Time Nick Message 00:29 Wuzzy MineClone 2, v0.18.0 released! https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=16407 00:41 MrIbby Wuzzy: Just wondering, why isn't the repo on GitHub? 00:41 Wuzzy because 00:42 MrIbby GH just seems like an all-around better option 00:44 MrIbby Gahhh, the spreadsheet isn't on Google Sheets either‽ 00:46 davisonio Haha Wuzzy uses hipster tools ;) 00:46 davisonio Google is too mainstream 00:47 Wuzzy uhh what? 00:47 Wuzzy hipster tool? 00:48 Wuzzy omg. what is so wrong about direct download links? wtf. like seriously. 00:49 wilkgr xD 00:49 MrIbby honestly, it's more work. although not much, it's still more work 00:50 Wuzzy learn how to use your software then... omg 00:51 Wuzzy apparently OpenDocument is a very exotic format. .. XD 00:51 MrIbby you're a wiki contributor; you must have seen my work on modules. i like things to be easy and efficient 01:04 Wuzzy MrIbby: which mods? 01:04 Wuzzy MrIbby: Google sheets is broken. thats why i am not using it 01:05 MrIbby ah, sorry, i was unclear by what i meant by "modules" 01:05 Wuzzy also, i dont like to make the link depend on Google 01:05 MrIbby modules like this: http://wiki.minetest.net/Module:Languages 01:05 Wuzzy In general, if your IT/programming workflow depends on google, thats may not be the smartest move 01:06 MrIbby how so? 01:06 Wuzzy MrIbby: nope. i rarely read wiki changelogs 01:06 Wuzzy Google has a history of pulling various services 01:07 Wuzzy and I absolutely despise the web interface its broken without JS and *with* js it is painfully slow 01:07 Wuzzy the direct link is the simplest solution, really 01:07 Wuzzy but yeah, I do regularily update this file 01:08 Wuzzy but its mostly for myself 01:08 MrIbby that's a good point 01:08 MrIbby then what about GitHub? 01:08 MrIbby (for the repo) 01:09 Wuzzy what about repo.or.cz? 01:09 Wuzzy thats just an artificial question 01:09 MrIbby repo.or.cz is not particularly intuitive 01:09 MrIbby in its interface 01:09 Wuzzy i could also have chosen bitbucket, and whatnot 01:09 Wuzzy well its just a git repo hoster. thats it 01:10 Wuzzy i just chose this because it is very simple 01:10 MrIbby oh? 01:11 Wuzzy MrIbby: not everything can or should be done through a browser ... 01:11 Wuzzy I am concerned about a tendency to push basically any conceivable piece of software into the browser. this is madness 01:11 Wuzzy Google Sheets is the perfect example 01:11 MrIbby Wuzzy: life becomes easier when you don't need to open other applications 01:13 Wuzzy browsers are madness. a browser with JavaScript support is a software which regularily downloads executable code from untrusted sources and executes it immediately. this is dumb. thank god JS is limited in scope, however 01:13 Wuzzy not a few years ago it was commonplace to have java applets which were total insanity 01:14 MrIbby why? why is it dumb and insane? 01:14 Wuzzy Java applets were a giant security hazard 01:14 KaadmY Why are you saying that in the past tense? 01:14 Wuzzy lol 01:15 Wuzzy well. do we still have browsers with java applet support? 01:15 wilkgr Firefox ESR 01:15 Wuzzy wtf? 01:15 Wuzzy NOOO 01:15 Wuzzy this madness is still not dead? FML 01:15 Wuzzy i thought java applets died years ago 01:16 wilkgr ESR = Extended Support Release 01:16 wilkgr "Firefox ESR is intended for groups who deploy and maintain the desktop environment in large organizations such as universities and other schools, county or city governments and businesses." 01:16 Wuzzy more like Extended Security Reduction 01:16 wilkgr hahhhhhhh 01:17 wilkgr It also runs Unity3D 01:17 wilkgr Unity* 01:17 Wuzzy this sounds too stupid to be true 01:18 Wuzzy wait, are you just trolling? ;) 01:18 wilkgr https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/ 01:18 wilkgr Not trolling 01:19 Wuzzy where did you have the Unity part from? 01:21 wilkgr I'm using it to play Unity games 01:22 MrIbby YOU'RE INSANE!!!1! YOU WANT TO GET HACKED‽‽‽‽ 01:22 MrIbby lol 01:22 wilkgr lol 01:24 Wuzzy well. you basically pinned down the problem with accessing the graphics card from the browser 01:24 Wuzzy Unity is not native part of FF, right? 01:24 Wuzzy its in a plugin if I see correctly 01:24 wilkgr That it is 01:25 wilkgr Unfortunately not all games use WebGL yet 01:25 Wuzzy lol... 01:25 wilkgr Though a fair few do, and I use normal Fx for that 01:25 Wuzzy as if that would solve anything 01:25 wilkgr How come? 01:25 Wuzzy u seriously suggesting that all 3D games get ported to WebGL? omg 01:25 wilkgr WebGL is a standard 01:25 wilkgr No I'm not 01:25 wilkgr ROFL 01:25 wilkgr That would go terribly 01:26 wilkgr Though most I've tried were pretty smooth 01:26 wilkgr but e.g. FPS shooters wouldn't port well I'm guessing 01:26 Wuzzy To be honest, I actually tried a few 3d games in browser a couple of years ago. i was not impressed by the poor performance. 01:27 Wuzzy not really surprising since a browser was never intended to be a freaking game engine!! XD 01:27 wilkgr This runs smooth http://www.pacogames.com/driving/city-rider/en 01:27 wilkgr Then what do you think of WebVR? 01:27 wilkgr It's exactly what you think it is 01:27 Wuzzy how about WebOS? who needs operating systems? :> 01:28 wilkgr ChromeOS 01:28 wilkgr xD 01:28 wilkgr Firefox OS 01:28 Wuzzy ikr 01:28 Wuzzy do people actually use those? 01:28 Wuzzy i find it hard to imagine 01:28 wilkgr Ubuntu Mobile, Windows 10 Mobile both support(ed) HTML apps 01:29 wilkgr Chromebooks are being sold in brick-and-motar stores 01:29 wilkgr Firefox OS was discontinued, as was Ubuntu Mobile 01:29 Wuzzy i mean. unable to store files locally. NOTHING works without internet. not even a freaking calculator 01:29 wilkgr I personally am interested in Sailfish OS but I don't have hardware to support it :/ 01:30 wilkgr Firefox OS v2.0 had, when I tested it, offline "apps" 01:30 MrIbby My school actually has Chromebooks 01:30 wilkgr That's what they seem to be directed at MrIbby 01:30 Wuzzy basically ChromeOS and the like are the revival of the terminals from the stone age of computing. are people really THAT dumb? 01:30 wilkgr ...yes 01:30 Wuzzy terminals died for a reason 01:30 wilkgr It is a nice concept, and recently you can get programs to work offline. 01:30 wilkgr They run Android apps now -shrug- 01:31 Wuzzy hehe 01:31 Wuzzy apparently the pure web approach didnt work out so well. what a surprise! 01:31 Wuzzy i also hat the "always online" ideology 01:31 Wuzzy hate* 01:31 wilkgr xD 01:31 wilkgr yep 01:32 wilkgr Though at least you don't get Play Games, Play Music, Play Newstand, Play Movies and the Play Store prebundled 01:32 wilkgr (on Firefox OS I meant) 01:32 Wuzzy but seriously. does anyone actually use ChromeOS and-the-like? 01:33 wilkgr Not that I know of 01:33 Wuzzy and i mean for real, not just “oh this looks fun, let me try out for 5 seconds” 01:33 wilkgr I know a person who does that ^ 01:33 wilkgr That would me! 01:34 Wuzzy wait a minute... 01:34 Wuzzy are you on CromeOS? 01:34 wilkgr no :P 01:34 Wuzzy ok 01:34 wilkgr I meant the "let me try out for 5 seconds" 01:34 Wuzzy if MrIbby would be on ChromeOS, it would explain why being so pissed for me NOT using Google Sheets. XD 01:34 wilkgr hehe 01:35 MrIbby nope, not on ChromeOS 01:35 wilkgr Microsoft has light online versions of their Office thingies too though 01:35 MrIbby I _am_ on Chrome 01:35 wilkgr Though msworddit is more interesting 01:35 Wuzzy whats this? 01:35 wilkgr I ping between Opera, Chrome and Firefox for my desktop browser 01:35 wilkgr and Vivaldi 01:35 Wuzzy I prefer to stay miles away from MS Office crap 01:36 wilkgr lol 01:36 Wuzzy when in doubt, export to PDF 01:36 wilkgr School needs it :/ 01:36 Wuzzy this sucks 01:36 wilkgr At least they provided it to us for free 01:36 Wuzzy ahahahahahaha 01:36 Wuzzy thats a lie 01:36 wilkgr ok 01:36 wilkgr Let me amend that statement 01:36 Wuzzy you are paying for it with your taxes, of course 01:37 wilkgr Wellllllllllll 01:37 MrIbby ??? 01:37 wilkgr Not my taxes xD 01:37 Wuzzy wilkgr: if you ever bought anything then you already paid taxes 01:37 wilkgr yep, that's true 01:38 Wuzzy its not good that schools depend on MS. kids will soon depend on MS as well 01:38 wilkgr So far they've gotten a staggering ~$40 from me 01:38 wilkgr The whole webmail is Outlook 01:38 Wuzzy what for? 01:39 wilkgr I meant the taxes :P 01:39 Wuzzy "The whole webmail is Outlook"... what are you talking of? 01:39 wilkgr The webmail system to get emails 01:39 wilkgr It's Outlook for web 01:39 Wuzzy e-mail is e-mail. 01:40 wilkgr Webmail interface 01:40 Wuzzy if webmail is broken you can always use real software 01:40 wilkgr I am 01:40 wilkgr Outlook for desktop :P 01:41 Wuzzy ... which you update daily, of coure 01:41 wilkgr Thunderbird didn't work :/ 01:41 wilkgr Unlike Win10, you actually have the option to disable auto-updates! -shock-horror-gasp- 01:42 * wilkgr shivers 01:42 wilkgr I do not like Office 01:42 Wuzzy wooooow 01:42 Wuzzy what a luxury 01:42 wilkgr xD 01:42 wilkgr DOL 01:42 Wuzzy you must feel very privileged now 01:42 wilkgr ... 01:42 Wuzzy lol 01:43 wilkgr I only use office because I need to, not because I like i 01:43 wilkgr it* 01:43 Wuzzy i was referring to updates 01:43 wilkgr ik ;) 01:43 wilkgr The only subject where I have leeway is IPT, because they don't know what editor I'm using 01:44 wilkgr They want us to use Notepad++ 01:44 Wuzzy oh no! not the editor wars! 01:44 wilkgr lol 01:44 wilkgr I'm not suggesting that one is better than the other here 01:44 wilkgr It is, at the end of the day, personal preference 01:44 Wuzzy Notepad? 01:45 wilkgr They recommend Notepad++ (Notepadqq on Linux iirc) but I use Atom or Geany 01:45 Wuzzy Yeah I dont care much about Text editors 01:45 Wuzzy but I DO care about one crucial feature 01:45 Wuzzy line endings 01:46 wilkgr Yes 01:46 Wuzzy if the text editor does not support all 3 OSes, it is broken 01:46 Wuzzy Thus, Notepad is broken. 01:46 wilkgr Aye 01:46 Wuzzy they didnt update it since ages, didnt they? 01:46 wilkgr I'm not sure 01:46 wilkgr actually 01:46 wilkgr But yes, I think that's correct 01:47 Wuzzy or did they finally fix it in latest Windows releaseS? 01:47 wilkgr hahahahahaha nope 01:47 wilkgr That's not a bug, it's a feature! 01:47 wilkgr And that folks, is why you don't use Linux or MacOS --Microsoft (paraphrased) 01:48 Wuzzy if everyone would use Windows 10, then ALL problems in IT would be solved. I'm sure! 01:48 Wuzzy !!!11!11oneoneone 01:48 wilkgr eleven 01:48 wilkgr Except for auto-updates 01:49 wilkgr W10M does have its merits though 01:49 Wuzzy don't care. 01:50 wilkgr xD 01:50 wilkgr Mainly that the phones are cheaper than the equivalent Droids 01:51 Wuzzy have u looked at MineClone 2 btw? 01:52 wilkgr Quick look; not downloaded (yet) 01:53 wilkgr Recently not playing singleplayer (unless working on eggwars & deathswap) 01:56 KaadmY oh no! not the editor wars! 01:56 KaadmY Speaking of Emacs 01:56 wilkgr Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 01:56 KaadmY Okay I kid 01:56 KaadmY I use Vim 01:56 Wuzzy Don't care. 01:57 Wuzzy Escape capsule activated. All systems ready. 01:57 Wuzzy Launch in 3... 2... 1... 01:57 wilkgr Escape capsule? 01:57 wilkgr :(( 01:57 * KaadmY pushes the big red button on wilkgr's escape capsule 01:57 wilkgr ... 01:58 * wilkgr didn't wire up the big red button 01:58 * KaadmY yells "EMAX 4 LYFE" after him 01:58 * wilkgr wonders why KaadmY is shouting right into his here 01:58 wilkgr ear* 01:59 KaadmY I have 2 heres 02:02 wilkgr heres? 02:03 KaadmY Yep 02:06 wilkgr Suuuure, why not? 02:23 MinetestBot LazyJ: May-14 13:22 UTC shutdown your LG2 now and update your worldedit entirely, critical exploited flaw in worldedit_gui 05:53 juli hi all 05:53 juli i wanna build the latest minetest-dev 05:53 juli it worked before at me but now there is an error 05:53 juli it looks like the error is from leveldb 05:54 juli here the full output of my terminal: https://gist.github.com/cpdef/1dd47e36691da8fec2a8fd6dc616fc81 05:54 juli compiling on gentoo linux 05:59 juli can someone help me? 06:01 Yst Huh. I'll try compiling it myself to see if I get the same error. 06:08 Hijiri "According to scientists, mold is a type of fungi that is neither plant nor animal." 06:09 * Yst busts up laughing 06:10 Yst Isn't that true of *all* types of fungi? 06:10 Hijiri yes 06:10 * Yst nearly chokes on a spring roll from the laughing 06:17 Yst The download failed. I'll try downloading Minetest's source again. Hopefully it works this time. 06:20 juli thx for try to help me :) 06:23 Yst Yeah, no problem! I'm not sure if I'll actually be able to get it working though. 06:24 Yst If I can't compile it either though, it might be a sign of a bug in the actual code. 06:24 juli my 4.14 (from system package manager) runs well 06:24 juli i can also recompile it thought 06:24 juli but latest is an problem ... 06:26 Yst Wow, your repositories are pretty up to date. 06:26 Yst Oh, wait, Gentoo. THat's a rolling release system, right? 06:28 Yst Okay, we have source. Compiling ... 06:31 juli yes gentoo is roling release 06:31 juli *rolling 06:32 juli the problem is at the end (100% compiled but not linked) 06:33 juli or after linking 06:34 Yst Yeah, I saw that. So we have to wait until the end to know if it works. 06:34 Yst Inconvenient for you, sorry. 06:36 juli np 06:36 Yst I don't know about for you, but the compiler always starts out fast for me, then progressively slows down. 06:36 Yst It does this on every version of Minetest I've ever compiled. 06:38 Hijiri are you using multiple cores? 06:38 Yst All my cores, I think. 06:38 Yst That's the default, right? 06:38 Hijiri I don't know, probably 06:39 Hijiri I think it prints out the source file names when it starts on them, so if you have ~8 cores it will immediately print 8 files (assuming there are 8 files that can be compiled in parallel) 06:39 Hijiri well, 8 jobs 06:39 Yst The percentages move quickly in the beginning though, not just file names. 06:39 Hijiri I thought that the percentages are just the percent of files processed 06:40 Hijiri by processed I mean started on 06:40 kaeza That's the default, right? 06:40 kaeza by default `make` uses a single job 06:40 Yst Hijiri: THat might be. Good point. 06:41 Yst kaeza: Ah. So I'm compiling slowly then. 06:41 kaeza you must use `-j` 06:41 kaeza generally -j 06:42 kaeza e.g. for quad core, `make -j5` 06:42 juli yeah i have 2 cores 06:42 juli i used make -j3 06:42 juli as u can see in the gist 06:44 Yst Hmm. I don't even know how many cores I have. Probably not many. Maybe, like, half a core (yes, I know that's not a thing). 06:45 juli do u use linux? 06:45 kaeza try lscpu 06:45 juli or cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep "cpu cores" 06:45 kaeza that too 06:45 Yst juli: Yeah. I'm on Debian, pretty mush the exact *opposite* of a rolling release. Everything here's always outdated, but it works. 06:46 juli lol 06:46 juli 4.14 is outdated to a bit :P 06:46 Yst Oh, huh. It is. 06:47 Yst I'm uncharacteristicly working with the unstable version right now, and I've kind of lost track of the version number slightly. 06:48 Yst Okay, it looks like I have two cores. 06:48 Yst Also, it looks like spell check doesn't think "okay" is a word. 06:49 Yst Huh. 06:49 Yst Linking CXX executable ../bin/minetest 06:49 Yst [100%] Built target minetest 06:49 Yst yst@newdawn.hn.y.st.:~/Elŝutoj/minetest-master$ 06:49 kaeza who uses spel chek anwyay? 06:50 juli here is the ultimate make command XD : make -j$(($(cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep "core id" -c)+1)) 06:50 Yst It's building on my end. 06:50 juli ok hmm 06:50 Yst kaeza: It makes sure you cast the correct spells when you use your magic. 06:50 juli maybe i should rebuild leveldb? 06:51 Yst Is Minetest using leveldb now? 06:51 juli the error is from leveldb 06:51 Hijiri debian testing hast 0.4.15 06:51 juli https://gist.github.com/cpdef/1dd47e36691da8fec2a8fd6dc616fc81#file-bash-txt-L318 06:51 kaeza Yst, https://xkcd.com/1834/ 06:52 Yst Debian Testing is practically a rolling release though, minus the "release" part. 06:52 Hijiri right, I don't know what my point was 06:52 Yst kaeza: Spell check at its finest! 06:53 Yst juli: Huh. My compiler stops just before that. It doesn't even try to do anything with leveldb. 06:54 Yst That must be why I don't get the error. 06:54 Yst So why is yours using leveldb and mine not? I don't see any flags on your commands to do that. 06:55 juli yours simply generates no error 06:55 juli so you don't see it maybe? 06:55 Yst I don't see what? 06:55 Yst I don's see a command switch for leveldb and I don't see my compiler trying to use leveldb. 06:55 juli that it uses leveldb 06:56 Yst Not on mine, no. 06:56 juli can u send me the output from cmake as PM? 06:59 juli ok one line of your output is: LevelDB not found! :) 07:00 * Yst searches the repo for LevelDB 07:00 Yst Huh. Aptitude says I have it installed already. 07:01 juli :) but if minetest is build well ... u maybe don't need it 07:02 Yst That doesn't really help you though, as it detects it on your machine. 07:03 juli yeah my machine uses it, i can try to disable it though 08:05 juli yeah i disabled leveldb now it is working :) ! but where could be the problem with leveldb 08:05 juli ? 09:58 MinetestBot 02[git] 04Ezhh -> 03minetest/minetest: Add option to use neither node highlighting nor outlining 13018217f https://git.io/v95MG (152017-05-15T09:51:40Z) 10:11 MinetestBot 02[git] 04Zeno- -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix uninitalised variable in event.cpp (#5764) 131bf9b25 https://git.io/v95DF (152017-05-15T10:10:29Z) 10:14 sfan5 rubenwardy: the server you mentioned no longer seems to be on the lit 10:14 sfan5 list* 10:15 rubenwardy ah, ok 10:19 IhrFussel Does the time_of_day speed depend on server steps? For example if I set it to 72 but have server_step at 0.4 will a day still last for 20 minutes? 10:26 sfan5 rubenwardy: next time note down the port number 10:29 wilkgr sfan5, if you don't mind me asking, to what server are you referring? 10:29 sfan5 2017-05-15 09:30:43: ERROR[Main]: Access denied. Reason: You are using an unofficial client. Use the official client from minetest.org 10:29 sfan5 the one where you got that 10:30 wilkgr That's Captain's Corner, lemme get the address, one second 10:30 VanessaE wat 10:30 wilkgr sfan5, 30552 10:30 sfan5 thanks 10:31 IhrFussel WHY does set_timeofday() not accept the same values as /time? I need it to be the exact same time after changing the sky 10:34 kaeza because /time should be user-readable while the API should not necessarily be? 10:35 IhrFussel I don't see why the API should not be easy understandable...not only programmers/devs use it you know? There are dozens of casuals using that API 10:37 IhrFussel And they don't want to necessarily code a mod for their server...maybe they just want ONE function from the API and find it too complicated 10:39 IhrFussel The API is NOT supposed to be a source code btw 10:39 juli IhrFussel i think it is not so hard to write the time in the set_timeofday() format 10:39 kaeza IhrFussel, what's so complicated about set_timeofday(x/24000) 10:39 kaeza or whatever unit /time uses 10:40 IhrFussel IMO the casuals shouldn't have to first open chatcommands.lua to even UNDERSTAND the way the engine converts it just to be able to set their own time in a init.lua 10:41 juli the format is written also in the minetest-wiki so it should be simply understandable for any server owner :) 10:41 juli i mean not on dev-wiki 10:41 kaeza the casuals aren't creating mods anyway 10:41 kaeza "casuals" 10:42 IhrFussel Well the Lua API txt does not mention the format it only says (value between 0 and 1) 0.5 is midday 10:42 * kaeza gets back to more productive things 10:43 IhrFussel You don't seem to understand that the API is not ONLY for mods 10:43 kaeza what 10:43 IhrFussel At least I don't consider a simple function inside a init.lua a "mod" 10:44 juli but who else aside from mod-devs would need it? 10:45 IhrFussel I made my own "mod" called "own_commands" but in reality it's nothing more than many chat commands that simply take place inside one init.lua 10:46 kaeza I need a pony 10:47 IhrFussel I just explained one possible way of using the API...for simply adding a few chat commands 10:47 IhrFussel Chat commands that just display text...for example 10:49 juli but if the Api says (value between 0 and 1) 0.5 is midday, u know the format already or not? 10:49 juli i mean if 0.5 is midday 0/1 is midnight and so on 10:49 IhrFussel juli, I'm talking about this format 0-24000 10:50 juli yes its the same only *24000 10:50 juli !c 0.5*24000 10:50 MinetestBot 12000.0 10:51 juli /time 12000 would set midday on minetest 10:52 IhrFussel The question is if the function accepts values like "0.05" 10:52 IhrFussel Cause like I said I need the time of day to be PRECISE 10:54 IhrFussel My idea is to display the time of day on the HUD ... but my server also has a weather mod installed that changes the sky...and when the weather is done I want it to be the EXACT same sky as the current time of day 10:55 juli @IhrFussel yes 0.05 should work 10:55 tm3 any reports of further hacks or exploits guys?? if yes whose servers?? 11:35 IhrFussel Is it just me or is updating a HUD on each server step pretty resource heavy? 11:41 IhrFussel Seems to be extremely heavy on CPU 11:43 sfan5 yes 11:44 IhrFussel sfan5, what's a good interval to update a HUD? every 3/5 steps? 11:44 sfan5 every second should suffice really 11:44 IhrFussel Well since my steps are 0.4 secs that would mean 2 or 3 11:48 IhrFussel WHAT THE...that means the areas mod is resource heavy as heck! It updates the HUD on each step 11:48 VanessaE ShadowNinja ^^^ 11:49 VanessaE I guess unified inventory is also guilty 11:49 VanessaE (item name above the hotbar) 11:53 ThomasMonroe_ ? 11:53 ThomasMonroe_ wait nvdm wrong channel sorry 12:58 MinetestBot 02[git] 04tenplus1 -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Chests: Revert inventory name 1363b3542 https://git.io/v9dfg (152017-05-15T12:47:03Z) 14:13 DS-minetest hi MinetestBot 14:13 MinetestBot Hi DS-minetest. 14:24 Raven262 Well hello MinetestBot 14:24 Raven262 Hello MinetestBot 14:24 MinetestBot sup Raven262! 14:24 Raven262 :D 14:25 * Raven262 likes to greet bots. 14:25 * ThomasMonroe_ likes to greet ppl who greet bots 14:25 Raven262 Well hello ThomasMonroe_ 14:25 Raven262 xD 14:25 ThomasMonroe_ XD 15:21 red-005 hi ThomasMonroe_ 15:23 ThomasMonroe_ hi red-005 15:25 * red-005 likes to greet pll that greet ppl who greet bots 15:59 ShadowNinja !tell IhrFussel IIRC the areas mod only actually sends the HUD update if the areas change. But it does have to check your areas regularly to update the HUD. You could probably set up some sort of "last player position" cache to try to avoid the calculation for players that haven't moved, but I'm not sure how much you'd save. 15:59 MinetestBot ShadowNinja: I'll pass that on when IhrFussel is around 15:59 DS-minetest hi red-005 16:00 * DS-minetest likes to greet ppl that greet pll that greet ppl who greet bots 16:16 DS-minetest can server info in csm be gotten on load time? 16:16 DS-minetest or only after? 16:17 red-005 DS-minetest, depends on what data you need to be accurate 16:17 DS-minetest i mean minetest.get_server_info() 16:17 red-005 you can use it whenever you want to 16:18 DS-minetest or is there another server info? :P 16:18 DS-minetest ok 16:18 red-005 but the protocol version might not be correct 16:18 red-005 nothing will crash 16:18 DS-minetest thanks :) 16:40 DS-minetest can a world have ":" in its name? 16:40 red-005 DS-minetest, not on windows 16:40 DS-minetest uh 16:41 DS-minetest and is there a good character that can't be used by any os? 16:41 red-005 /? 16:42 DS-minetest hm 16:42 red-005 / should not be usable on all os's 16:43 DS-minetest but can 16:43 MinetestBot 02[git] 04Ezhh -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Fire: Disable fire by default in multiplayer 13758d501 https://git.io/v9dXF (152017-05-15T16:39:59Z) 16:43 red-005 both windows and linux don't allow it 16:43 DS-minetest i were able to use it 16:44 DS-minetest and it made an extra folder in the world folder 16:44 red-005 oh yeah that 16:44 DS-minetest oh, but that means, it can't be in world name 16:44 red-005 I have pr to fix that but I doubt it will get merged this decade 16:44 red-005 a pr* 16:45 DS-minetest thanks 17:56 red-005 DS-minetest, btw what are you working on? 18:00 DS-minetest a csm worldstorage, it's nearly finished 18:01 red-005 oh neat 18:02 red-005 not sure how you could get the worldname through 18:02 DS-minetest but the player has to write the worldname every time :/ 18:02 DS-minetest i don't see any other way 18:03 red-005 per-server storage could be possible 18:03 red-005 but I would prefer if there was someway to id a server 18:03 DS-minetest yeah, but can servers send something to client? 18:03 red-005 like some sort of public key system 18:04 DS-minetest also the world names could overlap 18:05 red-005 well my pr for fixing this got reviewd 18:05 red-005 so there is a chance it will get merged this year 18:05 DS-minetest huh, what pr? 18:05 DS-minetest i'll search 18:05 red-005 wait how can world names overlap??? 18:06 DS-minetest different servers can have the same name 18:06 red-005 oh I thought you meant singleplayer 18:07 DS-minetest lol, csm in singleplayer isn't that useful 18:07 red-005 worldnames for remote servers is out of the question 18:07 red-005 the best you can hope for the the domain name + port combo unless some way to id servers is added 18:08 red-005 per server storage 18:08 DS-minetest the name can change 18:09 DS-minetest and for players it would be bad to loose information 18:09 red-005 thats why I said that someway to id servers should be added 18:09 red-005 the client doesn't know the worldname so if some sort of server id is to be sent it should be done correctly 18:11 DS-minetest https://github.com/DS-Minetest/worldstorage 20:36 rubenwardy Yst, just wondering: when did you get y.st, and how many limbs did it cost you? 20:36 rubenwardy very short domain name 20:47 Yst rubenwardy: 2015-03-07 and all of them, respectively. 20:47 Yst I've wanted a short domain name forever though, so it was totally worth it. 20:48 Yst Why am I Yst again? 20:48 AlexYst I think freenode's messing with me. 20:49 rubenwardy :) 20:50 rubenwardy the shortest I can find is rwdy.co, any thing less and nothing is available 20:50 rubenwardy !c 25^3 20:50 MinetestBot 26 20:50 rubenwardy !c 25**3 20:50 MinetestBot 15625 20:50 AlexYst Once I have a home Internet connection again, I want to put a Minetest server at minet.y.st.:30000. 20:50 rubenwardy that's cool 20:50 KaadmY I could take kaad.my 20:50 KaadmY But it probably costs a shitton 20:51 AlexYst The {3}.{2}. ones are usually easy to find, if you don't care what country's TLD you use. 20:53 nore I know someone who owns î.fr 20:53 AlexYst Ha ha, nice. 20:53 nore but even 1 unicode letter domains are used now 20:53 nore well they were all taken the day the registration opened 20:53 AlexYst I had one of those IDNs for a time, but I forget which one. I never actually used it for anything. 20:58 Code_Geass help 20:58 Code_Geass .hel 21:09 AlexYst Huh. I just found a fun quirk. minetest.get_all_craft_recipes("") returns all recipes used as furnace fuels. 21:22 KaadmY Heh 21:22 KaadmY That's probably because it finds recipes with that output 21:22 KaadmY And fuels don't have an output, ie. an empty string 23:06 Farrigut Ello 23:06 Farrigut Been a while 23:06 KaadmY Yo