Time Nick Message 08:34 nrzkt hi -dev ! trivial but a long #4574 ready for review 08:34 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/4574 -- Replace various std::map with UNORDERED_MAP + various cleanups by nerzhul 08:47 sfan5 nrzkt: lgtm 08:53 nrzkt sfan5: merging then :) 08:56 nrzkt done 09:18 Hijiri can someone check #4128 09:18 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/4128 -- Prevent attached models from disappearing during parent reload by Foghrye4 09:22 nrzkt Hijiri: i'm doing it 09:22 Hijiri thanks 09:24 nrzkt done, 09:24 nrzkt some spaces, some code lines to change 09:25 nrzkt and i ask you to change one MT container type because you are manipulating it here to generic type permitting to switch to C++11 optimized set for this use case 09:27 Hijiri It's not my PR 09:27 nrzkt oh i see :) 13:35 red-001 intersting you can search the posts of users who no longer have an account 13:36 Krock seems like you had some strange number overflow in your name, which started with 1 instead of 0 13:44 _Megaf Krock: not binary based 13:44 Krock yes, thus, strange. 13:44 _Megaf Krock: is base 10, he goes to 999 and resets to 1 13:44 _Megaf I know, should start in 0 13:44 _Megaf [08:27:11] --> red-999 (red-999@ has joined #minetest-dev 13:45 red-255 so much for my cloak 13:46 red-255 :) 13:49 * _Megaf stops talking before someone says it's not minetest development related 13:54 * red-255 says it's not minetest development related 14:16 nrzkt guys, release was in apr/may. it's time to release no ? is there any blocker to release MT 0.4.15 ? 14:16 nrzkt many fixes has been added and some little feature 14:17 Fixer i see reason for not for 0.4.15 :( 14:31 nrzkt we didn't do sub patch 14:31 nrzkt major.minor.patch 14:31 nrzkt 6 months of commit it's a patch :) 14:31 nrzkt we didn't need to be impressive if it's only user experience improvements 16:10 paramat Fixer we're very aware of bugs and do care, the issue is simply lack of dev time. please stop being so negative, it's actually harmful to the project. how about improving your coding and starting to contribute since you care so much and have so much time to report bugs and complain? :] 16:14 paramat your nick is funny 16:14 * paramat changes your nick to Whiner 16:32 Zeno` https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DZmyAWul9Y 16:35 paramat i'll merge games 1306 1307 soon 16:37 paramat sofar sfan5 nore rubenwardy i need game#1303 for new biomes, please can i merge that too? 16:37 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1303 -- Default: Add grey sand by paramat 16:37 sfan5 grey sand is a little weird as a description 16:37 Zeno` #1306 16:37 sfan5 how about "dark sand" or "cold sand"? 16:37 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1306 -- Fix line run on, making lua-api.txt more readable. by hoodedice 16:37 Zeno` +1 16:38 Zeno` #1307 16:38 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1307 -- Add minetest.register_on_punchplayer by Bremaweb 16:38 sofar can I get a sec to see if I can come up with a better name for grey/gray sand? 16:38 nore paramat: same comment as sfan5: "Grey sand" looks weird, but once this is changed, +1 16:38 Zeno` err 1307 is already merged 16:39 Zeno` oh games 16:39 Zeno` oops :) 16:40 * Zeno` listens to Evie song again 16:40 nore (also: since we are starting to have quite diverse versions of basically the same thing (for sand, trees, ...), it would be nice to make them somehow a bit different) 16:40 paramat sure we can improve the name 16:40 nore (would be harder for sand than for wood though) 16:41 paramat texture seems fine to me, it's a lovely design 16:42 sofar fluvial sand, alluvial sand, volcanic sand... trying to find better names... 16:42 paramat i chose 'grey sand' to make it more flexible in use, not restricted to cold desert, but sure i don't mind a new name 16:43 Zeno` volcanic sand is normally black. Although it might be grey if there is coral reef involved as well. The merging of the two is... hmm... variable 16:43 sofar eolian sand would do well, but it's a difficult word 16:43 sofar Zeno`: volcanic sands often turn gray after a while when exposed to sunlight 16:43 Zeno` sofar is the geologist... we should listen to him! 16:44 sofar but sure, many people think volcanic sands are dark, and they mostly are 16:44 sofar I' 16:44 Zeno` sofar, I have a black pearl (which is really grey) 16:44 sofar I'm not actually looking for a name that declares the origin of the sand 16:44 sofar just posing ideas 16:44 Zeno` from an area which has volcanic sands 16:44 sofar lol 16:45 Zeno` apparently it's probably worth some $$ 16:45 Zeno` but I aint selling it 16:46 Zeno` I dunno if alluvial sand would be correct... wouldn't that depend of the alluvium? 16:46 paramat btw this biome will extend from 'cold desert' into (dry) tundra climate 16:47 Zeno` auxiliary sand 16:47 Zeno` :D 16:47 sofar Zeno`: `alluvial` means `in a river dominated geomorphology` 16:48 sofar e.g. non-marine 16:48 Zeno` sofar, yeah, but wouldn't the sand colour then depend on what is being eroded into the river/stream? 16:48 sofar eolian can mean near seas as well (dunes) or desert 16:49 sofar alluvial sands are usually more rich in detritus and clay, so yes, browner 16:49 Zeno` hmm ok 16:49 sofar that's why aeolian fits better 16:49 Zeno` what about in sandstone areas? :D 16:50 Zeno` aeolian is a bit hard to type 16:50 sofar we could call it `dune sand` to simplify 16:50 Zeno` yeah that'd work 16:51 Zeno` i guess :/ 16:51 Zeno` what about sand dunes? lol 16:51 Zeno` (i mean beach ones) 16:51 sofar at least it avoids the `gray` vs `grey` sand problem 16:51 Zeno` but this is a bit silly hehehe 16:51 Zeno` desert sand? 16:52 sofar how about 16:52 sofar `silver sand` 16:52 sofar avoid the whole genealogy debate 16:52 paramat silver was my first idea 16:52 sofar isn't weird like grey, perhaps? 16:52 Zeno` so, "grey" is the issue? 16:52 Zeno` just call it "dark sand" 16:53 sofar in dutch it's even a word I think 16:53 paramat the biome is inspired by high cold deserts in pakistan 16:53 sofar silversand (loosely translated) 16:53 sofar I'd be quite content with it being called `silver sand` 16:53 sofar it fits the biome, it's a bit more descriptive and catching 16:53 paramat it's a prettier word 16:54 Zeno` sounds nice 16:54 sofar do it 16:55 paramat ^ nore sfan5 ? 16:55 sfan5 yup 16:55 sfan5 though it should be "silversand" not "silver sand" 16:55 paramat https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_vmUKfXEAA1c2_.jpg 16:56 paramat nope silver_sand, node names now use seperated word 16:56 paramat http://www.pakistantoursguide.pk/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Cold-desert-at-dusk.%E2%80%94-S.M.Bukhari.jpg 16:56 sfan5 i meant the description 16:58 paramat ah i would think Silver Sand is correct english 16:58 sofar english usually splits out words 16:58 sfan5 it is 16:58 sofar german/dutch concatenate 16:58 sofar I'd split it out myself 16:58 paramat yeah, ok thanks everyone 16:59 T4im "Police helps dog bite victim." 16:59 sfan5 i'm aware that "silversand" is not correct english, i'd just name it that way because it's not really quite literally supposed to be "just" silver colored sand 16:59 redyellow sand maked from sliver dust? 17:00 redyellow made* 17:00 paramat i see 'silversand' is often used as a fancy name 17:00 Krock as a name for an infrumental album from 1985 for example 17:00 Krock *instrumental 17:00 paramat heh 17:13 sfan5 serverlist stats are in << https://kitsunemimi.pw/tmp/serverlist_stats_2016-10-05.txt 17:13 sfan5 could be interesting for coredevs 17:15 paramat it is 17:15 twoelk modernhousebuild? 17:15 sfan5 android clones have quite silly names 17:16 twoelk I didn't know you could actually identify them 17:18 T4im passive os fingerprinting, i assume :) 17:19 paramat mobile is 93%! 17:19 twoelk 16 older than winXP? wonder what they ran on 17:20 T4im oh, that's simple user agent parsing? 17:20 sfan5 yes it is 17:21 T4im any chance of minetest unrelated bots being part of that? 17:21 T4im you know, exploit scaners 17:22 T4im nvm, i should've read the rest first x) 17:23 twoelk so most users by far use some sort of multicraft :-( 17:23 T4im it's impressive how many old clients are still in play 17:26 Krock but wow.. two million ingame server list fetches 17:27 Krock and that in less than a month 17:27 twoelk hm, this is for ten days right? so we have a quarter million clients per day? If some of those are rejoins or such this still gives minetest some hundreds of thousands unique users per day 17:27 Krock yeah, imperssive 17:28 T4im doesn't the same client update the lists, too after a while? or at least when switching tabs? 17:28 Krock no, only when removing or adding favourites 17:28 twoelk creating clicks by server hopping? 17:28 T4im well switching tabs updates server status here though, Krock 17:29 Krock ah right, yes 17:30 Krock right now I noticed that I submit wrong data by using my browser to fetch the list. x64 linux gets some clicks more by that xD 17:31 sfan5 T4im: F5 and take a look at the effective version distribution 17:31 sfan5 then you'll be much happier 17:32 T4im ah :D 17:34 T4im why are some absolute numbers smaller in the effective distribution now though? 17:34 T4im shouldn't all of them be larger if you distribute the third-party applications onto them? 17:35 T4im eh nvm 17:35 T4im theyare 17:37 twoelk I wonder wether the desktop/mobile ratio is tipped towards mobile devices because they reconnect much more often due to bad internet and such 17:37 Krock could be 17:38 twoelk the last time I tried to play from a phone I was in an overland bus with a bad wlan connection 17:39 sfan5 i could count unique ip addresses in a time frame of 30 minutes 17:39 sfan5 but then i'd need to do all the stats again 17:39 sfan5 nahhh 17:42 twoelk I did notice on some servers that sometimes players are disconnected and reconnect in groups, like a netsplit on irc 17:43 Fixer sfan5: do it, is not it is interesting to confirm 7% desktop share? 17:43 sfan5 no i'm going to have some ice cream now 17:43 twoelk yummy 17:44 * T4im wonders if mobile clients aren't essentially just crowd sourced bots 17:44 Fixer i go eat too 17:44 twoelk well looking at their behaviour does let one wonder 18:58 nrzkt will push a little compilation fix since recent commit that travis didn't point 18:59 nrzkt pushed 19:52 redyellow will minimal be included in the next release? 19:55 _Megaf probably 19:58 sfan5 minimal will always be included unless we find a reason to omit it 19:58 redyellow It doesn't really make sense to include it 19:59 sfan5 paramat: greysand now has 2 approvals 19:59 sfan5 why not? 19:59 redyellow only the sort of people that complie minetest from source have a use for it 20:00 redyellow half of the game is code for testing stuff 20:01 paramat ok 20:01 est31 thats why it says "this is minimal and only intended for developers" 20:02 paramat minimal is probably useful in stable 20:02 paramat i always keep a 'last stable' version around for testing and comparing 20:06 _Megaf minimal is good for making mods too 20:08 redyellow you can't make a lot of mods using minimal 20:08 redyellow most mods depend on default 20:13 paramat i'll merge game#1310 also, a trivial tuning of ABM speed to match previous ABM version 20:13 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1310 -- Default/functions: Tune speed of grass spread ABM by paramat 20:15 paramat ok will merge games 1303 1306 1307 1310 in 20mins 20:21 sfan5 paramat: why can't we add bushes btw 20:35 paramat we can, that's in the pipeline 20:36 Krock that pipeline with the valve on the one side? 20:36 nrzkt sfan5, i'm working on a worker for C++11 builds using gcc #4578, i will change our exclusion mode to inclusion matrix 20:36 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/4578 -- [WIP] Changes on travis build matrix by nerzhul 20:36 Krock sometimes it flushes through, sometimes it gets stuck 20:36 paramat with the closed valve yes 20:37 sfan5 wait didn't you say that you don't want/like bushes? 20:37 sfan5 also for which biomes are bushes planned? 20:39 paramat est31 hmmmm nore nrzkt sfan5 sofar Tesseract rubenwardy we're considering a release for around winter solstice Dec 21st, 2.5 months from now 20:39 paramat erm we disagreed on some details, like bushes in jungles 20:40 est31 paramat, okay with me 20:40 nrzkt paramat, we're ? who ? because in the list you poke everybody except you in team :p 20:40 sfan5 lemme dig up the bushes pr again 20:40 paramat but they're good in savanna and maybe grassland too 20:40 paramat yeah there's new discussion 20:42 paramat and this time i think we can manage the release together 20:43 sofar I'd settle for bushes like mine in savannah's. I'd be exhilerated with small bush clumps in grassland 20:43 paramat yes i like the 3x3x2 savanna bushes 20:44 sfan5 nrzkt: see my comments 20:44 sofar how about a pine needle version of that in grassland? 20:44 nrzkt sfan5, did you remove the condition fix comment ? i saw it but after refresh... disappear (for the ||) 20:44 paramat those with generic 'bush leaves' nodes, in savanna and grassland is fine by me 20:44 sfan5 yes i added a more comprehensive one instead 20:44 paramat i'd rather keep pine nedles to pine trees 20:44 paramat (needles) 20:45 nrzkt nice idea for the compiler var :) 20:45 sfan5 keeps the code compact :) 20:45 paramat nrzkt by 'we' i meant a discussion a few devs had a few days ago 20:46 nrzkt paramat, who ? :) 20:46 nrzkt sfan5, yes ofc 20:46 nrzkt i think we could remove llvm install no ? 20:47 nrzkt it's included in base ? 20:47 nrzkt i will test it 20:47 paramat erm me, est, sfan .. can't remember 20:47 nrzkt ty paramat 20:47 nrzkt because apt-get install $COMPILER i think i can remove the clang + llvm 3.1 20:47 sfan5 not sure, try that before 20:47 sfan5 i think we used that because ubuntu 12.04 had outdated versions 20:48 nrzkt okay, but 16.04 is now out 20:48 nrzkt and 14.04 :) 20:48 sfan5 indeed 20:48 sfan5 we need travis to update 20:48 sfan5 but i'm sure you can set a newer version in travis 20:49 sfan5 i might try this with minetest/minetestmapper travis today 20:49 nrzkt will try it 20:49 nrzkt for this PR i can do some cleanups :) 20:49 nrzkt yes i can remove -std=c++11 because GCC 6.2 enable std=c++14 20:49 nrzkt i will test it by adding a std::unordered_map in map t obe sure 20:49 sfan5 paramat: so we can agree on acacia bushes whose trunks should drop sticks? and also the leaves should be a seperate node somehow? 20:50 paramat yes, the leaves nodes might drop sticks, we might use a trunk node at the centre to provide wood 20:51 paramat (for grassland) 20:51 sofar just do trunk + leaves 20:51 sfan5 why should the leaves drop sticks? 20:51 sofar I don't see why you'd make it more complex 20:51 sfan5 IMO there isn't much material in bush leaves 20:51 sofar keeps it simple for the players 20:51 paramat we could use the generic 'tree' node for the trunk 20:51 sfan5 so you can't justify it dropping sticks 20:51 sofar I don't see the need for it 20:51 sfan5 just make the trunk drop sticks 20:51 paramat fine by me 20:51 sofar why sticks? 20:52 paramat wood 20:52 sofar just make it drop a log like normal 20:52 sfan5 nah 20:52 sfan5 bushes are way less dense than normal trees 20:52 sfan5 it would be kinda weird if they dropped comparable amount of resources 20:52 sofar it's a blocky game with everything being 1m3 20:52 sofar lol 20:52 sofar sorry, I think it's overdoing it :) 20:53 paramat i know it's weird but the idea was to provide enough wood to make a tool, in grassland 20:54 sfan5 can't we make it drop half a wood node? :D 20:54 sofar how many bushes are you going to put in mapgen? 20:54 sofar that's really the question 20:54 paramat i guess it could directly drop a small amount of wood 20:55 sofar if you are going to make a significant amount, then maybe, it makes sense to limit resources 20:55 sofar if you are going to scatter a few very far apart, then it doesn't matter 20:55 paramat i was thinking quite scattered and sparse in grassland, but larger clumps in savanna 20:55 sofar say, 5 bushes in a 200x200 space 20:55 sofar each 1 trunk 20:56 sofar that's 5 trunks in a 40000 node surface 20:56 paramat in savanna density is not an issue because trees 20:56 sofar who cares it's 5 logs instead of 10 sticks? 20:56 sofar it's still not enough to build a house! 20:56 sofar (20 planks doesn't make a shed, even) 20:57 sofar sure, it's 80 sticks, so I can make a nice long ladder and some basic tools 20:57 paramat the issue is, whether to provide wood for tools in grassland, if not sticks might be more suitable 20:57 paramat i'm not too bothered either way 20:57 sofar either way you look at it, if you make it sparse enough it's not enough to do major construction 20:58 sofar so don't bother making it drop even less artificially 20:58 nrzkt okay then there is g++-6 usage https://travis-ci.org/minetest/minetest/jobs/165354980 but i need to ensure it work by adding c++11 container explicitely to code :) 20:58 paramat yeah 20:59 paramat the new biomes mean that there's more chance player is a long way from any forest 20:59 paramat personally i think that's good for exploration 21:00 Fixer i really miss this: possibility to see rough map of a given seed before world creation 21:00 Fixer not all seeds are nice 21:00 Fixer some are boring 21:01 paramat my latest core mapgen has a way to shrink the whole world down to a 3D map 21:01 paramat very useful for devving 21:01 paramat but could be used by players too 21:02 paramat you can zoom to any scale 21:02 Fixer lets say i want seed with island in ocean 21:03 Fixer minecraft has nice configuration menu for world, ore settings, water level, here it is hard to adjust water level 21:03 Fixer i want ocean world, that means i need to write my mod 21:03 Fixer or arctic only world 21:03 sofar water level can be tuned 21:05 Fixer on my first try I increased water level up and made arctic only, but then I discovered underground trees :) 21:05 Fixer underwater* 21:06 nrzkt if that build pass https://travis-ci.org/minetest/minetest/jobs/165356862 we have working c++11 CI. and then i will squash my commits. Can you review a last time sfan5 please ? (except the std::unordered change which is just for testing) 21:07 sfan5 in a few mins, sure 21:10 nrzkt nice build pass 21:11 paramat yes changing water level screws up any non-mgv6 mapgen unless you reregister all biomes and decorations 21:11 paramat better to use noise params to lower terrain 21:12 sfan5 nrzkt: see comments 21:12 sfan5 if you fix that you have my +1 21:12 nrzkt fixed the two conditions :) 21:12 nrzkt strange, unittests are not working with C++11 21:13 nrzkt somes are unconditonally failing 21:13 sfan5 is it pcg random? 21:13 sfan5 or something with streams & floats? 21:13 nrzkt [FAIL] testAllSettings - 1ms 21:13 nrzkt [FAIL] testAtomicSemaphoreThread - 7ms 21:14 nrzkt only those 21:14 paramat it possible to write mods that create miniature 3D 'seed previews' of the core mapgens 21:14 sfan5 never seen those fail 21:15 nrzkt i know but two builds failed exactly here 21:15 nrzkt comparing const char* vs std::string 21:15 nrzkt it's not good in c++11 21:16 nrzkt on my pc cannot reproduce easily, coredump on floating point exception 21:16 sfan5 same here 21:17 nrzkt systematic on the test after testPcgRandom 21:19 paramat (will merge those 4 game PRs in a moment) 21:22 nrzkt sfan5, in fact in debug mode i have the unit tests problem mentionned by travis and in release mode the floating point failure 21:24 nrzkt sfan5, the problem is the std::unordered_map i used in a previous commit sfan5 for the settings 21:24 nrzkt the generated string is different 21:25 sfan5 ah yes 21:26 sfan5 serialization gets non-deterministic with unordered maps 21:26 nrzkt i don't know how fix this... except remove this test 21:26 sfan5 which one? (github code link please) 21:27 paramat merging 21:27 nrzkt sfan5, https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/src/unittest/test_settings.cpp#L200 21:28 nrzkt this line 21:28 sfan5 hm yes that's hard 21:28 sfan5 comment it out for now i guess 21:29 nrzkt sfan5, or ifndef c++11 like ? 21:29 nrzkt to use it in old builds but not in c++11 ? 21:29 sfan5 that works too 21:31 paramat merge complete 21:31 nrzkt lol 21:32 nrzkt testAtomicSemaphoreThread problem is only due to uninitalized variable and c++11 doesn't like it 21:32 nrzkt random value in atomic :) 21:34 I_wish_I_was_a_l #3900 21:34 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3900 -- Add a button for disabling all mods to world config. by red-001 21:34 I_wish_I_was_a_l #3900 21:34 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3900 -- Add a button for disabling all mods to world config. by red-001 21:40 _Megaf T4im: [22:29:52] [git] t4im -> minetest/minetest_game: Fix sapling placement handling of on_rightclick and CONTENT_IGNORE 32f7051 https://git.io/vPnSd (2016-10-05T22:22:15+01:00) 21:40 _Megaf awesome! 21:41 nrzkt sfan5, i found the problem i think 21:41 nrzkt 0 % 0 21:41 nrzkt i think 21:43 nrzkt very very strange 21:43 nrzkt if (bound == 0) 21:43 nrzkt return next(); 21:43 nrzkt but 21:43 nrzkt i have this line after 21:43 nrzkt std::cout << bound << " test2" << std::endl; 21:43 nrzkt and it works 21:43 nrzkt ... 21:43 nrzkt and bound = 0 21:45 nrzkt sfan5, i'm waiting for travis but did you agree with last version ? 22:26 _Megaf Some of the latest commits broke minetestserver!! #4579 22:26 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/4579 -- SEG FAULT on entering anything on the curses terminal. 22:27 _Megaf sfan5: nrzkt paramat ˆ 22:28 nrzkt merging #4578 22:28 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/4578 -- Changes on travis build matrix by nerzhul