Time Nick Message 09:54 TenPlus1 Hi folks... 09:55 TenPlus1 can anyone help me with string functions in lua ? the strsub and strlen dont seem to wanna work in my mod 10:36 TenPlus1 no-one ??? 10:44 CiaranG TenPlus1: You might need to be more specific. Lua string functions do work ;) 10:45 TenPlus1 Hi CiaranG... I'm trying to get the length of a string then cut the string into separate strings 10:45 CiaranG You mean string.sub and string.len though, right? 10:46 TenPlus1 I tried using LUA's own strsub and strlen first, then moved to string.sub and string.len but it's giving me nil values in the length 10:47 TenPlus1 local numb = string.sub(node, string.len(node), 1) <-- grabbing a number at the end of the string 10:49 CiaranG Where is 'node' coming from? 10:49 CiaranG i.e. are you sure it's a string? 10:49 TenPlus1 I'm running an abm action = function(pos, node) node is definitely a string value 10:50 TenPlus1 it's finding a block with a number at the end... I need th cut out the block name and the number as a value 10:51 CiaranG It's definitely not a string then 10:51 CiaranG It's a table 10:51 CiaranG You want node.name 10:51 TenPlus1 oh crap, totally forgot about that... 10:51 TenPlus1 thanks so much dude... 10:52 CiaranG No worries 10:52 TenPlus1 always the tables that get me :P 10:53 TenPlus1 thx again and bye :)