Time Nick Message 00:02 Bukki Hi, 00:02 Bukki is there a way to hide commands when typing /help? 00:03 Bukki Especially those which are meaned for Administrator/Moderator Usage only? Or even better make them visible only when you have a certain Privilege? 00:03 KaadmY i don't remember that being possible currently 00:07 Taose Well, if someone wanted to submit a pull request making the necessary change...that'd be great. 00:09 Bukki Where is the /help Command defined in files? 00:19 Bukki okay found it... minetest/builtin/game/chatcommands.lua Why it's not in mods section of minetest_game? :-( 00:29 Taose Mostly because it's not supposed to be. These are the main commands that affect the core engine/server. 00:30 Taose You'll find that commands related to mods themselves, while they may be in the list are more likely to actually be being included by the mod itself (and would disappear should the mod be removed). 00:30 Taose But main commands are logically kept within the main code. 00:30 Bukki ok 00:31 Taose You could make an issue out of it though? 00:31 Bukki But when I change something there this will however change then for Singleplayer as well for a Server if I set one up? 00:31 Taose That's just my opinion and others may think that it should be moved out. 00:31 Taose Probably yes. 00:31 Taose My advice would be to download two copies? 00:31 Taose One edited, the other not 00:32 Bukki For sure will safe the original file 00:32 Taose Then run whichever one you need. 00:32 Bukki or it's possible to deregister a chatcommand? 00:32 Taose not a clue 00:32 Bukki so I could go by mod and deregister help first and register it then again. 00:41 kaeza greetings 00:53 * Bukki notice that it's already implemented, but seems to just working on Servers and feels shamed. :D 01:11 YuGiOhJCJ Bukki, it's already implemented in singleplayer mode too: http://yugiohjcj.free.fr/minetest-help.png 01:12 YuGiOhJCJ see the list of available commands before I grant privileges 01:12 YuGiOhJCJ and after 01:16 Bukki Doesn't work for me... However I somehow start with a lot more Privs. And not be able to revoke them? o.O 01:17 Bukki Seems like it's a totally other Problem like I thought. 01:18 Bukki But doesn't really matter. Important is Server. 01:29 kaeza are you the server admin? i.e. are you the one named in the `name` setting in `minetest.conf`? 01:30 kaeza IIRC, Minetest auto-grants some privileges 01:32 Bukki in singleplayer I am.... 01:32 Bukki or should 01:33 Bukki however in minetest.conf there isn't something specifically about this 01:46 sweBers Hello everyone! 01:47 sweBers I'm new to LUA, and haven't used the eclipse IDE before. Which particular platform should I install? 01:47 Hijiri I use emacs 01:48 VanessaE sweBers: it's Lua, not LUA. :P 01:48 VanessaE and don't bother with an IDE for Lua stuff 01:49 VanessaE you can get by just fine with a good text editor with syntax highlighting and other code-friendly stuff 01:49 VanessaE geany works well for that 01:49 sweBers Well, I could run emacs through cygwin, but that'd be more overhead than necessary. 01:49 sweBers Anyone recommend Notepad++? 01:49 VanessaE I'm sure there are good text editors for windows 01:49 kaeza Geany ♥ 01:49 VanessaE you don't need a *nix-based dev environment to code minetest mods. 01:49 VanessaE you just need a good text editor. 01:50 VanessaE kaeza: it's RBA's fault :) 01:50 kaeza NP++ should do just fine 01:50 kaeza VanessaE, wat 01:50 sweBers I use Notepad++ at work for auto hotkey 01:50 VanessaE kaeza: RBA got me started using geany. before it was gedit. 01:50 kaeza ah :P 01:51 kaeza with a couple of plugins, it's quite nice for developing things, actually 01:51 kaeza GeanyVC, GeniusPaste, GeanyCTags, and a few others 01:52 kaeza only thing it needs are some sort of project templates 01:52 sweBers My only concern/nitpick is that I prefer being able to stop and continue code execution. 01:53 sweBers nvm, looks like notepad++ can do that. 01:56 Bukki I think on Windows N++ is first choose. 01:56 VanessaE sweBers: you can't do that with minetest mods. 01:57 VanessaE you have to run them within minetest, the environment isn't something you can just "import" into an IDE. 01:57 sweBers Ah, we've got to go the long way! 01:57 VanessaE minetest mods are event-driven, callbacks and so forth 01:57 sweBers I'm following. 01:58 kaeza `print` is your friend ;) 01:58 VanessaE so they will depend on things like digging or placing a node, or the main timer (called dtime or global step) 01:58 VanessaE indeed 01:59 sweBers Ah, ok. 02:00 Bukki Is it possible to starting modpacks by something like dofile? 02:02 kaeza Bukki, what are you trying to do? 02:02 Bukki We current need both MinetestGame 0.4.14 and 0.4.15 and change it from time. So I have put both into a Modpack called default. However I manually need to replace them. Is there a way to select a Modpack by a lua file? 02:02 sweBers So, the next step for modding is to open up an existing mod and just poke around? 02:02 sweBers Or follow the hello world in the intro? 02:03 kaeza Bukki, uh... you need two subgames? 02:03 sweBers oddly_breakable_by_hand? 02:03 VanessaE yep, pretty much that, sweBers 02:03 Bukki Not at same time. 02:03 VanessaE take a look at some of the code in minetest_game 02:03 VanessaE nodes.lua I think is the place to start 02:03 VanessaE or poke around in some of the simpler mods out there 02:03 Bukki I tried to open the init.luas of the different mods inside. 02:04 Bukki However it gets complicated with the modpaths inside. 02:04 VanessaE (I recommend gloopblocks, it has a good ratio of simple to complicated) 02:04 kaeza Bukki, you should pick one, and patch accordingly 02:04 sweBers I think that's going to be tomorrow's project. My wife has been patiently waiting for me to finish whatever I'm doing so that we can watch ER :D 02:04 kaeza (a patch may be a direct patch to the game in-place, or patch items from an external mod) 02:05 Bukki Problem is Minetestgame 0.4.15 isn't running on 0.4.14 Server as far I know. So I would need both Versions currently until Server is updated. 02:06 sweBers Nice talking to everyone! Have a great time! 02:06 Bukki cu 02:06 Bukki (I'm not hosting the Server myself, just helping developing and I'm myself on 0.4.15) 02:06 kaeza Bukki, then choose .14 as game, and backport supported changes from .15, or add temporary workarounds 02:06 Bukki ok 02:06 kaeza until the server is fully .15 02:08 kaeza i.e. port the specific functions you need, or provide dummy implementations of those 03:33 VanessaE kaeza: where are the signs_lib extra fonts? 03:34 kaeza VanessaE, good question :P 03:34 kaeza wherever they go, there they are 03:35 VanessaE https://github.com/minetest-mods/homedecor_modpack/tree/5d88c3d25cabb184175654ff4f7aaa2c0c35735a/signs_lib/extra_fonts 03:35 VanessaE need to copy those to a separate repo before they get lost. 03:55 kaeza VanessaE, I have the repo split locally. will you create a repo under VE/ or should I create one under my name? 03:55 VanessaE go ahead and create it under your name 03:55 VanessaE you're likely to have a more valid git history than me anyways 03:57 kaeza https://github.com/kaeza/minetest-signs_lib-extrafonts 03:57 VanessaE good deal 03:57 VanessaE maybe it's a good time to expand it to some really large fonts :) 03:58 VanessaE (this gist has my script for the purpose https://gist.github.com/VanessaE/ed19e445245ffd582c7d64c27171bb19 ) 03:58 VanessaE (assuming it still works) 03:59 VanessaE (lordfingle was asking earlier if any "HD" fonts exist) 04:02 kaeza ah would be nice to include that there as well 04:02 VanessaE go for it 04:02 VanessaE but test it first :) 04:02 VanessaE (I'm too lazy :D ) 04:02 kaeza nah. I say ship it! 04:03 VanessaE heh 04:04 kaeza BTW, did you know you can clone gists too? 04:04 kaeza nice way to have private repos <_< 04:05 kaeza convert: invalid argument for option `-pointsize': -annotate @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2320.` : 60 04:06 kaeza oh 04:07 VanessaE actually I wasn't aware of that 04:08 VanessaE well, I'm sure you can fix it :) 04:09 kaeza it works 04:10 kaeza but somehow it takes monospaced fonts as proportional 04:10 kaeza minor issue. ship it! 04:10 VanessaE sounds about right 04:10 VanessaE it compiles! SHIP IT! 04:13 kaeza okay, what's the license for the textures? CC-BY-SA? 04:14 VanessaE yeah 04:14 VanessaE should be 04:14 VanessaE hm 04:14 VanessaE nope 04:14 VanessaE WTFPL 04:14 VanessaE "* For all images and everything else, WTFPL." 04:15 kaeza ah, ok 04:17 whitephoenix don't use wtfpl for code 04:17 VanessaE not talking about code. 04:17 VanessaE just images. 04:17 whitephoenix just a side note 04:20 kaeza VanessaE, pushed. May want to add a note about it in the signs_lib repo and/or forum topic 04:21 VanessaE done 04:21 cheapie VanessaE: I'm converting the LTC-4000 into a node instead of a LuaC program. Hopefully I'll have something working soon. 04:22 VanessaE cheapie: why convert it? 04:22 cheapie It's getting too close to the limits of LuaCs, and more checks Jeija added recently push it over the limit. 04:23 VanessaE oh ok 04:23 VanessaE guess it'll become part of digistuff? 04:23 cheapie I was doing it as its own mod. 04:23 VanessaE oh ok 04:24 cheapie It'll also hopefully help fix the issue where people have a hard time getting a copy of the firmware, copy/pasting it, etc. 04:24 cheapie Also should make updates easier, even if maybe a bit slower. 04:24 VanessaE ok 05:30 lordfingle @kaeza @VanessaE - Nice to see the new repository ;) 05:31 VanessaE :) 05:37 cheapie VanessaE: Almost done: https://cheapiesystems.com/media/images/screenshot_20170110_233617.png 05:38 VanessaE nice! 05:39 cheapie It's made to look sort of like the older control cabinets, mostly just to save space over the current ones. 05:39 cheapie And yes, that one node has enough of a LuaC as well as a touchscreen in it to run pretty much unmodified LTC-4000 firmware. 05:41 VanessaE I like the idea 05:41 cheapie It's also protected against crashes of that firmware. 05:42 VanessaE inb4 first update crashes my server :D 05:45 cheapie VanessaE: https://github.com/cheapie/ltc4000e 05:45 Hawk777 cheapie: What mod are the signal lights in that screenshot from? 05:45 cheapie Hawk777: "roads", my fork of webdesigner97's streets mod. 05:45 Hawk777 Thanks. 05:46 cheapie Hawk777: https://github.com/cheapie/roads 05:46 TommyTreasure are comment lines allowed in world.mt? if so, how do i preface the line? 06:11 VanessaE kaeza: can you re-check the output of that font script? seems -negate is needed, and the font height isn't being trimmed. 06:23 kaeza told you we shouldn't ship it 06:23 kaeza <_< 06:23 VanessaE heh 06:24 VanessaE I still wonder why the font height is wrong... 06:27 kaeza VanessaE, you now have write access to the repo 06:28 VanessaE too lazy to screw with it :P 06:28 VanessaE (my brain is already shut off for the night :P ) 06:28 sofar man, we are getting snow dumped here 06:28 sofar 2-3" in 2 hours 06:28 VanessaE sofar: we got about 15 cm of it here couple days ago, much of it has since melted. 06:28 sofar we've lost 5 days of school days already 06:29 sofar tomorrow #6 06:29 VanessaE eesh 08:00 cheapie The LTC-4000E after some minor (mostly cosmetic) tweaks: https://cheapiesystems.com/media/images/screenshot_20170111_015136.png 08:01 cheapie And yes, that's the Advanced Mesecons Devices logo on it :P 09:34 JamesTait Good morning all! Happy Wednesday, and happy Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day! 😃 .___ ._ __ . ... 14:55 MinetestBot 02[git] 04nerzhul -> 03minetest/minetest: Cleanup some header inclusions to improve compilation times 13430d3b2 https://git.io/vM0Fm (152017-01-11T14:53:56Z) 14:55 MinetestBot 02[git] 04Rogier-5 -> 03minetest/minetest: Performance fix + SAO factorization 136647939 https://git.io/vM0FY (152017-01-11T14:53:56Z) 15:55 Taose uh 15:55 Taose question 15:55 Taose Do these caves "end"? 15:56 Calinou which caves? which mapgen? 15:57 Taose v7 15:58 Taose I mean I was expecting a few Kn but seriously -_- 15:59 Taose The mines of Moria have nothing on this 16:02 Taose oh look another endless abyss 16:03 zorman2009 Taose: I remember going through a cave long ago. I was able find ends to one of them. It was pretty deep though 16:04 Taose Remember how deep? 16:04 zorman2009 Probably a few hundreds, not more than 1000 16:05 Taose I'm currently at 320 16:05 Taose though I see further down 16:05 Taose I lie 16:05 Taose I can't see further down 16:05 Taose because it's black 16:06 zorman2009 Heh 16:06 Taose I just know it goes down some more 16:06 Taose >.> last time I "bet" I ended up splat on the bottom 16:06 zorman2009 If you find caves with water, you will have to explore the sides of the water and under it 16:07 zorman2009 I found once a cave with some kind of waterfall that had a hall on the side of the waterfall 16:07 zorman2009 Pretty cool 16:08 Taose .... 16:08 Taose Well 16:08 Taose >.> 16:08 Taose I kinda redirected the ocean into one 16:09 zorman2009 I'm sure you will find underground water 16:09 zorman2009 Naturally-ocurring 16:12 Taose Maybe 16:13 zorman2009 To all people in this channel, I would like to get your opinion on something 16:13 zorman2009 I have been, for some time now working on a NPC mod 16:14 zorman2009 This mod has been inspired by the NPCs of Harvest Moon. 16:15 zorman2009 If anyone has played Harvest Moon games they know the NPCs there are kind of realistic; they do different things at different times, walk to places, have houses, etc. 16:15 zorman2009 You can even have relationships with them 16:15 zorman2009 I intend to make my mod to have relationships, in fact it does already 16:16 zorman2009 But I don't want it to be abused or used in ways that can teach children stuff isn't intended to 16:16 zorman2009 To start with, it will have zero absolutely no adult content 16:17 zorman2009 I think my concern is related to sexual orientation. How can I make my mod as simple as possible and avoid its relationship features to be misused? 16:18 zorman2009 One idea I have, is, for example, add for every player, when they join, to state their sex, be male or female 16:18 zorman2009 Then that way the player will only be able to marry NPC of thr opposite sex 16:19 zorman2009 However not sure, I think this can be easily cheated 16:19 zorman2009 What do you think? 16:19 Polypodiales can I make a bot and marry the bot? 16:22 zorman2009 Hmmm not sure what do you mean with that 16:24 Taose Do the dungeons get bigger as you go further down? 16:24 Taose O.o why only opposite sex? 16:25 Taose I disagree with that idea fundamentally. 16:25 Taose Equal rights. 16:25 Taose No discrimination. 16:25 zorman2009 I would not have any issue if the game wasn't played by many kids 16:25 zorman2009 I know it is a game, but still 16:25 Taose Doesn't matter anyway 16:26 Taose I for one would fork it and open it up. 16:26 zorman2009 Well, that is ok. That is one opinion and I'm open to them 16:26 Taose Being gay is not just an "adult" thing 16:26 zorman2009 Maybe not 16:30 zorman2009 So, any more suggestions, opinions, controversies? 16:33 Taose A literally can't think of anything to say that wouldn't be argumentative XD 16:33 zorman2009 It's ok to be argumentative, discussion is ok 16:34 zorman2009 I don't have a strong stance and that's why I'm looking for input from the community 16:34 zorman2009 If I had a strong stance, I wouldn't be asking xD 16:35 Taose If other people want to brainwash their children into who it is "okay" to love, that's their responsibility not game designers. 16:35 Taose If you want to be inclusive then you should try not to restrict choice. 16:35 Taose Some people are gay and find it odd that men marry women. 16:35 twoelk make options configurable 16:36 Taose So people who are gay need things to play too. 16:36 Taose That's a good idea twoelk 16:36 zorman2009 The way my mod is written so far makes it easy to configure, so definetely, configutaration could be the way 16:36 twoelk relationships could be all sort of stuff 16:36 Taose Would strongly advise it. 16:37 zorman2009 Relationships have phases, 6 to be exact 16:37 Taose That way misguided people can create their own server. 16:37 twoelk parent-child, master-pupil, daimo-samurai 16:37 zorman2009 Hmmm I see what you mean 16:38 twoelk and there is not only same sex relationship but also larger groups such as in polygamie 16:38 zorman2009 That's actually and aspect I haven't considered and for the moment relationships are friendship and love relationships 16:38 zorman2009 In the current state, poligamy is possible xD 16:39 zorman2009 I like the idea of, for example, master-pupil relationships 16:39 zorman2009 I think I should add that later 16:40 twoelk I was trying to find a way to express relationships in my roman town simulation. your mod might come in handy ;-) 16:40 Taose >.> 16:41 twoelk well, teacher pupil might be usefull for educational purposes, including things like summoning all pupils to the teachers location 16:41 zorman2009 Sure, it is not the best code out there, and it is still not finished. You can start taking a look at it though 16:42 zorman2009 https://github.com/hkzorman/advanced_npc 16:42 Taose Where the hell did all this lava come from 16:42 twoelk from hell? 16:42 zorman2009 twoelk: Agreed, that is definetely something possible 16:43 zorman2009 Well, so far the idea for relationships to be configured is the best 16:44 Taose Apparently twoelk 16:44 twoelk there are quite some teachers/educaters that are exploring the possabilities of mt at the moment. tools for them might bring more mt into schools 16:45 twoelk or themes that might aid in teaching - grouping might be one 16:45 zorman2009 That's something I definetely might end up doing as I planned to do something similar, albeit with churchs 16:46 Taose ....and its right on top of a dungeon 16:46 zorman2009 Just because Sokomine's villages modpack put churchs on almost all villages 16:46 zorman2009 My goal with the mod is to put life to those villages 16:47 * twoelk is happy one of them churches is based on his design 16:48 * zorman2009 is happy some day probably twoelk's church will have NPCs preaching on them 16:49 twoelk I was starting with a farmer and some bread baking industry - I havn't laid out a complete decission tree yet nor decided how the network should scale itself 16:50 twoelk so far I have decided if I have a functioning production system I need a product/resource sink of some kind 16:51 zorman2009 I would like to work on that definetely at some point in the future, and have thought a little that the NPCs will indeed be interrelated 16:51 zorman2009 The smith needs ores, the baker needs wheat, etc. 16:52 twoelk hm, a preacher that walks to his church on every seventh day and some music playing then might be nice to have indeed 16:53 zorman2009 Yes, my plans are to add first a schedule of activities par time of day, then activities based on days of the week, which requires a calendar to be implemented 16:53 zorman2009 I meant, schedules based on days of the week 16:54 zorman2009 So yeah, I have though of something very similar, a preacher going into a specific week of the day into the church building, as well as other NPC 16:54 zorman2009 And that whatever he is saying is readable on the chat if the player is inside church 16:54 twoelk|2 in other games, if the player does not use the products, the npc stop producing - crops will not be harvested anymore 16:55 * twoelk|2 waits for his lost avatar to time out 16:56 zorman2009 That idea actually solves a problem I had in mind. I intend for NPCs to out the result of their works on a chest. But what happens if a chest is full? I wasn't sure 16:56 zorman2009 Now that idea makes sense, stop working 16:57 KaadmY why not have npcs bake bread etc from wheat in chests? 16:58 * twoelk seems to have a bad internet connection today 16:58 zorman2009 Well mainly because this particular NPC was just a farmer 16:58 zorman2009 And not a baker 16:59 zorman2009 It can change, just a lot of logic to work on 16:59 zorman2009 :) 16:59 twoelk I guess chests as production buffer are essential - the problem rather is what happens if the buffer is full 16:59 KaadmY why not have nearby baker NPCs use flour from farmers? 17:00 zorman2009 That is the intention 17:00 zorman2009 In the long run at least 17:00 KaadmY i think minecraft's villagers have their own inventory 17:00 twoelk yep have a guy check chests on a path 17:01 KaadmY so they can hold quite a bit of material 17:01 zorman2009 I'm working now on setting the bases for the NPCs. Then I plan to interconnrct them to create communities on the villages 17:01 zorman2009 My NPCs already have an inventory 17:01 zorman2009 They can carry 16 items 17:01 twoelk did any of you play Die Siedler? or the settlers, the pc game? 17:01 zorman2009 16 stacks 17:01 agaran twoelk: yes 17:01 zorman2009 No 17:02 twoelk :-) I loved watching the interaction 17:03 twoelk they had guys that carried stuff around - from one place of production to the next 17:05 zorman2009 That sounda really cool 17:05 zorman2009 Sounds* 17:05 twoelk so what happens if the player is somewhere else and the chunk gets unloadedß 17:05 twoelk ? 17:06 twoelk will your villages use map anchors to always stay loaded? 17:06 zorman2009 Heh. That is a good question. I wouldn't know yet. The first thing I need to do is to make sure the objects doesn't get deleted just because player is away 17:07 zorman2009 I don't know if the Lua Entity step is always run if the object is present 17:07 twoelk hm, store stuff in an own file? 17:08 zorman2009 You mean, the entity data? NPC data? 17:08 Polypodiales I like the mod idea 17:09 Polypodiales can you make an npc that looks like a cute girl but is actually a boy? 17:09 twoelk isn't the nodeboxtrees mod doing something like that - storing data about it's current leaves? 17:09 zorman2009 Polypodiales: the texture is different from sex, so yes 17:09 twoelk so it can update the tree to the next level 17:10 zorman2009 twoelk: I will take a look at this mod 17:10 zorman2009 And see if it has useful stuff 17:12 agaran twoelk: maybe use lbm handlers to denote when object got reloaded (for nodes at least), to find if it gets reloaded 17:13 twoelk ? 17:13 zorman2009 Agaran: aren't LBM only run at start time? I don't know much about LBMs 17:13 twoelk yeah, NPC's on ticks :-D 17:14 agaran they are triggered on mapblock load.. 17:15 zorman2009 Oh... They could be useful then 17:15 agaran I use that to notify that mapblock was loaded and needs to be refreshed/rescanned 17:15 twoelk http://dev.minetest.net/lbm but maybe abm's are more usefull http://dev.minetest.net/abm 17:15 agaran abms are triggered every X seconds.. eating cycles 17:16 agaran lbm are only when block got loaded again (assuming as long as it is loaded it is up to date) 17:17 twoelk well I wanted the NPCs to consume resources - though I was rather thinking of bread 17:17 agaran ah.. well 17:20 zorman2009 So, I wonder. I did a simple test. Dropped an node to the floor. Set home. Flyed away very far and came back with teleport. The dropped node was there 17:20 agaran node gets eradicated when mapblocks need to be purged 17:21 agaran some number of them can be kept in mem.. for some time 17:22 zorman2009 I see. Which objects are destroyed when mapblock is unloaded? Do they get destroyed or just remived for now and reloaded later? 17:22 agaran I think -some- stay, but I don't know really which and when.. 17:22 zorman2009 Would minetest save the object state? Objects do have some variables 17:22 twoelk you can put the value of mapblocks kept in memory to a low value in the minetest config to make testing easier 17:23 zorman2009 Yeah, need to test this at some point 17:23 twoelk there is a mod for giving mobs names - if done so they are not deleted. same as taming in mobs-redo 17:24 zorman2009 I'm using mobs redo as a base 17:24 twoelk seen that 17:24 zorman2009 Right, so only thing I have to do is make my NPC unremovable 17:24 zorman2009 Or tamed or something at least 17:25 twoelk is the pathfinding the same maikerumine used for his smart-mobs? 17:25 twoelk I like the idea that things with a name stay ;-P 17:26 zorman2009 No, I tried using pathfinding from other mods, and even tried to code one, but none of them had the goal I have. NPC needs to go from one point to another 17:26 zorman2009 So I use an external library that uses A* pathfinding algorithm 17:26 zorman2009 It works pretty well 17:27 zorman2009 But the current limitation is that is 2D only 17:28 twoelk https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=13616 <-esmobs 17:28 zorman2009 All NPC should stay. I plan to make a special spawner for them. They will spawn on village houses (probable on the plotmarker) and only a few will spawn. Then they should remain until they die 17:29 zorman2009 Hm, forgot about this mod. Ok, I will see how its pathfinding works 17:31 * twoelk imagines a record keeping place in each village that has a list of births, professions, current health and death of each mob :-D 17:32 zorman2009 It would actually be very useful to have thay info, at least in the future when I intend to create communities 17:32 twoelk hehe, maybe records can be kept in files in the gedcom format 17:32 zorman2009 That goes a little bit far haha 17:33 twoelk after years of playing a map, one could study the family trees ofs NPCs 17:34 twoelk hmm, the basis for an evolution mod ;-P 17:34 zorman2009 Yeah, would be very cool 17:35 twoelk but to be honest, a database about a community might be very usefull to keep count of numbers and assigning to jobs 17:36 zorman2009 Yes, I haven't given thought to the implementation of communities, but that sounds like it is needed 17:36 twoelk I guess the villages might need an recordkeeper NPC 17:37 zorman2009 I intend to bring some form of government to this communities, so this seems fitting 17:37 twoelk We did have issues with overpopulations of sheep, deer, flowers, vines and mushrooms in the past 17:38 zorman2009 NPCs need a life span 17:38 zorman2009 Just wondering what life span that might be 17:38 zorman2009 Because it would be sad to see your husband/wife and friends die 17:38 twoelk a flexible one depending on ... 17:39 zorman2009 While one is immortal 17:39 twoelk the vampire dilema 17:39 zorman2009 Heh yes. Maybe the spouse NPC shouldn't die 17:39 zorman2009 At least 17:40 twoelk only their kids, friends and animals? 17:40 zorman2009 Then no one would die.... 17:41 zorman2009 Maybe the family of the player 17:41 zorman2009 Only immortal 17:41 zorman2009 Oh God I just made a family of vampires 17:42 twoelk I rather think you should define rules for states of equilibrium (if that word works like that in english) 17:42 zorman2009 How would that work? 17:42 twoelk like so much space=so many houses=so many villagers 17:43 twoelk or, if not enough recourses then starving or leaving to spawn new villages 17:43 twoelk *resources 17:44 zorman2009 I see. It is a good idea. I planned to only spawn like half of the NPC a house can hold 17:44 zorman2009 Example, a house in medieval villages have many beds, count the beds, then only spawn half the number of beds 17:45 zorman2009 And those are the NPCs of that house 17:45 zorman2009 The spawner would probably not work again, or maybe just work in very long intervals of time and check the number of NPC still on the house 17:45 twoelk keep in mind things can be changed by the player - a house might get destroyed 17:46 twoelk or he might ad new houses 17:46 zorman2009 Right, but then the mod gets too complicated. I will adhere to the villages as they are spawned for now 17:47 twoelk minecraft used to check wether enough doors where under some sort of roof to decide to spawn villagers 17:48 zorman2009 True. I saw a video about that two days ago. It is two nodes in the floor behind a door, and covered on toop of the door by two nides as well 17:48 twoelk a spawning block could be included in some sort of lore - the holy family stone 17:49 zorman2009 Yes, there should be things like this added at some point 17:50 twoelk so maybe a spawning block checks for beds and populates a portion of them if the family list gets too short 17:50 twoelk this would tie NPCs to a family house though 17:50 zorman2009 While that would be good, I would prefer that the NPC reproduce to fill the house, while the spawner only checks if the house is empty to spawn NPC 17:52 twoelk well NPCs could be wandering around, so that is why I though of a list of members that is checked if these NPCs still exist 17:52 zorman2009 A family house is not such a bad idea considering villages are almost all old, and family houses were common in the past 17:52 zorman2009 I see. I can consider that 17:53 twoelk actually soldiers in watchtowers or whatever could work on a similar basis 17:54 zorman2009 It would be usable in many instances, and sounds reasonable 17:54 zorman2009 I like the idea of the spawner checking for families, and specially habitation of a house by that family 17:55 zorman2009 I plan that beds and chests are owned by NPCs 17:55 twoelk the length of the list could be changed according to resources in the family chests 17:55 zorman2009 Yes, and it could help in determining habitation of a housr 17:55 zorman2009 House 17:55 twoelk so only spawning if enough food is around for example 17:56 zorman2009 Actually that is great for breeding too 17:56 zorman2009 NPC will only have child if so 17:57 twoelk if a player decides to destroy farms belonging to a village, the village could stop developing 17:57 agaran just don't make villagers smart enough to invent fire, computers and make own minetest within minetest.. 17:57 twoelk aww 17:57 twoelk runaway simulations are so much fun 17:58 agaran well.. Lem wrote nice short story about it. 17:58 zorman2009 Definetely won't do that haha 17:58 twoelk hm, the one with tha crab robots? 17:59 agaran no.. I think not 17:59 zorman2009 Twoelk: the idea about farms getting destroyed is good too. I had thoughts in my mind about players invading villages, so this fits 18:02 xerox123 why might my server not be announcing to servers.minetest.net? I do have server_announce = 1 set in conf 18:02 xerox123 it keeps timing out 2017-01-11 18:02:30: ERROR[CurlFetch]: servers.minetest.net/announce not found (Timeout was reached) (response code 0) 18:02 agaran proxy blocking http post maybe? 18:02 twoelk it might take time - and servers sometimes fall of the list for some time 18:02 zorman2009 You need to have a port open I think? 18:03 xerox123 try and connect to xerox.us.to:30000 18:04 xerox123 and lmk if it works 18:04 sfan5 !up xerox.us.to 18:04 MinetestBot xerox.us.to:30000 is up (30ms) 18:08 xerox123 using --verbose to see if it shows up 18:12 garywhite !up mt.rrhgameservers.ml 18:12 MinetestBot mt.rrhgameservers.ml:30000 seems to be down 18:12 garywhite !up mt.espteam.org 18:12 MinetestBot mt.espteam.org:30000 is up (90ms) 18:13 xerox123 still timeouts 18:13 sfan5 check that servers.minetest.net is reachable from your server 18:15 xerox123 https://paste.ubuntu.com/23782873/ 18:15 twoelk ah "Crabs On The Island" by Anatoly Dneprov was the short story I was refering to 18:16 sfan5 try curl instead 18:17 xerox123 yeah it shows the html for the page 18:19 xerox123 I'm still not ready to say it's minetests fault 18:19 xerox123 but I am using the latest git version 18:20 xerox123 let me try with just 0.4.15 stable 18:20 zorman2009 Have you forwarded port 30000 to your machine? 18:20 Polypodiales just use hamachi :^) 18:21 xerox123 yes 18:21 xerox123 Polypodiales: lolno 18:21 Calinou Hamachi is horrible, use port forwarding or a VPN 18:21 Polypodiales hamchi is a vpn :^) 18:25 Calinou a really bad one :P 18:27 zorman2009 So, any more opinions regarding the player having marital relationsips with NPCs? 18:27 zorman2009 To recap for those not present before: Im working on a NPC mod where player will be able to marry NPCs 18:28 zorman2009 The question was if we should allow players to marry NPCs of any sex or should it be restricted 18:28 zorman2009 Taose said should be free, twoelk suggested a good compromise, make it configurable 18:30 Calinou don't do politics in mods, so be neutral :P 18:32 zorman2009 Calinou, how can I be neutral? 18:33 garywhite No offense zorman, but the idea of this mod is not that great 18:33 Calinou don't implement anything specific 18:33 zorman2009 So, maybe relationships shouldn't be part of the mod? At least not love-based ones 18:34 garywhite That'd probably be the best idea 18:34 zorman2009 My idea was to do something like Harvest Moon NPCs, but those have strict sex options 18:37 zorman2009 Garywhite, relationships is just part of the mod. I was undecided on this particular issue, as, yes, I feel it might be controversial. 18:38 xerox123 right compiled and testing again 18:38 xerox123 it's still timing out 18:45 xerox123 :o it announced 18:45 xerox123 http://i.imgur.com/YRreEDP.png 18:52 zorman2009 xerox123: nice 18:52 TelepathicVampir does anyone know a mod based on mob redo api that spawns animals instantly on newly generated chunks, rather than over time? 18:53 TelepathicVampir i find it annoying when animals pop up behind you in a spot you already visited 18:54 TelepathicVampir the spawn method supplied by the api doesnt supply such a feature 18:55 Taose Whoops died -_- 18:55 Taose New world me thinks 19:06 Taose ... 19:06 Taose I spend more time using Wuzzy's mods than anyone elses... 19:07 Taose Give the man a medal. 19:10 Taose Are there any plans to slowly blend morex mods into the main mods? 19:10 Taose (as in, moreores, moreblocks, morefoods etcetera) 19:10 agaran morebugs ? 19:10 agaran *grins* 19:11 Taose X3 19:11 cheapie Maybe they need morePRs? :P 19:11 Taose Credit where Credit is due...not found an actual bug yet. 19:11 cheapie Although you might get morecomplaints. 19:11 Calinou Taose: honestly I don't see much point 19:11 Calinou minetest_game has a decent amount of ores and building blocks now 19:12 Calinou more isn't going to bring more creativity to players 19:12 agaran hmm glostone slabs? 19:12 swift110 hmm 19:12 Taose I think having more things to explore is a good thing and I don't really see the point of ores not being a complete set of ores. 19:13 Taose (I'm assuming there's a standard ores mod here, brb) 19:13 agaran Taose: you know, more ores make sense if you actually have uses for them. 19:13 Taose (there isn't) 19:13 Taose Very true 19:14 cheapie The "gloopjunk" ores are a decent example of that.... sure, they're pretty, but near useless aside from maybe kalite. 19:15 Taose All the ores should have at least the basic block crafts 19:15 agaran cheapie, still I like them.. 19:15 Taose (stair, slab and block) 19:15 agaran Taose: heh.. but you know how many nodes registration it creates? 19:15 Taose Not a clue 19:16 Taose I'm actually astonished by how Minetest isn't lagging at all with all its cave generation and ore placements 19:16 Taose (which causes a lot of lag over in Terasology) 19:16 Taose I don't think this thing runs at less than 60fps... 19:16 agaran still I'd like to see more proper metalurgy.. iron -> steel (technic or somewhat alike), (carbon or alloy..) 19:16 Taose ^ 19:17 Taose Speaking of which 19:17 Taose Is there a mod for block identification? 19:17 sfan5 what do you mean 19:17 Taose So lets say for instance 19:17 Taose I combine glass and wood to make a magnifying glass 19:18 Taose then I use magnifying glass on object (right click?) 19:18 Taose It would tell me what that block is. 19:18 twoelk Wuzzy made one, Sokomine another 19:18 Taose Whether it's sand, or stone or something 19:18 Taose >.> I had a feeling 19:19 sfan5 worldedit also has an //inspect command that can tell you the "technical" names for nodes 19:19 Taose I'm just having trouble finding it. 19:19 Taose I'm trying to avoid using commands. 19:19 Taose (Again, credit given, I've only had to use commands to set time speed) 19:20 twoelk use this to find mods http://krock-works.16mb.com/MTstuff/modSearch.php 19:20 Taose >.> or just y'know the forum search function 19:21 Taose Damn Wuzzy has created a lot of mods 19:21 Krock *triggered* 19:21 Taose X) 19:22 Krock Taoki, yeah. have fun tuning all forum search options or clicking in the player's profiles to see their mods 19:22 Taose Tuning all the search options? 19:23 Taose Search in Mod Releases...about it. 19:23 Bukki There's something on a german Server. You can use chat command /identify_node X,Y,Z and get as result for example default:stone 19:23 Bukki However it's not publicly released you can ask Admin about it. 19:23 Krock well, many good mods can't be found in the mod releases forum 19:23 Taose If it's WIP I'm unlikely to be interested. 19:23 Krock Bukki, when F5 information isn't accurate enough 19:23 twoelk https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=15225 Lookup Tool 19:24 Bukki It's not WIP I think. It's just not server internal private small tool. 19:24 Krock Taoki, some people just don't request to move it. That's why you will find nice mods (yeah, and some garbage) in the WIP Mods-Subforum 19:24 Fritz01 Hello 19:24 Bukki hi 19:24 Krock hi Fritz01 19:24 Taoki Krock: Why are you speaking to me while I am completely inactive here :P 19:25 Bukki xD 19:25 Taose XD 19:25 Fritz01 :) 19:25 Fritz01 How can i make the hotbar bigger? 19:25 Taoki I have to worry whether my ghost is here or something. 19:25 Taoki Um... not IRC ghost xD 19:25 Taose https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=7498 19:25 twoelk https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=10095&p=172069#p172069 there was also this 19:26 Krock lol. A friend of mine always wanted to make it smaller 19:26 Krock Fritz01, have you tried changing the gui scale factor? 19:26 Fritz01 ? 19:26 MinetestBot 02[git] 04Rui-Minetest -> 03minetest/minetest: Make nametag removable with set_nametag_attributes (#5021) 135d60a6c https://git.io/vMEVX (152017-01-11T19:25:25Z) 19:27 Krock Fritz01, in the advanced settings under Client->Graphics->Menus 19:27 Taose Nah the look up tool by Wuzzy is not exactly what I was after. 19:28 Krock Fritz01, a value higher than 1.0 will make your menus and (possibly) the HUD bigger 19:30 Krock I'm wrong. that doens't change anything 19:31 Fritz01 Oh 19:32 twoelk https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=15912 is probably the most informative node info lookup toolset as of now 19:32 Taose I think sokomine removed theres. 19:33 Taose Yeah I think I'll have to use it instead. 19:33 Krock Fritz01, there's most likely no way to make it bigger, sorry 19:34 Fritz01 Ok, thanks anyway. What does gui_scale_factor do? 19:35 Krock Fritz01, tested that one just some minutes ago and I didn't see any difference in the size 19:36 Fritz01 Ehm, this is another question 19:37 * Taose grabs Paramat's footprint mod because it looks cool. 19:40 Taose VanessaE, your images at digitalaudioconcepts aren't showing. Could you upload your pipeworks image to another host? 19:40 Taose Says Server not found 19:41 cheapie Taose: It was moved to daconcepts.com a while ago. 19:41 agaran so links need to be updated somewhere? 19:42 cheapie Probably. 19:42 Taose Yeah but the thread hasn't been updated 19:45 garywhite cheapie: Was 9.5GB a lot for a laptop HDD from 2000? 19:45 cheapie Dunno. 19:46 Taose Looks like the Charcoal mod got deleted... 19:46 garywhite Cause I have an HP Pavilion n5210 c. 2000 with a 9.5GB HDD & Windows Me 19:46 swift110 garywhite, wow how much ram 19:46 garywhite 64 whole MB 19:47 Krock well, I got here a 2160 MB from JUL-96, Laptop HDD 19:48 Krock compared with this, a 10 GB one in 2000 doesn't look too special 19:48 swift110 wow garywhite is that what you are on right now? 19:49 garywhite No, no. That one doesn't boot anymore 19:49 swift110 lol 19:49 swift110 what are you on now? 19:50 garywhite My normal HP EliteBook 8460p 19:50 Fritz01 Bye 19:50 swift110 garywhite, how much ram 19:50 garywhite 4GB, Intel Core i5-2520M, Win7 Pro, 320GB HDD (with worst.partitioning.ever.) 19:51 swift110 ouch 4 gb can it take 8 19:51 garywhite idk, never looked 19:52 garywhite Besides, the main programs I run are MT, IE, and MS Word, so it works fine for my needs 19:52 swift110 lol 19:52 juhdanad Dear modders! I need your help to decide how to implement an API that can make the grass blocks' sides colorized. 19:54 juhdanad Are two separately colorizable texture layers enough? 20:08 Fixer juhdanad: i think you also need to post on forum 20:08 juhdanad_ You are right. 20:13 swift110 garywhite, it can take 8 20:18 sfan5 juhdanad_: paramtype2=color nodes could take masks for each side of the node 20:18 sfan5 those mask then specify on which pixels the color is applied 20:18 sfan5 however that might not be easy with shaders, but i don't know 20:19 juhdanad_ sfan5: paramtype2=color is finally not implemented, there are palettes instead. 20:19 juhdanad_ And I made experiments: I could combine two textures at render time. 20:19 sfan5 well then the same but with palettes 20:21 juhdanad_ But I don't know if I should add a new drawtype "overlay" which is a cube, but adds its special tiles as overlay, 20:21 juhdanad_ or make tile definitions into arrays. 20:22 juhdanad_ The latter is more general because it can be applied to all drawtypes. 20:22 juhdanad_ But the first is simpler and easier to implement. 20:24 Taose Hey Krock, does your Boost Cart turn the player at the same time as it turns? 20:28 Taose Huh someone claimed that carts is now already boost_cart 20:32 Taose Oh Calinou 20:32 Taose Mithril 20:32 Taose it's Trademarked and Copyright to LOTR 20:33 Taose Pathfinder got slapped really hard for that. 20:33 Calinou it's a bit late to rename it to Tuxil 20:33 Taose Tuxil XD 20:36 * Taose does research 20:37 Taose ...Diamond is supposed to form 140000 nodes down... 20:37 Taose (assuming each node is a meter) 20:54 Taose Could someone enable the numpad in minetest... 20:58 Taose Quick question what's the Seed's length? 20:59 Taose and don't say infinite, it's probably not true and generating a 9046 long number is not a problem 21:00 sofar src/mapgen.h: u64 seed; 21:00 paramat zorman2009 it's your mod so you can do what you want. but i feel it should allow all kinds of loving relationships. teaching kids that only hetero is acceptable is much much worse than making them aware early on of homosexual, bisexual, asexual, polygamy. it's all love after all ^_^. at least make it configurable 21:01 sofar Taose: 64bit integer (unsigned) 21:02 Taose Thank you 21:02 sofar zorman2009: stardew valley (steam, $9.99) allows same-sex marriage, so other games just don't distinguish either 21:12 Taose *sighs* 21:12 Taose Gotta remove Paramots footprint mod 21:12 Taose Paramat's* 21:13 Taose Vanessa hasn't done the textures for it yet XP 21:14 Polypodiales *farts* 21:14 kaeza Taose, tip: par :) 21:15 kaeza Paramoth sounds like the name of some mon 21:15 Taose That's assuming they're in the chat... 21:15 Taose ... 21:15 kaeza <_< 21:15 Taose which they are 21:15 Taose (sorry Para) 21:17 * Taose looks at Minetest 21:17 Taose C'mon 21:17 Taose I used the same seed 21:17 Taose stop spawning me in random places 21:17 sfan5 the spawn point is not related to your seed 21:17 Taose >_> 21:18 KaadmY why does everyone here use these emoji >_> 21:18 Taose Mostly just me 21:18 KaadmY >_> 21:18 kaeza ^_^ 21:18 KaadmY <_< 21:19 KaadmY O.O 21:19 KaadmY :+ 21:19 sfan5 those aren't emoji 21:19 KaadmY :< 21:19 paramat (.. and to be clear, there's nothing wrong with making them aware early on) 21:19 KaadmY whatevmoji 21:19 sfan5 this is an emoji 😄 21:19 KaadmY 😄 21:20 KaadmY 💩 + 🍽 = 😱 21:20 Taose oh c'mon minetest 21:20 KaadmY just /teleport 21:21 * agaran is not able to parse that 21:21 * KaadmY /give s 21:21 paramat mgv7 tunnels don't end but sometimes go around in loops 21:21 KaadmY yay 21:21 * Taose was spawned in what amounts to be a deep stone hole with cliffs of at least five blocks (so can't jump) and no pickaxe 21:21 Taose Thanks Para 21:22 KaadmY :D 21:22 Taose oh no 21:22 Taose wait 21:22 kaeza as long as you hae 2 dirt blocks, you can climb infinitely high cliffs 21:22 Taose I'm standing on some sand 21:22 kaeza :D 21:22 Taose one block 21:22 KaadmY lol 21:22 Taose With a blade of grass 21:22 KaadmY kaeza: can't in minecraft, drops might get lost 21:23 kaeza or with item_drop mod :) 21:23 agaran Taose: /giveme pickaxe? 21:24 Taose That's cheating 21:24 agaran nah, fixing game bug;) 21:24 agaran just to get out of start hole 21:24 KaadmY then /pulverize 21:24 agaran yup 21:24 paramat dungeons are equal size throughout, but they have a large-scale (500 node) variation of their density 21:24 KaadmY then /give default:tnt 99 /give default:torch 21:24 Taose Right now I have to go find food before I die of starvation 21:25 * Taose was spawned in the snow biome -_- 21:25 KaadmY minecraft doesn't have anything equivalent to /pulverize 21:25 KaadmY you have to dig a 1x1 pit and chuck item drops in there 21:25 kaeza spawning in a snow boime seems annoyingly common 21:25 KaadmY at least you have wood, kinda 21:25 KaadmY if it's a forest 21:25 kaeza and snow biomes are annoyingly large, BTW :( 21:26 kaeza all those leveled snow nodes kill FPS 21:26 KaadmY whee 21:26 Taose wYes...we have noticed that we can't agjust how the map generator generates (and no preview either t.t) 21:26 kaeza huh, you can 21:26 KaadmY "we"? 21:27 kaeza but you must summon paramat to do the required incantations 21:27 kaeza o hai 21:27 KaadmY an isometric preview would be neat 21:27 paramat heh 21:28 garywhite I've seen that a lot about the snow biomes 21:30 paramat total world area of each biome is roughly equal, but due to how medium biomes tend to create a 'web' between more extreme biomes the extreme biomes tend to be wider 21:30 paramat medium biomes tend to be thinner and elongated 21:30 KaadmY MT's biome system is rather messy 21:30 KaadmY you have almost no control of where biomes are 21:30 KaadmY or how large they are 21:31 paramat you can't control where they are 'because noise' 21:31 paramat size is adjustable 21:31 paramat relative size too 21:31 Taose not from the world generation screen 21:32 paramat indeed 21:33 Taose I think I'm gonna starve before i find any food -_- 21:42 xerox123 how do I set myself as admin on a server that ive created? 21:44 KaadmY i actually have no idea how minecraft's mapgen works 21:44 KaadmY it's more playable that MT's 21:44 KaadmY than* 21:45 kaeza xerox123, `name = xerox123` in `minetest.conf` 21:45 xerox123 on the server or for me? 21:45 kaeza in the server 21:45 swift110 hmm 21:45 xerox123 k 21:45 kaeza and then `/grant xerox123 all` (or `/grantme all`) 21:46 xerox123 alright 21:50 xerox123 thanks! 21:50 zorman2009 paramat: Thanks for your insight. Again, I don't have a strong stance on this, so therefore I wanted to know the opinion of the community. 21:53 nore KaadmY: why so? 21:53 zorman2009 sofar: Thanks for thr information. I would say pretty interesting that games actually offer that. 21:55 KaadmY biomes are more "blobular" and evenly shaped, less uneven patches 21:56 emunand KaadmY: minecraft or minetest? 21:56 paramat MC's mapgen is dumbed-down and small-scale, biomes are alway similar size and laid out like jigsaw pieces 21:57 paramat unevenness is good 21:57 paramat (always) 21:58 paramat and of course, a pathetic vertical height 21:58 zorman2009 paramat: It will be configurable so that people can have whatever they feel correct 21:59 paramat cool 22:01 twoelk zorman2009: keep it as open as possible, people might have ideas you are not yet thinking of 22:01 paramat heh 22:02 zorman2009 Yeah, I will try to do so. I'm just going to focus on how to get to the marriage part and how can you interact with the married NPC 22:04 zorman2009 Thanks for your answers, all. When I get the mod to a more polished state, I will be posting it into the forums 22:04 zorman2009 For now I will keep working on it on Github 22:05 zorman2009 https://github.com/hkzorman/advanced_npc 22:05 zorman2009 If you are interested to see what I'm talking about 22:05 zorman2009 Thanks again! 22:07 twoelk paramat: can't I persuade you to add big patterns or geometry as choosable options at the world creation menu? Like choosing a world edge type or starting on a central island in a lake or having spawn area being a large plain 22:08 twoelk some options that influenz or override base mapgen only in chosen areas 22:15 paramat erm maybe 22:16 paramat every mapgen would need changes to terrain gen code, can't do these things using perlin noise 22:19 twoelk I rather thought of overriding normal mapgen in certain areas - might need a second pass for decoration though 22:21 twoelk I had been talking to some teacher again that wanted a certain type of terrain at spawn and a natural border at a set distance while leaving everything else to normal mapgen 22:22 twoelk I couldn't help him as I couldn't merge created terrain nicely with normal mapgen in an automated way 22:27 paramat a mod could do that 22:28 paramat i have a mod that flattens areas and blends the edges 22:28 paramat out of date though 22:41 twoelk I remember that one, does it still work? 22:42 paramat it might not work with our new nodes 22:43 twoelk indeed I tried to create a mod for that but I think a set of options in a world creating menu is what most are looking for 22:45 twoelk so you could at world creating time for example to live in OZ and have your map surrounded by a desert at a given distance combining that with the abbility to choose a world edge distance and thus map size 22:46 twoelk +choose (to live) 22:52 paramat difficult and complex 23:37 twoelk definitivly beyhrmph - why do I need to git init befor I pull to local some times? this is making my time saving pull (=update) scripts useless as I can't make out a pattern 23:39 kaeza mybe the directory is not a repo? 23:40 twoelk yeah, but why does it works sometimes and sometimes not? makes my scripts stumble 23:41 twoelk maybe its a repo on monday and not so on tuesday and on thursdays github throws some dices to decide 23:42 kaeza not sure without seeing your layout, but I just `cd $mod; test -d .git` before pulling 23:43 twoelk oh, didn't know there was a test thing 23:43 twoelk might help :-P 23:46 twoelk I wonder wether it is caused by me trying get everything working portable 23:49 twoelk oops, stupid me, you just tested wether .git exists - not using some built in test (well actually git does just that internally) 23:50 twoelk I really should read befor I comment 23:51 kaeza my update script looks like this: https://gist.github.com/kaeza/309e5230bf183049b7394b309c9361b9 23:51 kaeza it's not pretty, but gets the work done :P 23:54 twoelk never tried the builtin bash in my github for windows - might be simpler than converting to batch 23:54 twoelk although I do also have a portable grep in my setup 23:55 * twoelk is still dreaming of a complete minetest and friends suite on a stick 23:56 kaeza minetest and friends? 23:56 KaadmY i've tried using a full linux install in a stick 23:56 KaadmY worked perfectly, except you can only plug it into one computer correctly, anything else will have driver/config issues 23:57 KaadmY and it was pretty much single tasking 23:57 twoelk programs that are usefull for playing and modding 23:57 KaadmY you could only do one thing before everything else basically froze 23:57 KaadmY i might try getting one stick with a couple games i could play at libraries etc 23:58 KaadmY or other public places 23:59 twoelk my base is portableapps and some custom made stuff aaand my little experiments