Time Nick Message 06:12 ANAND Forum is up but it's extremely slow to respond 06:27 ANAND It's... literally.... crawling..... 06:28 VanessaE *imagines a Minetest logo emblazoned humanoid robot down on all fours* 06:34 ANAND That's exactly how it is rn :P 06:41 VanessaE bbl 06:44 ANAND o/ 13:46 BillyS Is there a way to make a sword do damage as well as having on_use defined? 13:46 BillyS I can use pointed_thing.ref:punch, but I don't know how to get the time from last punch 13:49 BillyS I guess I could do a hacky workaround by leaving on_use undefined and using minetest.register_on_player_hpchange 13:49 BillyS minetest.register_on_punchplayer would be better actually 14:45 rubenwardy Calinou: what CSS library should I use in 2019? 14:45 rubenwardy I like material designs and flat designs 14:55 sfan5 find out what google uses and use that 14:59 BuckarooBanzai please don't use material design :/ 15:00 BuckarooBanzai thats one hell of a bloat... 15:02 rubenwardy material design can be nice if done well 15:02 rubenwardy I'm probably not thinking of material design though 15:03 BuckarooBanzai it looks nice but is pretty sluggish... 15:04 rubenwardy that's usually because of the excessive JS 15:04 rubenwardy you can achive the same design without the excessive JS 15:04 rubenwardy which is basically what I'd like 15:04 BuckarooBanzai i still use bootstrap in 2019... :P 15:14 Calinou rubenwardy: Bulma is a good choice 15:14 Calinou https://tailwindcss.com/ is also worth a look, it relies on composition over a set of premade classes 15:14 Calinou (but make sure to use a tool to remove unused CSS, otherwise you'll be shipping tons of unused CSS) 15:16 Calinou for a student project, I ended up using Bootstrap 4 but that's because people in my group didn't feel like using Bulma 16:30 rubenwardy !seen IcyDiamond 16:30 MinetestBot rubenwardy: icydiamond was last seen at 2019-05-06 10:53:18 UTC on #minetest-hub 16:39 * rubenwardy tries to work out how to make a square grid of tiles in bulma 16:39 BillyS Gah, I need a lawyer just to figure out if the LGPLv2.1+and the BSD 2-Clause are compatible :P 16:39 BillyS I think they are 16:39 BillyS But I don't know what defines "compatible" 16:40 BillyS I'm guessing that it's "no conflicting terms" 16:46 Calinou BillyS: the BSD 2-Clause license is compatible with all GPL and LGPL versions 16:47 Calinou and yeah, "compatible" means you can follow the terms of both licenses at the same time 16:47 BillyS Ah, okay 16:47 BillyS thx 16:47 Calinou https://gnu.org/licenses/license-list 16:48 rubenwardy Calinou: any idea how to make a square column? 16:50 Calinou which framework are you using (if any)? 16:50 rubenwardy bulma 16:50 rubenwardy trying to make a fancy album grid https://i.rubenwardy.com/bW1fH.png 16:51 rubenwardy using multiline columns with is-one-third and is-1by1 16:51 Calinou Bulma has an image class where you can enforce the aspect ratio 16:51 rubenwardy hmmm 16:51 rubenwardy Is there an easy way to put text in front? 16:52 rubenwardy ah, maybe is-overlay 16:53 rubenwardy actually, I don't mind it being below 17:55 rubenwardy One thing I don't like about JS frameworks is that they always feel slower and buggier than plain HTML 17:55 rubenwardy Is it possible to actually make it run well? 17:56 rubenwardy Maybe it's just a psychological thing 18:07 rdococ how would I use a lua mod to detect connected regions of a specific node? 18:12 rdococ nvm, shouldn't be too harsd 21:36 rdococ there's a thread on the forums for mod requests and ideas, but it's just a single thread so you can't see many ideas at once. maybe it would be better as a separate forum?