Time Nick Message 00:04 VanessaE hi 00:05 us{0gb Hello! 00:14 Evergreen Hello 00:16 kaeza Hell 00:18 us{0gb Do I REALLY have to enable JavaScript to issue a pull request? That's so lame. 00:27 Peacock ogb just you wait til the javascript API is finished :P 00:28 VanessaE there's nothing fundamentally wrong with using javascript 00:28 VanessaE I complain when people put download links behind javascript or flash 00:28 Peacock though it's intended use seems to have changed over the years :P 00:28 VanessaE but stuff like github really benefits from it. 00:29 Peacock ah well, you can't be choosy with FREE hosts lol 00:29 Peacock though maybe the wiki or whatever mod tutorial people use should include list of suggested (ie less annoying) hosts 00:30 us{0gb VanessaE: SOme of us don't use it though. Rule zero of web design is to degrade gracefully. A web page should function if possible without JavaScript, and should definitely function without images and CSS. 00:30 VanessaE that much I agree with 00:30 us{0gb Also, it USED to work without JavaScript, they modified it in a bad way. 00:31 us{0gb THey broke it. 00:31 VanessaE but I don't think github could gracefully degrade in that particular case 00:31 Peacock yeah technology should regress to early 1990's levels :P 00:31 VanessaE but every browser, even Lynx, has javascript now. there's no reason to avoid it. 00:32 VanessaE (except for people who are just stupid with their use of it) 00:32 VanessaE (see the aforementioned downloads-behind-javascript-elements comment) 00:33 us{0gb GitHub USED to function without JavaScript though, meaning it CAN be done. It is not impossible. 00:34 Peacock so start your own lol 00:34 Evergreen Javascript is fine as long as you don't make the entire website out of it 00:34 Peacock or use gittorious 00:34 us{0gb Also, some of us find JavaScript to be annoying. Google, for example, is SO much better with it disabled. 00:34 Peacock some is a minority lol 00:34 Evergreen Like VanessaE said, the website should function without javascript 00:34 Evergreen heck, with html5, who needs flash 00:35 Peacock and companies design free things for mass appeal, and keep the special features for paying customers 00:35 us{0gb Minetest has chosen GitHub though, if I go with Gitorius, I'm being a pain to other Minetest people. Plus, this is a pull to Minetest itself, so I'm stuck with this lousy system. 00:36 kaeza us{0gb, you could push to gitorious and post a link on #dev 00:36 Peacock so your choices are being a pain to minetest, or being a pain to github? :P 00:36 VanessaE kaeza: good way to get his patch ignored :P 00:37 kaeza aye 00:37 kaeza :P 00:37 us{0gb Yeah, for sure. THis patch may be only two lines, but I really want it pulled. 00:37 Peacock i'd say deal with and get an addon/plugin that lets you whitelist specific sites for JS 00:37 us{0gb Peacock: I CAN whitelist site, I just find it annoying to have to. 00:38 us{0gb *sites 00:38 Evergreen Just whitelist github, shouldn't be too difficult. :P 00:38 Peacock well unless you're paying to use github, it's not a huge inconvenience to *click* whitelist lol 00:38 Peacock i can go to the bathroom, i just find it annoying to have to :P 00:38 us{0gb ANd when I do whitelist them, they tend to throw annoying scripts at me. GitHub is no exception to this, some of their scripts are a pain. 00:39 Peacock then dont use it lol vote with your feet 00:39 VanessaE us{0gb: if some of their js doesn't work well, send them an email - they are very quick to respond to problem reports 00:39 us{0gb As long as Minetest is using GitHub, voting with my feet involves voting against Minetest. 00:40 us{0gb I'll do that. But it's not some, it's most. 00:40 Peacock well i can't believe whining about it is less effort than just whitelisting github lol 00:40 us{0gb It's less effort than dealing with GitHub's scripts after having whitelisted them. 00:41 us{0gb It's not the whitelisting itself that is a pain. 00:41 VanessaE I don't get it, I never have a problem with github's scripts 00:42 VanessaE what's wrong ecactly? 00:42 VanessaE exactly* 00:42 kaeza inb4, firefox uses 10000% CPU time 00:42 Peacock sexual frustration translated to JS hate :P 00:43 us{0gb For example, when you are comparing branches, and you want to switch both the head and the base, You have to unlock the dropdowns, JavaScript only lets you flip one, then locks it, and you have to unlock it again. 00:43 us{0gb Peacock: We asexual don't have sexual frustration. 00:43 VanessaE ok so report that issue to them and I'm sure they'll fix it 00:44 us{0gb I'll report it, but all of it, not just that. The whole site used to function just fine without scripts. 00:44 VanessaE of course. 00:44 VanessaE but be specific - itemize the issues 00:44 VanessaE give them the option to keep their scripts 00:45 us{0gb THe issue is that the site won't work without scripts. THe issue is singular. 00:45 VanessaE mmm 00:45 us{0gb Keeping them is one thing, they've always had them. But they used to not be shoved down the users' throat. 00:46 us{0gb We used to have the choice. 00:46 Peacock what odd fixations people develop lol 00:47 us{0gb It's not a fixation to not want to be pestered all the time. 00:47 us{0gb I used to be able to avoid this bother, now it's being forced on me. 00:47 Peacock it is a fixation, i find GH complicated therefore i don't use it, which is better than using it and complaining at the same time lol 00:48 us{0gb And that makes it harder for others using Minetest/your code. 00:48 us{0gb And this is the first time I've run across this, I'm not "complaining about it all the time". 00:49 us{0gb Oops, misread. My dyslexia again. 00:49 Peacock no but i can assume if you keep using GH ittl keep bothering you lol 00:49 us{0gb If I didn't have to use it, I wouldn't have anything to complain about. 00:49 Peacock as for making things harder for others, i wouldn't force myself to use any site i don't want to just to please others/make their lives easier 00:49 us{0gb It will keep bothering me, but I don't have a choice if I want to fix Minetest. 00:50 us{0gb So ... I either be bothered, or I fail to fix bugs. 00:50 us{0gb Failing to fix bugs that I have the ability to fix is a bad option. 00:50 Peacock well you've already written more lines about it than the actual pull :P 00:51 us{0gb THat's because I'm having to defend myself from you. 00:55 Peacock thats only because all the options seem simple to me lol 00:56 us{0gb That's because you haven't thought it through as well. The options are to not use the service, which means not submitting bug patches, or using the service anyway, and being annoyed. The options are indeed simple, and I've made the only logical choice. 00:58 Peacock well JS doesn't annoy me, adblock takes care of the most annoying aspects of most webpages, as well as flashblock 00:58 us{0gb Ads don't bother me, so I doubt adblock would block what I want it to. 01:00 us{0gb A sort of have Flash double blocked, though not intentionally. NoScript, which I use for JavaScript blockin, also blocks Flash. Then Gnash, which I use to play Flash, asks permission before playing it. None of this auto-start stuff. 01:00 us{0gb *blocking 01:00 VanessaE I used to use noscript, I just got tired of having to white-list every other website out there 01:00 VanessaE adblockplus, however, is a must 01:01 us{0gb Does it block anything but ads? 01:01 VanessaE not really but I think it can be used for that also 01:02 us{0gb Hmm. Well, the ads don't bother me. Well, one or two do. Mostly, it's all the stuff BETWEEN the ads that gets to me. 01:04 dante123 !up minetest.info.tm 01:04 MinetestBot minetest.info.tm:30000 seems to be down 01:06 dante123 hi all, anyone know how to put an invisible rectangular wall so that users have to build within smaller area? 01:07 us{0gb dante123: I built that about two days ago. 01:08 us{0gb Or something similar, anyway. I made it with you in mind, and can make the necessary modifications. 01:10 dante123 super, how can i get my hands on it 01:10 us{0gb I've got to look it over one last time, upload it, modify it, then upload it again. If you wait here, I can post a link. 01:11 dante123 okay thanks a million, finally got my server up.....this will be just a world that i can install right? 01:11 us{0gb What range are you wanting? 01:12 us{0gb THis will be a plugin that you install before starting a new world. 01:12 dante123 okay 01:13 us{0gb What range are you wanting open to work in? 01:13 dante123 well what do you think is manageable.....basically we want to be able to make the seven continents but don't want them to be huge for starters 01:13 dante123 and the oceans\ 01:13 us{0gb I have no idea. I've never tried to do that. 01:13 dante123 what is the standard world size? 01:14 dante123 i thought someone suggested 500 by something 01:14 us{0gb Bigger than -30000 to 30000. 01:14 us{0gb THat's the standard, but not workable for what you need. 01:14 dante123 rectangular like a 300 x 500 or does that too small 01:15 us{0gb THis isn't built for unmatched dimensions. If you need that, I need a little more time. 01:15 dante123 the students don't really need huge areas to work in, i would prefer that they can say walk from north america to south america without taking a real long time.....but long enough to get a sense of distance 01:15 dante123 you mean it is easier for you to make 500 x 500 01:16 dante123 square can be fine too 01:16 us{0gb Yeah. But I can change that, it'll just take a bit. 01:16 dante123 no problems....i appreciate your efforts and im sure my students will too 01:16 dante123 they ask me about it everyday 01:16 us{0gb No problem, I'm happy to help. 01:20 NakedFury it great that minetest can be used for educational purposes 01:20 us{0gb Yeah, who would have thought that? 01:22 NakedFury I am planning of using it to make a virtual model of my current project from design class 01:23 NakedFury the problem is each node is 1 meter in size and I am using feets and inches which will change a little how it looks 01:30 us{0gb dante123: Do you want any walls above and below? 01:30 us{0gb I guess that would be a ceiling and floor. 01:38 NakedFury wont a ceiling affect the shadows? 01:39 us{0gb No. I use a ceiling on the regular one with no issue. The trick is to use sunlight_propagates. 01:40 us{0gb I ended up having to do that with my clouds too to prevent shadows, even though I wanted them to block sunlight when on the ground. 01:43 dante123 sorry, back now\ 01:44 us{0gb No worries. Almost done. 01:44 dante123 i think just side walls is fine.....although i can see some kids trying to fly out of the 'box' but maybe that is a good thing?? 01:44 dante123 i can give you my email in private pm if you prefer...and you send it to me 01:44 us{0gb The walls go up forever, they cannot escape. 01:44 dante123 ok, brb 01:44 us{0gb If that would be easier for you, that's fine. 01:46 us{0gb OOPS. Forgot to add a license. 01:47 NakedFury this is a nice project for limiting servers map sizes 01:47 NakedFury increase player interaction by limiting size 01:47 NakedFury can be used for versus type modes too 01:48 NakedFury rubenwardy was working on capture the flag 01:48 us{0gb Nice. Once Settings() hits stable, there will be an option to choose a size. 01:49 us{0gb Although it's cubic, you only specify positive and negative. 01:49 dante123 i pm you my email address 01:50 NakedFury let us know how the project goes at school 01:52 us{0gb Okay, uploaded, emailing .... 01:54 us{0gb And for anyone else who wants it: https://github.com/0gb-us/Minetest-edge-plugin/tree/master 02:00 dante123 what do i do to make this work then, where do i put it??? 02:01 us{0gb You said you are on GNU/Linux? 02:02 dante123 yes 02:02 us{0gb If so, add the directory named "edge" to the ~/.minetest/mods directory. 02:02 VanessaE dante123: remember, you need to add an automatic teleport of players that get too far from your map's centerpoint 02:02 dante123 ubuntu 13.10 02:02 dante123 how do I do that? 02:02 dante123 vanessaE 02:02 VanessaE the walls should be there to discourage straying too far, but teleporting needs to be there to hard-enforce it. 02:02 VanessaE you'd have to code it, but it should be easy 02:02 dante123 not for me 02:03 us{0gb After that, open the Minetest client to configure which "mods" to install. Choose "edge". 02:03 us{0gb VanessaE: What about not granting noclip instead? 02:03 dante123 email hasnt arrived yet 02:03 VanessaE us{0gb: hacked clients. 02:03 VanessaE but noclip would work for the most part. 02:04 VanessaE or rather, revoking noclip 02:04 dante123 what is no clip and could I do that for now.....so we can get started soon 02:04 VanessaE dante123: clipping keeps people from passing through walls 02:04 us{0gb All I can think to do with teleporting is use on_step(), but it would be very messy. 02:04 VanessaE noclip allows it, and is a default priv 02:04 us{0gb It's default? Since when? 02:05 VanessaE or maybe it isn't? 02:05 VanessaE been a while :P 02:05 dante123 us{0gb did you send it to my email 02:05 us{0gb I hope not. 02:05 * us{0gb goes to check 02:05 VanessaE either way make sure your players don't have the noclip priv and they probably won't be able to pass through the wall. 02:05 us{0gb dante123: I did. 02:05 dante123 okay hasnt arrived yet, i'll wait\ 02:07 us{0gb dante123: Oops, my chat client picked up extra garbage ("mailto:") when I copied it. It'll never arrive. I'll send it to the correct address this time. 02:07 dante123 ok thanks 02:07 VanessaE us{0gb: an ABM that triggers on your wall node would also work. 02:08 VanessaE trigger -> get player list -> if any player coords are out of bounds, teleport that player backwards by like 30m or so. 02:08 VanessaE (whatever your abm interval is, times 15 or 20) 02:09 VanessaE no, strike that 02:09 VanessaE that would happen for every single wall node. nevermind :{ 02:09 VanessaE :P 02:09 us{0gb My interval is one, to reseal the wall after cavegen rips it to shreds. It needs to be repaired quickly. 02:09 us{0gb It requires air neighbors though. 02:10 us{0gb We really need a better way to thwart cavegen. 02:10 VanessaE I had to work around *that* in moretrees by spawning only saplings at mapgen time :-/ 02:11 VanessaE cavegen plus that weird mapblock boundary bug kept tearing my trees up too :( 02:11 us{0gb I've seen that issue in the default trees. 02:12 VanessaE my solution was to spawn saplings at mapgen time, and grow them starting about 10s later, via an abm 02:12 dante123 do i place the folder "edge" inside of the mods folder, or into a folder I made called "edge" 02:12 VanessaE dante123: into mods. 02:12 dante123 then i add the mod, then i create a map with it enabled? 02:13 VanessaE place it in mods, create an appropriate world, "Configure" the world to enable the mod, then go play 02:13 us{0gb Create a map, then open the map's settings in the client. 02:13 us{0gb WHat VanessaE said. 02:13 VanessaE :) 02:14 dante123 okay so i hit install mods, then I see edge, then it asks me for mod file.....so what do I click on now, init.lua??? 02:14 VanessaE O.o 02:14 dante123 oh, use configure instead of mod tab\ 02:14 us{0gb It shouldn't ask for an install file ... 02:14 VanessaE no, just copy the mod folder to minetest/mods using your file manager 02:15 us{0gb Yeah, use "configure". 02:15 VanessaE the in-game mod store is not complete. 02:15 dante123 does it matter that I already have a world made, can i just enable the mod with an existing flat world? 02:15 VanessaE use that if you want, 02:15 VanessaE as long as you enable the mod via the "Configure" button 02:16 us{0gb You can enable it in the old world, but it will be unpredictable. 02:16 dante123 yes i did, now how do i test the invisible wall....just keep going in one direction until it stops me 02:16 * VanessaE shuts up now before she confuses people further :P 02:16 us{0gb VanessaE: THis one has on_mapgen() properties. 02:16 us{0gb dante123: Yeah, go out until you hit the wall. 02:17 dante123 ok seem to have hit one 02:18 us{0gb Okay, good. 02:18 us{0gb If you found one wall, you can fallow it around the border to regenerate the rest of the wall. 02:18 dante123 thats what im doing thanks\ 02:19 us{0gb However, any spot that was already generated will show visivle land where it should not. 02:19 us{0gb *visible 02:19 dante123 its not perfectly square, the walls that is...i will test with a new world 02:20 us{0gb I thought you wanted a 300*500 world. 02:20 us{0gb So that's all it will generate. 02:20 us{0gb I can fix that if you want other dimensions. 02:21 dante123 thats fine, what i mean is that its not perfect rectangle or square, but applied to an old world, trying with new 02:24 dante123 i seem to be able to go around the walls and then new land appears..... 02:24 dante123 can vanessaE test 02:24 dante123 too 02:25 VanessaE what was the address again? 02:25 dante123 minetest.info.tm 02:25 VanessaE in. 02:25 VanessaE wait.. 02:25 VanessaE no, that didn't work 02:26 VanessaE but it worked a moment a.....an there we are 02:26 dante123 i see you, come over here\ 02:27 us{0gb Poet 30000? 02:27 VanessaE kinda laggy 02:27 dante123 my kids are on computers too...gaming....during the day it should be ok 02:28 * VanessaE knocks on an invisible map-won't-load wall 02:28 VanessaE (not us{0gb's wall) 02:28 us{0gb My wall looks like a lag wall. Are you sure it isn't mine? 02:28 VanessaE actually it might be 02:29 VanessaE it's like the map just doesn't generate past a certain point. 02:29 VanessaE I didn't know that was possible. 02:29 us{0gb It's all invisible nodes. 02:29 VanessaE ahhhh 02:29 VanessaE you faked it :P 02:29 dante123 i can run along the edge, but sometimes i can break past the apparent edge later on 02:30 us{0gb In the main version, they are visible, but dante123 specifically requested invisible. 02:30 dante123 well visible could be fine too 02:30 dante123 i guess\ 02:30 us{0gb dante123: You might be hitting actual lag walls sometimes. 02:31 dante123 follow me vanessa 02:34 us{0gb THe main one also uses red correction nodes to fill in where cavegen damages. That might be a bad idea though. 02:35 VanessaE well it seems to work :P 02:35 dante123 ok so thos are lag walls, not real walls, but the real walls are working right? 02:35 us{0gb Right. 02:35 bas080 We need .we database that interprets we and makes web browsable 3d model. That way people can make lands without having to build everything themselves. 02:35 VanessaE bas080: +1 02:37 bas080 So who's gonna do it for me? 02:37 VanessaE not me :) 02:37 us{0gb Maybe not .we though. The engine uses it's own new format for that sort of thing now. Once it hits stable, WorldEdit should be updated to use it as well, by calling the built-in functions. 02:37 bas080 :( 02:37 dante123 thanks for help guys will report back after kids get going with it 02:37 us{0gb Alright, great. Good luck! 02:38 bas080 good to know us[0gb 02:38 VanessaE I've been delegating codemonke....er... getting help from others... with my mods lately :) 02:38 bas080 VanessaE, good, you have thought/brought me in contact with tools i still use today 02:39 bas080 imagemagick 02:39 dante123 how do i teleport to the middle of the this rectangular area so i CAN build a tower for reference 02:39 us{0gb Hmm. That reminds me ... I need to have another look at what you've got. I might be able to cheat a bit on my game by borrowing some of your plugins. 02:39 VanessaE go for it 02:39 us{0gb dante123: "/teleport 0,0,0" 02:39 VanessaE bas080: any news with bees mod? 02:40 * VanessaE misses the active swarms :( 02:40 us{0gb It's almost the center. THere's no real center in a 300*500 rectangle. 02:40 bas080 VanessaE, no... i've been lazy 02:40 VanessaE oh ok\ 02:42 bas080 I'm kind of thinking about this and that. I want to do something big but not sure what exactly. Hard to choose. 02:42 us{0gb I'm stea .. I mean, borrowing PilzAdam's player_textures as well. 02:43 us{0gb Not sure what else I need yet ... 02:48 dante123 okay, i have the dev version of 0.4.7 and I notice i have a minetest and minetestserver file in the bin folder......whats the difference between using them? is one better than another? 02:49 VanessaE the latter is the standalone server 02:49 VanessaE the former is the client-server combo 02:49 dante123 SO BETTER PERFORMANCE 02:49 dante123 oops sorry caps lock 02:49 VanessaE use the former for connecting to other peoples' servers or running a temporary server 02:49 VanessaE use the latter for running a permanent server 02:50 VanessaE not really better performance, no 02:50 VanessaE about the same since they are the same codebase 02:50 dante123 how do you make it so that it loads the map you want, when i clicked it before it seemed to be workin in the background 02:50 us{0gb And now that the client crash bugs are gone ... 02:50 VanessaE the combo one, usually just called the client, simply has an internal copy of the minetestserver program that it calls upon when you launch a temporary server with the GUI 02:50 VanessaE us{0gb: they aren't. 02:51 VanessaE dante123: the server util is strictly command-line. 02:51 VanessaE you have to pass options to it to set the game ID, world, debug path, etc. 02:51 us{0gb Well, at least they don't show up often any more. 02:53 VanessaE dante123: for example, in a terminal you might do: minetestserver --worldname Survival_World --config /home/minetest/.minetest/minetest-server-survival.conf --gameid vanessae_game --port 30001 --disable-unittests --logfile '/home/minetest/.minetest/debug-survival.txt' 02:53 VanessaE that's how my survival server is started 02:53 VanessaE us{0gb: the two worst are the inventory crash and the chat crash 02:54 VanessaE I get bit by one or the other (or both) every time I play. 02:54 dante123 i took the inventory item that i though was a sign, i want to put north, south, east, west on middle tower 02:54 dante123 doesnt seem to let me, do i have the wrong inventoryu item\ 02:54 us{0gb I'm unaware of the inventory crash, and wasn't the chat crash fixed? It used to plague me, now it doesn't. 02:55 dante123 how to do write on signs 02:55 VanessaE right click the sign 02:55 us{0gb Put it in the top row of your inventory, and use the keys 1-8 to select it. 02:55 VanessaE us{0gb: or roll your mouse wheel instead of 1-8 02:56 * us{0gb wonders if he can set his controller to emulate the mouse wheel 02:57 VanessaE what do you use? 03:00 us{0gb I use a random USB game controller that I picked up. I haven't tried it with Minetest yet (I was still considering how to do item selection with limited buttons), nor have I tried it with my new operating system yet. 03:00 VanessaE ah 03:00 us{0gb Inventory selection on a controller might be an issue as well. 03:27 Inocudom It looks like RealBadAngel's pull request concerning retexturable sun/moon was not merged yet. 03:28 VanessaE nope 03:28 VanessaE but it works nice nonetheless 03:28 Inocudom Why would they not merge it? 03:28 VanessaE laziness? 03:28 VanessaE stubbornness? 03:28 VanessaE idk :( 03:29 Inocudom There is some pixel art of mine that needs to be protected. Same area as before. 03:30 Inocudom Or rather, near my other pixel art. 03:30 VanessaE sure 03:32 VanessaE brb 03:46 VanessaE oops, crashes the server. 03:46 VanessaE ShadowNinja: improper sanitizing of /area_pos2 coords. 03:46 VanessaE (accidentally had a period where a comma shoulda been) 03:47 Inocudom It looks like you made a ring of yellow wool to show the area, which is very helpful. 03:52 VanessaE ok, done. 03:52 VanessaE yeah but you an delete it if you want 03:53 VanessaE I combine the areas into one big one and a little one to cover the tower, and gave you some extra space to east 03:54 Inocudom Thank you. 03:59 VanessaE combined* 04:08 stormchaser3000 hi 04:11 VanessaE hi 04:16 stormchaser3000 lol 04:17 stormchaser3000 sorry needd to set ice chat to treat every message as ping 06:09 VanessaE bbl 06:43 nore VanessaE, are you there? 08:01 jorge_ hello? 08:02 jorge_ i have a question? 08:02 jorge_ What are the minimum requirements to play minetest? 08:03 jorge_ my pc is a VIA Processor 1.8 Ghz, 256 MB of Shared memory of video by VIA (mainboard), 2 GB of RAM and my system is linux, Slackware 14 x86 08:06 kaeza hi 08:07 kaeza there are currently no agreed "minimum" requirements 08:08 kaeza just try it 08:08 jorge_ ok ok, thanks 08:08 jorge_ im compiling the source :P 08:08 kaeza by the looks of it, it may run just fine on your PC 08:10 jorge_ I hope, had wanted to play minecraft but had not been able, for my limited resources: P 09:49 JamesTait Good morning all; happy Internet Day! :-D 10:01 sfan5 hi everyone 10:03 JamesTait sfan5, o/ 10:07 nore hi sfan5 10:22 kaeza mornings 10:30 nore kaeza, do you know at what hour approximately Calinou joins? 10:31 kaeza nore, should be around this time actually 10:32 nore I need him to merge a pull request for moreores... (mg support, I have will remove it from mg and put it in moreores) 10:33 Evergreen good morning 10:33 nore hi 10:53 * sfan5 just made a shadow algorithm: http://i.imgur.com/nBQC1oo.png (took 4.298682 seconds to render) 10:59 Evergreen sfan5, cool 11:00 Calinou 100% useful 11:00 Evergreen I can think of a way you could do that, may be different from how you did it 11:01 sfan5 Evergreen: just take a look at my code: http://pastie.org/8439741 11:02 Evergreen I was thinking have the starting point, point +15 degrees from the original angle, and draw a line until touching something, the change the angle by -1 degrees and repeat 11:02 sfan5 that is what I do (almost) 11:02 Evergreen That is just the more human readable interpretation of it. :P 11:03 Evergreen Does this use any libraries? 11:03 sfan5 pygame 11:03 sfan5 its not the whole code though 11:04 sfan5 I'm currently trying to fix hanging on floating points calculations 11:12 sfan5 Evergreen: http://sfan5.duckdns.org/upload/userdata/1/lightning-algo.tar.gz 11:12 sfan5 you can play around with that 11:12 Evergreen Thanks 11:14 markveidemanis hi 11:15 jojoa1997 Anyone seen pet cemetery by syteven king? 11:15 jojoa1997 Steven 11:16 sfan5 lol.. http://i.imgur.com/8dZU9yM.png 11:18 jojoa1997 Sfan5 could this be ported to android. I want to try it 11:20 Evergreen sfan5, What are those strange artifacts around some of the walls 11:28 Evergreen sfan5, Error: 11:29 Evergreen ./test.py: line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `('./test.py: line 4: `def floatrange(a, b, s):' 11:29 sfan5 not possible.. 11:29 sfan5 are you using windows? 11:29 Evergreen nope 11:29 sfan5 python version? 11:30 Evergreen 2.7.3 11:30 sfan5 I have 2.7.5+ 11:31 sfan5 try replacing tabs with spaces 11:35 Evergreen Nope, still didn't work, same error message 11:36 sfan5 hm 11:36 sfan5 try python 3 11:37 sfan5 yay, my AVR ATtiny13 arrived 11:38 sfan5 Evergreen: http://sfan5.duckdns.org/upload/userdata/1/test.pyc try that 11:38 sfan5 obviously you can't play around with the values in that... 11:40 Evergreen meh, never mind 11:40 Evergreen Not really worth the trouble 11:48 markveidemanis http://sfan5.duckdns.org/upload/userdata/1/MinetestLoader.apk ?? 11:48 sfan5 markveidemanis: hm? 11:49 markveidemanis What is it? 11:49 markveidemanis Also whats the Simple UploadService 11:49 markveidemanis I want the same thing :) 11:50 markveidemanis could i have the source? 11:50 markveidemanis could you upload it to itself? 11:51 sfan5 eh, maybe 11:51 sfan5 but if you just want it really simple you could google "file uploading php" 11:52 sfan5 oh.. MinetestLoader is an application that can load minetest from the sdcard 11:52 sfan5 (loading works, but minetest crashes shortly after) 11:53 markveidemanis Hmm? 11:53 sfan5 its useless without doing https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=115098#p115098 11:56 markveidemanis sfan5, could you upload it plz? 11:56 markveidemanis btw, where is it run? 11:56 sfan5 on my server? 11:57 sfan5 no, I won't give out the source just yet 11:57 markveidemanis :( 11:57 markveidemanis But it's beautiful! 11:57 sfan5 it's easy to use bootstrap framework to do things 11:59 markveidemanis could you give me an alternative then? or can it be a wordpress addon... 12:00 markveidemanis What's your quota? 12:00 sfan5 quota? none ATM 12:01 sfan5 !g file uploading addon wordpress 12:01 MinetestBot sfan5: http://wordpress.org/plugins/nmedia-user-file-uploader/ 12:01 sfan5 ^ maybe that one.. 12:01 markveidemanis how can it be none? 12:02 sfan5 s/none/unlimited& 12:02 markveidemanis !g php file sharing 12:02 markveidemanis :( 12:02 sfan5 I have enough space left (this does not mean you should flood it) 12:02 sfan5 !unignore markveidemanis 12:02 MinetestBot sfan5: 'markveidemanis' removed from ignore list. 12:03 markveidemanis !g php file sharing 12:03 markveidemanis Thanks 12:03 MinetestBot markveidemanis: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpfilesadmin/ 12:04 markveidemanis i couldnt flood it 12:04 markveidemanis not with a 50hb/sec connection 12:04 markveidemanis kb 12:08 markveidemanis http://f.marktest.co.uk 12:09 markveidemanis This is not english... 12:09 markveidemanis and anyone can delete files 12:16 markveidemanis please, sfan5... 12:16 markveidemanis its simplest 12:18 IceCraft hi 12:23 markveidemanis HI 12:30 sfan5 markveidemanis: maybe... 12:30 markveidemanis how about you DCC me it? 12:31 sfan5 wait 12:36 gorilla Hello All. 12:37 kaeza sup 12:38 gorilla kaeza, just thought to drop in for the first time. 12:39 kaeza welcome to the awesomest channel in the internet, I guess :P 12:39 kaeza (also the most boring at this time of the day) 12:40 gorilla kaeza, Heh first time I have heard that claim so it must be true :-P 12:41 Evergreen ^ It is true 12:42 gorilla Evergreen: ...and the most modest. 12:42 Evergreen plol 12:42 Evergreen I take it you know kaeza from somewhere? 12:42 gorilla Evergreen: only from the forum. :-) 12:55 markveidemanis Hi 12:55 markveidemanis AM i on? I think the internet's stable agaib 12:55 markveidemanis *again 12:55 gorilla markveidemanis: hi 12:55 gorilla I may not know you but better than silence. :-) 12:56 kaeza heh 12:57 Evergreen This place is like a graveyard during weekdays in the afternoon/morning 12:57 gorilla Evergreen: that's fitting considering it's almost midnight over here. 12:59 kaeza 11:00 AM here 13:00 * kaeza watches as a dustball passes by 13:02 gorilla heh. pity minetest can't do tornados. 13:15 gorilla Anyway, I should call it a day. Mine carefully, everyone. 14:22 markveidemanis hi 14:23 markveidemanis need a server to go on 14:23 markveidemanis To mess with mesecons 14:28 stormchaser3000 hi 14:28 stormchaser3000 you do 14:28 stormchaser3000 well wich server are you on 14:32 harrison Lt. Eigenvector! Order all hands on deck! On my signal, fire the cannons at the schrodingercat! 14:32 harrison Aim for its superposer! 14:32 harrison Captain! The black box! It's opening! 14:32 harrison FIRE! 14:33 stormchaser3000 wtf 14:34 NekoGloop It's not like this channel is ever on-topic anyway 14:35 harrison you are supposed to riff along 14:35 harrison don't you understand irc? 14:35 stormchaser3000 lol 14:35 stormchaser3000 not all of ht etime 14:43 rubenwardy Hi bitches 14:45 markveidemanis Hi Bitch 14:45 markveidemanis im Bitch #88789387 14:49 harrison FIRE! 14:57 kaeza sup rubenwardy 14:57 rubenwardy Hi ya 14:57 rubenwardy responded to thy pm on forum 14:58 rubenwardy or thou 15:01 nore rubenwardy, I thought no-one used that word now... ("thou") 15:02 rubenwardy thou art mistaken! 15:03 nore well, the only places I read that word in was in Shakespeare plays and in the Lord of The Rings... 15:03 nore and I never heard anyone say it 15:04 nore but there's a first time for everything... ;) 15:07 rubenwardy It's old english 15:07 rubenwardy No one uses it 15:08 nore yeah, I know... 15:08 nore but why did you use it, then? 15:09 nore (or should I say: why dost thou use it?) 15:10 rubenwardy Comic effec 15:10 rubenwardy t 15:10 nore ok... 15:11 nore gtg, bbl 15:11 VanessaE hi 15:15 rubenwardy HI! 15:17 VanessaE what's news? :) 15:19 rubenwardy Rabbit tastes like chicken 15:19 VanessaE heh 15:23 rubenwardy Skinned it myself 15:23 rubenwardy Made into a stew 15:24 VanessaE rabbit stew? who are you, Wile E. Coyote? :) 15:26 rubenwardy https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7560 15:26 VanessaE wtf? 15:27 VanessaE "minetest pocket edition"..... with HDX textures?? 15:27 VanessaE impossible. 15:27 harrison Schroedinger Chicken 15:27 harrison 1 chicken 15:27 harrison 3/2 spin garlic 15:27 harrison 1 large potato 15:27 harrison Weaksauce 15:27 harrison Place chicken in blackbox and isolate from universe at 420 degrees Kelvin. 15:27 harrison After 1 hour, open and collapse the superposed crust with the tines of a radiofork. 15:27 harrison Discard the potato. Weaksauce to taste. 15:42 markveidemanis Hi 15:52 VanessaE hi 15:52 VanessaE rubenwardy: so, is it a scam or is it legit? 15:52 rubenwardy no idea 15:52 rubenwardy I am not paying to find out 15:52 VanessaE me neither, 15:52 VanessaE plus my low-end tablet probably couldn't handle it even if it were legit :) 15:53 Exio4 there is a small problem.. 15:54 VanessaE ? 15:54 Exio4 where is the source code? 15:54 VanessaE indeed. 15:54 * Exio4 logins 15:54 Evergreen Hello 15:55 VanessaE I see no way to flag the post as inappropriate? 15:55 VanessaE or flag for review 15:55 VanessaE (and I am logged in) 15:56 Exio4 i can "report" it 15:57 Exio4 would you like me to do it? 15:57 VanessaE I'm not sure what to do :-/ 15:57 Exio4 reported, look around now? :P 15:58 VanessaE also, did you notice? 15:58 VanessaE the icons in the hotbar are upside down 15:58 VanessaE well the cubes are 15:58 rubenwardy Must he legally give code? 15:58 VanessaE rubenwardy: absolutely yes 15:58 VanessaE no source == no distribution, period. 15:58 rubenwardy under LGPL? 15:59 VanessaE LGPL 3+ I think 15:59 rubenwardy binery is distribution 15:59 VanessaE exaclty 15:59 VanessaE releasing a binary == distribution, illegal under any GPL variant if source isn't provided or linked to 16:00 Evergreen Hey PilzAdam 16:00 PilzAdam Hello everyone! 16:01 nore hi PilzAdam 16:01 VanessaE hey adam 16:01 PilzAdam oO someone actually typing "Adam" isntead of "Pilz" 16:02 TheLastProject Hi lzAd 16:02 Exio4 yeah, it is LGPL 16:02 Exio4 you are able to link it to closed source apps as long the code remains free 16:02 Exio4 lol 16:02 Exio4 17.56 ARS 16:02 Exio4 he is mad 16:02 nore PilzAdam, I type Pi (way faster) 16:03 rubenwardy PilzAdam, 16:03 rubenwardy wow! 16:03 VanessaE anyone feel like plunking down a few bucks to see if it's legit? :) 16:04 VanessaE ($2.99 US, for me) 16:04 TheLastProject Sounds like a stupid idea 16:04 TheLastProject Either you support someone breaking the license, or you buy a scam 16:04 TheLastProject You're going to be sad either way 16:06 Exio4 i won't give him a free coca cola or pepsi :3 16:06 Exio4 anyone with some spare 20 ARS? 16:06 Exio4 for buying it and then giving us the .apk! 16:06 Exio4 piracy! 16:07 VanessaE heh 16:08 rubenwardy ars? 16:10 VanessaE Argentine Peso 16:10 VanessaE ~5.89 ars == 1 usd 16:12 VanessaE bas080: 12:11:55: ERROR[main]: ERROR: An unhandled exception occurred: ServerError: LuaError: error: ...netest/.minetest/games/vanessae_game/mods/vines/init.lua:104: attempt to call method 'get_wielded_item' (a nil value) 16:32 proller VanessaE, i have fresh new idea! step-by-step growing trees 16:32 VanessaE oh no.. huh uh. 16:32 proller or its already done? 16:32 VanessaE that would be... hard to do. 16:33 nore no it would not 16:33 VanessaE idk 16:33 VanessaE if someone wants to pull request against moretrees to add it, I'm all for it 16:33 nore put special nodes at the end of branches 16:33 nore and then ABM for these nodes 16:33 nore (the special nodes would look like normal tree trunks) 16:34 VanessaE but I don't think it's doable without spawning increasingly larger, more complex tree models in the same place every so often 16:34 nore and when dug, move it somewhere else 16:34 nore VanessaE, why? 16:34 proller define one growing root block, and check it every N seconds (60+), and add increase tree by definition 16:34 VanessaE so each tree would have to have a special "root" node 16:34 VanessaE yes, what proller said 16:34 VanessaE exactly that 16:34 VanessaE proller: think you can pull request for it? 16:35 proller maybe tree+param2 bit 16:35 proller i can try, but not now 16:35 VanessaE I'm just not up to coding the models that are needed 16:35 VanessaE param2 doesn't work in lsystems trees 16:35 VanessaE (well it doesn't work the way you might expect) 16:36 VanessaE we need an API hook that allows one to plot a "negative" of a tree 16:36 VanessaE which could be passed to vmanip to erase a tree in one shot 16:37 proller erasing for what ? 16:37 proller if you dig bottom block - better to make falling tree 16:38 proller if you want kill tree (by heat or cold) - better to remove step-by-step from leaves 16:38 nore Calinou, https://github.com/Calinou/moreores/pull/5 16:38 VanessaE yes 16:38 VanessaE proller: erasing so that a tree can grow in steps, like each model can look a little different 16:39 VanessaE that way a branch can stick out this way for step 1, that other way for step 2, etc. 16:40 VanessaE proller: we need a function that walks a tree from the root upwards and gives a list of nodes' coords for that tree 16:40 VanessaE would be quite fast in C++ but I expect quite slow in Lua 16:41 nore VanessaE, no (with voxelmanip) 16:41 VanessaE nore: well, vmanip or not, you have to walk the tree manually. otherwise you risk cutting out neighboring buildings, other trees, etc. 16:42 nore what could be cool: you dig a node in a branch, and the whole branch falls 16:42 nore but not the whole tree 16:42 VanessaE of course one need only walk the trunks and limit how far from the center of the tree one can go 16:42 VanessaE that would be a nice idea in fact 16:44 proller nore, its needed not only for trees 16:44 Exio4 is anyone playing candybox2? 16:44 proller need something like pathfinding to ground, but only in one block (for speed) 16:45 VanessaE proller: you mean pathfinding only along blocks of a given type? 16:45 VanessaE (as opposed to, basically, in air) 16:45 proller every type 16:45 VanessaE yes 16:45 VanessaE s/every/any specified/ 16:45 VanessaE like you tell the function "find a path through brick nodes" or so 16:46 VanessaE another way to do it would be to just search a large box for trunks, find the lowest one in the set, remove all trunks within a given radius and height of that root, then remove all leaves that were within a certain radius of a removed trunk 16:47 VanessaE the largest trees I think can grow to 40m tall (sequoia) or about 20m wide (oak) 16:47 VanessaE so if you know what tree to fell (easy to find out), you can search a custom-sized box around the apparent root of the tree 16:48 VanessaE as long as you only ever remove trunks, leaves, and "fruits" related to that tree, within each of their respective radii, it should work 16:48 * khonkhortisan builds a double-size tree, then carves a tree out of the center 16:48 nore VanessaE, except if 2 trees of the same kind are interleaved together 16:48 VanessaE yeah 16:48 VanessaE that's the only hard part 16:49 VanessaE well 16:49 VanessaE you could just remove the trunks and let leafdecay take over :P 16:49 VanessaE all leaves and "fruits" would eventually disappear or fall to the ground anyway 16:50 nore :( I don't like that (at least, simulate leafdecay code) 16:50 nore so there are no leaves anymore 16:54 VanessaE well 16:54 VanessaE just trying to think of a fast way to remove the existing tree before growing a larger one 16:54 nore VanessaE, you don't need to 16:54 VanessaE why not? 16:55 nore you just need to erase existing leaves 16:55 nore and if the tree has been partly cut, you shouldn't grow that part fully again 16:55 VanessaE if you don't remove the tree, then you will have bits and pieces of each different size of model 16:55 VanessaE remember trees have some randomness to them 16:55 nore yeah, so that is a problem 16:56 nore the trees have to match exactly 16:56 VanessaE so if you grow a small tree and then make it bigger, you will have pieces of the smaller tree left behind if you don't first remove it 16:56 VanessaE plus tree trunks won't overwrite leaves 16:56 VanessaE so you end up with trees that are cut into pieces 16:56 nore it is not good if one doesn't match the other 16:56 nore that's why you need to write the tree code in Lua 16:56 VanessaE but L-systems allows a tree to be randomized as it is grown 16:56 VanessaE so this is impossible to do without removing the whole tree before growing a new one 16:56 nore it should have a seed, then 16:57 nore else, ^ 16:59 VanessaE I guess erasing leaves would be good enough 16:59 * VanessaE shrugs 16:59 VanessaE what about an API function that stores the final tree model somewhere? 16:59 VanessaE (the list of positions I mean) 17:00 VanessaE spawn a tree, returns a list of positions that were populated in the process 17:00 VanessaE mod stores the list somewhere associated with the root position 17:01 VanessaE (maybe the model could be stored into the metadata of the root node or something) 17:07 reactor mrakveidemanis: o/ 17:40 markveidemanis Stop Spammers has stopped 80 spammers since 2013/10/29. lol 17:40 markveidemanis sad people on the internet... 17:40 reactor ? 17:41 reactor Spam should be fought, shouldn't it?\ 17:41 reactor s/\$// 17:41 reactor s/\\$// 17:41 reactor And... would you like to talk about it? 17:42 markveidemanis 82 now :) 17:42 markveidemanis Just why would people do this? 17:43 markveidemanis sfan5: how are the icons doing? 17:43 twoelk a tree-cadastre with all the trees of the map and their shape sounds cool and could be used for many things, like felling or the problems of magen griefing or leafdecay along chunk boundaries but would probably get very large soon. (comment to discussion 40min ago) 17:44 VanessaE I fixed that already, twoelk 17:44 VanessaE (the leafdecay issue) 17:44 VanessaE or at least I thought I did. 17:44 twoelk cool - will test 17:45 twoelk if I find time ... 17:46 dante123 hi all, started my server at hone, logged in there under admin username.....how do i now log in and give my new user from school admin privileges? does that have to be done from home server or can a new user grant themselves powere if they know the password? 17:47 VanessaE admin username and password are tied together, so only the admin can do that. you can login from anywhere though 17:48 VanessaE if someone knows your password and logs in as you then they can act as admin. 17:48 VanessaE same as with a web page, a remote shell, etc. 17:50 dante123 what if im already logged in at home, can i login from school? 17:50 VanessaE no 17:50 VanessaE the server will reject the second attempt 17:50 VanessaE so you have to either log off, or create a new user with all admin privs and use that username from school 17:51 VanessaE it doesn't matter how *many* users are logged in with admin privs, it only matters that they are all unique usernames 17:51 dante123 ok i will fix it tonight when i go home.... 17:51 VanessaE so for example you can be "mark" from home, "mark-admin" when you're at school, etc. 17:51 * rubenwardy is playing HL" 17:51 * rubenwardy is playing HL2 17:51 markveidemanis I have it too, how far dyou get? 17:51 markveidemanis I got up to the Prison 17:51 rubenwardy Follow Freeman 17:52 rubenwardy Fort Nova? 17:52 markveidemanis Nova Prospekt 17:52 rubenwardy thats it 17:52 markveidemanis wAIT 17:52 rubenwardy yeah, Follow Freeman is after tha 17:52 markveidemanis No, i remember Entanglement showing up on my screen 17:52 markveidemanis http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080518181231AAc9FwN 17:53 nore Calinou, bug in moreores: 17:53 Calinou oh 17:53 nore change line 364 with that please: dofile(minetest.get_modpath("moreores").."/mg.lua") 17:53 nore (I put modpath there, but it wasn't defined) 17:53 markveidemanis rubenwardy, want to play multiplayer? 17:53 markveidemanis Theres some mod 17:54 markveidemanis http://store.steampowered.com/app/17520/ 17:54 rubenwardy Multiplayer! 17:54 nore Calinou, is it ok? 17:54 rubenwardy *?! 17:55 markveidemanis yep 17:56 rubenwardy The download is massive 17:57 rubenwardy 1.9GB! 17:57 markveidemanis I remember there was one more 17:58 VanessaE Calinou: please grant me push rights to moreores 17:58 VanessaE I've got a better fix for nores problem 17:58 markveidemanis nope, go on, download it :) 17:58 Calinou ok 17:58 markveidemanis I need it too right? 17:59 markveidemanis rubenwardy, what's your PC specs> 17:59 markveidemanis Who's gonna host? :P 18:00 rubenwardy Sorry, download too big 18:00 rubenwardy will take a day to download 18:00 markveidemanis Go on! 18:00 VanessaE nore, Calinou: http://pastebin.com/ybrm3x9Z 18:00 markveidemanis Okay how about a different mod? 18:00 VanessaE (I need to make a similar fix in pipeworks) 18:03 CraigyDavi hello 18:03 rubenwardy http://steamcommunity.com/id/rubenward 18:04 markveidemanis my version os not legit 18:05 markveidemanis i got all the episodes in one torrent 18:05 PilzAdam rubenwardy, stronghold 3? 18:05 PilzAdam all the strongholds after crusader xxl (or extreme?) arent really good 18:06 CraigyDavi I was wondering if anyone knew how I could resolve this: http://pastie.org/pastes/8440640/text 18:06 rubenwardy sh3 is sh1t 18:06 rubenwardy sh2 and shlegends are my favorite 18:07 PilzAdam meh, I dont like legends 18:07 CraigyDavi or is there any auto-restart script for server crashes? 18:07 VanessaE Calinou: thanks. fix pushed. 18:07 sfan5 markveidemanis: check your query 18:07 markveidemanis done 18:08 markveidemanis one sec, upload 18:08 PilzAdam VanessaE, do you still have that patch arround that fixes CraigyDavi's problem? 18:08 CraigyDavi Thanks. That would be great if I could have something to fix this. 18:09 VanessaE PilzAdam: https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/pull/207 18:09 VanessaE maybe this? 18:10 PilzAdam it was something else... 18:10 VanessaE yes, but I guess this fixes the problem in a more correct way, according to cy. 18:12 nore PilzAdam, what do you think of #966? 18:12 PilzAdam I still dont understand how this bug happens 18:12 VanessaE idk :-/ 18:12 PilzAdam since you said you dont use different models 18:12 CraigyDavi cool, so how could i download this and replace the old one? 18:15 VanessaE what mods do you have installed? 18:16 CraigyDavi me? 18:17 VanessaE es 18:17 VanessaE yes 18:17 CraigyDavi quite a few.maybe player_textures mod might be causing it. 18:17 VanessaE doubt it 18:17 VanessaE anything with mobs in it? 18:17 VanessaE or NPCs 18:17 VanessaE or the like? 18:17 CraigyDavi nope 18:17 VanessaE pastebin the list anyway :) 18:18 CraigyDavi ok 18:20 CraigyDavi well theres all the ones here https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7010 plus halloween, news, memoradium 18:20 PilzAdam VanessaE, could you run that please: https://gist.github.com/PilzAdam/7219915 ? 18:21 reactor Pwned. 18:21 CraigyDavi oh and car mod 18:21 VanessaE don't need to, PilzAdam -- I have cy's patch on my machine and it works fine. 18:22 PilzAdam there actually is a need, I want to understand how this happens 18:23 CraigyDavi so I will replace everything in my player.lua file with this: https://raw.github.com/cyisfor/minetest_game/bbf47e4e670d0131be4a498d328021ea17726864/mods/default/player.lua. And I hope that works :/ 18:24 VanessaE CraigyDavi: put PilzAdam's patch in instead first. 18:24 VanessaE run with that for a bit so he can see the errr 18:24 VanessaE error* 18:24 CraigyDavi well it dosent actually happen all the time. Just quite frequently 18:25 CraigyDavi you mean this? https://gist.github.com/PilzAdam/7219915 18:25 VanessaE yess 18:25 CraigyDavi and replace all of player.lua file with that? 18:25 PilzAdam wait 18:25 VanessaE Looking through your list, the only possible connection I can find is if somehow the cars mod triggers it. 18:25 VanessaE CraigyDavi: no. 18:25 reactor ö 18:25 CraigyDavi ok 18:26 PilzAdam https://gist.github.com/PilzAdam/7219915#file-player-lua 18:26 PilzAdam just copy and replace your old player.lua file with that 18:26 CraigyDavi ok im doing that with this ok: https://gist.github.com/PilzAdam/7219915/raw/298583a11173af92e2cba290af29ef19fee7c6f9/player.lua 18:27 VanessaE right 18:28 PilzAdam this wont crash anymore, but please pass error messages starting with "player_get_animations()" to me 18:28 CraigyDavi Ok. No problems so far. If I keep getting this shall I report on irc or something. 18:29 CraigyDavi or PM you? 18:29 PilzAdam you could also send me an email or PM me in the forum, doesnt matter 18:29 CraigyDavi ok thanks for your help :) 18:54 Evergreen https://github.com/4Evergreen4/minetest-tweaks 18:54 Evergreen \o/ 18:54 Evergreen I have some more things in mind, like a better wield scale for the sword, and more balanced tools and such 18:55 PilzAdam Evergreen, do you mean minetest_game-tweaks? 18:56 Evergreen pretty much. :P 18:56 Evergreen I might change the title to mtg_tweaks 18:56 Evergreen while I don't have a ton of stuff in it 19:25 Evergreen I'm definitely using this case when I build a computer: http://www.amazon.com/NZXT-Guardian-Tower-Black-921RB-001-BL/dp/B004351H9G 19:25 Evergreen it looks amazing 19:30 VanessaE nice case 19:30 VanessaE I use one of thewse: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.vex.net/~falco/ebay/commodoretower/big/03.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.amiga.org/forums/showthread.php?t%3D50092&h=1839&w=1794&sz=377&tbnid=Xdvvgf6OdfU4IM:&tbnh=100&tbnw=98&zoom=1&usg=__F5bSXty8LGUYvPdEAArHF2msqwQ=&docid=GBQLaxO355DmWM&sa=X&ei=0AxwUrjnHIvqkQeT1YHoAQ&ved=0CDEQ9QEwAg 19:30 VanessaE these=* 19:30 Exio4 http://exio4.com.ar/screenshots/w98.png 19:31 VanessaE Exio4: almost looks like an HDX minetest landscape :) 19:31 Exio4 downloading an icon theme for that windows98 vm atm :D 19:31 Exio4 hehe 19:34 Evergreen VanessaE, That is a great looking case. Simplistic, yet quite good looking 19:34 VanessaE yes 19:34 VanessaE not shown in the picture is a front door that hides everything including another lighted fan 19:35 VanessaE http://www.amiga.org/forums/showthread.php?t=50092 19:35 VanessaE more pics thereof. 19:36 VanessaE (in fact, I bought mine from that very person :) ) 19:50 Peacock anyone try the android version? 19:53 dante123 what is the command to grant admin privileges to a user 19:53 Menche /grant user all 19:53 dante123 thanks. what is the command to grant all users fly? 19:54 Menche hmm. you can "/set default_privs interact,shout,fly" 19:54 Menche but that won't grant it to existing players. 19:55 Menche other than individually /grant-ing the priv or running some script on auth.txt, I don't think you can. 19:55 Menche oh, and to define the admin, "/set name username" 19:56 Menche when the "name" option is set to your username, you automatically have all privs and they can't be revoked. 20:05 jojoa1997 hi 20:05 reactor ПРОМЕЖBULIT 20:16 reactor sad ass sas dad 20:36 stormchaser3000 hi 20:37 stormchaser3000 can anyone tell me how to compile minetest on linux ubuntu 20:37 stormchaser3000 i am using my old hard drive 20:37 stormchaser3000 it has linux on it 20:37 PilzAdam have you read the README? 20:38 stormchaser3000 hmmm i can't so far but i just downloaded one of your build pilz adam and tried to run it with wine 20:38 stormchaser3000 so i could look 20:42 stormchaser3000 brb 20:45 Evergreen So many people who are new to linux 20:45 VanessaE this is a good thing 20:45 Evergreen I suppose that's a good thing 20:45 VanessaE we need noobs. lots of them 20:45 Evergreen ^ 20:46 VanessaE because noobs find problems in ways that seasoned devs/users often won't. 20:46 TheLastProject Geez, the hipster status of Linux is really going down the drain. I need to find something else 20:46 TheLastProject Maybe BSD on GNU/HURD 20:46 VanessaE TheLastProject: QNX ;) 20:46 TheLastProject I forgot what QNX was again... 20:46 TheLastProject I've heard of it before 20:46 PilzAdam noobs are sometimes annoying, though 20:46 Evergreen So true, although there are some noobs that aren't worth teaching 20:46 stormchaser3000 ok back 20:46 Evergreen You don't need to download a build to look at the readme stormchaser3000 20:46 VanessaE some, true 20:47 VanessaE but not all 20:47 Peacock hipsters use apple, not linux lol 20:47 VanessaE haha 20:47 TheLastProject Peacock: Apple is too mainstream 20:47 stormchaser3000 i know lol i foror i can look at cource 20:47 stormchaser3000 source 20:47 Peacock hipsters: faux geek, faux artist 20:47 Peacock apple is perfect for that 20:47 Evergreen Just go to https://github.com/minetest/minetest 20:47 Evergreen Download it 20:47 Evergreen and look at README.txt 20:47 Evergreen there should be instructions on compiling it there 20:48 stormchaser3000 ok i know i am going to get the deandancyce first 20:48 stormchaser3000 i don't have all of them 20:48 Peacock linux geeks are more into running apps in terminals than making hipster art lol 20:48 VanessaE Peacock: oh by the way, I finally copied you a bit :P pipeworks has fountainheads now :) 20:48 VanessaE (except they make water sources rather than particles) 20:48 Evergreen IT says what the depedencies are in the readme 20:48 Peacock careful with those particle spawners, kills performance on the p4 20:48 VanessaE stormchaser3000: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/README.txt#L83 20:48 VanessaE just click that and read. 20:48 stormchaser3000 i know i need to sopy an dpast into the terminal 20:48 Exio4 a pentium 4 is useless in 2013 20:48 VanessaE that's the build instructions with the deps list 20:48 Peacock and actually, i got rid of fountain head when i made the spigot 6d, it shoots in all directions 20:49 VanessaE heh 20:49 Evergreen Here is the command: sudo apt-get install build-essential libirrlicht-dev cmake libbz2-dev libpng12-dev libjpeg8-dev libxxf86vm-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libsqlite3-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libopenal-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libfreetype6-dev 20:49 Exio4 probably my cousin's tablet has a faster processor 20:49 Evergreen that should install all dependencies 20:49 VanessaE pipeworks needs refactored. badly. and I'm too lazy :P 20:50 Peacock though i dont think my space game will include pipes, since there are no water sources, just ice 20:50 Evergreen I can make you a bash script really quickly that should install it automatically 20:50 VanessaE Peacock: heated pump-drill :) 20:50 Evergreen VanessaE, An incinerator would be cool 20:50 Peacock well im thinking the algea farms will take inputs of snow and ice and melt it internally 20:51 stormchaser3000 i get the following error:http://pastebin.com/yPHzBd2a 20:51 stormchaser3000 http://pastebin.com/yPHzBd2a 20:51 Peacock though, i wish someone would explain to me why i get random dirt nodes in the singlenode mapgen lol (cavegen strikes again?) 20:52 Evergreen I think that means you have all the dependencies 20:52 Menche remove libjpeg8-dev from the command 20:52 stormchaser3000 ok 20:52 stormchaser3000 now to move on to the next stem 20:52 stormchaser3000 step* 20:52 stormchaser3000 ok 20:52 Evergreen okay, do you have the minetest source? 20:53 Evergreen I have the commands memorized pretty much, they aren't hard to remember 20:53 stormchaser3000 nope not yet 20:53 stormchaser3000 i am going to get it 20:53 Evergreen Do you have git installed yet? 20:54 Evergreen Meh, here is the download link for the minetest source: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/archive/master.zip 20:55 Menche it 20:55 Menche 's really best to use git 20:55 Evergreen do I have to run him through that? :P 20:55 Menche 1 command? 20:55 Evergreen sudo apt-get install git 20:55 fairiestoy Evergreen: Spell it would be nice 20:55 Menche instead of wget http://whatever, run git clone git://whatever 20:56 Evergreen once you have installed git, do git clone https://github.com/minetest/minetest.git 20:56 Evergreen OF course, be sure you are in the directory you want minetest to be in 20:57 stormchaser3000 ok i am onstalling the depands 20:57 stormchaser3000 installin* 20:57 stormchaser3000 installing* 20:57 Evergreen Okay, I'll just list the steps in order 20:58 Evergreen cd pathtodirectory (wherever you want minetest to go) 20:58 Evergreen git clone https://github.com/minetest/minetest.git 20:58 Evergreen cd games 20:59 Evergreen git clone https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game.git 20:59 Evergreen cd .. 20:59 Evergreen cmake . -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1 20:59 Evergreen make -j2 20:59 Evergreen Wait for it to compile, then run ./bin/minetest to run minetest 21:01 stormchaser3000 ok 21:01 stormchaser3000 lol just a sec the server is being funny 21:01 Evergreen get any errors, or have any trouble just tell me 21:02 Menche if your computer's processor has multiple threads/cores, use a bigger number in front of -j to make it go faster 21:03 Evergreen I need to go do something really quick, can someone else help him? 21:03 Menche i could 21:03 Menche i [re]compile minetest a lot :P 21:04 stormchaser3000 http://pastebin.com/gJUx3Rp4 21:05 Menche do you have git installed? 21:06 stormchaser3000 no 21:06 stormchaser3000 i do not 21:06 Menche that's a better way of doing this. it's easier to switch versions/update 21:07 Menche apt-get install git, i think 21:07 stormchaser3000 hmmm i willl try the latest build on the downloads page (the daily unstable builds) 21:08 Menche hmm, that download fails for me too. something must be wrong with github. 21:09 stormchaser3000 i ralized that 21:09 stormchaser3000 realized* 21:09 Menche using git to access it still works, though 21:09 stormchaser3000 that was my first thought 21:09 VanessaE just install the PPA already 21:10 PilzAdam !tw @githubstatus 21:10 MinetestBot PilzAdam: Give me a link, a username, or a tweet id 21:10 VanessaE sudo add-apt-repository ppa:minetestdevs/daily-builds; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install minetestc55 21:10 PilzAdam !tw githubstatus 21:10 MinetestBot We're investigating reports of problems reaching http://GitHub.com (@githubstatus) 21:10 PilzAdam stupid bot 21:10 PilzAdam ^ sfan5 21:10 sfan5 hm 21:10 sfan5 thats a feature not a bug 21:11 stormchaser3000 ok i will try sudo apt-get install git (git dierctory) 21:11 VanessaE stormchaser3000: 21:11 VanessaE stormchaser3000: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:minetestdevs/daily-builds; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install minetestc55 21:11 VanessaE just do that, 21:12 stormchaser3000 ok 21:12 VanessaE that will get you to latest git with the fewest questions 21:13 stormchaser3000 ok it is working 21:13 sfan5 ugh, if this torrent keeps downloading with 3.8 KB/s I won't be able to watch the rest of the anime today.. 21:14 stormchaser3000 man sfan where did you get your why such a peed decrase? 21:14 Calinou TIL you watch anime 21:14 stormchaser3000 sorry my message 21:14 stormchaser3000 failed 21:14 sfan5 Calinou: grep for anime and sfan5 in one line in your logs 21:14 sfan5 you should find something 21:14 Calinou heh 21:14 stormchaser3000 i did not delete all of what i was going to 21:14 Calinou I gtg night 21:15 Menche ? 21:15 stormchaser3000 um 21:15 stormchaser3000 vanessa it said it could not find pacage minetest c555 21:15 dante123 hi all, i have 19 students in the class. we all tried logging in at same time.....but around 3 or 4 got message about too many users. How can i change the limit etc.? 21:15 stormchaser3000 minetest-c55* 21:16 Menche did you do the first 2? 21:16 VanessaE no 21:16 sfan5 dante123: max_users = in minetest.conf 21:16 VanessaE minetestc55 21:16 VanessaE no dash 21:16 stormchaser3000 to change the limit 21:16 stormchaser3000 oh ok 21:16 Menche wasn't the default limit like 100? 21:16 sfan5 IIRC it still is 21:16 stormchaser3000 it said cannot find minetestc555 21:16 stormchaser3000 minetestc55* 21:16 VanessaE apt-cache search minetest 21:16 kaeza !tw githubstatus 21:17 MinetestBot We're investigating reports of problems reaching http://GitHub.com (@githubstatus) 21:17 kaeza :( 21:17 sfan5 huh.. github works just fine for me 21:17 Menche downloading archives fails. 21:17 VanessaE stormchaser3000: apt-cache search minetest 21:17 Menche at least of minetest master 21:17 stormchaser3000 i know i did vanessa 21:17 stormchaser3000 i did nothing 21:18 VanessaE stormchaser3000: pastebin the results 21:18 stormchaser3000 oh ok 21:19 dante123 thanks sfan5 21:19 stormchaser3000 http://pastebin.com/Jd6f1xkd 21:19 VanessaE wha? 21:20 VanessaE sudo apt-get update 21:20 VanessaE then repeat the search 21:20 dante123 i see no max users line in minetest.conf sfan5 21:20 sfan5 create one 21:20 Menche add that line 21:21 dante123 ok 21:21 Evergreen It isn't minetest-c55, it is just minetest-* 21:22 Evergreen I think 21:22 dante123 ok added line thanks all 21:22 PilzAdam Evergreen, the ppa package is called minetestc55 21:22 Evergreen Minetest on c55's repo isn't the main repo anymore 21:22 Menche why is the ppa package different? 21:22 Menche hasn't the -c55 been removed from the official name anyway? 21:22 Evergreen Oh, so it has come to that. :P 21:23 PilzAdam Menche, yea, the package name was created before that 21:23 stormchaser3000 http://pastebin.com/Disx3KhF 21:23 Menche does it at least conflict with "minetest"? 21:23 sfan5 according to my raspberry pi 1.8GB is the same as 7.1GB 21:23 Evergreen at-get an ppas are the easiest ways of installing things on linux 21:23 Menche s/linus/ubuntu 21:24 Menche *linux 21:24 PilzAdam stormchaser3000, do you have a internet connection? 21:24 Evergreen ^ true 21:24 stormchaser3000 yes 21:24 Evergreen Would he be talking to you if he didn't? :P 21:24 stormchaser3000 lol otherwis i would not be on irc 21:24 VanessaE stormchaser3000: well gee, do you suppose maybe you should fix that first? ) 21:24 VanessaE :) 21:24 stormchaser3000 lol 21:24 VanessaE sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and delete or comment-out the CDROM lines/. 21:24 VanessaE then do the update again 21:24 PilzAdam #ubuntu should help you on that 21:25 Menche lucid. is that a current version? I don't really keep up on Ubuntu releases anymore but I think that is older? 21:25 VanessaE lucid is old as shit 21:25 VanessaE but it may still work? 21:25 PilzAdam oh, btw, 13.10 has 0.4.7 in the repos 21:25 stormchaser3000 this is ubuntu 10.04 21:25 VanessaE 10.04 == 2010-04-xx 21:25 dante123 yeah, they've moved on from L to S 21:25 dante123 thats old as dirt 21:25 VanessaE you should upgrade 21:25 stormchaser3000 lol 21:26 stormchaser3000 ok i will have to update 21:26 VanessaE that version predates minetest entirewly. 21:26 VanessaE entirely. 21:26 dante123 unless you dont like unity 21:26 stormchaser3000 um where is that ubuntu updater 21:26 Menche right, check the PPA page. it doesn't have builds for lucid 21:26 VanessaE just download a new install image 21:26 Menche maverick's the oldest it builds for. 21:26 VanessaE 2010 is old enough that the Ubuntu updater will likely fail 21:27 Menche I've heard that the updator isn't 100% reliable anyway. 21:27 VanessaE no, it isn't. 21:27 stormchaser3000 lol 21:27 stormchaser3000 so how do i install a new version of ubuntu 21:27 VanessaE and it tends to fail when trying to step up by more than one release. 21:27 stormchaser3000 i want 14.04 21:27 VanessaE stormchaser3000: go download a new release image. 21:27 stormchaser3000 ok 21:28 VanessaE 14.04 is not out yet 21:28 stormchaser3000 my internet is fast roght now so i better do it quick 21:28 VanessaE and won't be until next year 21:28 Menche maybe it would be too much to suggest a different respin now? 21:28 PilzAdam stormchaser3000, again, the people at #ubuntu should be able to help you better than we 21:28 VanessaE you want 13.10 or 13.04 21:28 Menche cuz most people seem to not like unity 21:29 VanessaE stormchaser3000: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/thank-you?release=latest&bits=64&distro=desktop&status=zeroc 21:29 Evergreen ^ I use xfce and am never going back to unity, no that unity is bad, but it pales in comparison to the customizability of xfce 21:30 Evergreen *not 21:30 VanessaE assuming you need a 64-bit release. else, you'll have to browse till you find what you want 21:32 stormchaser3000 no i need 32 bit 21:32 stormchaser3000 my main compuer broke 21:32 stormchaser3000 now i use a i1 core computer 21:32 stormchaser3000 with like 1 hz 21:32 VanessaE stormchaser3000: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/thank-you?distro=desktop&bits=32&release=latest 21:33 stormchaser3000 i know i am downlodaing it 21:33 stormchaser3000 then how would i install it 21:34 VanessaE same way you did with lucid. 21:34 stormchaser3000 it is gong to be downloaded in like 30 minutes 21:34 stormchaser3000 20* 21:34 stormchaser3000 i did not install it 21:34 VanessaE write the image to a thumbdrive or burn to a DVD, and boot from it 21:34 stormchaser3000 how do i boot from a dvd 21:34 VanessaE *facepalm* 21:34 stormchaser3000 lol 21:34 stormchaser3000 i only know ow to use windows and some linux 21:35 VanessaE go take a remedial course in computing 101 :) 21:35 stormchaser3000 how* 21:35 VanessaE this is flat out basic-operation-of-a-computer stuff here 21:35 stormchaser3000 oh lol 21:36 stormchaser3000 put it on a dvd then run your computer with the dvd in the tray 21:36 stormchaser3000 then it should boot from the dvd 21:36 stormchaser3000 right 21:36 VanessaE yes 21:36 stormchaser3000 lol 21:36 VanessaE that is usually how it works 21:36 VanessaE ditto for a thumbdrive (if you write the image out as a bootable thumbdrive image) 21:36 stormchaser3000 i read it so i was wondering if that was right 21:36 VanessaE plug in, re-boot, wait. 21:37 stormchaser3000 i might ned dvd's 21:37 stormchaser3000 i don't have any 21:37 stormchaser3000 only cds 21:38 stormchaser3000 that have like 700 mb of room 21:38 stormchaser3000 crud 21:42 stormchaser3000 F 21:44 stormchaser3000 my internet is slowing down 21:45 stormchaser3000 well 21:45 stormchaser3000 i can't 21:48 sfan5 ahh.. the f2fs gc finally did something 21:49 PilzAdam bye 22:07 VanessaE bbl 22:14 Exio4 is it me or github is down? 22:15 stormchaser3000 github is down 22:15 stormchaser3000 i think 22:15 stormchaser3000 :( 22:23 Exio4 dammit 22:24 Evergreen Thank you Zeg9 for telling me about public ssh keys, it saves me from typing in my password every time I push something to github. :P 22:24 Evergreen 22:24 Evergreen Github is working for me 22:24 TheLastProject Evergreen: Unless you protect your SSH key with a password 22:24 TheLastProject Then it's just safer 22:24 Exio4 passhrase? 22:24 TheLastProject Yeah, that 22:24 Exio4 Evergreen: https://github.com/Ley0k/KernelEx/ doesn't load for me 22:24 TheLastProject word, phrase, same thing 22:24 TheLastProject (At least here) 22:24 Evergreen Then, what's the point of using ssh keys? 22:25 Evergreen The link works for me 22:25 TheLastProject Security 22:25 TheLastProject It's definitely safer than sending an username and password over HTTP 22:25 Evergreen I can see how that would be safer, yes. :P 22:25 TheLastProject Guess I should set up Github with my key too... 22:28 stormchaser3000 github is down 22:28 stormchaser3000 i think 22:28 kaeza !tw githubstatus 22:28 MinetestBot Everything operating normally. (@githubstatus) 22:28 kaeza :? 22:28 stormchaser3000 oh ok 22:28 kaeza lies! 22:29 stormchaser3000 lol i have not checked the status recantly 22:29 harrison o, it is ok to lie 22:29 stormchaser3000 hmm 22:29 harrison in fact i am lying now 22:29 harrison this statement is also false 22:29 kaeza english is weird 22:30 * stormchaser3000 shakes head no it is not ok to lie 22:30 kaeza am I lying if I say that I'm lying? 22:31 sfan5 yes 22:33 harrison i am the official barber in this village 22:33 harrison all the men here are cleanshaven 22:33 harrison i the barber shave all and only those men who do not shave themselves 22:34 harrison i suppose you see where this is heading 22:34 Evergreen you server no purpose in that town. :P 22:34 harrison sigh 22:35 harrison do i shave MYSELF? 22:35 Evergreen *serve 22:35 Evergreen Yes 22:35 harrison if i do i don't & mie mersa 22:35 harrison mice mrsa 22:35 Evergreen lol, I just though about it, infinite loop 22:35 harrison o i get it 22:36 harrison you are 13 or so 22:36 harrison sorry 22:36 harrison carry on 22:36 Evergreen about what? :P 22:36 Evergreen The previous conversation? 22:36 harrison oh, i can tell you are really young, but only because you had not seen that paradox before 22:36 harrison it is very famous 22:37 harrison and you would have heard of it if you were over 13 22:37 harrison prolly 22:37 Evergreen Look at this, another case of the content ID 0: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=116190#p116190 22:46 Peacock what are those above the hearts? chicken wings? 22:50 harrison o for the wings of any bird but a battery hen 22:52 stormchaser3000 lol 23:04 Evergreen To quote a friend of mine :I love hurting my brain" that's why I love paradoxes, and stuff like that 23:04 Evergreen Wait, that sounds wrong. No, he doesn't like getting concussions. :P 23:06 Peacock http://www.bravofact.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/s_CIMG1312.jpg 23:46 Mallot1 hey guy 23:46 Mallot1 s 23:46 Mallot1 :) 23:46 Mallot1 Minetest 8? 23:47 VanessaE 8? 23:47 Mallot1 sounds soo cool 23:47 Mallot1 B) 23:47 Mallot1 i hope we get that far 23:48 Mallot1 were not even at 1.0.0 yet 23:48 Menche assuming the 1.x cycle takes as long as the 0.x cycle, it will be a while 23:48 Mallot1 proably 23:48 Mallot1 alright, how do you spell proably? 23:48 Menche probably? 23:48 Mallot1 thanks 23:49 Mallot1 oh wow... i forgot the b 23:49 Mallot1 do we have a guns mod yet? 23:49 Mallot1 like PVP 23:49 Menche firearms by kaeza 23:50 Mallot1 i think i might fork it then 23:50 Mallot1 my first good mod 23:50 Menche https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4562 23:50 Mallot1 thanks 23:51 kaeza pong 23:51 pitriss please can someone explain me this: 00:48:21: ERROR[ServerThread]: ServerEnvironment::addActiveObjectRaw(): could not find block for storing id=2 statically (pos=(-124,18,-123)) ?? 23:51 pitriss it appears everytime i start my test server 23:52 kaeza pitriss, too many entities in a mapblock 23:52 pitriss kaeza: ah.. so /clearobjects should help? 23:53 kaeza probably