Time Nick Message 00:01 Guest17 As for mapgen speed, your device matters.  PCs will out perform laptops, tablets and phones.  For mg_earth mod, settings also come into play.  Disable boulders, rivers, streets, roads, and caves for some speed, but not much. 00:04 RhineDevil Guest17: nvm apparently it was minetest's fault 00:04 RhineDevil Minetest mapgen is annoying, no idea why they made it so you spawn inside blocks 00:06 RhineDevil Guest17: finding mcl substitutes for coral_orange and coral_brown seems tricky af 00:08 Guest17 The default mod of MTG game has a nodes.lua file, and at the top of the file is a commented index of nodes, including all the corals 00:09 Guest17 RhineDevil, the mg_earth chat command to preemerge an area is:    /emerge_area -500 0 -500 500 0 500, or which ever sized area you wish. 05:37 MTDiscord I have a question: What makes me qualified enough to be speaking in the IRC. I mean like any special work or just casual stuff. 05:37 MTDiscord Casual in the sense it should be on-topic as it is mentioned? 06:18 lissobone It's very casual. 06:19 lissobone Consider it as an alternative chat. 06:19 lissobone From my perspective, Discord is, and from yours -- IRC. 06:19 lissobone Do you, like, think that IRC is for security professionals and crackers? 06:19 lissobone No, it's just a chat for everyone. 07:34 jordan4ibanez[m] Irc is instant messaging before instant messaging existed 11:38 RhineDevil Yo anyone who knows a bit about mineclone mapgen? 11:39 RhineDevil Need some help here https://github.com/ShadMOrdre/mg_earth/pull/1 13:16 lissobone mese lore 15:17 MinetestBot 02[git] 04BuckarooBanzay -> 03minetest/minetest: Add min/max protocol version to `minetest.get_version()` (#13482) 1365692ad https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/65692ad1b556c4e7b7e815e24270c869e8c20adf (152023-05-06T15:16:21Z) 15:29 RhineDevil Does someone know how does minetest convert seeds from words to integers? 15:31 Krock open map_meta.txt and extract the integer from there, I suppose? 15:32 Krock ah 15:33 Krock RhineDevil: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/src/util/string.cpp#L298 15:34 Krock attempts to convert hexadecimal and regular integers, then falls back to hashing 15:35 RhineDevil Krock: is there any way to invoke this function directly? 15:36 Krock directly from where? 15:36 RhineDevil Krock: from lua code 15:36 Krock no 15:37 Krock although FFI might allow you to declare the function then perform pointer conversion magic to use this function but that's beyond hacky 15:37 RhineDevil Krock: FFI? 15:38 Krock Lua FFI. google is your frined 15:38 MTDiscord you don't want FFI for this 15:38 Krock if it had a C-style function signature, you could attempt to call it from FFI 15:39 MTDiscord just port it to lua 15:39 RhineDevil I agree 15:39 MTDiscord (or modify the engine to register a binding) 15:39 RhineDevil It's not like calling it from native code 15:39 MTDiscord the only slight issue I see is the murmur hash 15:40 MTDiscord but you'll probably find lua impls of that too 15:41 MTDiscord anyways, why do you want to use this from lua in the first place? 15:41 Krock let the scientists do what they believe what is best, and not whether they actually should do it 15:42 RhineDevil >all this for letting ShadMOrdre use char-represented seeds in his fucking code 15:42 RhineDevil You know what 15:42 RhineDevil Fuck it 15:42 RhineDevil Imma just use the char representation as default 15:42 RhineDevil *int 15:45 RhineDevil FUUU 15:46 RhineDevil Imma rewrite his code for using ONLY integers as settings 16:06 RhineDevil https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/builtin/settingtypes.txt#L8 16:07 RhineDevil Which is the appropriate type for a seed? 16:07 RhineDevil In settingtypes.txt https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/builtin/settingtypes.txt#L8 16:08 RhineDevil Tried using int but it took it as an offense and used extended notation (-e) 16:11 Guest2318 Hey RhineDevil,  ShadMOrdre here 16:11 Guest2318 The mapgen seed seems to be the biggest issue here. 16:11 Guest2318 Can I offer some tips? 16:13 Guest2318 On line 308 of init.lua, the one on the Github repo, comment out that line.  That line takes the seed I provide in code, and sets the mapgen param.  By commenting out this line, the seed you provide at world creation from the main menu will be the seed that is used, and all code in mg_earth regarding seed is ignored. 16:13 RhineDevil Guest2318: I already made commits for removing "Terraria" and using the seed instead 16:14 Guest2318 I may not use the commit, but can change the code to not set the seed. 16:15 Guest2318 Have you been inworld yet? 16:15 RhineDevil Yes, it worked by using numerical seed 16:15 RhineDevil So let me get this straight 16:15 RhineDevil Your code IGNORES the mapgen seed inserted at the start= 16:15 RhineDevil ? 16:15 Guest2318 And thank you for the MineClone updates.  I've been wanting this to work with that game, and perhaps Exile as well. 16:16 RhineDevil Well it's still imperfect 16:16 Guest2318 My code, line 308, sets the mapgen seed, which overwrites the menu seed. 16:16 RhineDevil In my opinion it is very nonsensical 16:16 RhineDevil By that I mean 16:17 RhineDevil If I want to use your mod, shouldn't I set the seed? 16:17 Guest2318 This is a community project.  Nothing is perfect.  mg_earth is WIP in the forums, while the CDB omits that part I guess. 16:17 Guest2318 Yes you should set the seed.  Which is why it is available in the settings. 16:18 RhineDevil Why not having a setting turning on and of default seed? 16:18 RhineDevil *off 16:18 RhineDevil Like, it should be an HIC SUNT LEONES thing you shouldn't mess it with unless you know what are you doing 16:18 Guest2318 I prefer text strings as they are easier to remember, and I usually seed the world using the world name.  So a map named Avalon would have the text string "Avalon" as the seed.  Just made since for helping my son back when he was 5 16:18 RhineDevil No I mean 16:19 RhineDevil Yes having the string and yadda yadda 16:19 Guest2318 Well, thanks for that idea.  I will add an option to use mod seed vs. menu seed. 16:19 RhineDevil But having a setting saying USE THE DEFAULT SEED? YES/NO 16:19 RhineDevil Why don't I do that for you 16:19 RhineDevil I'm in the process of revising settingtypes too 16:20 RhineDevil There are some errors there huh 16:20 RhineDevil Guest2318: agreed? 16:21 Guest2318 And well, I like to tinker with code.  This mod is the result of 3 years of tinkering to give me the map I wanted.  Other options came about just because it was such low hanging fruit that it felt a slight to just not do the work... 16:21 RhineDevil Yeah sure but dunno since I'm doing a thing I might do the other as well 16:22 Guest2318 Before adding to many commits to that repo, please understand that MS policies have locked me out of doing anything more than command line update, and even that might go away.  I created new account, just haven't added any repos there yet.  Time is limited. 16:26 Guest2318 I have also done a major rework of the road/cities code, into a standalone mod, and some of your commits are more suited to the new, as yet unreleased mod.  I will add your updates before I commit it.  I've also made updates in slim version of mg_earth that I've yet to backport, if that is even possible.  The updates include performance and 16:26 Guest2318 memory enhancements that I've picked up on in just the last two months. 16:27 Guest2318 sfan5 recently shared a method involving builtin that might also significantly improve lua mapgen performance, and I've yet to dive into that. 16:29 Guest2318 I just want to be honest about my intentions for mg_earth, going forward.  Since you are working hard on your end to make some needed updates! 16:31 Guest2318 mg_earth, at some point for me, was more of a catch all mapgen experiment.  I think that some of the more novelty mapgens available in mg_earth,. should be spun out to something else, allowing mg_earth to do what it does best, voronoi continents. 16:32 Guest2318 The lua copies of the engine mapgens could also be made standalone, as they can really fly in a trimmed mod setup, without all the overhead mg_earth can bring. 16:33 RhineDevil Guest2318: I have forked already, if there are problems just copy my repo 16:36 Guest2318 I did want to ask, while I understand what its use is, where, or how is the editor config commit used? 16:39 RhineDevil Guest2318: If you use vscode or vscode community with editorconfig plugin, KDE text editors or Notepad++ with editorconfig plugin it will force the editor to use the specified config for writing text 16:39 RhineDevil It's useful because it helps having a coherent indenting style and newlines 16:40 RhineDevil Specifically I did set it to enforce on lua files UNIX newline and tabs for indentation, with tabs being 4 spaces long 16:41 RhineDevil Guest2318: I've noticed that at line 312 it also changes mg_flags, does it override the settings in main menu? 16:43 RhineDevil Because if so I'll add another enable internal mg_flags 17:02 Guest2318 yes that would also override caves and such.  For singlenode, there are no flags.  If you disable that while trying to pass through a builtin mapgen, unknown results... 17:05 Guest2318 Is it still crashing, or have you gone inworld? 17:11 RhineDevil^ Guest2318: no it's not crashing anymore, I'm trying to solve a different issue 17:11 RhineDevil^ minetest.set_mapgen_setting("mg_flags", "nocaves, nodungeons, light, decorations, biomes, ores", true) 17:11 RhineDevil^ This 17:11 RhineDevil^ Does this override your menu choices when starting a world? 17:11 RhineDevil^ Or not? 17:11 RhineDevil^ Guest2318: 17:12 RhineDevil^ After this I have to change a thing I've incorrectly set, glowstone for delimiting roads sucks 17:15 RhineDevil^ Guest2318: are you here? 17:19 RhineDevil^ Yeah apparently it does 17:27 RhineDevil^ Guest2318: Added mg_earth.settings.enable_internal_seed and mg_earth.settings.enable_internal_mg_flags 17:35 Guest2318 yes here.  testing my newer unpublished version of this with your commits against Mineclone2 17:35 RhineDevil^ Got this error: .minetest/mods/mg_earth/init.lua:311: function arguments expected near '.' 17:35 RhineDevil^ WHERE THE FUCK IS THE ERROR https://bpa.st/NCGEE 17:36 RhineDevil^ Guest2318: Isn't finished 17:36 RhineDevil^ I still have to add these additional settings AND fix a block I've set for roads 17:37 Guest2318 you are looking at your copy of the code, and I have the github copy, so now line numbers don't line up 17:37 RhineDevil^ I know Guest2318 that's why I copied the code existing at these lines 17:37 RhineDevil^ Line 311 is line 3 of my paste 17:38 Guest2318 Rhine, just comment out the two lines that use minetest.set_mapgen_setting.  Then the mod uses menu settings. 17:38 RhineDevil^ Guest2318: It's better having selectors so you can do testing automate and all that stuff 17:38 RhineDevil^ Having a coherent codebase helps 17:40 RhineDevil^ Seriously where tf are the function arguments expected near '.' if the line is " minetest.set_mapgen_setting("seed", mg_earth.settings.seed, true)" 17:40 Guest2318 I have coded for over 30 years.  As I've stated, this code grew....   I've done alot to clean what I can, but understand, this is not pro grade.  Never claimed it to be.  Making code work is more important than how pretty it is, and once code is final, then it gets cleaned.  Code ain't final for a WIP. 17:41 Guest2318 The function is minetest.set_mapgen_setting.  Check commas, quotes, or just comment the damn line and move on 17:41 RhineDevil^ Uhm what 17:42 RhineDevil^ Oh it was missing a then 17:42 RhineDevil^ Now the fucker should work 17:43 RhineDevil^ Guest2318: if I got this right just another commit and then I'll be able to send the finished code 17:43 RhineDevil^ All working so faaar 17:45 RhineDevil^ Besides Guest2318 I suggest keeping the default numeric seed. You don't want it crashing on mineclone just cause someone enabled the internal seed option, right? 17:47 RhineDevil^ Uhh 17:47 RhineDevil^ Something very weird happened with "Terraria mix" seed 17:49 RhineDevil^ Genuinely wtf is this 17:49 RhineDevil^ Ok guess I'll take care of that later 17:53 Guest2318 Keep in mind, I do not code to MCL or it's ways of doing things.  I try to make this as robust as possible, so whatever in MCL is hardcode dependent on a numeric mapseed should also be made more robust.  Lua is pretty good at type checking.  The PseudoRandom function does not type check, so MCL should type check before calling out to functions 17:53 Guest2318 it hard dependent on a specific type. 18:07 RhineDevil^ Why it doesn't shut down the server 18:07 RhineDevil^ Btw all this stuff seems resource-expensive as fucking hell 18:22 Guest2318 So whats your workaround to incomplete biome defs in MCL 18:23 RhineDevil^ Guest2318: Try the new code I've spitted out with seed 17324326821609630490 ("Terraria Mix"), vEarthSimple enabled, vIslands enabled v3D enabled 18:24 RhineDevil^ Use the seed code, not terraria mix. No idea why but it won't spit out the same seed 18:24 RhineDevil^ Like wtf is even this stuff? 18:24 RhineDevil^ No terrain generated at ground 40 just a patch of land above the clouds??? 19:44 Guest2318 RhineDevil, Enable either vEarthSimple and vIslands, OR v3D.  They are mutually exclusive.  The first two are 2D heightmaps.  v3D is exactly that, a fully 3D mapgen, and it uses a different mechanism in code. 20:35 RhineDevil^ Guest4558: Are you ShadMOrdre? 23:45 Guest2903 Hello, I have a voxelmanip used inside 'register_on_generated'. I am trying to generate an 'underground-like' region. How can I set all light to 0 as if in a dark cave, even for huge voids like the default caverns? I notice that vm:set_lighting({day=0, night=0}) doesn't seem to work, light is mostly black but (for example) high areas of land are 23:45 Guest2903 faintly lit slightly bluish as if by moonlight. 23:48 Guest2903 Manually using /mapfix in the region afterwards properly darkens everything, but I'd like to be able to fix the problem in the original mapgen voxelmanip object. 23:53 Guest2903 I think the problem might have something to do with the mapgen chunk borders. For example, if I pick a dimly lit-up high point, and build a cobble pillar on it, the cobble gradually gets brighter, until the TOP of the next block is suddenly completely black. The client's wieldhand shows similar behavior. So light in the chunk *above* (which is all 23:53 Guest2903 just air ATM) is correct, but the chunk below containing the land surface is not correct (it should be black too).