Time Nick Message 15:02 PandemoniuM Im trying to find out if there are any existing examples of adjusting Pitch and Yaw on a block in any mods at the moment 15:03 PandemoniuM im trying to edit the cannon mod to allow for actual aiming of the cannon instead of just off user direction 15:03 PandemoniuM then we can gracefully move onto Howitzers and shell entire cities :] 15:19 kaeza PandemoniuM, hi 15:19 kaeza changing yaw is possible; pitch & roll not AFAIK 15:20 kaeza actually, not in blocks, but in entities 15:22 kaeza look at e.g. simple mobs which change yaw to "looking direction" 15:22 PandemoniuM ah ok ty very much :D 15:22 PandemoniuM oic