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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2017-03-09

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08:39 nrzkt sofar: ping
08:44 sofar about to head to bed
08:44 sofar nrzkt: ?
08:44 nrzkt sofar: i hope you can look at #5088 before this weekend to ensure we have a new eye on it for merging it to master :)
08:44 ShadowBot -- Client side scripting/modding by nerzhul
08:44 sofar I've barely had a minute to myself in the last 2 weeks
08:44 sofar that and the jetlag
08:44 sofar plus the funeral
08:45 nrzkt yeah, i'm sorry for you :(
08:45 sofar I know, just trying to spend my time where I enjoy it most for a bit
08:45 nrzkt i addressed some comments on #4421
08:45 ShadowBot -- Expose getPointedThing() as Raycast by juhdanad
08:46 sofar with that said, fuck the clock, shut up, it's not past midnight yet
08:47 sofar oh, good
08:47 * sofar heads to bed
08:48 nrzkt :p
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19:28 paramat please can anyone review #4967 ? tested, just needs 1 more +1. top priority for review, fixes most light bugs
19:28 ShadowBot -- New bulk node light update by juhdanad
19:29 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
19:29 paramat now we have a new leafdecay system i would like to make bushes decay, any objections?
19:31 paramat watching let's play videos i'm seeing players digging bushes as their first action, and leaving a mess of leaves :]
19:33 Krock code-wise looks good for me
19:35 Krock any performance changes? Faster, slower or about the same as before?
19:37 sofar leafdecay? much lower overhead
19:38 Krock sofar, good - but I actually talked about the light update change. Topic, man ;)
19:41 sofar ah lol
19:44 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
19:48 paramat apparently the new bulk node light updates are faster too
19:51 paramat game#1611 might merge later, trivial deco stuff
19:51 ShadowBot -- Mapgen: Use decoration sidelen 16 for jungletrees and junglegrass by paramat
19:53 paramat nerzhul nore sfan5 sofar i'm proposing Krock as a core dev for engine and game, perhaps sometime you can state your opinions in this channel
19:53 sofar Krock: are you up for it?
19:55 Krock sofar, I think so, yes.
19:55 sofar paramat: that's good enough for me - Krock's a keeper!
19:56 Krock will bring some wood to the flamewar to make it end faster ;)
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20:08 paramat :]
20:09 paramat oh rubenwardy too, can't remember if i asked you
20:10 paramat btw please can someone permanently voice rubenwardy so he appears next to the other devs in my IRC client list? the separation is a problem
20:29 paramat bush decay game#1612 with a question about using 'place param2' instead of 'after place leaves'
20:29 ShadowBot -- Leafdecay: Make bush leaves decay by paramat
20:40 lumidify joined #minetest-dev
20:48 rubenwardy no objections, paramat
20:59 paramat ok
21:11 paramat i might add 2 more coral colours, the blue and yellow ones from here coral reefs perhaps need more colour
21:25 sofar I wouldn't do the very light colors from that issue though
21:25 sofar maybe a deeper blue and yellow
21:25 sofar darker
21:27 sofar and again, water is already blue
21:38 paramat ok
21:38 proller joined #minetest-dev
21:41 celeron55 paramat: done
21:42 paramat thanks!
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