Time Nick Message 07:01 jyfl987_ d 17:38 Taoki New progress on mesh players: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=48742#p48742 17:40 Taoki For anyone interested to see the code changes without switching the GIT: https://github.com/MirceaKitsune/minetest/compare/models 17:40 Taoki BBL 18:22 celeron55 I request every developer-ish person to fill this long-looking but actually short thingy: http://c55.me/temp/mt_dev_survey/ 20:01 Taoki celeron55: I will fill iy, even if I'm not a good dev to be trusted with merge access. Not sure if it matters then but I dev-ish so yeah 20:02 Taoki That's a good idea anyway, thanks for making it 23:23 Taoki I've been looking for 2 hours for this, so I have to ask: How on earth are files read from their mods folder / file cache? eg: How are textures read from .../minetest/games/minetest_game/mods/default/textures, or sounds from /sounds there? 23:24 Taoki I cannot find exen the slightest hint in the code for hours on how that's done 23:24 Taoki *even 23:25 Taoki Only part I could find is porting::path_share + DIR_DELIM which points to the base folder. Past that point there's no way to reach your mods folder. Normally files are cached and read from there, not no use... I tried simply writing the path and that doesn't change anything 23:25 Taoki Can someone please clarify this? I need to make files readable by filename from the cache 23:30 Taoki No one seems to know either... it's like the code was written by aliens beyond our understanding