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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-02-28

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Time Nick Message
00:06 RealBadAngel hi hmmmm
00:08 RealBadAngel i was diggin the code related to meshes
00:08 RealBadAngel compability with atlas stops us
00:08 RealBadAngel even c55 said so
00:09 VanessaE hmmmm: so the question, in short, is:  c55 says it's of little or no use, so do we go ahead and start ripping it out, with changed to be merged after the feature freeze
00:09 RealBadAngel for all my present and future changes atlas option shall be disabled
00:09 VanessaE s/changed/changes/
00:09 RealBadAngel and step by step removed
00:10 RealBadAngel since core can work without it best solution to start imho is just disable it
00:11 Exio and adding a "# DEPRECATED" before it in the minetest.conf.example? ^^
00:11 Exio until it gets removed
00:11 RealBadAngel possibly
00:12 RealBadAngel and plant a cross nearby with RIP
00:12 VanessaE lol
00:14 RealBadAngel and it deprecated for a long time already
00:14 RealBadAngel its almost impossible to play game with a few mods installed to suffer from it
00:16 RealBadAngel we can regain fps in another areas
00:16 RealBadAngel this particular one was good in minimal game
00:17 RealBadAngel and is not usable for regular users
00:21 hmmmm removing the texture atlas is huuge
00:21 hmmmm let's wait until after the feature freeze, please?
00:21 hmmmm i mean it's not the end of the world, we can make releases whenever we want
00:22 hmmmm so nevermind that, let's talk about the F10 bug
00:22 hmmmm how do i reproduce that?  i need to type in a unicode character, presumably, but i have no idea how i'm going to do that
00:23 jin_xi i have applied your change and can observe that / now works better. had to press it multiple times before, but not everytime...
00:24 jin_xi i used to get an / that was highlighted and overwritten by whaterver followed
00:24 RealBadAngel hmmmm, its not huge
00:24 RealBadAngel ist a single liner almost
00:25 RealBadAngel disable the setting
00:25 RealBadAngel then clean the code in area of interest
00:27 RealBadAngel moreover, as i see in code texture atlas has been made to be 1 tile in size
00:28 RealBadAngel so when it is disabled tiles are atlases just
00:28 RealBadAngel with single texture
00:28 hmmmm alright, so your stuff works fine without the texture atlas, nobody really needs the texture atlas, so we disable it and apply your facedir stuff
00:28 hmmmm i'm taking your word for it
00:29 VanessaE hmmmm: basically, that's right.  after the freeze of course.
00:29 VanessaE (though to disable by default might be appropriate now, since it acts like a bug to a lot of people)
00:30 RealBadAngel it is a bug in current state
00:30 hmmmm alright whatever.. i'll adjust the default settings a little.  i'm going to do it while fixing the minetest.conf.example
00:31 RealBadAngel hmmmm, you can test the code here
00:32 RealBadAngel and lua mod with tool to handle new facedir:
00:33 RealBadAngel which i think shall be made as default for minetest game
00:34 hmmmm i'd like a lot of things to be added to minetest_game, actually, but i'm not going to be the one to actually do it
00:34 hmmmm really need to figure out who is in charge of that
00:34 RealBadAngel because it will allow to rotate everything
00:34 RealBadAngel PA
00:34 VanessaE PilzAdam seems to mostly hold the keys to that
00:35 hmmmm so do we wait for him?  what about xyz?  he's currently around
00:35 RealBadAngel also next of my patches will require some minetest_game changes
00:35 hmmmm i'd rather stay out of minetest_game completely
00:35 RealBadAngel i cannot
00:36 RealBadAngel im changing drawtypes
00:36 RealBadAngel also i do have many formspec changes ready
00:37 RealBadAngel like sliders, checkboxes and popup lists
00:39 RealBadAngel but those can wait, need to work at whole system a bit more
00:40 RealBadAngel no hurry, when i made background formspec folks have woke up like 3 months after and started to use it lol
00:44 RealBadAngel bbl
00:59 hmmmm
01:00 VanessaE hmmmm: looks good to me.
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06:15 VanessaE latest build of MT segfaults at startup for me now.
06:15 VanessaE
06:15 VanessaE just the client; server seems unaffected.
06:17 hmmmm can you find the exact commit where it starts doing that?
06:17 VanessaE one of the last two that were submitted yesterday.
06:18 VanessaE lemme check
06:18 VanessaE (probably 0183bd[...])
06:19 hmmmm did you recently update irrlicht or something?
06:20 VanessaE nope.  Just did a git pull to update my server at someone's request.
06:20 VanessaE I was running from the feb. 25 update before.
06:23 VanessaE *sigh*
06:23 VanessaE I'll bet some random system update broke it
06:24 hmmmm older versions not working either?
06:24 VanessaE still checking.
06:25 VanessaE went back to 979ca23[...] and still segfaulting at startup.
06:27 VanessaE lemme try rebuilding irrlicht.
06:28 hmmmm try going back to 9bd76f2972 next
06:28 VanessaE willdo
06:30 VanessaE also, as an aside:  don't hard-code /usr/lib for irrlicht libs.  /usr/local/lib is just as valid.
06:31 hmmmm i didn't code /usr/lib
06:31 hmmmm where is it hardcoded
06:31 VanessaE [ 98%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/minetest.dir/game.cpp.o
06:31 VanessaE make[2]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/libIrrlicht.a', needed by `bin/minetest'.  Stop.
06:31 hmmmm why is your libirrlicht in local?
06:31 hmmmm that's only a bsd thing
06:32 VanessaE because that's where most linux builds put things if you don't specify a build prefix.
06:32 hmmmm really? mm
06:32 VanessaE yup
06:32 hmmmm well i know where to look but i'm not sure how to fix that
06:32 VanessaE so it's been my experience anyway
06:34 hmmmm gotta go to sleep, sorry
06:34 VanessaE no worries.
06:34 VanessaE I'm sure I'll get it sorted out
06:41 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
07:06 VanessaE yay, got it figured out.
07:06 VanessaE some system update broke my irrlicht install.  All back to normal.
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09:32 celeron55 hmmmm: ask calinou for changelog from 0.4.4->0.4.5, he has much of it done already afaik
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14:58 RealBadAngel celeron55, are you here?
14:59 RealBadAngel and hello all
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15:57 thexyz I suggest using dev wiki to make a changelog,
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16:30 rubenwardy celeron55, you may be interested in reading this:
16:40 hmmmm i heard calinou already had a changelog for 0.4.4 - 0.4.5
16:40 hmmmm calinou, care to share?
16:41 PilzAdam Calinous changelog:
16:41 hmmmm why does it seem like i never, ever show up in his changelogs
16:41 * Calinou found a mistake in french translation
16:42 hmmmm i mean it's not like i particularily care about e-fame, but it's just an odd thing i noticed
16:44 Calinou fixed
16:44 Calinou PilzAdam: merge latest french translation maybe (fixed "Create world" translation)
16:44 PilzAdam maybe because you do things that arent visible for the end-user?
16:45 PilzAdam Calinou, only thexyz can merge it
16:46 Calinou ok
16:48 hmmmm oh by the way pilzadam, since you're around and you're in charge of minetest_game, i think we should seriously talk about adding more content to it
16:48 hmmmm maybe not right away but there's a list of things that (i think at least) would be cool to have by default
16:48 PilzAdam can you give me the list?
16:49 hmmmm things like obsidian, water and lava mixing into stone, diamond and some other popular ores, mese swords, et cetera
16:49 hmmmm i don't actually have a *list* but i mean there's just so many things that it could make quite a list
16:50 celeron55 rubenwardy: nice graphics and stuff, but where's the source? 8)
16:50 hmmmm i'm pretty busy today and tomorrow, but i'd like to compile it into a list and maybe you could put each item as a topic to be voted on in the forums
16:50 rubenwardy celeron55: it is AAA
16:50 rubenwardy I was pointing out a specific post
16:51 celeron55 that was a rhetorical question
16:51 rubenwardy ok...
16:51 hmmmm what is AAA?
16:52 PilzAdam hmmmm, the problem is that most people will just vote "Yes" and they dont think about gameplay
16:52 hmmmm so you think we're better suited to say what actually goes into the game?
16:52 rubenwardy hmmmm: propietary game
16:53 hmmmm another proprietary minecraft...? WTF
16:53 rubenwardy like Battlefield 3
16:53 rubenwardy it is not indie
16:53 celeron55 hmmmm: rubenwardy's link; see the images or videos in it
16:53 hmmmm like by an actual game studio..?
16:53 hmmmm what game studio is this
16:53 rubenwardy not sure
16:54 rubenwardy but it is AAA aparently
16:54 celeron55 the only thing that actually surprises me in that one (Build A World it is called; let's call it BAW for short) is that it actually uses Irrlicht
16:54 hmmmm well their rendering looks nice but they will not outdo minetest in sophistication on my watch
16:54 proller +1 for water and lava mixing to stone, it must be in default_
16:54 rubenwardy any comments on the post that is it linked to?
16:54 rubenwardy "And to whoever is making mine-test, delete the source and start from scratch..."
16:55 celeron55 i still stand on my opinion for us needing a small team to decide and design on minetest_game
16:55 hmmmm hah
16:55 celeron55 rubenwardy: minetest is useless from their point of view and that makes they say it
16:55 hmmmm wouldn't it be funny if they took minetest's source and used that
16:55 celeron55 them*
16:55 hmmmm and we wouldn't be able to prove that it's from minetest because they'd have an anti-reverse engineering clause
16:56 rubenwardy I would quite like to be part of that small team
16:56 rubenwardy but
16:56 rubenwardy I doubt I would qualify
16:57 hmmmm well BAW is clearly using 3d noise for their mapgen
16:58 celeron55 if i am to choose, that team (well, more like a pair of people) must be quite game design oriented to make it able to steer minetest in a consistent direction rather than just putting random maybe-somehow-themed stuff in it
16:58 celeron55 i don't want to choose by myself though, and i don't even have any suggestions
17:00 celeron55 if somebody feels like being up to that thing, raise your hand now and tell why we might trust you to be in that task long-term
17:00 celeron55 it doesn't even involve doing anything much; more like just selecting and polishing things, and asking people to do things
17:01 * celeron55 thinks he will never find anyone like this, and wonders if there is a viable other way
17:01 rubenwardy I could do it
17:02 thexyz AAA means you can go to store and buy the game, doesn't it?
17:02 hmmmm perhaps you don't look hard enough
17:02 rubenwardy yes
17:02 rubenwardy it is 25 euros
17:02 rubenwardy no, you do not have to go to the store
17:02 thexyz then it's not AAA enough
17:02 celeron55 rubenwardy: do you have experiene of such? it's not immediately obvious to me why you're raising your head regarding to this
17:03 celeron55 +c
17:03 rubenwardy I have made several minigames, and I have studed game design and stuff
17:03 * PilzAdam raises hand
17:04 rubenwardy It would be better if I just make a fork, and show you what I can do
17:04 celeron55 or, like... i have no idea what you would do and whether you might be capable of it, and i am wondering what you think of those
17:04 * darkrose shoots PilzAdam's hand off
17:04 * PilzAdam could code stuff
17:05 PilzAdam and Ill also like to decide wich features are added, but I have no good reason for you to trust me
17:05 PilzAdam (well, except the mods I made)
17:06 celeron55 "trust" is kind of a technical thing
17:08 rubenwardy I am raising my hand because I want to help, and I am interested in that area of development
17:10 celeron55 so do people think i should try to find out if those wishing (or willing) to steer minetest_game development/design/whatever have goals/visions/whatever that i think are sane?
17:10 rubenwardy probably
17:10 celeron55 or is this more like a "take everything you can because there are no alternatives" thing
17:11 celeron55 there is room for experimentation in upstream, but total failure would be kind of rough 8)
17:11 rubenwardy My views are that the minetest_game should stay as ready as possible (no map mod, which is only for linux) and lag free, while being "fun" and "playable" on its on
17:11 rubenwardy *own
17:12 celeron55 everybody agrees on the first ones; the key here is how to approach the last two
17:13 rubenwardy yeah, that is the problem
17:13 celeron55 and that is where some people will disagree on, which is why these people will have to have some... balls too (yes, girls can have that kind of balls)
17:15 celeron55 i find it really hard to figure out what the "spirit of minetest" really is regarding to those
17:15 hmmmm the BAW guy is pretty lame, look at this stuff in his freelance work page: "But to give you a rough idea, I charge about  $4.5/£3 per 100 lines of GLSL code and $12/£8 for 100 lines of C and C++ code . This is not including constants(lookup tables) and empty lines (to give you an idea this is one complicated shader like SSAO)."
17:15 hmmmm "i charge $12 for 100 lines of code"
17:17 thexyz minetest'd cost ~10k$
17:17 hmmmm the ex why zee is in da hoooouse
17:17 hmmmm what's up.
17:17 hmmmm hey, i was wondering if you could start issuing email addresses, that'd be really great
17:17 celeron55 thexyz: umm... according to those prices, more like 10x that
17:18 thexyz xyz@xyz-pc ~/minetest/minetest/src $ cat *.h *.cpp util/* | wc -l
17:18 thexyz 93199
17:18 rubenwardy 93199 * 12
17:18 celeron55 ah, you're right
17:18 thexyz rubenwardy: / 100
17:19 PilzAdam
17:19 rubenwardy damn
17:19 celeron55 hmmmm: i don't know what that technically requires
17:19 thexyz PilzAdam: sqlite3.c/h is 135147 lines
17:21 celeron55 crap, the exluded files list has disappeared
17:21 celeron55 it can be set here:
17:22 celeron55 hmmmm: the domain is owned and paid by a russian gal nicknamed bookwar, and dns is done by, and servers under (*.) are hosted by pretty much anyone
17:22 hmmmm oh.. i thought xyz does all that stuff?
17:23 thexyz i only host forums
17:23 thexyz and dev wiki
17:23 celeron55 and dev wiki 8)
17:23 PilzAdam celeron55, the ignore list is at the minetest_game location...
17:23 thexyz and probably something more
17:23 thexyz like
17:23 hmmmm hmmm
17:23 hmmmm well i dunno, i just thought the email addresses would be pretty cool since it'd add to the professionalism
17:24 * celeron55 wonders how many people actually know the internet mail standard
17:32 darkrose 42
17:34 celeron55 oh goooood
17:34 * celeron55 is looking for a simple thing about a part of a value in a DNS field, and even the wikipedia article about the field, being multiple pages long, doesn't say it
17:35 darkrose what thing in what field?
17:36 celeron55 currently has an MX record with the value
17:36 celeron55 and my question is: what the fuck is "10:"
17:37 thexyz priority?
17:37 thexyz >MX records are in the format of PRI:ADDRESS. Where PRI is the MX priority, and ADDRESS is the hostname of the mail server (Not IP!)
17:38 celeron55 where did you get that
17:38 thexyz try to add MX record @
17:38 celeron55 wat?
17:40 celeron55 if i click the "explanation" link on, it tells me nothing about such
17:41 celeron55 which is just plain utterly ridiculous
17:41 celeron55 so as does not wikipedia
17:41 thexyz no, click "Save!" button without filling anything in (except changing "Type" to "MX")
17:41 thexyz user friendly!
17:41 celeron55 ...
17:42 celeron55 okay so anyway
17:43 celeron55 if i add an MX record here with a "subdomain", it will actually end up redirecting that mail address to the smtp server filled in as destination
17:43 celeron55 i... think
17:43 celeron55 so who wants to try?
17:43 ffoxin joined #minetest-dev
17:43 celeron55 i think this has high odds of failing due to some kind of spam policies
17:45 celeron55 hmmmm: tell me your e-mail address and your preferred e-mail address
17:45 hmmmm,
17:46 thexyz are you going to use your own mail server?
17:46 proller joined #minetest-dev
17:47 celeron55 hmmmm: you need to at least add that address to gmail's allowed addresses
17:47 hmmmm ok
17:48 hmmmm hrmm how do i do that
17:48 hmmmm import mail and contacts?
17:48 hmmmm add a pop3 mail account you own?
17:49 celeron55 no, lol
17:49 celeron55 also, me:
17:49 hmmmm that's the way sysadmining is always like unless you've done it a couple times before
17:49 celeron55 hmmmm: "accounts and import"
17:50 hmmmm but it's usually something that you do once and not again for quite a while
17:50 celeron55 hmm... actually
17:50 hmmmm i am looking at accounts and import
17:50 celeron55 there is "Send mail as:", which is what i was thinking, but now i'm not actually exactly sure if it is needed for this kind of thing
17:51 hmmmm hmmmm
17:51 celeron55 s/i'm not actually exactly sure/i have no goddamn idea/
17:51 hmmmm if the account is set up already, i'd just need the login details to access it from an email client
17:52 hmmmm i'd use thunderbird or pine
17:52 hmmmm pine, lol
17:52 hmmmm the bit about pine was a joke
17:52 celeron55 actually, i think this does not work this way
17:53 celeron55 i need an actual mail server to take in SMTP
17:53 thexyz why not just use gmail or something like that?
17:53 celeron55 and to forward it
17:54 celeron55 is incapable of hosting SMTP because it's a consumer ADSL that blocks SMTP to all directions
17:54 celeron55 8)
18:01 rubenwardy celeron55: have you seen this?
18:03 celeron55 thexyz: are you able to provide an smtp server?
18:04 thexyz I've never configured a smtp server
18:04 thexyz I'm also not sure why don't you want to use some hosted alternative
18:05 celeron55 rubenwardy: remove the .gitignore modification and squash it to two commits, 1) header/footer fix, 2) content fixes
18:05 celeron55 then it should be prefect-ish 8)
18:06 celeron55 thexyz: i don't want to use anything and have no idea of what i am doing; ask hmmmm :P
18:07 thexyz celeron55: well, I use yandex mail for my domains, works flawlessly
18:07 hmmmm nevermind on that whole idea, i guess.  i didn't expect it to be as difficult as it turned out to be
18:08 hmmmm probably not worth the effort
18:08 thexyz celeron55: should be easy to setup, has web-interface, pop3 & imap
18:08 celeron55 but how would you get a to go to there?
18:09 celeron55 that is the question
18:09 thexyz celeron55: you have to add MX record pointing to
18:10 celeron55 that means all mail is going to go to yandex?
18:10 thexyz yes
18:10 celeron55 that's not something i am willing to do
18:10 thexyz why?
18:12 celeron55 i think the questions is more like "why would i"
18:12 celeron55 -s
18:13 thexyz fine
18:13 thexyz well, you asked for mail server
18:13 thexyz that's why i suggested it
18:14 thexyz now you ask >why would i
18:15 celeron55 well i guess if more people think they would use it, then maybe
18:15 * sfan5 would use * mail
18:15 celeron55 yandex?
18:15 sfan5 no
18:15 rubenwardy celeron55:
18:15 hmmmm spandex
18:15 celeron55 does yandex differ from gmail in that sense? (not that i really would want that either)
18:16 sfan5 also * for people involved in development with minetest
18:16 thexyz what's the problem with yandex? it's not like their IMAP differs from some other IMAP
18:17 * sfan5 corrects his answer: s/no/maybe/
18:17 thexyz also, it seems google does not provide free google apps anymore
18:18 sfan5 it doesn't?
18:18 hmmmm well the idea was that email addresses were for people involved with development, why would you give out email addresses to regular end users exactly?
18:18 hmmmm like for example, they don't have
18:19 sfan5 that makes sense
18:21 sfan5 GIT: minetest-services commited to minetest/minetest:   <-- what?
18:21 celeron55 thexyz: how do you make a yandex account to correctly eat mail?
18:21 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
18:21 celeron55 i think in a normal situation such would be considered simply spam, and gmail doesn't seem to have a way to enable such
18:23 sfan5 s/what?/who is minetest-services?/
18:23 thexyz celeron55: you confirm domain (by uploading html file to web root), then add MX records, then add accounts, then receive/send mail
18:24 celeron55 what happens if yandex already has an account called "asdf" and somebody wants to have
18:24 thexyz yandex has an account called asdf, but is a different one
18:24 darkrose not connected, account names are per-domain
18:25 thexyz sfan5: weblate
18:25 sfan5 oh,ok
18:25 celeron55 so asdf and are usernames?
18:25 thexyz >account names are per-domain
18:25 thexyz after confirming domain you may add accounts for it
18:26 thexyz limit is 1000 mailboxes, iirc
18:26 thexyz then you can login to it either via IMAP or by using web-interface (i.e.
18:27 sfan5 why not host our own mailserver?
18:27 celeron55 so the domain owner specifies what addresses under his domain belong to what yandex accounts?
18:27 thexyz sfan5: why should we do that?
18:27 thexyz celeron55: aww, you totally don't get it
18:28 celeron55 i have tried to get it in multiple ways already
18:28 thexyz celeron55: you create accounts specifying & password, then users login via IMAP or from
18:28 sfan5 technically you can't trust anyone, so you can't trust
18:28 thexyz they don't need to have yandex account
18:28 rubenwardy|away byb
18:29 thexyz sfan5: of course you cannot
18:29 celeron55 ehm... well then, who is going to manage this?
18:29 thexyz you? me?
18:29 thexyz both of us?
18:29 celeron55 interesting fact: if the addresses were, thexyz could do everything right away
18:29 sfan5 the language is perfectly readable </ironic>
18:30 sfan5 +uses
18:30 thexyz sfan5: it is
18:30 sfan5 you are russian, you can read it
18:30 thexyz but I have never used any other mail provider with an option to add your own domain
18:30 sfan5 <sfan5> why not host our own mailserver?
18:30 thexyz sfan5: who would do that?
18:30 sfan5 ^ i gave you an argument for that
18:31 sfan5 you? (maybe)
18:31 thexyz I won't
18:31 thexyz I'm not that experienced
18:31 thexyz and mail server should have →100% uptime
18:31 thexyz (i believe)
18:31 * sfan5 agrees in that point
18:32 sfan5 but don't need to be experienced, you could try hosting a mail server to see if it works fine (~100% uptime,etc.)
18:32 sfan5 *very experienced
18:32 celeron55 isn't same as
18:32 celeron55 except for the language
18:32 thexyz it is
18:35 celeron55 well, do whatever you wish, i'm not going to care (and can set the mail of to go to yandex if people end up at that)
18:35 celeron55 i was going to try to get the minetest_game stuff further today but now my head hurts so much i'll just go hide again ->
18:35 hmmmm those build-a-world guys really slammed minetest on the irrlicht forums about the framerate
18:36 thexyz ok
18:36 hmmmm it's like the only thing they're concerned about is the graphics rendering and effects
18:37 sfan5 yeah
18:37 hmmmm but, seriously, why does minetest get such bad framerates?  what are others doing that is so much more optimal?
18:37 celeron55 <-
18:37 celeron55 of course it is all they care
18:37 celeron55 irrlicht is solely a 3d graphics library
18:37 celeron55 (well, mostly)
18:38 PilzAdam re: minetest_game: I have a farming branch hanging arround but the only texture I have for them are from RBA and he stole them from MC
18:39 sfan5 thats like complaining about other programs framerates because the use OpenGL too
18:41 celeron55 hmmmm: i don't even know, because i don't even care; but at default settings minetest will never do more than 60 because it caps it at that, and some people expect it to run freely because FPS FPS YAY FPS
18:41 hmmmm i have fps_wanted set to 30 actually
18:41 hmmmm i can't notice a difference below that, and i just like having more cpu time for other things
18:42 celeron55 but as far as i know, minetest performs relatively poorly on high-end GPUs because of small batch sizes (so to say)
18:43 hmmmm hahah - the video comment - "Yes, anything will crash down in Build A World... just like the real world" - very realistic - you can hold a tower up with a single 1 cubic meter block
18:43 celeron55 just add an extra step to combine mapblcok meshes (like 2x2x2 to 1, or even 3x3x3 to 1) and set those to be buffered on the GPU side (because then that buffering will actually matter; now it would do nothing)
18:44 celeron55 and then you have way more performance
18:44 celeron55 mapblock*
18:44 hmmmm the texture atlas
18:44 hmmmm right now doesn't it only do 1x1 node tiles
18:45 celeron55 no? it contains tiled textures
18:46 hmmmm sorta thought that was done already
18:46 hmmmm hrmm perhaps the graphics need a bit more attention
18:46 celeron55 there isn't much to be gained in this
18:46 celeron55 i mean, via tiling or atlasing
18:47 celeron55 tiling is surprisingly ineffective, you don't generally get even 50% gains with it, and like exactly 50% with a perfect 2d tiling algorithm
18:49 celeron55 minetest gets like 10-30% with non-smooth lighting and 5-10% with smooth lighting (because it's done at the vertex level)
18:52 celeron55 on a modern GPU that means absolutely nothing, because batch sizes are so small; on a 2005 laptop that does do a bit of good
18:53 celeron55 i have nothing to support keeping the texture atlas anymore, but such should be tried to be found, and if it is not, then it should be removed
18:54 rubenwardy what is the default wanted_fps value?
18:54 PilzAdam 30
18:56 sfan5 celeron55: where is the code that caps fps to 60?
18:57 rubenwardy in conf
18:57 rubenwardy wanted_fps?
18:57 sfan5 i set that to 1000
18:57 PilzAdam fps_max limits the fps
18:57 PilzAdam its 60 by default
18:57 sfan5 i set that to 1500
18:59 rubenwardy What are batch sizes?
19:00 celeron55 the fps tuner works so that it actively tries to adjust the rendering range so that it runs at wanted_fps, and if raising the range doesn't lower the fps to max_fps, it will sleep so that it runs at max_fps
19:01 celeron55 rising*
19:01 celeron55 rubenwardy: basically mesh sizes
19:02 rubenwardy a ha. Would it be easy to make better?
19:06 rubenwardy celeron55
19:16 sfan5 PilzAdam:
19:16 rubenwardy;t=48105&amp;start=90#p278256
19:19 PilzAdam sfan5, maybe just fix the php script?
19:20 RBA|Lasagne side note: did they measured fps with logging disabled?
19:20 hmmmm probably not...
19:20 RBA|Lasagne as for me, 1,8ghz, dual, 4gb i noticed almost 100% more fps
19:21 RBA|Lasagne thx to disabling logs only
19:21 hmmmm you were definitely cpu bound if that was the case
19:21 RBA|Lasagne vanessae got about 150%
19:21 RBA|Lasagne and she has phenom
19:21 hmmmm yikes
19:21 rubenwardy RBA|Lasagne, is that the new debug_log_level = 0 in conf?
19:22 RBA|Lasagne yes
19:22 hmmmm about that.. i set the default to 2 because people probably want to see errors and events like people joining their server
19:22 RealBadAngel i suggested that because of speed
19:22 hmmmm so disabling logging is actually something that people have to do on their own.. i think it's fine this way however
19:23 rubenwardy <rubenwardy> RBA|Lasagne, is that the new debug_log_level = 0 in conf?
19:23 rubenwardy does it make it faster?
19:23 hmmmm it is
19:23 hmmmm that's what we're talking about, yes
19:23 RealBadAngel hell yeah
19:23 RealBadAngel i played with 25fps before
19:23 RealBadAngel now i do get over 50fps
19:24 RealBadAngel and at 25fps rate i can play with maxed view range
19:25 hmmmm i can play at 40fps at 350 view distance with a crappy 8400GS
19:25 proller joined #minetest-dev
19:25 sfan5 PilzAdam: the code actually works, it didn't wokr when i tested it
19:25 sfan5 you can merge the pull request now
19:26 rubenwardy is 60HZ = 60FPS
19:26 RealBadAngel basically yes
19:27 rubenwardy everyone agree with this?;t=48105&amp;p=278256#p278256]
19:27 rubenwardy;t=48105&amp;p=278256#p278256
19:27 PilzAdam yep
19:27 rubenwardy celeron55, hmmmm
19:27 RealBadAngel 60hz  means 60 times a second
19:27 hmmmm well, again, the reason why it would increase the FPS doesn't really have anything to do with rendering performance
19:28 hmmmm and you should specify more about "small batch sizes", otherwise that looks dumb
19:29 rubenwardy this means that nodes are saved as meshes in 16x16x16 blocks
19:29 rubenwardy "    ^     "
19:30 rubenwardy is that correct?
19:30 hmmmm small texture batch sizes
19:31 rubenwardy celeron55> rubenwardy: basically mesh sizes
19:31 rubenwardy are you sure?
19:31 hmmmm hrm no let me reread
19:31 rubenwardy 19:01:47 that was
19:32 hmmmm ah yeah
19:32 sfan5 PilzAdam: are you going to merge the pull?
19:32 rubenwardy celeron55: are the current batch sizes a block (16x16x16 nodes)
19:33 PilzAdam sfan5, I am not sure if we want to add examples in every language there
19:33 sfan5 i don't think thats bad
19:41 thexyz rubenwardy: looks like offtopic
19:42 PilzAdam what do others think about the script from sfan5?
19:42 rubenwardy huh, thexyz?
19:42 thexyz you interfered in the discussion and started to spam about minetest
19:42 thexyz at least, that's how it looks like to me
19:43 rubenwardy not spam, seeing if they are interested in helping
19:43 rubenwardy which probably is spam
19:46 rubenwardy thexyz, one of the devs of build a world:;t=48105&amp;start=75#p278228
19:46 thexyz yeah, I've already seen that one
19:47 thexyz by the way, where can I download "Build A World"?
19:47 dimeshake are there any example scripts out there that do something like connect to a minetest server and retrieve list of players?
19:48 dimeshake looking to write something in python to connect and check status
19:48 rubenwardy it is for sale, but has not yet been released
19:48 rubenwardy dimeshake: ask redcrab
19:48 thexyz oh
19:48 dimeshake i've seen his player list, but i think that's done with local server access rather than via network requests
19:52 proller dimeshake, for what?
19:52 Exio it is me or i don't see any super-fps-boost without debug?
19:53 dimeshake proller: was hoping to set up a monitor to get # of active players on a list of servers
19:54 proller try
19:54 dimeshake yes, i'd like to build this for myself :)
19:54 dimeshake similar anyway
19:55 thexyz dimeshake:
19:55 dimeshake ah excellent
19:55 dimeshake thanks proller, thexyz
19:57 proller you can set and setup script like ^^
19:59 dimeshake yep :)
20:00 PilzAdam proller, is it possible to report the server state to more than one server?
20:01 proller PilzAdam, now - not, need to be patched
20:01 proller split serverlist_url by ',' and report to every
20:02 proller but for what?
20:02 PilzAdam dunno, just a random idea
20:05 proller if list will contain X00+ servers maybe  it will useful for fault tolerance
20:21 celeron55 rubenwardy: i don't understand why you had to go to talk about minetest in that thread, but your reply is wrong; the maximum FPS setting in minetest is 60, not 30
20:22 hmmmm wanted_fps is the thing that's 30
20:23 celeron55 rubenwardy: i actually feel ashamed because of you doing that; we don't really have any reason whatsoever to try to get any kind of uptake or understanding from those people whatsoever
20:23 rubenwardy sorry
20:23 rubenwardy shall I delete the posts?
20:23 celeron55 rubenwardy: because by their standards, minetest is horrible
20:24 celeron55 deleting is fine to me
20:24 hmmmm what they've done is pretty impressive, though, for two people and a short amount of time
20:24 rubenwardy deleted
20:24 celeron55 that post can only make an unnecessary flamewar
20:25 rubenwardy very sorry, celeron55. I was just trying to support Minetest. :P
20:26 celeron55 hmmmm: in a coordinated full-time effort and by deciding what to not support, you can do a lot for sure
20:26 rubenwardy (get more devs)
20:32 celeron55 there's a pretty strong anything-must-be-written-from-scratch-in-order-to-be-good mentality within the 3d game graphics people
20:33 celeron55 it basically means writing everything to drop support of quite new hardware
20:33 celeron55 GPUs progress so far you can't take proper advantage of the new ones without writing things so that old ones don't really cope with it
20:33 celeron55 s/far/fast/
20:35 celeron55 and they don't care because their and their friend's desktop has the GPU required, and everyone will have one after 10 years when their proprietary software is already completely obsolete 8)
20:36 celeron55 tl;dr: people are stupid and self-righteous; you don't need to be
20:41 rubenwardy yeah, ikr
20:41 rubenwardy anyways, gtg
20:42 proller btw, right now testing odroid x2 quad core arm, 2g ram, mali gpu = only 1-3fps
20:42 sfan5 are there mail addresses now?
20:49 celeron55 proller: sounds like something isn't working right in terms of 3d acceleration
20:50 celeron55 (well, which is probably obvious)
20:50 proller glmark2-es2 works and show score: 64
21:49 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
23:04 proller answer is like LIBS=-lGLESv2 -lEGL -lm -lX11
23:22 hmmmm how many fps do you get now with that?
23:48 * VanessaE peeks in (saw my highlight earlier)

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