Time Nick Message 11:02 rubenwardy merging #10864 in 10 11:02 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/10864 -- ContentDB: Order installed content first by rubenwardy 12:20 MTDiscord Who's in charge of mtg PRs, other than paramat? There's two compression ones I hope get merged for 5.4 12:22 sfan5 Kroc​k, rubenwa​rdy and me are also in the MTG team 15:25 MTDiscord whats the possibility of this(https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/10731) getting merged before 5.4 feature freeze? just asking since physics modifiers used by multiple mods is troublesome sometimes 16:01 Zughy[m] What does `minetest.chat_send_message(...)` in the client-side modding do? I was looking at #7643 and whatever I write inside those brackets, it doesn't appear anywhere. CSM is enabled and the client mod runs smoothly. It's just this function 16:01 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7643 -- send_chat_message truncates 4 byte utf8 strings (codepoints > 0xFFFF) 16:07 sfan5 did you disable csm restrictions on the server? 16:19 Zughy[m] how can I do that? 16:20 sfan5 csm_restriction_flags=0 16:20 sfan5 in minetest.conf 16:25 Zughy[m] thank you :) 16:33 rubenwardy https://github.com/rubenwardy/minetest/commit/d87590a26c98cc211cab3b2b741bfc38f7e8eb81 16:33 rubenwardy sfan5 ^ 16:34 sfan5 code style + a more descriptive function name would be nice 16:34 rubenwardy ok 16:34 rubenwardy also, this means storing itemstack meta in itemstack meta won't be possible 16:34 rubenwardy it's not possible currently 16:36 rubenwardy https://github.com/rubenwardy/minetest/commit/b9a84851cb5a66799cc65d2bebcb337b45f2bf55 16:36 rubenwardy what's a better name than special characters? 16:36 rubenwardy perhaps unsafe 16:37 sfan5 sanitize_string 16:37 sfan5 but the current one is fine too 16:38 rubenwardy https://github.com/rubenwardy/minetest/commit/5e39a51b3e57cdf60f525f04b422daef66a8fc08 16:38 rubenwardy is there a convenient way to remove multiple characters at a time? Well, there's remove_if 16:39 rubenwardy I think remove_if makes it less readable 16:46 Zughy[m] shouldn't #7643 be closed anyway? This seems to happen with Chinese fonts only, which it's not a supported language 16:46 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7643 -- send_chat_message truncates 4 byte utf8 strings (codepoints > 0xFFFF) 16:47 rubenwardy I thought we do support Chinese? 16:47 rubenwardy or does that require IME 16:47 rubenwardy I'm not sure what IME is 16:47 Zughy[m] https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/10634#issuecomment-727539843 16:49 rubenwardy ah 17:04 sfan5 "with Chinese fonts only, which it's not a supported language" ???? 17:05 sfan5 it is supported 19:30 Krock #3165 is not implemented, rubenwardy ? 19:30 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3165 -- Make it possible to change fov ingame 19:30 Krock unless you meant the new player property 19:31 Krock nvm 19:46 rubenwardy Set fov 19:46 rubenwardy player:set_fov exists 19:48 Krock right. thanks. 20:10 Krock will merge #10872 in 15 minutes 20:10 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/10872 -- Include irrlichttypes.h first to work around Irrlicht#433 by numberZero 20:12 rubenwardy nice 20:24 Krock merging 21:18 rubenwardy Sorry for the issue/PR spam 21:18 rubenwardy it's spring cleaning day 21:18 rubenwardy also https://github.com/rubenwardy/minetest/commit/5e39a51b3e57cdf60f525f04b422daef66a8fc08 21:24 MTDiscord That PR title sounds like a fix for a potential exploit...I hope that's not it 21:29 Krock it's great to see some cleanup 21:31 Krock rubenwardy: seems fine 21:33 rubenwardy cool, I'll merge in 10