Time Nick Message 09:15 MinetestBot 02[git] 04HybridDog -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix memory leak in guiConfirmRegistration 1353dd781 https://git.io/fbjyY (152018-07-06T09:13:18Z) 11:19 Krock LMD, the formspec stuff was mainly about "don't send it each server step" 11:19 LMD ok 11:19 Krock minetest.after makes it simpler for you to control the intervals 11:19 LMD !next 11:19 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next! 11:19 LMD (me satisfied) 11:20 Krock if you look at the code above, then you'll notice that "if timer <= 1 then" guards the code from being executed too often 13:45 entuland uhm... content.minetest.net isn't accepting "matrix" as dependency for creating a new package... anybody knows how that works? 13:46 Krock maybe the mod doesn't exist yet on the cdb 13:50 rubenwardy Doesn't matter 13:50 rubenwardy You can depend on non added thinngs 13:50 rubenwardy Try adding an extra comma at the end 13:51 rubenwardy Like, type matrix, 13:58 entuland ah, I'll check that 13:58 entuland ah yes, adding a comma converted the text into a "tag" of some sort, thanks rubenwardy 13:59 entuland I'll add a link to the matrix repo nonetheless to ease finding it if necessary 13:59 rubenwardy Matrix hasn't been added yet as it is WIP 13:59 entuland yep, and I doubt I'll even ask to add it to the content db either 13:59 rubenwardy Oh wait 13:59 rubenwardy Nvm 13:59 rubenwardy Matrix chat hasn't been 14:00 rubenwardy Matrix would be fine 14:00 entuland I'll wait to see if decision gets made about including those functions to the minetest itself 14:00 rubenwardy It's not a good idea to add a package which has a hard dep on a mod which hasn't been added 14:01 entuland so I should first request the topic move, and create a package for it? 14:01 rubenwardy Don't need to move the topic first 14:01 entuland okay 14:01 rubenwardy But that would be good too 14:01 entuland I'll do both things then 14:01 rubenwardy Notice how Mineclone is in cdb 14:02 rubenwardy Imo, it's playable and not very buggy 14:02 rubenwardy It may not have a stable API yet, but it's playable 14:02 entuland does contentdb automatically pick up dependencies, if they get added as packages? 14:02 rubenwardy Yes 14:02 entuland cool 14:02 rubenwardy You depend on a name 14:03 rubenwardy Iike how depends.txt works 14:03 rubenwardy Any package which provides that name can fulfil that dependency 14:03 rubenwardy For example, see 14:03 rubenwardy https://content.minetest.net/metapackages/farming/ 14:03 entuland yep 14:04 entuland another question since you're here: can I create a release from a tag instead that from the main branch of from a commit? 14:04 rubenwardy Yes 14:04 rubenwardy Just put the tag name 14:04 entuland okay 14:04 rubenwardy Instead of master 14:04 rubenwardy It's any valid git reference 14:04 entuland I don't see any way to get rid of a release request though - I can only edit its title 14:04 rubenwardy So branch, commit hash, tag, HEAD~3 14:04 rubenwardy I can delete them 14:05 rubenwardy Just call it delete me for now 14:05 entuland okay, thanks 14:06 entuland ah it ends up referring to the commit hash in any case 14:06 entuland so it would make no difference, I'll keep the one I created earlier for rhotator 14:09 rubenwardy Yeah 14:10 rubenwardy Pointing to something other than a commit is a security issue 14:10 rubenwardy And also breaks updating 14:10 entuland yep it is surely the best approach 14:10 rubenwardy I'll probably remove pointing to github soon 14:11 rubenwardy As too many people keep leaving it 14:11 rubenwardy /uploads/ is currently 400MB 14:11 rubenwardy Mostly mineclone2 versions 14:12 entuland would that make it harder to use contentdb for people still using github? 14:12 entuland cause I, personally, don't care, and I am still fine with github 14:12 rubenwardy No 14:12 entuland I mean, to create and update packages 14:13 rubenwardy Just means releases would link to a local file 14:13 rubenwardy It supports making zips from a git repo, btw 14:13 rubenwardy If your repo isn't github, then it'll currently do that 14:13 entuland you mean the first dialog where it asks for a vcn? 14:13 rubenwardy Yes 14:13 rubenwardy Err 14:14 rubenwardy The create release one supports git or github for vcs 14:14 entuland that didn't work for me, it kept saying something along "network error", so I skipped it 14:14 rubenwardy Que 14:14 rubenwardy I need to setup email reporting 14:14 entuland :) 14:14 rubenwardy You may have put a bad URL though, what did you put? 14:15 entuland something like this: https://github.com/entuland/wesh 14:15 rubenwardy Network error sounds like a pygit error 14:15 entuland and this: https://github.com/entuland/wesh.git 14:15 rubenwardy Heh 14:15 rubenwardy Should've been fine 14:15 entuland maybe my own crappy connection played a role there? 14:16 rubenwardy Idk 14:16 rubenwardy Basically, it runs a task on the server then uses JavaScript to check for completion 14:19 entuland I tried twice with two different URLs, I guess I can try once more for matrix and see if I notice any specific error in the console / network tab 14:19 entuland I'll let you know 14:21 rubenwardy The more helpful thing would be the task URL 14:21 rubenwardy You can see it if you open up the developer console, and see network requests 14:21 entuland sure 14:21 rubenwardy /tasks/someday string/ 14:21 entuland I'll do that in a minute 14:21 rubenwardy *some fat string 14:23 entuland uhm... weird 14:23 entuland seems like the request isn't making it out of my computer at all 14:23 entuland I see the poll_url in the console 14:23 entuland ah no my bad 14:23 entuland filtered list 14:24 rubenwardy Ok, got the error 14:24 rubenwardy It looks like krocks mod list isn't returning anything 14:24 entuland tasks/af40dfdf-2018-4500-bd04-b8a5378af974/ 14:24 rubenwardy !mod awards 14:24 MinetestBot json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) (file "/usr/lib/python3.6/json/decoder.py", line 357, in raw_decode) 14:24 rubenwardy Yeah 14:24 rubenwardy Kick! 14:25 rubenwardy Krock! 14:25 entuland eheheh 14:25 rubenwardy I'll change this code to not rely on it 14:25 rubenwardy Now that I have it as anyway 14:25 rubenwardy I have my own forum parser 14:25 rubenwardy https://content.minetest.net/todo/topics/ 14:31 entuland uh? not sure I understand that list... that's not the list of packages pending approval for contentdb, no? 14:31 entuland in any case, I have completed my package requests, including the matrix one, I'll ask for the topic move as well 14:31 rubenwardy No, that's all the forum topics which don't have a corresponding package 14:32 entuland ah I see 14:32 entuland would have been hell of a backlog to take care of :P 14:32 rubenwardy Lol 14:32 rubenwardy If you look on your profile page, it'll give you a to-do list 14:32 rubenwardy Which is empty 14:32 rubenwardy Congrats 14:34 entuland not sure I got that... any user is able to see all the pending requests of any other users? 14:34 entuland cause my profile page shows my 4 packages 14:34 rubenwardy No 14:35 rubenwardy You can only see unapproved packages if you own them or are an editor 14:35 rubenwardy If you have forum topics you hadn't submitted yet, you see them in a table at the bottom 14:36 rubenwardy And only you and editors can see that table 14:36 entuland and that only applies to the MODS forum, not to the WIP forum, correct? 14:36 rubenwardy Only releases currenrly 14:36 entuland okay 14:36 rubenwardy I need to also parse WIP at some point 14:37 rubenwardy It's harder though as they're less well formatted 14:37 entuland guess so, yes 14:48 Krock rubenwardy, I'm getting the error too. Too many connections to the database 14:48 Krock changed the password already in hope to have an effect.. nope 14:48 rubenwardy Do you use a free host? 18:29 MrSkulls Hello hello, I had a question as far as how entity's on step was called. Does the game jump from C++ to Lua, call all the on steps, then back to C++ or does it switch from C++ to Lua per entity? 18:30 MrSkulls Thank you for any help :) 18:30 Krock C++ triggers all after each other 18:30 Krock also. hello :) 18:30 MrSkulls Hello! 18:31 MrSkulls So C++, Lua, entity 0, entity 1,... back to C++? 18:34 Astrobe I tried to use Raycast() which is documented in the modding book but not in the official documentation, and got a "nil value" error. Is the modding book (and Raycast) for 5.0.0? 18:34 Krock it's official documentation 18:35 Krock MrSkulls, no. C++ entity 1, C++ entity 2, 18:35 MrSkulls Awesome, thank you 18:35 Astrobe which one? 18:35 Krock because the list of active objects changes 18:36 MrSkulls As things are loaded / unloaded? 18:36 Krock Astrobe, if the modding book still takes the lua_api.txt from master, then it's official for 5.0.0-dev 18:37 Astrobe ok, thanks. Then I think I should tell them to mention that in the modding book. 18:37 Krock ^ rubenwardy 18:37 Krock fixed. 18:38 Krock Astrobe, well, it notes the information source at the very top, which is master/lua_api.txt 18:39 MrSkulls Huh, I had no idea raycast wasn't in 4. Gotta update. 18:41 Astrobe You are kind of right, I can see that if I actually click the link at the top of the reference; I was expecting the info in the intro. 19:06 rubenwardy That script was made before 5 was a thing 19:14 rubenwardy !mod [rpc] 19:14 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Could not find anything. 19:23 Astrobe rubenwardy: yes, but the script is generated from the master branch instead of the "release" branch, so we have here function like Raycast which is in 5.0.0 but not in 0.4.17, which is surprising when one isn't aware of that detail. 19:23 rubenwardy again 19:24 rubenwardy ("%N"):format("%N", "([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)") 19:24 rubenwardy oops 19:24 rubenwardy That script was made before 5 was a thing 19:24 rubenwardy so there were less differences 19:24 rubenwardy and everyone uses the master version 19:24 rubenwardy I'll add a warning at some point though 19:26 Astrobe "everyone uses the master version", that's not the story the server list tells me ;-) 19:26 rubenwardy no, the master version of lua_api 19:27 Astrobe Ah, ok. 19:27 rubenwardy and lots of people did use the master version of Minetest for servers 19:27 rubenwardy before network breakage happened 19:27 Krock everybody uses the master list because they 1) always did it that way, 2) don't know about stable-0.5 or 3) want to use 5.0.0-dev features 19:27 Krock *stable-0.4 19:30 Astrobe Looks like I have a fix for MobRedo's line_of_sight issues 19:30 * Astrobe crosses fingers 20:04 MinetestBot 02[git] 04paramat -> 03minetest/minetest: Lua_api.txt: Improve section titles, clarify sections (#7533) 1355b6bc0 https://git.io/fNeDs (152018-07-06T20:02:54Z) 20:15 LMD Id like to start a discussion about backwards compatibility : MT 5 is breaking it. And the worst : no longer Server-Client communication between 4.17.1 and 5. Why ? 20:16 sfan5 backwards compatibility was mainly broken for the sake of csm 20:16 sfan5 it also opens up possiblities for more breaking changes that improve central element of the protocol 20:17 sfan5 and you can drop lots of legacy code 20:17 rubenwardy Most games break networking every uodate 20:19 paramat the compat break also alowed us to alter player position by 1 node vertically, which enabled custom player collisionboxes and therefore custom player size 20:19 paramat many other advantages and improvements too 20:20 paramat after all 0.4 had been going for 6 years 20:21 Viper csm most horrible thing 20:24 Astrobe I remember when Cube2 broke net compatibility after years of stability; when I came back to it, I saw an almost empty server list and I thought "Oh no, the game is daed". 20:27 Astrobe That thing... Still a couple dozens of players online 24/7 even after 5 years without update. 20:27 Astrobe And more servers than players, actually :D 20:29 rubenwardy just turn of the server list for 0.4.x 20:29 rubenwardy problem fixed 20:30 Astrobe That game allows live map edition, and it's triangles not cubes (despite the name :-). Too bad it's an under-used feature. 20:34 Astrobe Someone the forum uses the game's logo as his/her avatar... Phoenix-something. 20:51 SkullsMinetest So, when I make textures they always look very very different in game than in the editor. the game textures always seem to be super saturated. anyone else have that issue or am I just blind? 20:52 sfan5 sounds like your image edit is broken 20:52 sfan5 editor* 20:53 MrSkulls gimp 20:54 MrSkulls oh my heavens. sorry about the login spam. 20:55 Krock if you were blind you wouldn't notice that the textures look very very different 20:56 Krock using gimp here too and can't complain. maybe something's wrong with the export format? 20:57 MrSkulls Nope it is the same for the ones in others mods. They look nice in game but 'dull' in gimp. Same monitor and everything. 20:58 MrSkulls Weird. It has to be something on my end then. 21:02 Krock most textures are optimized by pngcrush or optipng, which switch the color scheme/mode to "indexed". change that option in the current image if you're editing an exiting one 21:04 MrSkulls I'll try that, thank you 21:19 LMD "Someone the forum uses the game's logo as his/her avatar... Phoenix-something." - Phoenixflo44 ? No. 21:28 Astrobe yep. Phoenixflo44. 21:33 paramat MrSkulls maybe you have the tone mapping shader on? 21:36 MrSkulls That's what I thought and I turned all the fancy options off. It also could be running the gimp on the built in GPU and Minetest is treated to Nvidia 'magic'. I'll check again and see if the indexing thingy makes it better. 21:57 paramat indexing won't make any visual difference, if it did it would be broken