Time Nick Message 00:05 lemon Emperor_Genshin, the exact opposite 00:05 lemon it uses blocks to draw skybox 00:06 Emperor_Genshin Ah i see 00:07 Emperor_Genshin That's a very intriguing mod, nice job :) 00:07 lemon thanks 00:09 MinetestBot 02[git] 04RobertZenz -> 03minetest/minetest: Made it more clear that "[combine" does accept a list of files. 13a7c50a3 http://git.io/vutb7 (152016-01-03T01:05:04+01:00) 00:15 H-H-H i think im being stupid but how the hell do you go down a ladder lol i can go up but not down 00:20 sofar left shift 00:21 H-H-H ahhhh ty 00:21 DFeniks i think shift . or if in options some setting is checked then /use/ key . for me its e 00:27 H-H-H left shift worked nicely ty 00:34 H-H-H wow this village is more like a city lol 01:06 swift110 hey guys 01:06 swift110 I am about to compile minetest 01:09 dzho hmb 01:14 swift110 ok just got lost 01:27 swift110 lol this was easy 01:36 fireglow =) 01:37 swift110 I did the one line compile lol 01:37 swift110 now to install tutorial 01:38 * swift110 spent forever on this last time 01:43 swift110 ok I dont understand how to install the tutorial 02:15 MinetestBot 02[git] 04paramat -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Default: Remove normalmap textures 130472e61 http://git.io/vuqY8 (152016-01-03T02:12:22Z) 02:15 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sofar -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Steel Trapdoor. 13e9a7782 http://git.io/vuqY4 (152016-01-03T02:11:40Z) 02:16 kaeza o/ 02:20 TrainWreck hey guys 02:21 Emperor_Genshin Hi 02:41 Hijiri in the node search functions (e.g. find_nodes_in_area), how do I specify that any non-air node is fine? 02:42 Hijiri I guess I could get all registered nodes and make a table with all their names 02:49 DFeniks i wonder if opposite approach can be used 02:50 DFeniks maybe search for air and if its not found do stuff 02:51 kaeza It's probably better to just scan the whole area (via a for loop) and just ignore ai 02:51 kaeza +r 02:51 * DFeniks shrugs 02:54 kaeza or you could give more info on what you are actually trying to do 02:54 kaeza and maybe find alternative methods 03:19 kaeza !tell rubenwardy https://github.com/ChaosWormz/mt_terms_of_use 03:19 MinetestBot kaeza: I'll pass that on when rubenwardy is around 03:45 Hijiri I ended up doing something different from what I was going to do 03:46 Hijiri I'm making an etheral jaunt spell, and I wanted a node to shunt the user to if they're in the ground or something 03:46 Hijiri But I just made it choose a nearby air node (within 2 nodes), and otherwise kill them 03:46 Hijiri in the ground when the materialize, I mean 04:25 Emperor_Genshin https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=13775&p=203359#p203359 04:25 Emperor_Genshin Thinking about adding extra features. 04:26 Hijiri Is it possible to change a player's punch damage 04:26 Emperor_Genshin hmm, i believe so 04:27 Emperor_Genshin but you may have to alter the default code 04:27 Hijiri hmm 04:27 Hijiri maybe I will try to see if I can hack it in without modifying default 04:27 Emperor_Genshin that is if you are planning to change a players default punch damage 04:28 Hijiri no, just temporarily 04:28 Hijiri oh, by default you mean when holding no tool? 04:28 Emperor_Genshin hmm, there may be a way to do that 04:28 Hijiri because that's what I meant 04:28 Emperor_Genshin yes 04:29 Hijiri oh I see 04:29 Hijiri there is an item ":" 04:29 Hijiri I think this is the "empty hand item" 04:29 Emperor_Genshin yes 04:29 Hijiri so I can just reach in and override it 04:29 Hijiri wait 04:29 Emperor_Genshin yes, or add additional code 04:29 Hijiri but that would change everyone 04:29 Emperor_Genshin yes 04:29 Hijiri I'd like to not have to change default, if possible 04:30 Emperor_Genshin I think there is a possibility to change damage levels without touching the default code 04:30 Emperor_Genshin look at torches for example 04:30 Emperor_Genshin there are 3d torch mods already released 04:31 Emperor_Genshin they change default 2d torches to 3d 04:31 Hijiri they register a callback through on_place_node right? 04:31 Emperor_Genshin without having to touch the default code 04:31 Hijiri I mean register_on_place_node 04:31 Emperor_Genshin perhaps 04:31 Hijiri ok, I found 04:31 Hijiri register_on_punch_player 04:32 Hijiri register_on_punchplayer* 04:32 Hijiri It doesn't give the itemstack used, but I can check the puncher's wielded item 04:33 Emperor_Genshin yes, which is what you want to look for 05:01 Hijiri does it ever happen that a minetest.after callback never gets executed 05:14 Emperor_Genshin hmm, haven't bothered trying that, but yes perhaps it happens 05:15 Hijiri maybe a better question is, can afters get delayed by tens of seconds 05:15 Hijiri because I think that's what I'm seeing 05:15 Hijiri and if that's happening does it mean my server is slow or something 05:19 Emperor_Genshin maybe 05:19 Emperor_Genshin server slowing down due to that, probably. 05:19 Emperor_Genshin depends on the processes 05:42 Hijiri well I was updating HUD every tick, maybe it will improve now that I made it do less 05:46 Hijiri nope, it's happening again 05:47 Emperor_Genshin =/ 06:01 Hijiri where is minetest.after defined? 06:04 Emperor_Genshin Hijiri, look here, perhaps this will help http://dev.minetest.net/Main_Page 06:06 Hijiri if you mean the wiki page for minetest.after, it doesn't say where it's defined 06:13 Hijiri Emperor_Genshin: ^ 06:14 Emperor_Genshin Hmm, I think you may need to talk to a core dev for more info then =/ 06:17 GabeN What if Minetest was bought out by Valve xD 06:17 GabeN "Minetest episode 1" 06:17 * kaadmy sighs at THE LORD GABEN 06:17 kaadmy Minetest ;) 06:18 Emperor_Genshin lol 06:18 GabeN Minetest thr... 06:18 GabeN thr... 06:18 GabeN four 06:18 kaadmy or 06:19 * GabeN attacks kaadmy with steam deals. 06:19 * kaadmy hold up BS shield 06:19 GabeN Bye-bye, Half life 2 episode 2.9 06:19 * GabeN destroys it 06:20 GabeN There we go. 06:20 GabeN Worth the weight. 06:20 * GabeN goes back into the heavens 06:20 kaadmy how this this channel get taken over by LORD GABEN 06:21 GabeN kaadmy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqZ667vQHnI 06:21 kaadmy how many fingers do i one one hand have if cut off 2 fingers? 06:21 GabeN uhh... 06:21 GabeN Half life 2? 06:41 Emperor_Genshin Dreamcast 2 06:41 Emperor_Genshin kek 07:12 Thomas-S hi 10:27 MBB hi 10:27 everamzah hi 10:27 MBB can somebody help me? 10:27 VanessaE hi 10:27 VanessaE maybe :) 10:28 MBB how host the forum? 10:28 MBB who 10:28 VanessaE c55 does I think 10:28 MBB thanks 10:28 VanessaE why? 10:29 MBB i have vergotten my paswort and can't login too my email adress too 10:29 MBB I didnt used the forum for long time 10:29 VanessaE any forum admin and most moderators can reset your password 10:30 VanessaE but you'll have to come up with some way to prove your identity 10:30 MBB oh 10:31 VanessaE and this, ladies and gentlemen, is why you should register using an email address that you access regularly. 10:31 VanessaE :) 10:31 MBB how 10:31 VanessaE too late now. 10:31 VanessaE what was your forum username? 10:32 MBB you can ask jbb in the forum hnes my big brother and made the fachwerk mod 10:32 MBB mbb 10:33 VanessaE do you remember when you were last on? 10:33 MBB hmm 10:34 MBB november2015 probably 10:34 VanessaE yes. 10:34 MBB tright 10:36 VanessaE dammit where is it... 10:40 MBB you could visit my website (its linked on the forum) and then I cnahe something and you watch again. That coukd proof my identitiy 10:48 JBB hi 10:48 JBB 10:49 VanessaE ah, found what I was looking got 10:49 VanessaE for* 10:49 MBB :D 10:53 VanessaE all right, I guess that's enough info 10:53 VanessaE /msg me your new email address please 11:10 * giho has managed to build mintest with gcc 5.3.0 11:10 giho So much pain... 11:11 nrzkt giho, no problem for me on epixel, my mt fork, what did you do ? 11:11 giho These c++ abi changes always kill me... 11:11 giho You have to rebuild whole tree of c++ dependencies for minetest. 11:12 nrzkt minetest didn't use c++ ABI changes 11:13 nrzkt it's C++03 neither C++11 nor C++14 :) 11:13 giho gcc did stuff on its own. 11:13 nrzkt what error did you have ? 11:13 nrzkt and what's your distro ? 11:16 giho Too many. And I don't think its MT concern, It's new gcc. 11:16 giho gentoo ~amd64 11:17 nrzkt no problem on Archlinux AMD 64 for me 11:17 nrzkt did you get compilation errors ? 11:17 giho Yes 11:17 giho Which is your native? Wrom what i gathered from gentoo channels it depends on arch. 11:18 giho Ah, archlinux. You probably just use generic. 11:20 giho Will it build on your cpu with native optimization? 11:20 giho s/wrom/from/ 11:23 nrzkt you build with -march=native -mtume=native ? 11:24 nrzkt i retry with it now, but i don't use that on my debug builds 11:24 giho Its also very likely archlinux uses --with-default-libstdcxx-abi 11:32 Samson1 Do any of you have anything to do with the (MINETEST ITALIA) server?? 11:33 Samson1 If any one does then I need to have a word, I am trying not to lose my temper at the moment 11:34 VanessaE no idea who runs it 11:35 VanessaE https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=13591 11:35 VanessaE maybe this helps. 11:36 VanessaE (the guy has at least three forum topics for it) 11:36 VanessaE er, two 11:37 Samson1 Okay, 11:38 Samson1 VanessaE, The reason why I am so angry is because I was banned for nothing 11:39 Samson1 I have already sent a complaint to Yngwie 123 11:40 Samson1 VanessaE, This is why I was banned "Access denied. Reason: Banned: Expires: the end of time, Reason: II" what does that mean? 11:41 VanessaE it just means that the moderator who banned you didn't set an expiration date. 11:41 VanessaE (by default, xban2 bans never expire) 11:41 VanessaE but what the "II" means, I have no clue 11:42 Samson1 Okay 11:43 Samson1 Would you like me to tell you what I was doing before I was banned? 11:43 VanessaE no 11:43 VanessaE I have no connection to that server, so better you should take it up with the owner (which you did) 12:05 CWz Samson1, honestly if they banned you for no given reason, i'd say there is no reason to go back 12:06 CWz they probably hired an immature abusive moderator which is very common in minetest 12:06 CWz and minecraft as well 12:07 Samson1 Very common 12:08 Samson1 There is a channel called MrCubey, MrCubey ownes a website along with someone who was called VK222u but they have changed there name, 12:09 Samson1 CWz, Well, MrCubey seems to think "I am the server owner so I will do what I like.." and VK222u seems to think he's god I am not joking 12:10 Samson1 It's ridicules 12:10 Samson1 But if you ever want a good Moderator then consider Bron 12:16 Thomas-S bye 12:23 VanessaE Samson1: well you can always try out my servers 12:23 VanessaE I have a bunch of them 12:24 Samson1 VanessaE, I know:D 12:24 Samson1 VanessaE, You have some of the best servers out there 12:24 VanessaE thanks :) 12:24 Samson1 :) 12:24 VanessaE I have good admins/moderators, which is a big part of it 12:26 VanessaE (of course, having mostly good players goes without saying :) ) 12:33 Samson1 Yes 12:34 Samson1 I find it so hard too find good Moderators 12:34 Samson1 I have not found any one fit for being an Admin 14:40 MinetestBot 02[git] 04gregorycu -> 03minetest/minetest: Add MinSizeRel and RelWithDebInfo to MSVCBuildDir check 1309a6910 http://git.io/vuYL6 (152016-01-03T15:38:20+01:00) 14:40 MinetestBot 02[git] 04gregorycu -> 03minetest/minetest: Prevent technically unsafe access with empty vector 1387dcee6 http://git.io/vuYLi (152016-01-03T15:37:49+01:00) 14:57 H-H-H hi guys does the technic mod have its own irc chan? 14:59 Ingar rv 15:02 bas080 H-H-H: minetest-technic 15:03 H-H-H ty :) 15:04 gregorycu Do mods generally write to their own mod folder for any reason? 15:05 adicto gregorycu: depends. you can also write to world folder which is better if the data is world specific 15:05 gregorycu I am working on https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3204 15:05 gregorycu Trying to determine if mods write to that folder, or if it's unusual 15:05 gregorycu that = their 15:09 bas080 i think it should be simpler. Basicly it should unzip or untar and after that it should work 15:10 bas080 it's also a pain for beginners to have to make sure the folder name has the same name as the mod prefix. 15:11 bas080 one of the most faq 15:18 gregorycu And then delete the files afterwards? 15:19 gregorycu Or keep the files and delete the zip 15:19 gregorycu Or keep both? 15:20 Fixer ._. 15:21 gregorycu I'd prefer not to change the filesystem 15:21 Fixer gregorycu, could be, this needs investigation, try mg_villages (it should write smth) 15:21 gregorycu Yeah 15:21 gregorycu I was thinking about it 15:21 gregorycu Writes to the filesystem by the mod could be real 15:22 gregorycu So it actually creates a file 15:22 gregorycu So the mod would be the virtual filesystem + actual files that have been created... 15:22 gregorycu I don't know 15:28 rubenwardy gregorycu, IMO they shouldn't be allowed to, but some do, so don't break compatibility 15:33 lemon https://neboard.me/media/files/1451827891537.ogg 15:34 kahrl rubenwardy: arguably it's not a break of compatibility if a mod doesn't work in zip format but still works if installed as a directory, like before 15:35 rubenwardy Yeah 15:35 rubenwardy I know 15:35 rubenwardy Just don't change mod security 15:39 Thomas-S hi 16:02 H-H-H anyone able to help me set up a simple technics motor frame so i can atleast figure out how they work 16:11 lemon I can. 16:17 kaadmy motor frames are neat 16:17 kaadmy i've made self-moving structures before 16:18 kaadmy and automated tunnel diggers 16:32 lemon though those self-moving structures luck rotation 16:42 lafr salbei? 17:11 giho http://me0w.net/pit/1451841083 17:12 giho I want monospace font (probably not) :( 17:12 kaadmy eh 17:38 AzureDiamond I'm trying to register my nick but nicksevr just says i'm already logged in... 17:40 xenkey Hi 17:40 xenkey Which mod makes torches damage the player? 17:40 AzureDiamond hi 18:36 exio4 is there any "library" for making minetest maps? 18:39 exio4 I need to generate the barebones of my city, and quite a lot of stuff around it 18:39 sfan5 nope 18:39 exio4 my idea was generating the basic "schema" of it, iow, river / roads, and then annotate important reference places on it in that stage 18:40 sfan5 your best bet is using WorldEdit schematics for smaller structures 18:40 exio4 sfan5, is there documentation on the map format? 18:40 sfan5 or MTS schematics for bigger structures 18:40 sfan5 and importen them then 18:40 exio4 what'd be the practical limit of mts schematics? 18:41 exio4 could I import 5000x5000x100 blocks with them? 18:41 sfan5 exio4: we have some kinda outdated mapformat.txt file somewhere but the mapformat is not easily implemented and if you actually want a working prototype i'd suggest not trying to use the map fmt directly 18:41 sfan5 theoretically yes 18:41 sfan5 it will probably work 18:41 exio4 inb4 you'd need about 50 gb of ram, but.. 18:42 exio4 sfan5: the map format isn't easily implemented -- any reason why? 18:42 rubenwardu ooops 18:42 rubenward damn 18:42 rubenwardy there we are 18:42 sfan5 exio4: well uhh 18:42 exio4 sfan5: I thought it was relatively simple :p 18:42 rubenwardy new keyboard 18:43 sfan5 there is no good documentation 18:43 exio4 sfan5: but isn't it mostly a chunk_pos -> chunk_data map? 18:44 sfan5 yes 18:45 sfan5 exio4: here, have fun https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/world_format.txt#L247 18:47 exio4 uhhh 18:47 exio4 now I see why you say that 18:51 exio4 why isnt there a simpler format sfan5 18:52 sfan5 exio4: you can use mts schematics as i said: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/1384108f8c32f309852c1d1665a613f2a3e3fcc2/src/mg_schematic.cpp#L339-L360 18:53 exio4 looks nicer 18:54 sfan5 it is 18:54 sfan5 way nicer 18:58 exio4 thanks sfa5 18:58 exio4 sfan5 * 19:01 exio4 the last commit in my local copy of github.com/minetest/minetest 19:01 exio4 Date: Sun May 31 06:23:10 2015 +0200 19:13 xenkey Do i need to clear my cache if a server changes a texture in order to see the new texture? 19:15 red-001 no 19:15 red-001 the server needs to restart 20:14 exio4 o.O 20:14 exio4 minetest compiled faster than the last time I had compiled it 20:22 exio4 hahah, 3FPS 20:22 Fritigern How long go was that? 20:23 exio4 Fritigern: 7 months 20:23 Thomas-S bye 20:23 Fritigern And how long does it usually take you to build MT? 20:23 exio4 it took less than 1m30s 20:23 exio4 last time, I remember it was around the 1m45s range 20:25 Fritigern That's still nothing. I frequently compile a second life viewer, and a clean compilation would take me 2 hours on a dual core with 4Gb. Takes me some 20 minutes nowadays though. :-) 20:25 exio4 I have a FX6100 20:25 exio4 not an insane beast 20:27 Fritigern Mine is an i7 X990 @ 3.47GHz 20:28 exio4 damn 20:28 exio4 oh, dual core 20:28 Fritigern No. 6 cores, but thanks to hyperthreading they are treated like 12 20:29 exio4 ah 20:29 Fritigern The 2 hours of compile time was on an old PC 20:29 exio4 I should go to sleep 20:33 exio4 what's the probability in schematics? 20:34 swift110 how do I get the tutorial in game for minetest 20:38 sofar exio4: 0-255, where 255 = 100% 20:39 CWz what does this mean? "maximum step interval exceeded, lost movement details!" 20:39 sofar swift110: it's a downloadable thing, you have to put it in /worlds/ I think 20:39 sofar Fritigern: I have the *exact* same cpu 20:39 sofar 2 of them, even 20:52 sfan5 exio4: backstory: schmeatics are used by the mapgen for placing "decorations", you can have e.g. a tree where leaves only appear with a specific probability (i think we're using smth. different for trees tho) 20:53 swift110 sofar i folled its instructions but i still dont have it 21:15 exio4 sfan5: I see 21:27 exio4 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/src/mg_schematic.h#L56 <- what does this mean? 21:34 exio4 hm, I guess.. 21:40 exio4 I checked the code 22:17 paramat schems have per-node force-placement, essential for trees 22:18 paramat that's what line 56 means 22:38 sfan5 paramat: force placement = overriding already existing nodes 22:39 sfan5 ? 22:39 paramat yes 22:39 paramat there is also a global force-place setting for a schem 22:58 VanessaE exio4: regarding your map, if all you wanted was an overview image, you could fake it by using the regular minetestmapper util, with a colors.txt that only includes specific nodes in it, e.g. only the stuff that makes up your buildings, streets, etc. but excluding things like grass or trees. 22:59 VanessaE (or stone or ores) 23:04 exio4 VanessaE: hm? no, the idea is generating a schematic based on a map 23:04 exio4 :P 23:04 VanessaE ohhh 23:05 VanessaE well you mentioned annotating it etc. 23:05 VanessaE guess I misread. 23:07 VanessaE that said, you COULD use the mapper, generate the image, and then use one of those image-import mods to build the barebones world 23:07 VanessaE but you'd need to do a LOT of matching up of colors -> nodes and make sure the shading/gradations are turned off in the mapper 23:08 VanessaE but that wouldn't get you anything like what you want 23:08 VanessaE MT schematics could handle it, but Worldedit can't save anything particularly big 23:09 exio4 image-import mods is what I need 23:09 sfan5 > make sure the shading/gradations are turned off in the mapper 23:09 sfan5 thats pretty easy 23:10 VanessaE exio4: ok but just note that it won't have any height data, so you'll end up with a one-node-thick "map". 23:10 exio4 VanessaE: that's exactly what I don't need :P 23:10 VanessaE sfan5: that ^^^^ seems like something the overview mapper ought to have at some point 23:11 exio4 my idea was two images of the same size 23:11 sfan5 exporting height data? 23:11 VanessaE sfan5: yeah. 23:11 exio4 one would represent nodes, the other one would be the height map 23:11 sfan5 what you want is a custom mapgen 23:11 exio4 do I? 23:11 VanessaE sfan5: no. there's a mod for that. 23:11 sfan5 ok maybe not 23:12 sfan5 oh you want the other way around 23:12 sfan5 my bad 23:13 VanessaE https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=12666 23:13 VanessaE there it is. 23:13 exio4 sfan5: one thing, I wanna know if I am doing this correctly, the "Name-ID table" is basically a list of node names like default:air default:dirt, right? 23:13 VanessaE takes a heightmap and a color map 23:13 VanessaE exactly what exio4 needs. 23:13 sfan5 exio4: yes 23:13 VanessaE so now there just needs to be some way to tell the minetestmapper to export height data to a separate image while it's creating the color map 23:14 exio4 damn 23:14 sfan5 VanessaE: it would be waaay easier to just have it output it on stderr and then stich that together with a quick python script 23:15 sfan5 s/output it/output the height data/ 23:15 VanessaE perhaps 23:15 VanessaE but that would be a shitton of output 23:15 nanovad ;d 23:15 sfan5 you don't need to read it all 23:25 exio4 is there any short way to approximate the mem usage of a AxBxC schematic? 23:27 VanessaE not precisely, but because worldedit collects all nodes to be saved into a table first, and 170x80x170 is too big to //save if you're using LuaJIT (out of memory error due to > 1 GB), you can do some basic math that way. 23:28 exio4 I am talking about MTS schematic 23:28 VanessaE I know. WE can save schematics too 23:28 exio4 ehm, I am taling about loading 23:28 exio4 sorry 23:28 VanessaE ohhh 23:29 exio4 talking* 23:30 sfan5 exio4: wild guess: size of mts header and uncompressed block data multiplied by 2.75 23:30 sfan5 it will certainly not be 1 23:30 sfan5 all of that needs to be loaded into memory 23:30 sfan5 and written to the map 23:31 sfan5 which will obv take space too 23:31 exio4 X*Y*Z*5 23:31 exio4 bytes, right? 23:31 sfan5 why 5 23:31 exio4 making sure there'll be enough 23:32 exio4 hmmm, 5km x 5km x 100m would be about 10~ gb 23:33 exio4 that's not a big part of the map I want do convert 23:33 sfan5 ಠ_ಠ23:33 exio4 I don't even think I'll be able to fit everything in a minetest map w/o scaling it :/ 23:34 sfan5 what do you want to convert 23:34 sfan5 argentina? 23:35 exio4 no, my city, a little bit of the river, and some neighbor cities 23:35 exio4 it'd be about 50km x 50km x 400m, I think 23:37 exio4 (I was planning a 1m^3 - 1block scale, but it seems to be too much) 23:53 sofar sfan5: any hopes we can get worldedit to place node metadata as well? 23:53 sofar exio4: Minecraft to minetest? 23:54 exio4 sofar: wut 23:54 sofar or are you trying to import an actual topography? 23:57 exio4 sofar: I want to import my city 23:58 exio4 well, a bit of the river, etc 23:58 sfan5 sofar: what do you mean