Time Nick Message 00:00 LemonLake こんにちは 05:36 emerge hello 05:38 emerge I need some help. How do I get a list of nodes in a given group? 05:44 nore emerge, you can go through the entire list on nodes, and keep only the ones in the group (nodedef.groups.) 05:45 sfan5 meow 05:45 sfan5 hi everyone 05:46 emerge nore, thank you. I'll try it. 06:08 emerge nore, it works, but don't show all the nodes. 06:08 nore what do you mean? 06:10 emerge I do "for _,nodedef in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do print(nodedef.name) end" and it prints only 4 nodes. 06:11 emerge looks like I somehow should iterate all nodes in the end 06:11 emerge because these 4 nodes are defined before 06:13 kaeza depending on your needs, you may want to build your list in a `minetest.after' callback, which is guaranteed to be called *after* all nodes have been regitered 06:13 kaeza +s 06:14 kaeza unless of course you need the list at load time 06:15 emerge I want to register nodes based on nodes in group. 06:16 emerge Well, if there's no way to use groups, I can use custom functions. 06:18 nore first, I guess you need to use minetest.registered_nodes 06:19 nore and IIRC, it is possible to register nodes after load time 06:19 nore but it's not advised 06:20 sfan5 it should work if you register the nodes before the first person joins 06:21 sfan5 but the textures might not get transferred to the client 06:21 sfan5 it would probably work to register some dummy nodes with the textures you want to use at load time 06:21 emerge nore, minetest.registered_nodes is same as minetest.registered_items, afaik 06:22 nore perhaps it is, I'm not sure 06:22 kahrl sfan5: iirc the server sends all texture/media files to the client 06:22 emerge What's iirc? 06:22 kahrl without checking if they are used in some node or item 06:22 kahrl if i remember correctly 06:22 kaeza Internet Internet Relay Chat 06:22 kaeza <_< 06:22 kahrl >_> 06:23 emerge v_v 06:23 sfan5 <_< 06:24 kahrl sfan5: it makes sense, too, because the item definitions could contain any combination of textures (e.g. texture1.png^texture2.png) and the parsing code for this stuff is only on the client 06:25 sfan5 yeah 06:25 sfan5 you're right 06:25 sfan5 I just looked in the code 06:25 Eater4 How do I set a game path? 06:25 sfan5 --gameid 06:25 sfan5 e.g. --gameid carbone 06:26 emerge It works with minetest.after, yay. 06:26 Eater4 No like a legit path 06:26 sfan5 the game needs to be in /games/ 06:26 sfan5 I don't think that is possible 06:26 Eater4 I don't see it there 06:26 sfan5 you need to copy/move it there 06:26 Eater4 It isn't in /usr/share/minetest 06:27 sfan5 /usr/share/minetest/games 06:27 Eater4 nothing is in minetest 06:27 emerge --world will do a legit path 06:27 kaeza ~/.minetest ? 06:27 Eater4 nope 06:27 Eater4 minetest is empty 06:27 sfan5 how did you install minetest? 06:28 Eater4 I installed it first RUN_IN_PLACE. But then I remade it after to RUNINPLACE = 0 06:28 sfan5 you did not install it correctly then 06:29 emerge why not use --world? 06:29 Eater4 That's diffrent 06:29 kaeza emerge, world != game 06:29 emerge oh 06:29 emerge ok 06:29 emerge sorry then 06:30 Eater4 then there should be to copy's of minetest_game somewhere 06:30 Eater4 2* 06:30 sfan5 did you do "make install"? 06:31 Eater4 I think so, I don't remember 06:32 sfan5 do it again just in case 06:32 Eater4 Ok.... 06:34 Eater4 make install? Right into the prompt? 06:34 sfan5 no 06:34 sfan5 cd into the directory where you built minetest firswt 06:34 sfan5 first* 06:35 Eater4 The very first time 06:36 Eater4 Ik minetest is in the run in place directory 06:36 Eater4 The game is there too 06:36 Eater4 It isn't in the not run in place directory 06:36 sfan5 then recompile minetest with RUN_IN_PLACE=1 06:37 Eater4 And the last time I checked.... 06:38 Eater4 The mods from minetest game are still running 06:39 Eater4 So are you telling that when I maked it again it did not add those files 06:39 sfan5 you need to run make install 06:39 Eater4 Made* 06:57 * Zeno` is scared of make install 06:58 Zeno` Eater4, after you run cmake, paste the output somewhere 06:58 Zeno` or better still, as a start, paste how you're running cmake somewhere 07:02 khonkhortisan I recommend cmake-gui 08:38 celeron55 i'm trying to compare carbone and minetest_next 08:38 celeron55 why don't carbone's chests work at all for me? 08:39 celeron55 this makes no sense 08:51 nman3600 Hi 08:51 nman3600 http://strawpoll.me/2050009/ 08:51 nman3600 Please vote on it. 08:57 MinetestBot GIT: celeron55 commited to minetest/minetest: Remove FPS from being next to the version string 2fee2ba 2014-07-05T11:55:13+03:00 http://git.io/4H6P_Q 09:00 nman3600 If you voted other on my poll please tell me what "other one" it is 09:06 Calinou useless poll :( 09:06 Calinou can't you choose by yourself? 09:06 Calinou even our politicians do decision taking better 09:07 Calinou anyway: underground is the best place, it's easier to access and almost impossible to spot 09:07 Calinou even better is underwater (go to an ocean, dig down, start digging your base under the ocean) 09:07 Calinou use a torch to block the water 09:13 nman3600 Calinou, Good idea. I've been trying to chose myself but each one has a problem. 09:13 Zeno` celeron55, I liked it 09:14 nore Calinou, the best is to use mesecons to make an invisible entrance 09:14 nore then you can build it anywhere 09:15 Calinou Zeno`, I appreciate that change, I always have 60 FPS :p 09:15 Calinou so, no need to know FPS, except for debugging (F5) 09:15 Zeno` true 09:15 Calinou I don't need you need to know FPS unless you're tweaking graphic settings around anyway 09:16 Zeno` but can't it be moved to show next to the version if f5 is selected? 09:16 Zeno` without the graphs I mean 09:17 Calinou if you press F5 once, no graphs show 09:17 Calinou twice, graphs show 09:17 Zeno` surely it should be a part of debug info 09:17 Zeno` that commit above removes it completely 09:17 Calinou you can know your FPS using drawtime anyway 09:18 Zeno` multiply drawtime by 4? 09:18 Calinou 1000 / drawtime 09:19 Calinou eg. 1000 / 50 = 20 FPS 09:19 Calinou drawtime ignores FPS limit 09:19 Calinou Zeno`, I still have FPS when pressing F5 here 09:19 PenguinDad Zeno`: it is a part of debug info 09:20 Calinou Zeno`, as long as your drawtime stays below 16, you'll have 60 FPS; the lower the drawtime, the easier it is for your PC to handle 60 FPS ;) 09:20 Calinou it's between 7 and 12 here 09:20 Zeno` I haven't compiled after that commit but I can't see where the code was replaced (I've only looked at that one commit message though) 09:21 Zeno` https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/2fee2baf98cd452f7d0e4acb6c82617b7c7b995a 09:21 Zeno` it was removed but not added back into debug info afaikc from that commit 09:22 PenguinDad Zeno`: it wasn't removed from debug info 09:24 PenguinDad Zeno`: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/src/game.cpp#L3204 09:26 Eater4 This upcoming versoin kills tablets right?9 09:26 Eater4 ? 09:26 Zeno` gosh, no wonder I missed it 09:26 Zeno` thanks PD 09:26 Calinou kills tablets? 09:27 Eater4 not kill, I meant (is not going to be compatible with tablets) 09:27 jp "thanks PD" :)) 09:27 Zeno` yeah, PenguinDad is too hard to type 09:27 nman3600 It seems everybody wants my secret base built in a mountain 09:27 Zeno` so he is now known as PD 09:27 Calinou no idea what “PD” was 09:28 jp Just funny 09:28 Calinou nman3600, not the best idea 09:28 PenguinDad PD means Public Domain too 09:28 Calinou easier for cheaters to detect 09:28 Calinou PenguinDad, that's what I thought 09:28 Zeno` Context, context, context 09:29 nman3600 Calinou, Inside a mountain with no outside entrance. I'll make the outside look as real as possible (I'll set a travel net to the inside of the mountain. 09:29 nman3600 ) 09:31 Zeno` the_game() 09:31 Zeno` longest function in history 09:31 Eater4 std... 09:32 Eater4 Zeno`: lol 09:32 Calinou I'm sure some projects have longer stuff, Zeno` 09:34 jp Calinou : you can make bright some ores (ony the ores) inlaid in the stone ? 09:34 jp only* 09:34 Calinou ores that emit light are possible 09:35 jp Not the stone eh, just the ores. 09:35 nman3600 Still possible I think 09:35 Zeno` Calinou, possibly 09:35 Calinou jp, not possible 09:35 Calinou glowmaps are not supported in Minetest, sadly 09:36 Calinou would have been very useful 09:36 jp Pity... 09:42 Zeno` https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/src/game.cpp#L3503 09:42 Zeno` so hard to understand 09:55 nman3600 I still need votes, http://strawpoll.me/2050009/ 09:57 LemonLake I now prefer GIMP over Photoshop. 09:58 LemonLake It took a while for that to happen, but it's happened. 09:58 LemonLake The airbrush is way better and Smooth Stroke just wins it for me. 09:58 LemonLake Paths also work so much better. 10:01 * PenguinDad hugs LemonLake 10:02 Calinou I now prefer GIMP over Photoshop. 10:02 * Calinou nods 10:02 LemonLake Yeah, it took a while :P 10:02 Calinou or, better since it's #minetest 10:02 * Calinou nodes 10:02 LemonLake you and your shitty puns :P 10:02 Calinou Paths also work so much better. 10:02 Calinou I used paths to fake drawing on a scanned paper 10:02 LemonLake I use paths to make vectors. 10:02 Calinou looks like actual drawing of lines, even dashed lines 10:03 LemonLake The only problem with gimp paths is that they don't work like shapes, but they're just things that you can fill/strokre. 10:03 Calinou you can draw a line 10:03 LemonLake Though I kind of like it like that, too 10:03 Calinou for vector stuff… use Inkscape 10:04 * nman3600 tools 10:04 * nman3600 items 10:04 LemonLake Nah 10:04 LemonLake I prefer gimp because of the range of other tools 10:04 LemonLake They work much better than PS and IS 10:05 LemonLake https://mediacru.sh/1MCu29JBWCG5 That, with exception of the eyes which is done with an airbrush, consists of 96 paths 10:05 Calinou Inkscape is a true vector tool, GIMP is raster 10:05 LemonLake I prefer raster, actually 10:05 Calinou limited definition :/ 10:06 LemonLake Limited definition? 10:06 Calinou resolution 10:06 Calinou vectors can be rendered to any resolution 10:06 LemonLake Correct. 10:07 nman3600 Bumb: http://strawpoll.me/2050009/ 10:07 nman3600 Please vote 10:07 LemonLake But I prefer raster, because unlike vectors, you can achieve post-effects on-site. 10:07 LemonLake nman, please don't spam, this is an IRC channel where usually only 3 people are active at once at this time 10:07 PenguinDad Viva la résolution! 10:07 LemonLake Calinou, to get high resolutions, just work in a very high resolution. Scale down/zoom as necessary. 10:08 asie LemonLake: not everyone has a good enough computer 10:09 LemonLake I usually work in wallpaper style 10:09 Calinou LemonLake, inefficient, big file size :P 10:09 LemonLake So I go no more than 4k. 10:09 sfan5 LemonLake: but 8K displays... 10:09 asie also LemonLake that's neat 10:09 LemonLake Yep, but I just ship a 1080p jpg with tiny compression. 10:09 Calinou 3840 × 2160 is Ultra HD, not 4K, 4K is 4096 × 2160 10:09 asie but the gradient on the eyes bothers me 10:09 Calinou 2:1, very uncommon ratio ;) 10:09 asie very very heavily 10:09 asie it's too dense at the inner part 10:09 LemonLake Too dense? 10:09 asie yes, the change is too quick and not gradual enough 10:09 sfan5 LemonLake: 2160p or actual 4K? 10:09 LemonLake Okay. 10:09 asie also it's too "smooth" compared to the rest of the art 10:10 LemonLake 2160p. 10:10 asie but that's just my opinion 10:10 LemonLake Yeah, I was hesitant to add eyes but because of the characters I felt it was ultimately necessary 10:10 asie wish i could draw sometimes 10:15 LemonLake asie: https://cdn.mediacru.sh/T72C4714gn9k.png 10:16 LemonLake better? 10:16 asie LemonLake: not sure. 10:32 Hirato what have you done 10:32 MinetestBot GIT: sfan5 commited to minetest/minetest: Fix typos in doc/lua-api.txt 5f9962e 2014-07-05T12:19:55+02:00 http://git.io/VONYEA 10:55 nman3600 Hello lemonlake_ 11:23 Jordach http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/29vrkp/cant_run_minecraft_made_my_own/ciozegx 11:23 Jordach tl;dr CAUGHT RED HANDED 11:24 sfan5 oh god 11:24 sfan5 did that just really happen? 11:24 Jordach yes it did 11:25 Jordach this explains why we were being copied 11:25 Jordach >custom block models >nodeboxes 11:27 Jordach Minetest in /r/minecraft (I REALLY need to smoke a phat one) 11:28 * sfan5 throws /r/Minetest at Jordach 11:31 sfan5 https://pay.reddit.com/r/Minetest/ could use some lovew 11:31 sfan5 -w 11:34 Jordach pay.reddit ? 11:34 * Jordach is confused 11:37 * PenguinDad just noticed what the Fourth of July is 11:40 sfan5 Jordach: ability to use https on redit 11:40 sfan5 reddit* 11:40 Jordach AH 11:45 markv Hi! 11:47 * markv starts minecraft server 12:49 * Jordach mews at LemonLake 12:50 * LemonLake mews back 12:50 * sfan5 mews at Jordach 12:59 PenguinDad Mew used mew. It's super effective! 13:03 MinetestBot GIT: sfan5 commited to minetest/master-server: Highlight the hovered entry in very light gray 9b393da 2014-07-05T14:55:59+02:00 http://git.io/1b5o6A 13:03 MinetestBot GIT: sfan5 commited to minetest/master-server: Add note that 'ALLOW_UPDATE_WITHOUT_OLD' causes problems f684692 2014-07-03T19:01:18+02:00 http://git.io/0JIMHg 13:03 MinetestBot GIT: sfan5 commited to minetest/master-server: Add 'ALLOW_UPDATE_WITHOUT_OLD' config option b6cae2f 2014-07-03T19:01:18+02:00 http://git.io/Ovt98Q 13:03 sfan5 oh god wtf 13:04 LemonLake sfan5: i may have been a bit rumb 13:04 LemonLake dumb* 13:04 LemonLake see, this xcf takes ~6 seconds to save 13:04 LemonLake and i was about to restart, then did a quick save just before restarting. i forgot it took 6 seconds. 13:04 LemonLake so now i've lost half the image :/ 13:05 sfan5 :( 13:05 LemonLake luckily most layers that were lost were just references 13:05 LemonLake though the proportions are slightly incorrect, so i have to shuffle things around to fix it 13:08 MinetestBot GIT: sfan5 commited to minetest/master-server: Use 'display' instead of 'visibility' to prevent the page from having white space at the bottom 6c3d50f 2014-07-05T15:06:05+02:00 http://git.io/1BIZwA 14:01 LemonLake sfan5: did I do it right? https://cdn.mediacru.sh/xCRTALYoutRp.png 14:02 LemonLake mainly tomoya's eyes 14:02 sfan5 yep 14:02 LemonLake :D I'm getting the hang of this eye thing 14:02 sfan5 the main thing is: you can draw 14:02 sfan5 you can actually draw 14:02 sfan5 while everyone else can't 14:02 LemonLake :P 14:03 LemonLake it's mostly just a hobby 14:08 LemonLake whoa 14:08 LemonLake that image contains 146 paths and 52 layers 14:39 * sfan5 meows at LemonLake 14:42 LemonLake Yes? 14:43 sfan5 meow :3 14:44 LemonLake meow 15:20 Jordach RealBadAngel, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djbq3tiMbYM 15:20 LemonLake cool 15:20 LemonLake yes 15:20 LemonLake nice 15:20 Rhy5 Hello 15:20 Rhy5 :D 15:20 Jordach they are height limited on purpose :P 15:20 LemonLake i thought that was intended 15:21 LemonLake you fill it in and it goes to the next one up 15:21 Jordach BuildCraft is unlimited 15:21 Rhy5 Sorry to bother you guys, on about the game or mod? 15:21 Jordach (tanks are, mine are limited by physics, but you can always make filling platforms) 15:21 Jordach Rhy5, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djbq3tiMbYM 15:21 Rhy5 Ah, thanks. 15:22 LemonLake You joined literally after he posted the link 15:22 Rhy5 Lemon, haha :) 15:22 Rhy5 Jordach, very nice indeed. 15:22 Jordach however, it'll kill it's filling loop - one the condition that the node above is not in the tanks nodespace 15:23 Rhy5 So, I assume it's BuildCraft mod? 15:23 Jordach Rhy5, that's part of BFD 15:23 Rhy5 Right. 15:23 Jordach (i needed a way to store liquids visually without chests) 15:24 LemonLake Nice to see glasslike_framed being used well 15:24 PenguinDad TIL minetest-classic gets worse with every version 15:24 LemonLake ?? 15:24 Jordach LemonLake, that's a nodebox 15:24 Jordach NODEBOX! 15:24 LemonLake ah 15:25 Rhy5 Node with a box on top :) 15:25 Jordach i ain't using RBA's bad tanks code 15:25 LemonLake fancy texture hacking 15:25 Jordach https://cdn.mediacru.sh/mLOsSsnZ4_l2.png 15:25 Rhy5 Jordach, haha, I see why. :) 15:25 LemonLake um 15:25 Rhy5 Do you know when you open a chest, what is the inventory that appears? 15:26 LemonLake with glasslike_framed its just a byte 15:26 Rhy5 What is it called exactly? 15:26 LemonLake it shows main 15:26 LemonLake node;main 15:26 Jordach LemonLake, but with how i did it you can use different types of nodebox 15:26 Jordach just just a cube 15:26 Jordach (you can even have barrels) 15:26 LemonLake with glasslike_framed you dont even need a nodebox 15:26 Jordach LemonLake, 1) it looks like shit 15:26 Jordach 2) no user expandibility 15:27 Rhy5 Hmm, I'm wanting to create a node;main for a mod I want to make. Somehow, I want to make a crafting table, but only certain crafts can only be crafted in that crafting table, not normal crafting. 15:27 LemonLake Okay, that's not exactly what it is :P 15:27 LemonLake You'll want an inventory, a formspec, and a way to make your own crafting. 15:27 Rhy5 About the limit to only using that crafting table though? 15:27 sfan5 Jordach: why not declare bfd ready to be bundled with MT? 15:28 LemonLake https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=3465 That would be useful to create your own recipe method. 15:28 Jordach sfan5, because 0.4 and it's buggy as fuck in places 15:28 Rhy5 Thanks LemonLake 15:28 Rhy5 Jordach, +1 15:28 LemonLake But you'll need your own formspec. 15:28 LemonLake And an inventory. 15:28 Jordach Rhy5, use the Terraria method - just have the materials and you're able to make it 15:28 Jordach no guides - nothing :3 15:28 LemonLake I'm actually a fan of the terraria method 15:29 Rhy5 Jordach, I might do that for a seperate mod later, but not the mod I have in head. 15:29 LemonLake It's very unique 15:29 Rhy5 And very helpful. 15:29 Jordach LemonLake, MC360 does the same thing :P 15:29 LemonLake MC360? wasdat 15:29 Jordach XBLA MC 15:29 * ecutruin wants to do no crafting GUI at all. ^-~ 15:29 LemonLake Yes, but you can see the recipes. 15:29 LemonLake Well, the items you can make 15:29 LemonLake They're just greyed out 15:29 Rhy5 Jordach, the terraria method is beyond my knowledge of modding, maybe you can do it? :) 15:30 LemonLake I'm happy to make one. 15:30 LemonLake But I don't see the point of making one. 15:30 Jordach basically shapeless without having to do the shapeless part :) 15:30 LemonLake That's more game-level than mod-level. 15:30 Rhy5 Lemon, definetly don't want it implemented to the engine either. 15:31 Rhy5 Maybe a craft guide implemented via default craft would be nice, but not shapeless crafting :) 15:31 LemonLake Ummm...why? 15:31 LemonLake The terraria method is practically just shapeless. 15:31 LemonLake Then it loops through all crafting recipes, checks if you have the items and then shows them. 15:31 Rhy5 I mean, have the normal crafting, with a craft guide next to it. 15:32 LemonLake unified_inventory 15:32 Rhy5 But a simpler version of ui. 15:32 Calinou pen Hmm, I'm wanting to create a node;main for a mod I want to make. Somehow, I want to make a crafting table, but only certain crafts can only be crafted in that crafting table, not normal crafting. 15:32 Calinou make it larger 15:32 LemonLake There's a mod that does that, forgot the name. 15:32 Calinou that's what darkrose's 4 × 4 and 5 × 5 workbench mod did 15:32 PenguinDad wtf is the terraria at all 15:32 Calinou Rhy5, use the Terraria method - just have the materials and you're able to make it 15:32 PenguinDad + method 15:32 Calinou I would have liked that in Minetest 15:33 Calinou you get to choose from a bunch of items using only material count 15:33 Rhy5 Indeed. 15:33 Calinou PenguinDad, eg. you want to craft 1 wooden pick. you put 2 sticks and 3 wooden planks, you can choose between wooden pick and wooden axe 15:33 * Jordach wonders if paramat can make a Terraria like mapgen 15:33 Rhy5 But, I'm wanting to do ANOTHER mod ;) 15:33 Rhy5 Can't believe Minetest is turning into Terraria. 15:33 Rhy5 Sorry c55 ;) 15:33 LemonLake umm 15:33 LemonLake what? 15:34 LemonLake that was weird. 15:34 LemonLake i dont even have a clue what just happened 15:35 Calinou such a thing is also used by Minecraft PE and on the xbox 15:35 Calinou it's easier to use and less confusing to newbies, making the game easier to introduce to people probably 15:36 PenguinDad The terraria method of crafting is the worst method I could have imagined 15:37 RealBadAngel Jordach, nice attempt, but not even close to my "bad" tanks ;) 15:37 RealBadAngel sorry :) 15:37 LemonLake Can't believe Minetest is turning into Terraria. 15:37 LemonLake nobody ever said that. 15:39 Jordach ok, that works 15:39 RealBadAngel Jordach, make a tank like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcQ--DOaEHI 15:39 RealBadAngel with so short code: 15:40 LemonLake as i said, glasslike_framed is so much better than nodeboxes 15:40 LemonLake beats them anyday 15:41 RealBadAngel http://pastebin.com/D2cRDSbR 15:41 RealBadAngel not to mention it has 64 liquid levels possible :P 15:41 Jordach okay, that's working 15:41 LemonLake +RBA 15:41 Calinou LemonLake, it can't replace everything nodeboxes do; also, glasslike_framed is dynamic 15:42 Jordach with meshnodes make that infinite 15:42 RealBadAngel Jordach, ofc 15:42 Calinou (by the way: can you make it so that the frame and the node itself use different textures? I want to be able to make “connected” glass) 15:42 Calinou seamless glass, borders only where appropriate 15:42 RealBadAngel Calinou, no problem 15:42 RealBadAngel its done that way 15:42 LemonLake isn't that the purpose of it? 15:42 RealBadAngel 1st texture is for frame 15:43 RealBadAngel 2nd (and 3rd and 4th if supported) are for glass 15:43 LemonLake ^ 15:43 RealBadAngel if just 2nd is here, it is used for all the faces 15:44 RealBadAngel when 3 are here, 2nd is for sides, 3rd = top, 4th bottom 15:44 markv Hi 15:44 RealBadAngel special_tiles[0] is the interior 15:44 RealBadAngel and it can be animated or not 15:44 Calinou thanks RealBadAngel 15:44 Calinou interior? O_o 15:44 RealBadAngel interior volume 15:45 RealBadAngel it can be liquid or something else 15:45 RealBadAngel like stone for example 15:45 LemonLake you can use param2 to control it 15:46 RealBadAngel param2 MSB -> LSB 7 - disable vertical mergeing, 6 - disable horizontal mergeing, 5 -0 interior volume 15:47 LemonLake its so handy 15:50 RealBadAngel with 0.4.10 out i will make special tiles to be also 6 elements as regular tiles are 15:50 RealBadAngel switcheable by a param 15:50 RealBadAngel so interior could be a chest for example 15:51 RealBadAngel but that change requires protocol bump 15:51 RealBadAngel also, furnaces or all two stated nodes will become dead simple 15:51 RealBadAngel and one def 15:51 RealBadAngel with just a flag to set which tiles to use 15:54 RealBadAngel propably i will add next param to control that behavoiur 15:55 markv I wonder if i can request a picture of a chunk of the earth to be taken by sattelite 15:56 LemonLake what do you mean? 16:00 Jordach PilzAdam, what's the difference between break and return 16:00 PilzAdam !pil Jordach 16:00 MinetestBot Jordach, Someone thinks you need to brush up on or learn Lua, please go to: http://lua.org/pil/ 16:00 PilzAdam :-p 16:00 Jordach PilzAdam, googling doesn't help 16:00 LemonLake break just exits a loop 16:00 LemonLake return exits a function 16:00 PilzAdam break breaks a loop, return returns from a function 16:01 Jordach PilzAdam, the most upper loop, eg the second for loop in a for loop 16:01 Jordach then i'm doing it wrong 16:01 PilzAdam Jordach, open any programming book every written about any programming language ever invented and youll find break and return 16:01 LemonLake ^ 16:01 PilzAdam -y 16:02 PilzAdam if used in a nested loop, break breaks the innermost loop 16:02 Jordach which means the nested or original 16:02 LemonLake say you have "for, for, for, break end, end, end" 16:02 Calinou PilzAdam, googling doesn't help 16:02 Calinou it never does 16:02 Jordach LemonLake, yes 16:03 LemonLake the third for loop will be broken 16:03 Jordach right 16:03 LemonLake the second and first will stay 16:04 Jordach so for i=1,16 do if x == true then print x break end if y == true then print y end 16:04 Jordach so the if statement dies but not the for loop 16:05 LemonLake the for loop dies 16:05 LemonLake an if statement != a loop 16:05 Jordach if else? 16:05 LemonLake break affects while loops and for loops 16:06 Jordach right 16:06 LemonLake there is no reason to break from an if statement 16:07 Jordach if there are if statements below it 16:07 LemonLake ... 16:08 LemonLake there's a fancy thing 16:08 LemonLake it's called if/else 16:08 LemonLake are you new to programming? this is beginner-level 16:09 PilzAdam this is tough 16:09 PilzAdam even LemonLake is making fun of you 16:09 PilzAdam :-p 16:09 Jordach PilzAdam, i haven't Lua'd in ages 16:10 LemonLake this isn't just lua 16:10 LemonLake this is 98% of all programming languages ever 16:11 * Jordach got it working, but now deals with content_ignore again 16:12 PenguinDad Jordach: just ignore content_ignore :P 16:12 Jordach tl;dr i was using a non existing node 16:13 LemonLake even LemonLake is making fun of you 16:13 LemonLake can you please explain? 16:13 PilzAdam it was meant as an insult against you 16:14 LemonLake ah, so im bad too? sounds about right 16:22 Jordach hmm 16:45 Megaf !up minetest.megaf.info 30001 16:45 MinetestBot minetest.megaf.info:30001 is up (582ms) 16:45 Megaf !up minetest.megaf.info 30003 16:45 MinetestBot minetest.megaf.info:30003 is up (233ms) 16:45 Megaf http://servers.minetest.net/ not working again 16:46 Megaf Or maybe it's just a little slow] 16:48 sfan5 Megaf: https://github.com/minetest/master-server/issues/1 16:51 Calinou Jordach, I like the new chests, but they use a lot of nodeboxes 16:51 Calinou I would rather use a cubic lock on the texture, to make them use less nodeboxes 16:51 Calinou with something like that, you could get away with only 2 nodeboxes 16:57 RealBadAngel Calinou, with chests i would rather wait for meshes 16:57 RealBadAngel it will be simpler and nicer then 16:57 Calinou meh, animation isn't too important and requires on_rightclick code 16:58 Calinou there's nothing wrong with using nodeboxes 16:58 RealBadAngel but some miss chest open animation :) 16:58 Calinou it's overrated 16:59 Calinou especially if you play an annoying sound each time a chest is opened 16:59 RealBadAngel but still nice eye candy ;) 16:59 ecutruin I want much more eye candy. ^-~ 16:59 ecutruin I also, as mentioned in the PM want better entity prediciton client-side.. (and pitch/roll for entities would be nice too). 17:01 PenguinDad As long as animated chests don't get into carbone I have no problem with mechnodes 17:01 PenguinDad *meshnodes 17:01 ecutruin I may actually start making things for MT one we have both of those though.. ^-~ Animated blocks = <3 and being able to at least move entities without issues like with V's pipes.. I'd be able to do a lot with those alone. 17:02 ecutruin PenguinDad, I'm curious why you dislike animated blocks. o.o; 17:02 Calinou meshnodes sounds like “mushrooms” to me 17:02 Calinou I also, as mentioned in the PM want better entity prediciton client-side.. (and pitch/roll for entities would be nice too). 17:02 Calinou pitch seems to require a large engine change, but would be useful, in addition to yaw/pitch change interpolation 17:02 * ecutruin nods. 17:03 * Calinou nodes. ;) 17:03 * sfan5 items 17:05 LemonLake ecutruin: http://www.pramworld.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/c/icandy-peach-2-carrycot-black-magic_1.jpg 17:05 * ecutruin laughs. 17:10 LemonLake still can't believe that this: https://cdn.mediacru.sh/xCRTALYoutRp.png 17:10 LemonLake is 52 layers 17:11 ecutruin Hehe. 17:11 LemonLake that's 2 days of work 17:12 LemonLake and i still have a body, an entirely other character + dangos + a background to do 17:12 ecutruin Very nice. 17:12 RealBadAngel Calinou, in fact everythin visible are meshes 17:13 RealBadAngel point is to allow models to be nodes 17:14 LemonLake だんご 大家族 17:14 LemonLake <3 17:14 RealBadAngel http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o73/Azail/Combiner.png 17:15 RealBadAngel like here ;) 17:15 LemonLake uwot 17:15 LemonLake what kind of abomination is this 17:15 LemonLake how many people must i kill to make sure that this never occurs 17:16 LemonLake sfan5: i completely underestimated japanese, i thought I knew all the alphabet but then i forgot...kanji 17:16 sfan5 you can't know all kanji 17:16 LemonLake well hey, i know katakana and hirigana 17:16 RealBadAngel thats 300 dwarves displyaed at the same time, using mesh combiner 17:16 LemonLake i suppose that's good enough 17:16 LemonLake ill of course need to learn quite a bit of kanji, too, probably grade 1 and 2 17:16 sfan5 LemonLake: I think you should at least know the kanji for cat 17:17 Calinou point is to allow models to be nodes 17:17 Calinou how easy is this? 17:17 LemonLake how do you write kanji with mozc? 17:17 sfan5 LemonLake: tab kery 17:17 sfan5 -r 17:18 LemonLake のtふぉっぉうぃんg 17:18 LemonLake whoa 17:18 LemonLake not following 17:18 LemonLake left mozc on :P 17:18 sfan5 猫 17:18 PenguinDad https://cdn.mediacru.sh/SglcJCVnxxH_.png random color glass frames in carbone \o/ 17:18 sfan5 ^ that was: neko 17:19 LemonLake あh 17:19 LemonLake ah, pressing tab just closes it for me 17:19 LemonLake i have to do neko 17:19 LemonLake ねこ 17:19 LemonLake dafuq 17:19 sfan5 ???? 17:19 LemonLake this thing is taking the piss, hold up 17:20 LemonLake ah, i see. I gotta get a better IRC client 17:20 LemonLake uwotm8 17:20 sfan5 meow 17:21 LemonLake for me in xchat, pressing tab erases the message and goes to the nicklist 17:21 LemonLake rarely return x2 works 17:21 sfan5 not for me 17:21 sfan5 猫の目 17:21 sfan5 lol 17:22 sfan5 mozc even has completion results for white cat 17:22 LemonLake s/nicklist/chanlist 17:22 sfan5 ah wait 17:23 sfan5 白 was white, 目 seems to mean "eye" 17:29 LemonLake Whatkey would you recommend? 17:29 LemonLake I'm changing the tab key 17:31 sfan5 I'd reccommend tab 17:31 sfan5 -c 17:31 LemonLake I can't use tab 17:31 PenguinDad LemonLake: maybe Ctrl-Shift-Tab 17:31 * ecutruin pouts that there is connected glass, but not connected other textures. >.< 17:31 LemonLake Or even just ctrl + tab 17:32 Calinou ecutruin, any transparent node can be connected 17:32 Calinou you could use an opaque texture, but the game would still treat it as transparent 17:32 ecutruin Yeah, that's the issue.. I wouldn't want it to be transparent.. I'd also want more then one pixel of edge for many things. 17:33 Calinou thickness would be better if it was configurable, indeed 17:33 Calinou RealBadAngel, ;) 17:37 LemonLake 猫 17:37 LemonLake ah 17:37 LemonLake neko 17:45 RealBadAngel Calinou, by now its 1 pixel size out of 16 17:45 RealBadAngel like in default textures 17:45 Calinou I know 17:45 Calinou but how about using a node property to change it? 17:46 RealBadAngel shouldnt be any problem 17:46 LemonLake sfan5: ニャー 17:46 RealBadAngel most problematic would be finding the place where and how to define it 17:46 RealBadAngel than actual code 17:47 sfan5 LemonLake: halfwidth kana are very tiny, use fullwidth ones: ニャー 17:47 LemonLake whoa 17:47 LemonLake i tried :P 17:47 LemonLake ニャー 17:47 LemonLake there we go 17:48 Calinou RealBadAngel, could be a normal node property, same as leveled nodebox 17:48 RealBadAngel param2 taken 17:48 Calinou frame_thickness = (size in 1/64 of node) 17:48 Calinou RealBadAngel, a group then? the client is aware of the groups 17:48 LemonLake i thought just using param2 is fine 17:49 LemonLake adding extra attr. is just lazy 17:49 RealBadAngel param2 all bits are already used 17:50 LemonLake hm 17:55 marc_ NICK irishfight 17:55 LemonLake NICK nick 17:55 irishfight forgot the / 17:56 irishfight Just found this game from a reddit post - have only played about a hour and im already loving it more than minecraft (plus it plays better on my shitty laptop) 17:57 LemonLake :D That's awesome! 17:57 irishfight what is the game written in? 17:57 LemonLake C++, mods are made in Lua. 17:57 DogePony C++ and Lua 17:57 Jordach irishfight, you mean http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/29vrkp/cant_run_minecraft_made_my_own/ciozegx 17:58 Jordach in particular 17:58 LemonLake WAIIIIIT 17:58 LemonLake WAITIITITIWTI 17:58 LemonLake UWOT 17:58 irishfight Hmm...i may have to learn C++ - is it a large leap from PHP? 17:58 LemonLake Jeb supports Minetest? 17:58 LemonLake irishfight: not much, but unless you want to develop the core engine, just work with Lua. 17:58 irishfight Yes Jordach 17:59 sfan5 irishfight: C++ is not very far from PHP 17:59 sfan5 except that C++ is not as bad as PHP 17:59 irishfight I want to design some other "items" like shovels, swords, etc 17:59 sfan5 for that you would use Lua 17:59 LemonLake Yep. 17:59 sfan5 http://dev.minetest.net/Intro 17:59 LemonLake Plus, I'm pretty sure there's a feature freeze on the engine until the new release. 17:59 LemonLake Which, iirc, is tomorrow 18:00 LemonLake so...jeb supports minetest 18:00 LemonLake til 18:00 Calinou uh 18:00 irishfight thanks for the link sfan 18:00 Calinou ≥We are very defensive when it comes to Minecraft, as it's our game and trademark, but we do not try to prevent people from making their own games. In the end it's more important that players have fun, even if it's not our game they're playing.” 18:00 * Calinou starts playing dead… 18:01 Calinou …to finally roll on floor laughing. 18:01 LemonLake Calinou: 猫 18:02 sfan5 LemonLake: 白 18:03 LemonLake 白猫 18:03 LemonLake yes? 18:03 sfan5 you forgot a particle 18:03 LemonLake ah 18:03 sfan5 and it's the wrong way around 18:03 LemonLake I donono kanji :P 18:03 sfan5 particles != kanji 18:03 sfan5 猫の白 18:03 LemonLake plis expin 18:04 LemonLake I see 18:05 LemonLake の is the particle for posessive, yes? 18:05 LemonLake so it's literally 'cat with white' 18:05 sfan5 LemonLake: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_particles 18:06 sfan5 .. 18:06 LemonLake hmm 18:07 LemonLake I think I get this 18:08 Jordach wtf 18:09 Jordach this line returns ignore abovenode = minetest.get_node({tnodepos.x, tnodepos.y+highpoint, tnodepos.z}) 18:09 LemonLake wanna know why? 18:09 sfan5 Jordach: your forgot the x= y= and z= 18:09 LemonLake you need to do x= 18:09 LemonLake etc 18:09 Jordach oh right 18:10 sfan5 LemonLake: it was actually the right way around 18:10 sfan5 here's an example: 18:10 LemonLake hm? I got it right? 18:10 sfan5 orange cat translates to オレンジ色の猫 18:16 nman3600 Just a reminder: My strawpoll is still open (http://strawpoll.me/2050009/) I'm trying not to spam I just want as many votes as possible until I'm ready to build. 18:16 LemonLake So it'd be 白の猫? 18:16 LemonLake nman, stop asking other people, just build it. 18:16 sfan5 LemonLake: yes 18:16 LemonLake its your build, your idea/choice 18:18 nman3600 LemonLake I'm waiting for the server to built it on... 18:18 Taoki Hi, I have a question; Must texture packages necessarily be a power of two (such as 16 x 16 or 32 x 32)? Or is theoretically any resolution okay at the very end 18:18 Jordach WAT 18:19 PilzAdam Taoki, MineToon is 250 x 250 18:19 Taoki Cool. Means it should be ok yeah 18:19 sfan5 Taoki: any resolution is ok 18:20 Jordach wf 18:20 Jordach wtf 18:20 Jordach there are two nodes at y=1, yet on_punch pos returns 3 or 4 18:21 Jordach and printing with this print ("x="..pos.x.." y="..pos.y.." z="..pos.z) 18:21 LemonLake just dump pos 18:21 LemonLake print(dump(pos)) 18:22 Jordach and my user co-ords don't match on Y either 18:22 Jordach {["y"] = 4, ["x"] = -49, ["z"] = -154} 18:23 LemonLake well duh 18:23 LemonLake as long as it's one off 18:23 Jordach LemonLake, pos is not modified 18:23 LemonLake what is the user y? 18:23 LemonLake and what is the pos y? 18:23 Jordach 1.5 18:23 Jordach 1.6* 18:23 LemonLake pos y? 18:25 Jordach the numbers seem to be boosted by two 18:25 celeron55 so, what do people think if in 0.4.10 there will be no other bundled game than minetest_next merged into minetest_game? 18:25 LemonLake Jordach: makes sense. 18:25 LemonLake celeron55: I can get down with that 18:25 Jordach there's the code used to get that number 18:25 Jordach http://paste.debian.net/108296/ 18:26 Jordach LemonLake, some nodes despite being the same have a differing Y value 18:26 nore celeron55: why? 18:26 celeron55 there are too many reasons to not bundle any other game; the reasons circle around either them being too similar or too incomplete 18:27 celeron55 carbone gets closest to being worthwhile at this moment 18:27 LemonLake ace of picks is coming along 18:27 LemonLake but not sure if that's bundle-worthy 18:27 Calinou games must be finished to be put in the default installation 18:27 Jordach celeron55, i'd offer mine, but i'm too busy why the code i pasted gets the wrong node position 18:27 Calinou finished as in, playable, not buggy… 18:27 LemonLake i mean for next ver 18:27 LemonLake not 0.4.10 18:28 LemonLake it still has to be finished, then tested 18:28 Calinou 0.4.10 release is tomorrow I think 18:28 celeron55 i would like to encourage people to put effort in developing different kinds of smaller subgames and polishing them for 0.4.11 18:28 celeron55 and making them accessible for new players 18:28 Jordach LemonLake, my head is at 3.5 18:28 LemonLake My head is full of air. 18:29 celeron55 also yes, 0.4.10 release is locked to tomorrow 18:29 Jordach celeron55, there appears to be a bug with on_punch pos and dumping the table 18:29 Jordach it has wrong co-ords 18:29 LemonLake Jordach, have you looked at the node positioning? 18:29 LemonLake There's a wiki page for it, lemmef ind ti 18:29 celeron55 file an issue, that's not my concern right now 18:29 Jordach LemonLake, i have 18:30 Jordach player co-ords for x and z are identical 18:30 LemonLake http://dev.minetest.net/pointed_thing 18:30 LemonLake I think you want to use .under, instead of .above? 18:30 Jordach LemonLake, i'm not 18:30 Jordach read the paste 18:30 Jordach http://paste.debian.net/108296/ 18:31 DogePony Jordach: the error is at line 3 of that paste 18:31 LemonLake omg of course 18:31 Jordach wat 18:31 LemonLake tnodepos = node.pos 18:31 LemonLake pos is the player pos 18:31 Jordach line? 18:31 PenguinDad LemonLake: you're wrong 18:31 celeron55 also, for example nodetest is waiting for the engine to fix some mob issues before it includes mobs, which are quite important for nodetest's survival focus 18:31 LemonLake I always am 18:31 LemonLake deal with it 18:32 LemonLake But why tnodepos = pos? 18:32 LemonLake Just use pos? 18:32 Jordach LemonLake, because i will need to modify it 18:33 LemonLake ydat? 18:33 LemonLake "tnodepos.y = tnodepos.y + 1" 18:33 PenguinDad Jordach: If you modify tnodepos you actually modify pos 18:33 Jordach eh 18:33 LemonLake just use pos + nodeup 18:33 LemonLake well, pos.y + nodeup 18:33 Jordach that explains the +2 18:33 LemonLake yep 18:33 Jordach PenguinDad, that's done elsewhere in other mods and has NOT caused issues 18:33 Jordach care to explain? 18:34 LemonLake because you're doing it the dumb way? 18:34 LemonLake you're making it unnecessarily complicated ;) 18:34 celeron55 i don't like to make this decision, but simply none of the non-broken subgames are a good companion to minetest_next (and minetest_next appears to be impossible to not include) 18:36 celeron55 but do people have strong opinions about carbone? 18:36 LemonLake imo its more of a big modpack than a game 18:38 Taoki Sorry... had one more question: Is there a drawtype that lets you have 4 direction sprites similar to Infiniminer? So the sprite itself always faces the player (horizontally), but there are 4 images... for seeing the object from front, back, left side, right side 18:38 Jordach LemonLake, now it works 18:38 LemonLake good good 18:39 Jordach but copying a tabe shouldn't modify the original 18:39 Jordach that's the odd part 18:39 LemonLake Welcome to C++ 18:39 Jordach that's not C being the issue 18:39 LemonLake Jordach, its how things work 18:39 Jordach don't point fingers 18:39 LemonLake Deal with it ^.^ 18:39 Jordach which is why i haven't banned the annoying kids on the forums yet 18:40 LemonLake Hmm? 18:40 PenguinDad Jordach: you don't copy the table you actually only produce a reference to the original table 18:40 LemonLake ^ 18:40 Jordach PenguinDad, fucking lua :P 18:40 Jordach when did common sense go missing 18:40 LemonLake which is why i haven't banned the annoying kids on the forums yet 18:40 LemonLake Do explain. 18:41 Jordach LemonLake, DS-Minetest springs right to mind 18:41 celeron55 Jordach: every dynamic scripting language works like that 18:41 LemonLake Not following, Jordach. 18:41 Jordach celeron55, $5 python doesn't 18:41 celeron55 it does 18:42 Jordach = is assigning, not referring 18:42 celeron55 you assign a reference 18:42 LemonLake Jordach: Where did you learn programming? 18:42 LemonLake Not trying to say it in a horrible way, just curious ^.^ 18:42 Jordach LemonLake, off my own farking arse 18:42 celeron55 >>> a = [1] 18:42 celeron55 >>> b = a 18:42 celeron55 >>> b[0] = 2 18:42 celeron55 >>> a 18:42 celeron55 [2] 18:43 celeron55 have some python 18:43 LemonLake Okay, Jordach. 18:43 LemonLake Calm down. 18:43 Jordach why don't things produce a fucking copy and not a reference 18:43 celeron55 copying is expensive 18:43 Jordach three bytes is not expensive 18:44 LemonLake + copying is expensive 18:44 asl Jordach `=` is referring if the item is mutable 18:44 PenguinDad Jordach: the pos table is bigger than 3 bytes 18:45 Calinou Sorry... had one more question: Is there a drawtype that lets you have 4 direction sprites similar to Infiniminer? So the sprite itself always faces the player (horizontally), but there are 4 images... for seeing the object from front, back, left side, right side 18:45 Calinou entity drawtype “sprite”? 18:45 Calinou uses 6 faces 18:45 LemonLake Jordach, you enjoying the attention? ^.^ 18:45 markv My DNS server works!!! 18:45 asl dict, list and iirc set in python are all mutable 18:45 markv reckon I can host example.x on example.x ? 18:48 Rhy5 Hi everyone :) 18:48 jp Calinou : in MoreBlocks, can you add 'cracked stone bricks', please ? 18:49 Rhy5 This bad boy, jp: http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/minecraft.gamepedia.com/3/36/Cracked_Stone_Brick.png?version=30e760ac2590789bbcbbda4dd8a7c82e? 18:49 jp Exact. 18:50 Rhy5 Hmm, definetly would be a great addition yes. 18:50 Jordach why not mod it yourself 18:50 jp redundant 18:50 Rhy5 For one node? Pretty useless. 18:50 celeron55 < Taoki> Sorry... had one more question <- there is some functionality like that for entities, i don't remember what exactly 18:50 Rhy5 Ah, celeron55, the creator of Minetest, hello! 18:52 Rhy5 I do actually wonder what Minetest would look like in about 20 years... 18:52 LemonLake It would look like something in an archive. 18:53 LemonLake Just like Minecraft. 18:53 Rhy5 Infact, like this: http://www.royalgrass.com/uploads/media/artificial-grass.jpg 18:53 Rhy5 :D 18:53 LemonLake No. 18:53 LemonLake http://poetrybyronnie.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/old_armenian_book_by_deviantik.jpg 18:53 LemonLake Like that 18:53 PenguinDad I'm not sure if minetest would survive that long 18:53 Rhy5 PenguinDad, :) 18:53 Rhy5 LemonLake, thing future, not hell. 18:54 Rhy5 *think 18:54 LemonLake Sorry. I'm too pessimistic. 18:54 Rhy5 It's a human trait xD 18:54 LemonLake yes....one i dislike 18:55 Rhy5 Poor you ;) 18:55 LemonLake don't be sympathetic 18:55 LemonLake i can't change who i am 18:56 Rhy5 This is me in two hundred years: http://www.clipartbest.com/cliparts/pc5/GXz/pc5GXzRcB.jpeg 18:56 Rhy5 Sorry mum ;) 18:56 LemonLake you'll be a bone-like scroll? 18:56 Calinou I do actually wonder what Minetest would look like in about 20 years... 18:57 Calinou probably like nothing 18:57 Calinou Ah, celeron55, the creator of Minetest, hello! 18:57 Calinou he isn't anyone special 18:57 LemonLake that can be taken harshly, Calinou 18:57 Rhy5 Calinou, formal greeting. 18:57 Jordach Calinou, the Introvert! 18:58 Calinou “author” or “developer” is preferable, that's what I meant 18:58 Calinou anyway, he's sometimes in here, but not always because people would bug him all day ;) 18:58 Calinou he used to not be on IRC at all 18:58 Rhy5 Calinou, you sound nothing like it says on the tin. ;P 18:59 Rhy5 Hmm, sorry if you took that the wrong way. 19:00 Rhy5 Moving on. 19:01 Rhy5 Is it possible to compile a dev in windows? 19:01 jp celeron55 is the Linus Torvalds of Minetest ;) 19:01 LemonLake Rhy5: Of course! It's just a lot harder 19:01 Rhy5 jp, in English please ;) 19:01 LemonLake Rhy5: Wake up, that is English. 19:01 jp It's english. 19:01 Rhy5 jp, Old English xD 19:02 LemonLake Rhy5: It is English. 19:02 Rhy5 But English that I don't know about. 19:02 LemonLake Using a name does not change the language. 19:02 Rhy5 "Linus Torvalds" 19:02 LemonLake That'd be like saying "I like Nagisa Furuwaka" changes the sentence to Japanese. 19:02 jp No mockery on my english, please. 19:03 Rhy5 jp, didn't mean it like that, but I didn't understand it, sorry. 19:03 LemonLake Also, Rhy5 19:03 LemonLake Linus Torvalds is a name. 19:03 Rhy5 I noticed. 19:03 LemonLake The name of a Finnish software engineer. 19:03 LemonLake He created Git. 19:03 Rhy5 Explaining... ah I see now. 19:03 LemonLake He also created the Linux kernel. 19:03 LemonLake Is that old English? 19:03 Rhy5 Well, now knowing what it is, nope. 19:04 LemonLake http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linus_Torvalds 19:04 Rhy5 Gee, what is it with me today? I'm being very harsh ._. 19:04 LemonLake Nah. 19:04 BlockMen "“I’m an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself. First ‘Linux’, now ‘Git’.” 19:04 BlockMen – Linus Torvalds [12]" 19:04 BlockMen lol :D 19:04 LemonLake GENIUS 19:04 LemonLake I LOVE THAT GUY NOW 19:04 Rhy5 Lemon, young love. 19:04 LemonLake Young? 19:04 LemonLake Well, it is a bit creepy. 19:04 Rhy5 Everyone is young. 19:04 LemonLake I'm 21 and he's 44. 19:05 Rhy5 Divide the two, one year between you ;) 19:05 jp There are a collection of epic quotes from Linux T. 19:05 PenguinDad If you didn't know my given name is Linus 19:05 Rhy5 PenguinDad, wow. 19:05 Rhy5 Very nice. 19:06 Rhy5 I'm just Rhys. 19:06 Rhy5 Rhys Thomas Edward Morgan. 19:06 crazyR_ guys, ive got a problem, could do with some advise. if several people have build things, they gone away then came back and its rreveted back to what it was previously, what could cause it? 19:06 crazyR_ the db is leveldb 19:06 Rhy5 crazyR_: Probaly server client or unrealised crashes. 19:06 LemonLake ^ 19:06 LemonLake We've experienced that one many-a-time on ntdll :P 19:07 crazyR_ i though that at first, but they havent even logged of, they have come back and its goen, its happened to several people 19:07 Rhy5 Does anybody have rollback? 19:07 LemonLake Did they time-out? 19:07 crazyR_ roleback is disabled 19:07 LemonLake Sounds like extreme lag to me 19:07 Rhy5 Or just griefing. 19:08 Calinou rollback* 19:09 crazyR_ we are having bad lag, but its only affecting some players, also the server is barely being touched resource wise 19:09 Rhy5 Might just be lag then. 19:10 LemonLake You place nodes while the server is lagging 19:10 Rhy5 ^^ 19:10 LemonLake the node-count in inventory doesn't go down 19:10 Rhy5 And they just dissapear. 19:10 LemonLake but when the server catches up, it realises these nodes never existed, so it removes tem. 19:10 Rhy5 Well said sir, gold star. 19:10 LemonLake s/tem/them 19:11 Rhy5 Never knew that was a directory Lemon ;) 19:11 crazyR_ so what could cause bad lag without bumping up the server resources 19:11 LemonLake nein 19:11 Rhy5 crazyR_: Like I said, server client. 19:11 Rhy5 Or just bad internet via the server or players. 19:11 LemonLake If it's not resources, it's network traffic 19:11 crazyR_ servers on a gigabit port. 19:11 LemonLake Or something along the lines 19:11 crazyR_ might be worth monitoring it 19:12 Rhy5 crazyR_: debug.txt. Use it :) 19:14 crazyR_ i do use it, i also log everything that the output says too. 19:17 Taoki http://i.imgur.com/xzEQ8U9.png - http://i.imgur.com/iXJs1O4.jpg When OHRRPGCE (Vikings of Midgart) meets Minetest. For those who never heard about VoM, it's a fantastic 2D RPG (all Public Domain) which I recommend trying out. Either way, I felt like trying to its tileset textures in Minetest ;) 19:18 Taoki **Midgard also, typo 19:19 celeron55 is that green specifically designed for destroying eyes 19:19 LemonLake ^ 19:19 asie not ^ 19:19 asie I like the green 19:20 Taoki Dunno. In the RPG itself it looks nice. Could say the same for here though... especially since I like my Minecraft / Minetest looking colorful and lively 19:20 Jordach !up 19:20 MinetestBot is up (29ms) 19:20 Calinou the blue water explodes my retina 19:20 Calinou servers on a gigabit port. 19:21 Calinou what about your actual Internet connection speed? 19:21 Taoki http://db.tigsource.com/screenshot/image/1236/original/vom2.gif Screenshot of original game 19:21 Calinou use these minetest.conf settings: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7752630/ 19:21 Calinou (they're default in Carbone) 19:21 Calinou helps with CPU, RAM and bandwidth usage 19:22 PenguinDad 10<3 the water 19:23 PenguinDad s/10<3/05<3/ 19:23 crazyR_ wtf i think calinou might have hit the nail onthe head 19:23 crazyR_ just downloaded a 1 gig file the speed was 10mb/s 19:23 Calinou blue heart, lol 19:23 Calinou crazyR_, Mb or MB? 19:23 LemonLake crazyR_ that also depends on the server you dl it from 19:23 Calinou the upload is the most important value 19:23 LemonLake and beware of capitalization, we could be talking about megabits or megabytes 19:23 Calinou as it's almost always smaller than download 19:24 PenguinDad Calinou: a blue heart is valid for squids :P 19:24 crazyR_ sorry MB 19:25 LemonLake tubaya okazaki: https://cdn.mediacru.sh/WIEO1VKKFXEZ.png 19:27 asl Taoki, Public Domain != GPL 19:45 blaise wow 19:45 blaise tomorrows the big day, eh? 19:45 EvergreenTree blaise: yep 19:46 blaise =] 19:49 EvergreenTree I don't know why people make such a big deal out of stable releases though 19:49 EvergreenTree you can get the latest vesrion on github, or use one of the windows builds 19:50 blaise I don't condoln the use of microsoft operating systems 19:50 blaise or any microsoft products for that matter 19:50 BlockMen EvergreenTree, there are many that just use builds from mainpage, which are the stable ones, especially new users 19:50 BlockMen when i came to minetest i used only the stable for a while aswell 19:50 asl it's the 6th already for me :P 19:50 celeron55 ...and many linux users who just use the one from their distro's repository 19:51 celeron55 those are the hardest ones to get to using unstable versions actually 8) 19:52 blaise I actually had to create an ebuild in gentoo to run minetest-0.4.9 19:52 celeron55 (and it's a good thing; they don't want to deal with any unstable issues anyway) 19:52 blaise the maintainer is lazy 19:52 blaise I'de rather not use non-stable code in a production environment 19:52 EvergreenTree celeron55: that is true 19:56 crazyR_ thing is, these days the dev is more stable than the stable 19:56 Calinou tomorrows the big day, eh? 19:56 Calinou tomorrow's my 3rd Minetest birthday 19:57 Jordach daww 19:57 Jordach my 3rd is coming up on the 10th of Oct (holy shitballs|) 19:59 Calinou the rate at which forum posting evolved is amazing 19:59 Calinou the first day I played, I used this pack: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=134 20:00 Calinou I'll download it in case the file disappears 20:05 PenguinDad Calinou: that was the first texture pack I tried use :) 20:05 PenguinDad + to 20:06 * BlockMen used misa as first tp 20:07 * Jordach used cisoun's pack 20:07 PenguinDad Good ol' times 20:09 * PenguinDad still doesn't know the difference between setpos() and moveto() 20:14 Taoki Is there a drawtype that lets you have 4 direction sprites similar to Infiniminer? So the sprite itself always faces the player (horizontally), but there are 4 images... for seeing the object from front, back, left side, right side 20:15 Jordach Taoki, drawtype = sprite 20:15 Taoki Jordach: Ok. But what about the 4 direction images? 20:15 EvergreenTree there is a sprite drawtype? 20:15 Jordach there is afaik 20:15 Taoki How are those defined 20:15 BlockMen PenguinDad, https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L1785 20:16 BlockMen but idk if there is any way to set the speed for that 20:16 * BlockMen guesses not 20:17 Jordach Taoki, https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L1818 20:17 PenguinDad Taoki: this might help https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L1818-1821 20:17 Taoki I see. Still doesn't detail how to set yaw-relative textures exactly 20:17 Taoki Although it seems to say it's possible at least 20:18 Jordach Taoki, that's what the sprite sheet does for you 20:18 Jordach use the original dungeon master one 20:18 Taoki Can I still find it anywhere? 20:19 Taoki Also, can such direction-based sprites be animated? So if you have two per direction, it animates walking 20:19 PenguinDad Taoki: https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/blob/master/mods/legacy/textures/dungeon_master.png 20:19 Taoki Aha... that makes sense yes 20:19 Calinou they can 20:19 Calinou it's 6 directions 20:20 Taoki Can you exclude top and bottom if you don't have them? 20:20 Calinou just put the same as the front sprite (don't make it invisible) 20:21 Taoki Ok. I was hoping you could use upright_sprite, so it only faces the player horizontally... like the default player sprite before 3D models 20:21 Taoki But with 4 directions 20:21 Taoki Doesn't sound like it tho 20:26 Calinou verticla constraint of sprite is only possible for particles, not entities :/ 20:30 celeron55 Jordach: http://c55.me/random/2014-07/holy_shitballs.jpg 20:30 * Jordach claps 20:30 celeron55 i had to do this 20:31 Jordach celeron55, i'm going to have to donate eventually 20:31 celeron55 donate to see more of my intense gimp edits? 20:31 celeron55 i can respect that 20:32 Jordach celeron55, donate to be more awesome 20:32 Jordach (and of course the obvious amounts of beer!) 20:32 Jordach beer + minetest-dev = new features!?!? 20:37 LemonLake beer + minetest-dev = feature reversal 20:38 BlockMen beer + minetest - dev = beer + frozen_minetest 20:40 PenguinDad beer + me == me with liver diseases 20:40 LemonLake Beer + myself = my daily life 20:41 celeron55 frozen_minetest - beer + dev = minetest-beer?! 20:43 BlockMen yay, minetest-beer 20:43 PenguinDad ewww minetest-beer 20:45 Jordach 01,01please don't give me rendering ideas 20:45 LemonLake Jordach: Why not render you rendering a render? 20:46 EvergreenTree Render #minetest 20:46 Jordach LemonLake, already done 20:46 LemonLake Oh yeah. 20:46 LemonLake That weird mt wallpaper. 20:46 LemonLake You were like by a tree or somethin. 20:47 PenguinDad "please don't give me rendering ideas for dinner" first suggestion of duckduckgo 20:47 celeron55 is there someone in here who can make better textures and possibly other media than me and who can help in figuring out some game design and who can do playtesting? i would like to form a two-man team to produce a medium-sized game for minetest with a unique focus (the other one of the two is me) 20:47 LemonLake Well 20:48 LemonLake I may be able to help 20:48 Jordach celeron55, i can draw...ish 20:48 LemonLake According to sfan5, I can really draw :P 20:48 sfan5 you can 20:48 Jordach s/sfan5/someone on the internet/ 20:48 emerge hello everyone 20:48 celeron55 i want to make a very small team and do this in private until it is released as beta that is working 20:48 LemonLake Jordach: you can 20:49 celeron55 so, i need more than "a bit of help" 20:49 Jordach celeron55, i've already been doing that as BFD for this entire time 20:49 LemonLake celeron55: I'm happy to help but I understand if you pick someone else ^.^ 20:49 celeron55 Jordach: yes, i guess you are sticking to BFD and not interested in doing my thing as a distraction from it? 20:49 Jordach celeron55, i haven't developed since may and got a few ideas to do then sleep for a few months 20:50 EvergreenTree Jordach found this on reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/29vrkp/cant_run_minecraft_made_my_own/ciozegx 20:50 Jordach i have an infinite schedule for the next 7 weeks 20:50 LemonLake I can see Jordach doing some good work 20:50 Jordach LemonLake, i reimplemented my tanks within 3 hours 20:50 Jordach the original design took 5 20:50 LemonLake What, do glasslike_framed? 20:51 Jordach nodeboxes 20:51 LemonLake Still not impressed, then 20:51 Jordach i just repaired them, and made them much more usable (EvergreenTree knows about this) 20:51 celeron55 Jordach, LemonLake: has either of you made games outside of minetest? 20:51 EvergreenTree Jordach sort of has 20:51 LemonLake celeron55: I work as an artist/composer/programmer with a small team 20:51 Jordach celeron55, to be debated, but Lové2D has 20:51 LemonLake But I've never made a full-on game. 20:51 EvergreenTree I might start making a game some time 20:52 EvergreenTree most likely with pygame 20:52 EvergreenTree I'm learning c atm\ 20:52 Jordach celeron55, there's enough hands in here, private git repo + adding members is problem solved 20:52 LemonLake Most games I work on are C++ with SFML 20:52 Jordach i am capable of 3d assets on the other hand 20:52 EvergreenTree Isn't Open Hexagon written in sfml? 20:52 EvergreenTree I assume sdl is an option as well 20:52 LemonLake Unless you have money, I'd suggest BitBucket for private repos. 20:53 Jordach and here's the entire set of logic to my new polished tanks http://paste.debian.net/108320/ 20:54 LemonLake that's some harsh hardcoding 20:54 LemonLake you could easily run that in a for-loop 20:54 Jordach LemonLake, MTG has lava and water which should drop right in 20:54 Jordach (it even uses the same bucket names) 20:54 celeron55 Jordach: the issue isn't implementation, the issue is designing a game; i don't want to do it solo because my brain will simply drain out of juice and ideas 20:54 celeron55 Jordach: and it cannot be done by shouting on a crowded irc channel 20:54 Jordach celeron55, alas the problem i have 20:54 LemonLake Jordach, this is designing. Not implementing 20:55 celeron55 Jordach: so you have 7 weeks of time in your hands? 20:55 Jordach celeron55, i do :) 20:55 EvergreenTree I have a few weeks (mostly) free 20:56 Jordach Sept 4. is the date when i have a work placement in IT to be doing (during the day) 20:56 LemonLake Hmm 20:56 Jordach it earns me a level 2 BTEC 20:56 LemonLake While I also have the same amount of time, I can work afternoons after Sept.4 20:57 LemonLake but during the summer I won't have thursdays and one specific day per-week because I have a life 20:57 Jordach and a level 3 next year 20:57 LemonLake and I can't guarantee full-activity because I've had a minor heart-problem lately 20:57 Jordach LemonLake, careful 20:57 EvergreenTree LemonLake: Yikes 20:57 LemonLake Careful? 20:57 LemonLake It's nothing that major 20:57 Jordach you're reminding me of April 2013 20:57 LemonLake What happened april 2013? 20:58 EvergreenTree What type of game are you making, and what language is it in celeron55? I probably can't help you with it. 20:58 Jordach [21:47:46] is there someone in here who can make better textures and possibly other media than me and who can help in figuring out some game design and who can do playtesting? i would like to form a two-man team to produce a medium-sized game for minetest with a unique focus (the other one of the two is me) 20:58 LemonLake It's an MT subgame 20:58 LemonLake So lua 20:58 Jordach ninja'd? 20:58 LemonLake Quite. 20:59 EvergreenTree Ah 20:59 LemonLake But TL;DR comes into play :P 20:59 EvergreenTree I can help in that case 20:59 Jordach (sorry about that c55) 20:59 EvergreenTree Jordach is probably better though 20:59 LemonLake ^ 20:59 EvergreenTree I'm okay at coding and better at textures 20:59 Jordach LemonLake, it is possible to do my new logic in tanks, (and i saw it in my goddamn head) 20:59 Jordach i actually saw the answer3 21:00 Jordach however, i cant put it onto paper 21:00 * markv compiles C++ CMS 21:00 LemonLake For the nodeboxes, it'd involve 1/maxlevel*level 21:00 LemonLake that can be simplified somehow...I forgot though 21:00 LemonLake level/maxlevel iirc 21:01 EvergreenTree bbs 21:01 LemonLake Okay, cya 21:01 LemonLake Actually, me too, bb<20mins 21:02 sfan5 markv: this isn't twitter, nobody cares 21:02 markv sfan5: stfu 21:02 Jordach then how dafuq do i own the record of using /me 21:02 sfan5 !stfu markv 21:02 MinetestBot markv, Someone thinks you need to shut the fuck up before you get muted. 21:03 markv Yeah funny you're so cool, sfan5 21:03 sfan5 thanks 21:15 LemonLake so that happened 21:18 Jordach youtu.be/XkNdLYkwmjQ 21:18 Jordach http://youtu.be/XkNdLYkwmjQ 21:18 Jordach ^ sorry 21:24 LemonLake I'm impressed. How did you do multi-texture nodeboxes? 21:24 Jordach i didn't 21:25 Jordach it's a 4 walled exterior with a single nodebox in the middle 21:25 LemonLake So the surrounds are separate nodes? 21:25 sapier1 isn't this uite similar to what rba did implement? 21:26 LemonLake This uses nodeboxes. 21:26 LemonLake RBA used glasslike_framed. 21:26 LemonLake I have no idea why Jordach isn't. 21:26 Jordach because limiting me on what i can do with it sucks 21:26 LemonLake Limiting? 21:27 Jordach maybe i want different methods 21:27 Jordach mine can be changed by Lua, RBA's can't 21:27 LemonLake RBA's can? 21:27 LemonLake param2 = 21:27 Jordach only what the code allows 21:27 Jordach mine can in theory be expanded 21:27 LemonLake But if they're tanks, glasslike_framed does exactly what you want. 21:27 Jordach not really 21:28 LemonLake What can't it do that you want to do with nodeboxes? 21:28 Jordach it doesn't allow storage of items, eg, buckets of liquid, and be able to retrieve them at anytime 21:28 LemonLake Well duh, you have to code that yourself. 21:28 Jordach LemonLake, it could be a sphere or a cylinder in shape, that's why i prefer nodeboxes 21:28 LemonLake But you're just using tanks. 21:28 LemonLake Cubed tanks. 21:29 Jordach you have the flexibility to modify the shape of the box as you please, as well as the contents 21:29 LemonLake So don't reinvent the wheel! 21:29 Jordach LemonLake, i actually did it first 21:29 LemonLake (facepalm) 21:29 LemonLake I give up with you, Jordach. 21:30 Jordach LemonLake, i have not seen code to allow retrieval of items, eg filled buckets from an empty one or fill the tank to remove the liquid from the bucket 21:30 Jordach that's why i have issues with it, it isn't perfect 21:31 LemonLake on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) 21:31 LemonLake Then you can either look at param2 to know the liquid value, or store it in a metadata. 21:31 Jordach but then you're limited by param2 21:31 LemonLake You're limited by 8. 21:31 LemonLake Param2 is limited by 64. 21:31 Jordach actually i'm not 21:31 LemonLake Jordach, you're just being fussy. 21:32 Jordach !c 1/512 21:32 MinetestBot 0 21:32 LemonLake So I'll let you have your way. 21:32 Jordach !c 1.0/512.0 21:32 MinetestBot 0.001953125 21:32 Jordach ^ thats how big the nodebox would be under 512 resoultion 21:32 LemonLake Still, I'm not a fan of your method. 21:32 LemonLake It is hardcoded and uses unrequired nodes. 21:32 Jordach LemonLake, 11ms per operation 21:34 Jordach and i can get away with texture problems because glass refracts the contents :3 21:37 Jordach hey Megaf 21:38 PenguinDad shit 21:38 Jordach ? 21:38 PenguinDad https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1445 21:38 PenguinDad ^ Jordach 21:38 Jordach O.O 21:40 LemonLake Jordach, can you link me to your code please? 21:42 Jordach https://github.com/Jordach/big_freaking_dig/commit/bcc2d66d5879db874eb25427ce5086e70812d159 21:42 LemonLake Thanks. 21:43 LemonLake Jordach: [22:43:35] Hagrid: A very important rule in programming is to always simplify conditionals. 21:44 Jordach bollocks statement in here 21:44 Jordach nobody said that 21:44 LemonLake That's skype, my friend. 21:44 LemonLake I'm showing your code to someone who's a preeety good programmer. 21:44 * PenguinDad slaps Jordach for no newline at end of file 21:44 Jordach PenguinDad, notepad's problem 21:45 LemonLake Jordach, please 21:45 LemonLake !pil Jordach 21:45 MinetestBot Jordach, Someone thinks you need to brush up on or learn Lua, please go to: http://lua.org/pil/ 21:46 LemonLake That's all. 21:46 Jordach LemonLake, when has my badly written, but perfectly working code gone wrong 21:46 LemonLake It hasn't. It's just badly implemented. 21:47 Jordach LemonLake, i re-wrote a bad sethome mod, because of /home otherplayershome broke the entire thing 21:47 Jordach and it runs on VanessaE's production servers with 100% compat 21:49 Jordach LemonLake, old one, https://github.com/xyzz/minetest-mods/tree/master/sethome 21:50 Jordach here's the new one https://github.com/Jordach/big_freaking_dig/tree/master/mods/jsethome 21:50 LemonLake I don't care anymore 21:50 Jordach not caring leads to bad code :3 21:50 LemonLake I'm not the one badly coding. 21:55 zorak hi 21:55 zorak im new to minetest 21:56 zorak there are a server for noobs?? 21:56 PenguinDad Jordach: seriously? https://github.com/Jordach/big_freaking_dig/blob/master/mods/jsethome/init.lua#L30 21:56 Jordach PenguinDad, the mod was written around Jan 2012 21:56 Jordach it is ancient 21:58 Jordach reload 22:00 zorak how do i know what version of minetest i have? 22:00 Jordach which link did you use 22:00 Jordach 0.4.10 is released tomorrow, so wait until them 22:00 Jordach then* 22:02 zorak damn 22:02 zorak the version of the repos of linux mint is 0.3.1 22:02 zorak well 22:02 zorak im gonna try in a couple of days 22:02 Jordach zorak, https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3837 22:02 zorak cya 22:11 PenguinDad 05<3 https://soundcloud.com/monstercat/rootkit-real-love-feat-danyka 22:12 Jordach https://soundcloud.com/audio-warfare/free-tune-easy-big-fella https://soundcloud.com/karthy/darren-styles-screwface-2?in=karthy/sets/darren-styles-screwface https://soundcloud.com/x-fir3/clowny-seizure-x-fir3-remix 22:13 celeron55 hmmmmmm... http://i.imgur.com/Kp0CFNq.png 22:13 * Jordach raises an eyebrow 22:14 Jordach this graph makes no sense! 22:17 celeron55 it's the bandwidth graph of minetest.net 22:18 LemonLake sorry 22:18 LemonLake i may or may not have been banding the widths 22:19 celeron55 practically all of those pageloads are coming from http://np.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/29vrkp/cant_run_minecraft_made_my_own/cioykjm 22:20 LemonLake ah. 22:20 LemonLake makes sense 22:22 celeron55 it's what happens when a link is in the top comment thread of a 400k subscriber subreddit 22:22 LemonLake yep 22:22 celeron55 in a top-ranking post 22:23 Jordach http://i.imgur.com/JCt3Uuq.png 22:23 Jordach we need to replace the homepage with that 22:23 LemonLake celeron55 22:23 LemonLake make this happen 22:23 LemonLake put that image on the homepage. 22:24 Jordach forum announcements (i can do that) 22:24 LemonLake okay 22:24 LemonLake put it there 22:24 LemonLake tx 22:24 Jordach 1) i'm going to get shit thrown at me 22:25 EvergreenTree PenguinDad: You and I have similar tastes in music 22:25 EvergreenTree :3 22:25 Jordach http://i.imgur.com/Z6KJvf5.png 22:25 Jordach sfan5, http://imgur.com/gallery/FTqrhbc 22:25 zorak yep, i come from reddit 22:26 Jordach (sorry about offending anyone) 22:26 Jordach ((i am a moderator and should know better) 22:26 Jordach +) 22:26 zorak lol 22:26 zorak im not offended 22:28 celeron55 lol, that image looks funny on the front page 22:28 celeron55 maybe this isn't very professional 22:29 LemonLake you actually did it 22:29 LemonLake im so happy 22:29 celeron55 oops that image is like 400KB in size 22:29 celeron55 i 22:29 celeron55 i'll take it out 22:36 PenguinDad EvergreenTree: https://soundcloud.com/housemusic/secoya-run-codeko-remix https://soundcloud.com/rootkitmusic/savant-survive-rootkit-remix 22:37 Jordach PenguinDad, needs more Basement Jaxx 22:37 Jordach and Duke Dumont 22:43 Jordach >your spotify account is being used elsewhere, so playback is paused 22:43 Jordach yeah right, airplane mode ftwe 22:43 Jordach -e 22:44 EvergreenTree Well, I suppose it's a good thing minetest is getting traffic 22:44 EvergreenTree or a bad thing 22:44 Jordach there's the million dollar question 22:52 PenguinDad I found a way to shrink players :) 23:01 emerge share :) 23:02 PenguinDad Honey, I Shrunk Sam: https://cdn.mediacru.sh/mhO3ZWeSpBzJ.png 23:02 duke Can you squish them under your feet? 23:02 emerge Can he walk in 1x1 hole? 23:03 PenguinDad emerge: he's only shrunk while in the cart 23:04 emerge so, can he ride in a 1x1 hole? 23:04 PenguinDad even without being shrunk he can 23:04 emerge ok 23:09 PenguinDad emerge: like here https://mediacru.sh/ArOo6oWSVMsK 23:11 emerge :) 23:31 PenguinDad Good night everyone! 23:31 LemonLake gnight 23:32 Jordach https://cdn.mediacru.sh/Ew7fAFqXTAKn.png ;P 23:32 LemonLake u wot mate 23:32 Jordach LemonLake, giving the UIs a bit of skin 23:32 Jordach or well, metal 23:32 LemonLake yeah 23:32 Jordach they look nicer to look at 23:32 Jordach #BFD 23:33 LemonLake a bit too hd but this is bfd we're talking about 23:33 Jordach (hashtag) 23:33 LemonLake file size is just like 'fuck you' 23:33 Jordach and yet nobody realised B mean BIG 23:33 LemonLake um 23:33 LemonLake i knew it from the start 23:33 LemonLake what else would it be? 23:34 Jordach a game that isnt MTG based 23:34 LemonLake not following 23:34 Jordach a Minecraft Modpack is a bunch of mods that work with each other creating a finished and well made feel 23:34 Jordach current minetest subgames do not - my own game tried making headway into that middle ground 23:34 Jordach a game shouldn't need anything else installed 23:35 Jordach *by the user 23:35 LemonLake yes yes 23:35 LemonLake but why does nobody thing the b means big 23:37 Jordach https://cdn.mediacru.sh/ux1YQ1AE5jKM.png :) instant desk