Time Nick Message 12:16 cerulean256 I'd like to move a node at a constant velocity on the y axis but gravity is making it look glitchy.. how do I adjust gravitational properties on an entity? 12:16 cerulean256 set_physics_override applies to the player object.. but is there an equivalent for regular entities? 12:17 nore set_acceleration ? 12:18 cerulean256 set acceleration to cancel out gravity.. that's what you are suggesting? 12:19 nore no, just set_acceleration({x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}) 12:21 cerulean256 so do objects inherit the acceleration based on movement_gravity setting in the conf? 12:22 cerulean256 and if so, does that mean it's -9.81? 12:23 nore I'm not sure... 12:27 cerulean256 nore: your suggestions doesn't work 12:27 nore what do you get? 12:27 cerulean256 the items acceleration is already 0,0,0 12:27 cerulean256 so setting it has no effect 12:28 cerulean256 the item just bounces ever so slightly with a 0,1,0 velocity table 12:29 nore strange... 12:30 nore are you sure the entity isn't stuck somewhere? 12:30 cerulean256 yes.. it's in an open field 12:30 cerulean256 all flat 12:30 cerulean256 in the node of a node 12:30 cerulean256 in the middle of a node* 12:31 cerulean256 node air to be precise :) 12:32 nore wait, is it a builtin item ? 12:36 cerulean256 in this case... yes 12:37 nore builtin items change their acceleration on each server step 12:37 nore that's why you have those glitches 12:39 cerulean256 cha ching! 12:39 cerulean256 mushed together and override. :p 12:40 cerulean256 forgot about the on_step func of the builtin item 12:41 cerulean256 now I can progress... thank you, nore 12:41 nore you're welcome... what mod are you doing? 12:41 cerulean256 I'm doing a bunch.. mostly looking at bringing animated stuff to minetest 12:42 cerulean256 chests that open... doors the swing 12:42 cerulean256 etc, etc, etc. 12:42 cerulean256 elevators that look cool :p 12:43 nore ok, good idea... (I however fear the lag wouldn't make it very usable) 12:44 cerulean256 the animations need to be carried out client side... only coordinates matter 12:44 cerulean256 start/stop positions 12:45 cerulean256 I still have many more tests to do before I make a final decision on this aspect. 13:04 cerulean256 anyone know when always_collect is used on builtin items? 13:06 cerulean256 looks unused to me.. since it's uninitialized in the item_entity.lua file