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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-12-10

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01:20 VanessaE oh G*d this sign-on lag has GOTTA STOP
01:20 VanessaE EVERY.  SINGLE.  SIGN-ON.
01:20 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-dev
01:20 VanessaE causes everyone else to lag out
01:25 VanessaE well?
01:25 VanessaE what's the deal?
01:25 VanessaE does anyone give a shit about playability anymore?
01:25 VanessaE or is it just all about code now?
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01:55 hmmmm oh wow that's neat
01:55 hmmmm so I was just running around randomly spamming torches
01:55 hmmmm not a lot mind you, and with no mods at all
01:56 hmmmm error trying to store object id=blah over 49 objects deleting
01:56 hmmmm and then all of a sudden an entire couple rows of nodes disappear and in their place, the dropped node cubes show up in their place
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12:25 celeron55
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15:53 thexyz it seems that `rename` on Windows is not atomic
15:54 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
15:54 thexyz
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18:00 celeron55 i'm somewhat uncomfortable with the possible performance regression of removing the texture atlas
18:00 celeron55 the more i think it, the more likely it seems to be a big deal
18:02 ShadowNinja Well, it didn't work. And IIRC it broke shaders.
18:02 celeron55 it was just laziness; of course it can be made to work
18:03 celeron55 a proper test should be made with an as complicated as possible (newest worls aren't loadable with an old enough version, so we should find the newest possible backup of a busily built world)
18:03 celeron55 +world
18:03 ShadowNinja Well I never noticed a big difference, but if you think there is one you could try. But I think Minetest has oter issues that would improve performance a lot more than a texture atlas.
18:03 ShadowNinja +if fixed
18:04 celeron55 there is an issue with that testing though - the texture atlas implementation wasn't built for these hundreds or thousands of registered nodes and it can't optimized that
18:04 celeron55 we'd need one that will make as many texture atlases as is needed for all nodes
18:04 celeron55 optimize*
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18:30 celeron55
18:30 celeron55 this allows one to see the amount of meshbuffers being drawn
18:30 celeron55 it's basically the amount of draw calls
18:31 celeron55 the amount of drawn blocks is profiled in another place in the code; by these it's somewhat easy to see how many excess calls are made
18:34 celeron55 ideally texture atlasing would put everything in one block to one meshbuffer, or at maximum to as many meshbuffers as there are texture atlases (if the block contains textures from every atlas)
18:35 celeron55 i consider a busy place in the eden subgame a reasonable test case for this; i get like 31 meshbuffers per block (which is the amount of textures in a block)
18:35 bas080 joined #minetest-dev
18:36 celeron55 that's bound to be the bottleneck on at least some hardware, if not all
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19:06 celeron55 this should simulate the performance of a perfect texture atlas:
19:07 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
19:07 celeron55 oh actually no, wait
19:08 celeron55 well yes, it's good enough for that
19:09 nore joined #minetest-dev
19:09 celeron55 i'm pretty sure something is wrong though; it shouldn't look so bad
19:15 celeron55 ah, got it
19:15 celeron55
19:15 celeron55 now it looks sane (=everything is grass, simulating that everything comes from the same atlas)
19:17 celeron55 VanessaE: try that on your client when being on your server's performance hogging places
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19:33 sapier I don't understand much about texture atlas but isn't irrlicht supposed to cache those textures and only pass references? (at least that's what I'd expect from a reasonable sane 3d engine)
19:37 celeron55 the thing is that GPUs are incredibly slow at switching textures to render with
19:37 celeron55 and there's a large overhead in each call to the GPU otherwise too
19:38 sapier ok and solution is using one texture using scaling cropping and offset? (just guessing right now)
19:38 celeron55 yes, that's what texture atlas means
19:38 celeron55 or really we need to use many to accomodate all the stuff in a fully modded minetest, but anyway
19:39 celeron55 the point is, less textures means probably way more performance
19:39 sapier therefore we need n*sizeof(biggesttexture) within texture atlas
19:39 sapier or use different texture atlasses for different sized textures
19:40 celeron55 we can simply put any sized textures in any atlas; there's nothing forcing any similarity to them
19:40 celeron55 that's what minetest originally did, but then it got broken and nobody wanted to fix it and it got removed
19:40 sapier but offset calculation will be way more difficult
19:40 celeron55 it's calculated when it's generated; it's very simple
19:40 celeron55 and minetest has the framework for transferring those offsets around
19:41 celeron55 well, at least had
19:41 sapier ok but doesn't this only work in a simple way for eqal sized textures?
19:42 celeron55 i don't understand why you're asking so much
19:42 sapier because I want to know what needs to be done
19:42 celeron55 it worked fine and simply took any kind of textures, and wasn't that complicated
19:42 celeron55 just look up the commit that removed it
19:42 sapier it worked fine as long as noone used hdx textures
19:43 celeron55 you can't put many HD textures in atlases because the texture size in GPUs is limited
19:43 sapier hope that's the only problem
19:44 celeron55 well there were some bugs afaik
19:44 celeron55 but no design bugs; just implementation bugs
19:45 sapier Of course I don't understand details of it but I assume texture atlas to be a "huge" texture containing real textures aligned in a grid am I right about that?
19:45 celeron55 anyway the removal commit is 8161ab573fd6f8a45b3986278ce7fc1596140526
19:45 celeron55 aligned in whatever way
19:46 celeron55 = a huge texture containing multiple small ones; it's a texture atlas no matter how you do it other than that
19:46 sapier ok so in worst case a atlas contains a single texture
19:47 sapier and atlas contains information about position and size ... guess that should work
19:47 celeron55 basically, instead of transferring around pointers to textures, you transfer around a pointer to a texture plus "UV" coordinates to the texture
19:47 celeron55 and then bind the texture according to those the vertices when actually drawing stuff
19:47 sapier +size of texture to do apropriate scaling
19:47 celeron55 to the vertices*
19:47 celeron55 sapier: minetest has TextureSource
19:48 celeron55 instead of giving out textures from it, it can give out texture+uv structs; that's what the AtlasPointer was about
19:49 sapier of course ... how does texture atlas handle texture compression? do we use it at all?
19:49 celeron55 no
19:49 celeron55
19:49 sapier ok so no need to think about it
19:50 PilzAdam hmmmm,
19:51 PilzAdam this seems to be reproduceable (i.e. it crashes on every server shutdown)
19:51 celeron55 however before jumping into doing it, we should have benchmarks based on the code i pasted initially
19:51 celeron55 this
19:51 daswort hi i compiled MT from git but i still get an empty online mod repo in the UI. and i don't get messages on STDOUT about anything related to the ingame mod-repo viewer.
19:51 sapier I'm just thinking about what needs to be done
19:52 PilzAdam daswort, do you have curl support compiled in?
19:53 daswort is there a flag for it? i used the DRUN-in-place-FLAG
19:53 daswort but curl is installed anyway.
19:53 sapier then you don't havce curl
19:53 sapier DENABLE_CURL=1
19:53 PilzAdam it should say something like "USE_CURL=1"  in the in-game pause menu
19:53 PilzAdam (or in --version)
19:53 sapier really use?
19:54 sapier I allways mix it up
19:54 daswort USE_CURL=0
19:54 PilzAdam sapier, the cmake flag is still ENABLE_CURL
19:54 daswort okay
19:54 daswort another problem is that the public server list stays empty, is that related?
19:55 PilzAdam yep
19:55 sapier same
19:56 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
19:57 daswort will recompile, BTW why isn't that standard?
19:57 sapier because not everyone has curl installed
19:58 celeron55 it not being automatically enabled if curl is installed is a bug
19:58 celeron55 it's not fixed because people are apparently lazy 8)
19:58 sapier others consider it a sane preconfiguration
19:58 daswort well why does wget not work? it is installed everywhere (well windows…)
19:58 sapier as minetest doesn't bother to ask about connecting to internet
19:59 celeron55 asking about connecting to the internet in 2013, when entering a public listing in a game?
20:00 celeron55 are you nuts? 8)
20:00 sapier it doesn't connect on enter but on startup
20:00 sapier especially in 2013 after everyone got aware of actual done surveillance!
20:01 sapier but I know that depends on everyones personal opinion
20:05 specing daswort: forget it, the mod ui is nearly useless since not many mods are listed there
20:05 specing you will have to manually download most of the mods
20:06 sapier if a mod isn't listet there it's the modders problem
20:06 specing lol
20:07 celeron55 the server list is quite objectively useful though
20:07 sapier mmdb uses SAME login as forum so adding a mod and uploading a mod is a matter of minutes so there's no reason to not do it
20:07 daswort Pretty much a chicken egg situation. (BTW: The Egg was first)
20:07 PilzAdam sapier, no, its the usability of the web interface
20:08 PilzAdam its not good currently
20:08 PilzAdam iqualfragile marked that as "wontfix", though, so....
20:08 celeron55 8D
20:08 daswort relevant? →
20:09 sapier what are you talking about pilzadam? did you ever use it?
20:09 specing sapier: since the mod db was introduced recently, one of you will have to go and manually add all mods to it that can be added
20:09 PilzAdam sapier, I want it to get the mod from github, a tag or branch or whatever
20:09 sapier so because of YOUR personal believes the mod ui is bad?
20:09 specing waiting for modders to do it will turn players into skeletons before it becomes even remotely complete
20:10 PilzAdam I dont want to upload new versions for every single commit I make
20:10 daswort I suggested qualfragile a maintainer feature, so people can become maintainer if devs don't care (and license allows it).
20:10 sapier so because of your lazyness you refuse mmdb's peer review process?
20:10 PilzAdam sapier, basically yes
20:11 sapier sane reason for sure !
20:12 sapier btw 1030 modstore improvement is still waiting for a single coredev to agree
20:12 sapier or deny for some reason ... by now it's constantly ignored
20:13 sapier ... for the lazy ones
20:14 PilzAdam "achiev"
20:14 sapier "moon"
20:14 sapier a little bit more details plz
20:15 PilzAdam its achieve
20:15 sapier where did you find it?
20:15 PilzAdam third line of the diff
20:15 celeron55 lol
20:15 PilzAdam eh, 2nd line of the additions
20:15 VanessaE celeron55: without the "fake it, all grass" patch, solid meshbuffers drawn = 1869 (and 60 transparent ones) at the "bad" spot in my creative server (looking north from the spawn).  your all grass patch does not apply, however.
20:16 PilzAdam also everytime you dont put spaces after , in the function parameter list a kitten dies
20:16 sapier so we're now doing language correctness checks ... good god
20:16 celeron55 VanessaE: well apply it manually or something; maybe you have some slightly interfering branch in use or something?
20:16 thexyz what's the point of making all those generic reusable classes/functions if no one is going to use them?
20:17 VanessaE celeron55: I'm working off clean master at current HEAD, with only your benchmark patch in place.
20:17 PilzAdam thexyz, its fun to code them
20:17 sapier what are you talking about thexyz?
20:17 VanessaE I'll apply it manually.
20:17 thexyz also what editor has this syntax "-- @function [parent=#modstore] getscreenshot" (just curious)
20:18 sapier lua markup
20:18 thexyz sapier: you made a "Generic implementation of a filter/sortable list" but the doc is really confusing
20:18 thexyz if it's generic then I guess you think people will be using it or something?
20:18 sapier ok I'm gonna remove the doc
20:18 PilzAdam lol
20:18 sapier guys are you aware you're complaining about a doc added where none was before??????
20:18 thexyz okay..
20:18 thexyz I'm not complaining about the doc
20:19 sapier you're not?
20:19 PilzAdam sapier, how about writing proper doc?
20:19 thexyz I am not
20:20 sapier I am not capable of writing proper doc ... neither anyone else writing minetest seems to be
20:20 thexyz I guess it's fine though
20:20 sapier but you're welcome to help improving it
20:20 sapier btw that class was key to implementing search tab with minimal effort
20:21 thexyz I'm just afraid this code will be hard to maintain
20:21 VanessaE ok, let's try this again.
20:21 sapier and I guess it will be quite usefull for implementing version specific filtering too
20:22 sapier if someone is willing to review I'll try to add docs ... but last weeks I have feeling will to review anything is almost completely lost
20:23 sapier any suggestions how to improve the filterlist doc?
20:24 daswort compiled with curl and it is still empty (both list and repo)
20:24 VanessaE holy moses that made a mess out of the world.  solid meshbuffers are now down into the 425-460 range (depending on my view pitch), with 43 or so transparent, and a LOT of the world is missing :) but that which I can see is mostly made of grass.
20:25 VanessaE at any rate, it's clearly faster.
20:25 VanessaE like, 4x so.
20:25 PilzAdam daswort, you have USE_CURL=1 now?
20:25 sapier daswort did you look at output of cmake?
20:26 VanessaE celeron55: ^^^
20:27 sapier missing curl devel package?
20:28 daswort v   libcurl-dev  ?
20:29 PilzAdam its libcurl4-gnutls-dev on ubuntu
20:30 VanessaE ok, gotta run.  hope those numbers are useful.
20:31 daswort p   libcurl4-gnutls-dev  same on debian
20:31 daswort could someone add the part about curl on the "compile MT" wiki site?
20:35 daswort What is the advantage of LuaJIT?
20:36 celeron55 VanessaE: quite vague, but at least it made some kind of a clear difference
20:36 PilzAdam daswort, its at least 2 times faster than normal Lua in executing mod code
20:36 sapier if I'm not completely wrong use curl is described in readme
20:37 sapier I am completely wrong
20:37 celeron55 8D
20:37 PilzAdam at least the dependency is listed there
20:37 daswort great, but uses it less or more resources? PilzAdam
20:37 sapier depends
20:38 celeron55 as a player, there doesn't really exist a reason to not use luajit
20:38 celeron55 for developers lua gives better error messages for now in certain cases though
20:41 celeron55 sapier: can you fix the readme and the wiki for curl usage?
20:41 daswort is there a flag for luaJIT or does it take it automatically if it is there?
20:42 sapier I usually manually replace it .. but I guess there's an official way too
20:42 celeron55 daswort: it should take it automatically when you run cmake
20:42 celeron55 it will print out stuff if it finds it
20:43 daswort thanks for your help
20:51 sapier
20:51 PilzAdam sapier, its ENABLE_*
20:52 kaeza sapier, also, BUILD_CLIENT and BUILD_SERVER
20:52 sapier (20:57:30) PilzAdam: it should say something like "USE_CURL=1"  in the in-game pause menu
20:52 sapier ohhhhh
20:53 PilzAdam <PilzAdam> sapier, the cmake flag is still ENABLE_CURL
20:53 PilzAdam I have the feeling that you only read every second line from me...
20:53 PilzAdam also curl is used for more than connecting to the serverlist
20:54 PilzAdam also what kaeza said
20:54 sapier the warning is about pinpointing to "AUTOCONNECT"
20:56 PilzAdam ... and there are too few "--------" ;-)
20:57 daswort a note about luajit would be helpful on the wiki page :)
20:57 sapier shall I fix all other inconsitencys of --- too ? ;-P
20:57 PilzAdam why not?
20:57 sapier don't complain about Lua later
21:00 PilzAdam what are all the "=1" at the end?
21:01 PilzAdam and maybe add "Set via cmake . -D<option>=<0/1>"
21:01 sapier deadline for wishlist was after updating it first time
21:02 * PilzAdam is too pedantic again...
21:03 sapier1 joined #minetest-dev
21:03 kaeza sapier, I think it would be better to document the "nonstandard" option for a given define
21:03 kaeza i.e. BUILD_SERVER=0
21:03 kaeza or at least say "default is 1" or so
21:03 sapier1 why the hell do I alway do more then requested ... that one was about documenting curl
21:05 daswort because cause you do it for the greater good sapier1
21:06 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
21:07 sapier1 obviously not
21:07 PilzAdam otherwise we would have 10 "Adjust README one more time...." commits
21:07 sapier1 one thing one commit
21:08 PilzAdam one character is a "thing"
21:08 kaeza 10 tightly related things, one commit
21:09 sapier <childish mode> not my issue </childish mode>
21:20 daswort <adult mode> not my department </adult mode>
21:40 * VanessaE is back
21:59 Akien joined #minetest-dev
22:09 sapier depends on what meaning of "character" you use ... charakters in multibyte codesets are more than 256 thingies
22:10 sapier you mean "char" ;-)
22:21 ShadowNinja ints are at least 16-bit.  I agree about torches.  +-~32000 is a technical limitation.
22:23 ShadowNinja (MC has gotten around this by limiting y to 0-256.)
22:25 ShadowNinja It is probably possible to use 32-bit positions, but it would be very difficult, and would require a incompatible map format.
22:25 ShadowNinja Oh, and it would break the protocol of course.
22:25 VanessaE and when did this ever stop us in the past? :)
22:26 troller now client can fly at 200000,200000,200000
22:26 VanessaE that said, the rendering engine can't really cope well with things as you get much past +/- 10000 or so anyway
22:26 sapier you will break 32bit clients and most likely performance wont get better
22:27 sapier even if you don't consider irrlicht limitations
22:28 VanessaE sapier: 32 bit or not has nothing to do iwth it
22:28 VanessaE its all about how you handle your rendering precision and how you handle getting the map data from the server to the rendering engine
22:28 sapier it does if you want to store a 64 bit value on a 32bit architecture you add a lot of overhead
22:28 sapier yes that's the irrlicht limitation
22:29 sapier I was talking about map format
22:29 VanessaE tell that to all the 8 bit CPU users out there who somehow managed to handle 24 bit values without issue :)
22:30 VanessaE it can be done, it's more a matter of whether it's worth the effort or not
22:30 Akien joined #minetest-dev
22:30 VanessaE (I don't think it is)
22:30 sapier VanessaE but you have to promise to stop complaining about performance if we use 64 bit ;-P
22:31 VanessaE who said anything about using 64 bits?
22:32 VanessaE even a signed 32 bit coordinate would blow up the possible map size past anything that will ever be exhausted on even the busiest servers in existence
22:32 sapier it'd be silly to switch to 32bit now
22:32 sapier tell that to those who designed ipv4
22:32 VanessaE yeah but ipv4's limitation is due to having 32 billion users on all at once
22:33 VanessaE you show me a minetest server that can handle even 0.01 percent of that and I'll show you a supercomputer underlying it.
22:33 VanessaE :)
22:33 VanessaE john_minetest: no
22:33 VanessaE that's been declared impractical.
22:34 VanessaE or I shouldn't say 32 billion users, but 32 billion addresses
22:34 troller movement_speed_fast = 1000
22:35 VanessaE er excuse me, 4 billion.
22:35 VanessaE (I can't do math today, apparently)
22:35 sapier guess your pc won't be able to generate map at speed 1000
22:35 troller john_minetest, you can try math mapgen with 32km sphere
22:35 troller sapier, my can ~120
22:35 VanessaE if minetest had a 4x4 billion km map, it would be impossible to exhaust it.  no one would have enough time in the universe to do it
22:36 VanessaE (as it is, it's hard to use up the existing 32x32km map)
22:36 troller 640kb
22:37 troller 32km not very big for 1000 players in one server
22:37 VanessaE troller: sure but how many servers have 1000 active players?
22:37 kaeza it's actually 64km
22:37 VanessaE kaeza: well yeah, 64x64km
22:38 sapier and you can build skyacrapers and mines
22:38 sapier -a+s
22:38 troller VanessaE, sunday record - 120 ppl on all servers, but it not big problem to reach 1000
22:38 VanessaE even redcrab's server, at its peak of popularity, only seemed to have 100-200 active users
22:38 kaeza so for 1000 players, you still have like 64x64000x64000 for each one
22:39 troller VanessaE, 100 simultaneously??
22:39 VanessaE troller: in total.  at most I only ever saw perhaps 15 online at a time
22:39 troller kaeza, if random spawn
22:39 troller 30 - new record
22:40 troller Minerealms - 30
22:40 troller sky - 27
22:40 troller Megaf Till It Ends - 23
22:40 VanessaE troller: the concurrent record is somewhere above 100, so was the claim, on some old laptop I think it was, early in the 0.4 series
22:40 troller no, 138 at xyzz test server
22:41 troller random input bots
22:41 troller real peoples can be 200 or more
22:41 troller but for 1000 need rewrite threaded stuff
22:43 VanessaE well 138 is "somewhere above 100" :P
22:43 troller in total on my server was ~6000-8000 player files
22:43 VanessaE and that WAS early in the 0.4 series
22:44 VanessaE and I think at the time xyz was using a laptop to run rhe test server wasn't he?
22:44 troller 11817 in auth.txt
22:45 VanessaE 10556 between all five auth.txt's on my servers.
22:45 VanessaE biggest is survival, 4914 there.
22:45 VanessaE (auth.txt entries)
22:45 VanessaE john_minetest: five.
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23:00 sapier how many active non dummy users VanessaE?
23:01 VanessaE john_minetest: s/shadowninja's/nore's/
23:02 VanessaE sapier: I'm not sure.  in the dozens maybe.  it'd be more if the damn thing didn't lag so much on players' sign-ons
23:03 sapier I tried to get kahrls changes in ... but I don't have time and interest in adding new features to it and guess it won't be added without those
23:07 hmmmm what added features
23:07 hmmmm ??
23:08 sapier those you requested hmmmm
23:08 hmmmm I'm sure you can get kahrl's changes in, you're a developer with commit access
23:08 hmmmm what did I request again
23:08 hmmmm the most recent thing kahrl did was httpfetch so that must be what you're talking about, but I do not recall ever wanting anything from that...
23:08 sapier the cdn addon ... and no I won't commit anything (non trivial) without another one to agree
23:08 hmmmm that wasn't me at all
23:09 hmmmm i think thexyz mentioned a cdn
23:09 sapier sorry true was thexyz
23:09 sapier I don't know why I allways mess you up your names aren't even similar
23:10 hmmmm interesting
23:10 hmmmm link me to the thing you want to merge and i'll comment on it
23:11 hmmmm httpfetch
23:11 hmmmm where is it...
23:11 hmmmm yikes that's big
23:12 sapier and are tested by john_minetest and should be ready for merge
23:12 hmmmm the last one, sure
23:12 sapier yes kahrls changes are quite big ... if you really want to do a 100% review you'll need some hours
23:13 sapier I'd prefere quick review adding and testing it quite good till release
23:13 hmmmm btw if you are familiar enough with the compnent you're messing around with you don't really need someone else to agree
23:13 hmmmm btw i'm typing with my left hand so
23:13 sapier I don't know anything about httpfetch that's kahrls work
23:13 sapier I just rebased it
23:14 sapier and replaced curl throughout minetest
23:14 sapier you didn't john? ok then skipp 1036
23:14 sapier could you comment those you tested john? add commit you tested if possible
23:14 VanessaE we don't need to know what you're doing with your right hand, hmmmm
23:14 VanessaE :P
23:15 hmmmm eating greasy pizza
23:15 hmmmm fapping to minetest
23:15 hmmmm etc.
23:15 hmmmm the mainmenu is pretty sexy
23:15 VanessaE "eating greasy pizza"?  is that what they're calling it now? :)
23:17 VanessaE in all seriousness, kahrl's code has gotta go in soon, those remote_media glitches are spreading.
23:18 hmmmm what's the standard for api that return success
23:18 hmmmm nil for failure?
23:18 hmmmm or false
23:18 sapier not sure about that I think there isn't a standard
23:19 VanessaE it's sorta undefined.
23:19 VanessaE I usually use false
23:19 VanessaE sometimes nil if it makes sense to
23:19 hmmmm i would return 0 params on failure personally
23:19 hmmmm less typing
23:19 VanessaE that's bad
23:19 hmmmm somewhat more efficient
23:19 VanessaE oh wait, 0 params, as in no params
23:20 hmmmm 0 return values
23:20 VanessaE I read that as "I would return 0."
23:20 hmmmm i.e return nil
23:20 sapier then you can't decide between not found and error
23:20 VanessaE well nil usually evaluates equivalent to false though
23:20 hmmmm ah
23:20 VanessaE if foo() then x end
23:20 hmmmm if you want to make that distinction...
23:21 VanessaE so if you *really* need to return something that means an outright failure, you probably better return an actual notice to that end
23:21 sapier not sure if we need to decide but it is a limitation that may or may not be relevant
23:22 hmmmm sapier, successful is spelled with one l
23:23 sapier where to fix?
23:24 hmmmm doesn't really matter if it's internal, but modstore.lua:99
23:25 hmmmm personally i'd name those functions like get_formspec_success_dlg
23:25 hmmmm or w/e
23:25 hmmmm get_formspec_dlg_success
23:25 sapier no problem I need to get some sleep to
23:25 hmmmm 'night
23:25 sapier hmmmm if I rename it this way all other functions should be renamed too
23:25 hmmmm 1030 looks good though
23:26 sapier except handle_buttons and update_modlist
23:27 sapier ok I'll fix the successful and merge tomorrow
23:27 sapier time to sleep now
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