Time Nick Message 03:25 cornernote new modding api, to be released monday - http://cornernote.net/minetest/api 03:25 cornernote user/pass = demo/demo 03:26 cornernote leave any feedback as comments on the site, i'll go through all comments before release 07:37 celeron55 cornernote_: the quality seems somewhat sloppy for some parts, but i guess the websites could link to there too 08:26 cornernote do you mean the content, or the system itself ? 08:27 cornernote its still alpha, the user registration system doesnt work, but its really close 08:27 cornernote the content is just copied from the current api txt file 08:27 cornernote i tweaked it a little, and doc'd all the function params/returns 08:28 cornernote but still need to do examples for most functions 08:29 cornernote anything that is not upto standard, i'm happy to improve... and the community as a whole is keen to colaborate on the documentation 08:29 celeron55 if it's still work-in-progress, then it's fine 08:35 cornernote i have a request to tweak how the forums work 08:35 cornernote if i apply a patch, can i get you to apply it to the forums ? 08:36 cornernote its regarding this - http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3272 08:36 cornernote If I wrap minetest://example.com:30000 in [ url ] tags, it becomes a link to minetest//example.com:30000 (drops the 1st colan) 08:37 celeron55 wtf 08:38 cornernote ? 08:38 celeron55 quickly thinking, i suppose it checks for a number of protocols that it knows and if it isn't one, it'll break 08:39 celeron55 that's just plain stupid... 08:39 cornernote its kind of a crap forum, but does the job 08:39 celeron55 not anything new from punbb 1.3 though 8) it has bugs but works 08:39 cornernote disapointing, but not unexpected 08:41 cornernote so if i fix it, is someone around who can apply such fixes ? 08:42 cornernote not right this moment, but in general 08:42 cornernote i have had the idea to fix it, but didnt think anyone could apply the patch, so never bothered 08:42 celeron55 yeah, i can patch it; in fact i just started grepping for "http" in there... 08:43 celeron55 there are a good bunch of fixes already applied to it anyway 08:43 cornernote would be great if you could give access to someone else who you trust 08:43 cornernote i dont know who, i havent been here long enough to see who you inteact with and trust most 08:44 cornernote but just so there is a 2IC that can do things if needed 08:45 cornernote i dont think that bug is because of a protocol 08:45 cornernote i think its because it does some junk like explode(':',$url) 08:46 cornernote but not sure, havent seen the source yet 08:46 celeron55 i can't find any relevant mention of 'http' or "http" in there... there's only one 'http' and it can't be related 08:46 celeron55 how can it break one link but not other then... 08:46 cornernote try this link 08:46 celeron55 hmm, maybe it's length dependent 08:46 cornernote http://example.com:30000 08:47 cornernote i think its cos it has 2 colans 08:47 celeron55 ah 08:47 cornernote it doesnt expect it, and it screws up when it re-joins it 08:47 celeron55 so http://foo.com:80 won't work either? 08:47 cornernote i assume 08:47 cornernote sec, checking 08:47 celeron55 now i need to find the link maker somewhere in there... 08:48 cornernote http://server:port works fine 08:49 cornernote http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=46478#p46478 08:49 cornernote just to make it more complicated 08:49 celeron55 now that is odd 08:50 celeron55 okay, it seems to be because of the length of the protocol 08:50 cornernote if we can get that working, i also setup a windows setup.exe thingy .. windows users can have minetest:// links! 08:50 cornernote http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3283 08:50 cornernote ahh, i see 08:52 cornernote if you happen to see it while in there, an auto-link would be nice ;) 08:52 cornernote same as it auto-links http:// 08:52 celeron55 apparently it allows 6 characters for the protocol 08:52 celeron55 7 will break it 08:52 celeron55 brb, grepping 6... 08:53 celeron55 8D 08:53 cornernote ok, so we'll just rename this project to minete 08:53 cornernote ;) 08:53 cornernote how about 08:53 cornernote mt:// 08:53 cornernote ? 08:54 celeron55 i wonder if any other software will break with such urls 08:54 cornernote then no code change is needed 08:54 celeron55 for example spotify:// is 7 characters and it's used 08:54 Calinou minet would be better, less confusion, less potential conflicts 08:54 celeron55 so it's just a punbb bug 08:54 cornernote i can change the registry.. 08:55 cornernote so either mt:// or minetest:// both work 08:55 cornernote then in forums we can use mt:// 08:55 cornernote thought on providing it as minetest-setup.exe ? 08:55 cornernote so all the registry stuff can be done 08:56 celeron55 no, we will use minetest:// 08:56 cornernote ok, nice 08:59 celeron55 ha, "else if (!preg_match('#^([a-z0-9]{3,6})://#', $url)) // Else if it doesn't start with abcdef://, we add http://" 09:00 celeron55 i'll just lengthen that to 10 or so 09:00 cornernote strange they would do that 09:00 cornernote so mt:// wouldnt work either 09:00 celeron55 it's a piece of code that will make links without a protocol default to http:// 09:00 celeron55 or part of a piece of code 09:00 cornernote protocol must be 3-6 09:00 cornernote wonder why 09:01 cornernote anyway 09:01 cornernote so... what are your thoughts on a setup.exe ? 09:01 celeron55 now it works 09:01 cornernote i've done all the work for it, just needs someone to look at it and consider/do it 09:04 celeron55 cmake/cpack directly supports NSIS: http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/CMake:CPackPackageGenerators#NSIS 09:05 celeron55 (...on windows with other software having to be installed) 09:06 cornernote ok, but that has to be done 09:07 cornernote anyway.. +1 for having setup.exe, however its done 09:07 cornernote and +1 for making a Games forum section too ;) 09:07 celeron55 making those installers and packages and other things and making sure they work before publishing is horrible work; i'm too lazy to consistently maintain anything else than a zip 09:07 cornernote ok, i agree.. just use the one that i already tested 09:08 cornernote we dont HAVE to use nsis, just cos its built into cmake 09:11 celeron55 why a games section? there are like... 3 publshed games in existence 09:11 cornernote 7+ 09:11 cornernote and how do new people find them ? 09:11 cornernote there is 100s of mods 09:11 cornernote 7+ games 09:11 cornernote no new user will find a game 09:11 celeron55 well that is a point 09:11 cornernote can i at least have a sticky post so ppl can find them ? 09:12 cornernote u want coders, not players ? 09:12 cornernote i could accept that, if you were here to code more ;) 09:13 celeron55 i added "Minetest Games" 09:13 celeron55 somebody should write a sticky in there explaining what they are 09:13 cornernote ok, i'll write one 09:13 cornernote thank you 09:14 celeron55 VanessaE, sfan5: ^ sticky the result of that 09:14 VanessaE gladly. 09:32 VanessaE celeron55: posted and sticky'd - can we make this particular section strictly move-into only as in the case of Mod Releases? 09:36 Jordach +1 09:45 VanessaE celeron55: for the sake of populating that new section, maybe it would be a good idea for you to make a post there as well just to cover minetest_game - just in case there's some random corner case where some user who lived under a rock discovered only the engine and not the minetest_game part ;-) 10:17 celeron55 if you write the necessary guide sticky and move requests there, i can disable topic creation 10:17 celeron55 but dunno 10:17 celeron55 any more +1s for that? 10:18 PilzAdam +1 10:18 VanessaE c66: such a guide has already been written and sticky'd. 10:18 VanessaE c55* 10:19 Jordach VanessaE, it would be easier to link it 10:19 VanessaE http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3316 10:20 celeron55 oh, well that'll do then 10:20 VanessaE (sticked? stuck?) 10:20 celeron55 sticky'eisjfaposfjdsa 10:21 celeron55 topic posting disabled 10:21 VanessaE thanks 10:22 PilzAdam you can remove [Modpack] from here: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1271 10:24 cornernote and call Repack Modpack in games 10:24 cornernote i used the term Repack to not conflict 10:24 cornernote what is mesecons called? 10:24 cornernote a Mod, or a Modpack ? 10:24 VanessaE it's referred to variously as both. 10:24 VanessaE technically, it's a modpack 10:25 cornernote then the term Repack should be used for games that combine multiple mods ? 10:25 PilzAdam mods that have sub-mods should prefix [Mod] 10:25 cornernote or Modpack ? 10:25 VanessaE afaik it has modpack.txt and most of its components can be disabled by simply removing the associated folder(s) 10:26 cornernote eg, im making a mod repack of mods that i run with pilzadam's minetest_game 10:26 cornernote all the mods are existing [Mod]s, but i want them in a pack cos its easier for new people to experience a complete game that way 10:26 cornernote its also easier for me to manage my servers, etc 12:53 Mikeonline hi 15:11 PilzAdam celeron55, https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest_game/commit/f03edb846b12c66dce36990e3fa963b1e0f0b4c6 15:11 PilzAdam ^ this fixes the shadows when removing lava 15:27 Calinou lava letting light pass through = doesn't feel right, but that would fix the bug anyway 15:43 Jordach Calinou, realisticly, you would never notice :) 15:59 Calinou never seen the light bug anyway, personaly 15:59 Calinou personally* 19:57 ironzorg anybody speaking russian here ? 20:30 thexyz yep 21:05 hmmmm it's coming out nice 21:05 hmmmm http://pastebin.com/pNxTgtXy 21:05 hmmmm oh shoot, i need to divide the loop count by 4