Time Nick Message 02:17 proller liquids: next level: https://github.com/proller/minetest/compare/liquid63 02:18 proller smoooth 63-levels liquid support 02:18 proller with some visual fixes 08:10 thexyz wtf is BKVL? 08:12 thexyz oh, found it 08:14 thexyz I think we don't have it in tree yet 08:15 thexyz is google's protobuf this bad? 11:21 PilzAdam I rebased the translation for main menu: https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest/commits/gettext 11:22 PilzAdam I think we should merge that now to not get more conflicts with new changes to the menu 11:22 PilzAdam when thexyz has pushed the current weblate commits then we can also run updatepo.sh so we can finally start translating the menu 11:35 kahrl PilzAdam, +1 to merge it 11:36 kahrl there might be some minor problems like with gettext("Are you sure you want to delete ") .. mod.name .. "?;]" 11:36 kahrl that grammar structure might not work in all languages 11:36 kahrl but those problem can be fixed when they are found 11:36 kahrl +s 11:41 PilzAdam should " gettext("Are you sure you want to delete ") .. mod.name .. "?;]" be changed now? 11:41 kahrl dunno, is there a good way to deal with it? 11:43 kahrl (for example Armenian doesn't use the question mark "?") 11:44 PilzAdam what about: gettext("Are you sure you want to delete \"") .. mod.name .. gettext("\"?") .. ";]" 11:44 kahrl doesn't the weblate translator then see "? as the original text and doesn't know what to do with it? 11:45 PilzAdam it always links the code where it is used, so people can see how to translate it 11:46 kahrl ah, fair enough 11:46 PilzAdam bbl 11:48 kahrl it's harder when there are two or more variable strings in a sentence, as some grammars might permute them 11:49 Exio4 wouldn't be possible to make a "Are you sure you want to delete %modname?" and then translate it? 11:50 Exio4 (that is parsing the result of gettext 11:50 Exio4 ) :P 11:51 kahrl yeah that's what is usually done, or even $1 $2 $3 12:32 PilzAdam something like gettext("Are you sure you want to delete \"%s\"?", mod.name) is not possible since it would insert the name first and then call gettext() in the engine on it 12:42 kahrl couldn't it look it up first and the insert parameters? 12:42 kahrl then 12:42 PilzAdam that would mean we need to implement this insertion for whole formspecs 12:43 PilzAdam since Lua has to pass the formspec as a whole to the engine, and then the engine picks the parts that can be translated and passes them to gettext 12:44 kahrl hrm 12:44 PilzAdam we could just add a gettext() call to the menu API 12:45 kahrl that would actually be cleaner because mainmenu translations don't creep into the actual game 12:48 PilzAdam I guess someone needs to go through all the formspec stuff in the engine and revert the wgettext() calls 12:49 PilzAdam or should they stay there for the in-game formspecs? 12:49 kahrl oh they are already in? 12:50 PilzAdam yea, the gettext() calls inside Lua are just for util/updatepo.sh 12:50 kahrl I know, I just thought your patch was the first to add the calls to guiFormSpecMenu.cpp and that that was enough 12:50 kahrl apparently not 12:52 kahrl oh heh, I suggested replacing some of these with wstrgettext 12:52 kahrl probably should have remembered 13:01 PilzAdam where would I add the gettext() API call? 13:01 PilzAdam in l_mainmenu.cpp? 13:02 kahrl idea: engine.gettext(text) in l_mainmenu.cpp, fgettext(text, ...) implemented in lua which calls engine.gettext(text), inserts parameters and calls formspec_escape 13:09 PilzAdam does xgettext work with fgettext()? 13:11 kahrl just add a -kfgettext parameter 13:11 PilzAdam ah, ok 13:11 PilzAdam it works! 13:12 PilzAdam should fgettext() go into mainmenu.lua or misc_helpers.lua? 13:14 kahrl misc_helpers.lua I guess 13:18 PilzAdam engine.formspec_escape() is missing in doc/menu_lua_api.txt 13:27 kahrl how did you make the parameter specification in fgettext? 13:27 PilzAdam function fgettext(text, ...) 13:27 PilzAdam return engine.formspec_escape(string.format(engine.gettext(text), ...)) 13:27 PilzAdam end 13:28 kahrl ah 13:28 kahrl I don't think string.format is that useful here 13:29 kahrl because as I said the parameters can be permuted in the translated string, and I don't think string.format can do that 13:30 kahrl maybe something like this? https://gist.github.com/kahrl/6256856 13:36 PilzAdam attempt to index global 'arg' (a nil value) 13:37 kahrl oh fuck 13:38 kahrl luajit >:-( 13:38 kaeza kahrl, store '...' into a table 13:38 kahrl lua is hard, let's go shopping... er fixing docs! https://gist.github.com/kahrl/6256901 13:39 kahrl kaeza: what does that do to trailing nils? 13:39 kaeza I guess it ignores that 13:40 kaeza Lua does not distinguish between 'no value' and 'nil', at least from the Lua side 13:40 kahrl which is why the minetest.env code in deprecated.lua breaks mobf 13:44 kahrl local arg = {n=select('#',...),...} 13:44 kahrl would that do the trick? 13:45 kaeza actually, just 'local arg = { ... }' at the start of function 13:46 PilzAdam yea, what kaeza said works 13:46 kahrl oh, well I guess in this case it doesn't matter if it ignores trailing nils 13:46 kaeza or well, nope 13:46 kaeza and use #arg instead of arg.n 13:46 PilzAdam yea 13:47 PilzAdam https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest/commit/b898d9f949cfb1579e5ca66d64f7694580543d47 13:48 kahrl then it doesn't go into the conditional at all if all args are nil 13:49 PilzAdam it doesnt need to 13:50 kahrl does this work? https://gist.github.com/kahrl/6256947 13:50 kahrl PilzAdam: if it doesn't, the "$1" etc. stay 13:50 PilzAdam the version in the commit works fine, work #... 0, 1 and 2 13:50 PilzAdam s/work/for 13:51 kahrl no, trying passing 1 or more nils 13:51 kahrl try* 13:51 PilzAdam hm? 13:51 PilzAdam why would I pass nil to it? 13:52 kahrl because some function you're calling fails for some reason? 13:52 kahrl or because some variable is nil? 13:53 PilzAdam fgettext("$1 A world named \"$2\" already exists", nil, worldname) works fine with the version in the commit 13:54 kahrl not if worldname==nil 13:54 nore any thoughts on this: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/874 ? 13:54 PilzAdam oh yes 13:55 PilzAdam your version works in this case 13:56 kahrl http://www.luafaq.org/#T1.23 mentions that code as a "common pattern" 13:57 PilzAdam https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest/commit/18c073337ca67c390f67e42450de85ab7745a252 14:00 kahrl https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest/commit/18c073337ca67c390f67e42450de85ab7745a252#L4R183 should be $1,$2 14:00 PilzAdam whooops 14:00 kahrl everything else looks good 14:01 nore kahrl, PilzAdam: what do you think about a callback on formspec close? 14:01 kahrl nore, nothing at the moment ;) 14:01 PilzAdam I push that to master then 14:01 nore #874 does it 14:01 nore and it looks like it is needed since a long time 14:01 kahrl PilzAdam, yep 14:01 nore this avoids hacky code 14:02 kahrl nore: what are some uses for it? 14:02 nore for example, that https://github.com/PilzAdam/MiniTest/pull/14 14:03 nore + when one does want to re-load a formspec every time something changed 14:03 nore but it cannot detect if formspec was closed 14:03 nore etc 14:04 nore the crafting mod of BlockMen has something similar too 14:04 nore detecting if yaw or pitch changed to know if the formspec was closed 14:04 PilzAdam yea, its needed by many mods 14:05 kahrl the reloading the formspec thing could be annoying on laggy servers 14:05 kahrl you close the formspec, but the server doesn't know yet, so decides to show you an updated formspec, which reopens it 14:06 nore you are true, but this is not the only use 14:06 kahrl maybe a parameter in show_formspec would be better for that 14:06 nore and for now, it is even worse since if you don't move, the formspec will be re-opened 14:07 nore kahrl: that would control what? 14:07 kahrl only show the formspec if a formspec with the same name is currently open 14:07 nore good idea... but I don't know how this could be done, though 14:08 nore is there a way to detect whether a formspec is open? 14:08 kahrl this could be used in addition to the on_formspec_close callback to inform the server to stop bothering to update 14:08 nore and to get its name if it is? 14:08 kahrl nore: on the client, yes 14:08 nore kahrl, yes, but the server would send the updated formspec nevertheless? 14:09 nore and how do you get that? 14:09 kahrl until it gets the close notification 14:09 nore + it would need a protocol change, no? 14:09 kahrl dunno, something to do with FormspecSource 14:10 kahrl doesn't necessarily need a protocol version change 14:10 nore about on_formspec_close, it is in fact on_formspec_receive_fields 14:10 kahrl of course some fields would get added to the protocol 14:10 nore if fields["quit"] then... 14:11 kahrl that breaks formspec that have a field called "quit" :P 14:11 nore if formspecs have a field named quit, it is about quitting, no? 14:11 nore but I can call it R76GUZAI7 to be sure nobody used that name ;) 14:11 PilzAdam no, its about giving 20 mese 14:12 PilzAdam so each time you hit Esc you get 20 mese :-) 14:12 nore good! 14:13 nore kahrl: there is still one problem, if one wants the formspec not to be closed when pressing return 14:13 nore how do we do that? 14:13 nore an additional parameter? 14:15 nore or do we disable return-to-quit completely? 14:16 PilzAdam its useful for signs 14:17 nore you can press Esc, but yes, it is useful 14:17 nore so, what do we do? 14:17 kahrl just don't press return? 14:18 nore but what if you want return to send data (for example, see my forth_computer mod, you press return as you would do on a normal computer)? 14:19 nore if you have a button "Press Return", it isn't logical 14:20 PilzAdam kahrl, in UI there is a serach field, and when you press return the formspec closes 14:20 PilzAdam thats very annoying 14:21 PilzAdam I would say dont close the formspec when there is a size[] element 14:21 PilzAdam so signs or similiar things that only have a field[] element would still close on return 14:24 kahrl I'd say "if there's an autogenerated Proceed button" 14:24 PilzAdam thats the same 14:24 kahrl well, almost 14:24 kahrl if (m_fields.size() && mydata.bp_set != 2) 14:25 kahrl then close formspec on return 14:26 kahrl (bp_set == 2 means there is a size[] element) 14:27 kahrl though maybe some custom formspecs want the close-on-return behaviour? 14:27 nore that+the formspec close would be merged? 14:27 nore kahrl: then we need a parameter 14:28 nore perhaps the best would be a config[] formspec element 14:28 nore so no protocol change, can be used if node metadata too 14:29 kahrl or maybe a "default button" as some GUI toolkits have 14:29 kahrl if there is one, pressing return submits using the default button 14:29 kahrl and "Proceed" counts as a default button 14:30 nore well, I reckon the config[] element is the best 14:30 nore to do, because it can easily be changed 14:30 nore and there will never be protocol change 14:31 nore and you can do whatever you want with it 14:31 kahrl hey some optimism is never bad ;) 14:32 nore something like config[close_on_return:false;open_only_if_already_open:true] 14:32 nore etc 14:35 kahrl I'd say why not 14:36 kahrl though with , instead of : so that formspec_escape works 16:46 nore thexyz: I have a suggestion for minetest-stress 16:46 PilzAdam nore, modding does not belong in this channel 16:46 nore since it was an API, I thought it would go there, sorry 17:03 celeron55 and "library" equaled "API" since web 2.0 17:23 PilzAdam I guess this can be merged: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/865 17:33 Tesseract Comments on #862? 17:34 PilzAdam Tesseract, why do you write "bind_address = " in minetest.conf.example when the default setting is ""? 17:36 Tesseract PilzAdam: It is an example. I don't think all of the options in minetest.conf.example are the same as the defaults. 19:58 Tesseract The Minetest github organization should have a logo. 20:11 sapier hello, pa why did you rename gettext to fgettext? 20:11 VanessaE guys, can we settle the number of items issue soon? 20:12 PilzAdam sapier, it was kahrl's suggestion, its because it formats the string too 20:12 sapier ahhh :-) good idea ... and what is the lua api function for? 20:13 sapier oh ... for partial strings 20:13 sapier good idea 20:13 sapier oh no 20:14 sapier you did remove the gettext support from formspec menu???? for gods sake WHY? 20:14 PilzAdam what? 20:15 sapier the old version I suggested did i18n purely in core 20:15 sapier the new version does lua -> core -> lua ->core 20:16 PilzAdam the old version doesnt support something like "foo $1 bar" 20:16 sapier I know so you really think adding forced overhead to all cases is better than using a special variant for some cases? 20:18 sapier yes the new version is simple as of code size but it's a lot of overhead too 20:18 sapier but forget about it ... I guess I never will understand how ppl set priorities for mt 20:59 troller next liquids improvement - now number of levels configurable https://github.com/proller/minetest/compare/liquid63#files_bucket 21:03 troller now is possible to make 2-4 levels liquid, and its will be FAST floowing, flooding anf filling, but not smooth 21:32 Tesseract troller: Heard of git rebase? There are a few different commits there and a whole lot of merges of upstream. I suggest "git remote add upstream https://github.com/minetest/minetest.git && git checkout master && git pull upstream master && git checkout -b configurable_liquid_levels" Then cherry-pich the correct commit and push the branch. 22:11 proller again world/players is lost after crush, all files 0 size 22:24 Tesseract proller: http://irc.minetest.ru/minetest-dev/2013-08-17#i_3269682 22:26 proller i prefer create new branch and merge --squash old 22:26 PilzAdam so you prefer pull requests with 150+ commits? 22:26 proller but no sense to rebase-merge before commit approve 22:26 proller in diff all ok 22:27 proller but now i try to rebase.. 22:42 proller https://github.com/proller/minetest/compare/master...liquid63 22:42 proller now better 22:45 proller one small step to make sand, gravel, ... flows as liquid - to prevent make pillars from it 22:47 Tesseract Liquids still need to draw the bottom face. 22:47 proller flowing fixed in ^^ 22:48 proller source looks ok now 22:48 proller when falling 23:47 kahrl sapier, I don't like premature optimization in not performance relevant code 23:47 kahrl or did you actually measure it to have a visible overhead? 23:54 kahrl sapier, by the way it doesn't search and replace $1 and such if only one argument is passed