Time Nick Message 17:16 Mikeonline why is mesecon-delayer/intit.lua line 84-98 copy & paste of line 100-114? 17:16 VanessaE dunno, ask Jeija :D 17:17 Mikeonline jeija isnt here 17:17 Mikeonline i dont know if i have seen him :D 17:18 VanessaE he hangs out on #minetest anyway 17:20 VanessaE see? toldya :D 17:20 Mikeonline :D 17:20 Mikeonline :P 17:20 Mikeonline he woke up from the dead :D 17:31 Mikeonline next node_ownership [mod] try: block punch/edit of delay and µc in meseconds if area is protected 17:47 Mikeonline punch protection works now 17:47 Mikeonline hm 17:47 Mikeonline but if node_punch is punch node_dig is dig whats node_rightclick? 17:47 PilzAdam there is no node_rightclick 17:48 Mikeonline how is the rightclick event on µc signs, chests,.. handled? 17:48 PilzAdam engine side 17:49 PilzAdam mods cant register on rightclicks 17:49 Mikeonline damn :( 17:49 PilzAdam yep 17:49 Mikeonline so how does a mod get the call for rightclick? 17:50 Mikeonline maybe i could search in the mod and change code there 17:50 PilzAdam mods cant do thus 17:50 PilzAdam *this 17:50 PilzAdam they just create a inv formspec and the rest is in the engine 17:50 Mikeonline but how do you code an rightclick chest? 17:50 Mikeonline hmhm 17:50 Mikeonline which function does the engine call on righclick for a mod? 17:50 PilzAdam set the formspec field in meta 17:51 PilzAdam there is *no* callback for rightclick at all 17:51 PilzAdam (for nodes) 17:51 Mikeonline but there must be a line for a chest tohandle the rightclick event/gui..? 17:52 PilzAdam in c++ 17:52 PilzAdam not lua 19:15 Mikeonline if i update an lua script would this crash the server because line numbers change? 19:15 Mikeonline some interpreters load files on demand like sh scripts 22:04 LunaVorax hi!