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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-01-20

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 anunakki joined #minetest
00:00 Dogzilla131 Hi Kacey
00:00 Kacey PING
00:02 Uberi POLO
00:02 Uberi wait...
00:05 bwsrjr joined #minetest
00:05 Kacey PING haha
00:05 Uberi Kacey: 1963821773!
00:06 Kacey ?
00:06 Kacey 0.76 seconds
00:07 Uberi 2052619213
00:08 sokomine wow! found a new elk (or deer?) from mobf!
00:09 sapier deer
00:15 Kacey 2313765512 from myself haha
00:24 Renoki joined #minetest
00:51 Dogzilla131 Who knows bit about Dogs, and their breeds?
00:52 Uberi you do!
00:53 Dogzilla131 yep
00:53 Dogzilla131 Who else?
00:54 erlehmann Uberi, it does not werk ;_;
00:58 Uberi erlehmann: hmm?
00:58 erlehmann Uberi, the nodebox generator
00:58 erlehmann how does it werk
00:59 Dogzilla131 Guess what breed is this? clue:Its a dog
00:59 Uberi erlehmann: magic and fairy dust
00:59 Dogzilla131 http://i.imgur.com/HvfXFLj.png
00:59 Uberi Dogzilla131: uh... the black ones!
00:59 Dogzilla131 Close
01:00 Uberi good enough for me
01:00 Dogzilla131 Keep guessing
01:01 Dogzilla131 Clue: it has a tail, eyes, and its black, or light yellow-white
01:03 Dogzilla131 So nobody knows its breed :(
01:03 Uberi wait wait
01:03 Uberi is it
01:03 Uberi a dog?
01:03 Dogzilla131 Right
01:04 Dogzilla131 You guessed it
01:04 Dogzilla131 :D
01:04 Uberi \o/
01:04 * Uberi is now a dog expert
01:04 brandy joined #minetest
01:05 * Dogzilla131 is a better dog expert than Uberi
01:06 Renoki well duh, you're a Dog.
01:06 Renoki going by the name, of course.
01:06 Tekk_ joined #minetest
01:06 Tekk_ anyone else have a problem with latest git where their view is constantly slowly moving upward?
01:06 Tekk_ not as in flying, but as in moving the mouse up
01:07 Uberi on the internet, nobody knows you're a dog
01:07 Tekk_ also hi ttk2
01:08 Dogzilla131 Im a dog that can type ;)
01:08 Dogzilla131 and spell, write, talk, hear
01:08 Dogzilla131 read
01:08 Dogzilla131 etc.
01:09 * Uberi throws a tennis ball at Dogzilla131
01:10 Renoki you have too many skills
01:11 Renoki you need to forget one
01:11 Renoki if you want to learn read.
01:11 * Dogzilla131 its to busy typing, so he ignores the ball
01:11 Tekk_ what sort of wpm do you get with paws?
01:11 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
01:11 Dogzilla131 1000000000
01:11 Dogzilla131 wpms
01:11 Tekk_ nice
01:12 Dogzilla131 too many to count, when i type in a website, the wpm meter gets broken
01:20 Dogzilla131 Guess this one Uberi
01:21 Dogzilla131 You cant say its a dog, animal, mammal or anything like that O_O
01:21 Dogzilla131 http://i.imgur.com/w216zGC.png
01:21 Uberi it's one of those brown-white ones?
01:21 Uberi seriously, I can't name a single breed of dog
01:21 Dogzilla131 The first one who gets it, will win NothinG
01:21 Uberi they're all just dogs to me
01:22 Dogzilla131 No, what to you want
01:23 Dogzilla131 A chihuahua or a rottweiler
01:23 Dogzilla131 To chase you
01:23 Uberi um
01:24 Uberi uh
01:24 Uberi I dunno what those are
01:24 Dogzilla131 If you dont any of those breed tell me
01:24 Dogzilla131 http://www.google.com/imgres?q=chihuahua&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&tbo=d&biw=1024&bih=677&tbm=isch&tbnid=Q4PkM5z_vzSFeM:&imgrefurl=http://www.famouschihuahua.com/chihuahua-facts/teacup-chihuahua/&docid=eJkhiVTGg8mPHM&imgurl=http://www.famouschihuahua.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/baby-teacup-chihuahua.jpg&w=470&h=302&ei=IEf7UMbkG8Xa2QWd_4HoDQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=477&sig=108827959163482995383&page=2&tbnh=140&tbnw=210&start=22&ndsp=28&ved
01:24 Dogzilla131 thats a chihuahua
01:25 Uberi d'aww
01:28 Dogzilla131 and this is a rottweiler
01:28 Dogzilla131 http://www.google.com/imgres?q=big+rottweiler+dogs&um=1&hl=en&sa=X&tbo=d&biw=1024&bih=677&tbm=isch&tbnid=a2sICEUeN8MQvM:&imgrefurl=http://www.all-about-rottweiler-dog-breed.com/index.php%3Fmain_page%3Dproduct_info%26products_id%3D157&docid=vKLSbvqtbwj6aM&imgurl=http://www.all-about-rottweiler-dog-breed.com/images/harnesses/Rottweiler-Breed-Leather-Dog-Harness-With-Nickel-Plated-Spikes-big.jpg&w=800&h=1209&ei=gUf7UPr7IuXQ2AWijI
01:29 Dogzilla131 Now which one do you prefer being chase by
01:30 Uberi er
01:30 Dogzilla131 ?
01:34 Dogzilla131 choose
01:35 Uberi I build a dirt pillar 3 blocks high and empty my lava bucket on the chasing dog
01:35 Uberi honestly this is the only correct answer
01:36 Dogzilla131 Or train it to not attack allies and only enemys
01:37 Dogzilla131 The correct answer was a chihuahua , they barely is feet tall
01:37 Dogzilla131 *are
01:39 Oblivion1500|2 joined #minetest
01:45 Oblivion1500 hey, i cant remember, who was helping me with my wireless issue?
01:47 marktraceur Wanted to stop in and thank the people who worked on documentation today
01:47 marktraceur I think there's still stuff to do, but we made a dent in it
01:48 Uberi marktraceur: are you guys continuing tomorrow?
02:03 Uberi left #minetest
02:15 Oblivion1500 joined #minetest
02:15 OldCoder
02:18 babyface1031 joined #minetest
02:29 OldCoder http://christfollower.me/images/mt130119_sheep1.jpg
02:30 OldCoder ^ New-style sheep
02:30 OldCoder Baa! Baa!
02:30 OldCoder babyface1031, I have been tweaking worlds
02:30 OldCoder Let me know what you need
02:30 babyface1031 those look neat
02:30 OldCoder Yep
02:31 OldCoder There should be less vanishing now
02:31 OldCoder He says things may vanish but are more likely to come back
02:31 babyface1031 ok did we do away with the birds
02:31 OldCoder No
02:32 OldCoder They should be there
02:32 OldCoder If not, ask Sapier1 about it
02:32 babyface1031 i see unknown objects flying thats why i asked
02:32 OldCoder ??
02:32 OldCoder Please report to Sapier1
02:33 OldCoder Wish to fix it
02:33 babyface1031 ok when i see him i will
02:38 RealBadAngel youre seeing UFO's? :)
02:39 RealBadAngel are they hostile?
02:39 OldCoder Birds
02:39 RealBadAngel i mean is that an invasion?
02:39 OldCoder Perhaps they have changed node names
02:39 OldCoder We can probably fix that
02:39 Tekk_ left #minetest
02:39 RealBadAngel hehe
02:45 * OldCoder will be back a little later
03:02 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
03:04 Dogzilla131 What your favorite breed? This goes to everybody. :d
03:04 Dogzilla131 :D
03:04 fortytwo joined #minetest
03:05 jojoa1997 what type of animal? dogs, cats, fish ......................humans.........................
03:05 * jojoa1997 smiles creepily
03:06 Dogzilla131 Dogs
03:06 jojoa1997 labradodles
03:06 * Dogzilla131 defends all breeds, and mixed breeds pride
03:06 Exio http://cadoth.net/~exio4/mt/luminium.png
03:06 Exio :D
03:06 Dogzilla131 Whats the main color?
03:07 jojoa1997 labradoodles=50% poodle, 50% labrador, 500% fune/love/adorableness
03:07 Dogzilla131 Its black, brown, golden, but which is the main one
03:07 jojoa1997 white
03:07 Dogzilla131 Are you a dog expert?
03:07 BackupCoder nice sounding color
03:08 jojoa1997 no i have one
03:08 Dogzilla131 white? No its golden white :P
03:08 jojoa1997 not really
03:08 jojoa1997 depends on what season it is
03:09 jojoa1997 summer/spring=slightly golden   winter/fall=white
03:09 Dogzilla131 yeah but mostly white with a part golden
03:09 Dogzilla131 and their black too
03:09 jojoa1997 summer/spring=curly hair and not really smooth   winter/fall=really fluffy hair
03:10 Dogzilla131 yep
03:11 Dogzilla131 Working in the dog block mod, so i need pure breeds dog name to include
03:11 jojoa1997 so no mutts
03:12 jojoa1997 have a labrador, poodle, and labradoodle
03:12 Dogzilla131 how
03:13 Dogzilla131 is this good image to represent the labradors
03:13 Dogzilla131 http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Simonator_1235.jpg
03:13 Dogzilla131 How is that possible, a poodle are small, and Labradors are big, pure ones :P
03:13 jojoa1997 one sec gonna give a link with  some pics
03:14 Dogzilla131 non copyrighted
03:14 jojoa1997 just took them
03:14 Dogzilla131 I dont want legal issues O_O
03:14 Dogzilla131 so their your pictures
03:15 Dogzilla131 Do i have permission to use them, if i want, in my mod
03:15 jojoa1997 i sue you for taking the WTFPL pics that i just took
03:15 jojoa1997 you can but make them a little pixilized
03:16 Dogzilla131 they will be, when you close in they turn pixel
03:17 jojoa1997 wow i connected to this server 10 mins ago and just got on http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4504
03:17 jojoa1997 scared the s**t out of me when i heard sounds
03:18 sokomine oldcoder: the server seems to run ok. didn't crash or anything. but...there are even vombies active there
03:19 sokomine might be a good way to test the animals :-)
03:20 jojoa1997 why does omploadr take so long
03:21 jojoa1997 for my pc at least
03:21 jojoa1997 atm
03:22 Exio ffs
03:22 Exio /home/exio4/minetest/minetest/src/server.cpp:405: virtual void* EmergeThread::Thread(): Assertion '0' failed.
03:22 jojoa1997_ joined #minetest
03:23 jojoa1997_ jojoa1997 ping out already
03:24 jojoa1997_ it is taking a while to upload but each pic is 2.8 mb
03:24 jojoa1997_ 'and i have five
03:32 jojoa1997 try using gimp to make it 133*100 that seemed like a good size. also i have it a higher rez so you can see a labradoodle
03:32 hmmmm assertion '0' failed means there was probably a segfault in the map generator
03:32 jojoa1997 [url=http://ompldr.org/vaDU4cQ][img]http://ompldr.org/taDU4cQ[/img][/url]
03:33 hmmmm or somewhere around that area of code
03:33 OldCoder Back
03:33 OldCoder sokomine, Hmm
03:33 OldCoder vombies were supposed to be deactivated
03:33 OldCoder I will ask him
03:33 jojoa1997 who was i talking to about dogs was it dozilla
03:33 Exio hmmmm: yep
03:34 Exio but layer 8 problem
03:34 Dogzilla131 i like them, vombie
03:34 Dogzilla131 yes
03:34 jojoa1997 go to pm
03:34 Dogzilla131 Dogzilla was talking about dogs, how ironic
03:44 TheZenKitteh joined #minetest
03:44 Exio does anyone use the "default" generate_ore?
03:45 Exio default.generate_ore is a nil value for me, even with 'default' in the depends.txt
03:47 babyface1031 vomibes were fun
03:48 babyface1031 oh and i dont think it is the bird that are unknown i seen them i think it might be the deer or ostrich(f)
03:57 babyface1031 left #minetest
04:00 jojoa1997 i really wish we had a hunger games 24/7 server
04:18 FreeFull joined #minetest
04:32 Dogzilla131 Hi
04:42 shirish_ joined #minetest
04:52 FreeFull joined #minetest
04:53 sokomine no, deer and ostrich seem to work ok. maybe some animals got renamed
05:01 TheZenKitteh anyone here "happen" to grow culinary mushrooms? *curious*
05:27 FreeFull joined #minetest
05:51 Cybersoft joined #minetest
05:54 hmmmm r u lookin 4 a giggle m8?
05:59 Cybersoft uh?
06:02 shirish joined #minetest
06:18 shirish joined #minetest
06:20 rubiconjosh joined #minetest
06:20 FreeFull joined #minetest
06:21 rubiconjosh This is my first time trying to play minetest, I have never played minecraft. I dont seem to be able to break and blocks, should it take more than 25 clicks to break something at the start of the game? Thank you.
06:22 rubiconjosh *more than 50 or so, I feel like I am doing something wrong here
06:23 TheZenKitteh singleplayer or multiplayer?
06:23 rubiconjosh nevermind :( I was clicking, not holding down the button
06:23 rubiconjosh I ended up searching google for minecraft instead of minetest and found the answer
06:26 FreeFull_ joined #minetest
06:27 Crisco left #minetest
06:52 shirish joined #minetest
07:01 FreeFull joined #minetest
07:07 Oblivion1500 joined #minetest
07:09 Oblivion1500 hello everyone, just wondering. who here has a very good understanding on the bash shell? and also in all your research what was the best place to learn? be it a book or a comunity.
07:09 TheZenKitteh im no bash expert but I will say everything I know I learned from looking at others scripts and using google
07:09 TheZenKitteh and experimenting
07:11 blaze joined #minetest
07:11 TheZenKitteh usually what I do if I want to do something in bash.. ill look to google for examples of how others have done it
07:11 TheZenKitteh then try to understand "how" their scripts work
07:11 TheZenKitteh then experiment till I have something that does what I want
07:12 Oblivion1500 well the use of google has helped me alot and i have learned alot but i am looking for a place that maybe teaches with the use of exersises..
07:13 TheZenKitteh I don't learn like that so not sure of any such places
07:13 TheZenKitteh I learn by example mostly
07:13 TheZenKitteh if a script does something similar to what I want ill pour over it line by line to see how it works, then experiment lol
07:13 Oblivion1500 hmm, i see
07:14 TheZenKitteh of course im sure my scripts could be more efficient or smaller or faster
07:14 TheZenKitteh but they work
07:15 TheZenKitteh that's all I care
07:15 Oblivion1500 do you have a website that might have a list or something with other peoples scripts that have good uses?
07:16 TheZenKitteh http://bashscripts.org/forum/
07:17 TheZenKitteh that's one place with a lot of scripts that do various things
07:18 Oblivion1500 thanks
07:18 TheZenKitteh https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&newwindow=1&safe=off&tbo=d&q=bash+scripts+introduction&oq=bash+scripts+intro&gs_l=serp.3.1.0j0i30j0i8i30.23489.27718.0.29563.
07:18 TheZenKitteh introductions
07:18 Dogzilla131 Bye you'll, you all, or anyway you said that word
07:18 TheZenKitteh https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&newwindow=1&safe=off&tbo=d&q=bash+scripts+tutorial&oq=bash+scripts+tutorial&gs_l=serp.3..0j0i30l2j0i5i30l3j0i8i30j0i22l3.10571.11717.0.12054.
07:18 TheZenKitteh and tutorials
07:19 TheZenKitteh that should keep you busy awhile
07:19 TheZenKitteh lol
07:19 TheZenKitteh those*
07:19 simion314 joined #minetest
07:19 Oblivion1500 lol thanks
07:19 TheZenKitteh when ready search for advanced bash scripting
07:19 VanessaE Dogzilla131: "Y'all"
07:19 VanessaE is the correct spelling :)
07:19 Kacey joined #minetest
07:19 TheZenKitteh yall aint not not got nothin
07:20 TheZenKitteh ok even that confused me :\
07:20 VanessaE TheZenKitteh: y'all ain't got nothin'
07:20 Kacey hello
07:20 TheZenKitteh hey kacey
07:20 TheZenKitteh and vanessae
07:20 VanessaE hey
07:20 Kacey im on my phone lol
07:22 * VanessaE wonders why Kacey is laughing out loud about being on the phone.
07:22 * Kacey is amazed his phone can handle the webchatz
07:23 TheZenKitteh next thing you know phones will be powerful enough to play full fledged games
07:23 TheZenKitteh computers at home will vanish
07:23 VanessaE NOT
07:23 Kacey not mine ^_^
07:23 TheZenKitteh maybe even implantable computers will show up
07:24 TheZenKitteh say something out loud and see a screen in your head or in one eye
07:24 TheZenKitteh lol
07:24 TheZenKitteh invisible keyboard
07:24 TheZenKitteh mouse with finger movements
07:24 TheZenKitteh always connected to the net
07:24 TheZenKitteh cyborgs anyone?
07:24 TheZenKitteh anyway im getting ahead of myself
07:24 TheZenKitteh lol
07:24 Kacey haha i fooled my teachers into letting me sleep in class
07:25 TheZenKitteh ?
07:26 Kacey i told them i was booting to linux
07:27 TheZenKitteh ..
07:28 Kacey ^_^
07:28 TheZenKitteh "teacher I think I might have...*head hits desk and lets out a big snore*"
07:28 Kacey not quite
07:29 TheZenKitteh I was a little hellion in school
07:29 TheZenKitteh on the outside it appeared I never paid attention to anything
07:29 TheZenKitteh yet I always made a's and b's
07:29 Kacey i AM a hellion in school
07:29 TheZenKitteh confused teachers and students
07:30 TheZenKitteh eventually they stopped bothering to bother me since I "somehow" kept passing everything they gave me
07:30 TheZenKitteh I can listen and learn even when not appearing to be paying attention.. or even appearing to be sleeping
07:30 TheZenKitteh lol
07:30 FreeFull joined #minetest
07:31 TheZenKitteh my math teacher even decided to "convince me" to take advanced algebra and advanced geometry
07:31 TheZenKitteh of course I did well but don't remember sh*t from it today
07:31 TheZenKitteh that was over a decade ago
07:31 Kacey well i didnt learn anything that day
07:31 TheZenKitteh and not had to use it since
07:32 TheZenKitteh im a bit "eccentric" ;)
07:32 TheZenKitteh I love chemistry but not used anything I learned of it in high school since so don't remember sh*t about it either
07:33 TheZenKitteh I will say this.. be sure to graduate high school
07:33 TheZenKitteh that paper will be needed
07:35 TheZenKitteh if you don't get it you will have troubles in life
07:35 TheZenKitteh however currently I wouldn't suggest going to college unless you plan to specialize in something
07:35 FreeFull_ joined #minetest
07:35 TheZenKitteh the cost vs benefits isn't worth it today
07:36 Kacey who needs college? i have OldCoder
07:36 TheZenKitteh also while in school be sure to consider what you want to do when you become an adult. it will help you ensure you get the teachings best suited for your fields of interest
07:37 TheZenKitteh try to enter a field you enjoy
07:37 TheZenKitteh im a farmer at heart. I love to grow things
07:37 TheZenKitteh farmers must know math and be good at it or they will fail as a farmer
07:37 TheZenKitteh just an example
07:37 Kacey redneck that is good at computers ^_^
07:38 TheZenKitteh im real good with repairing computers.. I just don't like doing it so I don't
07:38 TheZenKitteh this computer was a "salvage". someone threw it out because "it didn't work"
07:38 TheZenKitteh I fixed it
07:38 TheZenKitteh it works
07:38 Vogarth joined #minetest
07:39 Vogarth Hello, any developers here?
07:39 TheZenKitteh I try to use my skills to my benefit. im cheap and don't like to buy things
07:39 Kacey well im off to sleep night all
07:40 TheZenKitteh rest up kacey
07:40 FreeFull joined #minetest
07:40 Vogarth Is the the right channel to ask minetest build questions?
07:40 VanessaE possibly :)
07:41 VanessaE ask away
07:41 Vogarth I think I'm at the final issue building on Mac, an internal Undefined symbol.
07:42 Vogarth mapgen::find_ground_level_from_noise(unsigned long, irr::core::vector2d<short>, short)
07:42 Vogarth referenced from map.cpp.
07:42 VanessaE ah for a question like that, ask in #minetest-dev
07:42 Vogarth Ah. Thanks!
07:42 VanessaE you may not get an answer right away though, so check the channel logs or just leave your irc client online for the day
07:43 OldCoder
07:44 OldCoder Kacey, What is it you'd like to study?
07:46 Vogarth I've left a message. BTW, what's left in minecraft that isn't yet in minetest?
07:48 VanessaE oh
07:48 VanessaE a few mobs, some UI stuff, and that whole enchanting thing I guess
07:48 VanessaE nothing the majority wants, I expect
07:48 VanessaE :)
07:49 VanessaE hell MC is now starting to copy Minetest in places (wall slabs, modding API coming soon, splitting the texture maps into one file per texture)
07:49 TheZenKitteh we have a mole!
07:50 TheZenKitteh kill it kill it
07:50 Vogarth is mese and redstone related?
07:50 VanessaE heh
07:50 VanessaE Vogarth: no.
07:50 * TheZenKitteh pulls out a pitchfork and some tar and some feathers
07:50 VanessaE however there is the mesecons mod which uses mese to produce electronic circuitry
07:53 Vogarth A co-worker's daughter is hooked on minecraft - I got the PE version to check it out, am now trying to get minetest working on mac. I think I'm very close, and look forward to playing with it.
07:54 Vogarth Looks like a few of the developers are around SF.
07:55 VanessaE I don't even know what that is, as I've never actually played MC
07:56 TheZenKitteh I've played minecraft
07:56 TheZenKitteh didn't like it overall
07:57 Vogarth Minecraft Pocket Edition - iPhone/iPad. It's pretty fun on iPad, iPhone is a bit claustrophobic.
07:57 * VanessaE is falling asleep......
07:59 * TheZenKitteh passes a cup of joe to vanessae
07:59 Vogarth well, so much for instant gratification (getting the compiling problem fixed) - it's not fast enough.
07:59 VanessaE what's not fast enough?
08:00 Vogarth I'll keep hacking the code. Thought I might get the ear of a programmer - C++ namespace issues are a bit out of my domain.
08:01 Vogarth Good programmers are lazy, if there's someone else with a quick fix - that's the best fix.
08:04 Vogarth What do most people spend their time in Minetest doing? A few hours building vast underground lairs was enough for me.
08:05 TheZenKitteh I've built more than I care to remember
08:05 VanessaE depends on the person - I spend more time modding than playing
08:05 TheZenKitteh towers castles underground lairs tunnels etc
08:05 TheZenKitteh I've also made mods to include what I wanted in minetest that wasn't there
08:05 Vogarth modding? Creating new blocks / objects / physics?
08:05 VanessaE yes
08:06 * TheZenKitteh curious how many blocks he's dug
08:06 TheZenKitteh im sure its been more than a million
08:06 TheZenKitteh lol
08:06 Jeija joined #minetest
08:07 VanessaE good morning, Jeija
08:07 VanessaE saw your post about the new databus mod - very nice
08:08 Vogarth I'm a bit worried that after playing for too long, I'll try building a real world basement.
08:08 VanessaE Vogarth: I built my in-real-life house in the game
08:08 TheZenKitteh lol
08:09 TheZenKitteh I've yet to replicate my house in a game
08:09 TheZenKitteh but would be creepy
08:09 TheZenKitteh lol
08:09 VanessaE creepy? no.  freaky?  yes :-)
08:09 TheZenKitteh same diff to me
08:09 VanessaE especially if you're remodeling your real-life house to match your in-game model :-)
08:09 TheZenKitteh especially if its very close to accurate
08:09 Vogarth I was just at the empire mine last weekend, no diamonds or coal, just gold.
08:11 Vogarth Has anyone built a lego world mod?
08:11 VanessaE not that I've seen
08:11 VanessaE you're welcome to try L0(
08:11 VanessaE :-)
08:11 TheZenKitteh lego world mod sounds fun but might have copyright or trademark issues?
08:11 TheZenKitteh id play with it
08:11 TheZenKitteh lol
08:12 VanessaE lego's trademark/copyright on the bricks expired years ago
08:12 VanessaE but their logo is probably still protected
08:12 Vogarth I checked amazon a few hours ago, it seems that they have a minecraft lego set.
08:12 VanessaE yep
08:13 TheZenKitteh then go for it if you want
08:15 TheZenKitteh id be interested.. just not enough to make such a mod
08:15 VanessaE off to bed.  Night all.
08:15 Vogarth the other mod I'm thinking about is hooking up SPICE and Bullet - a real circuit emulation engine, and a gravity / collision detection physics engine. When you cut down trees, the blocks could roll downhill, and caveins.
08:15 TheZenKitteh night vanessae
08:16 Vogarth Night, nice chatting!
08:46 simion314_ joined #minetest
09:02 MinetestBot joined #minetest
09:06 berome joined #minetest
09:20 john_minetest joined #minetest
09:35 kizeren joined #minetest
09:36 rsiska joined #minetest
09:37 PilzAdam joined #minetest
09:37 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
09:43 Matrixiumn joined #minetest
09:51 neko259 joined #minetest
09:56 Xenux joined #minetest
10:11 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
10:12 Calinou joined #minetest
10:14 john_minetest joined #minetest
10:14 Calinou http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=65017#p65017 :(
10:15 Calinou also, why is this in general discussion... lol
10:17 Tux-Tn joined #minetest
10:21 FreeFull Lol
10:22 markveidemanis joined #minetest
10:22 markveidemanis hiu
10:23 markveidemanis Hey What's Up?
10:23 Calinou bronies
10:24 markveidemanis Want to talk about maps?
10:24 Calinou all your bronies are belong to http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=65017#p65017
10:25 markveidemanis ???
10:25 markveidemanis can we expand the minetest channels?
10:25 markveidemanis one for maps, one for servers, one for textures and one for offtopic
10:27 TheZenKitteh im off! (in more ways than one)
10:27 TheZenKitteh night/day all
10:27 FreeFull Is there enough people in the first place to do that?
10:29 markveidemanis but...
10:29 markveidemanis #mt-maps
10:29 markveidemanis so that was a waste of time?
10:30 markveidemanis i made 4 channels
10:31 markveidemanis #mtmt #mt-servers #mt-maps #mt-textures --please join at least one of them and talk on it, everyone.
10:32 PilzAdam no
10:35 markveidemanis Anyone want to see a castle/tower/lighthouse/big building///?
10:37 Calinou john_minetest: you mean ##linux?
10:37 Calinou that's a REAL offtopic channel
10:38 markveidemanis ##minetest
10:39 markveidemanis its empty
10:40 markveidemanis all 6 of them
10:42 markveidemanis can you join 1 of them?
10:43 markveidemanis and i just want to let people know that they CAN join another channel to *chat*
10:43 markveidemanis what about my server: #mtmarktwain , ##mtmarktwain
10:45 Malar joined #minetest
10:45 * no-body cares
10:45 no-body HEHE
11:01 TheLastProject joined #minetest
11:05 iqualfragile joined #minetest
11:08 Vogarth left #minetest
11:09 q66 joined #minetest
11:21 Matsetes joined #minetest
11:25 Exio joined #minetest
11:36 Binary1010 joined #minetest
11:39 markveidemanis Hi
11:39 markveidemanis whats up?
11:39 markveidemanis ?clear
11:39 markveidemanis \clear
11:39 markveidemanis sry
11:45 markveidemanis Moooo#
11:45 markveidemanis #moooo
11:46 markveidemanis d[11:45] -rowling.freenode.net- *** Message to #moooo throttled due to flooding
11:46 LunaVorax joined #minetest
11:46 markveidemanis im bored
11:46 markveidemanis !server
11:46 MinetestBot markveidemanis: Steinheim French|English server | minetest-cdk.servegame.com:30000   up (97.723%)
11:47 markveidemanis im not going below 98%
11:47 markveidemanis !server
11:47 MinetestBot markveidemanis: GameBoom's MineTest server MT1 | mt1.gameboom.net:30000   up (99.648%)
11:47 markveidemanis ok
11:48 markveidemanis !server
11:48 MinetestBot markveidemanis: Mrtux's Minetest server | minetest.org:30001   up (96.868%)
11:49 markveidemanis ok, ima check minetest.org
11:53 markveidemanis [Please, be courteous, here and in other channels. This isn't a playground. | IRC: Be patient; get to know the rules | HOME: http://minetest.net | CORE DEVS: #minetest-dev | STATUS: http://servers.minetest.ru/ | IRC LOGS: http://irc.minetest.ru/minetest/]
11:54 iqualfragile1 joined #minetest
11:54 markveidemanis #minetest-doc ?
11:56 markveidemanis Whoops
12:00 markveidemanis ALL channels are quiet
12:00 markveidemanis !!!
12:00 markveidemanis and its 12:00
12:00 markveidemanis !!!
12:00 ruskie 1300 actually
12:00 markveidemanis [12:00] <markveidemanis> and its 12:00
12:00 ruskie [13:00:19] <markveidemanis> and its 12:00
12:01 markveidemanis thats to you
12:01 ruskie and that's to you ;)
12:01 markveidemanis GMT is 12:01 DAMMIT< MISSED LUNCH!!
12:01 Exio [09:00:19] <markveidemanis> and its 12:00
12:01 markveidemanis :P
12:01 Exio nine am here
12:01 markveidemanis haha
12:01 Exio :)
12:01 ruskie anyway enough messing around... off to lunch
12:01 markveidemanis ok...
12:01 markveidemanis wanna see screens of my server?
12:02 markveidemanis its a zip file because there is too many
12:02 markveidemanis http://www.sendspace.com/file/sh56lk Screenshots
12:02 markveidemanis CTCP TIME reply from ruskie: Sun Jan 20 13:02:48 2013
12:03 markveidemanis GMT+1
12:03 markveidemanis +1!
12:04 PilzAdam NMPR: http://www.zimg.eu/i/1571602016
12:05 markveidemanis http://www.sendspace.com/file/sh56lk Screenshots
12:05 markveidemanis Anyone wanna review
12:05 klunk left #minetest
12:07 celeron55 markveidemanis: nobody will open zip files for screenshots
12:07 celeron55 markveidemanis: upload to an imgur album or something
12:07 celeron55 PilzAdam: omg new minetest version!
12:07 celeron55 now with less bloat!
12:08 celeron55 90% less!
12:11 PilzAdam celeron55, "not easy to build": this works for me: https://gist.github.com/4578183
12:12 PilzAdam (with copied jthread from current minetest)
12:20 markveidemanis hi
12:20 Binary1010 joined #minetest
12:20 markveidemanis hi
12:21 markveidemanis ZNC?
12:21 markveidemanis Binary1010
12:25 Binary1010 markveidemanis
12:25 Binary1010 Yes, ZNC
12:25 markveidemanis i never got it to work
12:25 markveidemanis how did you
12:26 Matrixiumn markveidemanis: Followed the instructions...
12:28 markveidemanis i have the tar.gz file now this is where i get stuck,...
12:30 Matrixiumn markveidemanis: It tells you in the instructions how to extract it
12:31 Matrixiumn Wait, are you using this on windows?
12:31 markveidemanis Nop
12:31 markveidemanis Linux
12:31 Matrixiumn Good.
12:31 Matrixiumn Anyway, this isn't the place to discuss it
12:33 markveidemanis How about #mtmt
12:36 markveidemanis i have ~70 images of my server
12:36 markveidemanis on imgur
12:36 markveidemanis anyone wanna review??
12:37 Matsetes joined #minetest
12:37 markveidemanis i have ~70 images of my server
12:37 markveidemanis on imgur
12:37 markveidemanis anyone wanna review??
12:41 sapier joined #minetest
12:41 markveidemanis http://imgur.com/a/dDXWX#0
12:41 markveidemanis DONE AT LAST!!!
12:44 markveidemanis i said hi not Hi
12:45 markveidemanis ctcp chanserv time??
12:45 markveidemanis that could mean anything
12:46 markveidemanis <john_minetest> hello i hike cheese and i live on mars
12:46 markveidemanis see what i mean?
12:47 markveidemanis Its on mars!
12:47 markveidemanis or did i say the moon
12:47 celeron55 this looks pretty 8) http://imgur.com/a/dDXWX#64
12:48 markveidemanis thanks, that is cx385's house in spawn
12:48 markveidemanis http://imgur.com/a/dDXWX#66 <== jojoa1997 messing around with worldedit on my server...
12:49 markveidemanis each chink is lit independent of the others
12:49 markveidemanis *lit* animated
12:50 markveidemanis Yep
12:50 markveidemanis iirc you did that right?
12:51 markveidemanis John...
12:51 markveidemanis can you come on my server so i can give you a *tour*
12:51 markveidemanis of a brand new monument in skycity
12:51 markveidemanis the leaning tower of skye
12:51 markveidemanis Just made that up now
12:53 sapier celeron55 is jthread written specially for minetest or is it included from somewhere?
12:56 markveidemanis Oblivion1500::interact,settime,irc_admin,home,fly,worldedit,server,home_other,basic_privs,bring,teleport,money,privs,sethome_other,fast,openlocks,ban,rollback,shout,password,noclip,diglocks,give
12:56 markveidemanis i blame jojoa
12:57 sapier for what?
12:57 markveidemanis granting that
12:57 sapier :-)
12:58 markveidemanis come on the server
12:58 markveidemanis http://imgur.com/a/dDXWX#66
12:58 markveidemanis look...its awesome
12:58 markveidemanis :D
12:59 markveidemanis [COME ON MEDIA!!]
13:00 anunakki joined #minetest
13:05 markveidemanis http://imgur.com/gallery/qlVHtCC
13:05 markveidemanis ^Pretty pic
13:08 ttk2 joined #minetest
13:09 celeron55 sapier: it's from here http://research.edm.uhasselt.be/~jori/page/index.php?n=CS.Jthread
13:12 markveidemanis http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/817769-did-the-terrain-become-boring-update-11713-the-letter-has-been-sent/
13:13 markveidemanis someone, recreate this!!!
13:14 sapier celeron55 are there any objections to adding new features to it?
13:18 markveidemanis yes, you go do that:D
13:22 john_minetest left #minetest
13:22 markveidemanis also,the biomes are shit, lets face it
13:22 markveidemanis sorry, but its true
13:22 markveidemanis be more minecraft!
13:24 aheinecke joined #minetest
13:27 SpeedProg joined #minetest
13:30 markveidemanis http://forum.minetest.net/profile.php?id=93 <==SAD!!
13:31 MinetestBot joined #minetest
13:32 markveidemanis !serveer
13:32 markveidemanis !server
13:32 MinetestBot markveidemanis: Steinheim French|English server | minetest-cdk.servegame.com:30000   up (97.719%)
13:33 markveidemanis Who will admire the Architectural qualities of my server
13:33 markveidemanis Just another way of saying: COME ON MY SERVER
13:38 sapier have you noticed that you are the only one talking markveidemanis?
13:38 markveidemanis I     Am     Bored     .
13:38 markveidemanis no
13:38 markveidemanis you are! :P
13:38 sapier you're halucinating
13:39 sapier I'm not talking ;-)
13:39 markveidemanis <sapier> I'm not talking ;-)
13:39 markveidemanis im not spamming
13:39 markveidemanis im not spamming
13:39 markveidemanis :D
13:39 markveidemanis Its Double-Vision
13:40 markveidemanis joined #minetest
13:41 markveidemanis i was not spamming!
13:41 markveidemanis can you post what it said when i left?
13:45 markveidemanis Someone give me something to do
13:46 PilzAdam markveidemanis, go to wikipedia and read a bit
13:48 markveidemanis Anything but       athat
13:48 markveidemanis thattt..
13:49 markveidemanis Channel modes on #minetest are: +cnt
13:49 markveidemanis i find that offensive
13:49 markveidemanis #minetest was created at: Wed Feb 16 21:06:43 2011
13:50 markveidemanis left #minetest
13:51 markveidemanis joined #minetest
13:51 markveidemanis everyone on #minetest, quick!
13:51 john_minetest joined #minetest
13:51 markveidemanis everyone on #minetest, quick!
13:53 Zeg9 joined #minetest
13:53 markveidemanis /mode #minecraft +b
13:54 markveidemanis im on that list:P
13:54 markveidemanis A messed up example of the uncertainty principle?
13:54 markveidemanis :D
13:55 markveidemanis Shrodingher, right?
13:55 Zeg9 Hey there
13:55 Zeg9 I like cats stories. Sending that to friends
13:56 markveidemanis Schrödinger's cat: a cat, a flask of poison, and a radioactive source are placed in a sealed box. If an internal monitor detects radioactivity (i.e. a single atom decaying), the flask is shattered, releasing the poison that kills the cat. There is a supposed 50% chance of this happening. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead. Yet, when one lo
13:56 markveidemanis e and dead. This poses the question of when exactly quantum superposition ends and reality collapses into one possibility or the other.
13:57 markveidemanis Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger's_cat
13:57 markveidemanis ??
13:57 markveidemanis IRC can't do accents?
13:58 Zeg9 It can
13:58 Zeg9 but URLs are encoded
13:58 markveidemanis ᶯᶮḉⁿₑứỞ
13:58 Leuthihi john_minetest: I'm sorry, that has nothing to do with quantum mechanics. Schrödinger's experiment uses a quantum-mechanical trigger. You'd need to trigger both the zombie-bite and the gas release with two different quantum-mechanicals trigger to make it a "quantum-mechanics" experiment.
13:58 markveidemanis it works perfectly
13:58 markveidemanis Zzzzz
13:58 markveidemanis Zzz
13:58 markveidemanis Wha--?
13:59 markveidemanis ꝡꝕꝔꝢꝣꝱꝳꝲꝵꝜꝪꝷꞠꟸꟹꞦꞤ
13:59 markveidemanis hexadecimal
13:59 Leuthihi markveidemanis: Go watch the tennis if you're bored.
14:00 markveidemanis ็็็๛๗๛๘
14:00 markveidemanis ᚷᚷᚷᛰᛯᛮᚿᛁᚻ
14:01 markveidemanis ᚷᚷᚷᛰᛯᛮᚿᛁᚻᛇᛇ
14:01 markveidemanis il stop now:P
14:01 Leuthihi No you won't stop as long as you're bored - so do something about it.
14:01 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
14:02 MinetestBot joined #minetest
14:03 jojoa1997 !up minetest.org 30005
14:03 MinetestBot minetest.org:30005 is up (1.025ms)
14:03 Gambit joined #minetest
14:04 PilzAdam Hi Gambit, have you any news about a new version of MineToon?
14:06 FreeFull joined #minetest
14:07 markveidemanis JOJOA1997, WE NEED TO TALK
14:07 Gambit Who what now?
14:07 jojoa1997 what5
14:07 Gambit PilzAdam: Apparently there's a Gambit on the Minetest forums. I am not he.
14:07 markveidemanis On mtmt
14:07 Gambit Confusing, I know, but I had this name first :P
14:08 PilzAdam yea, confusing :-)
14:13 celeron55 hmm... what has been previoisly at wiki.minetest.net?
14:13 celeron55 previously*
14:13 celeron55 was the old dev wiki there? i can't remember
14:13 PilzAdam celeron55, the old dev wiki was at minetest.net/wiki/
14:14 PilzAdam (and is still there)
14:14 celeron55 hmm, it goes to the now unused crashy VPS
14:14 celeron55 i guess the dev wiki was in there too
14:14 celeron55 i wonder where it should point at
14:14 celeron55 old dev wiki? dew dev wiki? wiki.minetest.com?
14:15 celeron55 new*
14:15 celeron55 google finds almost no references at all to wiki.minetest.net; i don't think anyone has been linking much to that address
14:16 celeron55 i'll make it a 302 redirect to dev.minetest.net for now
14:27 markveidemanis !up minetest.org 30010
14:27 MinetestBot minetest.org:30010 is up (0.519ms)
14:29 MinetestBot joined #minetest
14:29 markveidemanis !up minetest.org 30010-30013
14:29 MinetestBot minetest.org:30010 is up (5.902ms)
14:29 MinetestBot minetest.org:30011 is up (0.936ms)
14:29 MinetestBot minetest.org:30012 is up (0.613ms)
14:29 MinetestBot minetest.org:30013 is up (0.710ms)
14:35 celeron55 why is there so much minetest-related stuff in Offtopic
14:36 celeron55 hmm, apparently not so much; a single new one now
14:37 MinetestBot joined #minetest
14:38 markveidemanis Dont spam
14:38 markveidemanis left #minetest
14:39 iqualfragile joined #minetest
14:42 jojoa1997 how do you get s=rid of shadows using world edit
14:43 jojoa1997 nvm
14:51 jojoa1997 i found how
14:51 jojoa1997 use replace and then
14:51 jojoa1997 //fixlight
14:52 markveidemanis_ joined #minetest
14:52 markveidemanis_ LOL battery *just* ran out
14:53 markveidemanis_ stop it minetestbot
14:53 MinetestBot joined #minetest
14:53 markveidemanis_ left #minetest
14:53 markveidemanis_ joined #minetest
14:53 markveidemanis_ left #minetest
14:53 markveidemanis_ joined #minetest
14:53 markveidemanis_ left #minetest
14:53 markveidemanis_ joined #minetest
14:53 markveidemanis_ left #minetest
14:53 markveidemanis_ joined #minetest
14:53 markveidemanis_ left #minetest
14:56 markveidemanis joined #minetest
14:56 aheinecke joined #minetest
14:56 markveidemanis left #minetest
14:58 markveidemanis joined #minetest
14:58 VanessaE morning all.
14:58 markveidemanis Good 15:00 Time
14:59 sfan5 hey MinetestBot
14:59 MinetestBot Hi sfan5
14:59 sfan5 hey MinetestBot
14:59 markveidemanis WHY?
14:59 MinetestBot Hey sfan5
14:59 markveidemanis hey MinetestBot
14:59 MinetestBot Hi markveidemanis
14:59 markveidemanis hey MinetestBot
14:59 MinetestBot Hello markveidemanis!
14:59 markveidemanis haha
15:00 leo_rockway joined #minetest
15:01 markveidemanis ##mtmarktwain
15:01 markveidemanis hey MinetestBot
15:01 MinetestBot Hi markveidemanis!
15:02 markveidemanis damm clipboard
15:02 markveidemanis left #minetest
15:12 markveidemanis joined #minetest
15:13 markveidemanis left #minetest
15:13 XtremeWiz joined #minetest
15:19 markveidemanis joined #minetest
15:19 markveidemanis <NEWS/>
15:20 markveidemanis minetest channel ##mtmarktwain is broken and replaced with ##marktwain
15:20 markveidemanis and a failed previous: #mtmarktwain
15:20 markveidemanis </NEWS>
15:20 markveidemanis left #minetest
15:20 markveidemanis joined #minetest
15:21 markveidemanis 1 more thing
15:21 markveidemanis PLEASE JOIN !!!
15:21 Jordach joined #minetest
15:21 Jordach joined #minetest
15:22 markveidemanis Who wants to test  bot or spam...Or both?
15:22 markveidemanis #join yogscast
15:22 markveidemanis whoops fail
15:23 markveidemanis ^ who wants to : go to #mtmt
15:23 markveidemanis left #minetest
15:26 TB|Vibe-X hi all
15:26 VanessaE hi
15:27 TB|Vibe-X does someone knows a tutorial, how to compile minetest? i've forgotten the linkl :/
15:28 iqualfragile1 joined #minetest
15:28 sapier wrong
15:28 TB|Vibe-X yeha i know, but with cmake you are able
15:29 sapier cmake -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1
15:29 sapier make
15:29 TB|Vibe-X thanks :)
15:29 sapier true ... "." was missing
15:29 Jordach hello VanessaE
15:29 sapier and of course install all dependencys
15:29 VanessaE hey
15:30 TB|Vibe-X yeah ia will have a look on this
15:30 VanessaE cmake -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1 . ; make -j2
15:30 TB|Vibe-X "https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/commits/master" is this still actually?
15:30 Jordach VanessaE, go test issue #432
15:30 VanessaE that is the correct command (change "2" to number of cores you have times 2)
15:30 VanessaE Jordach: eh?
15:30 TB|Vibe-X ive got problems with 8
15:30 TB|Vibe-X but 2 works very well
15:30 Jordach VanessaE, sapier's experimental fix for emergethread
15:30 TB|Vibe-X i thought about the "merge players problem"
15:31 VanessaE Jordach: I already have it in place.
15:31 TB|Vibe-X this just happend while using -j 7 :D
15:31 Jordach how is it working?
15:31 VanessaE my server was the testbed for it
15:31 TB|Vibe-X -j 8  j2 worked
15:31 VanessaE it helps
15:31 Jordach VanessaE, move this chat to -mods
15:35 VanessaE [01-20 10:34] <Jordach> so -- any major lockups since?
15:35 VanessaE Not major ones, no, but it does still hang up from time to time.  But, it seems to resolve itself faster than before.
15:36 Jordach so theres room for improvement
15:36 VanessaE I won't know for sure until I see a few people playing normally for a few days
15:36 VanessaE and attendance has fallen off quite drastically because of the lag
15:36 Jordach VanessaE, i know an eaier way
15:36 Jordach easier
15:36 Jordach get mauvebic to worldedit a city in place
15:37 Jordach (that should make emergethread choke)
15:37 VanessaE no need.  With my moretrees mod installed, the server has tons of content
15:37 VanessaE that's already enough
15:37 VanessaE the more "stuff" that has to be loaded, even if it isn't being *generated*, the worse the performance.
15:38 VanessaE fly around near the spawn and things are okay.  Venture out into the outskirts where the heavily-wooded areas are and it starts to lag
15:38 codile joined #minetest
15:39 Jordach then moretrees needs lesstrees
15:39 XtremeWiz left #minetest
15:39 VanessaE fuck no
15:39 Jordach in fact: a mod known as trees which the expansion shall be moretrees
15:39 Jordach (thats if it can take such pressure)
15:39 VanessaE the emergethread code needs a proper fix
15:40 VanessaE and it will get one sooner or later, I am sure.
15:40 sapier I assume problem is that abm's caused by all those trees still somewhat disturb emerge thread
15:40 VanessaE sapier: no.
15:40 sapier no? why are you that sure?
15:40 TB|Vibe-X have someone a list of dependencies?
15:40 TB|Vibe-X oherwise i have to test all dev packages :D
15:40 VanessaE the ABMs that generated those trees operate in the same manner whether they're in a tree area or not
15:40 VanessaE same amount of load anyway
15:41 VanessaE the problem is the existence of that much content
15:41 TB|Vibe-X ah alright
15:41 VanessaE not what caused it to be added.
15:41 VanessaE sapier: also,
15:41 TB|Vibe-X i found sorry
15:41 sapier plantlife growing algorithms too?
15:41 VanessaE I switched to mapgen-based tree growth a couple of days ago.
15:41 VanessaE and trees don't "grow" via plantlife's growing code.
15:41 VanessaE (which is also quite fast)
15:42 VanessaE well they do grow in the sense that if a sapling is planted, it'll turn into a tree eventually, but that is done via L-systems, so it's instant
15:42 sapier that's not what I meant, I've just recognized that lag and plantlife growing messages where somehow related ... but I'm not sure if this is related to the lag
15:42 VanessaE and the ABM for that is triggered by the existence of the sapling - no saplings = no ABM calls in that area.
15:43 sapier maybe vines? those are far more common in heavyly wooded areas?
15:43 VanessaE nope
15:43 sapier ok I'm just guessing atm
15:44 VanessaE I just added vines when I added the moretrees mod, btu I had jungle trees and conifers mods before moretrees, *with growth abms disabled* and the server still lagged
15:44 sapier are there any abm's directly or indirectly related to moretrees?
15:44 Jeija joined #minetest
15:45 sapier I ask because I don't really understand difference between a tree and mountains ... both are just lots of nodes
15:45 VanessaE Jeija: go to -dev, they are discussing adding your server manager.
15:45 VanessaE sapier: in its present incarnation, only a couple of sparsely-executed ABMs to turn saplings into trees.
15:46 sapier that shouldn't make a difference, at least if there aren't tons of saplings around
15:46 VanessaE even if there are, they only grow very rarely
15:46 VanessaE and the abm is tied to the saplings themselves
15:46 VanessaE not the grass under them
15:47 markveidemanis joined #minetest
15:47 VanessaE so a dozen saplings in a 5x5x5 chunk is only going to take a fraction of a fraction of a second to execute even if all of them turn into trees all at once.
15:47 sapier true, but I'm not sure about how abm's are done if they take lock calculate chance and then release lock even rare abms have big footprint
15:48 VanessaE the abm for growing a conifer is probably very similar to the one used to grow default saplings -> trees
15:48 VanessaE so I don't see how it would add to the load.
15:48 sapier you're right
15:48 markveidemanis i say kill all trees!!!
15:49 markveidemanis someone make a mod
15:49 markveidemanis that deletes all tree materials from all tree mods from the mapo
15:49 markveidemanis map
15:49 sapier we're not talking about workarounds but trying to find a fix for the root cause
15:49 VanessaE markveidemanis: moretrees operates on mapgen now, not via abm, so trees won't keep regrowing unless you plant them,
15:50 sapier more exactly we're even trying to find the root cause atm
15:50 markveidemanis but how do i delete the ones in spawn!?
15:50 VanessaE in the meantime, use worldedit to clear out the overgrowth
15:50 markveidemanis they intersect wih buildings
15:50 VanessaE so?
15:50 markveidemanis and the buildings are 25x25
15:50 markveidemanis and theres like 19 of them
15:50 markveidemanis with 2 floors
15:50 markveidemanis and glass windows
15:50 VanessaE fly around, //pos1  fly some more, //pos2  //replace conifers:trunk air
15:51 sapier take a axe helmet and play lumberjack ;-)
15:51 VanessaE //replace conifers:leaves air
15:51 VanessaE //replace conifers:leaves_special air
15:51 VanessaE //fixlight
15:51 VanessaE there.  problem solved.
15:51 markveidemanis any way i can use an abm?
15:51 sapier no
15:51 PilzAdam markveidemanis, see my clean mod
15:51 bwsrjr joined #minetest
15:54 markveidemanis what if i do //set air...
15:54 markveidemanis uh.oh
15:54 markveidemanis undo???!
15:54 VanessaE noooooo
15:54 markveidemanis jkjk
15:54 VanessaE I told you to use //replace
15:54 markveidemanis :P
15:55 markveidemanis its
15:55 markveidemanis it takes ages to loaf
15:55 markveidemanis load
15:55 VanessaE I know, but that's how you have to do it
16:00 markveidemanis i typed the commands, the server is lagging
16:00 markveidemanis will it continue if i exit?
16:00 VanessaE it'll take a while to execute.
16:00 VanessaE do not exit.
16:00 VanessaE just minimize your client and check back later.
16:00 hmmmm joined #minetest
16:01 markveidemanis Hmmmm ok
16:01 markveidemanis :D
16:01 VanessaE good morning (etc), hmmmm.
16:01 markveidemanis leaves: 1608
16:02 VanessaE markveidemanis: sounds about right.
16:02 VanessaE 11:02 am and it's xchat.
16:02 VanessaE :)
16:02 markveidemanis k
16:02 markveidemanis Hmm...
16:03 hmmmm hi
16:03 markveidemanis good: evening, afternood, morning
16:03 markveidemanis afternoon***
16:03 VanessaE TZAG as marktraceur would say.
16:04 markveidemanis conifers are still there
16:05 VanessaE so replace the other parts
16:05 VanessaE conifers:trunk
16:05 VanessaE conifers:leaves_special
16:07 markveidemanis i did that and it only removed part of them
16:07 VanessaE then you didn't select enough of the area
16:07 VanessaE or the mapgen fell behind.  execute the //replace commands again
16:08 markveidemanis now they are lagging like hell, dropping themselves as items
16:08 Zetetic` joined #minetest
16:08 VanessaE that's the leafdecay mod doing that, part of the game's default stuff.
16:08 VanessaE because you removed trunks first.
16:09 VanessaE remove the leaves now
16:09 Zetetic` joined #minetest
16:09 VanessaE then /clearobjects
16:09 markveidemanis after i do that to all of spanw
16:09 markveidemanis spawn
16:11 markveidemanis !up minetest.org 30010
16:11 MinetestBot minetest.org:30010 is up (0.926ms)
16:11 markveidemanis but lagging...
16:11 VanessaE wait for it to finish
16:12 VanessaE then /shutdown and restart the server.
16:12 markveidemanis 2454 thats more like it!
16:12 VanessaE (if you can't restart it yourself, don't /shutdown)
16:12 mauvebic joined #minetest
16:12 markveidemanis not restart
16:12 markveidemanis i know how to restart it *safely*
16:12 VanessaE /shutdown
16:12 VanessaE but you have to be able to start it back up.
16:13 markveidemanis fixlight?
16:13 VanessaE ARGH
16:13 VanessaE go back and re-read what I said.
16:14 markveidemanis i did /clear
16:14 markveidemanis and clearobjects
16:15 markveidemanis can i exit yet?
16:16 TB|Vibe-X does someone knows the debian package, needed for minetest used curl?
16:16 markveidemanis NOp
16:16 markveidemanis Nop
16:16 TB|Vibe-X ah i found
16:16 TB|Vibe-X :D
16:16 TB|Vibe-X /usr/include/curl/curl.hlibcurl4-gnutls-dev, libcurl4-nss-dev, libcurl4-openssl-dev
16:17 markveidemanis !up minetest.org 30010
16:17 MinetestBot minetest.org:30010 is up (0.548ms)
16:17 markveidemanis so...not crashed???
16:18 mauvebic bot(s) are back? cool
16:19 markveidemanis !up markmt/strangled.net
16:19 MinetestBot markmt/strangled.net:30000 seems to be down
16:19 markveidemanis .
16:19 markveidemanis !up markmt.strangled.net
16:19 MinetestBot markmt.strangled.net:30000 seems to be down
16:19 markveidemanis Balls to it
16:19 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:20 markveidemanis hi
16:20 VanessaE /clearobjects will take a while to run, markveidemanis
16:20 VanessaE that's a memory-heavy command
16:20 markveidemanis i kno...
16:21 mauvebic *hints at /clearnearobjects for big maps* :p
16:21 markveidemanis dammit!!!!!
16:23 VanessaE what?
16:24 rubenwardy hi all
16:24 VanessaE hey rubenwardy
16:24 babyface1031 joined #minetest
16:26 babyface1031 does anyone know what this guy is http://i.imgur.com/WD1bCJ8.png
16:26 rubenwardy I have great respect for Celeron55, game programming with Irrlicht and network capability is hard
16:26 rubenwardy santa?
16:26 VanessaE looks like Yakov Smirnoff :-)
16:26 VanessaE (sp)
16:28 Guest2040 joined #minetest
16:30 babyface1031 could it be santa is santa in the xmas mod?
16:31 Calinou joined #minetest
16:33 Dogzilla131 joined #minetest
16:34 Jordach also: when did the bots get back in?
16:34 markveidemanis when thexyz quit
16:34 markveidemanis and stopped banning them
16:35 rubenwardy google is so slow
16:36 Jordach thexyz, if bots are banned, then why is MinetestBot here?
16:36 markveidemanis they agreed afterbanning mine and iqual's bots
16:37 markveidemanis i think we don't need bots
16:37 markveidemanis !agree
16:37 markveidemanis :D
16:37 markveidemanis !up minetest.org 30000-30003
16:37 MinetestBot minetest.org:30000 is up (0.662ms)
16:37 sapier I like them if they reduce spam :-))
16:37 MinetestBot minetest.org:30001 is up (0.523ms)
16:37 MinetestBot minetest.org:30002 is up (1.576ms)
16:37 MinetestBot minetest.org:30003 seems to be down
16:37 markveidemanis lol
16:38 markveidemanis good timing
16:38 markveidemanis łøł
16:38 thexyz Jordach: dunno, ask sfan5
16:38 sapier hmm ... not quite what was intended :-)
16:38 Calinou dirt monsters are attacking me from inside ;-;
16:38 Jordach sapier, they dont. :P
16:39 Jordach thexyz, you are also out of date for a win32 build
16:39 MilanFIN joined #minetest
16:39 Calinou did a /clearobjects and still happens
16:39 thexyz Jordach: 1 commit that's not important at all
16:40 Jordach thexyz, why are the checkboxes in your builds grey and not white
16:41 sfan5 Jordach: celeron55 allowed 1 bot in this channel
16:41 Jordach aye
16:41 sfan5 so i started mine
16:43 Jordach i finally found where my framerate went
16:43 Jordach fuck you opengl
16:46 mauvebic opengl 4.2.11762 doesnt seem as fast as opengl3 on the p4 but that could be many things
16:49 Calinou opengl 4.2.0 here
16:49 Calinou someone's having AMD GPUs
16:49 Calinou (and I could upgrade to opengl 4.3.0 if I wanted)
16:49 Jordach i lost 30fps in openGL compared to d3d9
16:49 kaeza joined #minetest
16:50 kaeza hi all
16:50 Calinou Jordach: blame windows :P
16:50 Jordach Calinou, blame my (aging) gpu (even though theres a 1gb in that!)
16:51 berome joined #minetest
16:51 Calinou recent GPUs are faster at opengl ;-)
16:52 Calinou wtf, I'm on my server with another player
16:52 Calinou he has 30 second lag but my upload BW is far from 100% used, same for CPU
16:52 Calinou I have simplemobs, moreores, moreblocks, flowers, mesecons, carts, ufo mods
16:52 sapier opengl or directX is only a matter of driver
16:55 Calinou GPUs somehow, too
16:55 Calinou but also driver
16:56 sapier modern GPU's do only basic operations, how to use them to do graphics is driver issue so for most common use cases driver will be bottleneck
17:03 Calinou http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4519
17:03 * Calinou voted "no"
17:06 thexyz Jordach: dunno, should they be white?
17:12 MinetestBot joined #minetest
17:12 pandaro joined #minetest
17:12 Jousway joined #minetest
17:13 klunk wtf with difference here, that's shocking, seriously. :-/
17:13 klunk starting with poney hate
17:14 klunk after people flaming
17:15 klunk people way of life flamming, I mean. Hmm, I'm leaving for today.
17:16 klunk left #minetest
17:24 Muadtralk joined #minetest
17:27 john_minetest joined #minetest
17:35 kaeza http://cheezburger.com/6981274368
17:36 VanessaE Calinou: regarding lag, you're hitting the EmergeThread wall I keep hitting
17:48 markveidemanis http://hvgaming.bugs3.com/404
17:54 Calinou VanessaE: what's that?
17:54 VanessaE Calinou: a bug in the engine
17:54 Calinou k
17:57 markveidemanis moo
17:59 pandaro joined #minetest
18:01 erlehmann joined #minetest
18:01 erlehmann so how can i replace everything with lego?
18:01 erlehmann lego nodebox is
18:02 erlehmann fixed = {
18:02 erlehmann {-0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 0.5,0.5,0.5},
18:02 erlehmann {-0.4,0.5,-0.4, -0.1,0.6,-0.1},
18:02 erlehmann {0.1,0.5,-0.4, 0.4,0.6,-0.1},
18:02 erlehmann {-0.4,0.5,0.1, -0.1,0.6,0.4},
18:02 erlehmann {0.1,0.5,0.1, 0.4,0.6,0.4},
18:02 erlehmann },
18:02 erlehmann :3
18:03 Calinou joined #minetest
18:05 sapier open default mod init.lua and replace each node by a node with this nodebox ;-)
18:06 PilzAdam erlehmann, or go to builtin/item.lua and change the default drawtype and nodebox
18:06 erlehmann PilzAdam and as a mod „change everything to lego“ ?
18:06 RealBadAngel
18:06 RealBadAngel if some1 wanna see new trees
18:06 RealBadAngel server is up
18:07 PilzAdam erlehmann, there is no good support for mods to change the default behaviour
18:07 erlehmann oh :(
18:07 PilzAdam I tried to change stack_max to 64 in MiniTest without adding it to every single node definition
18:07 PilzAdam doenst work good
18:09 erlehmann Minitest?
18:10 PilzAdam a game for the minetest engine made by me that tries to copy the MC gameplay
18:10 RealBadAngel PilzAdam: wanna join?
18:10 PilzAdam I havent worked on this for a while
18:10 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, when omploader gets it DB errors fixed
18:11 PilzAdam im trying to ompload something
18:11 RealBadAngel i ve just setup a test server with trees generatin on mapgen
18:12 RealBadAngel world looks just excellent
18:12 Final joined #minetest
18:15 markveidemanis i have setup a server just now too
18:20 markveidemanis if anyone wants to see the new skycity: minetest.org 30010
18:20 kaeza ...
18:20 * Calinou is updating his nvidia driver to 313.18
18:23 SpeedProg1 joined #minetest
18:26 Calinou hope X will start :-D
18:26 Calinou *prepares live USB*
18:31 thexyz debian problems?
18:31 Calinou nope
18:31 Calinou ubuntu problems :-)
18:32 VanessaE can someone help me with a dynamic table reference in Lua?
18:32 kaeza VanessaE, ?
18:32 kaeza and hi :)
18:32 VanessaE given this string:  defname = "moretrees."..treename.."_model"
18:32 VanessaE how do I get the contents of the table named by that string so that I can pass it to another function?
18:33 kaeza hmm
18:33 PilzAdam VanessaE, table_name["string"] ?
18:33 kaeza how about: defname = treename.."_model"
18:33 VanessaE table_name ?
18:33 PilzAdam or table_name[var] here
18:33 kaeza and moretrees[defname]
18:34 Calinou joined #minetest
18:34 Calinou workjs
18:34 Calinou works*
18:34 kaeza congrats Calinou ^_^
18:35 Calinou I am now using teh openglz 4.3.0
18:35 VanessaE ah hah!
18:36 VanessaE kaeza's method works
18:36 kaeza VanessaE, nice!
18:36 Calinou there seems to be a noticeable performance improvement over 304.51
18:36 PilzAdam VanessaE, kaeza's way is exactly the same thing I said
18:36 kaeza BTW table["field"] is the same as table.field
18:36 Kacey joined #minetest
18:37 Kacey hello all
18:37 kaeza hey Kacey
18:37 pandaro joined #minetest
18:38 Kacey im on my xbox ^-^
18:38 kaeza I'm on my toaster ^-^
18:38 Calinou O_o I can see the amount of VRAM used on my GPU
18:38 Calinou 70MB right now
18:38 Kacey \o/ i win haha
18:39 VanessaE PilzAdam: I must have used your method wrongly then - either way it's working now.
18:39 kaeza VanessaE, PilzAdam was just a bit less specific to your case
18:39 Kacey i wonder... could a team of us get together and make minetest for the 360?
18:41 kaeza Calinou, I miss the old DOS times where you could get away with just 256K of VRAM
18:43 Calinou I have 5000× more VRAM than that
18:43 kaeza I have only 128M. Integrated adapters suck :(
18:44 Kacey hi Jeija
18:45 Jeija hi
18:45 markveidemanis hi
18:45 codile_ joined #minetest
18:46 Kacey i think i know how to make mesecons better
18:47 Kacey animated pistons and stick pistons
18:47 Kacey sticky, even
18:48 kaeza notbad.jpg
18:48 Kacey haha i had an idea
18:49 kaeza inb4 copyright infringement
18:50 kaeza nope, not even that
18:51 Kacey it is all registered under OldCoder...
18:51 kaeza *Coder nicknames are © 1950-2013 OldCoder
18:51 Kacey not KaceyCoder
18:51 KaceyCoder i win haha
18:52 kaeza better
18:52 YoungDerp i am a derp lol
18:52 kaeza tro lo lo lo
18:54 YoungDerp lets see if OC can figure out who i am now haha
18:54 kaeza There's something called "chat log".
18:55 sapier is anyone here looking for a new challenge?
18:55 OldCoder Hi
18:55 markveidemanis HELLO!
18:55 Calinou http://dl.dropbox.com/u/82342922/temp/xonotic20130120195424-00.jpg
18:55 Calinou hi
18:55 kaeza hey OldCoder
18:55 sapier is there a log of this channel?
18:55 OldCoder Hi
18:55 Calinou kaeza: ^ :P
18:55 OldCoder sapier, Yes
18:55 markveidemanis server performance is well...*Foggy*
18:56 markveidemanis and plz remove animals
18:56 markveidemanis see my link?
18:56 markveidemanis thats the updated modpack
18:56 sapier ahhh it's there again last time I had a look at it link wasn't there
18:56 kaeza sapier, http://irc.minetest.ru/minetest/today/
18:56 markveidemanis and i edited and updated trashcan
18:56 kaeza -/
18:56 YoungDerp helo OldCoder
18:57 markveidemanis LittleCoder
18:57 sapier1 joined #minetest
18:57 markveidemanis YoungCoder
18:57 markveidemanis Lol
18:57 Calinou kaeza: I now play xonotic at 60FPS on ultimate settings while keeping the fan at 40% speed (the default one) :P
18:57 Calinou it will increase sometimes, though
18:57 Calinou (also, 4× AA)
18:57 sapier1 kaeza I see only 403 on that link ;-)
18:57 kaeza awesome
18:57 kaeza sapier1, http://irc.minetest.ru/minetest/today
18:58 kaeza (without the ending / )
18:58 sapier1 ah :-)
18:59 sapier1 btw mob count on oc's servers has increased by aproximatly factor 4 with this update (at least if oc didn't disable more mobs)
19:00 OldCoder Hello
19:00 kaeza sapier1, do mobs disappear if too far from players?
19:00 sapier1 yes they disappear as any entity
19:00 YoungDerp hi OldCoder
19:01 kaeza lol Pidgin
19:02 sapier yes ;-)
19:02 sapier but still increasing number of mobs by factor 4 will have noticable impact on performance ... but I can't tell how much
19:04 Calinou even simplemobs eats 106% of my CPU
19:04 sapier simplemobs isn't quite simple ;-)
19:04 YoungDerp wireless controller ftw!!!!!
19:05 Calinou ethernet ftw
19:05 Calinou 125MB/sec vs 15MB/sec
19:05 Calinou :3
19:05 OldCoder sapier, I am told that vombies are present in my worlds even though you patched them out. It is fine but out of curiosity are you able to comment?
19:05 Calinou and wireless controllers? latency everywhere
19:05 sapier I don't have any idea ... I'll have a look why this happened
19:06 Kacey hey i am going to register YoungDerp
19:06 YoUnGdErP nobody cares about caps
19:06 Kacey kaeza: ¿como esta usted?
19:07 kaeza wow "usted" :D no need to be so formal fella
19:07 MarkVeidemanis Who knows braille
19:07 MarkVeidemanis ⠟⠠⠮⠼⠾⠰⠳⡁⠝⠴⠱⠭
19:08 Kacey i show respecg
19:08 Kacey respect, even
19:10 Kacey kaeza es un hombre intelegente
19:10 FreeFull joined #minetest
19:10 Kacey intelegente, even
19:11 kaeza MarkVeidemanis, "/ignore *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip. all" also does not care about caps ;)
19:11 MarkVeidemanis is that my ip??
19:12 Kacey OldCoder es un hobre serio
19:12 Kacey español
19:12 kaeza hombre, even
19:12 Kacey gotta love it
19:12 Kacey i have strange buttons lol
19:12 kaeza áéíóú
19:13 Kacey ñ
19:13 MarkVeidemanis +q
19:13 MarkVeidemanis łøł
19:14 Kacey ¡¿æœç£¥¤øýþðßµa
19:14 MarkVeidemanis <spam>
19:14 MarkVeidemanis OldCoder: conifers:leaves_special
19:14 MarkVeidemanis conifers:trunk
19:16 Kacey that verb ser is crazy right kaeza?
19:16 kaeza ?
19:16 Kacey yo SOY
19:16 kaeza tu ERES
19:17 Kacey tú, even
19:17 Kacey él/ella/usted ES
19:17 kaeza I suck at spanish anyway
19:17 Kacey nosotros SOMOS
19:17 markveidemanis Mamma Mia!!!
19:18 Kacey osotros SOIS
19:18 markveidemanis NomNoM
19:18 Kacey vosotros, even
19:18 Kacey ellos/ustedes SON
19:18 kaeza well, english has it's strange words too
19:19 Kacey now i have to learn the erb estar
19:19 Kacey verb, even
19:19 kaeza he leaves the tree leaves on the fllor
19:19 Kacey y'all
19:19 kaeza floor, even
19:20 Kacey onomatopia
19:20 Kacey synonym
19:20 Kacey antonym
19:20 Kacey language :P
19:21 Jeija left #minetest
19:21 kaeza he left by going through the left door
19:22 Kacey if i am on the other side of the room, it is the right door, right? haha
19:22 kaeza it's your right!
19:22 kaeza :P
19:22 Kacey right!
19:23 Kacey dont get me started on german :P
19:23 FreeFull joined #minetest
19:25 Kacey is "¿como eres?" a valid term en español?
19:25 kaeza maybe
19:25 kaeza but not for what you want to ask
19:26 kaeza "how are you?" == "¿cómo estás?"
19:26 Kacey that is estar
19:26 Kacey i want toput ser in its place
19:26 Kacey stupidspacebar
19:27 kaeza whatisthespacebar?
19:27 * Kacey hasnoideawhatthelongkeyatthebottomofthekeyboarddoes
19:27 kaeza fail
19:27 Kacey well
19:28 kaeza btw "
19:28 Kacey ¿qué?
19:29 kaeza BTW "¿cómo eres?" is asking the other person about physical appearance/etc
19:29 Kacey is it que or qué
19:29 kaeza depends
19:29 Kacey for a question
19:29 kaeza "Qué" is when asking
19:30 kaeza "Que" is in a statement
19:30 Kacey lets see if i can do it right....
19:31 Kacey yo soy .. nope i cant
19:31 Kacey i was trying to say "i don't think i am going to school today" but i forgot how to
19:32 kaeza "No creo que vaya a la escuela hoy"
19:32 Kacey ¿por qué?
19:33 Kacey all the time i ask that
19:33 kaeza porque me siento mal :P
19:33 kaeza inb4 sentate bien!
19:33 kaeza lolol
19:33 Kacey soy es muy gordo
19:34 Kacey failure just plain fail
19:34 kaeza you just said "I am am too fat"
19:34 Kacey wrong form of ser... wrong adjetivo
19:35 kaeza "I am" == "soy" nothing more, nothing less
19:35 kaeza (maybe "yo soy")
19:35 Kacey yo soy muy alto
19:36 Kacey mucho
19:36 kaeza I am very tall
19:36 Kacey accidental o haha
19:36 Kacey much better was meant there haha
19:39 Kacey lunch time
19:39 Kacey afk
19:41 shirish joined #minetest
19:41 erlehmann the lego thing does not werk
19:43 FreeFull joined #minetest
19:43 kaeza erlehmann, ?
19:45 erlehmann changing default block rendering
19:45 sapier OldCoder I've found and fixed the issue: https://github.com/sapier/animals_modpack/archive/oldcoder_special_1.x.zip
19:45 sapier I've enabled vombie to avoid unknown objects in your map
19:48 TheZenKitteh joined #minetest
19:53 Nikondork_ joined #minetest
20:03 FreeFull joined #minetest
20:03 markveidemanis hi
20:04 TheZenKitteh hi.. bye
20:29 sfan5 MinetestBot: quit
20:30 cisoun joined #minetest
20:30 shirish joined #minetest
20:31 Dogzilla131 joined #minetest
20:35 * Jordach feels like redoing minetest faithful
20:42 Dogzilla131 hi all
20:44 * Jordach almost shit jordachs pants
20:47 * Jordach has learned some mistakes from the last time
20:51 TheZenKitteh hello dogzilla131 jordach
20:51 Jordach TheZenKitteh, http://i.imgur.com/eX4SicO.png
20:51 Jordach like the new bricks?
20:51 Kacey back
20:51 kaeza hey all
20:52 TheZenKitteh I don't even remember what default bricks look like
20:52 TheZenKitteh lol using a custom brick texture
20:52 TheZenKitteh but looking good
20:53 Jordach TheZenKitteh, https://github.com/Jordach/Faithful_Minetest_Texture_Pack
20:53 Jordach TheZenKitteh, welcome to 2.0
20:53 Jordach (vattic's mc faithful is handy!)
20:54 cisoun joined #minetest
20:54 TheZenKitteh jordach at the time im fairly satisfied with current texture set im using lol.. im beginning to like doing textures
20:54 Jordach same here
20:54 Jordach however, these mouse buttons are dying on me
20:54 NakedFury joined #minetest
20:55 Kacey ¨\(*_o)/¨
20:55 Kacey idk
20:55 TheZenKitteh well you know to get a new mouse you need to first get some good stinky cheese
20:55 * Jordach slaps TheZenKitteh
20:55 Jordach NO!
20:55 TheZenKitteh once you have captured your mouse you must then kill it and wire it up
20:55 TheZenKitteh lol
20:56 * TheZenKitteh had to go there
20:56 kaeza why the frack has Gimp to be so hard to use?
20:57 TheZenKitteh its not overly hard to use.. just a very steep learning curve
20:57 kaeza I added an alpha channel and now I can't draw with colors
20:57 Kacey anyone interested in making minetest for the 360? preferrably some core devs
20:57 TheZenKitteh I think the developers care more about functionality than ease of use
20:57 kaeza only draws alpha values based on the color
20:57 TheZenKitteh I've been using gimp for years and I still don't know how to "use it very well"
20:58 TheZenKitteh just some basics I've picked up
20:58 TheZenKitteh lol
20:58 kaeza fck gimp, I'm switching to aseprite
20:58 TheZenKitteh long ago before I found linux I liked paintshop pro
20:58 Kacey paint.net ftw
20:58 TheZenKitteh I think there's a "gimpshop"?
20:58 Jordach paint.net bleh
20:59 Jordach http://www.gimpshop.com/
20:59 kaeza have you tried aseprite? it's awesome for pixel art ^_^
20:59 TheZenKitteh yea http://www.gimpshop.com/ but only doze and mac
20:59 TheZenKitteh gimp does good with pixel art once you figure out how to
20:59 TheZenKitteh lol I redid the industrial textures in gimp
21:00 TheZenKitteh the cement texture will get redone when I feel like it
21:00 TheZenKitteh asphalt might as well
21:01 Kacey bbiab
21:01 kaeza well, having to learn how to use yet another program disrupts workflow
21:01 Jordach TheZenKitteh, http://linux.suramya.com/tutorials/Install_GIMPShop/
21:01 sapier gimpshop???
21:01 sapier what strange links are you posting here?
21:01 cisoun gimpshop ?!!!
21:01 cisoun RUN YOU FOOL
21:02 TheZenKitteh lol playing minetest disrupts workflow kaeza :P
21:02 TheZenKitteh of course it's a fun distraction
21:02 sapier DONT DOWNLOAD FROM THAT PAGE gimp is at http://www.gimp.org
21:02 cisoun Gimpshop is now deprecated.
21:02 kaeza http://aseprite.org FTW!!
21:03 * TheZenKitteh has never used gimpshop but has heard its gimp but modded to be more like photoshop or somecrap
21:04 * Jordach finally gave in and will probably upgrade gimp
21:04 cisoun It has a photoshop single window mode but Gimp 2.8 can be used in only one window now. So GimpShop is now useless.
21:04 * kaeza has Gimp 2.8
21:04 Jordach cisoun, your pack: work boy work!
21:04 cisoun yeah yeah I know
21:04 cisoun but I'm very busy these days
21:04 cisoun like I said I would work on my conifer mode but I don't really have the time.
21:04 Jordach yes, UT does not count
21:05 cisoun Exams are coming...
21:05 PilzAdam bye
21:06 Jordach bye
21:06 cisoun http://gimpshop.com/dd/images/gimpshopvs.jpg lolwat
21:06 cisoun Gimp ? Easier than Photoshop ? Tell me about making shadows in Gimp...
21:06 kaeza I josu love how PilzAdam says "bye" and quits a second after
21:06 kaeza just*
21:06 TheZenKitteh pilzadam and jordach both did that kaeza
21:06 TheZenKitteh lol
21:06 cisoun I hate people who say "bye" and leaving the second after.
21:07 TheZenKitteh related?
21:07 sapier to me this page looks like those pages trying to distribute malware by abusing name of a good and free software
21:07 TheZenKitteh lol
21:07 cisoun Yeah, maybe.
21:07 TheZenKitteh sapier who knows
21:07 TheZenKitteh I remember there was a shareaza clone that did such
21:07 sapier I don't know but I'd be extremely carefull
21:07 kaeza sapier wow-gold.com?
21:07 TheZenKitteh shareaza from sourceforge is clean but from shareaza.com not
21:07 kaeza (or smth like that)
21:08 cisoun Gimp is not as good as photoshop but if you know how to use it, you can do good stuff like in photoshop.
21:08 cisoun This picture is a lie.
21:09 kaeza cisoun and the thing is that with the scripting capabilities of Gimp you can match up and even surpass PS
21:09 sapier Gimp has not as mich features as photoshop ... that's not telling it's better or not
21:09 TheZenKitteh photoshop is for noobs and gimp is to leet haxors
21:09 TheZenKitteh lol
21:09 TheZenKitteh simple
21:09 kaeza it's just that nobody cares about what PS has
21:10 kaeza it's just marketing gimmick
21:10 TheZenKitteh im sure anyone can use photoshop.. but gimp takes some time patience and skills
21:11 Zetetic But everyone can try GIMP, not everyone has hundreds of pounds to spend on Photoshop :p
21:11 sapier any complex software requires time to learn
21:17 * TheZenKitteh randomly posts video/music link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFA32-2UscE
21:20 pandaro joined #minetest
21:23 kaeza okay, finished my custom skin at last
21:23 kaeza now testing :)
21:34 berome joined #minetest
21:46 LunaVorax joined #minetest
21:49 Dogzilla131 joined #minetest
21:49 Dogzilla131 Hi all :D
21:55 klunk hi !
22:09 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
22:09 TB|Vibe-X hi all, sorry asbout this question, but do someone knows the mod, what makes posible to pick up items, while walking over it?
22:09 jojoa1997 !up diamondmining.no-ip.org 30000
22:10 TB|Vibe-X and is there any mod to drop items, when digging it=?
22:10 TB|Vibe-X instead taking in inventory
22:10 RealBadAngel yes
22:10 RealBadAngel item_drop
22:11 TB|Vibe-X ah i found it , danke you =)
22:12 TB|Vibe-X RealBadAngel, do you know any possibility to let clients exit "connection" when server goes down / shutdown=
22:12 TB|Vibe-X i kill server with kill 15
22:14 OldCoder
22:14 OldCoder Hi
22:14 OldCoder sapier, thank you
22:14 sapier if you want to remove mobs there's a config setting (one parameter) that makes mobf remove unused entities
22:19 kaeza sapier can you still spawn them by hand?
22:19 kaeza vombie hunting seems to be a popular sport
22:19 Dogzilla131 joined #minetest
22:20 Dogzilla131 kaeza
22:20 kaeza yes
22:20 kaeza here
22:20 Dogzilla131 http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=1708
22:20 Dogzilla131 EnderFreak :O
22:21 Dogzilla131 Somebody needs to make Slender man?
22:21 Kacey joined #minetest
22:21 Kacey back
22:22 sapier no if it's disabled its disabled
22:22 Dogzilla131 What?
22:22 kaeza Dogzilla131, <kaeza> _sapier_ can you still spawn them by hand?
22:23 kaeza Dogzilla131, <kaeza> vombie hunting seems to be a popular sport
22:23 Dogzilla131 Yes it is ;)
22:24 sapier seems making them have less health was a good idea
22:28 * Kacey is bored
22:29 * Kacey puls out a roll of duct tape
22:31 cisoun joined #minetest
22:36 Dogzilla131 hi
22:37 Kacey hello
22:39 Dogzilla131 Hey
22:39 Dogzilla131 Whats your favorite breed of dogs? This goes to all,
22:42 Muadtralk joined #minetest
22:42 Kacey black lab, golden, and huskie
22:43 ttk2 joined #minetest
22:43 Dogzilla131 Ok
22:45 Kacey i want a little husky puppie that will never grow up :P
22:48 Dogzilla131 That will happen
22:48 Dogzilla131 in the future
22:48 Kacey wish the people on #minetest-dev would answer me...
22:49 Kacey I WANT MT FOR THE 360!!!
22:51 TheZenKitteh joined #minetest
22:52 Kacey hello
22:53 klunk left #minetest
22:56 Forty-3 joined #minetest
22:56 Forty-3 I'm having trouble compiling from source on linux
22:56 TheZenKitteh forty-3 dev?
22:57 TheZenKitteh also what linux distro
22:57 Forty-3 http://fpaste.org/dxVw/
22:57 Forty-3 fedora
22:57 Forty-3 I am aware we have packages
22:57 Forty-3 however, they're realy out of date
22:57 Forty-3 umm, I think
22:57 TB|Vibe-X what trouble do you heave?
22:58 Forty-3 see the pastebin
22:58 TB|Vibe-X any errors? debug
22:58 TheZenKitteh im not familiar with fedora (I use mint) but looks like you are missing deps
22:58 TB|Vibe-X kk
22:58 TB|Vibe-X moment
22:58 Forty-3 this is when running cmake
22:58 Forty-3 I cloned from https://github.com/celeron55/minetest.git
22:59 TB|Vibe-X did you tried cmake -DRUN....
22:59 TB|Vibe-X without dot?
22:59 Forty-3 why w/o dot
23:00 Forty-3 and, yes
23:00 TB|Vibe-X kk, did you installed all irrlicht libs?
23:00 TB|Vibe-X if you make cmake --> DBUILD_SERVER=1 DBUILD_CLIENT=0
23:00 TB|Vibe-X does this make anything better?
23:00 TB|Vibe-X this will except some libs
23:00 TB|Vibe-X from requirements
23:01 TB|Vibe-X and no sound of course ;)
23:01 Forty-3 no
23:01 Forty-3 it does not
23:01 TB|Vibe-X maybe you try it ;)
23:01 TB|Vibe-X i do so, i need some less libs for compiling now
23:01 TB|Vibe-X if i just compile server e.g.
23:01 TB|Vibe-X which do you want to compile?
23:01 Forty-3 both
23:02 TB|Vibe-X i did so
23:02 TB|Vibe-X maybe you try to cmake a server first
23:02 TB|Vibe-X maybe you get this done, so i would say, it were a lib problem
23:02 Forty-3 dude
23:02 TB|Vibe-X because some path are different
23:02 Forty-3 it still errrors on IRRLICHT_INCLUDE_DIR
23:03 Forty-3 what do I put for that
23:03 TB|Vibe-X let me see, which files it needs, wait a little bitg please
23:03 Forty-3 :P
23:03 TB|Vibe-X it is in CMAK SRC folder
23:03 TB|Vibe-X where you can see which are included
23:03 TB|Vibe-X after you know, which files are included, you can search for dev packages
23:03 Dogzilla131 Can somebody vote which image is cutter?
23:04 Forty-3 no
23:04 TB|Vibe-X e.g. "irrlichttypes.h"
23:04 TB|Vibe-X do you installed any irrlicht dev packages=?
23:05 Forty-3 maybe
23:05 TB|Vibe-X you will list them better ;)
23:05 Forty-3 I have the 3.* version from the repos installed
23:05 TB|Vibe-X and have a look on those:D
23:05 TB|Vibe-X kk
23:05 TB|Vibe-X but dev? or just the "normal"
23:05 TB|Vibe-X you need dev for compiling, because of header files and such things
23:06 Forty-3 hm
23:06 Forty-3 I did not have the devel version
23:06 TB|Vibe-X which defora do oyu use? 17 , 18?
23:06 TB|Vibe-X thats the problem maybe ;)
23:06 TB|Vibe-X the compiled package, has no header files
23:06 TB|Vibe-X those you need to compile
23:06 TB|Vibe-X header files are often in dev packages
23:07 TB|Vibe-X in debian ... i think fedora will do same
23:07 TB|Vibe-X which fedora verison do you uise? ;)
23:08 Forty-3 yay!
23:08 Forty-3 it works
23:08 Forty-3 cmake . -DIRRLICHT_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/irrlicht
23:09 TB|Vibe-X ;)
23:09 TB|Vibe-X maybe you have irrlicht header files already :D
23:09 TB|Vibe-X but i dont know if it will use irrlicht header files, some packages are needed curl .e.g
23:09 TB|Vibe-X there is curl.h needed
23:10 TB|Vibe-X but im happy to hear, you finished compiling ;)
23:10 TB|Vibe-X just a tipp . you can make -j2
23:10 TB|Vibe-X and "make package" to let create clean tgzt
23:10 TB|Vibe-X and "make package" to let create clean tgz file
23:10 Forty-3 k
23:16 TB|Vibe-X does someone know how to change gamemode while running server? or do i need to restart with changed config?
23:17 anunakki joined #minetest
23:20 Kacey joined #minetest
23:20 Kacey hello
23:21 sokomine hi
23:22 Kacey any devs around?
23:22 TB|Vibe-X what dou you want to know? ;)
23:22 Kacey i wanted to tell them the idea i had
23:23 TB|Vibe-X best would be forum ;)
23:23 TB|Vibe-X write it there, so others can answer too
23:23 TB|Vibe-X and creates a discussion
23:24 Kacey but the question is for c55 really
23:25 TB|Vibe-X ... he is not the only one, who code ;)
23:25 TB|Vibe-X otherwise --> #minetest-dev
23:25 Kacey i tried there but nobody is alive over there
23:25 TB|Vibe-X but forum would be the best, because people can read, when they have time
23:25 * Kacey really wants mt for the 360
23:26 TB|Vibe-X <.< xbox 360?
23:26 Kacey yep
23:26 TB|Vibe-X forgett about this. they have enough to do with the game as self
23:26 TB|Vibe-X it would not be easy to migrate it, because of microsoft shit
23:26 TB|Vibe-X and the libraries, which are not available on microsoft (directx available, opengl ?!)
23:27 Kacey but a few of us could work together and put it in there
23:27 TB|Vibe-X the idea is "nice" but its not such easy
23:28 Kacey dedication... c did it so why cant we?
23:28 Kacey mc,even
23:28 Kacey well i am off for a while
23:30 kaeza LOL https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/ssss/screenshot_1511117549.jpg
23:30 kaeza tried to edit a sign and this happened ^
23:31 kaeza the letters are perpendicular to the board
23:39 berome joined #minetest
23:47 kizeren That seems to be normal :)
23:57 Forty-3 hah
23:59 Oblivion1500 joined #minetest

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