Time Nick Message 10:09 LunaVorax hello 10:10 PilzAdam hi 11:19 * PilzAdam is away: Busy 11:33 * PilzAdam is back (gone 00:14:09) 19:01 rubdos Hi there :-) 19:02 VanessaE hi 19:07 rubdos Just want to have a look in here :-) Just tested out minetest-c55, looks promising 19:10 VanessaE well we like it :-) 19:10 rubdos I guess there already were some creazy people who asked you if it was possible to have a native C/C++ minecraft frontend? 19:10 rubdos I like minecraft VERY much, but the front end is crap :D 19:12 VanessaE well this is not a minecraft front end at all 19:12 VanessaE it's an entire game. that said I guess celeron55 wanted to make something better, open source. He succeeded :-) 19:14 rubdos VanessaE: He surely did, though I'm a redstone guy. Didn't have a deep look, but I was amazed by the framerate xD (Is there a redstone equivalent in Minetest?) 19:15 VanessaE mesecons. 19:15 VanessaE http://mesecons.net23.net/ 19:16 VanessaE incorporates pretty much all of what redstone can do, though the exact selection of devices is different. 19:16 VanessaE (we don't, for example, need repeaters because mesecons don't lose signal strength over distance 19:32 rubdos VanessaE: That's COOL 19:33 rubdos Anyone has already build a CPU on that? 19:33 rubdos Because that makes sense in Minetest. I mean, building a cpu in minecraft takes 6 gigs of ram on my Archlinux box 19:33 rubdos minetest uses WAAAY less :D 19:34 VanessaE not a CPU yet, but the various components have been built by different people 19:35 VanessaE I made the 8-bit adder pictured on that site, another person did a binary 4-to-16 decoder (which he uses to run a simulated one-digit LCD display) 19:35 VanessaE One person is doing a tic-tac-toe game 19:39 rubdos Very cool. I guess I can have higher clock speeds in minetest? My current minecraft project is a full computer, with display and everything :P 19:39 rubdos (Is there 'worldedit' alike in minetest?) 19:40 VanessaE indeed there is 19:40 VanessaE I'm not sure what kind of clock speed mesecons can actually pass, I've never tested the limit 19:41 VanessaE minetest has a worldedit mod, but I don't know how it compares to minecraft 19:41 VanessaE (I've never played MC) 19:43 NakedFury compared to mc lacking 19:46 rubdos Okay, but can I stack, copy and paste? Because that's all what I use it for :p 19:46 rubdos (copy my ram!) 19:46 rubdos BTW, I've got 1 kb ram on minecraft :3 19:48 VanessaE yes, you can do all those things 19:49 VanessaE rubdos: the Microcontroller (µC for short) in mesecons has 256 bits of memory in it; a bunch of those ganged together will beat out that 1kb of RAM :-) 19:50 rubdos Mmm, but microcontrollers are lame :3 I've got plenty of those in real life (PIC's, no AVR :( ). I'd like to dig deeper :-) 19:51 VanessaE lame? :( 19:51 VanessaE they were added because we thought the old way of making gates with torches et.al was lame :-) 19:53 rubdos VanessaE: That's also true, but it's just cool to have every bit in full sight :p 19:53 rubdos BTW, I'm having trouble connecting to my test minetesttest thingy test server ;) 19:53 rubdos It stays on 'connecting to server' 19:54 rubdos And on server terminal: 21:53:56: ERROR[ServerThread]: Server: peer_id=2: failed to emerge player 19:54 VanessaE rubdos: µC's can also be used as individual gates 19:54 VanessaE that fail-to-emerge is a known bug, but I don't know the solution 19:55 rubdos VanessaE: Cool thing about µC is that the memory cells are actually STABLE xD 19:55 rubdos At my superhight clock frequency of 0.001Hz (test freq) on minecraft, they sometimes failed -_- 19:55 VanessaE heh 19:55 VanessaE I think µC's are limited to 30 Hz, otherwise they "overheat" 19:55 VanessaE or rather, 19:56 VanessaE they're limited to 30 internal operations/second 19:56 VanessaE whether they can pass higher frequencies, I'm not sure - never tried 19:56 rubdos That's rather quick :D 19:56 rubdos Anyway, I'm off. Thanks for the chat! See you later! 19:56 VanessaE ciao 19:56 VanessaE oh, btw 19:57 VanessaE use #minetest in the future - there's a lot more activity there 19:57 VanessaE this channel's mostly dead 19:59 rubdos VanessaE: Yeh, I'm in the dev's channel right? 19:59 rubdos Bye! 23:02 LunaVorax evening 23:02 PilzAdam hi 23:12 Phitherek_ VanessaE: My friend used it that also played MC, said that it is the same or nearly the same 23:13 Phitherek_ ah, sorry 23:13 Phitherek_ didn' t look at the hours -_- 23:16 VanessaE used what, mesecons? 23:31 Phitherek_ no, no, I mean in the IRC log, I have scrolled up and was not up to latest messages and I answered to something 4 hours old 23:37 VanessaE oh ok