
17:05 VanessaE        looks clean to me.  Squash it into one commit
17:14 RealBadAngel    https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/406
17:14 RealBadAngel    its ready
17:20 RealBadAngel    PilzAdam, is it ok now?
17:23 PilzAdam        I still have some points to criticize but I dont want to bother you anymore
17:24 hmmmm           i am waiting for this pull to be merged so i can checkout master and merge all of my stuff with 0.4.4
17:31 VanessaE        PilzAdam: is the criticism about the code or the API doc?
17:31 PilzAdam        yep
17:31 VanessaE        ...
17:33 VanessaE        seems to me it would save everyone a lot of time and headache if you or thexyz or someone would just fix what's wrong and merge the code.
17:33 PilzAdam        we cant fix every pull request
17:34 RealBadAngel    so whats wrong then?
17:34 thexyz          VanessaE: we don't have \inf time
17:34 VanessaE        *facepalm*
17:34 RealBadAngel    i fixed all you wanted
17:34 thexyz          no
17:34 thexyz          well, I better fix the remaining stuff myself
17:34 thexyz          (as I did the first time)
17:34 VanessaE        of course you can't fix every such request, nor do you have infinite time, but the time already spent on this subject surely exceeds the time that would have been spent fixing the issue.
17:35 PilzAdam        VanessaE, if people learn it once they make it correct next time
17:35 thexyz          yes
17:35 VanessaE        PilzAdam: of course - IF the person doing the teaching can be clear.
17:36 VanessaE        it has been my contention for most of my life that if a person has trouble learning something, it's not because of a deficiency in their intelligence, but a deficiency in the teaching style or content provided by their instructor.
17:37 PilzAdam        well, people at my school tell me I can teach very good
17:37 hmmmm           it's more likely a mixture of the two
17:37 VanessaE        perhaps, but your english sucks :-)
17:37 hmmmm           you can't possibly explain special needs children with that
17:37 VanessaE        hmmmm: a valid exception, of course.
17:38 VanessaE        but I don't think that's the case here.
17:38 hmmmm           so what are the problems exactly
17:38 hmmmm           i'm looking at the code, it seems to be fine
17:38 VanessaE        the problem here is clearly a lack of clear communication - the three of you (that is, PilzAdam, thexyz, RealBadAngel) are trying to communicate in a language that, unless I am badly mistaken, none of you speak/write natively.
17:39 hmmmm           they seem fine to me, if it's a problem with communication then they aren't explaining themselves completely
17:39 VanessaE        that in and of itself it not an issue, but when you try to show someone what they've done wrong, you're doing it in such a way as to be even less clear.
17:40 VanessaE        hmmmm: that's what I'm trying to say, just didn't want to put it so bluntly :-)
17:41 VanessaE        "Panda eats shoots and leaves."  versus  "Panda eats, shoots and leaves."   <-- one comma turns a bear from an idle creature consuming its natural diet to a gun-toting murderer.
17:43 thexyz          https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/406/files#L0L1076
17:44 thexyz          this.
17:44 hmmmm           yeah what is wrong with that
17:44 VanessaE        exactly.
17:44 VanessaE        what precisely is wrong?
17:44 VanessaE        "this" is not a clear explanation.
17:44 hmmmm           'this' implies that it's obvious
17:44 thexyz          ok, I'll be more precise
17:45 hmmmm           but what is obvious to you may not be obvious to others
17:45 thexyz          he changed 4-spaces indent to 2-spaces without any reason
17:45 hmmmm           ah
17:45 thexyz          therefore the diff is broken
17:45 hmmmm           he probably thought that was a problem you had with his previous code
17:45 VanessaE        the rest of the API uses two-space indent.
17:46 VanessaE        first example at line 23, then continuing from there.
17:46 thexyz          VanessaE: no
17:46 thexyz          https://github.com/RealBadAngel/minetest/blob/6fdcfb22d5c4c97e27eb3cb07ea4779ba9e26409/doc/lua_api.txt#L171
17:46 thexyz          well, not this line
17:46 VanessaE        I see the difference.
17:46 thexyz          the problem is that there is no point in changing indentation
17:46 thexyz          or is there?
17:46 VanessaE        but then look there - 8 spaces in one spot, 4 in another
17:46 hmmmm           example code is a tab or 4 spaces
17:46 VanessaE        2 spaces pretty much everywhere also.
17:46 hmmmm           lists of text is 2 space indent
17:46 VanessaE        do we really care?
17:47 thexyz          VanessaE: no
17:47 thexyz          but, there's no point in changing existing things
17:47 thexyz          >Never change the coding style of code you are not modifying otherwise.
17:47 thexyz          http://minetest.net/wiki/doku.php?id=contrib
17:47 doserj          it makes it more difficult to see in the diff what was added or removed, for example
17:48 VanessaE        thexyz: except he *did* modify it.
17:48 RealBadAngel    i WAS modyfying all of it
17:48 PilzAdam        you should only add some commands
17:48 VanessaE        granted he modified more of the text than was necessary, but those lines about trunk type, branches thickness, fruit - those are new.
17:48 PilzAdam        not modify the ones that were there before
17:48 RealBadAngel    yes, but then whole layout would be broken
17:49 RealBadAngel    because newly inserted stuff was longer
17:49 VanessaE        oops.
17:49 PilzAdam        you can always split it into more lines
17:49 PilzAdam        VanessaE, ragequit?
17:49 VanessaE        as I was about to say before I ctrl-W'd, the first column had to widen, that necesitates reformatting the entire section.
17:49 VanessaE        necessitated*
17:49 RealBadAngel    and i would break nicely lookin table
17:50 VanessaE        PilzAdam: no, habit to use ctrl-W to erase words, which xchat stupidly uses as "close this channel tab".
17:50 RealBadAngel    because of two spaces...
17:50 thexyz          VanessaE: use irssi
17:50 ecube           ^
17:50 VanessaE        no thanks.
17:51 VanessaE        anyway,
17:51 VanessaE        two spaces at the start of each line aside, each line *had* to be reformatted to make room for a wider first column.
17:52 VanessaE        that said, it would have looked better with a 4-space indent in that section.
17:52 doserj          that's true for treedef, but what about the Key description (line 1092 and below)?
17:52 RealBadAngel    new 'f' command
17:52 RealBadAngel    and changes to example too
17:53 VanessaE        but with the wider first column come longer lines as a side effect, so dropping to two spaces helps mitigate that, at least a little.
17:53 doserj          adding the f command should be a one-line diff
17:53 VanessaE        doserj: the key description is consistent with the rest of the API doc as far as I can see.
17:54 VanessaE        well sort of consistent, as much so as the rest of the doc is anyway.
17:54 doserj          VanessaE: I am talking about the diff, not the file itself
17:54 RealBadAngel    i formatted almost 3 pages of my own text to look just nice
17:54 hmmmm           yeah guys, if you're spending this much time worrying about text that was simply modified (not inconsistent looking) then i don't think you're really that busy
17:55 RealBadAngel    im goin to sleep in a few minutues
17:55 RealBadAngel    wakin up early mornin to work
17:57 hmmmm           now what i'm concerned about is that if these two are so worried about something as trivial as that, what are they going to do say about my branch
17:57 RealBadAngel    heheheh
17:57 hmmmm           the IDE i uses fixes blank lines so that they don't have indentation
17:57 hmmmm           and i can't find the option to stop that
17:57 hmmmm           celeron himself said he didn't care
17:59 hmmmm           but i mean that's okay, i have core pieces of code licensed under my own name, so if you don't think my contributions are worthy and you decide to add them later under your own name, i can simply request a takedown
18:00 darkrose        strip out the random whitespace, go for it... having to disable that in geany anytime I want to work on minetest is a pita
18:00 hmmmm           just please don't let it come to that with the douchebaggery
18:07 hmmmm           actually i just found the option to turn that off, it is the remove trailing whitespace option, the only problem is that it changes the whitespace of lines around where i'm working and not just the line i'm working with
18:17 thexyz          removing trailing whitespaces is fine
18:31 VanessaE        so what's the status of that last L-systems pull request?  will it be merged?
19:37 hmmmm           the sooner it gets merged the sooner people get a fast and totally configurable mapgen
19:37 VanessaE        yep.
19:38 VanessaE        also, https://github.com/celeron55/minetest_game/pull/108
19:41 hmmmm           https://github.com/kwolekr/minetest/commit/1363bded98709a35d14b5b427430f8c248794111
19:42 hmmmm           is the minetest wiki up and running?  it would be nice to have an account so I can document the structure of the EmergeManager, BiomeDefManager, and related objects
19:42 hmmmm           after it gets pushed of course
19:44 hmmmm           i am very satisfied with the code i just pushed to my branch, it's very clean and completely working
19:48 VanessaE        seems to be up.
19:48 VanessaE        http://minetest.net/wiki/doku.php
19:57 thexyz          dev.minetest.net
19:57 thexyz          better document it there, hmmmm
19:58 VanessaE        "Hello, and please go FUCK yourself. Thank you, and please cum again"
19:58 VanessaE        allrighty then.
19:58 VanessaE        there, reverted.
19:59 thexyz          wut?
19:59 thexyz          oh
19:59 thexyz          lol
20:00 VanessaE        you'd think after this many years of people vandalizing wikis, they'd come up with something more original.
20:00 VanessaE        I mean G*D damn, if you're gonna do that, at least be creative.
20:00 VanessaE        :)
22:10 hmmmm           wiki vandalization is rather futile
22:10 VanessaE        yup.
22:10 VanessaE        as well as asinine, childish, stupid, ...
22:11 VanessaE        (take your pick)
23:08 celeron55       mese pick!
23:15 hmmmm           hrrrrrrrrrrrm
23:15 hmmmm           where is dannydark when you need him!