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IRC log for #luanti-dev, 2025-02-05

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:07 SFENCE joined #luanti-dev
00:33 Krock joined #luanti-dev
01:22 behalebabo joined #luanti-dev
01:40 SFENCE joined #luanti-dev
02:03 SFENCE joined #luanti-dev
03:01 SFENCE_arch joined #luanti-dev
03:21 SFENCE joined #luanti-dev
03:59 SFENCE joined #luanti-dev
05:00 MTDiscord joined #luanti-dev
05:42 SFENCE joined #luanti-dev
06:41 pgimeno joined #luanti-dev
07:12 hwpplayer1 joined #luanti-dev
07:13 SFENCE joined #luanti-dev
07:39 fluxionary joined #luanti-dev
07:43 SFENCE joined #luanti-dev
08:15 SFENCE joined #luanti-dev
09:22 hwpplayer1 joined #luanti-dev
10:35 MTDiscord <herowl> While we're talking about completion, chat command completion when?
11:51 ivanbu joined #luanti-dev
13:05 [MatrxMT] <Zughy> When somebody implements it :^]
13:22 MTDiscord <luatic> when sscsm :juanchi_face: (honestly though, this should be on the client for it to not feel like jank)
13:23 MTDiscord <luatic> but this should be one of the most straightforward sscsm apis to implement
13:24 MTDiscord <herowl> Tbh, since chatcommands are in the engine, engine could just send chatcommand autocompletion data to the client.
13:25 MTDiscord <herowl> There is a player name autocompletion already
13:28 MTDiscord <luatic> I considered this, but I'm not very fond of implementing rather specific, not very high priority use cases and thus draining development time that should go towards implementing a more general solution.
13:29 MTDiscord <luatic> Especially since the more general APIs should make the more specific use cases easier to implement. What I'm thinking of is having a "builtin" SSCSM which would use the SSCSM tab completion API to implement this. The builtin SSM would send the chatcommands to that builtin SSCSM via a mod channel.
13:31 MTDiscord <herowl> At that point, builtin CSCSM
13:31 MTDiscord <herowl> Why the SS part
13:32 MTDiscord <herowl> To accelerate SSCSM development by having it always in place?
13:32 MTDiscord <luatic> SS means you don't need the client to upgrade so long as it supports the necessary APIs
13:57 sfan5 I would welcome an unflexible "server sends command list to client" implementation for a start
13:58 sfan5 but indeed SSCSM is the real fix
15:18 SFENCE_arch joined #luanti-dev
15:26 hwpplayer1 joined #luanti-dev
15:33 hwpplayer1 joined #luanti-dev
17:10 [ SS means it won't work for people who care about security/software freedom enough to disable SSCSM
17:11 sfan5 acceptable

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