Time Nick Message 00:34 Sven_vB in a server-side LUA mod, how can I check players' positions? All I can find is minetest.get_player_information() but its result doesn't have position. 01:08 rubenwardy get_pos() on a player's object 01:09 rubenwardy You can get a player object from callbacks, from get_player_by_name, or get_connected_players 01:10 Sven_vB thanks! 01:10 MTDiscord <05e​xe_virus> Players are also entities, so most functions that work for entities work for players. Hence this works: local player = minetest.get_player_by_name("name) Local pos = player:get_pos() 01:10 Sven_vB oh I see, I had looked for data props but not methods 01:11 Sven_vB thanks! 01:18 rubenwardy Players and entities are both objects 01:18 rubenwardy Players aren't entities 03:18 MTDiscord <05e​xe_virus> Well true. My bad, I said it wrong 08:30 Griff555 Hey people 08:30 Griff555 Anybody knows shivajiva? 08:35 Griff555 Shiva 15:20 nephele Sven_vB_: mods can open files afaik, so you might be able to construct a chatacter device to write into and have that be executed 15:20 nephele not sure if you really want to implement the whole TTY protocol in lua though... 15:28 Sven_vB thanks, I'll make a character device connected to my TTY and try to make LUA use that as a file. 15:30 nephele Just be aware that TTY has lots of warts ;) 15:31 nephele running lua code from the chat, or from a device should be fairly easy though, this is how i did it : https://git.gryphno.de/neplevitan/minetest-gamemode-orion/src/branch/master/mods/sparkdebug/lua/chat.lua 15:33 nephele you could also register a chat command that starts a "interceptor" state for the chat, which then adds all your subsequent messages to a lua script untill you write EOF, or a command to exit or so 15:33 nephele then you can use line based writing in the chat 15:34 Sven_vB maybe there's a misunderstanding, I don't want to implement a TTY. I'll probably just run screen in the tty and have that screen connect to the character device. 15:35 nephele If you run TTY on one side, but not the other you will get garbage on the lua end 15:35 nephele e.g if you use right cursor button in your TTY the character device will get some wierd escape sequences, and if you don't handle them it will assume that it is lua code 15:36 Sven_vB oh I remember, that thing I called TTY really is called a virtual console 15:36 nephele TTY is a protocol, of a "real" console ;), just that it's now virtual ones 15:37 Sven_vB good call, I'd better add rlwrap to the mix so I can edit my command more easily. 15:38 Sven_vB or maybe I should use minicom instead of screen 15:38 nephele using the chat seems far easier, but it will be interesting what you come up with :) 15:38 Sven_vB well, I guess figuring out the human side of the chardev is off-topic here 15:39 Sven_vB well, for rlwrap I'd need a shell anyway, so I'll just use socat with readline on the interactive side. 15:40 nephele problem with repl is that you basically need to implement the repl yourself, since you can't just call the lua repl 15:40 nephele unless lua has somehow exposed this from luaspace 15:40 Sven_vB chat would be an option but it's displayed in my game console, that's too noisy. 15:40 nephele You can also display it on the hud or so ;) 15:41 nephele or a formspec, or so 15:41 Sven_vB I was thinking of just pcall eval each line read 15:41 nephele that is kinda what this does: https://git.gryphno.de/neplevitan/minetest-gamemode-orion/src/branch/master/mods/sparkdebug/lua/tablet.lua 15:41 nephele just that it doesn't print the output on the formspec, maybe i'll add that... and multiline editing, at some point 15:41 nephele eh... maybe 15:42 Sven_vB I'm trying to make the REPL in a way that least interferes with normal gameplay 15:43 nephele well, formspec and chat are basically the only two ingame input methods you have for text 15:43 nephele other than that, the character device, but you have to figure out yourself how you want your client and server (luaspace) to look :) 15:52 Sven_vB a pair of fifos probably is even easier. rlwrap sh -c 'cat -- repl.out & cat >>repl.in; wait' 17:04 Sven_vB how do I find other player's position in a CSM? I'd like to make my "camera" bot's view follow other players 17:06 Krock minetest.localplayer:get_pos().y + minetest.camera:get_offset().y 17:07 Krock ^ Sven_vB 17:08 Sven_vB oh thanks, that's indeed a better way to detect my own head's position. 17:08 Sven_vB still, how do I track other players' characters? 17:08 Krock 1. you can't 17:09 Krock 2. ???? 17:09 Krock 3. it's not implemented yet due to security/cheating concerns 17:09 Sven_vB 3 sounds plausible 17:11 Sven_vB I wish players in the devs' bubble would be as nice and fun-loving people as my friends are, then we could have such a nice game with so many useful features. 17:12 * Krock looks at the 8447 line long lua_api.txt 17:12 imi hi. is there anything I can do to get this eventually accepted: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/9959 ? 17:13 Krock by causing noise like you did just now 17:13 Sven_vB Krock, not client_lua_api? 17:13 Krock Sven_vB: well yeah, but there's likely not much hope because everything else could be abused for unfair gameplay 17:15 Sven_vB Krock, I know. thus I'm writing tools to circumvent those futile attempts prevent the useful features 17:17 Sven_vB the more it annoys me, the more I tend to just take the good parts and make my own game, but currently I still have some hope that I might be able to share my nice features with original MineTest's players 17:20 imi is this related to my patch or have I dropped in the middle of an ongoing conversation? 17:21 sfan5 latter 17:27 Krock imi: "by causing noise like you did just now". for you. The PR implements a feature that's currently not a common workflow (changing MT internals or settings using CSM-style) 17:28 Krock hence stirring up some mud might help a bit 17:30 imi you know, since I know CPP and I wanted this feature I felt it would be ready earlier if I implemented it myself 17:30 imi maybe I'll redo the patch once 5.4.0 is out 17:31 imi s/patch/pull request/ 17:39 imi ok thank you for the info guys 17:40 Krock yw 17:48 Sven_vB with the func callback of minetest.register_chatcommand, how do I get the name of the player that sent it? in the example, the function seems to receive just the command arguments. 17:51 rubenwardy the first argument is `name` 17:56 Sven_vB then the short parameter description params = " ", is misleading 18:43 TomTom hmm today I had massive sync problems with one client... messages like this "WARNING[ConnectionSend]: con(14/1) Packet quota used up for peer_id=11, was 256 pkts" on client and serverside. also many of this "ACTION[Server]: Server: Player moved too fast: V=0, H=170.839; resetting position." 18:43 Krock yes. networking sucks. 18:45 TomTom anything what the client or server can do about this? whats the bottleneck here? 18:47 Krock the server could try to increase the setting max_packets_per_iteration to 4096 or higher, although it would only delay the issue 18:49 Krock the client would then still need to process the packets to not get this error, as well as the server 18:56 Sven_vB do whe have a mod with palm trees that have actual flat-ish palm leaves, rather than full blocks? 19:08 Krock be the first to write a mod for it 19:24 TomTom Krock: so the client is the problem here, because he can not process the amount of packets in time? 19:25 Krock if the client gets the same errors, then it's either due to a lossy connection and/or bad networking code 19:26 Krock there was a little change in this regard in 5.3.0 (IIRC). the difference to before is basically this additional logged message which was silent previously 19:28 Krock as long the client/server can catch up with the packet queue there should be no issue. Random time-outs and disconnects would be concerning. 19:55 TomTom the client is an old x86, maybe its the cause... 20:00 Krock architecture does not matter, unless it's a Pentium 3 machine which might suffer from severe lack of FPS 20:00 Krock and computational power in all other regards 20:33 Sven_vB in 5.3.0, in the content browser, when I search for "hard_trees_redo"/"All Packages", why does it not find https://content.minetest.net/packages/Hamlet/hard_trees_redo/ ? 20:33 sfan5 I assume it's because there's no downloads 20:41 Sven_vB oh. indeed. w00t 22:02 Pharsalos Why is this so dead 22:03 MTDiscord <11J​onathon> lol 22:04 Pharsalos This game used to be on fire 22:04 MTDiscord <11J​onathon> the irc channel is about normal activity 22:04 MTDiscord <11J​onathon> see logs in irc.minetest.net 22:04 Pharsalos Is there a chat thing? 22:04 MTDiscord <11J​onathon> chat thing? 22:05 Pharsalos Also 22:05 Pharsalos Do u know Shivajiva? 22:05 MTDiscord <11J​onathon> i know who they are 22:05 Pharsalos Really? 22:05 Pharsalos Im looking for him 22:05 MTDiscord <11J​onathon> and spoke to them once in passing? 22:05 MTDiscord <04o​neplustwo> the most important part: do you know where he lives? 22:06 Pharsalos Does he have a server again? 22:06 Pharsalos Dam i miss old times 22:06 Pharsalos I used to come here as a kid playing and chatting 22:08 Pharsalos Dam 22:08 Pharsalos This thing is paranoid about robots 22:09 MTDiscord <11J​onathon> https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=14960&p=233722 says its closed 22:10 Pharsalos Yeah i actually seen this 22:10 MTDiscord <11J​onathon> acording to github, last seen oct 11, 2020 22:10 Pharsalos But the last tweet was like 3 years ago now 22:10 Pharsalos Well i just wanted to say hello to him 22:10 Pharsalos And told him i wont forget the memories there 22:25 Pharsalos Or here 22:25 Pharsalos I will also thank you Jonathon here 22:26 Pharsalos Because i dont know which one was where you sent the messages 22:29 MTDiscord <11J​onathon> np 23:51 Sven_vB when a seed consists of just digits, is it hashed at all? 23:53 sfan5 don't think so