Time Nick Message 17:11 Ender27182818 I'm considering taking up the job of maintaining mac, since I now have a macbook pro that I want to get working with minetest 17:11 Ender27182818 anyone here seen my forum thread? 17:12 Ender27182818 http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2610 17:12 celeron55 frozon has worked on that recently https://github.com/frozon/minetest/commits/master 17:13 celeron55 i haven't seen any recent OS X packages though 17:14 Ender27182818 thanks 17:15 celeron55 i think he got it in a somewhat good state, but you should ask him; also make sure to read the log of this channel (in topic) from, like, 26th backwards a couple of days 17:15 Ender27182818 cloning now to see where he's at... 17:15 Ender27182818 where can I get the IRC logs? 17:16 celeron55 URL in channel topic 17:16 celeron55 as i said 17:16 Ender27182818 ah, lol, I read that as "read the log of this channel that is on topic" 17:22 Ender27182818 he's done decent work - my build is definitely getting farther with his repo. Too bad it appears to be based on 0.4.1 17:22 Ender27182818 ah, there's the linker errors... 17:25 celeron55 ehm... what is too bad about that? just use git to rebase the changes 17:27 Ender27182818 right, I'm just barely getting in to the code base. I prefer that someone who is working on maintaining a new platform work off of the latest rather than off of the last stable tag is all 17:27 Ender27182818 I have no idea if there's any build system changes from 0.4.1->0.4.2, so if a rebase is all it will take, great 17:35 celeron55 it's just small additions, the build system hasn't changed practically at all in months 17:36 celeron55 just some fidling around with #includes to optimize compile times 17:36 celeron55 umm... and there are some new configuration options in the cmake build, actually 17:36 celeron55 i'd not call that anything major though 18:30 celeron55 hmm, so 18:40 celeron55 VanessaE, sfan5: could you help me find all the bugs people have found in .2-rc1? 18:40 sfan5 yes 18:44 celeron55 there is some in the comments of the post, but if you find more, point me to it 18:45 celeron55 (well, there is basically nothing useful in it, but anyway) 20:09 celeron55 hell http://i.imgur.com/eAv7z.png 20:10 celeron55 i hate github's notifications, they are usually 99% useless 20:10 celeron55 like, a notification for every message in a discussion thread 20:10 celeron55 or something 20:21 celeron55 in addition to that, most of the things in there are issues or pull request i already have closed via other ways 20:21 celeron55 +s 20:44 VanessaE celeron55: re: finding bugs, I'll try to keep an eye open. 22:00 VanessaE celeron55: here's an odd one in that mobs mod you released: 22:01 VanessaE Echo on the forums writes: In the optional mobs mod, you should search for bucket:nyancat and bucket:nyancat_rainbow in the init.lua and replace it with default:nyancat respectively default:nyancat_rainbow 22:01 VanessaE (other that that, I'm having trouble finding much that's specific to 0.4.2-rc1) 22:03 VanessaE (I also fail to see how that could have snuck in, unless they're talking about some other mobs mod) 22:23 celeron55 that's in the blog comments 22:23 VanessaE oh ok 22:23 VanessaE didn't see that 22:25 VanessaE I'm a day (or two) late and a dollar short as usual :-) 22:31 VanessaE at any rate, I see two bugs that float to the top of my "this needs fixed before 0.4.2" list 22:33 VanessaE No more apple trees (#182), and chests sometimes delete items when swapping them (#102, which you already marked as a bug) 22:33 VanessaE anything else seems fairly minor, not worth worrying too much about right now 23:08 VanessaE celeron55: did you see my question the other day re: a change I want to make to vessels prior to pull-requesting it?