Time Nick Message 01:29 octacian what do you guys think about having hardened clay in Minetest Game (default mod)? 01:30 octacian IK some mods have already done it, but I think it's one of those things that just makes sense to have in the default game. 02:29 shadow octacian: what is hardened clay? 02:32 octacian shadow: for example, one of the less-known clay mods: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=8232 02:35 shadow octacian: okay so aesthetically it adds arbitrarily coloured blocks 02:37 octacian shadow: essentially. There pretty much just decoration. 02:41 octacian How do I remove all the files and subdirectories combining minetest.get_dir_list() and os.remove? 03:37 whitephoenix not really a minetest question but I'm trying to require another lua file in my mod and it's not finding it despite being in the same folder 03:38 shadow maybe "./filename.lua" ? 03:38 shadow or single quotes 03:38 shadow I'm not a LUA coder typically 03:38 whitephoenix nope 03:38 shadow whitephoenix: otherwise you would need to modify the path or place it in a LUA search path 03:38 Volkj isn't dofile("name.lua") used widely in minetest mods? 03:39 shadow require is best, else loadfile and dofile 03:41 whitephoenix Volkj, I want to call a function defined in this file 03:41 whitephoenix not run the whole thing 03:41 whitephoenix WAIT A MINUTE 03:41 Volkj is the function with a local before it? 03:41 whitephoenix oh nvm 03:41 whitephoenix no its not local 03:45 whitephoenix In the minetest error screen it says "no file './file.lua'" 03:49 Volkj tried both require and dofile, testcase with a couple of files and lua interpreter - former give errors, latter works 03:51 whitephoenix Volkj but still that runs the entire file, its already being ran in init.lua 03:51 Volkj is the function in the separate file? 03:52 Volkj give a try to dofile, the worst it can do is a crash 03:53 whitephoenix Setup is init.lua with dofile to all the things, then one file containing a 'mana' system has a function to add mana, which I want to call from a file containing a node 03:54 Volkj can a function being called by modname.function once it's loaded? 03:55 Volkj or the colon operator, never tried however 03:56 whitephoenix attempt to index global modename ( a nil value) 03:56 Volkj modname should have the name of the mod iirc 03:56 whitephoenix yeah doesn't work 03:57 whitephoenix ...holy crap really 03:57 whitephoenix I thought I tried this 03:58 whitephoenix its just function_name(whatever), no mod name or requires needed I guess 03:58 whitephoenix wow I'm dumb 05:53 garywhite goodnight 08:32 Megaf Hello 09:22 JamesTait Good morning all! Happy Monday, and happy Mulligan Day! 😃 09:39 Megaf Mulligan Day, hm 14:50 whitephoenix whats with abms? I was lead to believe that they activated consistently, but with a chance of 1 (100% right?) and interval of 1, this one goes off like every 40 seconds 14:53 sfan5 there are no guarantees about them being executed in time 14:58 agaran whitephoenix: also distance from active player matters../whatever block is loaded or not 15:01 whitephoenix hmm alright 15:44 kaeza Greetings 15:45 red-001 hello kaeza 15:51 kaeza o/ red-001 16:01 agaran afternoon 16:15 red-001 is it morning for anyone? 16:21 agaran for people 12h away from me.. 16:48 whitephoenix wow found the problem with my abm 16:48 whitephoenix misspelled chance 17:23 Krock !mod mapfix 17:23 MinetestBot Krock: Map Fixer [mapfix] by Gael de Sailly - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=10662 17:24 Krock <3 MinetestBot 17:24 MinetestBot <3 Krock 17:45 Fixer MinetestBot: ._. 17:46 Krock MinetestBot! 17:46 MinetestBot Krock! 17:46 Fixer Krock: nice mod btw, very useful 17:46 swift110 hey all 17:46 Krock hehe, I know. Sadly it's not mine 17:48 swift110 hey krock how are you 17:49 Krock mhm.. a bit depressed as my pull wasn't accepted (would rewrite like the whole mod) 17:49 Krock *won't be accepted 17:49 swift110 sorry about that 17:50 Krock heh, not your fault. How are you btw? 17:50 whitephoenix you could always release a fork 17:52 Krock whitephoenix, it wouldn't change the situation on the server, that's the problem 17:52 swift110 I am good 17:52 Krock nice to hear :) 17:55 swift110 thanks 18:05 nowhereman Hey all 18:05 nowhereman I just started playing minetest 18:06 nowhereman I didn't find how to get a solo game like Minecraft, with animals around and ennemies at night 18:06 Calinou hi, welcome nowhereman 18:06 Calinou Minetest does have singleplayer but the default game does not offer any mobs yet 18:06 Calinou you need a mobs mod for this 18:06 Calinou !mod mobs 18:06 MinetestBot Calinou: Mobs Redo [mobs] by TenPlus1 - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=9917 18:06 Calinou such as this one ^ 18:07 nowhereman I activated adv_spawning and animals 18:07 nowhereman (and mesecons, BTW) 18:13 swift110 cool 18:13 swift110 I would love to add animals to minetest 18:17 Krock swift110, there are mob mods 18:18 swift110 ok 18:18 swift110 I wish the game would update automatically 18:19 whitephoenix https://github.com/iownall555/minetest_motd someone from lmr made this, its pretty cool 18:26 Krock *cough* see minetest setting motd 18:26 Krock this could simply use minetest.setting_set("motd", "text...") 18:27 Krock instead of adding a new file 18:27 MinetestBot 02[git] 04lhofhansl -> 03minetest/minetest: Revert changes to toggleNoClip and toggleFreeMove 13a291cd6 https://git.io/vPXSF (152016-10-17T20:26:48+02:00) 18:27 MinetestBot 02[git] 04lhofhansl -> 03minetest/minetest: Don't use day light sky unless noclip and free_move are enabled 133253b6b https://git.io/vPXSb (152016-10-17T20:26:48+02:00) 18:29 whitephoenix wow 18:30 Krock wow? 18:39 garywhite Please vote in my Server of the Year contest, the winning server will have a video featuring their server on Minetest Central Please vote at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/85DC33Y 18:43 Krock Quite hard to fill in, I have not _one_ favourite server. There are many 18:43 garywhite Well, you can vote multiple times 18:44 Krock DDoS :3 18:46 garywhite Hi redblade 18:47 redblade hi 18:49 whitephoenix http://i.imgur.com/QyszP52.png does anyone see a problem with this animated texture? changing the animation parameters don't see to do anything 18:50 jin_xi it's because you're using vim to make a stallman mod 18:51 whitephoenix I used spacemacs for like... half of it 18:51 Krock your model does not fit with the texture anway 18:51 Krock *anyway 18:51 whitephoenix I was look at the default torch and this seems to be what they did 19:07 yusf[m] whitephoenix: What are you working on…? :) 19:34 whitephoenix yusf[m] its a fire-based magic mod called pyromancy 19:34 whitephoenix not available yet, might go on github soon 19:34 garywhite Hey guys will trees spawn on their own from a map glitch 19:34 red-001 sounds intersting 19:35 luizrpgluiz You can make a block that only one player can see it? for example, only the owner of that block can see it 19:35 whitephoenix actually I can put it on github later, when I have time to setup licenses and stuff 19:37 agaran luizrpgluiz: I think you can't do that.. 19:37 agaran luizrpgluiz: what you -might- do is block that gets visible when certain player gets close.. but visible for everyone.. 19:44 yusf[m] whitephoenix: Sounds exciting! Would like to test when the time comes. 19:46 luizrpgluiz it seems that the mod tenplus of protected land has a bug where the entity he put not appear 19:47 luizrpgluiz protector_redo 19:47 luizrpgluiz 1.8 19:49 luizrpgluiz in older versions appears pink body and black color indicating the space for protected land 20:05 MinetestBot 02[git] 04rubenwardy -> 03minetest/minetest: Builtin: Add vector.floor helper function 130d740c5 https://git.io/vP1UY (152016-10-17T22:03:49+02:00) 20:05 garywhite Does anyone know if a map with a glitch that causes trees to spawn on empty land without placing saplings can be salvaged, or is it toast 20:18 swift110 hey garywhite 20:19 garywhite hello 20:20 swift110 how are you 20:20 garywhite good...My server has a map glitch 20:27 swift110 oh ok 23:00 garywhite Please vote for the Minetest Server of the Year 2016, the winning server gets a featured video about it on Minetest Central 23:00 garywhite https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/85DC33Y 23:07 rubenwardy voted 23:17 garywhite thx 23:17 garywhite Hi redblade