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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-01-05

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Time Nick Message
00:01 hmmmm of course you can be sure that I took every step necessary to ensure that existing worlds would work fine
00:06 VanessaE hmmmm: which means, of course, that there will be some weird, obscure, corner-case bug that'll crop up like 6 months after v7 goes in.  Just because you jinxed it :D
00:24 hmmmm perhaps
02:02 kaeza hmmmm: BTW you should make a wallpaper from that image you linked earlier
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12:09 Calinou suggestion: make the forum theme green-ish like the website :p
12:09 Calinou just use another punbb theme but keep the background
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19:13 hmmmm i am having the oddest problem
19:14 hmmmm for a specific string, it seems, strtof() sets endptr to NULL when s is non-NULL
19:14 hmmmm of course this behavior is not supposed to happen at all
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19:49 hmmmm gdb is giving me a massive headache, it can't even find settings.h
19:50 hmmmm of course the code works perfectly fine in every other situation and when i try to replicate it separately it works fine too
19:50 hmmmm this has to be an optimization problem
19:51 sapier does minetest use multiple threads?
19:51 hmmmm obviously
19:52 sapier i thought so just wasn't sure maybe a parallism issue?
19:52 hmmmm of course it isn't.
19:52 hmmmm the problem is that it seems like a standard, thread-safe CRT function is doing stuff it shouldn't be doing any i can't track down the cause
19:52 hmmmm and i can't even follow it at the instruction level because gdb is a piece of shit
19:53 sapier ok strtof is threadsafe yes ... wasn't sure abot this as some other of those str... functions aren't
19:54 hmmmm besides, if it were a threading problem, then it wouldn't be easily replicatable
19:54 hmmmm in the meantime i'm installing gdb 6.6 and seeing if that can solve my problem
19:54 hmmmm so i can actually set a damn breakpoint
19:55 hmmmm what a bunch of crap
19:58 sapier 6.6? why such an old version?
19:58 hmmmm that's quite new
20:01 sapier I'm using 7.x series at work ? and we are extremly conservative
20:01 hmmmm i was using 6.1.1
20:02 sapier 6.6 has been released 2006!
20:04 hmmmm yeah but it uses gpl v3
20:07 sapier you don't wanna link gdb so v2 or v3 isn't relevant as far as i know?
20:07 hmmmm well the os i use ships with gdb 6.1.1
20:07 hmmmm and only has up to 6.6 available
20:10 sapier what os do you use?
20:10 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
20:10 hmmmm freebsd 9.1
20:10 Calinou 2013
20:10 sapier ok I see they're a little bit restrictive about licenses
20:11 hmmmm actually no, they're a lot freeer, it's GNU that's restrictive
20:11 Calinou no u
20:12 hmmmm i think free as in freedom was fine enough with gplv2
20:12 hmmmm but stallman wants another crusade because he feels like the GPL is too widely accepted nowadays
20:13 hmmmm alright yay
20:13 Calinou LGPL is awesome
20:13 hmmmm gdb 6.6 worked on setting the breakpoint
20:13 hmmmm and when it hit the breakpoint it actually hit at 230 lines further than it's supposed to
20:13 Calinou ...gdb 6.7 didn't
20:14 hmmmm pfffffff
20:14 hmmmm alright, i'll step into settings.h then
20:17 sapier debugging header files?
20:17 sapier inline code i assume?
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