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IRC log for #minetest-project, 2017-03-26

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11:08 sfan5 test
11:08 sfan5 celeron55:
11:10 celeron55 is it difficult to feed old log data to it from a regular text format?
11:13 sfan5 shouldn't be too difficult
11:13 Fixer joined #minetest-project
11:14 celeron55 well, let's care about it some other day, at least i'm too lazy
11:14 Topic for #minetest-project is now >>> Civility is required <<< | Minetest Project | PM ops for voice | | Logs are at
11:15 sfan5 the only field i don't understand is     `day` int(11) NOT NULL,
11:16 sfan5 otherwise the sql schema is pretty self-expalantory
11:16 celeron55 what is the current value of that field?
11:16 sfan5 >    FOREIGN KEY (`day`) REFERENCES `ilbot_day` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE
11:16 sfan5 nevermind it actually makes sense
11:16 sfan5
11:17 sfan5 there's also a PROCEDURE so this should be easy
11:55 nerzhul timestamp int ? lol
11:55 nerzhul why not use timestamp or date format
11:57 celeron55 it's mysql, why bother trying to understand anything 8)
11:57 celeron55 they'd have chosen postgresql if they knew what they were doing anyway
11:58 Jordach joined #minetest-project
11:58 celeron55 oh looks like there's that too
11:58 nerzhul you have timestamp format in mysql :p
11:58 celeron55 maybe it's some extreme database compatibility measure
12:00 celeron55 timestamps are part of the sql standard but maybe they're just not worth it
12:04 Jordach "maybe"
12:17 Zeno` what is this monstrosity?;id=9705&amp;sid=f31b45a6769e83042bbb8892b8651803
12:17 Jordach NO
12:18 Zeno` that's even worse than the silly disco rainbow blocks LOL
12:18 shivajiva nayn dog? XD
12:18 Zeno` nyan vomit maybe
12:19 shivajiva heh I spelt it backwards intentionally
12:19 Shara I would have just said keep the rainbows and remove the cat myself
12:20 Shara But it's a mod so can just be removed. :)
12:20 celeron55 i'd say leave the rainbows, and also leave the color scheme of the cat block, but change the cat textures to be copyright symbols or question marks
12:20 Shara Haha
12:20 Jordach why not add something like meteors
12:20 Jordach using the same generation
12:21 Shara The pup just doesn't have the colours. It won't appeal to kids in the same way.
12:21 Shara Too much white and brown
12:21 celeron55 the copyright cat would be a great minetest mascot; it would be equally weird in origin as mese and explaining it to people would be fun
12:22 Shara Copyright cat... I actually love that idea.
12:22 celeron55 a cat that isn't even a cat except theoretically
12:22 Fixer [Mod] Technic [0.4.16-dev] [technic] (New posts)
12:22 Fixer wat?
12:27 shivajiva
12:27 Shara :D
12:34 red-002 copyright cat (tm)
12:49 rubenwardy joined #minetest-project
12:51 shivajiva Hi rubenwardy
12:52 rubenwardy yo yo
13:18 Wayward_One joined #minetest-project
13:33 * Fixer enjoys proper liquid flow in caves right now
13:34 Fixer All glory to the MillersMan for that
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14:27 benrob0329 Hello
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14:39 shivajiva Hi benrob0329
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15:44 * Jordach starts drawing the tree of how beds work
16:07 Jordach
16:07 Jordach reworked beds logical flow
16:10 Jordach it's done in such a way that any block can act as a bed irregardless of using register_bed
16:11 Jordach sofar, ^^
16:18 VanessaE Zeno`: don't like pbj pup? :(
16:19 Jordach VanessaE, tried to redo the entire bed logic top to bottom
16:20 Jordach without the insanity of the one included with minetest_game
16:20 benrob0329 Can the spawn point be set without it having to be night/
16:20 Jordach that can be moved, yes
16:21 Shara VanessaE: He is too brown. Brown is boring for kiddies. The rainbow replacement is too white.
16:21 benrob0329 Cause its really annoying to have to wait around until night to go mining
16:22 Jordach benrob0329, hit reload
16:22 Shara Kiddies want cats and rainbows. Now there are no cats or rainbows in MTG. Maybe adding dogs and still having some other cat and still having rainbows would have been nice.
16:22 benrob0329 Also a "Spawnpoint Set!" message would be nice
16:22 Shara But... it's a mod, the old mod can still be used, so no big deal. :)
16:22 VanessaE kids like puppies, and I was going for a "cute" look
16:23 Shara Yea, I like the actual art of the pup, just feels... well, drab overall compared ot nyan
16:23 Shara to*
16:23 VanessaE they're not going to dislike the pup any more than the cat, considering the cat was grey.
16:23 Shara It's mainly the rainbows
16:23 VanessaE gloopblocks covers that.
16:23 VanessaE and no server should go without that mod anyway
16:23 Shara Yea, but that's not MTG. I don't use gloopblocks myself.
16:24 Jordach benrob0329, reload again
16:24 Shara Why should I not go without it?
16:24 benrob0329 Cause its awesome, that's why
16:24 Shara I'm open for adding mods, but never saw a need or got asked to add gloopblocks.
16:24 VanessaE see /msg, Shara
16:24 * Jordach has a silly idea
16:24 Shara Sure thanks
16:25 Jordach Shara, build the nyan cat using pure programming (eg combining layers)
16:25 Jordach it is then no longer copyrightable
16:25 Shara :D
16:25 Jordach because it is no longer an original copy built using the original pixel source
16:25 * benrob0329 still wants to make pbj pup a meme
16:25 * Jordach nearly pased the entire gist into IRC
16:26 Jordach
16:26 Jordach ^ VanessaE, sofar, Shara need more thoughts
16:27 VanessaE I'll leave that to you, Jordach
16:27 Jordach VanessaE, BlockMen's code is shambles
16:27 Shara I've never even looked much at the normal beds
16:27 Jordach count the WTFs you have about it
16:29 Jordach VanessaE, considering my redo of bucket
16:29 Jordach it was a damn impressive job
16:30 Jordach VanessaE, i'm asking specifically because some beds might have different properties
16:30 Jordach such as using two nodes for positioning or just the one
16:30 VanessaE homedecor's beds are better imho :)
16:30 Jordach as you maintain homedecor, i'd ask first
16:30 VanessaE (you just can't sleep in them yet)
16:30 Jordach VanessaE, my code would easily work within it
16:30 Jordach since it's just beds.sleep(pos, player)
16:31 VanessaE HD's beds used to do that, but some incompatibility cropped up with mt_game's beds
16:31 VanessaE so I disabled the sleeping for now
16:31 Jordach VanessaE, i know why
16:31 Jordach mtg's beds use a file based saving like the OLD sethome
16:31 Jordach this one uses pure player_attributes like the modern one
16:34 Jordach i know sofar built a conversion for that with the old sethome save file
16:34 VanessaE I haven't done anything with player attributes yet
16:35 Jordach player:set_attribute("name_here", "attribute_here")
16:35 Jordach player:get_attribute("name_here")
16:35 Jordach returns "attribute_here"
16:35 Jordach i use it for the monster wardrobe
16:35 Jordach (it's dirty but it works just fine)
16:36 VanessaE could be useful.  when was that added to the engine?
16:36 Jordach ~end of Jan this year
16:36 Jordach can't give a proper commit id, but i know it was recent
16:36 VanessaE ok
16:36 Jordach it's also server side
16:37 Jordach so it doesn't matter to clients
16:37 Jordach i'll think about providing portage for Minetest_Game beds
16:37 Jordach even teh bucket upgrade is entirely game agnostic
16:38 VanessaE I just keep stuff like that in mind for folks using mods in singleplayer
16:38 Jordach VanessaE, if you tore my prototype subgame apart it'd still run
16:39 Jordach it's far more less spaghetti than BFD
16:48 nerzhul joined #minetest-project
16:53 Zeno` VanessaE, I hate it :D
16:53 Zeno` VanessaE, I also hate nyan cat so don't read too much into it :P
16:54 VanessaE D:
16:54 Shara Zeno`: She says we should be using gloopblocks on server, but I'm letting you decide that :P
16:54 Zeno` gloop doggy dog?
16:54 VanessaE all server owners ought to.
16:55 VanessaE though it could use a little trimming down (mainly tools.  it has some stupid ones)
16:55 Shara I really only want efficient trimmed down mods on DL.
16:55 Shara And it wouldn't help RC.
16:55 Zeno` like caverealms-lite!
16:55 Shara Yes!
16:56 VanessaE gloopblocks is efficient :)
16:56 Shara Which I am meant to be doing more PRs for, I know :(
16:56 VanessaE it just has more stuff than it really needs is all
16:56 Shara So needs trimming :)
17:16 benrob0329 Nyan Cat is dead, long live PB&J Pup!
17:17 benrob0329 (Could use some contrast between the bread and dog though)
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17:57 * Jordach starts construction of a game agnostic beds mod minus the trash
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18:42 Fixer Jordach: what trash?
18:46 Jordach Fixer, go take a look at minetest_games beds code
18:53 paramat joined #minetest-project
19:34 Jordach sofar, almost there with the replacement beds
19:39 * Jordach is suspicious of the true age of mobile client users
19:55 * Jordach did some testing with beds
19:55 Jordach got a nice table of times using a global step
20:20 rubenwardy !seen tenplus1
20:20 ShadowBot rubenwardy: I saw tenplus1 in #minetest-project 1 week, 1 day, 3 hours, 45 minutes, and 32 seconds ago saying "all of a sudden staticdata is returned as nil when i go back into an area filled with tamed mobs..."
20:21 rubenwardy anyone seen 11?
20:21 Jordach no
20:21 rubenwardy :/
20:22 Jordach rubenwardy, almost there on a proper replacement for the current beds in minetest game
20:22 Fixer Jordach: 4+
20:22 Fixer :trollface:
20:22 Fixer or worse
20:22 rubenwardy any benefits?
20:22 rubenwardy ie: what's changed (other than a rewrite)
20:22 Jordach rubenwardy, doesn't look like you want to puke from the spaghetti
20:25 Jordach i really should stop my sarcasm
20:25 Jordach if pos == nil then return end -- unlikely, but this is Minetest
20:27 benrob0329 Anything is possible
20:27 Jordach actually
20:27 Jordach going to do something silly
20:28 Jordach remove the requirement to sleep at night entirely
20:28 benrob0329 *except reflections and 60fps at spawn on ve survival
20:28 Jordach top kek
20:28 Jordach i get 60fps there
20:28 Jordach (alright it's 45fps at 1080p ultrawide, but close enough)
20:29 benrob0329 I have a 200 blocks veiw range an a bunch of shaders enabled
20:29 Jordach goddamn i miss RBA already
20:29 benrob0329 We all miss him
20:29 Jordach i miss the days when he'd sit and shit on MT devs for not using Irrlicht correctly
20:30 benrob0329 Lol
20:30 benrob0329 I wish I'd been here to see that
20:30 Jordach he did provide a lot of graphical Polish
20:34 Calinou
20:34 Calinou what I worked on last night ^
20:34 Calinou (the Rust CLI app)
20:35 rubenwardy nice
20:35 rubenwardy let me guess
20:35 rubenwardy electron?
20:35 Calinou heh, no, this is just CLI
20:36 Fixer Okay, Goog...Calinou, rewrite Minetest graphic subsystem!11
20:50 VanessaE nore, are you h ere?
20:50 VanessaE here*
20:50 nore hmm, yeah
20:50 VanessaE --> /msg
20:50 nore ok
21:14 Amaz joined #minetest-project
21:44 Jordach smh
21:44 Jordach
21:44 Jordach i suck, sometimes
21:45 Shara Jordach:  :D
21:45 Jordach :thinking:
21:45 Jordach >launches blender
21:45 Jordach COME ON EILEEN
21:46 Amaz Sam's had a horrible accident :P
21:48 Grandolf joined #minetest-project
21:48 Jordach whoever put 500 miles in an 80s playlist needs to fuck off
21:48 Jordach for 500 miles
21:48 Jordach it ain't red nose day
21:48 Jordach or any other BBC charity event
21:52 Grandolf joined #minetest-project
21:58 Jordach seems legit
21:59 Jordach Shara
21:59 Jordach almost there
21:59 Shara This happened to me with the giant ridable bat...
22:00 Jordach it's visual_scale being applied to the player
22:00 Jordach as well as the model you're attached to
22:00 Jordach if both of them have the same visual_scale, it doesn't happen
22:00 Jordach found that out with my entity intro
22:00 Shara Yea. I had to adjust seperately
22:01 Shara It can give some funny results
22:05 benrob0329 I don't use visual scale, I just adjust the model size
22:05 benrob0329 you don't have those issues then :-)
22:06 Jordach
22:06 Jordach i can sink the head in a few more ;)
22:07 benrob0329 Probably a good idea
22:07 benrob0329 right now it looks like a decapitated sam went to bed
22:07 Jordach lmao
22:09 Jordach the bug i didn't find
22:09 Jordach
22:09 Jordach ayyyyyy lmao
22:09 benrob0329 What I'm thinking for tardis flight is to simply change the playermodel
22:09 benrob0329 And grant the player fly temporary
22:10 Jordach *x-files theme*
22:10 benrob0329 hmm...could make a nice meme video :D
22:11 benrob0329 just a random tardis flying in the background of normal server activity
22:11 benrob0329 with the x files theme
22:11 Shara Jordach: Quick sand?
22:12 benrob0329 dungeons should have traps..
22:12 Jordach Shara, i forgot to reset the animation on leaving the bed
22:12 Shara :)
22:12 Amaz benrob, that would be fun :D
22:13 Jordach Shara, i'm leaving that bug in
22:13 Jordach it's too silly to leave it
22:13 benrob0329 paramat *poke*
22:14 Jordach
22:14 Jordach all snug now
22:14 Jordach totally /comfy/
22:14 benrob0329 Things like quicksand and treasure rooms in dungeons would be awesome
22:14 benrob0329 Noice
22:14 Jordach fun fact
22:14 Jordach the player is actually standing on the bed
22:15 Jordach the animation played shows it;s a lie
22:15 benrob0329 Does it show them getting into bed?
22:15 Jordach no
22:15 benrob0329 Aww
22:15 Jordach bit too out of Minetest's scope
22:16 benrob0329 if they are standing on the bed, it could be done
22:16 benrob0329 buy getting it to look right would be hard
22:16 benrob0329 sorta like smooth door animations
22:16 Jordach Kappa
22:16 paramat lol these screenshots
22:17 benrob0329 actually, smooth door animations might be easier
22:17 benrob0329 Cause you'd just have a single node that spawns an entity
22:18 benrob0329 wait collision boxes would be an issue
22:19 Jordach it takes a few tries, paramat
22:31 Jordach now that the anim is done
22:32 Jordach it's literally the logic to complete sleeping over night
22:38 Grandolf joined #minetest-project
22:41 ircSparky you're working on beds?
22:42 Jordach woohoo
22:42 * Jordach added wardrobe support
22:43 Jordach the only thing is, it just hides the eyes of a player
22:43 Jordach like actually sleeping ;)
22:43 Jordach it even resets upon leaving the bed
22:43 Jordach i mean, who sleepwalks ;)
22:44 Grandolf well...
22:45 Jordach
22:45 Grandolf might b a cool mod lol but wouldnt b good on public servers if after sleeping u teleported like 2 or 3 blocks away
22:45 Jordach it's entirely optional
22:45 Grandolf hm
22:45 Jordach if the wardrobe mod is missing or the feature is disabled it'll stop working
22:45 Jordach it's a bonus extra
22:46 Grandolf will the eyes change color if the rest of the face does?
22:46 Jordach Grandolf, it's all done with layers
22:46 Grandolf ok
22:46 Jordach each layer is coloured and applied on top of each other like a sandwich
22:55 Miner_48er joined #minetest-project
23:00 Jordach time to get to work
23:26 Fixer boat speed is 4 or 5?
23:26 Fixer 5 i think
23:26 kaeza 5
23:27 paramat 5
23:27 paramat 5 vertically also
23:32 kaeza 5 to rule them all
23:35 Jordach woo
23:35 Jordach sleeping is working
23:35 Jordach you can sleep at any time
23:35 Jordach but
23:35 Jordach it only passes the night when it's dark out
23:36 Jordach tomorrow i'll update my server with the new stuff
23:40 Jordach Shara,
23:40 Jordach complete
23:41 Jordach unfortunately it requires my dual compatible skin model with included armour layer
23:41 Jordach see
23:42 Jordach

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