Time Nick Message 00:00 Fifi /usr/share/minetest/games/minetest_game/mods/terrariumblocks 00:00 Fifi it's all a+rwx -R 00:04 NekoGloop I'm baaaaaack :) 00:04 Fifi Kk :P 00:04 Fifi /usr/share/minetest/games/minetest_game/mods/terrariumblocks 00:04 Fifi it's all a+rwx -R 00:05 Fifi Btw. is making nice recipe graphs somehow possible without manually editing images or making a lot of screenshoots>? 00:05 NekoGloop Not at the moment 00:05 Fifi Ah :( 00:06 Fifi Hmm 00:06 Fifi I think about publishing my mod at the forums, that's why I ask 00:06 NekoGloop I could code something in game maker to do that, however i'm not at my computer 00:08 cornernote hi 00:08 cornernote im trying to make a counter like this: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=40209#p40209 00:08 cornernote but i dont know what to put in the 3 far-away yC 00:08 cornernote any tips ? 00:08 PilzAdam its µC and not yC 00:09 NekoGloop And that's not on our keyboards 00:09 cornernote i cant type a µ 00:09 cornernote why doesnt the code have µ ? it has y ? 00:09 Fifi it's micro 00:09 PilzAdam https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CE%9C 00:10 Fifi like micro farads or whatever it's in english 00:10 Fifi (on capacitors) 00:10 cornernote https://github.com/Jeija/minetest-mod-mesecons/blob/master/mesecons_microcontroller/init.lua#L137 00:11 cornernote yc_reset 00:11 cornernote wonder why he didnt use µc_reset ? 00:11 cornernote u should make it your business to tell him about it PilzAdam 00:11 cornernote explain that its wrong 00:11 PilzAdam that is false; jeija is german and the official german norm (DIN) for µ is my 00:12 cornernote its not my 00:12 cornernote its y 00:12 cornernote in the code 00:12 cornernote anyway, i guess from your tangent, you don't know how to code the 3 yCs 00:12 PilzAdam it should be my 00:12 cornernote well, go tell him 00:12 cornernote dont tell me 00:12 cornernote im just using the termanilogy he has given 00:13 PilzAdam what cant i code? 00:13 cornernote read back to my question, the one you picked at the yC instead of µC 00:13 NekoGloop I want a portal gun 00:14 PilzAdam see my throwing mod 00:14 NekoGloop No i want it functioning as in portal 00:14 NekoGloop Shouldnt be too hard, right? 00:15 PilzAdam its rather easy 00:15 LandMine hiiiiiiiiiii 00:16 MiJyn hi LandMine! 00:16 LandMine anybody here? 00:16 LandMine hi 00:16 PilzAdam hi 00:16 LandMine hey guys i need a little help with something 00:16 NekoGloop Well having the two portals link only for that player, destroying the same color portal for that player? 00:16 PilzAdam LandMine, dont ask to ask a question, jsut ask it 00:16 PilzAdam *just 00:17 MiJyn hi 00:17 LandMine i need to see if any of you guys can make me a little "mod" that adds a block which after you hit it 00:17 LandMine it makes all the cloud blocks dissapear 00:17 LandMine after 15 min or so 00:17 MiJyn oh, you mean like an unbreakable block? 00:17 MiJyn OH 00:17 MiJyn nvrm 00:17 MiJyn nice 00:17 MiJyn nice idea 00:17 MiJyn I doubt it'd be possible to make that a mod though 00:18 MiJyn minetest clouds are C++ 00:18 MiJyn well, maybe 00:18 MiJyn we could see 00:18 NekoGloop He wants to escape a cloud block prison, dont you? 00:18 LandMine no 00:18 LandMine i made a little game 00:18 FreeFull I'm wondering, I looked at the skyblock mod 00:18 LandMine where i have cloud walls 00:18 FreeFull Would it be possible to replace all air with water? I should test it out 00:18 MiJyn wait, EVERY cloud block in the game is removed? 00:18 LandMine yeah 00:18 MiJyn use worldedit! 00:18 cornernote FreeFull, ALL air ? 00:18 LandMine no but i want it to do it automatically 00:18 PilzAdam LandMine, i can do that 00:18 cornernote so everything is underwater ? 00:18 FreeFull cornernote: All air 00:19 LandMine thanks PilzAdam 00:19 cornernote i made seablock, so that flowing water placed at y=2 and below turns to water source 00:19 NekoGloop Hm... 00:19 cornernote and when you spawn, 4 blocks are around you 00:20 cornernote they soon turn into an ocean 00:20 NekoGloop I want cobble to turn mossy when exposed to water 00:20 cornernote that was using an ABM 00:20 cornernote Neko, thats pretty easy 00:20 cornernote sec, i'll get you an example 00:20 FreeFull Skyblock replaces all generated nodes with air 00:20 FreeFull I'm thinking, if you replaced all generated air nodes with water 00:20 FreeFull You'd have a water world 00:21 MiJyn NekoGloop, good idea 00:21 cornernote something like this 00:21 cornernote http://pastebin.com/17d0UbVA 00:21 cornernote but change the interval/chance to higher numbers 00:21 NekoGloop Well... 00:22 NekoGloop I see what you mean 00:22 cornernote FreeFull - yes, that would work 00:23 cornernote in the skyblock register_alias.lua, change air to water 00:23 FreeFull cornernote: You could do that for seablock 00:23 cornernote no, because that makes you underwater 00:23 cornernote i want a surface 00:23 FreeFull Well, if you want a surface, sure 00:24 cornernote underwaterblock =) 00:24 cornernote cool idea, you need to make a space before you can do the lava generator 00:24 cornernote stone generator 00:24 FreeFull Well, I'm thinking you start in an aerated room 00:24 cornernote a sphere/cube or something 00:24 MiJyn btw, why did dungeons get removed? 00:25 cornernote skyblock copied the sphere function from multinode, and uses that as start blocks 00:25 cornernote could easily make them air filled hollow spheres 00:25 cornernote hrmm, no actually 00:26 FreeFull How about underwater volcanoes 00:26 cornernote there is no mapgen_air 00:26 cornernote so air wouldnt be replaced by water 00:26 FreeFull Ah, damn 00:26 NekoGloop Hm. 00:26 cornernote you would have water mountains 00:26 cornernote and water caves 00:26 FreeFull Did you know you can /give yourself default:air ? 00:26 cornernote yeah 00:26 NekoGloop Is it possible for snow mod to have icicles on the bottom of trees? 00:26 cornernote sometimes i get it just from picking up stuff 00:27 cornernote usually mesecons stuff 00:27 FreeFull Randomly get air? 00:27 cornernote yep 00:27 FreeFull Weird 00:27 FreeFull It doesn't seem to do anything when placed 00:27 cornernote lol 00:27 cornernote well, its AIR 00:27 cornernote what should it do ? 00:28 youbi you hacker you! 00:28 NekoGloop Heh 00:28 FreeFull Replace water with itself! 00:28 cornernote no, water replaces air 00:28 NekoGloop Noone anwsered me :/ 00:28 FreeFull NekoGloop: Try it out 00:28 FreeFull And report back 00:28 NekoGloop Ipad 00:28 khonkhortisan I've randomly gotten air before. 00:28 cornernote NekoGloop, not sure what you mean... on the tree node itself? 00:28 cornernote or the nodes around the tree 00:29 NekoGloop No on the bottom of the leaves 00:29 khonkhortisan write an abm for leaves 00:29 cornernote it forms on the top 00:29 NekoGloop Maybe drop ice shards, craftable into icicles and normal ice blocks 00:29 cornernote snow is like a node, but the snow is all at the bottom of the node 00:29 cornernote i think you'd need a new node 00:30 khonkhortisan when snow lands on leaves, count down how many leaves nodes there are until air, then add icicles there. 00:30 cornernote cos it would need to be at the top of the node 00:30 FreeFull Would it be possible for a mod to generate randomly-generated structures in the world? 00:30 cornernote yeah, icicles 00:30 cornernote FreeFull, yes 00:30 Basstard` Popsicles? 00:30 khonkhortisan depends on what you mean by structures? 00:30 khonkhortisan -? 00:30 cornernote i think a mod can put any structure into the world randomly 00:31 NekoGloop Well snow mod makes its little pine trees 00:31 cornernote as long as you can build the structure, save it to a file, etc 00:31 khonkhortisan generate upside-down trees! 00:31 FreeFull Could it generate the structure on the fly? 00:31 khonkhortisan then the icicles won't be a problem 00:31 cornernote FreeFull, yes 00:31 khonkhortisan yep, you can generate on globalstep, with an active block modifier, when the player runs a command, when you hit something... 00:31 NekoGloop Making villages? 00:32 cornernote there are mods that if combined (using more code) could do that 00:32 cornernote sec.. 00:32 FreeFull Could you replace all mapgen with your own? 00:32 NekoGloop Probably 00:33 NekoGloop Would be very laggy though 00:34 cornernote cant think of the name 00:34 cornernote there was a mod that allowed a block, when placed it builds a structure 00:34 FreeFull How about changing the sky/clouds/etc? 00:35 cornernote default:cloud is a node 00:35 cornernote should be able to replace it 00:35 NekoGloop But as for the sky itself? Idk 00:35 cornernote thats air 00:36 cornernote its kindof a node, but replacing will be very slow i think 00:36 PilzAdam clouds are not nodes, they are implemented in c++ 00:36 FreeFull default:cloud is a block 00:36 khonkhortisan that's why I can't spawn rain, the clouds aren't real 00:36 PilzAdam the default:cloud node is not used 00:36 FreeFull But the clouds in the sky aren't made out of blocks 00:37 cornernote here - live house 00:37 cornernote https://github.com/cornernote/minetest-megapack/tree/master/mods/livehouse 00:37 cornernote it builds a house/structure from a placed node 00:37 cornernote so you can do this.... 00:37 FreeFull cornernote: You could use default:cloud as steam when lava touches water 00:37 NekoGloop Reverse the falling_node code? 00:37 NekoGloop So it rises? 00:37 cornernote FreeFull, no i want particles .. bubbles, etc 00:38 cornernote see particles mod 00:38 FreeFull Particles would be cool 00:38 khonkhortisan except you can't dig cloud 00:38 FreeFull Does the engine have support for them so far though? 00:38 khonkhortisan particles are entities, so you can only have 49 within a block area. 00:38 NekoGloop Redefine the cloud block so you can 00:39 FreeFull khonkhortisan: That's very inefficient 00:39 cornernote so to get structures being generated.... use register_on_generated() to put livehouses in the places you want them (see mods like more_ores to see how on_generated() works) .. then have an ABM to turn your livehouses into structures 00:39 FreeFull I can't see it working well for something like rain 00:39 khonkhortisan What if someone uses cloud as an admin tool to keep non-admins out of certain areas? 00:39 cornernote Particles mod has rain, i couldnt get it to work 00:39 khonkhortisan nodes aren't much better for rain 00:39 khonkhortisan it has rain? 00:39 cornernote no, dripping water mod 00:39 cornernote sec... 00:39 khonkhortisan oh yeah. I got that to work 00:40 cornernote this one 00:40 cornernote https://github.com/cornernote/minetest-megapack/tree/master/mods/drippingwater 00:40 khonkhortisan water over dirt over you = black dots on the dirt, then blue falling dots 00:40 cornernote https://github.com/cornernote/minetest-megapack/blob/master/mods/drippingwater/init.lua#L64 00:41 cornernote it adds drippingwater:drop 00:41 cornernote but it doesnt seem to set any velocity or accelleration 00:41 cornernote PilzAdam, you here still ? 00:41 PilzAdam yes 00:42 cornernote you know a bit about the movement code, to make this rain work, it needs some setaccelleration or something right ? 00:42 cornernote just thinking, we could make rain/snow, etc 00:43 PilzAdam https://github.com/cornernote/minetest-megapack/blob/master/mods/drippingwater/init.lua#L30 00:43 cornernote only problem is, too many entities .. would it cause huge lag 00:43 PilzAdam y should be -10 00:43 PilzAdam cornernote, yes 00:43 PilzAdam i already tried to make a rain mod 00:44 PilzAdam fail... 00:44 khonkhortisan me too 00:44 PilzAdam http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2820 00:44 khonkhortisan luaentities disappear, nodes fall too blocky, and there's no cloud to generate from. Those are the main problems with rain. 00:45 PilzAdam see this: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2820 00:47 khonkhortisan woah cool! 00:48 khonkhortisan the repeating effect isn't due to your rain animation so much as it is to the cubic structure of the game. If you offset the animation, it would only make the lines a little jagged but they'd still be there. 00:50 khonkhortisan I spawned nodes or entities above the player and made them fall. You filled the air with it. I wonder if there's another way, too 00:59 cornernote >> Is it possible to detect the clouds in the sky? I never tried. If it is possible, then there should be rain only direct under the clouds. 00:59 cornernote Its not possible. 00:59 cornernote so the ABM in the dripping water wont work ? 00:59 Basstard` Anything's possible! 00:59 cornernote minetest.register_abm({nodenames = {"default:cloud"}, ... }) 01:00 khonkhortisan yaw goes from -4 01:01 khonkhortisan from -4.5 to 1.5 to 7 something 01:05 khonkhortisan and pitch goes from -1.5620696544647 to 1.5620696544647 01:10 Basstard` Fix yer game, people. 01:12 NekoGloop I made a lot of fixes to the jungletrees... And github refused to cooperate 01:12 khonkhortisan worldedit has a "?" axis that is supposed to map to the direction you're facing, and it doesn't work right yet - or used to work and broke 01:12 khonkhortisan ssh keys? 01:13 khonkhortisan I couldn't get in through http 01:13 khonkhortisan but ssh worked for me 01:13 NekoGloop I'm using github for windows 01:13 khonkhortisan then I can't help you :) 01:13 NekoGloop The downloadable thingymajig 01:13 khonkhortisan I don't know how to get the http connection to work 01:16 khonkhortisan depending on which way you turn around, the yaw goes either from -4.5 to 1.5 or from 1.5 to 7, and gets stuck on one of those ranges 01:16 khonkhortisan I think 01:17 NekoGloop I thought yaw was degrees of a circle? 01:18 khonkhortisan minetest.env:get_player_by_name(name):get_look_yaw() is not the same value as your debug (yaw = ) 01:19 NekoGloop Ah 01:20 khonkhortisan the debug yaw goes between > 0 to 360. The lua yaw goes from 7.8 around in a circle to 1.5,around again to -4.6 01:20 khonkhortisan no wonder the axis mapping doesn't work 01:21 khonkhortisan If only I could get the debug yaw from lua 01:23 PilzAdam maybe yaw/math.pi*180 01:24 PilzAdam https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radian 01:25 PilzAdam lua is in radian 01:29 PilzAdam khonkhortisan, does it help? 01:36 Keegann hey when i place a node it goes to unknown and after i restart my client it goes to normal 01:37 NekoGloop Keegann: Disable texture atlas 01:37 Keegann where is the texture atlas? 01:37 NekoGloop ... 01:38 Keegann is it because im using 0.4.2 r1 on a 0.4.0 server? 01:38 cornernote can you make a µC work like a delayer ? 01:38 PilzAdam Keegann, see minetes.conf.example 01:39 cornernote a delayer needs 2 afters (after X on, after X off) 01:41 Basstard` OOG 01:52 * NekoGloop pokes #minetest for signs of life 01:52 PilzAdam boooooring 01:52 Fifi Kk :3 01:52 Fifi I finished posting about my mod ;) 01:52 Fifi http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=40218 Feel welcome ;) 01:53 PilzAdam you dont have to write by fiffy because your name is directyle beside the post 01:54 Fifi Hm, true xD 01:54 cornernote nice mod Fifi 01:54 NekoGloop Fifi: How do the coal blocks work? Directly from coal? 01:54 PilzAdam Fifi, you dont have to post screenshots twice 01:54 Fifi Coal Bricks? 01:55 Fifi I know, i just made the first one as a "cover" ;) 01:55 Fifi brb, I'll remove "by Fifi" redundancy xD 01:55 Fifi kk i'm back 01:55 NekoGloop Fifi: What's the recipe for coal blocks? 01:56 Basstard` Fifi by Fifi by Fici 01:56 Fifi NekoGloop: Do you mean Coal Bricks? If so, you have to craft Carbon Fibre Block with four coal lumps in square, and then made XO, where X = carbon fibre block, and O = stone 01:56 NekoGloop No i mean the coal -blocks- 01:56 Fifi Yy 01:56 NekoGloop The pic above "finally, some use for coal" 01:57 Fifi There's no coal blocks in my mod :O 01:57 Fifi aa 01:57 Fifi it's that Carbon Fibre Block's ;) 01:57 Fifi @@ 01:57 Fifi @@ 01:57 Fifi @ = coal lump 01:57 NekoGloop Ah i see 01:58 NekoGloop For stone wall: use granite since they look more alike 01:58 Fifi Hm. 01:58 Fifi I thought of that 01:58 Fifi But it's kinda rare 01:59 NekoGloop And: may i be the first to say: holy shit 01:59 Fifi And as it's Terraria inspired, and in Terraria it was made of stone, so I'm a bit sceptic of changing it ;P 01:59 Fifi :D ok 01:59 NekoGloop Ah 01:59 Fifi So I'll say Holy Mad Cow. 01:59 Fifi xD 01:59 NekoGloop Then use actual stone, not sandstone 02:00 Fifi Yy it uses stone ;) 02:00 Fifi Only Sandstone Bricks uses sandstone ;) 02:00 NekoGloop I see 02:00 Fifi That yellow ones with gray lines ;) 02:00 NekoGloop Your recipe says sandstone 02:01 Fifi :o 02:01 Fifi Lol, me :D 02:01 Fifi Thanks for noticing me :D 02:01 NekoGloop Maybe make mithril bricks a darker texture, since they're darker in moreores 02:02 Fifi Ok, fixed ;) I copied recipe of sandstone and changed it and i forgot about it 02:02 NekoGloop Ok 02:02 NekoGloop Now how does one get the rusty bricks? 02:02 Fifi Hmm. But they will be darker than the others then. And blue bricks (in Terraria they were Cobalt ones) was brighter in Terraria xD 02:03 Fifi It's made of Iron ;) 02:03 NekoGloop Oh i see 02:03 PilzAdam http://octodex.github.com/ 02:03 NekoGloop And... Well, feel free to experiment with textures 02:03 NekoGloop My personal fix-pack will just need to be updated, that's all 02:04 * PilzAdam got to sleep 02:04 PilzAdam bye 02:04 Fifi What do you mean by fix-pack :D? 02:04 Fifi Bb PilzAdam ;) 02:05 NekoGloop Texture pack with fixed graphics, e.g. default steel sword 02:05 NekoGloop It edits nothing but what i find particularly distasteful 02:06 Fifi Ach ;) 02:07 NekoGloop Infact i use default textures and often forget about my fix-pack 02:09 NekoGloop I want Portal-based mod 02:10 Fifi Hm;D 02:10 NekoGloop Heh 02:10 Fifi I saw such in Teeworlds (the game with tees like that one in my avatar) 02:10 Basstard` I played Portal before Portal existed. 02:10 NekoGloop Portals, like from Portal? 02:11 Fifi :D 02:11 Fifi Kk, I gotta go for now :( 02:11 Fifi bb ;) 02:11 Basstard` Quake with Killer Quake Pack (KQP) had a portal gun in it. 02:13 NekoGloop Oh and... 02:13 NekoGloop SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! 02:26 NekoGloop The above statement is the smartest thing i've said all day 02:29 Popa wassusp 02:29 NekoGloop The ceiling is up 02:29 Popa -_- 02:30 NekoGloop Well, it is, isnt it? 02:30 Popa yeah 02:31 NekoGloop Heh 02:32 Popa any one has a private server 02:32 Popa ? 02:32 NekoGloop Nope 02:37 Keegann yep 02:37 Keegann ish 02:38 Popa what is it? 02:38 Keegann keegor.servegame.com 02:38 Keegann port 30000 02:40 Popa what mods does it have 02:40 Keegann idk youhave to look on mysite 02:40 Popa k 02:40 Popa im conecting 02:41 Keegann ok 02:41 Popa hmm doesnt seem to be downloading the media 02:41 Keegann why did it shut down by it self 02:41 Popa what version is the server? 02:42 Keegann 0.4.0 02:43 Popa desont connect 02:43 Popa just stays at 0 percent 02:43 Keegann yea it keeps shuting down 02:44 Keegann help >>>http://pastebin.com/HspegV2Z 02:45 Popa somehow im causing it hahahah 02:45 Popa im LandMine btw :) 02:45 Keegann :o 02:46 Keegann :---------{ 02:46 Popa yah 02:47 Keegann holy 02:47 Popa hehehe 02:47 Keegann crap 02:47 Popa does it keep crashing? 02:47 Keegann yes 02:47 Popa good 02:48 Keegann why 02:48 Popa cause your a retard 02:48 Popa hahahah 02:48 VanessaE don't harrass 02:48 Keegann you from argentina? 02:49 Popa nope 02:51 Popa keeps going down? 02:51 Keegann shut it 02:51 Popa u mad? 02:51 Keegann what do you think 02:51 Popa well you were an asshole when we first meet 02:52 Popa so this is good payback 02:52 Popa though i dont know how its happening :) 02:54 LandMine common you can do it man! 02:57 LandMine common man rage some moar!!!! 03:01 LandMine keegan you there brah? 03:11 LandMine keegan?! 03:14 NakedFury 2 nn to highlight him 03:14 LandMine 2 Kegann 03:14 LandMine lol how? 03:14 LandMine to Keegann 03:14 Keegann just hush 03:14 LandMine lo 03:15 LandMine say your sorry 03:15 LandMine and ill stop crashing it 03:15 LandMine lol 03:15 Keegann sorry about what 03:15 LandMine being an asshole....wanting to be a mod on every server 03:15 LandMine banning people for no reason 03:15 LandMine for your existence 03:15 LandMine all of that 03:15 Keegann what are you talking about 03:17 LandMine your server keeps shutting down lol 03:17 LandMine cause of me 03:17 Keegann really why do you always come afterme 03:18 LandMine cause everyone hates you 03:19 LandMine you ban people for walking around 03:19 Keegann um no one does besides you 03:19 Keegann you crash servers for no reason 03:19 LandMine hahah , damm you were even using my name to grief 03:19 LandMine and asking to be mod 03:19 VanessaE no one here hates keegan. some think he's irritating or stupid but that's really about it 03:19 LandMine you shit it 03:20 LandMine shut*** 03:21 LandMine keegan say your sorry 03:22 LandMine and ill stop shutting it down 03:22 Keegann i doubt youll stop it 03:24 LandMine just tell me why you were using my name to grief and get ban privs on every server lol 03:24 Keegann i dont think i useyour namebefore 03:26 Keegann you from mexico? 03:26 LandMine no lol 03:26 LandMine if your trying to ban me dont try it 03:26 LandMine im using a VPN 03:26 LandMine lol 03:27 Keegann ISP>>Gesti?n de direccionamiento UniNet 03:27 LandMine and you did use my name lol on redcrab server thats why they banne dyou 03:27 VanessaE LandMine: sooner or later you'll run out of IP's to connect from. 03:27 LandMine nah 03:27 LandMine i have a hidemyass vpn 03:27 VanessaE so? 03:27 LandMine got more than 100 ips 03:27 VanessaE your computer still has to show an IP to make a connection, 03:28 LandMine so? 03:28 Keegann Distrito Federal? 03:28 LandMine im not from mexico buddy lol 03:28 VanessaE it's how network protocol works. Sooner or later none of the IPs your VPN uses on its exit nodes will work. 03:28 Keegann Distrito Federal? 03:28 Keegann from canada? 03:29 LandMine nope...and vanessa i am truly unbannable :) 03:29 LandMine i have proven it :) 03:29 VanessaE LandMine: no one is unbannable. 03:29 VanessaE people just get tired and you get bored. 03:30 VanessaE there are "only" something like 1 billion or so unique IP addresses. 03:30 NakedFury minetest just needs a better way to deal with accounts 03:30 NakedFury then he is unbannable 03:30 VanessaE of those only a very tiny portion come from VPNs, proxies, etc. 03:31 LandMine soooooooooo? im am unbannable 03:31 LandMine prove? i can still connect to all the servers 03:31 VanessaE because they gave up trying to ban you. 03:31 LandMine and i somehow found a away to shut down a server lol 03:32 NakedFury that makes him unbannable 03:32 LandMine ask keegan lol 03:32 LandMine just by connecting to it 03:32 Keegann haha not funny 03:33 LandMine i was the first guy to make a fly hack, and a free move hack lol 03:33 LandMine but this kid thought it would be fun going around using my name 03:34 LandMine just to get ban privs on every server 03:34 LandMine thats lame 03:34 LandMine its like that other kid Max 03:39 VanessaE bbl. 03:56 ecube watttt' 03:57 ecube protect what where? from what? 03:57 Keegann landmines mommy wanted him 03:57 ecube WHY U NO SPECK TO ME 03:57 Keegann because VanessaE told me to 03:58 Keegann ecube ^ 04:01 MiJyn i was the first guy to make a fly hack, and a free move hack lol 04:02 MiJyn lol, I did that before he even learn't of it :P 04:02 MiJyn learn't of minetest 04:02 Keegann hes not here btw 04:03 MiJyn I know 04:03 Keegann oh 04:04 MiJyn he's a nice guy though 04:05 ecube haxxxx 05:35 khonkhortisan haxx are simple, features aren't, bug hunting is difficult. If someone haxx, you can assume they're not very skilled. 05:36 khonkhortisan And don't have the life experience to know what those effects are, that they will be isolated instead of making friends. 05:47 khonkhortisan What can I do when I have a wire that stays high with no source? 05:48 khonkhortisan It affects the gameplay of tic-tac-toe. 05:53 * Calinou found a post on reddit with -91 points 05:58 * khonkhortisan has no idea what that means 06:00 Calinou someone's comment got 92 downvotes 06:00 Calinou when you create a comment you automatically upvote it yourself, so it starts with 1 point 06:10 khonkhortisan self-voting is bad, people are horrible at judging themselves 06:10 khonkhortisan how bad can a comment be? 06:10 khonkhortisan Do you want to take a look at a mesecon machine and tell me what could be improved? 06:10 khonkhortisan Or maybe you already did, I don't remember who it was. 06:12 Calinou self-voting is bad, people are horrible at judging themselves 06:12 Calinou you obviously don't downvote/not upvote yourself, that is suicidal 06:12 Calinou you can do it if you want though 06:12 Calinou Do you want to take a look at a mesecon machine and tell me what could be improved? 06:12 Calinou not me 06:13 Calinou I'm a mesecons noob :P 06:13 khonkhortisan then that's a good thing, just look at the user input, do you like how it plays, that sort of thing. 06:13 khonkhortisan http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=40229#p40229 06:17 khonkhortisan "I'm not an expert, but that looks kind of odd." I'm just looking for any sort of input. 06:18 Calinou oh the 3D wires look much better (from the screenshot) 06:18 Calinou when I first seen them they looked horrible 06:19 khonkhortisan yep, they just have one place where they cut corners through something, but they're better. 06:19 khonkhortisan I forgot to take a screenshot of just the window, you can figure out my os from that shot. 06:47 khonkhortisan ha! I beat myself in tic-tac-toe! 06:48 khonkhortisan ? I overheated some chips? They worked fine before! It didn't even overheat the whole row, just random chips. Huh. 07:08 khonkhortisan *** glibc detected *** bin/minetest: corrupted double-linked list: 0x0000000002accb70 *** 11:05 VanessaE good morning all.. 11:11 whirm VanessaE: morning 11:15 VanessaE what's news? 11:19 cornernote hi 11:20 Phitherek_ hi 11:20 cornernote does anyone know how i can make a random-"ish" number using mesecons ? 11:20 cornernote i made rock paper scissors lizard spock 11:21 cornernote and i want to give a "vs cpu" option 11:22 VanessaE hey cornernore 11:22 VanessaE cornernote 11:22 cornernote hey VanessaE 11:22 VanessaE random number? easy 11:23 VanessaE make three rapidly-cycling clocks like the one I showed you, but set them to a timing that'll result in 29 Hz 11:23 cornernote i made the buttons better, now once you choose an option, its locked in until the reset button is pressed 11:23 VanessaE feed them through a 3-in AND 11:24 VanessaE feed that output through a two-in AND-latch 11:24 VanessaE the other input on that latch goes to a button 11:25 VanessaE have the user flip the switch to turn the clocks on 11:25 VanessaE have them press the button to obtain a random result 11:25 cornernote let me process that in my brain for a sec 11:26 VanessaE if you want a multi-bit result, ditch the 3-in AND gate and use three AND-latches against the button 11:26 VanessaE their outputs would be 3-bit number 11:26 cornernote what is a "two-in AND-latch" .. like i only have one output to feed in 11:26 cornernote i have 5 bits, i want to randomly select one and only one of them 11:26 VanessaE also, you should modify the clocks to stop when the button is pressed. 11:27 VanessaE hrm.. 5 bits 11:27 cornernote but its not 5 bits that add up 11:27 cornernote only 1 can be on 11:27 VanessaE right 11:27 VanessaE I know 11:27 VanessaE thinking 11:27 cornernote eg, an alternating flash down the row 11:27 cornernote on off off off off 11:27 cornernote off on off off off 11:27 cornernote etc 11:28 cornernote as long as it keeps going, it will be random when the user presses the button 11:28 VanessaE I'm not really sure .. 11:29 cornernote i can just get your counter, and hook it up to a 4bit decoder 11:29 VanessaE wait.. 11:29 cornernote but that seems like overkill 11:29 VanessaE actualyl in a computer, a RNG is far more complex :-) 11:30 cornernote RNG ? 11:30 cornernote oh 11:30 VanessaE Random Number Generator 11:30 cornernote yeah, but it doesnt have to be "random" 11:30 cornernote it can be time based 11:30 cornernote cos the user cant see the lights 11:30 VanessaE mmm 11:31 cornernote just like a row of delayers with an input signal 11:31 cornernote that would work i think 11:31 VanessaE three clocks, 3-to-8 decoder (that's a 74*138 by the way ;-) ) 11:31 VanessaE the extra outputs from the decoder could be fed to an OR gate to be used to reset the clcoks 11:31 VanessaE clocks 11:31 cornernote no, id just use 1 clock, i think "random" is the wrong word 11:32 VanessaE ok 11:32 cornernote i just need to get a number thats different each time 11:32 cornernote lol 11:32 VanessaE one clock, 3 bit counter, 3-to-8 decoder 11:32 VanessaE anyway the extra outputs on the decoder can be used to reset the counter 11:32 VanessaE that way it only ever counts 0-4 11:32 VanessaE (or 1-5 however you want to look at it) 11:34 VanessaE here, I'll pastebin a circuit, gimme a few minutes 11:34 VanessaE ph33r my ASCII art sk1llz ;-) 11:35 cornernote cool 11:35 cornernote =) 11:35 cornernote im trying to make something like this game - http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1442062-rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock-redstone-game/ 11:35 cornernote i dont know if i can replicate the betting system 11:35 cornernote but maybe i can kill the loser with lava 11:36 cornernote lol 11:36 cornernote or something 11:38 VanessaE http://pastebin.com/pqubHfJw 11:38 VanessaE you'll need to modify the flops and the clock to all have a 'reset' input./ 11:39 VanessaE (y1..y8 is the standard designation for outputs on a 3-to-8) 11:39 VanessaE brb 11:40 cornernote ok, i'll give it a shot now.. thanks 11:41 VanessaE your 11:41 VanessaE your "power" switch (the one that was for starting the clock in my original circuit) could be repurposed as a reset control, so the clock can still have its feedback loop 11:46 VanessaE don't kill the loser, make them fall into a really deep pit - deep enough to take 3-4 hearts, then they have to climb back up via a ladder or somethin 11:49 cornernote ok, i got the clock and flops 11:49 cornernote now i just need a 3bit decoder, right ? 11:49 cornernote i see 11:49 VanessaE http://pastebin.com/XuZyi0Yp 11:49 cornernote and 6-7-8 reset it, so it never gets those 11:49 VanessaE there, with the reset switch and feedback loop shown 11:50 cornernote ok, gotchya 11:50 VanessaE fuck that's wrong 11:50 cornernote i think i can get it from here 11:51 VanessaE http://pastebin.com/SjtiUnkS 11:51 VanessaE there, just for completeness :-() 11:51 VanessaE :-) 11:52 cornernote cool 11:52 VanessaE good luck :-) 12:42 wei2912 hi 12:43 VanessaE hi 12:46 wei2912 VanessaE, any idea on how to set limits for flatland? 12:46 VanessaE no 12:46 wei2912 VanessaE, any place i can get grass flatland? 12:47 VanessaE dunno :-) 12:47 wei2912 :( 12:47 VanessaE I've never used that mod 12:47 VanessaE but 12:47 VanessaE you can always /giveme default:dirt 999 12:48 VanessaE (or dirt_with_grass) 12:49 wei2912 VanessaE, lol 12:49 VanessaE or use creative mode ;) 12:53 Phitherek_ just build it up :P 13:19 wei2912 argh 13:19 wei2912 minetest keeps crashing 13:21 Phitherek_ segfaults? ;) 13:21 wei2912 Phitherek_, yup 13:21 Phitherek_ yeah, it happens sometimes 13:21 Phitherek_ especially when there is some kind of lag when transmitting data on connect 13:22 wei2912 Phitherek_, ah 13:22 wei2912 exactly my problem 13:22 Voltaire So anything exciting and new on the minetest front in the last couple of weeks? 13:23 Phitherek_ you must try and try, it will finally work ;) 13:23 Phitherek_ it' s that way in my case 13:39 NekoGloop Hello peoples 13:39 VanessaE hey 13:39 * VanessaE pets NekoGloop (with chainmail in place just in case) 13:39 * NekoGloop lol's 13:40 NekoGloop Last night i figured out i have no idea how to use github 13:40 NekoGloop Derp? 13:40 VanessaE oops, wrong window 13:40 NekoGloop Last night i figured out i have no idea how to use github 13:41 wei2912 lol 13:41 VanessaE it's easiest to use from a command line honestly 13:42 VanessaE (it was invented by Linus Torvalds after all) 13:42 NekoGloop Heh 13:42 NekoGloop Well... I couldnt successfully push a fork of jungletree 13:42 NekoGloop (from the "github for windows" program) :) 13:43 wei2912 argh 13:43 wei2912 keeps crashing 13:43 wei2912 VanessaE, linus torvalds hates it lol 13:44 Phitherek_ NekoGloop: but have you tried pushing to original repo or to your repo? 13:44 NekoGloop Both, i think 13:44 Phitherek_ I think you do not have access permissions to the original ;) 13:45 Phitherek_ and are you sure that you have your RSA keys set up correctly? 13:45 khonkhortisan pull should be original, push should be fork 13:46 Phitherek_ yeah, unless you are the contributor to original 13:46 Phitherek_ but you must be given access permissions to that repo 13:47 NekoGloop Not on my comp atm, lemme fix that :3 13:47 khonkhortisan you can contribute all you want until they give you access, then you can REALLY contribute. (whatever that means) 13:47 khonkhortisan Good morning, the sun just came up and I didn't sleep because I drank a rockstar, when I'm not a coffee drinker. 13:48 Phitherek_ for me it' s afternoon already :P 13:48 khonkhortisan So you could see the sun the whole time. I'm looking in your compass direction. 13:49 VanessaE khonkhortisan: try Rip-It "Fbomb" sometime. it's good. 13:49 VanessaE also, good morning :-) 13:50 khonkhortisan I saw those in the store, almost got some 13:50 VanessaE and it's cheap too 13:50 VanessaE a buck for like 16oz or so 13:50 khonkhortisan rip-it is sold in the dollar store 13:51 khonkhortisan couldn't buy plates because the bank couldn't decide if there was 700, 500, 3000, or negative in the account. 13:52 khonkhortisan How do I tell github I have a branch on my fork? 13:53 VanessaE not sure, last time I tried that I had little success managing it 13:53 VanessaE I think you just checkout -b branchname or something 13:54 khonkhortisan fatal: A branch named 'axes' already exists. 13:54 khonkhortisan I think -b is for creating the branch 13:54 VanessaE yes 13:54 khonkhortisan git branch axes; git checkout axes; git commit; git push; "Everything up-to-date" 13:55 VanessaE that's part of why I just maintain separate repositories for each branch of something - easier for me to understand, plus then zipballs are more useful 13:56 khonkhortisan oh. "git push origin axes" is how to tell it about a branch. 13:57 NekoGloop ko 13:57 NekoGloop ok* 13:57 NekoGloop now i think i figured out what i did wrong 13:58 Phitherek_ khonkhortisan: yeah, the "origin" refers to a remote GitHub repo ;) 13:58 Voltaire What does your jungletree mod do? 13:58 khonkhortisan git push while being in the branch doesn't work, I have to tell it to push the branch itself 13:58 Phitherek_ git push origin 13:59 Phitherek_ have you tried that? 13:59 Phitherek_ I always do it with the branch though 13:59 NekoGloop Voltaire: fixes up various things 13:59 khonkhortisan git push said everything up-to-date, git push origin updated github to the branch's existence 13:59 khonkhortisan I can't really try it now unless I remove the branch 13:59 Phitherek_ without origin you are working on your local repo 14:00 khonkhortisan no? with a single branch it pushes just fine to github 14:00 milleja46 anyone know why the mac build(at least according to minetest.net) is so out of date? 14:00 khonkhortisan git commit;git push 14:00 NekoGloop lets see... one moment, i think i've finally got it... 14:00 VanessaE git commit -a;git push 14:01 VanessaE (-a schedules deleted files also) 14:01 Phitherek_ I used branches from a very beginning, idk :D 14:01 khonkhortisan I only use the -a if I really need it 14:01 NekoGloop https://github.com/GloopMaster/jungletree Yes! It worked! 14:01 Phitherek_ NekoGloop: Congrats ;) 14:01 khonkhortisan I git diff, look at all my changes, git commit, see what files it complains about 14:01 VanessaE milleja46: mac isn't really well supported and is handled by a third party)\ 14:01 NekoGloop Now you all can enjoy a better version of jungletree. 14:02 khonkhortisan gloopmaster? 14:02 NekoGloop my official online name 14:02 khonkhortisan is that your cousin? 14:02 NekoGloop lol no 14:02 NekoGloop its just more official sounding 14:02 Phitherek_ I always do git add * > git commit -m 'description' > git push origin 14:02 milleja46 VanessaE: well I kinda figured as much with how the person who supposedly dropped off the face of the earth about 6 months ago.... 14:03 khonkhortisan the Gloop family tree: NekoGloop, GloopMaster, GloopBert, DogGloop, Gloopy, GleepGloop... 14:03 NekoGloop lol 14:03 VanessaE milleja46: oh, no there's someone more recent doing it 14:03 VanessaE I just can';t remember his name 14:03 VanessaE -; 14:03 khonkhortisan arrows! I don't remember what they do in a shell! 14:04 khonkhortisan um, redirecting stderr and stout. 14:04 VanessaE you mean < > ? 14:04 VanessaE oh right 14:04 khonkhortisan what Phitherek said 14:04 VanessaE didn't see Phitherek_'s comment 14:04 milleja46 VanessaE: well the site needs to be updated then to show that :P it only shows the guy who did do it, and he stopped doing them 6 months ago 14:04 NekoGloop VanessaE: my version of jungletree switches around the nodes a bit. Tree trunks are "default:jungletree" and leaves are "jungletree:leaves". Wild saplings also grow faster than ones placed by hand (i abused the way they spawn :)) 14:05 Phitherek_ no, no, the arrows were not there 14:05 Phitherek_ it was like "steps" 14:05 khonkhortisan um, the trunk and leaves shouldn't have different modnames 14:05 khonkhortisan that's what a ; is for 14:05 Phitherek_ every command is separate ;) 14:05 NekoGloop trunk uses the default jungletree node 14:05 wei2912 what's spawnentity? 14:06 NekoGloop so other mods that use jungletree can finally have those recipes be used. 14:06 NekoGloop like moreblocks :) 14:06 khonkhortisan aliases work too 14:07 NekoGloop well i figured the less nodes the better. 14:07 theTroy I didnt realise that there are so many more voxel-based projects >.> like terasology, which has totally epic water and mobs 14:07 theTroy unfortunately no multiplayer or API 14:07 VanessaE NekoGloop: it's okay to register lots of nodes, all that affects is the startup time of the game. 14:08 VanessaE it doesn't affect in-game performance as far as I can tell 14:08 khonkhortisan I haven't been paying attention to the definition of "voxel". 14:08 khonkhortisan and texture corruption, don't forget that 14:08 NekoGloop well people who play on creative dont want 800+ nodes (like what I have :)) 14:08 NekoGloop and there's still some mods i wanna install :) 14:09 VanessaE I have 1500-some nodes defined. 60-some pages of creative inventory. seems okay to me 14:09 VanessaE :) 14:09 NekoGloop heh 14:09 NekoGloop well half those nodes are your own :) 14:10 VanessaE actually no 14:10 khonkhortisan and here I am, using /giveme all the time when there's a brand-spankin'-new creative inventory. 14:10 VanessaE blame unifiedbricks and cotton :-) 14:10 VanessaE together, those two register something like 400 nodes :-) 14:10 * khonkhortisan likes craft_guide 14:10 NekoGloop unifiedbricks? 14:10 VanessaE (of course coloredwood is almost 300) 14:10 NekoGloop lol i deleted that a long time ago, same with craft_guide 14:11 NekoGloop and coloredwood, deleted that too 14:11 VanessaE D: 14:11 Phitherek_ khonkhortisan: yeah, it' s a good one, but sadly it does not display everything 14:11 khonkhortisan I couldn't landscape if it wasn't for craft_guide, I couldn't figure out how to move the strawberry bushes. 14:11 NekoGloop but that was when i was using 0.4.1, so there was a node limit 14:11 NekoGloop i may reinstall at some point 14:11 VanessaE NekoGloop: now there's effectively no limit :-() 14:11 khonkhortisan node limit?! and I thought a texture limit was bad. 14:11 VanessaE :-) 14:11 VanessaE 65534 node slots now :-) 14:12 NekoGloop yup 14:12 khonkhortisan how do you know exactly how many? 14:12 NekoGloop now all the mods in existance together cant reach it 14:12 NekoGloop i hate mediafire 14:13 wei2912 lol 14:13 wei2912 digging 14:13 wei2912 mass digging :D 14:13 khonkhortisan it was recommended to me for uploading a world 14:13 VanessaE khonkhortisan: like I said, 65534. I think in total there are around 5000 nodes across all the mods available for minetest right now 14:13 NekoGloop dammit 14:13 VanessaE khonkhortisan: upload to ompldr or dropbox if mediafire doesn't work well :-) 14:13 NekoGloop mediafire, y u no download 14:14 khonkhortisan I'm ambivalent, ambiguous, arduent, and apologetic about it. 14:14 VanessaE bbl, errands to run 14:14 khonkhortisan I didn't try downloading, I just uploaded and thought it was fine. 14:14 Phitherek_ there is a Google Drive ;) 14:14 Phitherek_ also nice one 14:14 khonkhortisan but that's tied to the real you 14:15 khonkhortisan I'm an avatar! 14:15 wei2912 ? 14:15 Phitherek_ I see :) 14:15 NekoGloop he's big and blue 14:15 Phitherek_ NekoGloop: :D 14:15 khonkhortisan with a big square nose 14:16 NekoGloop :D 14:16 Phitherek_ and a tail... 14:16 celeron55 it is indeed nice to not have the same (google) account everywhere 14:16 khonkhortisan and a patch of white hair on the top of my head 14:16 NekoGloop yup dont forget the tail 14:16 celeron55 (albeit somebody might argue against this) 14:16 khonkhortisan did you remember the hair? 14:16 NekoGloop celeron55: yup. and good morning/afternoon/whatever 14:16 khonkhortisan it's for tree-talking 14:17 celeron55 good somewhere-around-middle-of-the-age-of-universe 14:17 Phitherek_ hello celeron55 :) 14:17 khonkhortisan unless it cycles, then the time is everywhere in the age of the universe 14:17 NekoGloop lol 14:18 khonkhortisan "NekoGloopMaster" 14:18 khonkhortisan I don't think I've ever seen a generating sapling grow. 14:19 khonkhortisan *generated 14:19 Phitherek_ Yeah, I can see the point of not having everything under one account 14:19 Phitherek_ especially if it contains your real name ;) 14:19 khonkhortisan I have to start using khonkhortisan@gmail.com 14:19 NekoGloop the way jungletrees generate is that they generate the SAPLINGS, not the TREES directly. 14:20 khonkhortisan do regular trees have growing saplings? 14:20 NekoGloop I could sometimes see the saplings before the tree grew 14:20 NekoGloop khonkhortisan: wild trees grow completely, but saplings come from the leaf blocks 14:20 khonkhortisan I've seen trees with the bottoms cut off due to world generation 14:20 wei2912 creating flatland 14:20 wei2912 for fun 14:20 khonkhortisan there's a mod for that 14:21 NekoGloop there's a mod for everything 14:21 wei2912 khonkhortisan, but it's freaking buggy 14:21 khonkhortisan I know, I tried it 14:21 NekoGloop and as i said before, its so you get practice downloading things 14:21 wei2912 NekoGloop, lol 14:21 khonkhortisan turned block generation black 14:21 wei2912 khonkhortisan, lol 14:21 NekoGloop and as celeron agrees with me. 14:21 wei2912 the only way 14:22 wei2912 is to edit mapgen.cpp 14:22 NekoGloop now lets see... 14:22 Voltaire Just a suggestion but for fun how about creating pressurised lava under bedrock? 14:22 khonkhortisan then how do you get to it if it's under bedrock? 14:22 Phitherek_ there IS a bedrock? :o 14:23 khonkhortisan yep, on gameboom, to keep people from destroying the teleportation mainframe 14:23 khonkhortisan it's like cloud, undiggable 14:23 Phitherek_ ah 14:24 Phitherek_ I just thought for one moment that the Minetest world is not infinite, but hopefully it is :) 14:24 khonkhortisan there's a mod that makes lava flow higher and lower, and another mod that works with that one I forget what it does 14:24 khonkhortisan it's experimentally infinite, but not theoretically. 14:24 khonkhortisan If you can teleport, you can get to the edge. 14:24 khonkhortisan I hear it's blue. 14:25 Phitherek_ ok, but infinite-ish ;) 14:26 khonkhortisan it's big enough, a few thousand over 30000 14:26 NekoGloop it is blue 14:26 khonkhortisan in radius 14:26 NekoGloop and it ends at 30900 14:26 khonkhortisan Can I teleport in vanilla? 14:26 NekoGloop yup 14:26 khonkhortisan people say the oddest things and make sense saying them. 14:26 khonkhortisan "a branch in my fork", "teleport in vanilla" 14:27 NekoGloop /teleport player target 14:28 NekoGloop teleports the selected player to pos target 14:28 khonkhortisan bobblocks and bobpoles have duplicates in my creative inventory 14:28 NekoGloop one is on, the other off 14:29 NekoGloop easy enough to fix 14:29 NekoGloop add the ones you dont want to group "not_in_creative_inventory" 14:29 khonkhortisan I'll do that, if it's on github 14:29 NekoGloop like you would add a node to "crumbly" or "cracky" 14:29 khonkhortisan I've seen that variable in mesecons 14:30 milleja46 VanessaE: the guy you were talking about for minetest os x builds....his name doesn't happen to be jpenguin is it? 14:31 khonkhortisan looking at the creative inventory makes me realize how rich I really am 14:34 NekoGloop Taoki, stop rejoining 14:34 NekoGloop :D 14:34 Taoki[laptop] I had to restart 14:34 milleja46 internt issues much 14:34 milleja46 internet* 14:35 Taoki[laptop] that too 14:35 * milleja46 has no luck with spelling today >_< 14:35 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhdPXL1cJq8&feature=related 14:35 NekoGloop aw, no bot? :D 14:35 Phitherek_ no NakedFury, no bot :P 14:35 NekoGloop oh i see 14:35 NekoGloop thought i saw him in the users listing 14:36 Phitherek_ maybe he has not run the bot yet ;) 14:36 khonkhortisan turn the sound off, it looks funny 14:36 Phitherek_ no, he is not here 14:37 Phitherek_ i checked user list ;) 14:37 NekoGloop khonkhortisan: the vid? 14:37 khonkhortisan I'm impressed, they made them dance slightly differently. 14:37 NekoGloop heh 14:37 NekoGloop they're singing at the same time though 14:38 NekoGloop you can only hear Teto though 14:38 khonkhortisan I can't tell. An elbow at a different angle, moving the arm at a different time 14:38 NekoGloop that won the 7th MMD cup 14:39 NekoGloop i think it did anyway 14:39 NekoGloop i like the first top comment though :) 14:39 khonkhortisan doesn't make sense until the second comment 14:40 khonkhortisan hey they did those moves already! :) 14:40 NekoGloop look at how many likes the top comment got though 14:40 NekoGloop i think that's a world record of comment likes :) 14:44 khonkhortisan fork = branch, no? 14:45 NekoGloop i think so... just started using github though xD 14:45 wei2912 khonkhortisan, no 14:45 wei2912 branch is part of a project 14:45 wei2912 fork is just a replication of a project 14:45 Phitherek_ branches are also kind of "forks", but local ones 14:46 khonkhortisan fork+pull request = patch, I think you'll disagree with that too 14:46 Phitherek_ you create a branch out of other one 14:46 khonkhortisan my fork is in the same place as my branch 14:46 celeron55 fork is not a duplication, it is a branch that is managed by someone else than the one who owns the original repository 14:46 khonkhortisan I agree with celeron 14:46 celeron55 and then find out what a branch is 14:47 khonkhortisan where the code goes on a different path 14:47 Phitherek_ c55, +1 14:47 wei2912 celeron55, * 14:47 wei2912 thanks for the correction lol 14:47 khonkhortisan but trees don't have doubly-connected branches 14:47 NekoGloop lets stick with celeron55. 14:48 NekoGloop he's undeniably right. 14:48 Phitherek_ he is right :) 14:48 khonkhortisan okay. 14:48 khonkhortisan as right as the pope, if I understand that denomination correctly. 14:49 celeron55 as right as the pope = bases everything on a fantasy book 14:49 celeron55 8) 14:49 Phitherek_ :D 14:49 * celeron55 awaits for the butthurt christians 14:50 NekoGloop heh 14:50 * NekoGloop gives celeron55 a cookie 14:50 Phitherek_ neko, again? :D 14:50 FreeFull Was a pope ever right about something? 14:50 khonkhortisan you must have a crafting recipe for those 14:50 celeron55 (i do like most of christian values though) 14:50 khonkhortisan a pope can never be wrong, I think 14:50 FreeFull celeron55: It'd be nice if christians followed those values 14:51 Phitherek_ khonkhortisan: He can, but not in the field of religion etc. 14:51 NekoGloop crafting recipe: farming:wheat | farming:sugar for cooie 14:51 NekoGloop cookie* 14:52 FreeFull celeron55: I really like what was done with minetest's modding system 14:52 khonkhortisan I'd get farming and jungletrees if I wasn't protecting my mesecon-only map 14:52 NekoGloop and yes, i have a time machine to get higher versions of farming mod :) 14:52 khonkhortisan so can you use farming:sugar to make nature pack strawberry pie? and papyrus to make sugar? 14:53 NekoGloop no 14:53 NekoGloop not yet 14:53 NekoGloop my time machine is not for you to use :) 14:54 khonkhortisan a time machine would be a dangerous thing 14:56 Voltaire khonkhortisan: well that explains why the pope can never apologise....it would create a pradox 14:56 khonkhortisan just hire a new one 14:56 khonkhortisan "I always lie" 14:57 khonkhortisan or, "I always lie about religion" 14:57 FreeFull This is a lie 14:57 khonkhortisan The other side is true. | The other side is false. 14:57 MiJyn yeah, I know that one :P 14:58 NekoGloop for example in about 5 years, unfieddyes has every RGB color, minetest no longer has an item limit, and also runs smoothly at about 60fps on every computer. 14:58 khonkhortisan So really, if you wanted to, if a channel wasn't topic-monitored, it could go to any subject. 14:59 khonkhortisan and doesn't leak memory 14:59 NekoGloop oh right, keep forgetting about that change 14:59 khonkhortisan mesecons will be even more impressive in that time 14:59 NekoGloop it gets fixed in about 2 months 15:00 * milleja46 thinks celeron55 may be blind on christianity but ehh milleja46 isn't he best debator to prove things to people.... 15:00 khonkhortisan I don't like a controlled debate, it was done wrong last time I was in one 15:00 NekoGloop the core mesecons mod has support for vertical signals, as well as microcontrollers with fully working nestled if-clauses. 15:01 khonkhortisan Someone argued against themselves and everyone let them go on 15:01 khonkhortisan I have vertical mesecons, I just can't figure out how to connect them to horizontal mesecons. 15:01 milleja46 khonkhortisan: well I'm the worst debator so I try to stay out of them, other people do a better job at what I fail at half the time 15:01 * Phitherek_ treats religion very private and understands that people sometimes have different views 15:02 NekoGloop khonkhortisan: send me the code, the future shall be changed 15:02 khonkhortisan I can keep insults out of the conversation and am suprised when other people can to for an extended period of time 15:02 LandMine hi 15:03 khonkhortisan just duplicate the insulated mesecon, rotate the nodebox, and rotate the rule to be Y instead of X. That's all I've done. 15:03 FreeFull "is false when preceded by its quotation" is false when preceded by its quotation 15:03 NekoGloop send me the code still 15:03 khonkhortisan "The quote," prepending. 15:03 NekoGloop LandMine: go away :D 15:04 khonkhortisan that makes itself false by bold statement without reason. 15:04 NekoGloop note to self: do not edit code while it is running 15:04 khonkhortisan the text box blinks, you have to be fast 15:05 NekoGloop not microcontrollers 15:05 NekoGloop code in general 15:05 khonkhortisan well it's not minetest 15:05 khonkhortisan I don't even know how to do that 15:05 NekoGloop heh 15:05 LandMine neko u mad brah? 15:05 Fifi Hey all ;) 15:06 NekoGloop LandMine: stop trolling. i've not been here very long but know about you. 15:06 NekoGloop hrm... 15:06 Phitherek_ troll warning :P 15:06 khonkhortisan The humanism religion is considered "bad" because in the case of, say, murder, two people that believe the same thing can arrive at opposite conclusions. 15:07 khonkhortisan hiFi fi! 15:07 LandMine im not trolling :( 15:08 Phitherek_ ok, let' s end the religious topic, or at least stop insulting other religions. I never do that ;) 15:08 LandMine yeah khon stfu you mormon cunt 15:08 milleja46 LandMine: no one trusts you get out 15:09 LandMine ohh milleja hi lol 15:09 LandMine hadnt seen you in some time 15:09 khonkhortisan haha I'm not mormon. Humanism is the only one I'd "insult" (can you really measure happiness on a legal scale?) 15:09 milleja46 LandMine: get out you lying pyscopath 15:09 LandMine you finished sucking Max dick? 15:09 NekoGloop hello bas080 15:09 khonkhortisan here comes the trolling 15:09 bas080 Hey NekoGloop :) 15:09 NekoGloop i forked jungletree, maybe take a look at it? 15:10 NekoGloop https://github.com/GloopMaster/jungletree there 15:10 celeron55_ LandMine: what would you do if i pulled a +o? 15:10 khonkhortisan a channel rule? 15:10 NekoGloop it makes him op, i think. 15:10 LandMine whats a +o? 15:10 milleja46 khonkhortisan: +o makes him op 15:10 NekoGloop +o 15:10 NekoGloop aw 15:10 NekoGloop :D 15:11 * khonkhortisan gives khonkhortisan operator privilages 15:11 milleja46 and celeron55_ being op makes him able to ban/kick landork 15:11 khonkhortisan it says something like that 15:11 Phitherek_ yeah 15:11 Phitherek_ it is done via chanserv ;) 15:11 bas080 Good stuff NekoGloop ;) 15:11 celeron55_ i am not eager to get the freenode staff to make me the owner of this channel (currently nobody is), but i might do that if i need to 15:12 milleja46 celeron55_: you might as well no one wants the pyschopath here 15:12 khonkhortisan you'd be the obvious choice 15:12 Fifi ;D 15:12 bas080 NekoGloop, Pls send a merge or something request. I don't know how... don't know how... 15:12 celeron55_ i am the only one they'd give this channel to, by begging them 15:13 celeron55_ that is why 15:13 NekoGloop i dont know how to merge either 15:13 khonkhortisan you click pull request on the top of the page of your fork 15:13 khonkhortisan you don't do the merging 15:13 Phitherek_ c55: there is no owner of this channel? I thought that the one that creates it can use chanserv on it... 15:13 Fifi Calinou: Are you online ;)? I got a small question :) 15:13 Fifi Wait, so there's no ops or halfops? 15:13 bas080 khonkhortisan, ok 15:13 celeron55_ Phitherek_: you don't register a channel by creating it, but you *can* register a channel after creating it when you have +o 15:13 khonkhortisan if I join #randomchannelname there's no owner in the channel I created 15:14 LandMine_ god i d/c 15:14 Phitherek_ ah 15:14 celeron55_ Phitherek_: but that wasn't the case; the ops dropped before anyone registered this, ages ago 15:14 khonkhortisan it's created by ChanServ or some similar name 15:14 LandMine_ any of yall down for some wall game? 15:15 theTroy celeron55_: wow, been a while since youv been on irc 15:15 FreeFull celeron55_: You could probably talk to the freenode staff about registering #minetest 15:15 theTroy and btw, congratz on that mini game of yours >.> 15:15 khonkhortisan bas080: NekoGloop: The forker clicks Pull Request on their page, the forked does the merge (I don't know how, but probably simple) 15:15 Phitherek_ so how is it possible that Calinou changed the topic of the channel? 15:15 khonkhortisan this channel got busy all of a sudden 15:16 celeron55_ Phitherek_: this doesn't have the channel mode +t 15:16 celeron55_ it means anyone can change it, but don't tell LandMine_ 15:16 celeron55_ 8) 15:16 celeron55_ (well, now he knows) 15:16 Phitherek_ erm, he' s still there :D 15:16 theTroy and btw, celeron55_ check out "Terasology" its a similar project, but they did some amazing work with world gen (apache 2.0 license) 15:17 LandMine_ hahahahhahahaha 15:17 Phitherek_ omg it begins... 15:17 celeron55_ oh god what done 15:17 khonkhortisan sorry. 15:17 celeron55_ dog* 15:17 celeron55_ (ehm) 15:17 LandMine_ celeron why dont you host a server anymore? 15:18 * celeron55_ destroys everything 15:18 celeron55_ LandMine_: because. 15:18 khonkhortisan great, now I have to switch clients again, this one was destroyed. 15:18 khonkhortisan coding isn't the same as adminning 15:19 theTroy MC griefers got under his nails I guess 15:19 LandMine_ but now you got node protect and roll back 15:19 theTroy theres quite a big movement to kill all MC clones 15:19 theTroy but thats admin work LandMine_ 15:20 khonkhortisan I have a house a griefer would love, a room filled with apples and strawberries, ore blocked doorways, almost every material known to man went into the construction. 15:20 LandMine_ cool story khon tell me some more 15:20 khonkhortisan you already know what server it's on 15:20 LandMine_ not really? 15:20 LandMine_ i have never seen you 15:21 khonkhortisan sgt_seeker? I tried to untrap him 15:21 celeron55_ LandMine_: you'd just make it a challenge to grief with every small way left that can't be avoided 15:21 celeron55_ LandMine_: you really have no reason to ask, you know better than anyone 15:21 khonkhortisan like picking up the elusive default:air node and placing it somewhere 15:21 celeron55_ ... 15:21 Fifi Well it works. 15:21 Fifi KK i'll change it back 15:22 khonkhortisan did you remember to copy the original text? 15:22 Fifi yes 15:22 khonkhortisan good. 15:22 Phitherek_ lol not this :D 15:22 khonkhortisan no not that one! that's mine. 15:22 theTroy that last sentence is just asking for grief 15:22 Fifi Ach. 15:22 NekoGloop COOKIES 15:22 Fifi Sry, wrong line :D 15:22 NekoGloop WHAT HAPPENED TO THE COOKIES 15:22 khonkhortisan craft some more 15:22 Phitherek_ they' re gone Neko 15:22 Fifi I don't know :( 15:22 khonkhortisan okay no more messing with it 15:23 * NekoGloop crafts 65355 cookies 15:23 khonkhortisan we know the command now 15:23 LandMine_ i dont know it :( 15:23 * Fifi ate all cookies D: 15:23 Fifi lol xD 15:23 NekoGloop good landmine 15:23 Phitherek_ great! 15:23 LandMine_ and why does my name suddenly have a underscore? does that make me super sexy? 15:24 Calinou Fifi, yes? 15:24 Phitherek_ a threat is over 15:24 khonkhortisan you lost your connection, used an alternate name because the first you didn't time out yet, and you didn't manually change your name back 15:24 Calinou celeron55_: You could probably talk to the freenode staff about registering #minetest 15:24 rubenwardy you will never be sexy 15:24 bas080 Btw, was gone for a day... but school is starting soon. I might have less time to work on the project... But i'll drop by when i can. 15:24 Calinou hi. I will rename channel to ###################minetest 15:24 Fifi Oh, Calinou, you're here ;) 15:24 Calinou ^ freenode's channel policty 15:24 Calinou policy* 15:24 khonkhortisan only one or two #'s 15:25 khonkhortisan depending on official or non- 15:25 Calinou NekoGloop, you mean 65535? 15:25 Calinou Fifi, so? 15:25 LandMine_ cali wtf is up with the spam man 15:26 Fifi I wanted to ask you small question. I made a mod, which uses smelting gravel as a recipe, but this collides with your tar recipe. So I wanted to ask if it's possible to change tar recipe to wood or planks (if you'll be so nice, and it's a bit natural to make tar from wood :P) or do I have to change my recipe ;)? 15:26 khonkhortisan who wanted partial vertical mesecon code again? 15:26 Calinou I never made a tar mod 15:26 Calinou you're talking to the wrong person 15:26 Calinou (that tar mod is extremely old anyway) 15:26 Phitherek_ it' s in moreblocks 15:26 Fifi Yes, but it's in the moreblocks by you :O 15:26 Calinou there is no "tar" in moreblocks 15:26 Fifi :O 15:26 Calinou please use the official names to name stuff 15:27 FreeFull #minetest could be registered as the official channel for minetest, especially considering celeron55 would be the one doing it 15:27 FreeFull So one # 15:27 Calinou it's low priority IMO 15:27 Calinou this channel, as-is, unmoderated is just fine 15:27 Calinou +t isn't really needed anyawy 15:27 Calinou anyway* 15:28 LandMine_ common!!!! i wanna play wall game :( 15:28 khonkhortisan NekoGloop: was it you that wanted my code? 15:29 Phitherek_ Calinou: at least if no one knows how to change it and that they can 15:29 Phitherek_ or some reasonable people know ;) 15:29 NekoGloop yes i wanted vertical things 15:30 Fifi Hm, strange, now I can't find it :O 15:30 celeron55 if somebody wants to be of help, get a freenode staffer into here to discuss about getting this channel registered; i'll be around for a few hours from now at least 15:30 Calinou latest version has the following blocks and items: http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Mods/More_Blocks 15:30 celeron55 #freenode should have a bunch of them 15:31 Fifi Ach 15:31 Fifi It's from building blocks :O 15:31 Calinou heh 15:31 Fifi Don't know why i thought it's from yours mod ;D 15:32 khonkhortisan NekoGloop: good, the diff is easy to split: http://pastebin.com/g9BA4JEc I haven't gotten anything connected to it yet 15:33 NekoGloop let me work some magic then 15:33 khonkhortisan I hope you are successful in your endeavor. 15:33 NekoGloop so do i 15:34 khonkhortisan whoops that paste isn't right 15:34 khonkhortisan I have to remove some more 15:34 NekoGloop ok 15:36 khonkhortisan I got my ctrl-v and middle-mouse pastes mixed up - http://pastebin.com/scQyG7ZH 15:37 khonkhortisan I saw four people *.net *.split, they saw me, and they probably saw each other. 15:38 khonkhortisan I can't get a graph on github that will show forks and branches on the same page 15:38 NekoGloop idk 15:39 NekoGloop i cant even get the graph :) 15:39 wei2912 gtg bye 15:39 khonkhortisan /network 15:40 khonkhortisan ah, I have to go to the very original to show both forks and branches. 15:40 khonkhortisan I'm messing with his graph! 15:42 NekoGloop could you please error check and re-pastebin, possibly without the +'s everywhere? 15:42 khonkhortisan that's directly from git diff, minus one file 15:42 NekoGloop or, i think ive got it 15:42 khonkhortisan a diff/patch program should be able to understand it 15:43 NekoGloop and i have no such program 15:43 khonkhortisan you need one, separate from your version control program 15:44 NekoGloop anyways, i have to remove line numbers anyway 15:44 rdococ Well... 15:44 khonkhortisan minetest's graph is so big I can't see the whole thing 15:44 erry celeron55, are you affiliated with this project? 15:45 khonkhortisan he is the main dev 15:45 celeron55 erry: yes, i am the main developer and maintain the website and stuff 15:46 erry was another staffer perhaps already looking at this? 15:46 Kray another staffer was looking at this some months or so ago 15:46 Kray but because celeron55 didn't give him/her any response, nothing was done :p 15:46 celeron55 i was probably away or something 15:47 celeron55 (i didn't even know that happened, actually) 15:47 Kray err, you did say something about the situation that time 15:47 Kray but you didn't say anything to the staff member here :D 15:47 NekoGloop i'm having a problem 15:48 khonkhortisan my diff isn't working? 15:48 NekoGloop not with vertical mesecons, another mod refuses to load 15:48 Fifi Hm I gtg :( 15:48 Fifi bb :) 15:48 celeron55 ehm... well, in any case i can't recall anything about a staffer being involved 15:48 khonkhortisan I only added another node, I didn't redifine anything 15:48 khonkhortisan *redefine 15:49 khonkhortisan Sorry if we're being too noisy for the adults 15:49 NekoGloop ah, here we go 15:49 khonkhortisan craft two insulated to make a vertical 15:50 NekoGloop holy shit my creative inventory is almost 1000 things 15:50 khonkhortisan wasn't me 15:50 NekoGloop i know 15:50 NekoGloop it was terraiumblocks 15:50 khonkhortisan if only there was a way to register a single node with variants - so a microcontroller could be registered once, and switch between variants. 15:51 khonkhortisan I suspect they went pm 15:53 khonkhortisan if you can get vertical mesecons working, you can probably also tackle redpower2's "Null Cell" and and/xor/nand/not gates 15:54 khonkhortisan this looks messy https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/network 15:55 NekoGloop_ that was... interesting 15:55 NekoGloop_ i think... windows just crashed entirely 15:55 khonkhortisan I said four things, I don't know how many you heard 15:56 NekoGloop just repeat it all 15:56 khonkhortisan if only there was a way to register a single node with variants - so a microcontroller could be registered once, and switch between variants. 15:56 NekoGloop got that 15:56 khonkhortisan I suspect they went pm 15:56 NekoGloop then i crashed :) 15:56 khonkhortisan if you can get vertical mesecons working, you can probably also tackle redpower2's "Null Cell" and and/xor/nand/not gates 15:56 khonkhortisan this looks messy https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/network 15:57 NekoGloop yes we need null cells 15:57 khonkhortisan I have the nodebox ready, designed with the help of Vanessae 15:57 NekoGloop now lets see if i cant crash windows again 15:59 NekoGloop anyways 15:59 khonkhortisan When you were NekoGloop you were yellow. When you were NekoGloop_ you were purple. When you changed back you stayed purple. 15:59 NekoGloop ofc 15:59 NekoGloop because purple is awesome 15:59 Calinou xchat names are based on some kind of "seed", and they are persistant 15:59 khonkhortisan using konversation right now 16:00 khonkhortisan I don't have a favourite client yet 16:00 Calinou xchat FTW :p 16:00 * NekoGloop gives nakedfury a cookie 16:00 Calinou konversation is heavy 16:00 NekoGloop and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg4vgTGST2o 16:00 NakedFury 1,0You0,4Tube1,15 【ろん/Lon】マトリョシカ/Matryoshka -Band Arrange Ver- 【そらる/Soraru】 [2,15User1,15: x3Mitsukix] [2,15Views1,15: 17063] [3,153261,15] [4,1521,15] [2,15Time1,15: 00:03:301,15] 16:00 NekoGloop yay~ 16:00 khonkhortisan konversation puts a nice papyrus background behind everything you say 16:00 celeron55 oh god, kill that script 16:00 khonkhortisan I like it 16:00 celeron55 or at least remove the colors 16:00 NakedFury hi 16:01 NekoGloop heh 16:01 NekoGloop NakedFury, celeron doesnt like your bot 16:01 NakedFury I dont like it much 16:01 celeron55 topic bots are fine but anything else than the topic should die 16:01 khonkhortisan grayscale bots, however, are acceptable. 16:01 NakedFury I want it to tell me only but dont know how 16:01 NekoGloop then remove it? 16:01 celeron55 umm... title bots 16:02 khonkhortisan well what command is it currently using to say stuff? 16:02 celeron55 bright backgrounds on text like that in a black terminal look horrible 16:02 NekoGloop well then dont use a black terminal :) 16:02 celeron55 eh 16:02 NekoGloop even webchat is bright and cheery :) 16:02 khonkhortisan I use a black terminal and a white everything else 16:02 celeron55 ... 16:03 khonkhortisan I can't turn everything black and white is just so... default. 16:03 * NekoGloop gives celeron another cookie :) 16:03 * khonkhortisan … 16:03 khonkhortisan my blue ellipsis is better than your black triple-period 16:04 celeron55 ascii ftw 16:04 NekoGloop ascii always ftw 16:05 khonkhortisan anyone know how to zoom out in "GitHub Network Graph Viewer v4.0.0"? 16:05 khonkhortisan celeron your /network is too big 16:05 celeron55 go to the github server farm, take some dynamite with you 16:05 celeron55 it should help 16:05 NekoGloop khonkhortisan : ok, your thingys are incredibly stupid :) 16:06 NekoGloop celeron55: no, install the tnt mod 16:06 NekoGloop :D 16:06 khonkhortisan yes, they connect with themselves, but if regular mesecons connected vertically then horizontal ones would connect to themselves vertically. 16:06 khonkhortisan I could just add a rule to regular mesecons 16:07 NekoGloop these are derpcons, not mesecons :) 16:07 NekoGloop one moment, i've got an idea 16:08 khonkhortisan add {x=0, y=1, z=0}, {x=0, y=-1, z=0} to where it says mesecon:add_rules("default", in mesecons/init.lua (line 237) 16:08 khonkhortisan and see what you break in the process 16:10 khonkhortisan when in creative, to move something from your inventory to the creative inventory, don't find the same item, just double-click to drop. 16:10 NekoGloop and do facedir for the node, with the nodebox properly 'on' the node you set it on. 16:11 khonkhortisan oh I forgot to keep it out of creative inventory - I made the on obvious because I couldn't get it to turn on 16:11 NekoGloop ok, they work, just not visually connecting atm 16:12 NekoGloop i'll fix that too 16:12 NekoGloop since i'm such a nice guy and all 16:12 khonkhortisan there's five colors of lightstone, that would make an odd display. 16:12 khonkhortisan I've done my part in contributing to mesecons 16:14 NekoGloop oh and you cant walk through on vertical mesecons 16:14 khonkhortisan regular mesecons can connect using that table I mentioned, but that would wreak havoc on a two-layer insulated wire turn. 16:14 NekoGloop but you can for off verticals. 16:14 NekoGloop no not neccessarily 16:14 khonkhortisan I started on it and got stuck, just like the disconnected crossed wires 16:14 NekoGloop may even make some more useful things 16:14 khonkhortisan the turn would have to be offset two nodes every second layer 16:15 khonkhortisan it would cause a redesign of some machines (mine) but would probably be an improvement (with proper nodeboxes) 16:16 khonkhortisan talking to a purple neko just isn't the same as talking to a yellow one. At least you're not the same color as vanessa anymore. 16:17 khonkhortisan yeah, uninsulated wire should only be connectable on axis directions. 16:19 khonkhortisan and you can wrap it with fiber the same way you light tnt, with it mapped to exactly which nodebox 16:19 NekoGloop one moment 16:19 NekoGloop i think i've got it 16:19 khonkhortisan already? 16:20 NekoGloop yup 16:20 khonkhortisan git diff? 16:21 NekoGloop i have no idea what you just said 16:22 khonkhortisan you got mesecons though git right? 16:22 khonkhortisan look for a diff button, then send me that 16:23 khonkhortisan I assume switches would have to be changed to also connect vertically 16:23 NekoGloop to the best of my knowledge, everything that uses default rules will work 16:23 NekoGloop but please, you're distracting me. 16:24 khonkhortisan okay. 16:30 NekoGloop how do i check the facedir of a node? 16:30 khonkhortisan minetest.env:get_node(pos).param2 (if paramtype2 is "facedir") 16:30 Phitherek_ ah, when it comes to IRC clients (I know it was some time ago, but I was busy then): I use KVIrc and it' s rather a nice one with many functions and not too heavy 16:36 NekoGloop now lets see what i just broke 16:37 NekoGloop ofc, some exception -_- 16:38 NekoGloop oops. 16:38 NekoGloop i think that i screwed up the nodeboxes 16:39 khonkhortisan just hit the undo button? 16:39 NekoGloop heh 16:39 NekoGloop no i need to manually fix this 16:39 NekoGloop undoing would erase everything, nodeboxes i did first 16:39 khonkhortisan if you're adding a vertical nodebox to the default wires, you need another for loop when registering 16:39 NekoGloop nope 16:39 NekoGloop still using the vertical nodes you have 16:44 NekoGloop now i really killed the nodeboxes 16:50 NekoGloop well i just spammed the debug console 16:55 khonkhortisan my circuit looks like a mess 16:59 khonkhortisan my mouse just died! I had to alt-tab to get over here. Anyway, I said my circuit looks like a mess: http://www.flickr.com/photos/79516830@N05/7894996542/in/photostream/lightbox/ 16:59 * khonkhortisan is going to look for batteries for a wireless mouse 16:59 NekoGloop heh 17:00 NekoGloop the vertical mesecons now work, with the small exception of custom rules. Oh, and they still arent graphically connecting. 17:01 khonkhortisan graphically connecting to horizontal mesecons? 17:01 NekoGloop yes 17:01 NekoGloop they connect in function but not form 17:01 khonkhortisan that requires double the current nodes to do that, and a mention in the auto-connecter function 17:01 NekoGloop no it doesnt 17:02 khonkhortisan no? 17:02 khonkhortisan how will you add a nodebox to a horizontal mesecon then? 17:02 NekoGloop augh... 17:02 khonkhortisan add it to the bottom of the vertical one? 17:02 NekoGloop you seem to be of little intelligence 17:02 khonkhortisan hehe 17:03 NekoGloop know how they can climb the side of a block? 17:03 NekoGloop i want them to do that when a vertical mesecon is above it 17:03 khonkhortisan so, redesign the bottom and top of the vertical mesecon to be an angle 17:04 NekoGloop ... 17:04 NekoGloop what the hell do you mean. 17:04 khonkhortisan the regular mesecon climbs the side of its node. The vertical mesecon is in the center of its node. Are you thinking of moving the vertical mesecon also to the side? 17:05 NekoGloop yes 17:05 khonkhortisan Forgive me if I'm slow, I'm looking for AA batteries 17:05 NekoGloop i'm using facedir to do so 17:05 khonkhortisan I'd recommend not using facedir, that way you only need one rule for one side to climb. 17:06 khonkhortisan But it works either way 17:06 NekoGloop but i've almost got it working 17:08 khonkhortisan So if you stack two vertical mesecons, but turn one sideways, they'll still connect. 17:08 khonkhortisan Even though it won't look like it 17:08 NekoGloop er... 17:08 NekoGloop true 17:08 NekoGloop atm that is true 17:09 NekoGloop and this is why i dont code mesecons extensions :) 17:10 khonkhortisan oh. My other wired mouse is still plugged in. Silly me! 17:11 NekoGloop fuck this 17:11 NekoGloop some exception my ass 17:11 khonkhortisan you're getting further than I did 17:11 NekoGloop "Some exception: we hate you." 17:12 khonkhortisan you do have the console output besides what the popup is telling you, right? 17:13 NekoGloop yes 17:13 NekoGloop just "Some Exception: "std::bad_alloc"" 17:13 NekoGloop like a hundred times previous 17:16 NekoGloop wth... seriously, mesecon? 17:22 rubenwardy is there a way to rename an existing "farming:wheat" to a new "rubenfood:wheat"? register_alias does not work 17:23 rubenwardy std::bad_alloc means the was an error allocating some data to the ram 17:23 NekoGloop i know 17:23 Phitherek_ I think Neko knows this 17:23 rubenwardy ok 17:23 Phitherek_ yeah :P 17:23 rubenwardy oh... 17:23 khonkhortisan try an abm to replace the first on with the second one? use ":farming:wheat" to redefine the node? find all occurances of "farming:wheat" and change them to "rubenfood:wheat"? 17:23 NekoGloop does facedir puposefully pick the stupidest way to place the node? 17:24 khonkhortisan facedir is looking toward you, with a function to turn a direction into a facedir, but no function to turn a facedir into a direction. 17:24 NekoGloop ... 17:24 NekoGloop if you cant help, stop trying 17:24 khonkhortisan I think -z is on your side? 17:25 rubenwardy would register_node(":farming:wheat",{name="rubenfood:wheat"}) work, do you think? 17:25 NekoGloop rubenwardy: why not just use the node as is? 17:25 rubenwardy the whole point is to name farming:wheat and growing:wheat to one rubenfood:wheat 17:26 khonkhortisan no, you need wheat = minetest.env:registered_nodes["farming:wheat"] then register_node("rubenfood:wheat", wheat) 17:27 rubenwardy so when some one havests a farming:wheat, will i be able to craft with rubenfood:wheat? 17:29 khonkhortisan you should really only use one node name. If you want to use two, yes use an alias. minetest.register_alias("rubenfood:wheat", "farming:wheat") 17:29 rubenwardy i want maximum mod support, with "farming" and "growing" and also with no mods 17:30 NekoGloop flooding of debug: fixed :P 17:30 khonkhortisan are farming:wheat and growing:wheat the same? 17:30 rubenwardy no 17:30 rubenwardy two different mods 17:30 khonkhortisan Then register your own complete rubenfood:wheat node and register aliases for farming and growing to point to yours 17:31 rubenwardy but they are already defined, so they can not make an alias. is there a way to delete a node? 17:31 NekoGloop aliases can be made for any node 17:32 NekoGloop for example, default:dirt is both "default:dirt" and "dirt" 17:32 rubenwardy register_alias("farming:wheat","rubenfood:wheat") 17:32 rubenwardy does not work cause farming:wheat is defined 17:32 rubenwardy register_alias("dirt","default:dirt") 17:33 NekoGloop put them the other way around, silly 17:33 rubenwardy convert rubenfood to both farming:wheat and growing:wheat? i am pretty sure that is impossible 17:34 rubenwardy new question: deleting a node registeration 17:34 NekoGloop impossible 17:34 khonkhortisan without removing the mod, anyway. 17:37 rubenwardy lightbulb! 17:37 rubenwardy do you think people will have both growing and farming installed? 17:38 khonkhortisan you could just make it a requirement. It's not easy to optionally require other mods (difficult to get them to load first) 17:38 NekoGloop probably not. 17:39 rubenwardy my mod is designed to support animals, farming, and growing but not require it (some servers will not have these as they add lag) 17:40 khonkhortisan Can someone upload two AA batteries so I can put them in my mouse? :P 17:40 NekoGloop one moment... 17:40 NekoGloop we could not process your download request. 17:40 rubenwardy it is possible, i have an idea 17:40 khonkhortisan dimension overflow error 17:40 Voltaire khonkhortisan: Sure can upload some...though there will be charge... 17:44 khonkhortisan found some. 17:51 NekoGloop ok, nvm about vertical 17:51 NekoGloop I GIVE UP! 17:51 NekoGloop minetest wants to be stupid, let it be so. 17:51 khonkhortisan I gave up first. Do you want to try a gate? 17:52 NekoGloop heh 17:52 NekoGloop nah 17:52 NekoGloop I'll work on null celll 17:52 khonkhortisan that's more difficult than a gate (I think) 17:52 NekoGloop no 17:52 NekoGloop gate you need to do logic with 17:53 NekoGloop null cell i just need to make it act like two sperate conductors 17:53 khonkhortisan mesecons thinks each wire has two states: on and off. A null cell has four states: On, on X, on Z, and off. 17:53 NekoGloop so? 17:54 khonkhortisan The rules for which ends wires should connect to are the same as the rules for which ends are electrically connected. 17:54 khonkhortisan So I don't know how to do it. 17:54 NekoGloop heh 17:54 NekoGloop ye of little intelligence 17:54 khonkhortisan hey I'm making a mesecon tic-tac-toe game! 17:55 NekoGloop whatever 17:55 khonkhortisan :) 17:55 Voltaire Well in the real world I understand off is still on, but less on than on. 17:55 rdococ And what is on? 17:55 khonkhortisan less off than off 17:55 rdococ xD 17:55 rdococ lol 17:56 Voltaire http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic_level#Logic_voltage_levels 17:56 khonkhortisan so that's how a not gate only needs two wires 17:56 khonkhortisan I knew it had to get the power from somewhere 17:57 khonkhortisan now just run threshold-level power through it and see what happens 17:57 Voltaire Most circuits still have a seperate power feed. 17:58 NekoGloop now to attempt a null cell 17:59 Voltaire One of the things that worried me about the mesecons logic was that state would drop to zero before going to the appropriate state. 17:59 khonkhortisan so if on was set to on it would also go off? 18:00 NekoGloop i have no idea 18:01 Voltaire khonkhortisan: Can you elaborate? 18:01 * VanessaE has returned 18:01 khonkhortisan the port is on, you set it to on, it goes off for the reset, then goes on. 18:02 NekoGloop VanessaE: vertical mesecons are full of derp 18:02 Voltaire khonkhortisan: the reset being a change in one of the inputs? 18:02 NekoGloop But, I got them to function. 18:02 VanessaE NekoGloop: what flavor of derp? :-) 18:03 Voltaire brb 18:03 NekoGloop the derp where they dont connect properly. 18:03 khonkhortisan I don't know, I'm responding to "One of the things that worried me" 18:03 RealBadAngel hi all 18:03 khonkhortisan hello 18:03 VanessaE I saw your conversation about it. you guys will figure it out. 18:03 VanessaE hey RBA 18:03 NekoGloop hello realbadangel 18:03 NekoGloop i'm working on a null cell 18:03 RealBadAngel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm3_06kjb7o&feature=youtu.be 18:03 khonkhortisan NekoGloop: I'll start you off with this: 18:03 khonkhortisan node_box = { 18:03 khonkhortisan type = "fixed", 18:03 khonkhortisan fixed = { 18:03 khonkhortisan { -16/32-0.001, -17/32, -3/32, 16/32+0.001, -13/32, 3/32 }, 18:03 RealBadAngel and im on tubes :) 18:03 khonkhortisan { -3/32, -17/32, -16/32-0.001, 3/32, -13/32, -6/32 }, 18:03 khonkhortisan { -3/32, -13/32, -9/32, 3/32, -6/32, -6/32 }, 18:03 khonkhortisan { -3/32, -9/32, -9/32, 3/32, -6/32, 9/32 }, 18:03 khonkhortisan { -3/32, -13/32, 6/32, 3/32, -6/32, 9/32 }, 18:03 khonkhortisan { -3/32, -17/32, 6/32, 3/32, -13/32, 16/32+0.001 }, 18:03 khonkhortisan }, 18:04 khonkhortisan }, 18:04 NekoGloop oh. my. god. 18:04 RealBadAngel take a look on how the tubes workin now 18:04 khonkhortisan VanessaE can tell you why there's so many 18:04 VanessaE RealBadAngel: sweet! 18:05 khonkhortisan I think I'm behind for not having tubes 18:05 VanessaE khonkhortisan: they're not 100% finished yet 18:05 khonkhortisan does it matter? they're cool! 18:05 RealBadAngel almost finished 18:05 NekoGloop stop talkin', i'm trying to copy paste here 18:05 RealBadAngel all item travellin is done 18:06 RealBadAngel now just to insert them back into chests or somethin 18:06 khonkhortisan NekoGloop: http://pastebin.com/AGLRBT4D 18:06 VanessaE khonkhortisan: your C&P, what is that of? 18:07 khonkhortisan ? 18:07 VanessaE copy&paste 18:07 khonkhortisan oh. The crossed disconnected insulated wire. 18:07 VanessaE ah 18:07 khonkhortisan Neko already tried vertical. 18:07 NekoGloop facedir was being derp 18:07 khonkhortisan it'll work without facedir 18:08 NekoGloop faced the nodes on the block closest to you 18:08 VanessaE don't use facedir :-) 18:08 NekoGloop i was talking about the vertical mesecons 18:08 VanessaE use separate nodeboxes for each face 18:08 VanessaE it makes the calculation go much smoother 18:08 NekoGloop yeah, you do that while i figure out how the heck a null cell workd. 18:08 NekoGloop works* 18:08 VanessaE haha 18:08 khonkhortisan four nodeboxes per vertical wire? 18:09 VanessaE khonkhortisan: one wire per face, one box per wire. 18:09 VanessaE there are already bare wires that do that 18:09 NekoGloop i know 18:09 khonkhortisan then four nodeboxes per wire node? 18:09 NekoGloop and you should try it if you figured it out :) 18:09 RealBadAngel neko: how works? shall connect x+1 with x-1, and z+1 with z-1 18:09 VanessaE all you gotta do is copy them, make them fatter and wrap them in the insulated textures 18:10 khonkhortisan RealBadAngel: yep 18:10 VanessaE khonkhortisan: if you allow for exactly one wire to run up one face of a shaft or wall, you only need four. 18:10 khonkhortisan only hard part is not connecting the x's with the z's and still getting all four ends to let wires connect 18:11 VanessaE (I see no reason to allow for more than one wire since they'd be in the same circuit anyway) 18:11 * VanessaE looks at tomaw/celeron55 18:11 * celeron55 feels everybody looks at him 18:11 RealBadAngel hehehe 18:11 khonkhortisan freenode staff, not the same person as earlier 18:11 VanessaE khonkhortisan: well, I did that in the bare wires by just makign them taller than a whole node 18:12 NekoGloop who's he bannin'? LandMine? I thought you could only ban someone who's here? 18:12 VanessaE like 0.49999+1/16 18:12 khonkhortisan it'll be useful in the future 18:13 VanessaE which, multiple wires inside the node? 18:13 khonkhortisan no, the channel stuff 18:13 VanessaE oh ok 18:13 RealBadAngel neko: http://i.imgur.com/65lMt.gif 18:13 VanessaE wasn't paying attention to the mode switches 18:13 RealBadAngel redpower 18:13 NekoGloop i know 18:13 RealBadAngel 's null cell 18:13 NekoGloop you thought i didnt look at the recipe list you gave me? 18:13 khonkhortisan I saw it too 18:14 RealBadAngel need better picture of it? 18:14 khonkhortisan (I think I've said this before) if we had "null cells" then µc grids would be easier to read. 18:15 khonkhortisan we already have a 3d model/nodebox for it 18:15 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: ... what good is the recipe? 18:15 VanessaE khonkhortisan: exactly - only we don't need to craft 'em, we can just code them in as an automatic thing 18:15 VanessaE (otherwise use bare connecting wires if you need a junction) 18:15 RealBadAngel not good idea 18:15 NekoGloop or we could be mean and require them to be crafted 18:15 khonkhortisan I don't like the automatic thing. Will they connect to microcontrollers? Or how about bare wire? 18:15 RealBadAngel such item shall be placed 18:16 VanessaE they should connect to anything that a mesecon wire can normally connect to I think 18:16 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: we're trying to be better than RedPower, so shut up. 18:16 RealBadAngel because you could have sometimes 2 non inuslated wires connectin 18:16 Voltaire "A null cell has four states: On, on X, on Z, and off." 18:16 celeron55 the channel is registered now; does VanessaE want to have and spread around some ops, or how's changing the topic and possible kicks going to be handled? 18:16 Voltaire What do X and Z represent? 18:16 khonkhortisan So if I have an insulated wire in-between two bare wires, the bare wires would cross-wire through the insulated. 18:16 khonkhortisan (if it was automatic) 18:16 NekoGloop a null cell needs no states per-se. 18:16 NekoGloop just needs to send a signal from one end to the other. 18:17 khonkhortisan it could have four nodes and be a sender of power (I forget the name for it) 18:17 RealBadAngel the states would be needed if upper line can affect lower line 18:17 VanessaE celeron55: it would be useful but I defer staff judgement 18:17 NekoGloop upper line cannot affect lower 18:17 khonkhortisan no affecting lines yet. Those are other redstone blocks. 18:17 NekoGloop signal transfers directly. 18:17 khonkhortisan null cell is useful in itself. 18:18 RealBadAngel but affectin ones are also useful 18:18 NekoGloop no they arent, not really. 18:18 khonkhortisan let's get there when we get there (when we get there..when we...) 18:18 RealBadAngel for example uper: 1, lower goes 1, upper 0, lower unchached 18:18 Voltaire I think a practical example would be useful. 18:18 RealBadAngel believe me, extremaly useful 18:19 khonkhortisan vanessa, neko, and volt are all yellow, I'm finding this conversation hard to follow 18:19 RealBadAngel ovveride control made by one circuit, and teporarily shut it down? 18:19 VanessaE there, now I'm a different color ;-) 18:19 * Voltaire tries to change his colour. 18:19 khonkhortisan nope you're your default 18:19 VanessaE damn 18:19 khonkhortisan you have to rejoin as your alternate name and then change it back for me to see it different 18:20 thexyz khonkhortisan: what's your im client? 18:20 GloopMaster all better :) 18:20 khonkhortisan konversation, but I also have pidgin and xchat available 18:20 khonkhortisan purple again 18:20 GloopMaster yay 18:20 GloopMaster purple's cool 18:20 GloopMaster like bowties. 18:21 khonkhortisan1 hello khonkhortisan 18:21 khonkhortisan hello khonkhortisan1 18:21 * VanessaE changes her color. 18:21 * VanessaE changes her color. 18:21 VanessaE there. 18:21 khonkhortisan huh. it treats that differently. 18:21 GloopMaster ... why, khonkhrotisan and khonkhortisan1? 18:21 khonkhortisan1 your color only changed here 18:21 GloopMaster HAHA DOUBLE HL 18:22 VanessaE that took a while to type with mirc color signals :-) 18:22 celeron55 hmm 18:22 khonkhortisan1 konversation doesn't respect that 18:22 VanessaE *raises eyebrow* 18:22 khonkhortisan echo 18:22 khonkhortisan1 echo 18:22 GloopMaster all forum mods should be halfops here 18:23 khonkhortisan what counts? getting into mod releases? 18:23 VanessaE celeron55: someone should give Calinou a one-time kick next time he shows up. just once, to prove that it is possible to get the whole chanop situation fixed without resorting to unsavory means :-) 18:23 RealBadAngel lol 18:23 VanessaE khonkhortisan: forum moderators he means :-) 18:24 khonkhortisan that reads both ways 18:24 GloopMaster VanessaE 18:24 GloopMaster +VanessaE 18:24 GloopMaster which hl'd you? 18:24 RealBadAngel add music mod's too then 18:24 VanessaE both did. 18:24 khonkhortisan I'd say both 18:24 GloopMaster lol 18:24 Youtube-Recordz- Hi guys im bak :) 18:24 GloopMaster ok, just checking 18:24 celeron55 VanessaE: i believe you should be able to op yourself through ChanServ now when you wish to 18:24 VanessaE xchat highlights on substring match 18:25 celeron55 try it 18:25 khonkhortisan Youtube-Recordz-: you the one with the sky castle? 18:25 Youtube-Recordz- *Back 18:25 VanessaE celeron55: oh ok. 18:25 Youtube-Recordz- did 18:25 VanessaE woo 18:25 GloopMaster OH NO 18:25 GloopMaster SHES OP 18:25 Youtube-Recordz- oh no im banned 18:25 GloopMaster WE ALL GONNA DUE 18:26 GloopMaster lol 18:26 GloopMaster DIE* 18:26 khonkhortisan switching clients is wierd 18:26 VanessaE there. no reason to wave that around if it isn't needed. 18:26 NekoGloop|not_op \:D/ 18:26 VanessaE khonkhortisan: XChat is Your Friend™ 18:26 VanessaE ;) 18:26 khonkhortisan yeah just be a secret agent assassinating unruly clients 18:27 NekoGloop|not_op hello 2cool 18:27 _2cool4me4_ not op? 18:27 Youtube-Recordz- i have a cracked version of mIRC :( yo 2cool 18:27 NekoGloop|not_op no, I'm not op :) 18:27 NekoGloop|not_op how could you tell? 18:28 NekoGloop|not_op large_trout = khon 18:28 khonkhortisan I don't know why it did that 18:28 VanessaE anyone want this last BoJangles biscuit? I'm full. 18:28 NekoGloop|not_op khon = kyle 18:28 NekoGloop|not_op its in your hostname :) 18:28 Youtube-Recordz- yep 18:28 khonkhortisan2 there, I have four 18:28 _2cool4me4_ so, how's the worldedit metadata working out? 18:28 khonkhortisan2 xchat 18:28 khonkhortisan pidgin 18:28 khonkhor1isan irssi 18:29 khonkhortisan3 konversation 18:29 thexyz pidgin ftw 18:29 NekoGloop|not_op khonkhort1san, khonkhortisan, khonkhortisan2, khonkhortisan3 18:29 Youtube-Recordz- Chicken'n'Biscuts :) 18:29 NekoGloop|not_op quad HL 18:29 NekoGloop|not_op FTW 18:29 _2cool4me4_ has metadata been merged to worldedit yet? 18:29 khonkhortisan worldedit metadata is fine, just has to be merged by Uberi. 18:29 khonkhortisan I think he's hiding. 18:30 Youtube-Recordz- lol 18:30 _2cool4me4_ so how would I go about merging myself? 18:30 khonkhortisan Also it doesn't save meta yet, and the "?" axis is incorrect. 18:30 NekoGloop khonkhort1san, khonkhortisan, khonkhortisan2, khonkhortisan3, 4x HL, FTW 18:30 _2cool4me4_ I need the metadata 18:30 Youtube-Recordz- what good servers are their any version? 18:30 * Youtube-Recordz- sad :( 18:30 _2cool4me4_ khonkhortisan: I just need the copying. 18:31 _2cool4me4_ really 18:31 NekoGloop he had 4 different irc clients open 18:31 * VanessaE rummages around through her box of metadata.... ID3...Exif... 18:31 VanessaE hm, nothing for minetest nodes in here. sorry don't have any to spare, _2cool4me4_ . 18:31 VanessaE ;) 18:32 _2cool4me4_ uhh 18:32 _2cool4me4_ I need metadata copying if I want to take on this minetest Hack platform 18:32 VanessaE Youtube-Recordz-4: until the map generator went haywire, redcrab.suret.net:30401 was good 18:33 khonkhortisan2 git remote add origin git@github.com:khonkhortisan/MineTest-WorldEdit.git; git pull origin master; git remote add origin https://github.com/Uberi/MineTest-WorldEdit.git 18:33 khonkhortisan2 I've already identified with my other client so I can't change my name :( 18:33 _2cool4me4_ Where do I put that? 18:33 Yotube-Recordz-4 nice my brother makes me use his notebook yet he uses my laptop with the decent ish specs 18:33 khonkhortisan2 in a command line, what os are you on? 18:34 _2cool4me4_ Windows 18:34 Youtube-Recordz- here go away i wish i didnt show u this now so bugger off 18:34 khonkhortisan2 do you have world edit from git? 18:34 _2cool4me4_ yep 18:34 * Youtube-Recordz- ANGRY 18:34 * Yotube-Recordz-4 telling mum 18:34 thexyz _2cool4me4_: put thet in your favorite terminal emulator 18:34 Yotube-Recordz-4 fine the u dick 18:34 khonkhortisan2 however you change the repo, change it to git@github.com:khonkhortisan/MineTest-WorldEdit.git 18:34 VanessaE haha 18:34 khonkhortisan2 then git pull 18:34 khonkhortisan2 then change it back 18:35 thexyz that one which you'll have after installing some decent OS 18:35 Youtube-Recordz- omfg 18:35 NekoGloop _2cool4me4_: windows? 18:35 _2cool4me4_ Yes 18:35 NekoGloop one moment 18:35 _2cool4me4_ ooh 18:35 thexyz _2cool4me4_: http://www.debian.org/distrib/netinst 18:35 Youtube-Recordz- is RBA server up? 18:35 thexyz thank me later 18:36 _2cool4me4_ I don't want linux on this machine, I use some software that only runs on Windows 18:36 NekoGloop _2cool4me4_: http://windows.github.com/ 18:36 NekoGloop big download button on the top of the page. click it. 18:36 khonkhortisan2 does windows github run in wine? 18:36 _2cool4me4_ Thank you, someone that will help. other than khonk. 18:36 NekoGloop run the installer. 18:37 FreeFull I just use git 18:37 thexyz khonkhortisan2: you don't need it 18:37 khonkhortisan2 but I want to see what other people use 18:37 thexyz other people use git cli 18:37 khonkhortisan2 go away -2 suffix! 18:37 thexyz _2cool4me4_: just curious, what's that software? 18:38 khonkhortisan2 I use both cli and web - haven't figured out how to cli-pull-request yet. 18:38 _2cool4me4_ It seems to be like a git command line for Windows, with some more features 18:38 NekoGloop it has two programs it installs. 18:38 _2cool4me4_ But it'll take a few more minutes to download 18:38 thexyz _2cool4me4_: i mean, " use some software that only runs on Windows" ← what's this software? 18:38 khonkhortisan2 it doesn't feel like morning, I'm in the second day awake. 18:39 khonkhortisan2 feels like mid-afternoon 18:39 Youtube-Recordz- join the better channel #minetest{JointogetBanned} 18:39 _2cool4me4_ thexz:001 Game Creator, any more questions? ;) 18:39 VanessaE khonkhortisan2: it IS mid-afternoon...on the US east coast anyway ;) 18:39 khonkhortisan2 west cost, 20 min till noon 18:40 thexyz _2cool4me4_: so that's the only thing that stops you from migrating to better OS? 18:40 khonkhortisan2 don't drink rockstar until you know how caffeine affects you. 18:40 * VanessaE mumbles something about virtual machines... 18:40 khonkhortisan2 I've heard of game creator 18:40 VanessaE khonkhortisan2: never tried it. that good eh? 18:40 khonkhortisan2 you can run linux inside windows 18:40 _2cool4me4_ thexyz: and my dad is only accustomed to windows 18:40 khonkhortisan2 it gives me the energy to move around and turns off my sleep button 18:41 khonkhortisan2 I don't drink coffee 18:41 _2cool4me4_ khonkhortisan2: I know 18:41 NekoGloop linux can run in windows, and windows can probably run in linux 18:41 thexyz khonkhortisan2: i've only heard about ubuntu inside windows (wubi) 18:41 khonkhortisan2 I didn't sleep last night 18:41 NekoGloop anyone up for OS-ception? 18:41 khonkhortisan2 yep 18:41 thexyz or are you talking about virtualbox? 18:41 _2cool4me4_ Anyone up for 2cool becoming frustrated? 18:41 khonkhortisan2 I probably don't have enough memory for it right now 18:41 thexyz or some other virtualization software 18:41 thexyz khonkhortisan2: simple advice: never use wubi 18:42 khonkhortisan2 how do I open a .application? 18:42 _2cool4me4_ Virtualbox. I use it. Now people, stop nagging me 18:42 * _2cool4me4_ looks at thexyz 18:42 khonkhortisan2 I don't think I connected wine to the internet. 18:42 khonkhortisan2 this font is so big! 18:43 khonkhortisan2 that's better 18:43 _2cool4me4_ random red highlight 18:43 iProGrief Hi is there any servers i can join? 18:44 NekoGloop iProGrief: with a name like that? no. 18:44 _2cool4me4_ There's tons, pick one! [/stupidity] 18:44 _2cool4me4_ But we won't help you find it... yet 18:44 _2cool4me4_ we're... Busy? 18:44 iProGrief /stupidity 18:44 khonkhortisan2 /quit 18:44 iProGrief didnt work what on 18:45 NekoGloop iProGrief == Youtube-Recordz- 18:45 _2cool4me4_ I forgot about windows powershell... 18:46 thexyz windows powershell? 18:46 thexyz wtf is that thing? 18:46 thexyz can i run vim inside it? 18:46 khonkhortisan2 DOSv2! 18:46 VanessaE thexyz: think BASH for windows but not bash as such. 18:46 khonkhortisan2 cygwin 18:46 VanessaE as I understand it anyway 18:46 Voltaire There was a kind of powershell like that fir linux, but i cant find it again. 18:46 khonkhortisan2 csh? ash? sh? 18:46 _2cool4me4_ I have to restart... 18:46 thexyz i've read that it sends objects via pipes unlike all *nix terminals 18:47 khonkhortisan2 Voltaire, your name is a different color 18:47 celeron55 windows powershell is microsoft reinventing the wheel 18:47 celeron55 nothing to see there 18:47 VanessaE ha 18:47 celeron55 except that it can turn out handy sometimes when doing something unusual on windows 18:47 khonkhortisan2 the windows github tries to load http://github-windows.s3.amazonaws.com/GitHub.application 18:48 Voltaire celeron55: Actually I think its a right step. Something that linux could/should have done a while ago. 18:48 VanessaE using 'the cloud' to store the app that's necessary to manage 'the cloud'?? 18:48 VanessaE hah 18:48 khonkhortisan2 gcc is self-compiled. 18:48 thexyz Voltaire: in which ways powershell is better than, say, bash? 18:48 VanessaE Voltaire: linux has been shell-based since the beginning. there's nothing powershell can do that any 20-year-old unix shell can't :-) 18:49 VanessaE khonkhortisan2: true; isn't part of it in assembly also? 18:49 khonkhortisan2 I wouldn't compare shells, someone's going to lose very quickly 18:49 VanessaE been ages since I last compiled it 18:49 Voltaire celeron55: Powershell as a whole, well i wouldnt use it as a model. But the concept of passing objects via pipes. That is a good one. 18:49 celeron55 objects? eh? 18:49 khonkhortisan2 a self-compiled compiler makes it easy to compile in malware that adds itself when recompiling 18:51 thexyz khonkhortisan2: lol 18:51 VanessaE well the same could be said for any open source program really - nothing stops the program from downloading some malicious update during the make install step 18:51 khonkhortisan2 to someone who knows about github: If I commit to a fork that already has a pull request, does the person not get notified the same way as if I commented in the pull request? 18:51 thexyz there was some windows virus 18:51 thexyz that injected delphi compiler 18:51 khonkhortisan2 thexyz, it's true, there's a wikipedia page on it 18:51 khonkhortisan2 if it's on the internet it must be true 18:51 khonkhortisan2 learned that from the internet 18:52 thexyz so all binaries produced by delphi are injected too 18:52 khonkhortisan2 but the virus wasn't present in the delphi source code before compiling 18:52 NekoGloop well, i guess i scrap null cell as well 18:52 RealBadAngel uploaded the tubes video again, in better quality :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsbW_pXYBGI&feature=youtu.be 18:52 khonkhortisan2 aw 18:52 VanessaE khonkhortisan2: if you commit to your own fork after making a pull request, I don't think the other party gets notified of the additional commits (I don't recall seeing it happen to me anyway). The additional commits get added into the previous request however. 18:52 celeron55 if you hacked some gentoo mirrors, you could have some serious fun 8) 18:53 Voltaire celeron55: Imagine if say ls, rather than outputing text it has to strugle to format, outputed a list of file objects through the pipe. The optional presentation is applied by the shell viewer. 18:53 VanessaE so if you clone, push, push, pull-request, push, push, push -- the pull request will show 5 commits waiting. 18:53 khonkhortisan2 that's why I branched to work on something else so it wouldn't seep into the pull request. Is it appropriate to bump a pull request when there's more commits? 18:53 thexyz VanessaE: that's what branches are for 18:53 VanessaE khonkhortisan2: that's dependent on the personal preferences of whoever heads up the master repos. 18:53 celeron55 Voltaire: well, i see that just as an another way of doing it - it has good (more versatile) and bad (more complicated) sides 18:54 khonkhortisan2 thexyz, yes, I branched when I no longer wanted to feed my commits to request 18:54 VanessaE thexyz: oh, of course. I'm just talking about multiple related commits. 18:55 celeron55 Voltaire: the unix filosophy is that text is the only universal format, thus it is used 18:55 khonkhortisan2 I didn't plan ahead of time, so the pull request is stuck to the master instead of a branch. 18:55 _2cool4me4_ can I see that command again khonk? 18:55 khonkhortisan2 git add origin git@github.com:khonkhortisan/MineTest-WorldEdit.git 18:55 khonkhortisan2 git pull 18:56 khonkhortisan2 git add origin https://github.com/Uberi/MineTest-WorldEdit.git 18:56 khonkhortisan2 hopefully you get my master branch 18:56 Voltaire celeron55: I aggree. It does have a couple of good benefits: Being able to have html based CLI's, also you could have type or at least field safety (i.e. cut doesnt get screwed because a numerical value shifts the column width). 18:56 _2cool4me4_ nnot a git repository? 18:57 khonkhortisan2 ? it's a git repo. 18:57 khonkhortisan yay! 18:58 khonkhortisan maybe this one will work better https://github.com/khonkhortisan/MineTest-WorldEdit.git 18:58 _2cool4me4_ it complains about .git 18:58 khonkhortisan now that I don't understand. 18:59 NekoGloop exclude the .git part 18:59 khonkhortisan oh. 18:59 NekoGloop it will work perfectly 18:59 khonkhortisan Anyone like pistachios? I have some old ones. 19:00 Voltaire Only if they are low fat...Need to watch my figure. 19:00 _2cool4me4_ Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories) .git 19:00 khonkhortisan I need as much weight as I can get 19:01 NekoGloop git clone https://github.com/khonkhortisan/MineTest-WorldEdit 19:01 khonkhortisan clone works too 19:01 _2cool4me4_ can't I just pull khonk's from the browser? 19:01 VanessaE khonkhortisan: I'll trade you. I have a surplus of weight. :-) 19:01 NekoGloop no 19:01 NekoGloop you need to clone it 19:02 _2cool4me4_ okay, here it goes... 19:02 khonkhortisan you could do that, but you'd destroy your skin nerves if they sucked it out 19:02 Fifi o.O 19:02 Fifi kk, hi.. 19:02 khonkhortisan HiFi fi! 19:02 _2cool4me4_ uhh. 19:02 NekoGloop hi fifi 19:02 _2cool4me4_ You weren't supposed to see that 19:02 _2cool4me4_ trololol 19:02 khonkhortisan see what? 19:03 VanessaE khonkhortisan: actually I underwent surgery a few months ago. it has been very effective so far. With a little luck, I'll be at my goal by next summer. 19:03 _2cool4me4_ error reading command stream... stupid antivirus 19:03 Voltaire khonkhortisan: Also fat cells dont grow back (evenly?) so it can look odd if you put weight on again. 19:03 _2cool4me4_ There we go 19:03 Fifi Anybody know how to get rid of nature vines and strange trees :(? 19:03 Voltaire TNT? 19:03 khonkhortisan there's pills you can take that will change your weight faster than is healthy (don't remember if it was up or down or both) 19:04 Fifi But in more automatic way :( 19:04 khonkhortisan abm 19:04 VanessaE fifi: uninstall the mod and use worldedit or a lot of mese picks to get rid of the unknown nodes? 19:04 khonkhortisan abm the unknown blocks 19:04 NekoGloop mese picks cant destroy unknowns 19:04 Fifi how to remove unknown nodes with worldedit :O? 19:04 VanessaE an abm would work, as long as you know the node names 19:04 Fifi abm :O? 19:04 khonkhortisan there's a fork of minetest that should be able to remove unknowns 19:04 _2cool4me4_ where did it put the files? :O 19:05 Fifi I can find the names.. i guess 19:05 khonkhortisan Automatic Block Modifier, you'll see them in mods 19:05 Fifi flowers are ok, but that vines and trees are massacre D: 19:05 VanessaE Fifi: go dig one of them. if it comes back, look a your chat area at the upper left and take note of the name of the node. Read the worldedit thread: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=572 19:05 Fifi kk 19:05 NekoGloop _2cool4me4_: My Documents\Github 19:06 khonkhortisan yuck, you have to manually copy? 19:06 _2cool4me4_ NekoGloop: thanks, that's where they went 19:06 VanessaE if the node you dug didn't come back after several seconds, just go dig the rest. it'll probably take less time :-) 19:06 khonkhortisan there's no //selectall 19:07 VanessaE nope. you have to use /teleport and //pos1 and //pos2. 19:07 _2cool4me4_ okay, time to boot minetest 19:07 VanessaE _2cool4me4_: WAIT!! NOT THAT BUTTOn! 19:07 khonkhortisan I always use //p set, it doesn't matter where I am 19:07 NekoGloop vanessae so troll 19:08 Fifi Hm. 19:08 _2cool4me4_ failed to load the init.lua again 19:08 Fifi So i have to select the whole area :O? 19:08 sfan5 Fifi: yes 19:08 Fifi Oh no :( 19:08 NekoGloop ohai sfan5 19:08 sfan5 hi 19:09 sfan5 ttk2: :O IPv6 19:09 khonkhortisan my font is monospace 6. I'm not losing 1000 internet points again by forgetting to set that when changing clients. 19:09 _2cool4me4_ it's starting! 19:09 Fifi Hmm 19:09 ttk2 yup, you should see the Internet in my new dorm 19:09 _2cool4me4_ iz it fast? 19:09 sfan5 i want IPv6 too :( 19:09 ttk2 I get 20mb (thats mega bytes, not megabits) download 19:09 _2cool4me4_ IPv4 is dying 19:09 Fifi Is there any way in lua to iterate through all already-generated blocks? 19:10 * NekoGloop gives sfan5 a cookie 19:10 khonkhortisan I don't want IPv6, I can still mostly remember all my lan ips 19:10 sfan5 Fifi: no 19:10 Fifi And what if i'll try to do that un ungenerated ones? 19:10 _2cool4me4_ khonk: IPv4 doesn't have to change on networks, just the internet 19:10 khonkhortisan for every IPv6 there could be a complete IPv4 inside it 19:10 Fifi It'll just ignore or crash? 19:10 Fifi I'm thinking of making get-rid-of-nature mod D: 19:11 khonkhortisan what about colons not passing an ip text box input validator? 19:11 _2cool4me4_ khonkhortisan:your init.lua isn't working 19:11 khonkhortisan mine? 19:11 _2cool4me4_ yup 19:11 khonkhortisan what about Uberi's latest? 19:11 khonkhortisan where does mine break? 19:11 _2cool4me4_ don't think so... 1 sec 19:12 _2cool4me4_ Before load 19:12 _2cool4me4_ during server creation 19:12 NekoGloop what line, he means 19:12 _2cool4me4_ Where does that output go... 19:12 NekoGloop cmd windows 19:12 NekoGloop cmd window* 19:12 _2cool4me4_ it doesn't say 19:13 NekoGloop the thing that pops up alongside the minetest window 19:13 khonkhortisan it would be in my third commit if it was my fault, I changed the params of rotate to allow for an axis 19:13 _2cool4me4_ I know that 19:13 NekoGloop also look at debug.txt 19:13 khonkhortisan maybe downgrade one commit? 19:13 Voltaire http://tinyurl.com/chw59nn 19:13 Voltaire Can someone try that and see if they see TEST 19:14 rubenwardy Is there something wrong with this recipe: 19:14 rubenwardy minetest.register_craft({ 19:14 rubenwardy output = '"rubenfood:cup" 4', 19:14 rubenwardy recipe = { 19:14 rubenwardy {'"default:glass"','""','"default:glass"'}, 19:14 rubenwardy {'"default:glass"','""','"default:glass"'}, 19:14 rubenwardy {'"default:glass"','"default:glass','"default:glass"'}, 19:14 rubenwardy } 19:14 rubenwardy }) 19:14 _2cool4me4_ all it says... 19:14 _2cool4me4_ ModError: Failed to load and run C:\Users\Dalton\Minetest\minetest-0.4.2-latest\bin\..\mods\minetest\MineTest-WorldEdit\init.lua 19:14 NekoGloop rubenwardy: no double quotes 19:14 khonkhortisan yes, don't use nested quotes when there's nothing inside them 19:14 rubenwardy ok 19:14 NekoGloop _2cool4me4_: should be a ========ERROR FROM LUA======== somewhere 19:14 rubenwardy is '"default:glass"' ok 19:15 khonkhortisan too hard to read with a floating row of six commas 19:15 VanessaE the double/nested quotes method is kinda deprecated isn't it? 19:15 VanessaE rubenwardy: just use "default:glass" without the apostrophes 19:15 Voltaire http://doodleideas.com/online-doodle-pad/ 19:15 _2cool4me4_ NekoGloop: nowhere 19:15 khonkhortisan maybe put a comma after the ending brace for recipe just for good measure 19:15 Voltaire Thought that might be useful, but urls it generates are way to large. 19:16 Fifi :3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3 19:16 Fifi What a pleasure to see that vines dying :3 19:16 VanessaE heh 19:17 Fifi Thanks for that notice about ABM :D 19:17 VanessaE wait, 19:17 VanessaE Fifi: are you using the version where vines grow up from the ground? 19:17 Fifi Yes D: 19:17 VanessaE or the one where they come down from the trees? 19:17 VanessaE OH 19:17 Fifi ininitfly D: 19:17 VanessaE that one's outdated. 19:17 Fifi and trees grow ugly high D: 19:17 Fifi and sugar cane (papyrus o.O) grows infinitely D: 19:17 VanessaE Ah. Nature pack eh? :-) 19:17 khonkhortisan ? I drew two parallel lines and it drew perpendicular lines almost connecting them. 19:17 Voltaire What does ABM stand for? I see it used all over, but dont understand what it means. 19:17 VanessaE get rid of nature pack and get Nature Pack Controlled. 19:18 Fifi I did 19:18 Fifi but 19:18 VanessaE Voltaire: Active Block Modofier 19:18 VanessaE Modifier 19:18 khonkhortisan I would've said Automatic 19:18 Fifi After using nature pack uncontrolled the controlled crashes D: 19:18 VanessaE Fifi: eek! 19:18 Fifi I mean game crashes on leaves decay o.O 19:18 Fifi Hm, 19:18 VanessaE Fifi: you sure your copy of minetest and of that mod are up-to-date? 19:18 Voltaire +VanessaE: Ok....next question....what is an ACtive Block Modifier? :) 19:18 Fifi In fact not exactly controlled crashes but default mod fails when i load the controlled version :O 19:19 Fifi Lastest dev build 19:19 VanessaE Voltaire: a piece of code the game calls periodically, where it is ordered to make changes to one or more specific types of blocks near the player 19:19 _2cool4me4_ khonkhortisan:The uberi git doesn't work either 19:19 VanessaE it's what allows things like flowers and junglegrass to spawn, or I think saplings -> trees 19:19 khonkhortisan then I didn't cause it. 19:19 Voltaire +VanessaE: Periodically...like once every 1-2 seconds? 19:19 Fifi yep, or more rare 19:20 VanessaE Voltaire: as much as once a second, but it can be changed by the mod programmer. 19:20 VanessaE (it can be called less often, but not more than once a second) 19:20 Voltaire +VanessaE: Could that explain the lag spikes? 19:20 Fifi VanessaE: your version failed to load textures at my computer :( 19:20 Voltaire +VanessaE: CPU spikes sorry. 19:20 khonkhortisan _2cool4me4_, so you have completely up-to-date git Uberi-worldedit and git c55-minetest? 19:20 Fifi And even then i have to manually remove that shit from outdated version D: 19:21 khonkhortisan don't use foreign mods on old worlds 19:21 Fifi That's why i put it to abm xD 19:21 khonkhortisan I keep one world, "a", for testing 19:21 _2cool4me4_ khonkhortisan: Two out of three, but the last time that uberi updated was 12 days ago, and I have a newer git minetest than that 19:21 Fifi btw. gow to make an abm more frequent? 19:21 khonkhortisan then I should update and see if it breaks 19:21 RealBadAngel max frequency is 1/s 19:22 Fifi i currently got this: http://pastebin.ca/2199442 19:22 NekoGloop any idea why I'm lagging so much? 19:22 Fifi and 1 is max chance? 19:22 khonkhortisan I get my minetest from here https://github.com/celeron55/minetest.git 19:22 NekoGloop oh nvm :P 19:22 RealBadAngel u put interval on 0 19:23 RealBadAngel chance of ABM to be executed is interval/chance or so 19:23 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: Work on technic :) 19:23 _2cool4me4_ Khonkhortisan: Yep, I have the newest git 19:23 VanessaE Voltaire: a badly-programmed ABM can cause CPU lag, yes 19:23 Fifi ah 19:23 Fifi so i had to set it to 1 and 1? 19:23 VanessaE if you do too much in each run of the ABM 19:23 RealBadAngel if you make 0/1 no chance at all i guess ;) 19:23 khonkhortisan _2cool4me4_, what about irrlicht? I'm running an old released version. 19:23 RealBadAngel 1/1 means executed every second 19:24 _2cool4me4_ Beats me, I got the sfan5 compiled one 19:24 VanessaE chance is 1/chance percent of the time i think - a value of 2 = 1/2 or 50% chance of being executed 19:24 VanessaE interval is number of seconds between attempts to execute 19:24 Fifi is there a way to execute more then once a second? 19:24 RealBadAngel abm, no 19:25 VanessaE use the server's step timer. 19:25 khonkhortisan and the interval isn't synchronized to when the node was created. 19:25 VanessaE but not in an ABM 19:25 khonkhortisan register_globalstep 19:25 VanessaE thst's the one 19:25 Fifi Yy 19:25 VanessaE that* 19:25 Fifi :O how to 19:26 RealBadAngel minetest.register_globalstep(func(dtime)) 19:26 _2cool4me4_ khonkhortisan: in case you didn't see, you'll have to ask sfan5, it's his compilation 19:26 RealBadAngel this one will be called each 1/20 s 19:26 Fifi Hm. 19:26 khonkhortisan minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) -newline- code -newline- end) 19:27 sfan5 _2cool4me4_: if something doesn't work its not my fault 19:27 khonkhortisan me neither 19:27 Fifi But that way i had to find the nodes to removal manually, am I right? 19:27 NekoGloop i read "me nether" 19:27 NekoGloop speaking of which, i wantz updated nether mod. 19:27 khonkhortisan I still don't have the nether mod, I keep forgetting 19:27 NekoGloop heh 19:28 _2cool4me4_ sfan5: He's wondering what version of irrlicht the compilation has in it 19:28 RealBadAngel find a node within given radius, then node_remove 19:29 RealBadAngel find_node_near(pos, radius, nodenames) 19:29 sfan5 _2cool4me4_: 1.7.3 19:29 khonkhortisan if I had find_node_near() my mod would lag less 19:29 RealBadAngel then: remove_node(pos) 19:30 RealBadAngel use those two 19:30 Fifi :3 19:30 Fifi thank you 19:30 khonkhortisan I'm using I don't know if it makes a difference 19:31 khonkhortisan if you had gdb the problem would be easier to find 19:32 NekoGloop so... 19:32 NekoGloop someone remind me why i have 30 abms going at once 19:33 khonkhortisan because you try every mod on your map that you want to keep, instead of testing each mod on a new map 19:33 RealBadAngel placin node with defined ABM causes next instance to be called 19:33 RealBadAngel so 30 furnaces will produce 30 abms runnin 19:33 VanessaE RealBadAngel: you sure about that? 19:33 NekoGloop well 30 DIFFERENT abms 19:34 VanessaE I'd think the game will call just one ABM across the lot of them 19:34 khonkhortisan in a loop, one at a time 19:34 RealBadAngel one at the time 19:34 khonkhortisan the function only takes a single position 19:34 RealBadAngel thats why i was able to block them all 19:34 Voltaire Anyone know the area in C++ to look at that calls / handles ABMS? 19:35 khonkhortisan why? 19:35 RealBadAngel i will have to do so, need to call the abm handlin periodically 19:35 Voltaire khonkhortisan: I was finding CPU spikes, generally every second or two....wondering ABMS might be a factor. 19:35 RealBadAngel easy to check 19:35 RealBadAngel turn off abms 19:36 RealBadAngel need the code for it? 19:36 Voltaire how :) 19:36 Voltaire Please 19:36 khonkhortisan yeah, grass and dirt have to turn into each other within the active_block_range 19:36 RealBadAngel hold on 19:36 khonkhortisan abms are always running 19:37 RealBadAngel no 19:37 RealBadAngel http://pastebin.com/dQG0Zx1z 19:37 RealBadAngel put this block on the ground 19:37 khonkhortisan NekoGloop, You've tried vertical, you've tried horizontal crossed, want to try gates to top it off? 19:37 RealBadAngel no more abms 19:37 NekoGloop lolno 19:38 NekoGloop gates == microcontrollers 19:38 LandMine zip it neko 19:38 LandMine as a matter of fact no one type im budy 19:38 LandMine busy*** 19:38 Voltaire Infinite loop that blocks abms? 19:38 khonkhortisan that's the only person you see talking so you tell that one person to be quiet. It's chance that makes it neko. 19:38 RealBadAngel yes 19:38 khonkhortisan if you were busy you wouldn't be here 19:38 RealBadAngel game will still work as usual 19:39 khonkhortisan and you wouldn't be typing 19:39 RealBadAngel but abm will be stopped 19:39 khonkhortisan abms are stuck in a sandbox? 19:39 NekoGloop LandMine: busy grieving, i suppose? 19:39 RealBadAngel i made it for somethin else 19:39 khonkhortisan LandMine, found my house yet? 19:40 RealBadAngel i wanted my own thread in game 19:40 khonkhortisan I haven't been there in a while 19:40 LandMine i havent even tried looking for it 19:40 LandMine what server is it on? 19:40 RealBadAngel just need to let other abm to be axectuted too, called from my own thread 19:40 khonkhortisan gameboom 19:40 VanessaE RealBadAngel: so did you figure that out? 19:41 LandMine ohh....i havent been there in some time, i got my privs taken 19:41 RealBadAngel had no time lately, i was even away for 2 days 19:41 VanessaE RealBadAngel: running it off globalstep and a state machine is the only solution I can see 19:41 LandMine but i stored tons of chest with mese and sticks for my payback whenever that happens 19:41 RealBadAngel VanessaE: i dont want to fragment my thread 19:41 RealBadAngel i want clear and looped code for it 19:42 khonkhortisan my construction project took too long, I could've had it done with worldedit. 19:42 LandMine yeah Vannessa stop ruining other peoples threads omg 19:42 khonkhortisan ^ crowd mentality :P 19:42 VanessaE RealBadAngel: yeah I know, but I think you're against a brick wall there. I don't think there's really any other way, unless you can break your code into smaller tasks 19:43 RealBadAngel i could 19:43 RealBadAngel but this will mess whole idea i guess 19:43 VanessaE yeah 19:44 Voltaire RealBadAngel: Whats the overal idea? If you dont mind me asking. 19:44 RealBadAngel i dont need the code to be executed periodically and on step 19:44 VanessaE Voltaire: he wants to get multi-threading capability into Lua, but there's no way to do that short of writing a complete ABM handler and shoehorning that imn 19:44 RealBadAngel i need the code that will be executed all the time, no matter where 19:44 VanessaE in* 19:44 RealBadAngel so, loadin, unloadin nodes, doesnt bother me 19:45 Voltaire What what is the code supposed to do? 19:45 RealBadAngel the subspace will be used to prevent unloading error 19:45 RealBadAngel simulate players bein at the given coords 19:46 RealBadAngel so the server will be unable to unload such marked block 19:46 RealBadAngel thats the one idea 19:46 NekoGloop VanessaE: what's the use of titanium dioxide? 19:47 RealBadAngel others: ether for remote controls 19:47 Fifi meh, i can't get rid of that vines ;( 19:47 Fifi i takes time and time 19:47 RealBadAngel kinda Ender Chests 19:47 RealBadAngel whatever 19:47 VanessaE NekoGloop: to make white paint with the help of some other materials 19:47 NekoGloop i see... 19:47 khonkhortisan there's only so much data in a world, you could process it in one fell swoop 19:48 Fifi btw. is there any nice seed webpage ;>? 19:48 NekoGloop it conflicts with another mod, was just wondering what to change 19:48 VanessaE NekoGloop: water bucket + junglegrass = dye/paint base, add titanium dioxide and more junglegrass to make paint. Add stone to the paint to make textured ceiling paint. 19:48 Voltaire RealBadAngel: I would have thought it would be better to add a means of doing that to the core. Whats the importance of keeping the chunk in memory? 19:48 LandMine lets talk about the bible shall we? 19:48 RealBadAngel keep your machines running? 19:48 khonkhortisan which book? 19:49 LandMine the bible 19:49 RealBadAngel boring machine which makes tunnels on its own? 19:49 khonkhortisan machines can't move themselves yet (at least with mesecons) 19:49 RealBadAngel your furnaces, smelting whole chests of stuff when youre away? 19:49 VanessaE LandMine: lets not. 19:50 khonkhortisan with an on-board teleporter that teleports you between it and the other teleporter at the start of the mine 19:50 RealBadAngel your mesecons still workin while youre away 19:50 RealBadAngel thats for is such hook 19:50 khonkhortisan can't, your active_block_range would have to be huge 19:50 NekoGloop but will it work in mutiplayer? 19:50 VanessaE Voltaire: imagine a large 50x10x50 node mesecons contraption. that's about 5x1x5 mapblocks. You have to keep all those blocks loaded or parts of the electronics will fail to pass signals around 19:51 RealBadAngel area doesnt have to be huge 19:51 RealBadAngel and allow the player to have such 2-3 hooks 19:51 Voltaire Well ive never quite understood why you would want to keep alot of this simulation in the blocks. 19:52 RealBadAngel with tubes done and the machines together 19:52 RealBadAngel it will have sense 19:52 RealBadAngel your factories workin all the time, when youre down mining 19:53 NekoGloop Voltaire: ever tried to go away from a mesecons mechanism as its working? 19:53 khonkhortisan ever tried to build a giant machine and didn't have it function properly? 19:53 Voltaire NekoGloop: To be fair. No. I am still paddling in the water of minetest atm. 19:53 khonkhortisan just a tic-tac-toe board is too large for vanilla minetest.conf 19:53 cy1 RealBadAngel: just write a lua plugin :> 19:53 cy1 It creates a giant ClientCAO shaped like a boring machine 19:53 cy1 then moves it forward, destroying rock in front of it. 19:53 cy1 couldn't be simpler! 19:53 cy1 s/plugin/mod/ 19:53 cy1 enjoy ur lag then 19:54 Voltaire I understand the problem is something that effects minecraft too. 19:54 VanessaE a problem that brings minecraft into effect? 19:54 VanessaE we MUST solve that problem post-haste :-) 19:55 Voltaire lol 19:55 cy1 Voltaire: mesecons work via ActiveBlockMthingies which activate when players get close, but are a lot more likely to activate if left a long time away. 19:55 cy1 so you can watch mesecons from a distance just sitting there 19:55 cy1 and then approach until they start up 19:55 VanessaE cy1: hence the active_block_distance parameter or whatever it wass 19:55 LandMine CAN I ASK YOU ALL NICELY YO MOVE TO THE DEVOLPMENT CHANNEL AND STOP SPAMMING THANKS 19:55 khonkhortisan ? 19:55 cy1 oh, speaking of intelligent mods, minecarts need to stop setting the pitch/yaw >:( 19:56 Voltaire lol 19:56 VanessaE minetest.conf variable you can set that controls how much of the map around you is actually running ABMs etc,. 19:56 khonkhortisan Can I put a minetest.conf variable somewhere in my world? 19:56 RealBadAngel LandMine: find a nice server and go greifin... :P 19:56 khonkhortisan still haven't found my house 19:57 cy1 LandMine: CAN I ASK YOU TO STOP ENTRAPPING ME IN STEEL BLOCKS 19:57 cy1 VanessaE: yeah, increased realism at the price of lag... 19:57 cy1 ABMs are also the reason that many players cannot be in multiple locations at once. 19:57 NekoGloop LandMine: dev channel is for people working on C++ code, not mods. this isnt spamming. 19:57 cy1 Because the amount of processing goes from active_block_distance to active_block_distance*number_of_players 19:58 VanessaE LandMine: this sort of chat is exactly what this channel is for 19:58 VanessaE general chitchat, modding, coding, etc. 19:58 khonkhortisan also #minetest-mods if you wanted to limit yourself to mods 19:58 celeron55 this channel is strictly for everything, so to say 19:59 NekoGloop lol celeron 19:59 cy1 I think we should get rid of the C++ 19:59 cy1 rewrite Irrlicht in a combination of C and Lua 19:59 cy1 (and ASM) 19:59 cy1 multiple channels are dumb if the one only has one conversation going in it. 19:59 cy1 celeron is a bot :B 19:59 LandMine Vanessa, what are you doing out of the kitchen honey? 19:59 VanessaE celeron55: exactly 19:59 VanessaE whoa. 19:59 NekoGloop LandMine, shut up and act your age. Which we all know isnt 8. 19:59 VanessaE Ahem. 20:00 VanessaE I'll take most any kind of comment... but you just crossed the line. 20:00 NekoGloop ban him here and on the forums. 20:00 Keegann hello 20:00 khonkhortisan Keegann, not a good time to show up 20:00 VanessaE afternoon Keegann. 20:01 Keegann y 20:01 khonkhortisan someone's in trouble 20:01 NekoGloop little griever meets big griever... this'll be interesting... 20:01 VanessaE Keegann: see above 20:01 LandMine ohh hi keegan 20:01 Keegann oh yea landmine 20:01 LandMine i keep shutting down your server 20:02 LandMine thought is was untouchable buddy 20:02 Keegann didnt say that 20:02 NekoGloop hm... well, if it is the same person its not the same ip 20:02 LandMine why you grief keegan 20:02 LandMine thats not nice 20:03 NekoGloop Oho? 20:03 khonkhortisan Should I use git fetch instead of git pull? 20:03 NekoGloop LandMine saying griefing isnt nice? Paradox if i ever heard of one. 20:03 LandMine neko dont get it twisted, i wasnt griefing 20:04 NekoGloop yes you were 20:04 Keegann landmine y you always come after me 20:04 NekoGloop griefing is any action which causes other players (including server owners) grief. (hence the name) 20:05 LandMine sounds legit tell me some more, while i eat this sandwich Vannessa made me 20:05 LandMine :) 20:05 cy1 oh shit VanessaE just entered the kitchen, about to serve some sweet justice 20:05 cy1 hard boiled 20:05 cy1 anyway so ABMs are cool, but problematic 20:05 cy1 better IMO to offload that processing to the client 20:05 cy1 DoS is easy mode 20:05 cy1 can prevent clients from griefing by tracking changes and restricting interact. other than that, free reign! 20:05 cy1 ideally a server should just be a relay for transmitting client inputs to each other 20:05 cy1 khonkhortisan: git pull is a shortcut for a combination of git fetch and git merge. 20:05 cy1 and git checkout I guess, sorta... 20:05 cy1 git merge can do git checkout if no merge is needed. 20:05 cy1 NekoGloop: hey, that's my definition! 20:05 celeron55 nice lag 20:05 NekoGloop yup 20:05 VanessaE lag indeed 20:05 VanessaE cy1: fix yer network :-) 20:07 cy1 VanessaE: what's wrong w/ my network? :/ 20:07 VanessaE cy1: you're transmitting in large, ill-often chunks of text. 20:08 NekoGloop LandMine: Cool story bro. I believe this picture is my feelings: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=31391#p31391 20:08 khonkhortisan 11 lines in one minute 20:09 LandMine_ noo i d/c 20:09 cy1 VanessaE: ugh, sorry. Not sure what I can do about that. 20:09 NekoGloop LandMine_: Cool story bro. I believe this picture is my feelings: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=31391#p31391 20:09 VanessaE cy1: no worries, just giving you a hard time :-) 20:09 Keegann Landmine why would i be sorry 20:10 LandMine_ stfu keegan and go eat some popcorn 20:10 Keegann for your dumbmistakes 20:10 NekoGloop heh 20:10 Fifi Where I can get proper version of nature? 20:10 cy1 IRC doesn't exactly give you confirmation when a line has been received 20:10 NekoGloop LandMine, let's settle this like men, shall we? 20:11 khonkhortisan so you can argue over who said something first 20:11 LandMine_ how is that neko? 20:11 NekoGloop By shutting up. 20:12 LandMine_ challange denied 20:12 NekoGloop Aw, little LandMine cant take such a simple challenge? Wuss. 20:12 LandMine_ yay, now go tell mommy about it :) 20:13 NekoGloop I think the only one that's gonna go crying to their mother is you. 20:13 cy1 Fifi: AFAIK there's only two versions... there's the one by neko259, and there's the one I was trying to work on. Both are functional... his was modified more recently. 20:13 khonkhortisan Interesting interations. >You are being studied< 20:13 neko259 Who called my name? 20:13 neko259 What versions? 20:14 cy1 Fifi: https://bitbucket.org/neko259/nature/overview and https://github.com/cyisfor/minetest-nature 20:14 NekoGloop Look, its the other neko 20:14 LandMine_ so vannesa i saw your profile pic on the forum your red shirt goes well with your eyes... 20:14 NekoGloop Dont anger her. 20:14 cy1 neko259: I was trying to add seasons and slimtrees to yours, but haven't been satisfied w/ it. Also making plant growth patterns instead of just random. 20:15 neko259 cy1: What patterns exactly? 20:15 cy1 so don't use mine <_< 20:15 cy1 neko259: using perlin to decide which plant to grow! 20:15 NekoGloop LandMine_: Pick a server, any server. 20:15 neko259 Also, you can make a pull request to my nature. I don't modify it now, so I guess I'll just include other people code there :3 20:15 NekoGloop I'll meet you there. 20:16 LandMine_ keegans server....no wait i keep shutting it down 20:16 LandMine_ guess irc will do 20:16 NekoGloop heh 20:16 khonkhortisan wow my mesecon machine runs much better when I'm not low on memory 20:16 NekoGloop no, only a server. 20:16 LandMine_ what for? 20:16 cy1 Sure I can do that neko259. Didn't know you were around even. Also VanessaE made her own growing mod because she hates dependencies. 20:17 VanessaE cy1: actually no, I made my own growing mod (or rather, the growth code in junglegrass) because I didn't see a viable library to depend on :-) 20:17 neko259 I'm not around minetest, but I keep IRC messenger running all the time. 20:17 VanessaE neko259: *gasp* you speak!?!?! 20:17 VanessaE :-) 20:17 cy1 oh 'k 20:18 neko259 VanessaE: I didn't think I'm so ancient ^_* 20:18 cy1 neko259: cool! me too except I ditz around on minetest sometimes 20:18 neko259 I have too many different projects and I don't really keep around one for too long. Minetest is in the past now :) 20:18 VanessaE neko259: I just haven't seen you talk recently :-) 20:19 NekoGloop the other neko is quiet. 20:19 cy1 What are you working on now neko259? 20:19 cy1 NekoGloop: and not as gloopy 20:19 NekoGloop heh 20:19 neko259 Notes server in php with self-made crazy syntax highlight. 20:19 neko259 I use it to right to-dos on work. 20:19 cy1 ugh, php... 20:20 cy1 good luck with that! 20:20 neko259 Thanks :) 20:20 Fifi Oh neko is here ;) 20:20 NekoGloop well both nekos anyhow :) 20:20 Fifi I'm trying to clean up that huge trees and vines :( also the papyrus 20:21 Fifi Is there any automatic way D:? 20:21 leo_rockway fire 20:21 NekoGloop Fifi: there's a mod on the forums... somewhere 20:21 Fifi Please help :( I can't find anything 20:21 neko259 Somebody please ping me if my mods stop working in some version of minetest. Updating them would be a nice excuse to see minetest once again. 20:21 Keegann Landmine i am not sorry for what you did 20:21 neko259 Fifi: Use fire? 20:22 LandMine what did i do keegan tell me 20:22 Keegann um shut down my server 20:22 NekoGloop heh, LandMine has more than one IP... I'm assuming he's on some kind of proxy. 20:22 Fifi But this could burn anything xD 20:22 Keegann NekoGloop he is 20:22 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VifumhRovfU&feature=related well I'm more scared of this. and this isnt scary. 20:23 LandMine lol 20:23 Fifi Btw. is there any way to check via code if block is known or unknown? 20:23 NekoGloop Fifi: look at the clean mod 20:23 LandMine no 20:23 cy1 Fifi: make an ABM for them to replace w/ air. There's no way to reset the map in Lua yet though. 20:23 NekoGloop http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2777 20:23 cy1 (yet) 20:23 LandMine say your sorry keegan and ill stop 20:24 NekoGloop keegan did nothing to you 20:24 LandMine +t NekoGloop is a Failed Abortion Attempt 20:24 NekoGloop to others? maybe. 20:24 Fifi I did but it's slow :( and it hanged up, don't know why 20:24 * Keegann is confused because i didnt do anything 20:24 NekoGloop heh, so you can read some subtitles and make sense of them. 20:25 NekoGloop Fifi: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2777 20:25 Fifi remove_node is also ok? or do i have to replace with air? 20:25 Fifi I know, i'm using it ;) 20:25 Fifi But it's still slow process ;( 20:25 LandMine then keegan is retarded 20:25 Keegann how? 20:25 NekoGloop LandMine: the only person here who's retarded is you. if you weren't, you'd have left by now. 20:26 RealBadAngel Fifi: remove_node places just air 20:26 Fifi ah 20:26 LandMine keep talking neko you might say something smart 20:26 Phitherek_ hello again :) 20:26 NekoGloop I dont need to keep talking, I've already said many smart things. 20:26 NekoGloop Like: "gtfo LandMine" 20:27 Fifi I would like to iterate through my world but i'm not sure how to do this (I'm new at lua :( ) and I'm not sure if it'll crash when I iterate over ungenerated blocks 20:27 Fifi VanessaE - are you still here? 20:27 Fifi I got a question./ 20:27 VanessaE yes I'm here 20:27 NekoGloop She's waiting for the oppurtune moment to ban LandMine. 20:27 Phitherek_ :O you are an op? 20:27 Phitherek_ erm I missed something :D 20:27 LandMine hahahahahahahaha i am unbannable 20:28 VanessaE yes, but I am not going to use it just yet. 20:28 NekoGloop we can make a bot that bans you whenever you come on. 20:28 LandMine yah shes still eating her chicken 20:28 NekoGloop which, btw, proxies only change the ending of your IP 20:28 LandMine new username, simple neko....are you really that stupid 20:28 Fifi IP ban? 20:28 Fifi Range ban? 20:28 LandMine is that so? hahahahahahaahah 20:29 LandMine guess you dont know what a proxy is then neko 20:29 Fifi Range ban is unstoppable even by ip change 20:29 NekoGloop LandMine: by checking the first 6 digits of your IP. 20:29 LandMine im on a VPN buddy 20:29 Fifi VanessaE: Do you have link to newest version of your controlled nature mod? 20:29 NekoGloop heh 20:29 Fifi I can't find it and the one from forums which i found doesn't have textures :O 20:30 NekoGloop well, you do know that an IP isnt the only thing unique to a particular computer's connection? 20:30 VanessaE Fifi: sure, lemme find it 20:30 VanessaE fifi: http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/nature_pack_controlled-20120804-2.zip 20:30 VanessaE that should be it 20:30 LandMine neko stop trying to act smart 20:31 NekoGloop LandMine: so you dont know? 20:31 LandMine many people have tried to ban me from channels before, and i still connect to them anyway 20:31 Fifi Thank you :) 20:31 LandMine so do what ever you want lol 20:32 LandMine btw Vannesa shouldn't you have a license for being that ugly? 20:32 Keegann shouldnt you have license for retardness 20:32 NekoGloop Landmine's IQ: -9001 20:33 Keegann no no its much lower 20:34 LandMine yeah its like -1100000000000000000000000000000000000 20:34 NekoGloop oh, right. 20:34 NekoGloop this is LindMine's report 20:34 NekoGloop sorry :) 20:35 LandMine hhahah sofunny stop im pissiing myself 20:35 Keegann no no its -infinite 20:35 VanessaE No need for insults, LandMine. I already know I'm ugly. 20:36 NekoGloop LandMine: well, at least your still in diapers. 20:36 VanessaE (for the rest of you, here's me three weeks ago, after losing about 74 pounds) http://www.renewedreflections.com/forums/members/vanessaezekowitz-albums-just-pictures-of-me-picture4594-3-months-post-surgery-411-6-pounds.jpg ) 20:37 LandMine ahhh man i came!!! 20:40 celeron55 LandMine is full of win 20:40 NekoGloop ok, who hacked celeron 20:42 celeron55 i mean, not all people can make as utterly out of place comments 20:42 celeron55 even if they tried 20:43 NekoGloop i could. 20:43 NekoGloop i just dont. 20:44 celeron55 is english LandMine's native language? 20:44 NekoGloop yes. 20:45 LandMine not really 20:46 NekoGloop if there's one thing you cant change, its which freenode server you connect to. And that is the USA/Canade one. 20:46 NekoGloop Canada* 20:46 celeron55 ehm 20:47 celeron55 just check my server 20:47 LandMine Cool story bro, gfo feed yourself a cookie 20:47 celeron55 i learned today i live in Washington, DC, USA 20:48 NekoGloop LandMine: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=31391#p31391 20:49 NekoGloop LandMine: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=30100#p30100 20:50 Fifi VanessaE: what is maximum height of vines and papyrus in this version of nature mod? 20:50 VanessaE vines don't grow upwards at all afaik, and papyrus shouldn't get too tall, maybe 7 or 8 nodes? 20:50 Fifi ah 20:51 Fifi is there a way to limit it to 3? 20:51 VanessaE I didn't look into that code too much, I mostly just changed flowers, and then bushes and nature tree growth to fit 20:51 VanessaE not sure 20:51 cy1 Fifi: https://gitorious.org/minetest-cy/minetest-core/blobs/master/builtin/destroy.lua that's the code I use 20:51 VanessaE I didn't write it, I just hacked it a little :-) 20:51 cy1 I limited papyrus growth by checking how far it was from water before growing more. Wasn't working too well though... 20:51 LandMine you changed it vannesa, you didnt hack anything......learn to type please 20:52 NekoGloop LandMine: you're wrong, unsurprisingly. 20:52 LandMine how so? 20:52 Fifi kk i found it 20:52 NekoGloop by being LandMine 20:53 LandMine thats not even funny 20:53 Fifi i got this: 20:53 LandMine when you call someone out for being wrong 20:53 NakedFury can Minetest be added to Steam Greenlight? 20:53 Fifi http://pastebin.ca/2199468 20:53 LandMine you have to plant why 20:53 Fifi point? 20:53 NekoGloop well, 8 year olds cant provide a proper opinion on things like that. 20:53 Fifi cy1: original was 5 but i changed it to 3 20:55 LandMine the age thing again? bring up something new please 20:55 VanessaE landmine: a "hack" means to make changes to a piece of code that someone else wrote for the purposes of making it do something new, fixing bugs, or just learning. 20:55 NekoGloop then tell me your real age, LandMine. 20:55 VanessaE what I did constitutes a hack because my rewrite of flowers introduced a bug into bushes and nature/tree growth and had to patch over it with code that probably isn't ideal 20:56 VanessaE neko259: can you please bring the latest changes of the above into Nature Pack so I don't have to keep on top of it anymore? :-) 20:57 LandMine hmm good point vanessa 20:57 LandMine and i am 8 y.o 20:57 neko259 VanessaE: What do you mean? 20:58 neko259 And yes, not today. It's time to sleep, or I'm gonna be late tomorrow :) 20:58 VanessaE neko259: in nature pack, your copy of flowers is outdated. I rewrote it a few weeks ago to use modern functions in the game, so it's faster, etc. 20:58 VanessaE neko259: you'll need to tweak bushes and nature/tree growth to compensate (or grab my versions) 20:59 VanessaE ok so sleep :-) 20:59 NekoGloop LandMine: if you insist that you are 8 years old, then I shall treat you as such. 20:59 cy1 VanessaE: technically a hack is sloppy code that works in the bandaid sort of sense. 20:59 cy1 Generally used in a self-deprecating manner. 21:00 Basstard` You're a hack. 21:00 LandMine neko do what ever the FUCK you want......i dont mind a keyboard knight 21:00 cy1 ...yeah I'm a total hack. 21:00 cy1 hacker, whatever 21:00 Fifi :p 21:00 Fifi kk i think i'll go play a bit now :P 21:00 Fifi bb ;) 21:00 cy1 Fifi: what server+? 21:01 LandMine anyway...what other games do you guys play...mostly fps or similar games 21:01 VanessaE cy1: exactly. My little patch to bushes and nature was sloppy. Better to have written a separate spawn/growth function or to have extended the one in flowers to handle those use cases. Instead, I just made it act similar by setting the function call parameters right. 21:02 VanessaE but I wanted it to just work, so I let my usual code style slip a bit jus tto get it out the door. 21:02 neko259 VanessaE: Please make me a pull request with the new flowers. I'll see it in my main and definitely not forget about it :3 21:02 VanessaE neko259: sure. 21:03 Fifi cy1: mine ;) with two friends ;P_) 21:04 Phitherek_ one of them me :P 21:04 VanessaE dammit, he left....he doesn't *have* a repos, at least not on github :-) 21:04 cy1 Fifi: let me on? :3 21:05 VanessaE oh yeah.. bitbucket, that's right 21:05 cy1 mercurial is totes legit 21:06 VanessaE eek, mercurial.. 21:06 VanessaE I don't know how to use that, been too many years 21:06 cy1 It's sort of like git. 21:07 Fifi cy1 look on pm ;) 21:08 VanessaE yep Iknow 21:08 VanessaE I've used it 21:08 VanessaE it's just been a long while 21:09 VanessaE for the GATOS project I think 21:09 LandMine NekoGloop you there brah? 21:09 VanessaE (the old ATI capture card driver for linux that is) 21:10 Fifi cy1 are you here :P? 21:10 cy1 neat 21:13 LandMine #minetest-mods 21:13 NekoGloop #minetest-kill-landmine 21:14 LandMine Neko what is your in-game name? you seem to be hating but i dont recall you from anywhere 21:15 NekoGloop my ingame name is 21:16 LandMine PickleKisser 21:17 cy1 I half think it'd be best to have a growing mod just be an abm on dirt always 21:17 cy1 or dirt_with_grass even 21:17 cy1 There's a lot of dirt it's true, but you need an ABM to grow stuff on it anyway. Why not use the same ABM to destroy it? 21:18 cy1 whether plant is there or not = sinusoidal pattern w/ seasons. if there, if air replace w/ plant. if not, if plant (and wild) replace w/ air. 21:18 cy1 plus some random jitter ofc 21:19 NekoGloop dirt_with_grass is reverted unless above node is plantlike drawtype 21:19 celeron55 what does cy1 aim for with his fork? 21:19 Keegann landminr when are you gonna grow up 21:19 NekoGloop for most it would work, but not cacti etc. 21:19 celeron55 i see it contains quite a lot of stuff 21:19 cy1 celeron55: I'm trying to offer improvements to the game, insomuch as I'm able. 21:20 cy1 Mostly my best idea has been minetest.require 21:20 celeron55 you do horrible newline changes and stuff like that, which makes nothing handily mergeable 21:20 cy1 ugh I know... 21:20 cy1 I've been trying to figure why that's happening but, no luck. 21:21 cy1 I wish there was a way to make git merge ignore whitespace changes. 21:21 LandMine celeron55 is there a way to change the mapgen.lua so that i can generate only small bits of land? 21:21 LandMine for example 21:21 LandMine a 200 x 200 landscape 21:21 LandMine and nothing more 21:21 celeron55 LandMine: no, the API doesn't contain any world generation stuff other than the post-generate hook 21:22 iqualfragile are there vertical mesecons? 21:22 LandMine for example i create a new world, and i want that world to be just 200 x 200 is there a way to do that? 21:23 NekoGloop no iqual 21:23 Keegann no landmine 21:23 LandMine stfu Keegann 21:23 Keegann just saying 21:24 Phitherek_ I must go now 21:24 Phitherek_ ttyl all 21:24 cy1 celeron55: oh, another change I made introduces public key authentication via GnuPG! uh... yeah... 21:24 LandMine Keegann put your server up 21:24 LandMine i wont shut it down anymore 21:24 Keegann y 21:24 cy1 It seemed like a good idea at the time. 21:24 Keegann ddoubt it 21:24 PilzAdam Hello everyone! 21:25 celeron55 i took a quick glance at it too, and i saw that there is nothing to support building it on windows 21:25 LandMine jhiiiii!!!! 21:25 celeron55 what does it provide in practice? 21:25 LandMine omg i love you pilz the small add-on worked perfect! 21:25 cy1 celeron55: That's sort of why I gave up. No way I can figure to get Microsoft to work with gpgme. What support's out there doesn't seem to work. 21:26 NekoGloop Hello PilzAdam 21:26 cy1 and what it provides is an account manager. 21:26 NekoGloop Want a cookie? :) 21:26 cy1 The problem was that typing the password every time is horribly annoying. 21:26 cy1 And that passwords in general aren't very nice. 21:27 cy1 So I made it that I just have to type in my gpg-agent password once, and then can just use my private key to authenticate every time. 21:27 celeron55 well, minetest's "authentication" system is very barebones 21:27 cy1 Servers don't need to know your password then. Plus it opens up the notion of in-game currency, clans and such, via digital signatures. 21:27 celeron55 you can do all kinds of man-in-the-middle attacks to ongoing games 21:27 cy1 Plus you could recognize the same person on 2 different servers. 21:28 cy1 eh, man-in-the-middle is paranoid CIA stuff. I just trust you got your public key to the server, however you did. 21:28 VanessaE there we go. sent neko259 his pull request. first time on bitbucket, let alone doing such with hg. yay. :-) 21:28 celeron55 i am open to including some crypto-based features, as long as they are portable and driven by end-user needs, not desire to hack random stuff 21:28 cy1 VanessaE: you picked it up fast! 21:29 VanessaE commands are similar to git 21:29 celeron55 but i haven't really thoght what would be useful 21:29 cy1 celeron55: if I ever figure how to get a working gpgme in Windows I'll work on it again. For now it's just a neat idea that can't be done in Microsoft... 21:29 VanessaE hardest part was setting up a bitbucket account and cloning the upstream repos :-) 21:29 VanessaE (which wasn't hard at all) 21:29 cy1 Take the money mod for example. 21:30 PilzAdam celeron55, thank you for replying on my oob:punch() issue but the problem isnt that the objects calls itestelf in the punc() function, the problem is the 1.0. It gives following error: VERBOSE[main]: error_message = ServerError: LuaError: error: attempt to index a number value; when i change it to "1" or {1} it doesnt produce a error but it doesnt damge the player (code: http://pastebin.com/p0qe2aje) 21:30 cy1 I could sell ingots for 3 moneys and my friend could buy ingots for 3 moneys. But then when I put the ingots up for sale, some trolling admin comes along and just snatches them up because he has infinite moneys. 21:31 celeron55 PilzAdam: i really don't have time for this, try to get somebody else to look at it 21:31 cy1 But with digital signatures, I could sell ingots to my friend for signatures from my friend. And admins can make infinite signatures of their own, but not in my friend's name. 21:32 PilzAdam ok, but nobody else ever used this function before (as far as i know) 21:32 cy1 So it's like everyone gets their own personal currency 21:32 celeron55 PilzAdam: file it on the github issue list; i'll get to it once i find a suitable point of time 21:32 cy1 so if someone's trollan, admin or no, they can't inflate everyone else's reputation into zilch 21:33 cy1 That would be useful IMO 21:33 iqualfragile celeron55: do you have any plan in merging back some of the comunity-made mods like xfences, xdoors, moreores, mesecons, falling items, farming, gates and so on back into your default release? 21:33 cy1 could even let users adjust your HP or your buildings or whatever if they have enough of your currency tobe trusted. 21:34 celeron55 that sounds kind of odd, i think one should be able to trust the admins on a server, always 21:34 cy1 eh, admins are the best at griefing IMO 21:34 cy1 take backporting for example 21:35 iqualfragile as an admin i have to admit that cy1 ist right: the admin is allways the greatest griefer 21:35 cy1 if I have to get teleported backwards one more time for walking too fast, thus causing me to walk off a cliff at the moment, I SWEAR 21:35 NekoGloop that's not the admin's fault 21:35 NekoGloop that's just the server :) 21:35 cy1 iqualfragile: it sort of balances out, because admins who are cool don't lose all their users. (see: menche) 21:36 cy1 NekoGloop: My server doesn't do that. :P 21:36 cy1 because I'm the admin 21:36 cy1 and what I say goes 21:36 Keegann STOP IT LANDMINE 21:36 NekoGloop depends on the computer you're running on, the amount of people on the server, etc. 21:37 * celeron55 smells grief 21:37 cy1 No, you actually can shut off the backporting. There's no option but it's a simple comment out. 21:37 NekoGloop celeron55: methinks landmine shut his server down again 21:37 Keegann celeron55 no hes shutting down the server 21:37 NekoGloop see? 21:37 cy1 I eventually plan to track everyone's speeds to identify speedhax, then just remove interact from 'em. Or whatever. 21:38 cy1 Someone uses speedhax to build a glorious Taj Mahal I ain't gonna complain. 21:38 NekoGloop hm... should i upload all of my houses via worldedit? Seems like a good idea. 21:39 cy1 bleh, worldedit 21:39 NekoGloop heh 21:39 Keegann landmine stop your folish games 21:39 NekoGloop foolish* 21:40 celeron55 Keegann: if he is using the furnace full crash, update your server 21:40 cy1 I "fixed" multinode once, so it doesn't lose metadata, doesn't lose door positions, doesn't lose chest contents etc. It worked great, and now it doesn't uh... work at all. 21:40 cy1 I think reality just hates me. 21:40 Keegann im updating it when i come home 21:41 cy1 celeron55: afaik landmine is just doing a straight DoS, not logging on or anything. 21:41 cy1 aka easy mode 21:41 celeron55 well that's just lame 21:41 Keegann yep 21:42 cy1 Someone's doing that to glomie's server too. Though more likely it's just glomie running some CPU sucking task that makes his server go derp and stop loading. 21:43 cy1 hard to say if one is accidentally self-griefing... 21:43 celeron55 the minetest server can go derp by itself too, and also the network stack doesn't handle high-latency conditions reasonably at all 21:43 cy1 when one is watching from a distance 21:44 cy1 I guess celeron55. It's just sometimes it works great, and sometimes you just stare at unloaded map blocks for 10min without luck. 21:44 LandMine its not a DoS lol hahahahaha 21:46 Keegan_ /ban LandMine 21:46 NekoGloop ... wut? 21:47 NekoGloop alright... who's with me that we need charcoal? 21:47 LandMine hahahhahahahahhahhahah he tried to ban me and kicked himself out 21:47 NekoGloop I, for one, hate to dig for half an hour without finding coal 21:47 LandMine what are the odds 21:48 khonkhortisan dig straight down with safety water, you'll find a cave that has coal 21:48 celeron55 LandMine: do you think somebody respects you 21:48 LandMine i honestly dont give a damm 21:49 celeron55 are you bullied in school? 21:49 NekoGloop khonkhortisan: no buckets 21:49 khonkhortisan no buckets? what server are you on? 21:49 celeron55 that's not a problem, just start digging from a lake 8) 21:49 OldCoder Hi. Can I ask how somebody does a ban in MT? 21:50 LandMine ahh comeon celeron, i have 21:50 OldCoder celeron55, BTW Hello. I don't think we've talked before. 21:50 LandMine "/ban use" 21:50 NekoGloop true, celeron 21:50 OldCoder O.K. 21:50 NekoGloop but i still want charcoal 21:51 NekoGloop my lua "expertise" to the rescue! 21:51 khonkhortisan yeah, I was on gameboom and built my house by the ocean because buckets were banned at the time 21:51 celeron55 LandMine: but if you just piss off everybody, nobody will like you and you will become quite lonely in your long life 21:51 khonkhortisan I said something along those lines recently 21:52 khonkhortisan friends are a life advantage 21:52 celeron55 LandMine: nobody you knew will eg. give you work 21:52 LandMine i dont care about making e-friends so keep your non-sense to yourself :) 21:52 Keegann i think i know why hes acting like tht because he/she have no life 21:53 celeron55 well there are many people in here who have no life, in that sense, i bet 21:53 RealBadAngel LandMine: so what for youre here at all? somebody invited you or somethin? 21:54 PilzAdam can a forum moderator move this to Mod Releases: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=40316#p40316 ? thx 21:54 LandMine who the hell are you bad angel? i dont recall you from anywhere 21:54 Keegann landmine are you a boy or girl or bi or homo or an it 21:55 LandMine Keegann your kindergarden insults dont work on me, so be a good boy and go watch some tv 21:55 LandMine only thing you can be sure about is 21:55 LandMine i have gotten more pussy than most of you 21:55 NekoGloop if i make a recipe that uses an item from another mod, can the mod be used without the other mod? 21:55 LandMine so say whatever you want hahahah 21:55 Keegann on ur self? 21:55 PilzAdam NekoGloop, yes 21:56 NekoGloop k, thank you 21:56 NekoGloop I want trees from other mods to be char-able (if that's the right way to say it) into charcoals. 21:56 PilzAdam NekoGloop, but its cleaner to make it in a if minetest.get_modpath("mod") ~= nil then 21:58 celeron55 you should never do anything like that; you have no reason to believe that the other mod would be loaded before your mod 21:58 celeron55 hmm 21:58 NekoGloop it checks for the mod path, not the other mod 21:58 celeron55 actually no, that should work 21:58 PilzAdam does get_modpath only gets loaded mods? 21:58 NekoGloop whether the other mod was loaded, i mean 21:58 * celeron55 isn't a very experienced modder 8) 21:58 NekoGloop lol 21:58 RealBadAngel hehehehehe 21:58 NekoGloop but you made the api? 21:59 RealBadAngel yeah, he made it 21:59 Keegann celeron55 did you take away voice on landmine 21:59 celeron55 that doesn't mean i'd know how to use it in practice =) 21:59 RealBadAngel we abuse it ;) 21:59 NekoGloop he made it, we abuse it. 21:59 NekoGloop seems legit 21:59 thexyz oh, landmine shows his stupidity again 21:59 thexyz nothing to do here 21:59 LandMine ohhhh the hate, it makes me so happy 22:00 NekoGloop best way to treat griefers is the opposite of what they want. 22:00 LandMine yup, so kiss my ass 22:01 RealBadAngel the opposite is to kick that ass 22:01 NekoGloop quick learner ^ 22:01 LandMine ohhh look out!! we got a keyboard knight on the loose 22:02 Keegann watch out we have a low IQ on the loose 22:02 NekoGloop look out, there's a badass in here 22:02 NekoGloop everyone was thinking it, i just said it. 22:02 LandMine keegan you out of everyone else has no right to make IQ jokes, you have no idea how im crashing your server 22:03 Keegann maybe i do 22:03 LandMine i dont think so, you would have stopped it by now 22:04 LandMine and if i was so low IQ, why did you want my client? lol 22:04 Basstard` It's 18:00, children. It's time to go to sleep. 22:05 Keegann its my dinner time 22:05 NekoGloop for once, i agree with basstard 22:05 Keegann LandMine are younon yourmperiod agaon 22:06 LandMine ohhh hi there sdzen 22:06 RealBadAngel heya sdzen 22:06 Keegann hey sdzen 22:07 LandMine why you restart your map? 22:07 LandMine got tired of me burning down all your shit? 22:07 RealBadAngel sdzen: take a look http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsbW_pXYBGI&feature=youtu.be 22:08 RealBadAngel i got the tubes logic almost done 22:08 LandMine that is coool!!!!!! 22:08 LandMine i mean that one 22:09 khonkhortisan So I made an issue on github, made a branch that fixed half of it, the other person fixed both halves of the issue, do I delete my branch? 22:10 RealBadAngel some1 was faster? 22:11 NekoGloop what's the purpose of default:scorched_stuff? 22:11 LandMine none i think 22:11 RealBadAngel and mining with laser video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L44DC_UYx4&feature=youtu.be 22:12 LandMine thats very cool 22:12 khonkhortisan Uberi fixed his "?" axis not too long after I mentioned it. What do I do with my branch that was for fixing that? delete the whole thing? 22:13 khonkhortisan I still have my main fork 22:13 sdzen back when there were rats 22:13 sdzen if you cooked them twice you would burn it 22:13 NekoGloop oh i see :) 22:13 khonkhortisan burnt rat is still around 22:14 sdzen yes it is 22:14 sdzen but i believe its a legacy object now 22:14 khonkhortisan stored in chests 22:14 khonkhortisan I think I'll delete my branch, since I was beaten to the end of it. 22:16 khonkhortisan git branch: axes, master. git branch master: master already exists. git branch -D axes: cannot delete the branch you are currently on. It's annoying not knowing the right commands! 22:16 iqualfragile realbadangel: tubes look great but please make the routing as i proposed 22:18 khonkhortisan git checkout master: you must commit changes before switching branches. 22:18 RealBadAngel iqualfragile: can you remind? 22:18 RealBadAngel i discussed so many ideas and fought with the code for a few days already... 22:18 iqualfragile of course 22:19 iqualfragile you wanted to make sorting-machines wich move the items to a chest 22:19 RealBadAngel yes 22:19 iqualfragile i think it would be a better idea to make small T-shaped tube-pieces wich are atatched to a chest 22:20 iqualfragile and those filter out items passing by 22:20 iqualfragile it would be easier for you to implement and more flexible for the users 22:21 RealBadAngel but i thougth to put filters any place in the line 22:21 RealBadAngel this way many furnaces could be served by just one filter 22:21 NekoGloop should one be able to char a chest into charcoal? 22:21 RealBadAngel @neko: stupid idea 22:22 NekoGloop heh 22:22 NekoGloop ok :) 22:22 NekoGloop just since its made out of wood, i was wondering. 22:23 RealBadAngel do you burn anythin at home to get charcoal? 22:23 NekoGloop no but I could if i wanted to :) 22:23 iqualfragile i dont get what you mean… 22:23 NekoGloop I'm making a charcoal mod 22:23 NekoGloop one tree = 4 charcoals, one wood = one charcoal 22:24 RealBadAngel iqualfragile: i thought filter this way: any item passing by (even from multiple sources) 22:24 NekoGloop since chests could be evenly divisible into this setup (giving the player 8 charcoals), i was just wondering :) 22:24 Keegann landmine my server is up 22:24 RealBadAngel will have to face filtering grid, made of 16 possible colors, for each color like 4 empty slots 22:24 LandMine good 22:24 LandMine 4 u 22:24 Keegann yep 22:25 NekoGloop hm... is moreblocks the only mod that incorporates new wood-based items? 22:25 RealBadAngel when you put for example stone on the grid, in line marked with yellow colour 22:25 RealBadAngel dirt on green 22:26 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: like insulation of wires in redpower? 22:26 RealBadAngel each stone passing filter will look for yellow marked chest 22:26 RealBadAngel and dirt only for green ones 22:26 LandMine Keegann loooks down to me 22:26 RealBadAngel no possibility to land in other color marked chests 22:27 Keegann haha your so dumb 22:27 RealBadAngel filter will be made with formspec like a chest 22:27 RealBadAngel so easy to set up the filter 22:27 RealBadAngel just put the item on desired color field 22:28 LandMine keegan do you by any chance have a ferret? 22:28 Keegann i have a ferret? 22:29 LandMine and its down buddy 22:29 LandMine http://servers.minetest.ru/ 22:29 Keegann no shit i lied to you 22:29 LandMine hmm 22:30 Keegann hey you 22:30 Keegann should change your facebook picture 22:30 LandMine nah, it works for me 22:31 PilzAdam https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landmine 22:31 Keegann oh lok your own website 22:34 LandMine i dont speak german pilz sorry 22:34 PilzAdam click on English 22:34 PilzAdam https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_mine 22:34 LandMine i know what a land mine is pilz 22:35 PilzAdam just saying... 22:35 LandMine lol ok, and thank you again btw for the little mod of yesterday 22:35 PilzAdam http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/de/soldier/PilzAdam/iteminfo/m15-at-mine/265755239/xbox/ 22:40 NekoGloop hello 22:40 Keegann hello 22:41 khonkhortisan hello 22:42 NekoGloop can someone kindly tell me what mods use coal? ty in advance. 22:43 RealBadAngel ?? 22:43 NekoGloop or... can i just alias charcal as coal? 22:43 PilzAdam no dont do this 22:44 NekoGloop ? 22:44 NekoGloop y not? 22:44 RealBadAngel make it a fuel too but separate 22:44 NekoGloop ok... 22:44 RealBadAngel and allow craftin torches with it 22:44 PilzAdam my tnt mod uses coal 22:44 RealBadAngel could be nice for starters 22:46 NekoGloop ok, so... 22:46 NekoGloop currently my mod has 1 tree smelting into 4 charcoal, and 1 wood smelting into 1 charcoal 22:47 NekoGloop does this conflict with anything? 22:47 RealBadAngel dont think so 22:47 NekoGloop ok 22:47 NekoGloop so release? 22:47 RealBadAngel check for other trees too 22:47 PilzAdam nope 22:47 PilzAdam :-p 22:47 RealBadAngel jungle tree for example 22:48 NekoGloop yeah it uses jungletree 22:48 NekoGloop also checks for moreblocks, adding appropriate recipes for those. 22:48 NekoGloop i.e. horizontal trees/jungletrees, jungletree planks, etc. 22:49 NekoGloop PilzAdam: why not? 22:49 PilzAdam ironic? 22:49 NekoGloop what? 22:49 NekoGloop where's the irony? 22:50 PilzAdam https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irony 22:50 NekoGloop no, but... where's the irony in this? 22:50 RealBadAngel irony is paradox@zeta.elitebnc.net * The Paradox of Irony 22:50 RealBadAngel irony using zelazny.freenode.net Corvallis, OR, USA 22:50 RealBadAngel irony End of /WHOIS list. 22:51 NekoGloop huh 22:51 NekoGloop interesting 22:51 NekoGloop veerrry... interesting... 22:51 NekoGloop but honestly, pilzadam, do explain. 22:51 PilzAdam ... 22:51 PilzAdam you dont get it? 22:52 NekoGloop nope. 22:52 PilzAdam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAgKtM-6Bfc 22:52 NekoGloop ... 22:52 NekoGloop what does this have to do with my mod 22:53 PilzAdam ... 22:53 khonkhortisan ha! undid a merge in git. Now to undo my branch, then recreate it. 22:53 cy1 ugh, git... 22:54 khonkhortisan it works well as long as you know what you're doing 22:54 cy1 it works well as long as you never have to merge anything 22:54 khonkhortisan aah! I just moved a commit from master to branch without changing its order. 22:57 NekoGloop should i keep charcoal's image as coal? 22:58 PilzAdam nope 22:58 PilzAdam greate a more brow-ish 22:58 PilzAdam -g +c 22:58 PilzAdam +n 22:59 NekoGloop ok 23:01 khonkhortisan okay, so I have master, with a branch that has a single commit. I need to move that commit back to master and remove the branch. Somehow I reordered it. 23:02 LandMine well im out you colossal faggs 23:02 NekoGloop good riddance 23:04 NekoGloop someone please explain to me why jungletree planks from moreblocks dont burn in a furnace as fuel? :l 23:06 PilzAdam because its not coded? 23:06 NekoGloop heh 23:07 NekoGloop wb realbadangel :) 23:07 RealBadAngel got some problems with net 23:10 khonkhortisan I had a branch coming off of master, and somehow I moved the split back a commit. Now how do I move it forward again? 23:12 ray8888 wow celeron55s on 23:21 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: have you fixed the glitch with multiple batboxes on the same circuit? I dont remember you saying if you did or not. 23:34 RealBadAngel i did that already, but its not uploaded yet 23:34 NekoGloop ok 23:35 RealBadAngel fixed many other glitches too 23:35 RealBadAngel will upload it together with tubes i think 23:36 RealBadAngel have to implement this first: 23:36 RealBadAngel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm 23:37 RealBadAngel or at least somethin similar 23:37 RealBadAngel i need to find in a graph (the tubes) the correct path for the item to follow 23:40 OldCoder NekoGloop, Hi. Does anybody have a quick Ubuntu firewall command to block 189.144.*.* ? 23:41 NekoGloop i dont have ubuntu 23:41 OldCoder k 23:41 NekoGloop so no i cant help 23:41 OldCoder Sure 23:41 OldCoder An iptables command or two should do it 23:41 OldCoder I'll research 23:41 NekoGloop google is your friend 23:41 OldCoder :-) 23:41 OldCoder Yes but... 23:42 OldCoder I need to talk people through this. It's difficult to explain CLI remotely. 23:42 OldCoder Looks like your friend has a pretty broad subnet. But that pattern might help. 23:47 Keegann what is the run-in-place command for 0.4.2 r1? 23:47 PilzAdam ? 23:48 Keegann like theres one for 0.4.0 23:48 PilzAdam ? 23:48 Keegann you click on it and it starts the server 23:48 PilzAdam $ minetestserver 23:49 Keegann a bat file 23:49 PilzAdam cd bin 23:50 PilzAdam minetestserver.exe 23:52 Keegann already got it 23:56 cy1 Fixed hydroponics seeds on my server...