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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2012-10-08

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
02:43 Octupus joined #minetest-dev
02:52 Octupus joined #minetest-dev
03:39 SegFault22 joined #minetest-dev
04:20 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
04:22 SpeedProg joined #minetest-dev
08:52 EdB joined #minetest-dev
08:59 cornernote c55 - any chance of a link from minetest.net to api.minetest.net ?
09:16 celeron55 cornernote: done
09:20 cornernote awesome! thanks
09:21 cornernote as i said in PM... with all the goings on, i hope it gives you inspiration to do more MT
09:21 cornernote you were very active before i came, and i never had a chance to really do anything with you
09:22 cornernote or to see you in action :)
09:34 cornernote celeron55, what are your thoughts on the site at gamewiki.minetest.net ?
09:34 cornernote worth linking from the main site, or its too rough still ?
09:37 celeron55 that looks fairly good; it has improved somewhat from the last time i saw it
09:38 celeron55 i don't know where it should be pointed to though
09:39 celeron55 i guess the most descriptive name to that would be "minetest_game content"
09:40 cornernote i built it due to a desire to learn all the crafts, and i assume most people would use it for that too
09:40 celeron55 also, it shouldn't be called "wiki" because it is not a wiki
09:40 cornernote i know :S
09:40 celeron55 wiki is something users can edit
09:40 cornernote i coulnt think of a better name
09:41 cornernote i was trying to emulate something like this - http://www.wowwiki.com/Portal:Main
09:41 celeron55 hmm, i guess it could be called shortly "Items and crafts"
09:41 cornernote im cool with a rename of the project, if you can think of a better name
09:41 celeron55 because that is the point of it, altough it contains other stuff too
09:41 cornernote what sub/domain should it be on?
09:41 celeron55 or even shorter as "crafts"
09:42 cornernote crafts.minetest.net ?
09:42 cornernote sleep on it
09:42 celeron55 titling it as "Minetest items & crafts" and using that domain would make sense i guess
09:43 cornernote theres no rush, let me know what you decide tomorrow
09:43 celeron55 and it'd be just "Crafts" in the main site (like the new "API")
09:44 cornernote yep, and although it lists items, etc.. the only reason they want to go there is to see the crafts
09:44 celeron55 let's let other people read this and comment/vote about it
09:44 cornernote calling it that makes sense
09:44 cornernote ok
09:47 celeron55 the americans should wake up and the europeans should get back from work/school in roughly 4 hours 8)
09:48 cornernote who manages wiki.minetest.com ?
09:48 celeron55 (more like 5 or 6, actually)
09:48 celeron55 umm... i don't even know
09:51 celeron55 it's "the minetest.com guy", he has a nick too but i don't recall it
09:51 cornernote ok
09:51 cornernote you have a minetest.org guy now too
09:52 cornernote he's setting up 100,000 servers
09:52 cornernote OldCoder
09:52 celeron55 oh that one 8)
09:52 celeron55 that's interesting
09:53 cornernote don't take your eye off this too long, its starting to really get momentum
09:53 cornernote Minetest in general i mean
09:54 cornernote although its open source, plenty of open source companies make a good living for many owners and staff
09:54 cornernote just have to have volume, and then market to a few
09:55 cornernote p.s.   i'd love to code minetest stuff all day
09:55 cornernote so if you have any job openings for a skilled php/mysql dev... ;)
09:57 celeron55 while i could readily point you to do a million things, i have nothing to pay with 8)
09:58 cornernote if MT had the same community as MC, although its open source, you could still make money from it
09:58 cornernote i think anyway.... and not just a few bucks, but real money
10:00 celeron55 well, there would be a real money-making model in setting up a trusted authentication server like MC has, with cheap-but-paid accounts and including direct support in upstream for it
10:01 celeron55 (it makes griefers a lot less of a pain on public servers, because they can't just make an account after another)
10:01 cornernote yep, that kind of model
10:01 cornernote but i would suggest something more like this...
10:01 cornernote keep the game free, and put some servers online for free (limit connections or whatever)
10:02 cornernote then sell things ingame
10:02 cornernote land
10:02 cornernote special items
10:02 cornernote whatever
10:02 celeron55 that's the "MMO way", as i call it
10:02 cornernote yeah
10:02 cornernote i see that being a better way to model it
10:03 cornernote but there can be multiple ways..
10:03 cornernote can also have premium servers
10:03 cornernote where they have more users allowed online per world
10:03 cornernote perhaps paid events
10:04 cornernote multiple models is good, but focus most on the one you think is the best one
10:04 cornernote also, can extend to mods...
10:04 cornernote could have a mod u have to buy
10:04 celeron55 i'll probably not get interested enough for actually making and setting up such though
10:04 cornernote but thats not really the spirit of open source
10:05 celeron55 maybe my business model is to wait people to do it on their own and then sell them consultancy and customization :-D
10:05 cornernote but your getting a little interested, just talking to me about it... otherwise you would be afk and not respond
10:06 cornernote make the code so complex that people are addicted to the game, and they need you to custom code things
10:06 celeron55 talk is just talk; it tends to be very far from actually doing anything
10:07 cornernote true
10:08 cornernote but talk aside, a lot has been achieved on the MT project
10:08 cornernote and honostly, im just trying to get you interested in coding MT more... there is no c++ dev to do what you do :(
10:09 cornernote maybe you are at your limit of knowledge of 3d gaming ?  ;)
10:09 * cornernote is a funny guy
10:11 celeron55 darkrose might be capable of doing some deeper C++ development
10:11 cornernote havent seen her for ages
10:11 cornernote she's mia
10:12 celeron55 i asked some weeks back what she's up to; she said she might get back sometime but isn't interested at that moment
10:12 cornernote i look at MC, on the ipad, and because of the 3d mobs it looks 100 times better than MT .. but i know its just a couple of simple things
10:13 cornernote MT IS BETTER, but right now it doesnt look/play better
10:13 cornernote mods/textures will get us 90% of the way, and community will do that
10:14 cornernote minetest_game is being actively developed my PilzAdam
10:14 celeron55 afaik much of what 3d mobs need has been implemented, but it requires some serious skill to pull the needed things together from various repos, filling the gaps and making it work
10:15 cornernote yep, thats where you come in
10:15 celeron55 well, the last 10% is 90% of the job
10:15 cornernote yeah, and the most boring part too
10:15 celeron55 open source has serious problems getting the last 10% done
10:16 celeron55 because it just pain isn't fun at all
10:16 celeron55 plain*
10:16 cornernote yep, i know
10:16 cornernote i had to push myself to finish the api, and its really not done yet from the backend/moderator perspective
10:17 cornernote and it was a *tiny* project
10:17 cornernote how many $ would it take for you to be interested enough to get MC-looking mob objects in MT ?
10:17 cornernote i'd donate, and if we setup a community thing, enough may contribute
10:18 celeron55 i don't really have the time, because i currently have only weekends free, and can't make it to be otherwise easily at all
10:20 celeron55 i'm actually doing this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siviilipalvelus at the moment, coding in a project in the local university
10:21 cornernote "compulsory community service"
10:21 cornernote ?
10:21 cornernote ahh, instead of military service
10:21 cornernote you have to choose one ?
10:22 celeron55 yes, if you don't get an exemption from a doctor
10:23 cornernote no secret MT coding while nobody is looking ?
10:24 celeron55 practically i could, for a bit, but taking donations for that would be just being a dick
10:25 celeron55 this project actually aims for starting a company with some new research, so there's no lack of things to do
10:26 celeron55 unlike in some more general university stuff
10:28 celeron55 most of minetest was made while i was a student and/or only working part-time
10:29 cornernote what do you hope it becomes ?
10:31 celeron55 i hope it somehow evolves to be something that people like; i don't have any locked-down long-term plans
10:32 celeron55 minetest is a series of "crap, i'll just make this" events, combined with a bunch of random polishing
10:34 celeron55 and a bunch of contributions from a bunch of people, the intentions and motivationsof whom i don't really know
10:37 celeron55 currently (in the scale of months), for the little time i use for it, i focus on trying to make sure people who contribute something to minetest get their work somehow available to others
10:40 celeron55 here's the list of things that it basically involves:
10:40 celeron55 1. website
10:40 celeron55 end of list. 8)
11:28 cornernote how about calling the gamewiki "guide"   ... guide.minetest.net ?
11:29 cornernote anyone who cares, please leave feedback
11:30 cornernote options are craft.mt or guide.mt .. or leave your own suggestion
11:30 cornernote crafts.mt .. not craft.
13:11 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
13:22 cornernote what does is_ground_content do ?
13:23 thexyz nothing
13:24 thexyz is_ground_content = false, -- Currently not used for anything
13:50 celeron55 it *was* used for some kind of map generation placement stuff... something like so that jungle grass was placed only on walkable nodes that had it set 8)
13:51 celeron55 (quiz: what was that value for cactuses? 8))
13:56 cornernote so i should ask PilzAdam to remove it from his minetest_game fork ?
13:56 cornernote if we are never going to use it
13:56 cornernote i assume groups is the preferred alternative
13:57 cornernote same with legacy_mineral
13:57 cornernote ?
14:06 Mikeonline joined #minetest-dev
14:10 cornernote as there was no feedback, i renamed gamewiki to guide for now - http://guide.minetest.net/
14:11 cornernote maybe can extend it more, so its like a "walkthrough" .. or "player manual" type thing
14:13 thexyz that api site is damn slow
14:14 cornernote its the host :(
14:14 cornernote sorry
14:14 cornernote cheap ass hosting
14:15 cornernote i'll ask OldCoder to host it
14:16 cornernote top - 07:16:11 up 162 days, 16:23,  5 users,  load average: 3.62, 4.33, 4.86
14:16 cornernote Tasks:   7 total,   1 running,   6 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
14:16 cornernote Cpu(s): 61.4%us,  7.1%sy,  0.0%ni, 14.3%id, 14.3%wa,  0.0%hi,  2.9%si,  0.0%st
14:16 cornernote they flog off too many accounts on 1 box
14:18 cornernote its not super slow for me, its not fast tho
14:18 cornernote ~1 second loads
14:20 thexyz 1 second is also damn slow, but for me it's more like 2-5 seconds
14:23 cornernote yeah, when its hosted it will be fast
14:23 cornernote if its not, i'll tune it
14:24 cornernote it should be fast, if its not fast in a few days, let me know again
14:34 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
14:56 cornernote hey
14:56 cornernote PilzAdam
14:56 PilzAdam jup?
14:57 cornernote checkout www.minetest.net, top right
14:57 PilzAdam :D
15:31 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
15:58 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
16:34 VanessaE so, I like how the API is linked to the main page now via cornernote's wiki thing...but the link in the upper right that looks like a few lines - needs a bit of text next to it to indicate that IT is how you get to the actual API
16:37 VanessaE I'd recommend also, a link among the menu that pops up from that button, which points to the raw github version.
17:20 mitori joined #minetest-dev
23:52 Mikeonline left #minetest-dev

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