Time Nick Message 07:01 jin_xi ok, painting now uses custom textures created in-game 07:02 jin_xi not pushed yet 07:14 cornernote hi, i am trying to extract the inventory image for all items from minetest 07:14 cornernote here is the code i use to extract the 3d image: 07:14 cornernote http://pastebin.com/GrGef1dK 07:14 cornernote search for // BEGIN WIKI IMAGE EXTRACT 07:14 cornernote problem is it dies like this: 07:14 cornernote http://pastebin.com/eAjK0GcQ 07:14 cornernote the one it dies on depends on which mods i have... but it always dies in the same place if i run it again with same mods 07:14 cornernote the line it fails on is: 07:14 cornernote snprintf(filename, 1024, "wikiimage/%s.png", se); // this fails after about the 14th image 07:18 cornernote it seems to fail on some mods only 07:18 cornernote if i remove those mods it works, im upto about 750 images 07:21 cy1 cornernote: make sure se is not freed memory. 07:22 Nemo08 hi! 07:22 cy1 ...hello 07:37 cornernote cy1, i think thats the problem, but i dont know how to free memory 07:37 cornernote sorry, iman00b =( 07:37 cornernote i just want a "hack" to get the images out of the game for a wiki 08:36 jin_xi urgh shit, i suck at coding 08:36 ironzorg yup 08:36 jordach no you dont 08:37 jordach ironzorg, dont laugh at someone walking 08:38 ironzorg what's that even supposed to mean 08:38 jordach dont walk before you run works in (coding) and real life 08:38 ironzorg k 08:38 ironzorg thanks for the input ;) 08:40 Anchakor2 cornernote: why are you trying to export the images in a code and not just copy them from the minetest resource directory?? 08:59 cornernote Anchakor2 - you mean cache/media ? 09:00 cornernote because they are not 3d at that point in time 09:00 cornernote and nodebox has not been applied 09:00 cornernote eg, i want this image - the cube - http://cornernote.net/minetest/wiki/item.php?name=default:dirt_with_grass 09:01 cornernote http://cornernote.net/minetest/wiki/itemcubes/ZGVmYXVsdDpkaXJ0X3dpdGhfZ3Jhc3M.png 09:03 Calinou git question - how can I "merge" celeron55's minetest and my minetest fork repo? do I have to do this by hand? 09:06 Anchakor2 cornernote: ah ok