Time Nick Message 07:28 Mimilus plop 07:28 Mimilus Do you have a link for node_box coordonates when creating node ? 07:32 kaeza1 Mimilus, this topic should help: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5269 07:33 Mimilus thx 07:33 Mimilus just what a was looking for 07:33 kaeza glad to help :) 07:34 Mimilus is there tutos for creating node with blender 07:35 kaeza I believe there was a topic posted not too long ago with a helper scene or something like that 07:35 kaeza there's also this program: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=2840 07:38 Mimilus yes a know this, but i want to do node_box with 1/64 definition 07:38 Mimilus a/i 07:40 Mimilus i have to calculate coordonates so i will take vanessa E tuto 07:40 Mimilus thx 07:42 Mimilus another question 07:43 kaeza 42 07:43 Mimilus is it possible to do a torch/other thing with a color for the light ? 07:43 kaeza not currently 07:44 Mimilus ok 07:44 Mimilus thx 07:46 Mimilus The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy isn't very usefull for minetest :) 15:16 TenPlus1 Hi folks... 15:17 TenPlus1 Does anyone know how to use minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields) 15:18 TenPlus1 I have a formspec with a textlist inside and I'm trying to figure out when selecting an item on the list, to return the item number on the list 15:19 TenPlus1 I'm quite lost 15:20 PilzAdam local event = minetest.exploce_textlist_event(fields); if event.type == "CHG" then local index = event.index; end 15:21 TenPlus1 do I put that line inside the minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields function for the formspec ? 15:23 PilzAdam what name does your textlist element have? 15:23 TenPlus1 skins_set 15:23 TenPlus1 if I select an item from the list I want to be able to set the player skin to THAT item 15:25 PilzAdam https://gist.github.com/PilzAdam/10991874 15:25 PilzAdam try this 15:26 PilzAdam oh, you should also check for formname 15:27 TenPlus1 thanks dude.... 15:27 TenPlus1 testing... 15:32 TenPlus1 does the 'index' value it returns give a line number from the list 1 to whatever ? 15:33 PilzAdam I guess 15:33 TenPlus1 am getting string expected, got nil errors 15:34 PilzAdam and what exactly? 15:34 TenPlus1 "ServerError: /home/john/.minetest/mods/skins/init.lua:139: bad argument #1 to 'sub' (string expected, got nil)" 15:34 PilzAdam and what is line 13? 15:37 PilzAdam eh, line 139 15:37 TenPlus1 the error has gone, it's different now o.O 15:37 PilzAdam whatever 15:38 TenPlus1 "ServerError: /home/john/.minetest/mods/skins/init.lua:80: attempt to concatenate a nil value! 15:48 TenPlus1 thx for your help PilzAdam, managed to figure it out... I kinda wish their were better examples online of how these things work...