Time Nick Message 03:21 rubenwardy CDB now has full text search support :D 03:22 rubenwardy and min/max Minetest versions for releases 03:23 rubenwardy it's fairly basically currently. In the future, I can make it weight things differently - ie: something with a term in the title is likely to be more relevant than something with a term in the long description 03:24 rubenwardy it should also include the package popularity 03:24 sofar reminds me that I should scan minetest-mods for 5.0 compatibility issues 03:26 rubenwardy It would be cool if you could make a service which cdb could then post web hooks to 03:27 sofar what kind of service? 03:27 rubenwardy Like, cdb sends the service a http request on new releases, then the service posts a status on the release 03:27 rubenwardy Like GitHub 03:29 rubenwardy OTOH, heh 03:31 sofar not following, what status would you need on github releases? 03:31 rubenwardy Cdb releases 03:32 sofar some sort of tag? 03:34 rubenwardy This is probably over complicated 03:35 rubenwardy Don't really want to implement it 03:35 rubenwardy The idea was to allow other web services to perform checks on mods, such as virus scanning, to avoid complicating cdb further 03:36 rubenwardy But that raises so many more issues eagle 03:36 rubenwardy *really 06:17 sofar okay dumb q, but I can't find anywhere how to convert from to 06:17 sofar seems silly and there should be code for that somewhere :() 15:01 rubenwardy oh no, CDB crashed again https://i.rubenwardy.com/n5LV0.png 15:03 rubenwardy sending an email on every 500 was probably a bad idea 15:15 IcyDiamond Lol 15:43 Calinou you could look into services like sentry.io 15:44 nerzhul rubenwardy, why cdb is crashing ? 15:44 rubenwardy Celery change 15:44 nerzhul it's a python program it should not crash 15:44 nerzhul can you remind me what is celery ? 15:44 rubenwardy /python3.5/site-packages/celery/backends/base.py", line 260, in exception_to_python exc = cls(*exc_msg if isinstance(exc_msg, tuple) else exc_msg) TypeError: __init__() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'params' and 'orig' 15:45 nerzhul is this a f*****g orm ? 15:45 rubenwardy no, celery is a work queue 15:45 nerzhul why don't use use a simple python workgroup with a queue directly ? 15:46 nerzhul and why do you have a work queue for a such case ? 15:46 rubenwardy sigh 15:48 rubenwardy http://www.celeryproject.org/ 15:48 rubenwardy it's the most popular task queue for Python 15:53 rubenwardy ContentDB does also use an ORM 16:21 nerzhul but why a task queue on a web app like this ? it sounds a little bit overkill 16:24 rubenwardy it git clones repositories to extract metadata from them 16:24 rubenwardy it's best not to occupy a web worker thread with that 16:24 rubenwardy because you could end up with 100% of them doing such tasks 16:24 nerzhul okay i understand why it's used 16:25 nerzhul please note if you use wsgi the webworker and the thread are running on the same cpu core/thread 16:28 rubenwardy I'm using gunicorn 16:28 rubenwardy with 4 worker threads 16:29 rubenwardy if the demand gets high, I'll probably move to AWS 16:31 rubenwardy https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=22010 16:59 rubenwardy omg 17:00 rubenwardy someone just PM'd me asking for a password reset 17:00 rubenwardy and said "Minetest should really have a 'please type again' field when entering a password for a server." 17:00 rubenwardy this must be the first time anyone has ever asked for this :) 17:00 rubenwardy Shara :D 17:01 Shara Hmmm .... 17:01 Shara "first time ever" 17:01 * Shara wonders if they have it on purpose just due to recent things. 17:01 Shara have asked* 17:01 Shara I'm not even against it anyway, if it's just done well 17:02 rubenwardy your split button idea would work well 17:02 Fixer we don't have "please type again" field? 17:24 ircSparky ircSparky: Have you published the code of your guns mod? Where can I find it? 17:24 ircSparky sorry for the late response, i didnt release it anywhere 17:24 ircSparky as all the code is, is a few node registries 17:26 ircSparky it wasnt really a mod, just a test to see what I could do with a 3d model 17:29 ircSparky oop 17:29 ircSparky he isnt even here :P 17:31 rubenwardy lol 17:31 rubenwardy he'll be on discord 17:33 ircSparky ok ill @ him 17:52 Fixer you what? 17:58 ircSparky ill mention him @ANAND on Discord 21:14 nerzhul rubenwardy no need for AWS for cdb, sorry to say that but we don't have sufficient client, just optimize your code 21:14 nerzhul 1 cpu 1 gb ram for a such service is sufficient and aws doesn't need your money 22:08 IcyDiamond +1 to nerzhul 22:14 rubenwardy nerzhul: I was more thinking about downloads, my server has a low bandwidth. With multiple downloads, it'll won't be fast 22:14 nerzhul how many bandwidth do you have ? 22:15 nerzhul do you know that ec2 instances are limited in terms of bandwith and you pay for bandwith outside of AWS ? 22:15 nerzhul not only for servers ? 22:17 rubenwardy CDN 22:18 nerzhul you don't need cdn for so few downloads lol 22:18 nerzhul cdn are useful if a single resource is accessed mor than 1k times per hour 22:19 nerzhul we don't have 100k users, useless 22:19 nerzhul just optimze 22:19 nerzhul or use scaleway instances 22:19 nerzhul 200mbps banwdith 22:19 nerzhul 3 euros per month 22:20 nerzhul note: at work we consume 200mbps bandwidth for our b2b apps with 4k users/ second 22:20 nerzhul and they use heavy content 22:20 nerzhul and no we don't use cdn it's useless in our case 22:20 nerzhul cdn is for gblobal delivery only 22:21 nerzhul with thousangs users 22:21 IcyDiamond Wow 22:24 rubenwardy Please can you just chill out 22:28 nerzhul oh i'm 22:28 nerzhul i just prevent you from doing bad things 22:28 nerzhul aws has a very high cost ::p 22:39 IcyDiamond 1505 rules in my server's sshguard iptables chain 22:39 IcyDiamond Bloody hell 22:44 Fixer o p t i m i z e 22:46 IcyDiamond Optimus prime 22:49 Fixer Death of Optimus Prime