Time Nick Message 15:20 RealBadAngel Hi, a quick question: when changing protocol version, protocol ID shall be changed too? 15:21 celeron55_ never 15:21 RealBadAngel thx 15:22 celeron55_ the protocol id is there only to distinguish minetest packets from random data or some other protocol 15:23 RealBadAngel k 15:23 celeron55_ also i don't think you'll need to increase the protocol version for the addition of the flags to the end of the single packet; it'll be increased once something actually incompatible is added upstream (like taoki's stuff) 15:24 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, if you change the protocol version you can move this back to correct place: https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/commit/0709918bd82ab942445e12aca5bceb85c6ce05e0 15:24 RealBadAngel hmmm, increasing size of the packet wont cause problems? 15:24 celeron55_ PilzAdam: it will not be changed now 15:24 RealBadAngel if the client will send more data? 15:25 celeron55_ hmm... actually, you'd need to add a check for whether the packet is long enough in case an old client connects to a new server 15:25 celeron55_ the other way there is zero problems 15:27 RealBadAngel without new version checks should be on both sides, imho this would lead to just makin extra code 15:28 RealBadAngel and after other update like Taoki's one the checks will become obsolete 15:32 PilzAdam it would be nice if this would be developed further: http://c55.me/blog/?p=275 15:37 RealBadAngel celeron55_, checks for the server alone could be done, but if the server will run the mods that will use the new feature that can lead to crashes or to incorrect behaviour at least 15:38 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, ive seen some1 made mod called "betterchest" out of your carts box 15:38 RealBadAngel wont it dissapear when used clearobjects? 15:39 PilzAdam yep 15:39 RealBadAngel servers alone can force clearing objects so such mod is unusable then, right? 15:40 PilzAdam i guess so 15:40 PilzAdam btw: https://github.com/Uberi/minetest/commit/0f3bd365e1d7e7c6dfe99d862923e78acd5aa70e <- Ive tested it and it works 15:41 RealBadAngel so imho shall be added asap 15:42 RealBadAngel using that greifers can crash servers 15:42 Taoki Just a note: My models branch already upates protocol version to 14. If that will come soon after RBA's patch, there might be no need to increment it twice 15:42 RealBadAngel how soon is soon? :) 15:42 RealBadAngel may happen some folks will download it just meanwhile and start to scream somethin is wrong 15:43 RealBadAngel numbers are infinite anyways 15:43 Taoki RealBadAngel: After your key reading code is in, all that's needed is the script to handle animations and it will work for the most part 15:43 Taoki The player script will need to be improved but that's the last remaining concern 15:44 RealBadAngel celeron55_ ? 15:44 RealBadAngel up to you 15:44 Taoki All else works fine. Apart from an Irrlicht bug that causes bone positioning to break animations and the mesh so far... but Irrlicht will fix that in the future 15:44 celeron55_ i already mentioned taoki's stuff up thre 15:44 celeron55_ +e 15:44 Taoki Also: The CODE part of my branch should be ok to merge as well. Not the script and player yet, but the code yes 15:45 RealBadAngel Taoki, i think some1 posted here yesterday somethin bout this particular bug 15:45 Taoki oh? 15:45 Taoki Would be nice if someone could fix it, though it is not urgent. Just doesn't allow animation blending to work yet, and stuff like the head looking up / down 15:45 RealBadAngel Taoki i pasted you start of todays talk 15:45 Taoki yeah 15:45 Taoki will read again maybe i missed it 15:46 Taoki Yeah, that's about the protocol version. Read it 15:47 Taoki In my opinion you can leave protocol version as is, since after that my code should be ok to merge soon. Models code can probably go in today also 15:47 Taoki There might still be small bugs, but normally minor things. 15:48 celeron55_ it is, of course, possible also to support multiple protocol versions in a single server version, but it generally is not worth the trouble 15:51 Taoki Anyway: Once RBA's changes are in master, I'll update latest master, merge it in my branch, fix git conflicts if needed... and if no one knows any major bugs with the current models code, I can pull request it. Maybe it can even get in tonight... if small bugs exist they can be fixed on the way (surely no one will do major tests on the code until it's in, so it goes to large servers) 15:51 Taoki Then I'll likely be finishing the scripts (will probably need help past some point) so the 3D player can be ready too 15:51 RealBadAngel i need half an hour or so to make last changes to the patch and test it 15:51 Taoki sure 15:52 celeron55_ PilzAdam: re. http://c55.me/blog/?p=275: i might, but currently there is just too many things to worry about (and my other projects) in order to sink the required time to it 15:53 RealBadAngel but the fix that PilzAdam mentioned is rather urgent 15:53 PilzAdam already merged 15:53 RealBadAngel afaik Landmine is using this to crash the servers 15:55 celeron55_ landmine is quite useful; he's harmless and finds out problems before any actual bad guys 8) 15:58 PilzAdam https://github.com/celeron55/minetest_game/pull/40 <- this is a matter of taste so i suggest we vote or something like this 16:00 celeron55_ care to make screenshots of with and without? 16:01 Taoki lol landmine. I seen him around here a few times. Some projects have "common trolls" which manage to stick around, and not do quite enough to get permanently bad 16:01 Taoki Xonotic has one too, but he's way worse :P 16:05 PilzAdam celeron55_, old: http://www.zimg.eu/i/1124599787 new: http://www.zimg.eu/i/2296078330 16:05 PilzAdam its after ~1/2 of the animation 16:06 Taoki BTW. There's something else I wanted to ask about. Not sure if I can do it, but IMO that would be really nice and needed 16:06 Taoki With the current lighting system, would it be posisble to allow for colored lighting? Lighting can't be given a color currently... that would be a relally nice feature 16:07 celeron55_ not as-is, but somebody did once insist on implementing it, and did so 16:07 celeron55_ it requires three times the computing power 16:07 celeron55_ and roughly twice the space 16:07 Taoki Nice. Is his code still around? 16:07 Taoki Hmmm 16:08 Taoki If it can be a client choice that should be fine 16:08 celeron55_ the server has to do it too 16:08 Taoki So if it's disabled the player sees all lights white 16:08 Taoki ok. That could have it as a feature too, and only enable it if the server has enough power 16:08 celeron55_ sounds complicated-ish, but anyway, umm... i wonder who did it 16:09 celeron55_ (oh and also, it looks kind of dull with the vertex color based lighting) 16:09 Taoki My aim is still to get real irrlicht lighting working, but it's hard to imagine a way around sun shining in caves. So this one I likely won't be able to do alone 16:09 Taoki What I will once the models is over, is to try add support for some nice parallax mapping :) 16:10 celeron55_ it was here, as a branch, but the guy has removed it https://github.com/Queatz/minetest/ 16:10 Taoki ahhh, ok 16:11 celeron55_ and i don't seem to have it pulled to my local repo 16:12 celeron55_ this video exists http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MWZxyCsbv4 16:12 celeron55_ somebody probably has it if you ask around 16:12 Taoki Damn, that looks so beautiful :( 16:12 Taoki Yeah, totally should 16:14 celeron55_ it's fairly trivial to implement though 16:14 Taoki true... not the most important feature. But it will contribute to making the world even more beautiful and extended 16:14 celeron55_ you basically just triple the light bytes in nodes and make the lighting code loop through all three channels 16:16 Taoki Right. Does it noticeably decrease performance on older machines however? Can anyone confirm they sense a performance decrease? 16:16 Taoki Since that doesn't sound like a lot more harder task 16:20 celeron55_ i am not aware of how much of cpu time the lighting currently takes 16:20 celeron55_ at map generation time it is already a real PITA 16:20 celeron55_ but i don't know of the updates at other times 16:21 Taoki Probably very little... calculating 1-3 integer values per node should be easy (I assume each lighting point is a value between 0 and 255) 16:21 celeron55_ i wouldn't make any assumptions like that 16:22 celeron55_ it's a recursive algorithm that generally has a range of 15 nodes to each direction 16:23 celeron55_ in 3d space that isn't exactly lightweight 16:23 Taoki I see 16:26 celeron55_ also, there are already two values per node (day and light) 16:26 celeron55_ night* 16:26 celeron55_ or, actually not day and night, but rather "with sunlight" and "without sunlight" 16:29 RealBadAngel im actually going to upgrade my box by the end of the yr 16:29 RealBadAngel 3 yrs old hardware is a bit too old 16:30 RealBadAngel btw testing now the patch with changes 16:32 RealBadAngel already wrote a letter to santa ;) 16:32 RealBadAngel need SDD, some more RAM, better GFX and new MOBO 16:33 RealBadAngel and quad core instead of dual 16:35 RealBadAngel if santa will be kind enough maybe bigger lcd, and old one will go as secondary 16:38 Taoki bbl, later 16:39 PilzAdam is it ok to fix this two things in one commit? https://github.com/celeron55/minetest_game/pull/41 16:40 celeron55_ they're much related and small -> yes 16:41 RealBadAngel what about torches being able to place underwater? 16:41 PilzAdam anything against the commit? 16:42 RealBadAngel its ok with me, shrubs on my cacti farm was makin me nervous ;) 16:42 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, this is part of this problem: Water should flush walkable/buildable nodes away 16:45 PilzAdam i had several attempts to do this in Lua, but it is all too slow 16:46 RealBadAngel water spread code should be the place 16:48 celeron55_ i guess liquids flushing buildable_to nodes could be added 16:49 celeron55_ it's not even a group so making a fast check in C++ is like doing nothing 16:49 PilzAdam this wouldnt effect torches; i would prefer walkable 16:49 celeron55_ you mean non-walkable? 16:49 PilzAdam this walkable thing confuses me all the time ;-) 16:49 celeron55_ walkable is more like "collidable" or "solid" but whatever 16:49 celeron55_ there is a problem with that 16:49 PilzAdam i always think walkable=you can walk into the node 16:50 celeron55_ for example snow 16:50 celeron55_ and other very small nodeboxes 16:50 PilzAdam add a field water_resistent? 16:50 PilzAdam *flushable; default = true 16:51 celeron55_ i guess making the check to be (buildable_to == true || walkable == false) could work 16:51 celeron55_ i don't think a new field is a good way at all 16:52 celeron55_ it should just work 16:53 PilzAdam <celeron55_> and other very small nodeboxes <- what do you mean exactly? 16:53 celeron55_ snow mod. 16:53 celeron55_ put water on snow 16:54 PilzAdam ah, okay 16:54 celeron55_ and now i'm off to something else, i'll seriously burn out if i try to answer even half of your stuff 16:54 celeron55_ -> 16:55 PilzAdam heh 17:01 RealBadAngel celeron55_, im ready with testing the patch. now the question remains bout protocol change. 18:06 RealBadAngel celeron55_, are you there? what shall i do with protocol version? 18:08 PilzAdam <celeron55_> and now i'm off to something else [...] 18:10 RealBadAngel and im here with finished patch, and Taoki expecting to get it today 18:10 RealBadAngel to merge 3D players 18:11 RealBadAngel i think adding extra checks, when next update make them obsolete is pointless 18:11 RealBadAngel so im adding protocol version change and posting the final patch